
RFC886 - Proposed standard for message header munging

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Request For Comments: 886

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging

Thu Dec 15 03:37:52 1983

Marshall T. Rose

Department of Information and Computer Science

University of California, Irvine

Irvine, CA 92717


This memo proposes a standard for the ARPA Internet community. If

this proposal is adopted, hosts on the ARPA Internet that do message

translation would be eXPected to adopt and implement this standard.

Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI


This memo describes the rules that are to be used when mail is

transformed from one standard format to another. The scope of this

memo is limited to text messages (computer network mail, or

electronic mail) that traverse the ARPA Internet. This memo is not

presented as a replacement or amendment for the "Standard for the

Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages", RFC822. Rather, this memo

focuses on a particular ASPect of mail, and provides a conceptual

and practical basis for implementors of transport agents and user

agents which support message munging.

Although this memo has been specifically prepared for use with the

822 standard, an understanding of the 822 standard is not required

to make use of this memo. The remainder of this section reminds

the reader of some key concepts presented in the 822 standard, and

how they relate to the perspective of this memo.

Messages are viewed as consisting of an envelope and contents. The

envelope is manipulated solely by transport agents, and contains

the information required by the transport agents to deliver the

message to its recipients. Although this memo does not address

itself directly to the envelope, we shall see that some of the

rules discussed later are applicable to the envelope.

The contents of the message consists of a rigorously structured

part, known as the headers, followed by a freely formated part,

called the body. The message body is completely uninteresting to

us. Our emphasis is strictly on the headers of the message. Each

header in the message consists of a field, its value, and a

terminating end-of-line sequence. The 822 standard discusses,

among other things, continuation lines, the syntax that is used to

distinguish between fields and values, and the syntax and semantics

of the values of various fields. For our part, we shall concern

ourselves only with the notion that the headers section consists of

one or more headers, which are divided into one or more field/value


The term "message munging" refers to the actions taken by a

transport or user agent to transform the contents of a message from

conformance with one standard format to another. The 822 standard

refers to this as "Network-Specific Transformation". Other phrases

might be "header munging" or "mail filtering". Regardless of the

term used, the key notion is that this action transforms a message

from its current format (the source message) to the structure

required by the target standard. A "munging agent", for the

purposes of this memo, is an entity which performs message munging.

A munging agent may be part of either a transport or user agent.

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI


As more networks connect into the ARPA Internet community, their

users will exchange computer mail messages with other Internet

hosts. Although the 822 standard must be strictly adhered to for

mail that traverses the ARPA Internet, other networks might not

internally adopt this standard. It is nevertheless desirable to

permit mail to flow between hosts which internally conform to the

standard and those which do not. The 822 standard is very clear to

indicate that:

"This standard is NOT intended to dictate the internal formats

used by sites, the specific message system features that they

are expected to support, or any of the characteristics of user

interface programs that create or read messages."

This plainly states that even hosts within the ARPA Internet, may

opt to use a different standard than 822 for their internal use,

but they are expressly required to use the 822 standard when

transferring mail to other hosts in the ARPA Internet. As such, it

is not difficult to imagine message munging becoming a common

activity among transport and user agents.

There are other reasons why message munging may become a widespread

practice. An example from CSnet will serve here. The CSnet relays

provide authorized Access for mail services to the ARPA Internet

for the CSnet phonenet sites. CSnet sites are not registered with

the NIC, and hence are often absent from the host tables of ARPA

Internet sites. As a result, addresses for mailboxes on CSnet

phonenet sites are unknown to ARPA Internet sites. From an ARPA

Internet site, it would be impossible to send messages to these

addresses, since the local transport agent has no handle on the

destination hosts of the phonenet mailboxes. Obviously, even

replying to a such a message is simply not possible. To solve this

problem, the transport agents on the CSnet relays perform message

munging on mail destined for the ARPA Internet. Phonenet addresses

of the form "mbox@host" are transformed to "mbox.host@relay", where

"relay" is the ARPA Internet host name of the relay performing the

transformation. Other addresses are left alone. Agents throughout

the ARPA Internet are now able to process these addresses, since

the host-part is a known ARPA Internet host.

