
RFC820 - Assigned numbers

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Network Working Group J. Postel

Request for Comments: 820 J. Vernon

January 1983

Obsoletes RFCs: 790, 776, 770, 762,

758, 755, 750, 739, 604, 503, 433, 349

Obsoletes IENs: 127, 117, 93


This Network Working Group Request for Comments documents the currently

assigned values from several series of numbers used in network protocol

implementations. This RFCwill be updated periodically, and in any case

current information can be oBTained from Jon Postel. The assignment of

numbers is also handled by Jon, subject to the agreement between

DARPA/IPTO and DDN/PMO about number allocation, documented in Appendix A

of this RFC. If you are developing a protocol or application that will

require the use of a link, socket, port, protocol, or network number

please contact Jon to receive a number assignment.

Jon Postel

USC - Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, California 90291

phone: (213) 822-1511


The ARPANET community is making the transition form the ARPANET to the

ARPA Internet. This has been characterized as the NCP/TCP transition

[63], although many other the protocols are involved, too. The working

documents for the new Internet environment have been collected by the

Network Information Center (NIC) in a book entitled the "Internet

Protocol Transition Workbook" [62].

Most of the protocols mentioned here are documented in the RFCseries of

notes. The more prominent and more generally used are documented in the

"Internet Protocol Transition Workbook" or in the old "Protocol

Handbook" [17] prepared by the NIC. Some of the items listed are


In all cases the name and mailbox of the responsible individual is

indicated. In the lists that follow, a bracketed entry, e.g., [17,iii],

at the right hand margin of the page indicates a reference for the

listed protocol, where the number cites the document and the "iii" cites

the person.

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Network Numbers


The network numbers listed here are used as internet addresses by the

Internet Protocol (IP) [33,62]. The IP uses a 32-bit address field

and divides that address into a network part and a "rest" or local

address part. The division takes 3 forms or classes.

The first type of address, or class A, has a 7-bit network number

and a 24-bit local address. The highest-order bit is set to 0.

This allows 128 class A networks.

1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


0 NETWORK Local Address


Class A Address

The second type of address, class B, has a 14-bit network number

and a 16-bit local address. The two highest-order bits are set to

1-0. This allows 16,384 class B networks.

1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


1 0 NETWORK Local Address


Class B Address

The third type of address, class C, has a 21-bit network number

and a 8-bit local address. The three highest-order bits are set

to 1-0-0. This allows 2,097,152 class C networks.

1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


1 1 0 NETWORK Local Address


Class C Address

One commonly used notation for internet host addresses divides the

32-bit address into four 8-bit fields and specifies the value of each

field as a decimal number with the fields separated by periods. This

is called the "dotted decimal" notation. For example, the internet

address of ISIF in dotted decimal is, or

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Network Numbers

The dotted decimal notation will be used in the listing of assigned

network numbers. The class A networks will have nnn.rrr.rrr.rrr, the

class B networks will have nnn.nnn.rrr.rrr, and the class C networks

will have nnn.nnn.nnn.rrr, where nnn represents part or all of a

network number and rrr represents part or all of a local address or

rest field.

For various reasons, the assigned numbers of networks are sometimes

changed. To ease the transition the old number will be listed as

well. These "old number" entries will be marked with a "T" following

the number and preceeding the name.

To reflect the allocation of network identifiers among various

categories (see Appendix A), a one-character code is placed to the

left of the network number (in the column marked by an asterisk): R

for Research and Development, D for DoD, and C for Commercial.

Assigned Network Numbers

Class A Networks

* Internet Address Name Network References

---------------- ---- ------- ----------

000.rrr.rrr.rrr Reserved [JBP]

R 001.rrr.rrr.rrr T BBN-PR BBN Packet Radio Network [JAW3]

R 002.rrr.rrr.rrr T SF-PR-1 SF-1 Packet Radio Network [JEM]

R 003.rrr.rrr.rrr RCC-NET BBN RCC Network [JGH]

R 004.rrr.rrr.rrr SATNET Atlantic Satellite Network[DM11]

D 005.rrr.rrr.rrr T DEMO-PR-1 Demo-1 Packet Radio Network[LCS]

R 006.rrr.rrr.rrr T SF-PR-2 SF-2 Packet Radio Network [JEM]

007.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 008.rrr.rrr.rrr BBN-NET BBN Network [JGH]

D 009.rrr.rrr.rrr T BRAGG-PR Ft. Bragg Packet Radio Net [JEM]

R 010.rrr.rrr.rrr ARPANET ARPANET [17,1,REK2]

R 011.rrr.rrr.rrr T UCLNET University College London [PK]

