
RFC898 - Gateway special interest group meeting notes

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Network Working Group R. Hinden (BBN)

Request for Comments: 898 J. Postel (ISI)

M. Muuss (BRL)

J. Reynolds (ISI)

April 1984



This memo is a report on a meeting. No conclusions, decisions, or

policy statements are documented in this note.


This memo is a report on the Gateway Special Interest Group Meeting

that was held at ISI in Marina del Rey, California on 28 and 29

February 1984. Robert Hinden of BBNCC chaired, and Jon Postel of ISI

hosted the conference. Approximately 35 gateway designers and

implementors attended. These notes are based on the recollections of

Jon Postel and Mike Muuss. Under each topic area are Jon Postel's

brief notes, and additional details from Mike Muuss.

The rest of this memo has three sections: the agenda, notes on the

talks, and the attendees list.


Tuesday, February 28

9:00 Opening Remarks -- BBN - Hinden

9:15 Opening Remarks -- ISI - Postel

9:30 The MIT C Gateway -- MIT - Martin

10:00 The Butterfly Gateway -- BBN - Hinden

10:30 Break

11:00 The EGP C Gateway -- ISI - Kirton

11:20 The BRL Gateway -- BRL - Natalie

11:40 The CMU Gateway -- CMU - Accetta

12:00 Lunch

1:30 The Wisconsin BITNET/CSNET Gateway -- UWisc - Solomon

2:00 LAN to X.25 Gateway -- Computer Gateways Inc. - Buhr

2:20 ISI-UCI Gateway -- UCI - Rose

2:40 FACC Gateway -- FACC - Holkenbrink

3:00 Break

3:30 Lincoln IP/ST Gateway -- LL - Forgie/Kantrowitz

3:50 Minimal Stub Gateways -- MITRE - Nabielsky

4:10 Discussion

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

Wednesday, February 29

9:00 Opening Remarks -- BBN - Hinden

9:10 SPF routing -- BBN - Seamonson

9:35 Multiple Constraint Routing -- SRI - Shacham

10:00 FACC Multinet Gateway Routing -- FACC - Cook

10:30 Break

11:00 Metanet Gateway -- SRI - Denny

11:20 Address Mapping and Translation -- UCL - Crowcroft

11:40 Design of the FACC Multinet Gateway -- FACC - Cook

12:00 Lunch

1:30 SAC Gateway -- SRI - Su/Lewis

2:00 EGP -- Linkabit - Mills

2:30 Congestion Control -- FACC - Nagle

3:00 Break

3:30 A Gateway Congestion Control Policy--NW Systems - Niznik

4:00 Discussion


The MIT C Gateway -- MIT - Martin

Postel: A description of the gateway implemented at MIT. The

gateway was first developed by Noel Chiappa. It is written in C.

The MIT environment has 32 internal networks which are treated as

subnets of the MITNET on the Internet. The MIT gateways then do

subnet routing in their interior protocol. The subnet routing

scheme is similar to GGP. Liza has added an EGP implementation to

this gateway.


Campus network/project Athena

Dynamic routing

Congestion control - grad student


Class A net : 18subnetreshost


"Bridges" forward between subnets.

Campus Network and Project Athena 65 VAX 750s, 200 IBM PCs.

Hosts: Now = 400, 1986 = 3,000, 1990 = 10,000

Subnets: Now = 42, 1985 = 60, 1990 = 200, (4 subnets/building)

Protocols: Internet, DECnet, Chaosnet

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

FiberOptic spine between campus buildings.

MIT gateways:

11/03s and 11/23s

68000 on Abus

6800 on Multibus (Bridge communications)

MIT C gateway -

Runs under MOS, bridge OS, homegrown OS. Multiple protocols,

multiple interfaces.

11/03 - 100 packets/sec.

11/23 - 180 packets/sec.

GGP - Gw/Gw

EGP - Exterior Gw

IGP - Interior Gw

EGP: Autonomous systems


Neighbor acquisition

Hello/I heard you

Net reachability poll

Net reachability message


IP header on EGP protocol

Dest: net number, subnet number, 0, 0377 (broadcast address)

IGP header:

Autonomous system number

Sequence number


Propagate exterior and subnet routing.


Ext route request, and update Routing server

Default gateway

Exceptional gateways

Nets reached

MIT - Gw broadcasts initial routings when it comes up, and again

on each change, net is flooded on each change several times. Each

bridge can ask for help.