The source-routing solution to this problem will hopefully be

replaced by domain handling when domains are implemented in the ARPA

Internet. When this is the case, phonenet addresses of the form

"mbox@host" will become "mbox@host.CSNET". Despite this change,

(which cannot help but be for the better, as the use of

source-routing leads to a plethora of problems), message munging

will still occur as it will most likely be necessary to add domain

names during message transmission (see section 6.2.2 of the 822

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI


For an alternate reason, consider that it is not unlikely for users

to wish to transform mail from their archives which conforms to an

older standard to the current standard. There could be many

reasons for this, although a common one would be that a user wishes

to re-introduce the message into the transport system. Although

the aged message was perfectly valid when it was composed (e.g., in

the days of the 733 standard), it might no longer conform to the

current standard (i.e., 822). In this case, a user agent would

have to perform message munging, in order to make the message

acceptable to the local transport agent.

To summarize, even under the most "homogeneous" of environments,

message munging will still be required on the part of transport and

user agents, under certain conditions.

Section 3.4.10 of the 822 standard briefly discusses the topic of

"Network-Specific Transformations". In short, the 822 standard

envisions a message traversing net-A to reach net-B as going

through three phases:

o Transformation

The message is made to conform to net-A's standards

o Transformation Reversal

Net-A's idiosyncrasies are removed and the message now

conforms to the 822 standard

o Transformation

The message is made to conform to net-B's standards

This memo concerns itself solely with this section of the 822

standard. The 822 standard presents end-of-line sequences as an

example of an area where transformation might occur. Although this

is a valid concern, our emphasis deals with constructs of higher

semantics: fields and structured field values.

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI


This memo does not specify the particular transformation rules that

should be used when munging a message from one standard to another.

Rather, this memo attempts to make clear the policies that are to

be followed when implementing any munging agent for the ARPA

Internet. The derivation of the formulas specific to message

munging between two given standards is left to the implementors of

such munging systems or to the writers of future RFCs. As such,

this memo can be considered to present the philosophy and

conceptual basis of message munging in the ARPA Internet.

NOTE: It is critical that this position be understood. The

actual policies used by domain-specific munging agents is

completely beyond the scope of this memo.

For ease of explanation, some of the examples in this memo use

message munging between the ARPA Internet and the USENET

distribution network as an example. This memo should NOT be

considered to specify how this particular munging activity should

take place. Instead, this context has been chosen for its

familiarity and simplicity.

Message Decomposition

A munging agent concerns itself with transforming a message in

conformance with a source standard to a message in conformance with a

target standard. This transformation occurs at various levels. Four

of these are presented here.

o Field Transformation

For two standards, some fields may convey identical semantics

but have different names. As standards progress, for

example, the names of fields may change, but the presence of

those fields and their contents continue to have the same

meaning. For example, prior to 822 standard, some mailers

considered the Remailed- prefix to have semantics equivalent

to the 822 standard's Resent- prefix. In this circumstance,

one aspect of message munging would be to simply substitute

the field names.

o Value Transformation

The value of certain fields may be viewed as containing

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

structured components. The syntax and semantics of these

components may differ significantly between two formats. In

this circumstance, one aspect of message munging would be to

transform components from one representation to another.

o Field/Value Combination

The semantics of a given header in a particular standard may

not be directly expressed using a single header from another

standard. In this circumstance, one aspect of message munging

would be to map the field/value of a header in the source

message to any number of headers in the target message (or

vice-versa). As expected, further complication could result

by performing value transformation in addition to one-to-many

or many-to-one field transformation.

o Header Ordering

Some standards may require that fields appear in a particular

order in the headers part of the message. Others make no

requirements as to the order in which the fields appear. In

this circumstance, one aspect of message munging from the

latter to the former standard would be to capture the essential

information from the source message in order to construct the

first field of the target message. As expected, further

complication could result by requiring several field/values be

consulted in the source message before sufficient context is

present to construct the first field of the target message.

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

Canonical Forms

Fundamental to the activity of transformation is the notion of a

canonical form. For a given message standard, each field and

structured field value may be thought of as an object with a

particular semantics that is representable by one or more strings.

