
RFC869 - Host Monitoring Protocol

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RFC- 869

A Host Monitoring Protocol

Robert M. Hinden

BBN Communications Corporation

December 1983

RFC-869 December 1983

Table of Contents

1 IntrodUCtion.......................................... 1

2 General Description................................... 3

3 Relationship to Other Protocols....................... 6

4 Protocol Operation.................................... 7

5 Header Formats....................................... 12

5.1 IP Headers......................................... 12

5.2 HMP Header......................................... 13

6 HMP Monitoring Center Message Formats................ 16

6.1 Message Type 100: Polling Message.................. 16

6.2 Message Type 101: Error in Poll.................... 18

6.3 Message Type 102: Control acknowledgment........... 20

A Appendix A - IMP Monitoring.......................... 21

A.1 Message Type 1: IMP Trap........................... 21

A.2 Message Type 2: IMP status......................... 24

A.3 Message Type 3: IMP Modem Throughput............... 29

A.4 Message Type 4: IMP Host Throughput................ 32

B Appendix B - TAC Monitoring.......................... 35

B.1 Message Type 1: TAC Trap Message................... 35

B.2 Message Type 2: TAC Status......................... 38

B.3 Message Type 3: TAC Throughput..................... 42

C Appendix C - Gateway Monitoring...................... 47

C.1 Gateway Parameters................................. 47

C.2 Message Type 1: Gateway Trap....................... 48

C.3 Message Type 2: Gateway Status..................... 51

C.4 Message Type 3: Gateway Throughput................. 58

C.5 Message Type 4: Gateway Host Traffic Matrix........ 64

C.6 Message Type 6: Gateway Routing.................... 67


RFC-869 December 1983

Replaces IEN-197

A Host Monitoring Protocol

1 Introduction

The Host Monitoring Protocol (HMP) is used to collect

information from hosts in various networks. A host is

defined as an addressable Internet entity that can send and

receive messages; this includes hosts such as server hosts,

personal work stations, terminal concentrators, packet switches,

and gateways. At present the Host Monitoring Protocol is being

used to collect information from Internet Gateways and TACs, and

implementations are being designed for other hosts. It is

designed to monitor hosts spread over the internet as well as

hosts in a single network.

This document is organized into three parts. Section 2 and

3 contains a general description of the Host Monitoring protocol

and its relationship to other protocols. Section 4 describes

how it operates. Section 5 and 6 contain the descriptions and

formats of the HMP messages. These are followed by appendices

containing the formats of messages sent by some of the hosts that

use the HMP to collect their monitoring information. These

appendicies included as examples only and are not part of the HMP



RFC-869 December 1983

This document replaces the previous HMP document "IEN-197, A

Host Monitoring Protocol."


RFC-869 December 1983

2 General Description

The Host Monitoring Protocol is a transaction-oriented

(i.e., connection-less) transport protocol. It was designed to

facilitate certain simple interactions between two internet

entities, one of which may be considered to be "monitoring" the

other. (In discussing the protocol we will sometimes speak of a

"monitoring host" and a "monitored entity".) HMP was intended to

be a useful transport protocol for applications that involve any

or all of the following three different kinds of interactions:

- The monitored entity sometimes needs to send unsolicited

datagrams to the monitoring host. The monitoring host

should be able to tell when messages from the monitored

entity have been lost in transit, and it should be able to

determine the order in which the messages were sent, but the

application does not require that all messages be received

or that they be received strictly in the same sequence in

which they were sent.

- The monitoring host needs to gather data from the monitored

entity by using a query-response protocol at the application

level. It is important to be able to determine which query

is being answered by a particular response, and to determine

whether successive responses are duplicates of previous


- The monitoring host must be able to initiate certain control

functions in the monitored entity, possibly including the

setting of parameters in the monitored entity. The

monitoring host needs to know if the control function has

been carried out.

In addition, we assume that a given monitoring host may be

monitoring several different types of entities simultaneously,

and may be gathering several different types of data from a given


RFC-869 December 1983

type of monitored entity. Several different monitoring hosts may

be monitoring a given entity, and several processes on the same

host may even be monitoring the same entity.

Messages from the monitoring host to the monitored entity

are called "polls". They need to contain enough information to

allow the monitored entity to make the following determinations:

- The monitored entity must be able to determine that this

message is in fact a poll from a monitoring host. The

"system type," "message type," and "passWord" fields in the

HMP header have been defined to meet this need.

- The monitored entity may need to be able to identify the

particular process on the monitoring host that sent this

poll, so it can send its response back to the right process.

The "port number" field in the HMP header has been defined

to meet this need.

- The monitored entity must be able to indicate to the

monitoring host, in its response, precisely which query is

being answered by a particular response. The "sequence

number field" has been defined to meet this need.

- The monitored entity must be able to determine just what

kind of action the monitoring host is requesting. That is,

the HMP transport protocol must provide some way of

multiplexing and demultiplexing the various higher-level

applications which use it. The "R-message type" and "R-

suBType" fields of the polling message have been defined to

meet this need.

Messages from the monitored entity to the monitoring host

need to contain enough information to enable the monitoring host

to make the following determination:

- The monitoring host must be able to route this message to

the correct process. The "port number" field meets this



RFC-869 December 1983

- The monitoring host must be able to match up received

messages with the polls, if any, that elicited them. The

"returned sequence number" field in the HMP header has been

defined to meet this need.

- The monitoring host must be able to determine which higher

level application should receive a particular message. The

"system type" and "message type" fields are used for this


- The monitoring host must be able to determine whether some

messages of a given type were lost in transit, and whether

messages have arrived out of sequence. Although this

function, strictly speaking, belongs to the application and

not to the transport layer, the HMP header contains a

"sequence number" for this purpose.