012.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

013.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

C 014.rrr.rrr.rrr PDN Public Data Network [REK2]

015.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

016.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

017.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 018.rrr.rrr.rrr MIT MIT Network [10,43,NC3]

019.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

020.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

D 021.rrr.rrr.rrr EDN DCEC EDN [EC5]

022.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 023.rrr.rrr.rrr MITRE MITRE Cablenet [44,APS]

024.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Network Numbers

R 025.rrr.rrr.rrr RSRE-PPSN RSRE / PPSN [NM]

D 026.rrr.rrr.rrr MILNET MILNET [HH6]

R 027.rrr.rrr.rrr NOSC-LCCN NOSC / LCCN [KTP]

R 028.rrr.rrr.rrr WIDEBAND Wide Band Satellite Net [CJW2]

029.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 030.rrr.rrr.rrr DCN-UCL UCL DCNET [PK]

031.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 032.rrr.rrr.rrr UCL-TAC UCL TAC [PK]

033.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

034.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 035.rrr.rrr.rrr RSRE-NULL RSRE Null Network [NM]

R 036.rrr.rrr.rrr T SU-NET Stanford University Network[JCM]

037.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

038.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 039.rrr.rrr.rrr SRINET SRI Local Network [GEOF]

040.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 041.rrr.rrr.rrr BBN-LN-TEST BBN Local Network Testbed [KTP]

042.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

043.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 044.rrr.rrr.rrr AMPRNET Amateur Radio EXPeriment Net[HM]

R 045.rrr.rrr.rrr T C3-PR Testbed Development PRNET [BG5]

R 046.rrr.rrr.rrr UCB-ETHER UC Berkeley Ethernet [SXL]

R 047.rrr.rrr.rrr T SAC-PR SAC Packet Radio Network [BG5]

R 048.rrr.rrr.rrr NDRE-TIU NDRE-TIU [PS3]

049.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 050.rrr.rrr.rrr NDRE-RING NDRE-RING [PS3]

051.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 052.rrr.rrr.rrr T ROCKWELL-PR Rockwell Packet Radio Net [EHP]

053.rrr.rrr.rrr-126.rrr.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

127.rrr.rrr.rrr Reserved [JBP]

Class B Networks

* Internet Address Name Network References

---------------- ---- ------- ----------

128.000.rrr.rrr Reserved [JBP]

R 128.001.rrr.rrr BBN-TEST-B BBN-GATE-TEST-B [RH6]

R 128.002.rrr.rrr CMU-NET CMU-Ethernet [HDW2]

R 128.003.rrr.rrr LBL-CSAM LBL-CSAM-RESEARCH [MO1]

R 128.004.rrr.rrr DCNET LINKABIT DCNET [DLM1]

R 128.005.rrr.rrr FORDNET FORD DCNET [DLM1]

R 128.006.rrr.rrr RUTGERS RUTGERS [CLH3]

R 128.007.rrr.rrr DFVLR DFVLR DCNET Network [HDC1]

R 128.008.rrr.rrr UMDNET Univ of Maryland DCNET [DLM1]

R 128.009.rrr.rrr ISI-NET ISI Local Network [CMR]

R 128.010.rrr.rrr PURDUE-CS Purdue Computer Science [CXK]

R 128.011.rrr.rrr BBN-CRONUS BBN DOS Project [12,WIM]

R 128.012.rrr.rrr SU-NET Stanford University Net [JCM]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Network Numbers

D 128.013.rrr.rrr MATNET Mobile Access Terminal Net[DM11]

R 128.014.rrr.rrr BBN-SAT-TEST BBN SATNET Test Net [DM11]

R 128.015.rrr.rrr S1NET LLL-S1-NET [EAK1]

R 128.016.rrr.rrr UCLNET University College London [PK]

128.017.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

128.018.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

128.019.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

128.020.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 128.021.rrr.rrr SF-PR-1 SF-1 Packet Radio Network [JEM]

R 128.022.rrr.rrr SF-PR-2 SF-2 Packet Radio Network [JEM]

R 128.023.rrr.rrr BBN-PR BBN Packet Radio Network [JAW3]

R 128.024.rrr.rrr ROCKWELL-PR Rockwell Packet Radio Net [EHP]

D 128.025.rrr.rrr BRAGG-PR Ft. Bragg Packet Radio Net [JEM]

D 128.026.rrr.rrr SAC-PR SAC Packet Radio Network [BG5]

D 128.027.rrr.rrr DEMO-PR-1 Demo-1 Packet Radio Network[LCS]

D 128.028.rrr.rrr C3-PR Testbed Development PR NET [BG5]

128.029.rrr.rrr-191.254.rrr.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

191.255.rrr.rrr Reserved [JBP]