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

Future: Wideband net gateway from BBN will also sit on net 18,

and an MIT routing server to acquire routing information. Trick -

BBN-Gw will be on an Ethernet, and a modified ARP will be used by

the bridges to "fool" the BBN gateway into acquiring the routes.

Subnet Routing - inspired by PUP and CHAOS

Neighbor Bridge

Net I/F

Bridge address

Latest seq number

Aging value

Route to subnet




I'm up

Route update

Distance vector (256 bytes)

0 - Direct

1 -127 - hop count

128-255 - "Interface used for next hop" to subnet

and hop count

255 - Unreachable

Problem -

Many neighbors --> too much time and traffic needed for


3 level addressing and routing strategy

Ext Gw:

Routing server

Default Gw

Subnet routing

Small but rich subnet routing updates.

The Butterfly Gateway -- BBN - Hinden

Postel: A description of the butterfly hardware and a discussion

of the plans for the new gateway software to be implemented on it.

The butterfly machine is a multiprocessor (MC68000's)

interconnected with a funny switch. The new software will

incorporate the so called "Shortest Path First" or SPF routing


RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes


Replacement for existing 30 PDP-11 "core" gateways.

Problems to be solved.

o Replace GGP

- Routing updates filling up

- Neighbor probes (N**2)

- Few buffers

o Present GGP updates only hold 70 net numbers, repacking

data will increase that to approximately 100 nets, but

this is just short term.

Features of Butterfly -

o 1000's of nets

o Partitioned nets

o Type of service routing, Access control

o Flow control

o Large and small gateway configurations

New functions -

o Routing

o Neighbor discovery

o Reduce neighbor pinging

o Access/departure model

o Connect gateways with point-to-point lines

Routing -

o SPF - shortest path first

o Gateway based routing (opposed to network routing)

o Routing updates


<nets directly connected>

<neighbor, distance>

o Updates flooded to other gateways

Next-door - Neighbors

o Neighbor gateways closest to gateway

o Ping next-door-neighbors only

o For up/down acquisition, partition into rings. Reduces


Access/departure model

First Gw (entrance) picks exit gateway

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

First Gw adds Gw - Gw header

Butterfly gateway

Processor nodes and switch nodes

4-legged switch nodes, decision is simply UP or DOWN. 2


and 2 outputs.

Processor: MC 68000

Memory management Unit

Processor node controller - 2901 bit slice

PVC is the memory controller.

Butterfly -

32 M bps/path

Bandwith: approximately N - speed

Size: approximately N/2 log N 2

Butterfly will support multibus interface; 1822, HDLC,

Ethernet, Ring

Terminal and load device will be a personal computer

Small Gw for ARPA is approximately $20K

New Gw processor structure

Buffer Management

o Scatter/gather buffers minimum size and extensions

o Buffer pool on processors with I/O

o Primary and secondary collections per device

==> guaranteed minimum service per device

(implemented w/counts)

The EGP C Gateway -- ISI - Kirton

Postel: A user process was installed in Berkeley 4.2 Unix to do

EGP protocol functions leaving the normal router kernel function

in charge of forwarding datagrams. The EGP user process may do

system calls to update the kernel routing data. Based on the work

of Liza Martin.

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes


EGP under 4.2

Elimination of nonrouting gateways

Design -

Forwarding done in kernel

Kernel does not send redirects

EGP user process for route updates

Written in C

EGP based on Liza Martin's code

Routing Tables

o Kernel

o EGP Process

EGP Process Table -

o External updates

o Internal information

Facilities -

Configuration file-

o Trusted neighbors

o Internal non - routing gateways

Acquisition -

o Predetermined number of core gateways are EGP'd to

o Only accept from trusted neighbors

o Cannot acquire neighbors indirectly, for now

Unix Interfaces -

Reuse IP socket (problem with protocol number)

Listening to ICMP for redirects

System calls for -

o Route updates

o I/F config reading

o I/F status check

Performance -

o 60 ms/packet pair (CPU time)

o Typically 1% of CPU for 1 minute polling

Protocol function going

Routing updates being implemented

Should be all going in April.

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

The BRL Gateway -- BRL - Natalie

Postel: This was a description of the BRL dumb gateway. More

interesting was the description of the BRL complex and the

inteconnections between machines. The gateway is written in C

(and derived from the MIT C-Gateway) and based on a simple

multiprocess operating system called LOS.