In addition, a simple one's complement checksum is provided

in the HMP header to detect data corruption during transmission.


RFC-869 December 1983

3 Relationship to Other Protocols

The Host Monitoring Protocol is a transport protocol

designed to fit into the layered internet protocol environment.

It operates on top of the Internet/ICMP protocol and under

applications that require its services. This relationship is

illustrated in the following diagram:

+------+ +------+ +-------+ +------+

TELNET ... FTP GATEWAY ... TAC Application Layer

+------+ +------+ +-------+ +------+

__________ _____________

+------+ +-------+

TCP HMP Transport Layer

+------+ +-------+


Internet Protocol & ICMP Internetwork Layer



Local Network Protocol Network Layer


If internetwork services are not required it should be possible

to run the HMP without an Internetwork layer. As long as HMPs'

service requirnments (addressing, protocol demultiplexing, and

occasional delivery) are met it should run over a variety of



RFC-869 December 1983

4 Protocol Operation

The HMP is built around the idea that most of the

intelligence needed to monitor a host should reside in a

monitoring center, not in the host. The host should be required

only to collect data and send it to the monitoring center, either

spontaneously or on request from the monitoring center. The host

is not responsible for insuring that the data arrives reliably

(except that it checksums the data); instead, the monitoring

center is responsible for ensuring that the data it requests is

received correctly.

Consequently, the HMP is based on polling hosts for

messages. When the monitoring center requires a particular type

of data (e.g., throughput data), it sends a poll to the host

requesting that type of report. The host, upon receiving the

poll, responds with its latest set of collected data. If the

host finds that the poll is incorrect (e.g., if the poll was for

throughput data and the host is not collecting throughput data),

it responds with an error message. The monitoring center waits a

reasonable length of time for the host to answer its poll. If no

response is received, it sends another poll for the same data.

In this way, if either a poll or the response is lost, the

correct data is still collected.


RFC-869 December 1983

The HMP is used to collect three different classes of data:

o Spontaneous Events (or Traps)

o Current status

o Statistical data collected over time

These classes of data allow a host to send data in a manner best

suited to the data. For instance, the host may quickly inform

the monitoring center that a particular event has happened by

sending a trap message, while the monitoring center is reliably

collecting the host's throughput and accounting data.

Traps report spontaneous events, as they occur, to the

monitoring center. In order to insure their prompt delivery, the

traps are sent as datagrams with no reliability mechanisms

(except checksums) such as acknowledgments and retransmissions.

Trap messages usually contain an identifier to indicate which

event is being reported, the local time in the host that the

event occured, and data pertinent to the event. The data portion

is intended to be host and event specific.

Status information, the second type of data collected by the

Host Monitoring Protocol describes the current state of the host.

Status information is useful at one point, but it does not have

to be collected cumulatively over a certain period of time. Only

the latest status is of interest; old status provides no useful

information. The monitoring center collects status information


RFC-869 December 1983

by sending a poll for status to a host. Upon receiving the poll,

the host responds with its latest status information, always

creating a new status message. If the monitoring center does not

receive a response to its poll, it sends another poll. The

monitoring center can decide if the host is up or down based on

whether the host responds to its polls.

The third type of data collected by the HMP is statistical

data. These are measurements taken over time, such as the number

of packets sent or received by a host and the count of packets

dropped for a particular reason. It is important that none of

this type of data be lost. Statistical data is collected in a

host over a time interval. When the collection time interval

eXPires, the current data is copied to another area, and the

counters are cleared. The copied data is sent to the monitoring

center when the host receives a poll requesting statistical

information. If another poll is received before the collection

time interval has expired, the data in the buffer is sent again.

The monitoring center can detect duplicate messages by using the

sequence number in the header of the message, since each type of

statistical data has its own sequence number counter.

The collection frequency for statistics messages from a

particular host must be relatively long compared to the average

round trip message time between the monitoring center and that

host inorder to allow the monitoring center to re-poll if it does


RFC-869 December 1983

not receive an answer. With this restriction, it should be

possible to avoid missing any statistics messages. Each

statistics message contains a field giving the local time when

the data was collected and the time at which the message was

sent. This information allows the monitoring center to schedule

when it sends a poll so that the poll arrives near the beginning

of each collection period. This ensures that if a message is

lost, the monitoring center will have sufficient time to poll

again for the statistics message for that period.

The HMP also includes a provision to send data to and read

parameters in hosts. The data may be used to set switches or

interval timers used to control measurements in a host, or to

control the host itself (e.g. a restart switch). The format of

the data and parameters is host specific.

To send data to a host, the monitoring center sends the host

a poll for a control-acknowledgment message. This poll message

includes the type of the data and the data being sent. When the

host receives this poll, it processes the data and responds with

a control-acknowledgment message.

To read parameters in a host, the monitoring center will

send a poll for parameters to the host. This poll includes the

type of the parameters being read. When the host receives this

poll, it will send the parameters of the requested type to the


RFC-869 December 1983

monitoring center in a parameters message.


RFC-869 December 1983

5 Header Formats

Host Monitor Protocol messages have the following format:


Local Network



IP header












5.1 IP Headers

HMP messages are sent using the version 4 IP header as described

in RFC-791 "Internet Protocol." The HMP protocol number is 20

(decimal). The time to live field should be set to a reasonable

value for the hosts being monitored.

All other fields should be set as specified in RFC-791.