Class C Networks

* Internet Address Name Network References

---------------- ---- ------- ----------

192.000.000.rrr Reserved [JBP]

R 192.000.001.rrr BBN-TEST-C BBN-GATE-TEST-C [RH6]

192.000.002.rrr-192.000.255.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

R 192.001.xxx.rrr-192.004.xxx.rrr BBN local networks [SGC]

R 192.005.001.rrr CISLNET CISL Multics Network [CH2]

R 192.005.002.rrr WISC Univ of Wisconsin Madison [RS23]

C 192.005.003.rrr HP-DESIGN-AIDS HP Design Aids [NXK]

C 192.005.004.rrr HP-TCG-UNIX Hewlett Packard TCG Unix [NXK]

D 192.005.005.rrr BRLNET BRLNET [1,MJM2]

D 192.005.006.rrr MINET MINET [1,DHH]

R 192.005.007.rrr CIT-CS-NET Caltech-CS-Net [65,DSW]

R 192.005.008.rrr WASHINGTON University of Washington [JAR4]

R 192.005.009.rrr AERONET Aerospace Labnet [9,LCN]


R 192.005.011.rrr Css-RING SEISMIC-RESEARCH-NET [RR2]


192.005.013.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

192.005.014.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

192.005.015.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

192.005.016.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

192.005.017.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

192.005.018.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

192.005.019.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

192.005.020.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

D 192.005.021.rrr BRLNET1 BRLNET1 [1,MJM2]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Network Numbers

D 192.005.022.rrr BRLNET2 BRLNET2 [1,MJM2]

D 192.005.022.rrr BRLNET3 BRLNET3 [1,MJM2]

D 192.005.022.rrr BRLNET4 BRLNET4 [1,MJM2]

D 192.005.022.rrr BRLNET5 BRLNET54 [1,MJM2]

192.005.026.rrr-223.255.254.rrr Unassigned [JBP]

223.255.255.rrr Reserved [JBP]

Other Reserved Internet Addresses

Internet Address Name Network References

---------------- ---- ------- ---------- Reserved [JBP]

Network Totals


Class A B C Total

Research 26 19 1033 1078

Defense 4 5 7 16

Commercial 1 0 2 3

Total 31 24 1042 1097

Maximum Allowed

Class A B C Total

Research 8 1024 65536 66568

Defense 24 3072 458752 461848

Commercial 94 12286 1572862 1585242

Total 126 16382 2097150 2113658

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Internet Version Numbers


In the Internet Protocol (IP) [33,62] there is a field to identify

the version of the internetwork general protocol. This field is 4

bits in size.

Assigned Internet Version Numbers

Decimal Octal Version References

------- ----- ------- ----------

0 0 Reserved [JBP]

1-3 1-3 Unassigned [JBP]

4 4 Internet Protocol [33,62,JBP]

5 5 ST Datagram Mode [20,JWF]

6-14 6-16 Unassigned [JBP]

15 17 Reserved [JBP]


In the Internet Protocol (IP) [33,62] there is a field, called

Protocol, to identify the the next level protocol. This is an 8 bit


Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers

Decimal Octal Protocol References

------- ----- ---------------- ----------

0 0 Reserved [JBP]

1 1 ICMP [53,62,JBP]

2 2 Unassigned [JBP]

3 3 Gateway-to-Gateway [48,49,JFH2]

4 4 CMCC Gateway Monitoring Message [18,19,MB]

5 5 Stream (ST) [20,JWF]

6 6 Transmission Control (TCP) [34,62,JBP]

7 7 UCL [PK]

8 10 Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) [66,RH6]

9 11 Unassigned [JBP]

10 12 BBN RCC Monitoring [SGC]

11 13 NVP [12,SC3]

12 14 PUP [4,EAT3]

13-14 15-16 Unassigned [JBP]

15 17 Cross Net Debugger (XNET) [25,JFH2]

16 20 Chaos Stream [NC3]

17 21 User Datagram (UDP) [42,62,JBP]

18 22 Multiplexing [13,JBP]

19 23 DCN Measurement Subsystems [DLM1]

20 24 Host Monitoring (HMP) [55,RH6]

21 25 Packet Radio Measurement [ZSU]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Internet Protocol Numbers

22 26 XEROX NS IP [59,JBP]

23 27 Trunk-1 [BML]

24 30 Trunk-2 [BML]

25-60 31-74 Unassigned [JBP]

61 75 any host internal protocol [JBP]

62 76 CFTP [60,HCF2]

63 77 any local network [JBP]

64 100 SATNET and Backroom EXPAK [DM11]

65 101 MIT Subnet Support [NC3]