BRL history

LOS design

Message passing

Memory Management

No copying of data, buffer size

The CMU Gateway -- CMU - Accetta

Postel: This was a description of the CMU dumb gateway.


History -

o "Logical-Host" multiplexor (March 81)

o Gateway (Oct 82) remote debugger and monitor

o Router (Oct 83)

- Modular device and protocol support

- Stub IP dynamic routing

- Local inter-network cable routing.

o Written in "C"

Uses low memory for buffers (maximum 32K)!

(autoboot of 3M bps Ethernet)

Auto-configuration of devices

Individual stack contents

Round-robin scheduler

Dynamic memory allocation

Device driver

Network interfaces

Auxiliary support devices


Splicing through of PUP and CHAOS on chaos net, uses ARP.

Configuration testing protocol (as in Ethernet Spec).

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

IP Processing-

o Consistency checks

o Redirects does not forward misrouted packets

o Fragmentation - ICMP dest unreach If DF Set

o Access list for who can pass through

No GGP, no EGP, Uses known gateways

Ordinary devices and PDP-10 and PDP-20

The Wisconsin BITNET/CSNET Gateway -- UWisc - Solomon

Postel: This was a discussion of a mail relay between the

Internet and BITNET to be installed at Wisconsin.


WISC-IBM ( will connect to BITNET

Mail gateway, BITNET uses RFC822 headers!

LAN to X.25 Gateway -- Computer Gateways Inc. - Buhr

Postel: This was a description of a protocol translation device

between an X.25 world and the DATAPOINT ARCNET world.


ARCNET to X.25 Bridge

ARCNET - from Datapoint,

Baseband coax, 2.5 mbps

Token passing

Reserve/send/wait/ack protocol

RIM chip implements this

"The OSI models seem less clear than the Internet models, perhaps

because they are less well developed."

Wraps the subnetwork in an enhanced subnetwork layer.

Every pair of subnetworks must be connected in this design - hence

a bridge not a gateway.

Bridge is a network layer RELAY.

ARCNET address is sent as X.25 data

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

ISI-UCI Gateway -- UCI - Rose

Postel: This was a description of the UCI dumb gateway. This one

is made up of two hosts (VAX 750s) 50 miles apart. The VAXs are

connected via a 9.6 Kbs leased line. One is interfaced to the

ISI-NET (an Ethernet) and the other to UCIICS net (also an

Ethernet). The VAXs run Berkeley Unix 4.1. These VAXs run as

regular hosts too.


MTU is 512. Effective bandwidth of approximately 6000 baud over

9600 baud line.

FACC Gateway -- FACC - Holkenbrink

Postel: A description of a gateway designed by Ford. The gateway

is based on a MC68000 multiprocessor and a VME bus. An

interesting question that came up during this presentation was

"What is the least information a host (or gateway) must have when

it comes up, and how can it acquire the rest of what it needs to

go into full operation from the environment?"


Inter-segment Processor. M68000 CPU with various co-processors.

68000 IOPS, 1822, IOP Ethernet IOP. 1 cpu does IP, routing.

Multi-cpu version of MOS

Lincoln IP/ST Gateway -- LL - Forgie/Kantrowitz

Postel: This was a discussion of the design of the Lincoln

gateways used primarily in the WBCNET for speech transmission

research. This gateway uses special I/O interfaces to promote a

high packet processing rate. The gateway implements both the

regular IP, and the ST protocol which permits resource

reservations to minimize the variation in transmission delay.

These gateways can, of course, act as regular internet gateways,

and have achieved very good performance in terms of datagrams per



Packet voice eXPeriments, wideband SATNET. Concentrate traffic

from local nets to trunk net. Needed enough performance to load

WBSATNET. 11/44 and ACC IF11 (Z-80). T1 trunk protocol converter.

(voice T1 <--> datagram)

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

IP problems -

o Congestion

o High packet header overhead

o No support for conference call

ST -

o Virtual circuit

o Know capacity in advance, schedule channel

o Abbreviated header

11/44 - 900 to 1000 pkts/sec.

Port processor:

Sync low speed: 600K bits/sec.

Packet processing: 500 pkts/sec. average

20-talker LPC voice loop, 28 data

bytes/pkt, 50% duty cycle

Data handling

4 pcm voice stream loop 64K bps

184 data bytes/pkt, 100% duty cycle

Dispatcher Requirements

o Timely do ST

o Utilize rest of circuit for IP

o Performance measurement

Reservations on the SATNET: Each host makes a reservation for

Nbytes of M messages every INTERVAL. Reservations are absolute.