RFC-869 December 1983

5.2 HMP Header

The HMP header format is:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 System Type Message Type


1 Port Number Control Flag


2 Sequence Number


3 Password or Returned Seq. #


4 One's Complement Checksum



System Type

Message Type

The combination of system type and message type determines

the format of the data in the monitoring message.

The system types which have been defined are:

System Type Meaning


1 Monitoring Host



4 Gateway




8 Reserved


10 FEP

11 Cronus Host

12 Cronus MCS


RFC-869 December 1983

Message types are defined and used for each system type

according to the needs of that system. The message types

currently defined are:

Type Description


1 Trap

2 Status

3 Thruput

4 HTM - Host Traffic Matrix

5 Parameters

6 Routing

7 Call Accounting

100 Poll

101 Error

102 Control Acknowledgment

Port Number

This field can be used to multiplex similar messages to/from

different processes in one host. It is currently unused.

Control Flag

This field is used to pass control information. Currently

Bit 15 is defined as the "More bit" which is used in a

message in responce to a poll to indicate that there is more

data to poll for.

Sequence Number

Every message contains a sequence number. The sequence

number is incremented when each new message of that type is


Password or Returned Sequence Number

The Password field of a polling message from an monitoring

center contains a password to verify that the monitoring

center is allowed to gather information. Responses to

polling messages copy the Sequence Number from the

polling message and return it in this field for


RFC-869 December 1983

identification and round-trip time calculations.


The Checksum field is the one's complement of the one's

complement sum of all the 16-bit words in the header and

data area.


RFC-869 December 1983

6 HMP Monitoring Center Message Formats

6.1 Message Type 100: Polling Message


The monitoring center will send polls to the hosts it is

monitoring to collect their monitoring data. When the host

receives a poll it will return a message of the type

requested. It will only answer a poll with the correct

system type and password and will return an error message

(Message Type 101) if it receives a poll for the wrong

system type or an unsupported message type.

The Poll message includes a facility to send data to a

monitored host. The poll message to send data consists of a

poll for a Control Acknowledgment message (type 102)

followed by the data. The R-Subtype specifies the type of

the data that is being sent. When the monitored host

receives a Poll for a Control acknowledgment, it processes

the data, and then responds with an Control acknowledgment

message. If the monitored host can not process the data, it

should respond with an error message.

A poll to read parameters consists a poll for a Parameters

message. The R-Subtype specifies the type of parameters

being read. When the monitored host receives a poll for a

Parameters message, it responds with a Parameters message

containing the requested information.

A polling message has the following form:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 R-Message Type R-Subtype



1 Data

+ +


+ +

. .

. .




RFC-869 December 1983


System Type

The type of machine being polled.

Message Type

Polling Message = 100

Port Number


Control Flag


Sequence Number

The sequence number identifies the polling request. The

Monitoring Center will maintain separate sequence numbers

for each host it monitors. This sequence number is returned

in the response to a poll and the monitoring center will use

this information to associate polls with their responses and

to determine round trip times.


The monitoring password.


R-Message Type

The message type requested.


This field is used when sending data and reading parameters

and it specifies the type of the data being sent or

parameters being read.


When the poll is requesting a Control Acknowledgment

message, data is included in the poll message. A poll for

any other type of message does not include any data . The

contents of the data is host specific.


RFC-869 December 1983

6.2 Message Type 101: Error in Poll


This message is sent in response to a faulty poll and

specifies the nature of the error.

An error message has the following form:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 Error Type


1 R-Message Type R-Subtype



System Type

The type of machine sending message.

Message Type

Error Message = 101

Port Number


Control Flag


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time an error message is


Returned Sequence Number

The Sequence Number of the polling message which caused the



RFC-869 December 1983


Error Type

This field specifies the nature of the error in the poll.

The following error types have been defined.

1 = Reason unspecified.

2 = Bad R-Message Type.

3 = Bad R-Subtype.

4 = Unknown parameter

5 = Invalid parameter value

6 = Invalid parameter/value format

7 = Machine in Loader

R-Message Type


These fields identify the poll request in error.


RFC-869 December 1983

6.3 Message Type 102: Control acknowledgment


This message is sent in response to a poll for this type of

message. It is used to acknowledge poll messages that are

used to set parameters in the monitored host.

The Control acknowledgment has no fields other than the HMP



System Type

The type of the system sending the message.

Message Type

Control acknowledgment = 102

Port Number


Control Flag


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a Control

acknowledgment message is sent.

Returned Sequence Number

The Sequence Number of the polling message which requested

this message.


RFC-869 December 1983

A Appendix A - IMP Monitoring

A.1 Message Type 1: IMP Trap


When a trap occurs, it is buffered in the IMP and sent as

soon as possible. Trap messages are unsolicited. If traps

happen in close sequence, several traps may be sent in one


Through the use of sequence numbers, it will be possible to

determine how many traps are being lost. If it is

discovered that many are lost, a polling scheme might be

implemented for traps.

A IMP trap message has the following form:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 # of traps lost


1 : first :

. : trap :

. : data :

. +---------------+---------------+

. : additional :

. : trap :

. : data :


HMP Fields

System Type

IMP = 2

Message Type

IMP Trap Message = 1

Port Number



RFC-869 December 1983

Control Flag




Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a trap message is sent

so that the HM can order the received trap messages and

detect missed messages.


# of traps lost

Under certain conditions, an IMP may overflow its internal

trap buffers and be unable to save traps to send. This

counter keeps track of such occurrences.

Trap Reports

There can be several blocks of trap data in each message.

The format for each such block is below.






Trap ID


: Trap :

: Data :



Size is the number of 16 bit words in the trap, not counting

the size field.


The time (in 640 ms. units) at which the trap occurred.


RFC-869 December 1983

This field is used to sequence the traps in a message and

associate groups of traps.