66 102 MIT VAX Remote Disk Protocol [MBG]

67 103 Internet Pluribus Packet Core [DM11]

68 104 Unassigned [JBP]

69 105 SATNET Monitoring [DM11]

70 106 Unassigned [JBP]

71 107 Internet Packet Core Utility [DM11]

72-75 110-113 Unassigned [JBP]

76 114 Backroom SATNET Monitoring [DM11]

77 115 Unassigned [JBP]

78 116 WIDEBAND Monitoring [DM11]


80-254 120-376 Unassigned [JBP]

255 377 Reserved [JBP]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Port Numbers


Ports are used in the TCP [34,62] to name the ends of logical

connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of

providing services to unknown callers a service contact port is

defined. This list specifies the port used by the server process as

its contact port. The contact port is sometimes called the

"well-known port".

To the extent possible these same port assignments are used with

UDP [42,62].

The assigned ports use a small portion of the possible port numbers.

The assigned ports have all except the low order eight bits cleared

to zero. The low order eight bits are specified here.

Port Assignments:

Decimal Octal Description References

------- ----- ----------- ----------

1 1 Old Telnet [40,JBP]

3 3 Old File Transfer [27,11,24,JBP]

5 5 Remote Job Entry [6,17,JBP]

7 7 Echo [35,JBP]

9 11 Discard [32,JBP]

11 13 Who is on or SYSTAT [JBP]

13 15 Date and Time [JBP]

15 17 Who is up or NETSTAT [JBP]

17 21 Short Text Message [JBP]

19 23 Character generator or TTYTST [31,JBP]

20 24 File Transfer (Default Data) [36,62,JBP]

21 25 File Transfer (Control) [36,62,JBP]

23 27 Telnet [41,62,JBP]

25 31 SMTP [54,62,JBP]

27 33 NSW User System FE [14,RHT]

29 35 MSG ICP [29,RHT]

31 37 MSG Authentication [29,RHT]

33 41 Unassigned [JBP]

35 43 IO Station Spooler [JBP]

37 45 Time Server [22,JBP]

39 47 Unassigned [JBP]

41 51 Graphics [46,17,JBP]

42 52 Name Server [38,62,JBP]

43 53 WhoIs [57,62,JAKE]

45 55 Message Processing Module (receive) [37,JBP]

46 56 MPM (default send) [37,JBP]

47 57 NI FTP [50,SK]

49-53 61-65 Unassigned [JBP]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Port Numbers

55 67 ISI Graphics Language [3,RB6]

57 71 Unassigned [JBP]

59 73 Augment File Mover [WWB]

61 75 NIMAIL [56,SK]

63 77 Unassigned [JBP]

65 101 Unassigned [JBP]

67 103 Datacomputer at CCA [8,JZS]

69 105 Trivial File Transfer [47,62,KRS]

71 107 NETRJS [5,17,RTB]

72 110 NETRJS [5,17,RTB]

73 111 NETRJS [5,17,RTB]

74 112 NETRJS [5,17,RTB]

75 113 Unassigned [JBP]

77 115 any private RJE server [JBP]

79 117 Name or Finger [23,17,KLH]

81 121 HOSTS2 Name Server [EAK1]

83 123 MIT ML Device [DPR]

85 125 MIT ML Device [DPR]

87 127 any terminal link [JBP]

89 131 SU/MIT Telnet Gateway [MRC]

91 133 MIT Dover Spooler [EBM]

93 135 Device Control Protocol [DCT]

95 137 SUPDUP [15,MRC]

97 141 Datacomputer Status [8,JZS]

99 143 Metagram Relay [GEOF]

101 145 NIC Host Name Server [64,62,JAKE]

103 147 CSNET Mailbox Name Server (Telnet) [58,MHS1]

105 151 CSNET Mailbox Name Server (Program) [58,MHS1]

107 153 Remote Telnet Service [61,JBP]

109-129 155-201 Unassigned [JBP]

131 203 Datacomputer [8,JZS]

132-223 204-337 Reserved [JBP]

224-241 340-361 Unassigned [JBP]

243 363 Survey Measurement [2,AV]

245 365 LINK [7,RDB2]

247-255 367-377 Unassigned [JBP]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Autonomous System Numbers


The Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) [66] specifies that groups of

gateways may for autonomous systems. The EGP provides a 16-bit field

for identifying such systems. The values of this field are

registered here.

Autonomous System Numbers:

Decimal Description References

------- ----------- ----------

0 Reserved [JBP]

1 The BBN Gateways [JBP]

2-65534 Unassigned [JBP]

65535 Reserved [JBP]


The Word "link" here refers to a field in the original ARPANET

Host/IMP interface leader. The link was originally defined as an 8

bit field. Some time after the ARPANET Host-to-Host (AHHP) protocol

was defined and, by now some years ago, the definition of this field

was changed to "Message-ID" and the length to 12 bits. The name link

now refers to the high order 8 bits of this 12 bit message-id field.

