
RFC875 - Gateways, architectures, and heffalumps

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RFC875 September 1982


Gateways, Architectures, and Heffalumps



Bedford, Massachusetts


The growth of autonomous intercomputer networks has led to a

desire on the part of their respective proprietors to "gateway"

from one to the other. Unfortunately, however, the implications

and shortcomings of gateways which must translate or map between

differing protocol suites are not widely understood. Some

protocol sets have sUCh severe functionality mismatches that

proper T/MG's cannot be generated for them; all attempts to mesh

heterogeneous suites are subject to numerous problems, including

the introduction of "singularity points" on logical connections

which would otherwise be able to enjoy the advantages of

communications subnetwork alternate routing, loss of

functionality, difficulty of Flow Control resolution, higher cost

than non-translating/mapping Gateways, and the necessity of

re-creating T/MG's when a given suite changes. The preferability

of a protocol-compatible internet is also touched upon, as is the

psychology of those soi-disant architects who posit T/MG's.


Gateways, Architectures, and Heffalumps

M. A. Padlipsky

In our collective zeal to remain (or become) abreast of the

State of the Art, we sometimes fall into one or the other (or

both) of a couple of pitfalls. Only one of these pitfalls is

particularly well-known: "BuzzWords" -- and even here merely

knowing the name doesn't necessarily effect a spontaneous

solution. The other deserves more attention: inadequate

familiarity with The Relevant Literature.

The key is the notion of what's really relevant. Often,

it's the Oral Tradition that matters; published papers, in their

attempts to seem scholarly, offer the wrong levels of abstraction

or, because of the backgrounds of their authors, are so

ill-written as to fail to communicate well. Sometimes, however,

that which is truly relevant turns out to be unfindable by a

conventional literature searcher because it isn't "in" the field

of search.

I wandered into an instructive case in point recently, when

it took me over an hour to convince a neophyte to the mysteries

of intercomputer networking (who is quite highly regarded in at

least one other area of computer science, and is by no means a

dummy) that a particular Local Area Network architecture proposal

which casually appealed to the notion of "gatewaying" to three or

four other networks it didn't have protocols in common with was a

Very Bad Thing. "Gateways" is, of course, another one of those

bloody buzzwords, and in some contexts it might have been enough

just to so label it. But this was a conversation with a bright

professional who'd recently been reading up on networks and who

wanted really to understand what was so terrible.

So I started by appealing to the Oral Tradition, pointing

out that in the ARPA internetworking research community (from

which we probably got the term "Gateway" in the first place --

and from which we certainly get the proof of concept for

internets) it had been eXPlicitly decided that it would be too

hard to deal with connecting autonomous networks whose protocol

sets differed "above" the level of

Host-to-Communications-Subnetwork-Processor protocol. That is,

the kind of Gateway we know how to build -- and, indeed, anything

one might call a Gateway -- attaches to two (or more) comm

subnets as if it were a Host on each, by appropriately

interpreting their respective H-CSNP protocols and doing the

right things in hardware (see Figure 1), but for ARPA Internet

Gateways each net attached to is assumed to have the same

Host-Host Protocol (TCP/IP, in fact


RFC875 September 1982

or, anyway, IP and either TCP or some other common-to-both-nets

protocol above it), and the same process level protocols (e.g.,

Telnet, FTP, or whatever). The reason for this assuming of

protocol set homogeneity is that they "knew" the alternative was

undesirable, because it would involve the translation or mapping

between different protocol sets in the Gateways and such T/MG's

were obviously to be avoided.

Well, that didn't do the trick. "Why is a T/MG a Bad

Thing?" he wanted to know. "Because of the possibility of

irreconcilable mismatches in functionality." "For instance?"

"Addressing is the most commonly cited." "Addressing?"

Assuming the reader is as bored as I am with the dialogue

bit, I'll try to step through some specifics of the sorts of

incompatibility one can find between protocol sets in a less

theatric manner. Note that the premise of it all is that we

don't want to change either pre-existing protocol set. Let's

assume for convenience that we are trying to attach just two nets

together with a T/MG, and further assume that one of the nets

uses the original ARPANET "NCP" -- which consists, strictly

speaking, of the unnamed original ARPANET Host-Host Protocol and

the unfortunately named "1822", or ARPANET Host-IMP Protocol --

and the other uses TCP/IP.