Trap ID

This is usually the program counter at the trap. The ID

identifies the trap, and does not have to be a program

counter, provided it uniquely identifies the trap.

Trap Data

The IMP returns data giving more information about the trap.

There are usually two entries: the values in the accumulator

and the index register at the occurrence of the trap.


RFC-869 December 1983

A.2 Message Type 2: IMP status


The status message gives a quick summary of the state of the

IMP. Status of the most important features of the IMP are

reported as well as the current configuration of the


The format of the status message is as follows:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 Software Version Number


Last Trap Message


Max # Hosts Max # Modems


Max # Channels Max # IMPs


Package bits 0-15.


5 Package bits 16.-31.


+ Crash +

+ Data +




10 Free Pool S+F Pool


Reassembly Pool Allocated Pool



. +---------------+---------------+

. : HIHD4 ............... :

. +---------------+---------------+



RFC-869 December 1983

Imp Status (cont.)

. +---------------+---------------+

. Modem

. + State +

. Data

. +---------------+---------------+

. : Modem State :

. : Data...... :



System Type

IMP = 2

Message Type

IMP status message = 2

Port Number


Control Flag


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a status message is



The password contains the sequence number of the polling

message to which this message responds.


Software Version Number

The IMP version number.


RFC-869 December 1983

Last Trap Message

Contains the sequence number of the last trap message sent

to the HM. This will allow the HM to detect how many trap

messages are being lost.


The number of configured hosts in this system.


The number of configured modems in this system.


The maximum possible number of IMP-IMP channels in this



The maximum possible number of IMPs in this system.

Package Bits

This is a bit encoded word that reports the set of packages

currently loaded in the system. The table below defines the



RFC-869 December 1983

Bit Package


(1st Word)


2 Logical address tables

4 Mezmode

10 Cumulative Statistics

20 Trace

40 TTY

100 DDT

200 HDLC

400 HDH

1000 Cassette Writer

2000 Propagation Delay Measurement

4000 X25

10000 Profile Measurements

20000 Self Authenticating Password

40000 Host traffic Matrix

100000 Experimental/Special

(2nd Word)

1 End-to-end Statistics

2 Store and Forward statistics

Crash Data

Crash data reports the circumstances surrounding an

unexpected crash. The first word reports the location of

the crash and the following two are the contents of the

accumulator and index registers.


Anomalies is a collection of bit flags that indicate the

state of various switches or processes in the IMP. These

are very machine dependent and only a representative

sampling of bits is listed below.

Bit Meaning


20 Override ON

200 Trace ON

1000 Statistics ON

2000 Message Generator ON

4000 Packet Trace ON

10000 Host Data Checksum is BAD

20000 Reload Location SET


RFC-869 December 1983

Buffer Pool Counts

These are four bytes of counters indicating the current

usage of buffers in the IMP. The four counters are: free

buffers, store-and-forward buffers, reassembly buffers and

allocated buffers.


Each four bit HIHD field gives the state of the

corresponding host.

Value Meaning

0 UP

1 ready line down

2 tardy

3 non-existent

Modem State Data

Modem state data contains six fields of data distributed

over four words. The first field (4 bits) indicates the

line speed; the second field (4 bits) is the number of the

modem that is used by the neighboring IMP on this line; the

third field (8 bits) is the number of line protocol ticks

covered by this report; the fourth (1 bit) indicates line

down(1) or up(0); the fifth (7 bits) is the IMP number of

neighbor IMP on the line; and the sixth (8 bits) is a count

of missed protocol packets over the interval specified in

the third field.


RFC-869 December 1983

A.3 Message Type 3: IMP Modem Throughput


The modem throughput message reports traffic statistics for

each modem in the system. The IMP will collect these data at

regular intervals and save them awaiting a poll from the HM.

If a period is missed by the HM, the new results simply

overwrite the old. Two time stamps bracket the collection

interval (data-time and prev-time) and are an indicator of

missed reports. In addition, mess-time indicates the time

at which the message was sent.

The modem throughput message will accommodate up to fourteen

modems in one packet. A provision is made to split this

into multiple packets by including a modem number for the

first entry in the packet. This field is not immediately

useful, but if machine sizes grow beyond fourteen modems or

if modem statistics become more detailed and use more than

three words per modem, this can be used to keep the message

within a single ARPANET packet.

The format of the modem throughput message is as follows:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 Mess-Time


Software Version Number






Total Modems This Modem



. + modem +


. + throughput +


. +---------------+---------------+

. : modem :

. : :

. : throughput :



RFC-869 December 1983


System Type

IMP = 2

Message Type

IMP Modem Throughput message = 3

Port Number


Control Flag


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented at each collection interval

(i.e. when a new throughput message is assembled). The HM

will be able to detect lost or duplicate messages by

checking the sequence numbers.


The password contains the sequence number of the polling

message to which this message responds.



The time (in 640ms. units) at which the message was sent to

the HM.

Software Version Number

The IMP version number.


Data-time is the time (in 640ms. units) when this set of

data was collected. (See Description.)


RFC-869 December 1983


Prev-time is the time (in 640 ms. units) of the previous

collection of data (and therefore, is the time when the data

in this message began accumulating.)

Total Modems

This is the number of modems in the system.

This Modem

This Modem is the number of the first modem reported in this

message. Large systems that are unable to fit all their

modem reports into a single packet may use this field to

separate their message into smaller chunks to take advantage

of single packet message efficiencies.