The low order 4 bits of the message-id field are to be zero unless

specifically specified otherwise for the particular protocol used on

that link. The Host/IMP interface is defined in BBN report 1822 [1].

Link Assignments:

Decimal Octal Description References

------- ----- ----------- ----------

0 0 AHHP Control Messages [28,17,JBP]

1 1 Reserved [JBP]

2-71 2-107 AHHP Regular Messages [28,17,JBP]

72-149 110-225 Reserved [JBP]

150 226 Xerox NS IP [59,LLG]

151 227 Unassigned [JBP]

152 230 PARC Universal Protocol [4,EAT3]

153 231 TIP Status Reporting [JGH]

154 232 TIP Accounting [JGH]

155 233 Internet Protocol (regular) [33,62,JBP]

156-158 234-236 Internet Protocol (experimental) [33,62,JBP]

159-195 237-303 Unassigned [JBP]

196-255 304-377 Experimental Protocols [JBP]

248-255 370-377 Network Maintenance [JGH]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers

Ethernet Numbers of Interest


Many of the networks of all classes are Ethernets (10Mb) or

Experimental Ethernets (3Mb). These systems use a message "type"

field in much the same way the ARPANET uses the "link" field.


Ethernet Exp. Ethernet Description References

-------------- -------------- ----------- ----------

decimal Hex decimal octal

512 02,00 512 1000 XEROX PUP [4,EAT3]

1536 06,00 1536 3000 XEROX NS IDP [59,LLG]

2048 08,00 513 1001 DOD IP [33,62,JBP]

2054 08,06 - - Address Res [67,DCP1]


One of the Internet Class A Networks is the international system of

Public Data Networks. This section lists the mapping between the

Internet Addresses and the Public Data Network Addresses.


Internet Public Data Net Description References

--------------- --------------- ----------- ---------- Reserved [JBP] 311031700035 00 PURDUE-TN [CXK] 311060800027 00 UWISC-TN [CXK] 311030200024 00 UDEL-TN [CXK] 234219200149 23 UCL-VTEST [PK] 234219200300 23 UCL-TG [PK] 234219200300 25 UK-SATNET [PK] Unassigned [JBP] Reserved [JBP]

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers




[1] BBN, "Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and an

IMP", Report 1822, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge,

Massachusetts, May 1978.

[2] Bhushan, A., "A Report on the Survey Project", RFC530,

NIC 17375, 22 June 1973.

[3] Bisbey, R., D. Hollingworth, and B. Britt, "Graphics Language

(version 2.1)", ISI/TM-80-18, USC/Information Sciences

Institute, July 1980.

[4] Boggs, D., J. Shoch, E. Taft, and R. Metcalfe, "PUP: An

Internetwork Architecture", XEROX Palo Alto Research Center,

CSL-79-10, July 1979; also in IEEE Transactions on

Communication, Volume COM-28, Number 4, April 1980.

[5] Braden, R., "NETRJS Protocol", RFC740, NIC 42423,

22 November 1977. Also in [17].

[6] Bressler, B., "Remote Job Entry Protocol", RFC407, NIC

12112, 16 October 72. Also in [17].

[7] Bressler, R., "Inter-Entity Communication -- An Experiment",

RFC441, NIC 13773, 19 January 1973.

[8] CCA, "Datacomputer Version 5/4 User Manual", Computer

Corporation of America, August 1979.

[9] Aerospace, Internal Report, ATM-83(3920-01)-3, 1982.

[10] Clark, D., "Revision of DSP Specification", Local Network Note

9, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, 17 June 1977.

[11] Clements, R., "FTPSRV -- Extensions for Tenex Paged Files",

RFC683, NIC 32251, 3 April 1975. Also in [17].

[12] Macgregor, W., and D. Tappan, "The CRONUS Virtual Local

Network", RFC824, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.,

22 August 1982.

[13] Cohen, D. and J. Postel, "Multiplexing Protocol", IEN 90,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 1979.

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RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers


[14] COMPASS, "Semi-Annual Technical Report", CADD-7603-0411,

Massachusetts Computer Associates, 4 March 1976. Also as,

"National Software Works, Status Report No. 1,"

RADC-TR-76-276, Volume 1, September 1976. And COMPASS. "Second

Semi-Annual Report," CADD-7608-1611, Massachusetts Computer

Associates, 16 August 1976.