ST and IP for each distant run = MPP multipurpose packets.

12,000 lines of C code in 11/44 portion.

Minimal Stub Gateways -- MITRE - Nabielsky

Postel: This was a more abstract discussion of how stub gateways

could interact and acquire information about the topology of the



Ethernet stub to Internet

Inexpensive, single-band ISBC 186/51 Intel @ $3000

High performance. EGP?

128K bytes/board

The Internet forest

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

Alternative to ARP using Multicast

SPF routing -- BBN - Seamonson

Postel: This was a fine presentation of the principles of the

"Shortest Path First" (SPF) routing procedures with some remarks

on how it is tailored to the Internet gateway situation. One

point that was impressed on me was that when using SPF in a set of

gateways (say, the core autonomous system) the procedure will do

routing to an "exit" gateway. Somehow I had not thought about it

in those terms before, but (obviously) just as there is a source

and a destination IMP in the ARPANET there will be an entrance and

an exit gateway in an SPF autonomous system.


Features -

Metric, update procedures, path calculation, forwarding

Current GGP problems -

o Counting to infinity

o Not enough topology information in each Gw

o Updates potentially very large


o Single path (not optimal) - no split of flow

o Delay based, to minimize delay

o Global knowledge of connection topology and delays

Metric used -

o Delay, delay of each packet averaged

(queueing plus transmission plus propagation)

arrival-to-arrival time.

o Average delay on each trunk computed every 9.6 seconds.

Report large changes in delay, fast

Update procedure -

o Updates report delay to each neighbor

o Update triggered by topology change, significant delay

change, or 1 time/minute.

Decay of threshold to direct to send update

o Sequence numbers

o Flooding on all trunks sent out on all lines

o Receipt of echo is acknowledgement

o Retransmission

o Aging of information

o Updates are 2*n*l packet growth. n = number imps,

l = number lines

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

- When lines goes up, rather than dumping routing

table,just waits one minute until all updates have

been heard.

Path calculation

o Dijkstras Algorithm


A _______________ F

/ \ 3 / \10\15

/ \ B/___5___\D \E

\ / /

\ / /

1 \ / /5

\/ /

C /

1. A B(A, 3), D(A, 10), E(A, 15). F(A, 20)

2. A C(B, 4), D(B, 8), E(A, 15), F(A, 20)


4. A E(C, 9), F(A,20)


/ C D

5. A





Then tree is inverted into a "go here to get to this destination."

For Internet -

Similar algorithm, needs special packet header to

indicate "exit" gateway to get to destination network.

Update procedure -

Neighbor interface, neighbors, and delay to neighbor.

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

"Next door neighbors" for minimizing traffic.

Ability to package multiple updates in one average

explicit Acks.

Path calculation -

o Possible to build different trees based on type of


Forwarding -

o Exit Gw

o Consistent databases are important.

Multiple Constraint Routing -- SRI - Shacham

Postel: This was a clear presentation of some of the consequences

of the idea of type of service routing. The level of complexity

of the routing procedure is determined to depend on how many

catagories of service there are and how many selections there are

in each catagory. A few examples were discussed including the

current type of service parameters of IP.


Both current and proposed ARPANET algorithms provide "best" path

under single constraint (number of hops, delay).

Internet will have diverse characteristics, it would be nice to

consider more than one constraint.

o Determine a set of measures.

o Represent each measure as a single number.

o Determine range of values. (complexity 0(c**n) range of n)

o Define path measure as a function of measure of length.

sum (delay, cost)

min/capacity, length, security)

If just one cost is used, then SPF (or whatever) can be used for

each cost. However, under multiple constraints there is a more

difficult problem. e.g.: minimum delay with packet size of at

least 1000 bytes.

RUMC has been shown to be in the NP complete family.

RUMC needs bigger tables, more processing and routing overhead.

Its not awful for 2-choice TOS, like in IP.

Table size is random, we have to be prepared for the worst case.

Possible strategies: flood a "search packet," dropped when

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

constraints are not met, see if it makes it though. Good only for

virtual circuit. Weighted sum (VC only) works only with some


TOS is needed for Internet, but the algorithms are costly.

Complexity for providing TOS IP style is not too high.