Modem Throughput

Modem throughput consists of three words of data

reporting packets and words output on each modem. The

first word counts packets output and the following two

count word throughput. The double precision words are

arranged high order first. (Note also that messages from

Honeywell type machines (316s, 516s and C30s) use a fifteen

bit low order word.) The first block reports output on the

modem specified by "This Modem". The following blocks

report on consecutive modems.


RFC-869 December 1983

A.4 Message Type 4: IMP Host Throughput


The host throughput message reports traffic statistics for

each host in the system. The IMP will collect these data at

regular intervals and save them awaiting a poll from the HM.

If a period is missed by the HM, the new results simply

overwrite the old. Two time stamps bracket the collection

interval (data-time and prev-time) and are an indicator of

missed reports. In addition, mess-time indicates the time

at which the message was sent.

The host throughput format will hold only three hosts if

packet boundaries are to be respected. A provision is made

to split this into multiple packets by including a host

number for the first entry in the packet.

The format of the host throughput message is as follows:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 Mess-Time


Software Version Number






Total Hosts This Host


5 : host :

. : throughput :



System Type

IMP = 2

Message Type

IMP host Throughput message = 4


RFC-869 December 1983

Port Number


Control Flag


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented at each collection interval

(i.e. when a new throughput message is assembled). The HM

will be able to detect lost or duplicate messages by

checking the sequence numbers.


The password contains the sequence number of the polling

message to which this message responds.



The time (in 640ms. units) at which the message was sent to

the HM.

Software Version Number

The IMP version number.


Data-time is the time (in 640ms. units) when this set of

data was collected. (See Description.)


Prev-time is the time (in 640 ms. units) of the previous

collection of data (and therefore, is the time when the data

in this message began accumulating.)

Total Hosts

The total number of hosts in this system.

This Host

This host is the number of the first host reported in this


RFC-869 December 1983

message. Large systems that are unable to fit all their

host reports into a single packet may use this field to

separate their message into smaller chunks to take advantage

of single packet message efficiencies.

Host Throughput

Each host throughput block consists of eight words in the

following format:


messages to network


messages from network


packets to net


packets from net


messages to local


messages from local


packets to local


packets from local


Each host throughput message will contain several blocks of

data. The first block will contain data for the host

specified in First Host Number. Following blocks will

contain data for consecutive hosts. All counters are single



RFC-869 December 1983

B Appendix B - TAC Monitoring

B.1 Message Type 1: TAC Trap Message


When a trap occurs, it is buffered in the TAC and sent as

soon as possible. Trap messages are unsolicited. If traps

happen in close sequence, several traps may be sent in one


Through the use of sequence numbers, it will be possible to

determine how many traps are being lost. If it is

discovered that many are lost, a polling scheme might be

implemented for traps.

A TAC trap message has the following form:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 Version #


1 : first :

. : trap :

. : data :

. +---------------+---------------+

. : additional :

. : trap :

. : data :



System Type

TAC = 3

Message Type

TAC Trap Message = 1

Port Number



RFC-869 December 1983

Control Flag


Password or Returned Sequence Number


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a trap message is sent

so that the HM can order the received trap messages and

detect missed messages.


Version #

The version # of the TAC Software.

Trap Reports

There can be several blocks of trap data in each message.

The format of the trap data is as follows:






Trap ID


: Trap :

: Data :





Size is the number of 16 bit words in the trap, not counting

the size field.


The time (in 640ms. units) at which the trap occurred. This

field is used to sequence the traps in a message and


RFC-869 December 1983

associate groups of traps.

Trap ID

This is (usually) the program counter at the trap. The ID

identifies the trap, and does not have to be a program

counter, provided that it uniquely identifies the trap.

Trap Data

The TAC returns data giving more information about the trap.

There are usually two entries: the values in the accumulator

and the index register at the occurrence of the trap.


The TAC Counts repetitions of the same trap ID and reports

this count here.


RFC-869 December 1983

B.2 Message Type 2: TAC Status


The status message gives a quick summary of the state of the

TAC. Status of the most important features of the TAC are

reported as well as the current configuration of the


A TAC status message has the following form:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 Version Number


Last Trap Message


Bit Flags


Free PDB count


Free MBLK count


5 # of TCP connections


# of NCP connections


INA A Register


INA X Register


INA B Register


l0 restart/reload


+ Crash +

+ Data +




RFC-869 December 1983


System Type

TAC = 3

Message Type

TAC Status Message = 2

Port Number


Control Flag


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a status message is


Returned Sequence Number

Contains the sequence number from the polling message

requesting this report.


Version Number

The TAC's software version number.

Last Trap Message

Contains the sequence number of the last trap message sent

to the HM. This will allow the HM to detect how many trap

messages are being lost.


RFC-869 December 1983

Bit Flags

There are sixteen bit flags available for reporting the

state of various switches (hardware and software) in the

TAC. The bits are numbered as follows for purposes of the

discussion below.

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5



The bit flags report the status of the following:

Bit Meaning

15 0 => DDT override off; 1 => override on.

11-14 0 => Sense Switch n is off; 1 => SSn on.

10 0 => Traps to remote monitor;

1 => Traps to console.

9 1 => Message generator on.

0-8 unused

Free PDB count

The number of PDBs on the free queue.

Free MBLK count

The number of MBLKs on the free queue.

# of TCP connections

# of NCP connections

The number of open connections for each protocol.

INA Report

These three fields report the values retained by an INA 1011

instruction in a C/30. This instruction returns micro-

machine status and errors. In a #316, the fields are



RFC-869 December 1983


This word reports a restart or reload of the TAC

Value Meaning

1 restarted

2 reloaded

Crash Data

Crash data reports the circumstances surrounding an

unexpected crash. The first word reports the location of

the crash and the following two are the contents of the

accumulator and index registers.