That is, each of these strings has an identical semantics, as they

all refer to the same object. For example, in terms of the 822

standard, the two strings

The Protocol Police <NetSer@UCI>


are semantically equivalent. For the purposes of this memo, a

fully-qualified canonical form of an object is thought of as the

simplest string that represents the full and complete meaning of an

object. The meaning of "simple" is, of course, open to

interpretation. In some cases, "simplest" may mean "shortest". In

other cases, a longer, but unabbreviated string may be "simpler"

than a shorter string. Regardless of this, a canonical form is a

representation of an object. This representation contains the

smallest amount of information required to fully describe the

meaning of the object.

It is not difficult to determine what a canonical form should

describe for different objects. In terms of the 822 standard, the

following should be considered as minimal definitions of canonical







datedate-time date-part


In terms of USENET, the following might be considered as minimal

definitions of canonical forms:






datedate-time date-part


NOTE: This memo clearly has no authority to specify the

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

minimal canonical forms for USENET. The above table is listed

solely for the benefit of the examples which follow.

Conceptually, transformation of fields and structured field values

occurs between canonical forms. That is, to transform an address,

one reduces the string representing the object to its canonical

form, to capture the essence of its meaning, and this form is then

transformed, somehow, to the equivalent canonical form for the

target standard. This target canonical form can later be output

using a string representation.

NOTE: This memo does not require that canonical forms be

represented or otherwise implemented as strings. Nor does

this standard require that strings be used during the

transformation process. Thinking of a canonical form as a

string is a convenient formalism only, not an implementational


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Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

Transformation Rules

All of the forms of message decomposition discussed above may now

be viewed as transformation between canonical forms. Hence, it now

becomes necessary to consider how canonical forms should be

manipulated during transformation. That is, what rules are to be

followed when constructing an equivalent canonical form? There are

several guidelines that must be followed, that we will characterize

in the following fashion:

o Preservation of information

All attempts must be made to preserve all information

contained in the original canonical form. This information

can be highly useful to the recipients of munged messages.

Obviously, for two widely-differing formats, this may not be

possible. For example, some standards may not have a group

addressing notation such as the one present in the 822

standard, e.g., the notation

List: Support@UCI, ZOTnet@UCI;

might not be permitted. If one were to consider membership in

a group as part of an address' canonical form, then this

portion of the canonical form could not be transformed to the

other standard.

The 822 standard supports a liberal commenting convention

which might prove quite useful in preserving information.

Implementors may wish to consider capturing the original

information in commentary text. For example, if the USENET


mark@cbosgd.UUCP (Mark Horton)

had the USENET canonical of

user: mark

route: ucbvax!ihnp4!cbosgd

and if the corresponding 822 canonical was



then it would not be unreasonable for an implementation to

output this canonical form as

"mark@cbosgd.UUCP" <ucbvax!ihnp4!cbosgd!mark@USENET.UCI>

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

NOTE: Implementors should exercise extreme caution in

using a policy such as this. Information placed between

commentary delimiters must still conform to the target

standard at the syntactic level.

Note however that in the above example, the commentary

information "(Mark Horton)" was discarded. This practice is

strongly discouraged. Although the canonical form for an

object does not rely on commentary information as a necessary

part, implementors are encouraged to preserve this information

whenever possible.

Finally, preservation of information requires preservation of

case at all costs. Only under the most restrictive of

circumstances should an implementation change the case of the

strings output for a canonical form.

o Re-Formatting

Ideally, the target message should have the exact horizontal

and vertical padding as the source message. Because a string

representing the source canonical form of an object may not be

of the same length as the string representing the target

canonical form, the number of characters on each physical and

logical line in the headers may be different.