Host addressing is the most significant problem. NCP-using

hosts have "one-dimensional" addresses. That is, there's a field

in the Host-IMP "leader" where the Host number goes. When you've

assigned all the available values in that field, your net is full

until and unless you go back and change all the IMP's and NCP's

to deal with a bigger field. Using IP, on the other hand,

addresses of Hosts are "two-dimensional". That is, there's an IP

header field in which to designate the foreign network and

another field in which to designate the foreign Host. (The

foregoing is a deliberate oversimplification, by the way.) So if

you wanted a Host on an NCP-based net to communicate with a Host

on another, TCP-based net you'd have a terrible time of it if you

also didn't want to go mucking around inside of all the different

NCP implementations, because you don't have a way of expressing

the foreign address within your current complement of addressing


There are various tricks available, of course. You could

find enough spare bits in the Host-IMP leader or Host-Host header

perhaps, and put the needed internet address there. Or you could

change the Initial Connection Protocol, or even make the internet

address be the first thing transmitted as "data" by the User side

of each process-level protocol. The common failing of all such

ploys is that you're changing the pre-existing protocols, though,

and if


RFC875 September 1982

that sort of thing were viewed with equanimity by system

proprietors you might as well go the whole hog and change over to

the new protocol set across the board. Granted, that's a big

jump; but it must be realized that this is just the first of

several problems.

(It is the case that you could get around the addressing

problem by having the T/MG become more nearly a real Host and

terminate the NCP-based side in an application program which

would "ask" the user what foreign Host he wants to talk to on the

TCP-based side -- at least for Telnet connections. When there's

no user around, though, as would be the case in most file

transfers, you lose again, unless you fiddle your FTP. In

general, this sort of "Janus Host" -- after the Roman deity with

two faces, who was according to some sources the god of gateways

(!) -- confers extremely limited functionality anyway; but in

some practical cases it can be better than trying for full

functionality and coming up empty.)

Then there's the question of what to do about RFNM's. That

is, NCP's follow the discipline of waiting until the foreign IMP

indicates a Ready for Next Message state exists before sending

more data on a given logical connection, but if you're talking to

a T/MG, its IMP is the one you'll get the RFNM from (the real

foreign Host might not even be attached to an IMP). Now, I've

actually seen a proposal that suggested solving this problem by

altering the T/MG's IMP to withhold RFNM's, but that doesn't make

me think it's a viable solution. At the very least, the T/MG is

going to have to go in for buffering in a big way (see Figure 2).

In a possible worst case, the foreign net might not even let you

know your last transmission got through without changing its


Going beyond the NCP-TCP example, a generic topic fraught

with the peril of functionality mismatch is that of the

Out-of-Band Signal. (There are some who claim it's also an

NCP-TCP problem.) The point is that although "any good Host-Host

protocol" should have some means of communicating aside from

normal messages "on" logical connections, the mechanizations and

indeed the semantics of such Out-of-Band Signals often differ.

The fear is that the differences may lead to incompatibilities.

For example, in NCP the OOBS is an Interrupt command "on" the

control link, whereas in TCP it's an Urgent bit in the header of

a message "on" the socket. If you want Urgent to be usable in

order to have a "virtual quit button", the semantics of the

protocol must make it very clear that Urgent is not merely the

sort of thing the NBS/ECMA Host-Host protocol calls "Expedited

Data". If, that is, the intent of the mechanism is to cause the

associated process/job/task to take special action rather than

merely the associated protocol interpreter (which need not be


RFC875 September 1982

part of the process), you'd better say so -- and none of the

ISO-derived protocols I've seen yet does so. And there's not

much a T/MG can do if it gets an NCP Interrupt on a control

link, notices a Telnet Interrupt Process control code on the

associated socket, and doesn't have anything other than

Expediting Data to do with it on its other side. (Expedited

Data, it may be noted, bears a striking resemblance to taking an

SST across the Atlantic, only to find no one on duty in the

Customs shed -- and the door locked from the other side.)