RFC-869 December 1983

B.3 Message Type 3: TAC Throughput


The TAC throughput message reports statistics for the

various modules of the TAC. The TAC will collect these data

at regular intervals and save them awaiting a poll from the

HM. If a period is missed by the HM, the new results simply

overwrite the old. Two time stamps bracket the collection

interval (data-time and prev-time) and are an indicator of

missed reports. In addition, mess-time indicates the time

at which the message was sent.

A TAC throughput message has the following form:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 Mess-Time






Version Number


Last Trap Message


5 Bit Flags


Free PDB count


Free MBLK count


# of TCP connections


# of NCP connections

+---------------+---------------+ ----

10 Host Input Throughput ^


Host Input Abort Count


Host Input Garbled Count


Host Output Throughput 1822 info.




RFC-869 December 1983

TAC throughput (cont.)


Host Output Abort Count 1822 info.


15 Host Down Count v

+---------------+---------------+ ----

# of datagrams sent ^


# of datagrams received

+---------------+---------------+ IP info.

# of datagrams discarded


# of fragments received v


20 # of fragments discarded v

+---------------+---------------+ ----

# of segments sent ^


# of segments received


# of segments discarded

+---------------+---------------+ TCP info.

# of octets sent


25 # of octets received


# of retransmissions v

+---------------+---------------+ ----


System Type

TAC = 3

Message Type

TAC Throughput Message = 3

Port Number


Control Flag



RFC-869 December 1983

Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented at each collection interval

(i.e. when a new throughput message is assembled). The HM

will be able to detect lost or duplicate messages by

checking the sequence numbers.

Returned Sequence Number

Contains the sequence number from the polling message

requesting this report.



The time (in 640ms. units) at which the message was sent to

the HM.


Data-time is the time (in 640ms. units) when this set of

data was collected. (See Description.)


Prev-time is the time (in 640 ms. units) of the previous

collection of data (and therefore, is the time when the data

in this message began accumulating.)

Version Number

The TAC's software version number.

Last Trap Message

Contains the sequence number of the last trap message sent

to the HM. This will allow the HM to detect how many trap

messages are being lost.

Bit Flags

There are sixteen bit flags available for reporting the

state of various switches (hardware and software) in the

TAC. The bits are numbered as follows for purposes of the

discussion below.


RFC-869 December 1983

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5



The bit flags report the status of the following:

Bit Meaning

15 0 => DDT override off; 1 => override on.

11-14 0 => Sense Switch n is off; 1 => SSn on.

10 0 => Traps to remote monitor;

1 => Traps to console.

9 1 => Message generator on.

0-8 unused

Free PDB count

The number of PDBs on the free queue.

Free MBLK count

The number of MBLKs on the free queue.

# of TCP connections

# of NCP connections

The number of open connections for each protocol.

1822 info.

These six fields report statistics which concern the

operation of the 1822 protocol module, i.e. the interface

between the TAC and its IMP.

IP info.

These five fields report statistics which concern Internet

Protocol in the TAC.

TCP info.


RFC-869 December 1983

These six fields report statistics which concern TCP

protocol in the TAC.


RFC-869 December 1983

C Appendix C - Gateway Monitoring

C.1 Gateway Parameters

The gateway supports parameters to set Throughput and Host

traffic matrix measurements. The type of parameters and the

parameter and data pairs are as follows:

Throughput - Type = 3

Parm. Description Control Data Word

----- ----------- -----------------

1 Start/Stop 0=Stop,1=Start

2 Collection Interval Time in 1 minute


Host Traffic Matrix - Type = 4

Parm. Description Control Data Word

----- ----------- -----------------

1 Start/Stop 0=Stop,1=Start

2 Collection Interval Time in 1 minute


3 HTM Switch Control Include Control



RFC-869 December 1983

C.2 Message Type 1: Gateway Trap


When traps occur in the gateway they are buffered. At a

fixed time interval (currently 10 seconds) the gateway will

send any traps that are in the buffer to the monitoring

center. The traps are sent as unsolicited messages.

A Gateway trap message has the following format:

0 0 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


Gateway Version #



Size of Trap Entry ;First Trap


Time of Trap


Trap ID


Process ID












RFC-869 December 1983

Gateway Trap Message (cont'd.)








Count of this Trap






Additional Trap reports



System Type

Gateway = 4

Message Type

Gateway Trap Message = 1

Port Number


Control Flag


Password or Returned Sequence Number


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a trap message is sent

so that the monitoring center can order the received trap

messages and detect missed messages.


RFC-869 December 1983


Gateway Version #

The software version number of the gateway sending the trap.

Trap Reports

The remainder of the trap message consists of the trap

reports. Each consists of the following fields:

Size of Trap Entry

The size in 16-bit words of the trap entry, not

including the size field.

Time of Trap

The time in (in 1/60 sec. ticks) at which the trap


Trap ID

The number of the trap which is used to identify the


Process ID

The identifier of the process that executed the trap.


The registers of the machine at the occurrence of the


Count of this Trap

The number of times that this trap occurred.


RFC-869 December 1983

C.3 Message Type 2: Gateway Status


The gateway status message gives a summary of the status of

the gateway. It reports information such as version number

of the gateway, buffer memory usage, interface status and

neighbor gateway status.

A Gateway Status message has the following format:


RFC-869 December 1983

0 1 1 2 3 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Version Number


Patch Version Number


Time Since Gateway Restart ;in minutes


Measurement Flags ; Bit flags to indicate which

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; measurements are on, 1= On

Routing Sequence No. ; Sequence # of last routing

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; update sent

Access Table Version #


Load Sharing Table Ver. #


Memory in Use


Memory Idle


Memory Free


# of Blks ; Memory Allocation Info


Size of 1st Block (in bytes)


# Allocated


# Idle




Size of n'th Block (in bytes)


# Allocated


# Idle




RFC-869 December 1983

Gateway Status Message (cont'd.)


