
RFC831 - Backup access to the European side of SATNET

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Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 831 University College London

December 1982

Backup Access to the European Side of SATNET

Robert Braden


The purpose of this RFCis to focus discussion on a

particular Internet problem: a backup path for software

maintenance of the European sector of the Internet, for

use when SATNET is partitioned. We propose a

mechanism, based upon the Source Routing option of IP,

to reach European Internet sites via the VAN Gateway

and UCL.

This proposal is not intended as a standard at this


Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 831 University College London

December 1982

1. Introduction

During several previous SATNET meetings, it has been

observed that it would be useful for BBN to be able to

access the European side of SATNET indirectly via the VAN

Gateway, when direct SATNET connectivity has been lost.

This short paper proposes a possible approach to such

"backup" access, using the source routing option of IP.

Figure 1 illustrates the problem we wish to solve. The US

host H is used for diagnosis and control of the SATNET

SIMP's S1 and S2 as well as the gateways B and G and the UCL

TAC (not shown, but connected to G).




Gateway Simp ( \ \ ) Simp Gateway

____ ___( / / )____ ____

B __ S1 \ \ S2 ________ G _____ rsre

____ ____ / / ____ ____

( \ \ )

(__ / /__) ___________

____________ ( )

( ) ( )


( ) ( )

(_____________) ( )


___ VAN/ .

H Public Data Nets .

____ _____________ .

Diagnostic ( ) .

Host ____ ( VANNET ) _.___

VAN * * (* * * * * * * * *)* * * *

gw------(--- IP Tunnel -----)-------- U

_____* * (* * * * * * * * *)* * * _____

VAN ( )

Gateway (_____________)

Figure 1. US/UK Connectivity with Partitioned SATNET

RFC831 - 1 - [Braden]

Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 831 University College London

December 1982

VANgw is the VAN Gateway which encapsulates IP datagrams in

X25 packets for transmission over VAN/PTT virtual circuits.

The collection of these paths, called "IP tunnels" by UCL,

is addressed from the Internet as a distinct network,


U is a UCL host, the Terminal Protocol Converter, which

provides a path to UK X25 networks. However, to the Internet

world U looks like a host on VANNET, so the path from U to

UCLNET (shown dotted) does not appear to exist.

Now suppose SATNET is partitioned between S1 and S2. Then

we wish host H to be able to exchange IP datagrams with S2

via the "back door" path:

H - Internet - VANgw - VANNET - U - UCLNET - G - S2

There are some important rules in this game, however.

(1) U may only be a host, not a gateway.

This is because we do not want the Internet to route

ALL its traffic (e.g. rsre traffic and UCL traffic

that is required to use SATNET) via the IP Tunnel.

So the VAN Gateway (VANgw) must not discover it can

get to UCLNET through U.

(2) To implement the back door path to S2, we are

willing to have some special code in H and/or in U,

but not in G, S2, or VANgw.

Note: Jack Haverty is allowed to violate this

assumption, though we douBT that he will want to.

But we must stick to it.

Given these constraints, we claim that the only possible

solution is to "mung" the headers of IP datagrams at UCL.

Thus, when SATNET is partitioned:

(1) The IP addresses of S2, G, and the UCL TAC are

unreachable from all US gateways. Therefore, if H

sends a packet addressed to one of these

destinations, it will be discarded and an ICMP

unreachable message returned.

RFC831 - 2 - [Braden]

Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 831 University College London

December 1982

(2) Similarly, the IP address of H is unreachable from

the UK side. Hence, if the XNET debugger in a UK

host emits a return packet addressed to H, that

packet will be dropped.

Therefore, the destination address of each packet from H

must be changed in order to reach the UCL side of SATNET (S2

or G), and the source address of each of these packets must

be changed so that return packets can reach H. For this

purpose, we introduce the Munger host M (see Figure 2).



BBN __ __ UCL

Gateway Simp ( \ \ ) Simp Gateway

____ ___( / / )____ ____

B __ S1 \ \ S2 ________ G _____ rsre

____ ____ / / ____ ____

( \ \ )

(__ / /__) ___________

____________ ( )

( ) ( )


( ) ( )

(_____________) ( )



H Public Data Nets

____ _______________ ____

Diagnostic ( ) M1

Host ____ ( ) :::::

VAN * * (* * * * * * * * * *) * * :::::

gw------(--- IP Tunnel -----)------------ M2

_____* * (* * * * * * * * * *) * * _____


Gateway (_______________) "Header


Figure 2. Introduction of Header Munger at UCL

Host "M" (M1/M2) is mulit-homed, appearing as host M2 on

VANNET and as host M1 on UCLNET. Like host U (shown in

Figure 1), host M2 is the end of an IP Tunnel which

communicates with VANgw over an X25 virtual call.

RFC831 - 3 - [Braden]

Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 831 University College London

December 1982

Suppose for example that host H desiollege London

December 1982

Suppose for example that host H desires to reach the XNET

debugger in the SIMP S2. H must send its packets with

destination address M1; these will be routed to M1 via VANgw

and the IP Tunnel. Host M will change the headers of these

datagrams to contain source address M1 and destination S2.

S2 will return packets to M1, and M1 will change them back

to M2->H packets and launch them back through the VANNET to


How does M know how to change the headers?

(1) M could respond to a range of M1 and M2 addresses,

and have a fixed table of correspondence.

(2) We propose instead to use the SOURCE ROUTING option

in the datagrams. This assumes that H is able to

build source-routed datagrams, and is not upset that

the intermediate host in the route is not a gateway.

If we further assume that the IP layers in G and S2

can handle source and return routes, then the task

is simple. M must contain the source routing

algorithm of a gateway, but otherwise act as two

hosts (no routing updates, etc).

(3) Although G supports source routing, S2 and the TAC

may not. In that case, S2 and the TAC will not be

able to recognise the return route in a received

packet and use it as a source route in packets sent

in reply.

This possibility calls for additional complexity in

M, a combination of (1) and (2):

* In the US -> UK direction, the Source

Routing option would be used.

* In the reverse direction (UK -> US),

mapping of datagram addresses would be

controlled by a table in M.

RFC831 - 4 - [Braden]

Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 831 University College London

December 1982

We suggest that M use source routing to get packets

from H to S2, and meanwhile build a "soft state"

table showing this mapping. When a packet comes

from S2 without source routing, M would consult this

soft state table to discover how to alter the

addresses to reach H again. This would allow only

one US host at a time to access a given SATNET host,

but surely this is no restriction.

In practice, M2 and U should have different IP tunnels and

hence different DTE addresses. Since the caller pays the

X25 charges, the IP Tunnel for U will normally be opened

only by UCL. On the other hand, the IP Tunnel to M2 will be

opened from the US end. Since UCL has only one PSS line,

this requires the use of separate X25 subaddresses. The VAN

gateway must handle 14 digit X121 addresses, as well as 12

digit addresses.

2. Acknowledgment

Robert Cole of UCL has made major contributions to the

contents of this paper. In particular, he suggested the use

of the Source Routing option.

RFC831 - 5 - [Braden]

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