[15] Crispin, M., "SUPDUP Protocol", RFC734, NIC 41953,

7 October 1977. Also in [17].

[17] Feinler, E. and J. Postel, eds., "ARPANET Protocol Handbook",

NIC 7104, for the Defense Communications Agency by SRI

International, Menlo Park, California, Revised January 1978.

[18] Flood Page, D., "Gateway Monitoring Protocol", IEN 131,

February 1980.

[19] Flood Page, D., "CMCC Performance Measurement Message

Formats", IEN 157, September 1980.

[20] Forgie, J., "ST - A Proposed Internet Stream Protocol",

IEN 119, M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, September 1979.

[21] Forsdick, H., and A. McKenzie, "FTP Functional Specification",

Bolt Beranek and Newman, Report 4051, August 1979.

[22] Harrenstien, K., J. Postel, "Time Server", IEN 142,

April 1980. Also in [17].

[23] Harrenstien, K., "Name/Finger", RFC742, NIC 42758,

30 December 1977. Also in [17].

[24] Harvey, B., "One More Try on the FTP", RFC691, NIC 32700,

6 June 1975.

[25] Haverty, J., "XNET Formats for Internet Protocol Version 4",

IEN 158, October 1980.

[27] McKenzie, A., "File Transfer Protocol", RFC454, NIC 14333,

16 February 1973.

[28] McKenzie,A., "Host/Host Protocol for the ARPA Network",

NIC 8246, January 1972. Also in [17].

[29] NSW Protocol Committee, "MSG: The Interprocess Communication

Facility for the National Software Works", CADD-7612-2411,

Massachusetts Computer Associates, BBN 3237, Bolt Beranek and

Newman, Revised 24 December 1976.

Postel [Page 14]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers


[31] Postel, J., "Character Generator Process", RFC429, NIC 13281,

12 December 1972.

[32] Postel, J., "Discard Process", RFC348, NIC 10427,

30 May 1972.

[33] Postel, J., ed., "Internet Protocol - DARPA Internet Program

Protocol Specification", RFC791, USC/Information Sciences

Institute, September 1981.

[34] Postel, J., ed., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA

Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC793,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[35] Postel, J., "Echo Process", RFC347, NIC 10426, 30 May 1972.

[36] Postel, J., "File Transfer Protocol", RFC765, IEN 149,

June 1980.

[37] Postel, J., "Internet Message Protocol", RFC759, IEN 113,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.

[38] Postel, J., "Name Server", IEN 116, USC/Information Sciences

Institute, August 1979.

[39] Postel, J., "Official Initial Connection Protocol", NIC 7101,

11 June 1971. Also in [17].

[40] Postel, J., "Telnet Protocol", RFC318, NIC 9348,

3 April 1972.

[41] Postel, J., "Telnet Protocol Specification", RFC764, IEN 148,

June 1980.

[42] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", RFC768 USC/Information

Sciences Institute, August 1980.

[43] Reed, D., "Protocols for the LCS Network", Local Network Note

3, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, 29 November 1976.

[44] Skelton, A., S. Holmgren, and D. Wood, "The MITRE Cablenet

Project", IEN 96, April 1979.

[45] Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text

Messages", RFC822, Department of Electrical Engineering,

University of Delawaugust 1982.

Postel [Page 15]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers


[46] Sproull, R., and E. Thomas. "A Networks Graphics Protocol",

NIC 24308, 16 August 1974. Also in [17].

[47] Sollins, K., "The TFTP Protocol (revision 2)", RFC783,

MIT/LCS, June 1981.

[48] Strazisar, V., "Gateway Routing: An Implementation

Specification", IEN 30, Bolt Berenak and Newman, April 1979.

[49] Strazisar, V., "How to Build a Gateway", IEN 109, Bolt Berenak

and Newman, August 1979.

[50] The High Level Protocol Group, "A Network Independent File

Transfer Protocol", INWG Protocol Note 86, December 1977.

[51] Thomas, R., "A Resource Sharing Executive for the ARPANET",

AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 42:155-163, NCC, 1973.

[52] Flood Page, D., "A Simple Message Generator", IEN 172, Bolt

Berenak and Newman, March 1981.

[53] Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol - DARPA

Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC792,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[54] Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC821,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1982.

[55] Littauer, B., "A Host Monitoring Protocol", IEN 197, Bolt

Berenak and Newman, September 1981.

[56] Bennett, C., "A Simple NIFTP-Based Mail System", IEN 169,

University College, London, January 1981.

[57] Harrenstien, K., and V. White, "Nicname/Whois", RFC812, SRI

International, March 1982.