# of Ints.


Int 1 Flags ;Interface 1 Status Flags

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; Bit 0 - 1=Up, 0=Down

; 1 - 1=Looped, 0=Not


Buffers ; # of buffers on write Queue


Time since last Status Change ;Time since last up/dwn change


# of Buffers Allocated


Data Size for Interface


Interface 1 Address





Int n Flags ;Interface n Status Flags




Time since last Status Change


# of Buffers Allocated


Data Size for Interface


Interface n Address


# Neighbors


UP/DN Flags ;Bit flags for Up or Down

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; 0 = Dwn, 1 = Up

. ; MSB is neighbor 1

. ; (as many bytes as necessary)


Neighbor 1 Address





Neighbor n Address



RFC-869 December 1983


System Type

Gateway = 4

Message Type

Gateway Status Message = 2

Port Number


Control Flag


Password or Returned Sequence Number


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a trap message is sent

so that the monitoring center can order the received trap

messages and detect missed messages.


Version Number

The version number of the gateway sending the Status


Patch Version Number

The patch version number of the gateway.

Time Since Gateway Restart

The time in minutes since the gateway was last restarted or



RFC-869 December 1983

Measurement Flags

Flags that, if set, indicate which measurements are turned

on. Current values are:

Bit 0 = Message Generator

1 = Throughput

2 = Host Traffic Matrix

3 = Access Control 1

4 = Access Control 2

5 = Load Sharing

6 = EGP in Gateway

Routing Sequence Number

The sequence number of the last routing update sent by this


Access Control Table Version #

The version number of the access control table.

Load Sharing Table Version #

The version number of the load sharing table.

Memory In Use

The number of bytes of buffer memory that are currently in


Memory Idle

The number of bytes of buffer memory that have been

allocated but are currently idle.

Memory Free

The number of bytes of buffer memory that has not been



The next part of the status message contains information on

the buffer pools in the gateway. The fields are:

# of Blocks


RFC-869 December 1983

The number of different buffer pools.

Size of Block

The size of this block in bytes.

# Allocated

The number of blocks of this size that have been


# Idle

The number of blocks of this size that are idle.


The next part of the status message are fields that provide

information about the gateway's interfaces. The fields are:

# of Interfaces

The number of network interfaces that the gateway has.

Interface Flags

Flags that indicate the status of this interface. The

current values are:

Bit 0 - 1=Up/0=Down

1 - 1=Looped/0=Not Looped


The numbers on this interfaces write queue.

Time Since Last Status Change

The time in minutes since this interface changed status


# of Buffers Allocated

The number of buffers allocated for this interface.

Data Size for Interface

The buffer size required for this interface.


RFC-869 December 1983

Interface Address

The Internet address of this interface.


The final part of the status message consists of information

about this gateway's neighbor gateways. The fields are:

# of Neighbors

The number of gateways that are neighbor gateways to

this gateway.

UP/DN Flags

Bit flags to indicate if the neighbor is up or down.

Neighbor Address

The Internet address of the neighbor gateway.


RFC-869 December 1983

C.4 Message Type 3: Gateway Throughput


The gateway collects throughput statistics for the gateway,

its interfaces, and its neighbor gateways. It collects them

for regular intervals and will save them for collection via

a Poll message from the Monitoring host. If they are not

collected by the end of the next interval, they will be lost

because another copy will be put into the saved area.

A Gateway Throughput message has the following format:

0 1 1 2 3 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Gateway Version Number


Collection Time in Min


Number of Interfaces


Number of Neighbors


Number of Host Unreachable ; # of packets dropped because

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; Host was Unreachable

Number of Net Unreachable

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; Net was Unreachable

; Interface Counters


Interface Address


Packets Dropped on Input


Count of IP Errors


Count of Datagrams for Us


Datagrams to be Forwarded


Count of Datagrams Looped




RFC-869 December 1983

Gateway Throughput Message (cont'd.)


Count of Bytes Input


Count of Datagrams From Us


Count that were Forwarded


Count of Local Net Dropped


Count of Queue full Dropped


Count of Bytes Output






Counters For Additional Interfaces


; Neighbor counters


Neighbor Address


Count of Routing Updates TO


Count of Routing Updates FROM




RFC-869 December 1983

Gateway Throughput Message (cont'd.)


Pkts from US sent to/via Neig


Pkts forwarded to/via Neighb


Datagrams Local Net Dropped


Datagrams Queue full Dropped


Count of Bytes send to Neighbor






Counters for Additional Neighbor Gateways



System Type

Gateway = 4

Message Type

Gateway Throughput Message = 3

Port Number


Control Flag


Password or Returned Sequence Number


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a trap message is sent

so that the HM can order the received trap messages and


RFC-869 December 1983

detect missed messages.


Gateway Version Number

The software version number of the gateway sending the trap.

Collection Time in Min.

The time period in minutes in which the throughput data is

to be collected.

Number of Interfaces

The number of interfaces this gateway has.

Number of Neighbors

The number of neighbor gateways this gateway has.

Number of Host Unreachable

The number of packets dropped because the Host was


Number of Net Unreachable

The number of packets dropped because the Network was



The next part of the Throughput message contains counters

for the gateways interfaces. Each interface has the

following fields:

Interface Address

The Internet address of this interface.

Packets Dropped on Input

The number of packets on input to this interface

because there were not enough buffers.

