
RFC855 - Telnet Option Specifications

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Postel

Request for Comments: 855 J. Reynolds


Obsoletes: NIC 18640 May 1983


This RFCspecifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community. Hosts on

the ARPA Internet are eXPected to adopt and implement this standard.

The intent of providing for options in the TELNET Protocol is to permit

hosts to oBTain more elegant solutions to the problems of communication

between dissimilar devices than is possible within the framework

provided by the Network Virtual Terminal (NVT). It should be possible

for hosts to invent, test, or discard options at will. Nevertheless, it

is envisioned that options which prove to be generally useful will

eventually be supported by many hosts; therefore it is desirable that

options should be carefully documented and well publicized. In

addition, it is necessary to insure that a single option code is not

used for several different options.

This document specifies a method of option code assignment and standards

for documentation of options. The individual responsible for assignment

of option codes may waive the requirement for complete documentation for

some cases of experimentation, but in general documentation will be

required prior to code assignment. Options will be publicized by

publishing their documentation as RFCs; inventors of options may, of

course, publicize them in other ways as well.

Option codes will be assigned by:

Jonathan B. Postel

University of Southern California

Information Sciences Institute (USC-ISI)

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina Del Rey, California 90291

(213) 822-1511


Documentation of options should contain at least the following sections:

Section 1 - Command Name and Option Code

Section 2 - Command Meanings

The meaning of each possible TELNET command relevant to this

option should be described. Note that for complex options, where

RFC855 May 1983

"subnegotiation" is required, there may be a larger number of

possible commands. The concept of "subnegotiation" is described

in more detail below.

Section 3 - Default Specification

The default assumptions for hosts which do not implement, or use,

the option must be described.

Section 4 - Motivation

A detailed explanation of the motivation for inventing a

particular option, or for choosing a particular form for the

option, is extremely helpful to those who are not faced (or don't

realize that they are faced) by the problem that the option is

designed to solve.

Section 5 - Description (or Implementation Rules)

Merely defining the command meanings and providing a statement of

motivation are not always sufficient to insure that two

implementations of an option will be able to communicate.

Therefore, a more complete description should be furnished in most

cases. This description might take the form of text, a sample

implementation, hints to implementers, etc.

A Note on "Subnegotiation"

Some options will require more information to be passed between hosts

than a single option code. For example, any option which requires a

parameter is sUCh a case. The strategy to be used consists of two

steps: first, both parties agree to "discuss" the parameter(s) and,

second, the "discussion" takes place.

The first step, agreeing to discuss the parameters, takes place in

the normal manner; one party proposes use of the option by sending a

DO (or WILL) followed by the option code, and the other party accepts

by returning a WILL (or DO) followed by the option code. Once both

parties have agreed to use the option, subnegotiation takes place by

using the command SB, followed by the option code, followed by the

parameter(s), followed by the command SE. Each party is presumed to

be able to parse the parameter(s), since each has indicated that the

option is supported (via the initial exchange of WILL and DO). On

the other hand, the receiver may locate the end of a parameter string

by searching for the SE command (i.e., the string IAC SE), even if

the receiver is unable to parse the parameters. Of course, either

party may refuse to pursue further subnegotiation at any time by

sending a WON'T or DON'T to the other party.

RFC855 May 1983

Thus, for option "ABC", which requires subnegotiation, the formats of

the TELNET commands are:


Offer to use option ABC (or favorable acknowledgment of other

party's request)


Request for other party to use option ABC (or favorable

acknowledgment of other party's offer)

IAC SB ABC <parameters> IAC SE

One step of subnegotiation, used by either party.

Designers of options requiring "subnegotiation" must take great care

to avoid unending loops in the subnegotiation process. For example,

if each party can accept any value of a parameter, and both parties

suggest parameters with different values, then one is likely to have

an infinite oscillation of "acknowledgments" (where each receiver

believes it is only acknowledging the new proposals of the other).

Finally, if parameters in an option "subnegotiation" include a byte

with a value of 255, it is necessary to double this byte in

accordance the general TELNET rules.

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