Functionality mismatch is not, of course, limited to

Host-Host protocols. Indeed, the following interesting situation

was observed at University College London: In their "Terminal

Gateway", which translates/maps ARPANET Telnet and "Triple X"

(CCITT X.25, X.28, X.29), they were able to get data across, as

might be expected, but only one option (echoing), which is rather

worse than might be expected. (And the UCL people are quite

competent, so the problem almost certainly doesn't have to do

with inadequate ingenuity.)

It could be argued that the real problem with Expedite Data

and Triple X is that some protocol sets are a lot worse than

others. I wouldn't dispute that. But it's still the case, to

re-use a Great Network One-liner, that:

sometimes, when you try to turn an apple into an

orange, you get back a lemon.

Nor is the likelihood of encountering irresolvable

functionality mismatches the only technical shortcoming of

Translating/Mapping Gateways. A somewhat suBTle but rather

fascinating point arises if we ask what happens when traffic is

heavy enough to warrant more than one T/MG between a given pair

of protocol-incompatible nets (or even if we'd like to add some

reliability, regardless of traffic). What happens, if we think

about it a little, is a big problem. Suppose you actually could

figure out a way to translate/map between two given sets of

protocols. That would mean that for each logical connection you

had open, you'd have a wealth of state information about it for

each net you were gatewaying. But "you" now stand revealed as a

single T/MG -- and your clone next door doesn't have that state

information, so any logical connection that started its life with

you has to spend its life with you, in a state of perpetual

monogamy, as it were. Naturally, this epoxied pair-bonding could

perhaps be dealt with by still another new protocol between

T/MG's, but it's abundantly clear that there will be no easy

analogue to no-fault divorce. That is, to put it less

metophorically, it becomes at best extremely complex to do

translating/mapping at more


RFC875 September 1982

than one T/MG for the same logical connection. As with the

broader issue of reconciling given protocol sets at all, doing so

at multiple loci of control may or may not turn out to be

feasible in practice and certainly will be a delicate and complex

design task.

One more NCP/TCP problem: When sending mail on an NCP-based

net, the mail (actually, File Transfer) protocol currently only

uses the addressee's name, because the Host was determined by the

Host-Host Protocol. If you're trying to get mail from an

NCP-based net to a TCP-based net, though, you're back in the Host

addressing bind already discussed. If you don't want to change

NCP (which, after all, is being phased out), you have to do

something at the process level. You can, but the "Simple Mail

Transfer Protocol" to do it takes 62 pages to specify in ARPANET

Request for Comments 788.

If things get that complicated when going from NCP to TCP,

where there's a close evolutionary link between the Host-Host

protocols, and the process-level protocols are nominally the

same, what happens when you want to go from DECNET, or from SNA,

or from the as-yet incomplete NBS or ISO protocol sets? There

may or may not turn out to be any ASPects that no amount of

ingenuity can reconcile, but it's abundantly clear that

Translating/Mapping Gateways are going to have to be far more

powerful systems than IP Gateways (which are what you use if both

nets use the same protocol sets above the Host to Comm Subnet

Processor protocol). And you're going to need a different T/MG

for each pair of protocol sets. And you may have to tinker with

CSNP internals.... An analogy to the kids' game of Telephone (or

Gossip) comes to mind: How much do you lose each time you

whisper to your neighbor who in turn whispers to the next

neighbor? What, for that matter, if we transplant the game to

the United Nations and have the whisperers be translators who

have speakers of different languages on each side?

Other problem areas could be adduced. For example, it's

clear that interpreting two protocol sets rather than one would

take more time, even if it could be done. Also, it should be

noted that the RFNM's Problem generalizes into a concern over

resolving Flow Control mismatches for any pair of protocol sets,

and could lead to the necessity of having more memory for buffers

on the T/MG than on any given Host even for those cases where

it's doable in principle. But only one other problem area seems

particularly major, and that is the old Moving Target bugaboo:

For when any protocol changes, so must all the T/MG's involving

it, and as there have already been three versions of SNA,

presumably a like number of versions of DECNET, and as there are

at least two additional levels which ISO should be acknowledging

the existence of, the fear of having to re-do T/MG's should serve

as a considerable deterrent to doing them


RFC875 September 1982

in the first place. (This apparent contravention of the

Padlipsky's Law to the effect that Implemented Protocols Have

Barely Finite Inertia Of Rest is explained by a brand-new

Padlipsky's Law: To The Technologically Naive, Change Equals

Progress; To Vendors, Change Equals Profit.)