[58] Solomon, M., L. Landweber, and D, Neuhengen, "The Design of

the CSNET Name Server", CS-DN-2, University of Wisconsin,

Madison, Revised November 1981.

[59] XEROX, "Internet Transport Protocols", XSIS 028112, Xerox

Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut, December 1981.

[60] Forsdick, H., "CFTP", Network Message, Bolt Berenak and

Newman, January 1982.

Postel [Page 16]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers


[61] Postel, J., "Remote Telnet Service", RFC818, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, November 1982.

[62] Feinler, E., "Internet Protocol Transition Workbook", Network

Information Center, SRI International, March 1982.

[63] Postel, J., "The NCP/TCP Transition Plan", RFC801,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1981.

[64] Harrenstien, K., V. White, and E. Feinler, "Hostnames Server",

RFC811, SRI International, March 1982.

[65] Whelan, D., "The Caltech Computer Science Department Network",

5052:DF:82, Caltech Computer Science Department, 1982.

[66] Rosen, E., "Exterior Gateway Protocol", RFC827, Bolt Berenak

and Newman, October 1982.

[67] Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol or

Converting Network Protocol Addresses to 48-bit Ethernet

Addresses for Transmission on Ethernet Hardware", RFC826, MIT

LCS, November 1982.

Postel [Page 17]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers




[RB6] Richard Bisbey ISI Bisbey@ISIB

[RTB] Bob Braden UCLA Braden@ISIA

[WWB] Bill Barns Tymshare Barns@Office

[MB] Michael Brescia BBN Brescia@BBN-Unix

[RDB2] Robert Bressler BBN Bressler@BBN-Unix

[MXB] Mark Brown USC Mark@USC-ECLB

[EC5] Ed Cain DCEC cain@EDN-Unix

[SC3] Steve Casner ISI Casner@ISIB

[NC3] J. Noel Chiappa MIT JNC@MIT-XX

[SGC] Steve Chipman BBN Chipman@BBNA

[HDC1] Horst Clausen DFVLR Clausen@ISID

[DC] Danny Cohen ISI Cohen@ISIB

[MRC] Mark Crispin Stanford Admin.MRC@SU-SCORE

[RF1] Randy Frank UTAH Frank@UTAH-20

[JAKE] Jake Feinler SRI Feinler@SRI-KL

[JWF] Jim Forgie LL Forgie@BBNC

[HCF2] Harry Forsdick BBN Forsdick@BBNG


[LLG] Larry Garlick XEROX Garlick@PARC-MAXC

[BG5] Bob Gilligan SRI Gilligan@ISID

[GEOF] Geoff Goodfellow SRI Geoff@DARCOM-KA

[MBG] Michael Greenwald MIT-LCS Greenwald@MIT-Multics

[KLH] Ken Harrenstien SRI KLH@NIC

[JFH2] Jack Haverty BBN Haverty@BBN-Unix

[CLH3] Charles Hedrick RUTGERS Hedrick@RUTGERS

[JGH] Jim Herman BBN Herman@BBN-Unix

[HH6] Heidi Heiden DCA Heiden@BBNC

[PLH] Peter Higginson UCL UKSAT@ISID

[RH6] Robert Hinden BBN Hinden@BBN-Unix

[CH2] Charles Hornig Honeywell Hornig@MIT-Multics

[DHH] Doug Hunt BBN DHunt@BBN-Unix

[REK2] Robert Kahn ARPA Kahn@ISIA

[NXK] Neil Katin HP hpda.neil@BERKELEY

[CXK] Chris Kent PURDUE cak@PURDUE


[EAK1] Earl Killian LLL EAK@MIT-MC

[PK] Peter Kirstein UCL Kirstein@ISIA

[SXL] Sam Leffler Berkeley sam@BERKELEY

[BML] Barry Leiner ARPA Leiner@ISIA

[WIM] William Macgregor BBN macg@BBN

[NM] Neil MacKenzie RSRE T45@ISID

[HM] Hank Magnuski --- JOSE@PARC-MAXC

[JEM] Jim Mathis SRI Mathis@SRI-KL

[DM11] Dale McNeill BBN mcneill@BBN-Unix

[DLM1] David Mills LINKABIT Mills@ISID


Postel [Page 18]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers



[MJM2] Mike Muuss BRL Mike@BRL


[MO2] Michael O'Brien RAND OBrien@RAND-Unix

[MO1] Mike O'Dell LBL mo@LBL-Unix

[EHP] Ed Perry SRI Perry@SRI-KL

[DCP1] David Plummer MIT DCP@MIT-MC

[KTP] Ken Pogran BBN Pogran@BBN-Unix

[JBP] Jon Postel ISI Postel@ISIF



[CMR] Craig Rogers ISI Rogers@ISIB

[RR2] Raleigh Romine Teledyne romine@SEISMO

[RS23] Russel Sandberg WISC root@UWISC

[JZS] Joanne Sattely CCA JZS@CCA

[LCS] Lou Schreier SRI Schreier@ISID

[APS] Anita Skelton MITRE skelton@MITRE

[KRS] Karen Sollins MIT Sollins@MIT-XX

[MHS1] Marvin Solomon WISC Solomon@UWISC

[PS3] Paal Spilling NDRE Paal@DARCOM-KA



[DCT] Dan Tappan BBN Tappan@BBNG

[RHT] Robert Thomas BBN BThomas@BBNG


[HDW2] Howard Wactlar CMU Wactlar@CMU-10B

[CJW2] Cliff Weinstein LL cjw@LL-11

[JAW3] Jil Westcott BBN Westcott@BBNF

[DSW] Dan Whelan Caltech Dan@CIT-20

Postel [Page 19]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers




This appendix summarizes the agreements reached by the DDN/PMO and