Count of IP Errors

The number of packets received with bad IP headers.


RFC-869 December 1983

Count of Datagrams for Us

The number of datagrams received addressed to this


Datagrams to be Forwarded

The number of datagrams were not for this gateway and

should be sent out another interface.

Count of Datagrams Looped

The number of datagrams that were received on and sent

out of this interface.

Count of Bytes Input

The number of bytes received on this interface.

Count of Datagrams From Us

The number of datagrams that originated at this


Count that were Forwarded

The number of datagrams that were forwarded to another


Count of Local Net Dropped

The number of packets that were dropped because of

local network flow control restrictions.

Count of Queue full Dropped

The number of packets that were dropped because the

output queue was full.

Count of Bytes Output

The number of bytes sent out on this interface.


RFC-869 December 1983


The last part of the Throughput message are counts for each

neighbor gateway. The fields are:

Neighbor Address

The Internet address of this neighbor gateway.

Count of Routing Updates TO

The number of routing updates sent to this neighbor


Count of Routing Updates FROM

The number of routing updates received from this

neighbor gateway.

Pkts from US sent to/via Neig

The number of packets from this gateway sent to or via

this neighbor gateway.

Pkts forwarded to/via Neighb

The number of packets forwarded to or via this neighbor


Datagrams Local Net Dropped

The number of datagrams dropped to this neighbor

gateway because of local network flow control


Datagrams Queue full Dropped

The number of datagrams dropped to this neighbor

because the output queue was full.

Count of Bytes send to Neighbor

The number of bytes sent to this neighbor gateway.


RFC-869 December 1983

C.5 Message Type 4: Gateway Host Traffic Matrix


The Host Traffic Matrix (HTM) message contains information

about the traffic that flows through the gateway. Each

entry consists of the number of datagrams sent and received

for a particular source/destination pair.

A Gateway HTM message has the following format:

0 1 1 2 3 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Gateway Version Number


Overflow counter


Collection Time in Min


Number of HTM entries



IP Source Address


IP Destination Address


IP Protocol (unused)


Counter for SRC -> DST datagrams


Counter for DST -> SRC datagrams






Additional HTM Reports



RFC-869 December 1983


System Type

Gateway = 4

Message Type

Gateway HTM Message = 4

Port Number


Control Flag


Password or Returned Sequence Number


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a trap message is sent

so that the HM can order the received trap messages and

detect missed messages.


Gateway Version Number

The software version number of this gateway.

Overflow counter

The number of HTM entries lost because the HTM buffer was


Collection Time in Min

The time period in minutes in which the HTM data is being


Number of HTM entries

The number of HTM reports included in this message.


RFC-869 December 1983


The remainder of the HTM message consists of the actual HTM

entries. Each entry consists of the following fields:

IP Source Address

The source Internet address of the datagrams being


IP Destination Address

The destination Internet address of the datagrams being


IP Protocol

The protocol number of the datagrams.

Counter for SRC -> DST datagrams

The number of datagrams sent in the Source to

Destination address direction.

Counter for DST -> SRC datagrams

The number of datagrams sent in the Destination to

Source address direction.


RFC-869 December 1983

C.6 Message Type 6: Gateway Routing


The Routing message contains information about routes the

gateway has to the networks that make up the Internet. It

includes information about its interfaces and its neighbor


A Gateway Routing message has the following format:

0 1 1 2 3 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Version Number


# of Ints.


UP/DN Flags ;Bit flags for Up or Down

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; 0 = Dwn, 1 = Up

. ; MSB is interface 1

. ; (as many bytes as necessary)



Interface 1 Address





Interface n Address


# Neighbors


UP/DN Flags ;Bit flags for Up or Down

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ; 0 = Dwn, 1 = Up

. ; MSB is neighbor 1

. ; (as many bytes as necessary)


Neighbor 1 Address





Neighbor n Address




RFC-869 December 1983

Gateway Routing Message (cont'd.)


# of Networks


Network 1 # ; 1, 2, or 3 bytes




Neighbor #





Network n # ; 1, 2, or 3 bytes




Neighbor #



System Type

Gateway = 4

Message Type

Gateway Trap Message = 6

Port Number


Control Flag


Password or Returned Sequence Number


Sequence Number

A 16 bit number incremented each time a trap message is sent

so that the HM can order the received trap messages and

detect missed messages.


RFC-869 December 1983


Gateway Version #

The software version number of the gateway sending the trap.


The first part of the routing message contains information

about the gateway's interfaces. There is data for each

interface. The fields are:

# of Interfaces

The number of interfaces that this gateway has.

UP/DN Flags

Bit flags to indicate if the Interface is up or down.

Interface Address

The Internet address of the Interface.


The next part of the routing message contains information

about this gateway's neighbor gateways. The fields are:

# of Neighbors

The number of gateways that are neighbor gateways to

this gateway.

UP/DN Flags

Bit flags to indicate if the neighbor is up or down.

Neighbor Address

The Internet address of the neighbor gateway.


The last part of the routing message contains information

about this gateway's routes to other networks. This

includes the distance to each network and which neighbor

gateway is the route to the network. The fields are:


RFC-869 December 1983

# of Networks

The number of networks that are reachable from this


Network #

The network number of this network. This is the

network part of the Internet address and may be one,

two, or three bytes in length depending on whether it

is a Class A, B, or C address.


The distance in hops to this network. Zero hops means

that the network is directly connected to this gateway.

A negative number means that the network is currently


Neighbor #

The neighbor gateway that is the next hop to reach this

network. This is an index into the previous

information on this gateway's neighbor gateways. This

field is only valid if the Distance is greater than


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