At any rate, it's just not clear that a given Translating/

Mapping Gateway can even be built; you have to look very closely

at the protocol sets in question to determine even that. It's

abundantly clear that if a given one can be built it won't be

easy to do (see Figure 3). Yet "system architect" after "system

architect", apparently in good faith, toss such things into their

block diagrams. Assuming that the architectural issue isn't

resolved by a fondness for the Gothic in preference to the more

modern view that form should follow function, let's pause briefly

to visualize an immense, turreted, crenellated, gargoyled ...

microprocessor, and return to the question of why this sort of

thing happens.

It's clear that buzzwording is a factor. After all, "system

architects" in our context are usually employees of contractors

and their real role in life is not to build more stately mansions

but to get contracts, so it's not surprising to find appeal to

the sort of salesmanship that relies more heavily on fast patter

than precision. Another good analogy: I once went to one of the

big chain electronics stores in response to an ad for a cassette

recorder that "ran on batteries or house current" for $18, only

to find that they wanted an additional $9 for the (outboard) AC

adaptor. Given the complexities of T/MG's, however, in our case

it's more like an $18 recorder and a $36 adaptor.

But is buzzwording all there is? Clearly not, for as

mentioned earlier there's also ignorance of the Oral Tradition in

play. Whether the ignorance is willful or not is probably better

left unexamined, but if we're willing to entertain the notion

that it's not all a bait-and-switch job akin to the

separately-priced AC adaptor, we see that those who casually

propose T/MG's haven't done enough homework as to the real state

of the art.


RFC875 September 1982

What ever became of that early reference to The Relevant

Literature, though? Surely you didn't think I'd never ask. The

answers are both implied in the assertion that:

Gateways are Heffalumps

as you'll plainly see once you've been reminded of what

Heffalumps are. Dipping into The Relevant Literature, then,

let's reproduce the opening of the Heffalumps story:

One day, when Christopher Robin and Winnie-the-Pooh

and Piglet were all talking together, Christopher Robin

finished the mouthful he was eating and said carelessly:

"I saw a Heffalump today, Piglet."

"What was it doing?" asked Piglet.

"Just lumping along," said Christopher Robin.

"I don't think it saw me."

"I saw one once," said Piglet. "At least, I think

I did," he said. "Only perhaps it wasn't."

"So did I," said Pooh, wondering what a Heffalump

was like.

"You don't often see them," said Christopher Robin


"Not now," said Piglet.

"Not at this time of year," said Pooh.

Then they all talked about something else, until it

was time for Pooh and Piglet to go home together.

(To satisfy the lazy reader -- who'd actually be better off

searching for it in both -- it's from Winnie-the Pooh, not The House at

Pooh Corner.)

Pooh, in case you still don't recall, decides to make a Heffalump

Trap. (Piglet is sorry he didn't think of it first.) He baits it with

a jar of honey, after making sure that it really was honey all the way

to the bottom, naturally. In the middle of the night, he goes to the

Trap to get what's left of the honey and gets his head stuck in the jar.

Along comes Piglet, who sees this strange creature with a jar-like head

making frightful noises, and, having known no more than Pooh what

Heffalumps really were, assumes that a Heffalump has indeed been Trapped

and is duly terrified.


RFC875 September 1982

It would probably be too moralistic to wonder how much Christopher

Robin actually knew about Heffalumps in the first place. The

"Decorator", based on the picture on page 60 of my edition, clearly

thinks C.R. thought they were elephants, but I still wonder. At best,

though, he knew no more about them than the contractor did about

Gateways in the proposal that started this whole tirade off.

NOTE: FIGURE 1. Defining Characteristic of All Flavors of

Gateways, FIGURE 2. Gateway and Translating/Mapping Gateway,

Approximately to Scale, and FIGURE 3. Respective Internals Schematics,

may be obtained by writing to: Mike Padlipsky, MITRE Corporation, P.O.

Box 208, Bedford, Massachusetts, 01730, or sending computer mail to


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