The 822 standard supports a header folding convention which

permits long field/value pairs to be represented on more than

one physical line. When a new canonical form is output to the

target message, it is possible that the resulting field/value

pair may be longer than the number of characters that

antiquated display devices can present on a single line. The

822 standard suggests 65 or 72 characters-per-line as a metric

for this limitation. Although not required, message munging

agents may re-fold headers if (and only if) this limitation is

exceeded. Note however that under no circumstances should a

header be re-folded if it was not munged. Refolding without

munging may occur on behalf of some transport or user agent,

but it may not occur on behalf of a munging agent. Put more

simply, this memo does not authorize or forbid such activity,

although it does discourage it.

o Error Recovery

The preceding discussion has made been under the assumption

that the objects composing the field/value pairs of the source

message have conformed to the source standard. It is an

unfortunate reality that this may not be the case. In fact,

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Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

for those standards which are poorly specified (if at all),

determining that an object is improperly constructed might be

quite difficult. In addition, it is possible, though

hopefully extremely improbable that a target canonical form

does not exist for a particular source canonical form. In

these cases, munging agents must be able to recover.

At this point, we introduce two extension fields for the 822

standard. As such, these fields are hereby designated as

"reserved" and may not be used for other purposes. These

fields are:



The syntax of these fields is as follows:

munge-field =

"Illegal-Field"":" *text

/ "Illegal-Object"":" *text

munge-object =

<a "field-name", the exact field-names which are

valid will be presented later>

The semantics of these fields are as follows:

An Illegal-Field header should be introduced when a

header-line which does not conform to the source standard is

found in the source message. Illegal-Field should be used

only when a header-line is so poorly formed as to prevent

recognition of the field in the header-line. For example, if

the line lacks a colon, or has a poorly formed field-name,

then it should not be output to the target message and a new

header-line should be introduced in its place. This

header-line has Illegal-Field as its field and contains the

offending line as its value. Illegal-Field should not be used

if the field can be identified, but the value is poorly


An Illegal-Object header should be introduced when an object

in the source message can not be parsed into a canonical form,

or if the canonical form it represents has no corresponding

target canonical form. The offending object should not be

output to the target message in the header-line in which it

occurs. If the header-line now contains no objects, then the

header-line should not be output to the target message as

well. Then, an Illegal-Object field should be introduced into

the target message. The value of this Illegal-Object field

should at the very minimum contain the name of the field that

contained the object, the object in question, and an

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Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

explanation as to why the object was illegal. Alternately,

the value of this Illegal-Object field should consist of the

entire header-line (field and value) that contained the object

in question along with an explanation as to why the object was


NOTE: In the circumstance where multiple objects exist

in a single header-line in the source message, and one of

those objects is determined to be illegal, the actual

policy used in determining how much information can be

considered to be "uncorrupted" is left to the

implementors. Munging agents which use sophisticated

parsers may attempt to recover in mid-stream (so to

speak) and continue parsing objects on the header-line.

Other agents may wish to continue recover with the next

header-line in the source message. Regardless of the

policy used, the agent must present the contents of the

entire header-line in the associated Illegal-Object


Implementations should not take extraordinary measures to

perform syntax/semantics checking of the source message --

only those fields which must be examined should be rigorously

checked. This memo strongly discourages any additional

examination. It is not the intention of this memo to suggest

that composing agents should produce messages which do not

conform to the source standard. A composing agent should not

expect a munging agent to enforce adherence to the source


o Introduction of Information

Munging agents are authorized to introduce a "Received" header

into the target message when a message is transformed.

NOTE: Adding a "Received" header is entirely optional.

This memo strongly recommends that this header be

introduced whenever some munging (translation of addresses

and/or dates) occurs.

NOTE: Although this memo does not specify the position

that the introduced header should have in relation to the

other fields in the target message, it is strongly

recommended that the introduced header be grouped with

the other "Received" headers, at the very beginning of

the message.

When introducing a "Received" field, three phrases, which are

normally optional in such a field, should be specified by the

munging agent. These are:

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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

"from" domain# the source domain

"by" domain# the target domain

"with" protocol# the munging agent's host

For example, suppose we have a munging agent on the UCI host,

and that this agent services a USENET/ARPA boundary. When the

UCI host gets a message from the USENET domain for the ARPA

domain, the following happens: First, the UCI mailsystem would

prepend the header:

Received: from nma by UCI with UUCP; 15 Dec 83 03:53:00 PST

Second, the munging agent, when transforming the message,

would prepend the header:

Received: from USENET by ARPA with UCI; 15 Dec 03:54:00 PST

Finally, the UCI mailsystem would then deliver the message to

the appropriate ARPA mailsystem, which in turn would prepend

the header:

Received: from UCI by ISIF with SMTP; 15 Dec 83 03:55:00 PST

This example might be a bit clearer if the domains were

qualified a bit more. The first three lines of the message

could look like this:

Received: from UCI.ARPA by ISIF.ARPA; 15 Dec 83 03:55:00 PST

Received: from USENET by ARPA with UCI; 15 Dec 03:54:00 PST

Received: from nma.USENET by UCI.USENET; 15 Dec 83 03:53:00 PST

The key point to notice is that the munging agent used the

"from" and "by" clauses to denote the domain boundary that was

crossed, and used the "with" clause to denote itself. Since

the agent is munging the message according to some set of

transformation rules, it is actually using a "mail protocol",

and as such is justified in identifying itself in the "with"


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Request For Comments: 886 M. Rose

Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

Objects of Interest

At present, only three types of objects are of interest: fields,

addresses, and dates. In the context of the 822 standard,

header-lines containing the following fields are to be viewed as

appropriate for transformation:

Address Fields:From, Sender, Reply-To, To, cc, Bcc,

and any of these fields with the Resent- prefix

Date Fields:Date, Resent-Date

Hence the definition of munge-object, in 822 terms, is:

munge-object =


/ "Sender"

/ "Reply-To"

/ "To"

/ "cc"

/ "Bcc"

/ "Resent-From"

/ "Resent-Sender"

/ "Resent-Reply-To"

/ "Resent-To"

/ "Resent-cc"

/ "Resent-Bcc"

/ "Date"

/ "Resent-Date"

NOTE: The list of munge-objects is extensible. For the

purposes of this memo, the above fields are defined as the

MINIMUM list of munge-objects for the 822 standard.

Implementors are encouraged to introduce other fields to the

list of munge-objects as their munging agents require. These

additions should also be registered with the revisions of this

memo as they gain popularity.

For the purposes of the remainder of this memo, an address

header-line is defined as any header-line in the source message

whose field component is one of the fields listed above as an

address field. Further, a date header-line is defined as any

header-line in the source message whose field component is one of

the fields listed above as an date field.

If address munging is performed, then all addresses contained in

all address header-lines must be munged. It is expressly forbidden

to perform address munging on the source message and without

performing address munging on every address header-line. Further,

it is expressly forbidden to munge some, but not all, of the

addresses in any address header-line. All addresses in all of the

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Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI

message's address header-lines must be address munged. If address

munging is not performed, then these header-lines need not be

considered for munging.

A similar requirement is made for date munging. If date munging is

performed, then all instances of header-lines whose field is Date

or Resent-Date must be fully date munged.

NOTE: Certain fields are to be excluding from munging of any

sort, all munging agents must preserve their contents exactly.

At present, there is one such field: "Received". This contents

of this field should ALWAYS be preserved for trace and

debugging purposes.

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Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI


D.H. Crocker, "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text

Messages", RFC822, (August, 1982).

M.R. Horton, "Standard for the Interchange of USENET Messages", RFC

850, (June, 1983).

M.T. Rose, "Achieving Interoperability between two Domains --

Connecting the ZOTnet and UUCP Computer Mail Networks", Technical

Report Number 201, Department of Information and Computer Science,

University of California, Irvine, (January, 1983).

P.V. Mockapetris, "Domain Names -- Concepts and Facilities", RFC

882, (November, 1983).

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Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging UCI


Minimal Canonical Forms

This memo defines the minimal canonical forms for the 822 standard.

Implementations may wish to augment these forms with additional

information that may be present in the source message. An earlier

example suggested that group membership might be part of an

address' canonical form. Further, since the 822 standard permits

routes to be specified in addresses, e.g.,

Fred Rated <@ISI-Troll.ARPA,@UCI-750a.UCI: FRated@UCI-750b>

Perhaps they too should be considered part of the 822 address'

canonical form?

This memo makes no such requirement, if implementations wish to

make use of this additional information, then they are free to do

so. This practice is neither encouraged nor discouraged. In short

the spirit of this memo is to require those minimal components

required by the 822 standard, nothing more.

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