
RFC857 - Telnet Echo Option

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group J. Postel

Request for Comments: 857 J. Reynolds


Obsoletes: NIC 15390 May 1983


This RFCspecifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community. Hosts on

the ARPA Internet are eXPected to adopt and implement this standard.

1. Command Name and Code


2. Command Meanings


The sender of this command REQUESTS to begin, or confirms that it

will now begin, echoing data characters it receives over the

TELNET connection back to the sender of the data characters.


The sender of this command DEMANDS to stop, or refuses to start,

echoing the data characters it receives over the TELNET connection

back to the sender of the data characters.


The sender of this command REQUESTS that the receiver of this

command begin echoing, or confirms that the receiver of this

command is expected to echo, data characters it receives over the

TELNET connection back to the sender.


The sender of this command DEMANDS the receiver of this command

stop, or not start, echoing data characters it receives over the

TELNET connection.

3. Default



No echoing is done over the TELNET connection.

4. Motivation for the Option

RFC857 May 1983

The NVT has a printer and a keyboard which are nominally

interconnected so that "echoes" need never traverse the network; that

is to say, the NVT nominally operates in a mode where characters

typed on the keyboard are (by some means) locally turned around and

printed on the printer. In highly interactive situations it is

appropriate for the remote process (command language interpreter,

etc.) to which the characters are being sent to control the way they

are echoed on the printer. In order to support sUCh interactive

situations, it is necessary that there be a TELNET option to allow

the parties at the two ends of the TELNET connection to agree that

characters typed on an NVT keyboard are to be echoed by the party at

the other end of the TELNET connection.

5. Description of the Option

When the echoing option is in effect, the party at the end performing

the echoing is expected to transmit (echo) data characters it

receives back to the sender of the data characters. The option does

not require that the characters echoed be exactly the characters

received (for example, a number of systems echo the ASCII ESC

character with something other than the ESC character). When the

echoing option is not in effect, the receiver of data characters

should not echo them back to the sender; this, of course, does not

prevent the receiver from responding to data characters received.

The normal TELNET connection is two way. That is, data flows in each

direction on the connection independently; and neither, either, or

both directions may be operating simultaneously in echo mode. There

are five reasonable modes of operation for echoing on a connection



Process 1 Process 2


Neither end echoes


Process 1 / Process 2


One end echoes for itself

RFC857 May 1983


Process 1 / Process 2


One end echoes for the other


\ /

Process 1 / \ Process 2


Both ends echo for themselves


\ /

Process 1 / \ Process 2


One end echoes for both ends

This option provides the capability to decide on whether or not

either end will echo for the other. It does not, however, provide

any control over whether or not an end echoes for itself; this

decision must be left to the sole discretion of the systems at each

end (although they may use information regarding the state of

"remote" echoing negotiations in making this decision).

It should be noted that if BOTH hosts enter the mode of echoing

characters transmitted by the other host, then any character

transmitted in either direction will be "echoed" back and forth

indefinitely. Therefore, care should be taken in each implementation

that if one site is echoing, echoing is not permitted to be turned on

at the other.

As discussed in the TELNET Protocol Specification, both parties to a

full-duplex TELNET connection initially assume each direction of the

connection is being operated in the default mode which is non-echo

(non-echo is not using this option, and the same as DON'T ECHO, WON'T


If either party desires himself to echo characters to the other party

or for the other party to echo characters to him, that party gives

the appropriate command (WILL ECHO or DO ECHO) and waits (and hopes)

for acceptance of the option. If the request to operate the

connection in echo mode is refused, then the connection continues to

operate in non-echo mode. If the request to operate the connection

in echo mode is accepted, the connection is operated in echo mode.

RFC857 May 1983

After a connection has been changed to echo mode, either party may

demand that it revert to non-echo mode by giving the appropriate

DON'T ECHO or WON'T ECHO command (which the other party must confirm

thereby allowing the connection to operate in non-echo mode). Just

as each direction of the TELNET connection may be put in remote

echoing mode independently, each direction of the TELNET connection

must be removed from remote echoing mode separately.

Implementations of the echo option, as implementations of all other

TELNET options, must follow the loop preventing rules given in the

General Considerations section of the TELNET Protocol Specification.

Also, so that switches between echo and non-echo mode can be made

with minimal confusion (momentary double echoing, etc.), switches in

mode of operation should be made at times precisely coordinated with

the reception and transmission of echo requests and demands. For

instance, if one party responds to a DO ECHO with a WILL ECHO, all

data characters received after the DO ECHO should be echoed and the

WILL ECHO should immediately precede the first of the echoed


The echoing option alone will normally not be sufficient to effect

what is commonly understood to be remote computer echoing of

characters typed on a terminal keyboard--the SUPPRESS-GO AHEAD option

will normally have to be invoked in conjunction with the ECHO option

to effect character-at-a-time remote echoing.

6. A Sample Implementation of the Option

The following is a description of a possible implementation for a

simple user system called "UHOST".

A possible implementation could be that for each user terminal, the

UHOST would keep three state bits: whether the terminal echoes for

itself (UHOST ECHO always) or not (ECHO mode possible), whether the

(human) user prefers to operate in ECHO mode or in non-ECHO mode, and

whether the connection from this terminal to the server is in ECHO or

non-ECHO mode. We will call these three bits P(hysical), D(esired),

and A(ctual).

When a terminal dials up the UHOST the P-bit is set appropriately,

the D-bit is set equal to it, and the A-bit is set to non-ECHO. The

P-bit and D-bit may be manually reset by direct commands if the user

so desires. For example, a user in Hawaii on a "full-duplex"

terminal, would choose not to operate in ECHO mode, regardless of the

preference of a mainland server. He should direct the UHOST to

change his D-bit from ECHO to non-ECHO.

When a connection is opened from the UHOST terminal to a server, the

RFC857 May 1983

UHOST would send the server a DO ECHO command if the MIN (with

non-ECHO less than ECHO) of the P- and D-bits is different from the

A-bit. If a WON'T ECHO or WILL ECHO arrives from the server, the

UHOST will set the A-bit to the MIN of the received request, the

P-bit, and the D-bit. If this changes the state of the A-bit, the

UHOST will send off the appropriate acknowledgment; if it does not,

then the UHOST will send off the appropriate refusal if not changing

meant that it had to deny the request (i.e., the MIN of the P-and

D-bits was less than the received A-request).

If while a connection is open, the UHOST terminal user changes either

the P-bit or D-bit, the UHOST will repeat the above tests and send

off a DO ECHO or DON'T ECHO, if necessary. When the connection is

closed, the UHOST would reset the A-bit to indicate UHOST echoing.

While the UHOST's implementation would not involve DO ECHO or DON'T

ECHO commands being sent to the server except when the connection is

opened or the user explicitly changes his echoing mode, bigger hosts

might invoke such mode switches quite frequently. For instance,

while a line-at-a-time system were running, the server might attempt

to put the user in local echo mode by sending the WON'T ECHO command

to the user; but while a character-at-a-time system were running, the

server might attempt to invoke remote echoing for the user by sending

the WILL ECHO command to the user. Furthermore, while the UHOST will

never send a WILL ECHO command and will only send a WON'T ECHO to

refuse a server sent DO ECHO command, a server host might often send

the WILL and WON'T ECHO commands.

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