DARPA at a September 1982 meeting concerning the allocation and

assignment of the various numbers associated with DoD Protocol

Standards and the DARPA Experimental Standards.

Recommended policy is summarized for each type of number assignment

of concern:

Network Identifiers used by the Internet Protocol

It is recommended that the available number spaces for class A,

B, and C network addresses be allocated among R&D, DoD and

commercial uses, and that assignments of these addresses be the

responsibility respectively of DARPA, DCA PCCO/DDN and the

National Bureau of Standards. The recommended allocations are

given below.

Class A

R&D allocation: 8 nets assigned by: ARPA

DoD allocation: 24 nets assigned by: TBD

Commercial allocation: 94 nets assigned by: TBD

Reserved Addresses: 0,127

Class B

R&D allocation: 1024 nets assigned by: ARPA

DoD allocation: 3072 nets assigned by: TBD

Commercial allocation: 12286 nets assigned by: TBD

Reserved Addresses: 0,16383

Class C

R&D allocation: 65536 nets assigned by: ARPA

DoD allocation: 458725 nets assigned by: TBD

Commercial allocation: 1572862 nets assigned by: TBD

Reserved Addresses: 0,2097151

Class D

All addresses in this class are reserved for future use,

possibly in support of multicast services. They should be

allocated to R&D use for the present.

Postel [Page 20]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers


Within the R&D community, it will be the policy that network

identifiers will only be granted to applicants who show

evidence that they are acquiring standard Bolt Beranek and

Newman gateway software or have implemented or are acquiring a

gateway meeting the External Gateway Protocol requirements.

Acquisition of the Berkeley BSD 4.2 UNIX software might be

considered evidence of the latter.

Experimental networks which later become operational need not

be renumbered if that would cause hardships. Rather, the

identifiers could be moved from R&D to DoD or Commercial

status. Thus, network identifiers may change state among R&D,

DoD and commercial, but the number of identifiers allocated to

each use should remain constant. To make possible this fluid

assignment, it is recommended that the network identifier

spaces not be allocated by simple partition but rather by

specific assignment. It is recommended that DDN/PMO or its

designee keep track of the assignments made by DARPA, DDN and

NBS to ensure that allocation remains as suggested.

Protocol Identifiers

In general, all assignments will be made by the R&D community,

but any numbers which become R&D, DoD, national or

international standards will be marked as such in this RFC.

Protocol identifiers 0 and 255 are reserved.

95 protocol identifiers are allocated for assignment to DoD

standards, 32 for R&D use, and 127 for Commercial, national or

international standards.

Port Numbers

A recommendation for allocation and assignment of port numbers

is to be developed jointly by representatives of the ICCB and


ARPANET Link Numbers

All unnecessary link number usage will be eliminated by joint

effort of the ICCB, PSTP and BBN. BBN will give consideration

to the use of link numbers to promote interoperability among

various ARPANET interfaces and report to the ICCB, PSTP and

DDN/PMO. Examples of possible interoperability issues are:

Postel [Page 21]

RFC820 January 1983

Assigned Numbers


(i) interoperability of 1822 and X.25 interfaces

(ii) interoperability of SIP and other interfaces

(iii) logical addressing or other special services

IP Version Numbers

These numbers will be assigned only by the R&D community for

the purpose of exploring alternatives in internet protocol

service expansion, such as inclusion of stream protocol (ST)


TCP, IP and Telnet Option Identifiers

These numbers will be assigned by the R&D community. Any

permanent or experimental assignments will be identified in the

documents specifying those protcols.


This policy recommendation has not been fully implemented as yet.

Currently Jon Postel is acting coordinator for all number


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