FACC Multinet Gateway Routing -- FACC - Cook

Postel: This approach considered hop count to be an inadequate

metric for routing decsions in a system of different types of

networks (e.g., Ethernets, ARPANETs, 2.4Kb lines). Delay was

selected as the metric to use. There are some interesting issues

in the measurement of delay for some types of networks. Also, the

design considers the use of multiple paths when they are avaiable,

and routing to provide connectivty between the parts of

partitioned networks.


Routing with a single constraint.

A network of gateways Access, Transport, or Dual networks.

Some networks are used as backbones between gateways only.

Routing updates

Variable length

Broadcast routing updates

Unitary ends - A - Gw - B - Rest

Routing for A is really just routing to B

Neighbor Gws, nets

Lots and lots of tables

Metanet Gateway -- SRI - Denny

Postel: This is a project to invent several new addressing

features for gateways. In particular, there is a scheme to use an

option much like the source route option to do multi-addressing of

IP datagrams. It seems as if the gateways that implement this

option will have to know which other gateways do and don't

implement it. Also, there was discussion of a gateway to a

network that is in radio silence, and how to keep TCP connections

going with hosts that can't talk. This project is also concerned

about network reconstitution, security, survivability, congestion

control, and supporting multimedia data (voice, bitmaps, etc.) in

applications. A gateway is being developed in ADA for a MC68000

machine (SUN), and the initial version of the gateway is to be up

in May 84.

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes


Navy internet

Multimedia mail and conf.

Radio silence (EMCON)

Security and Survivability.

EMCON - Causes special problems for EGP and IGP one way nonTCP

mail delivery. No Acks. Uses name screen to redirect mail to

special one-way mail catcher, who then forwards using ordinary


Security and survivability

Access control - "capability" - 32/64 bit key which changes

frequently (every hour or so)

Reconstitution - Partitioning, coalescing, mobile host

Test and monitoring - HMP

Gateway target - 68000 in ADA. Telesoft compiler

Address Mapping and Translation -- UCL - Crowcroft

Postel: This was a discussion of some of the issues in

interconnecting networks of different types including the Internet

and networks in England such as the Universe network. The

Universe network is made up of Cambridge Rings at several sites

linked via a satellite channel.




o IP switch to several 1822 hosts

o IP/universe mapper, overlays UCLNET on universe

o Mask and match

128. 11. code. host

Three types:

1. Direct: code --> subnet

2. Redirect: 2nd lookup (for multihoming)

3. Logical: Logical address into a table of universe


Name lookups give addresses and routes.

IP tunnels through X.25

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

BBN Van gateway PSS - IPSS -Telenet - for hosts that can't use


SAM does access control and multihoming. Clever Multihoming gives

host a second address and sends an ICMP/Redirect to force TCP

connection to go through a different route, but wind up at same


Wrote EGP in ADA. It didn't help at all.

Design of the FACC Multinet Gateway -- FACC - Cook

Postel: This is a distributed multiprocessor machine using a

special bus network for the interprocessor communication. The

softaware is written in C. The gateways is in an early test



RADC program

Started with AUTODIN II, switched to DDN.

Small to large switching devices.

DoD uses of PDNs, and partitioned network problems.

Distributed processing architecture -

Parallel contention, 90M bps bus, 22 wires. Each node has cpu,

memory, optimal comm line. Wire - OR presentation of address,

contention happens each time bus becomes free, all requestors

put out type of msg, pri, and address. Reads back wire - OR of

result, and highest gwy wins, sorted by (pri, type, higher


Bus was originally designed for our FAA fail-soft application

Z-800l w/MMU. Not binary addressing, but unitary (base1)

One element resolved per bus transaction.

Boards may be plugged in while running.

Inherent parallelism in layered protocols.

Interface connector clues board to modem levels and date rate. Up

to 100K bps now, soon up to T1 rate.

Multiprocessor approach allows routing calculation to take place

out-of-band from the measurement of delay and traffic, and allows

use of more compute power for routing.

Mostly written in C, with some assembler. Multiprocessor

operating system, designed from scratch.

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

SAC Gateway -- SRI - Su/Lewis

Postel: This was a presentation of the design for the gateways to

be used in the advanced SAC demo experiments on network

partitioning and reconstitution, and communication between

intermingiling mobile networks. Much of these demonstrations will

be done with packet radio units and networks. Some of the ideas

are to use a gateway-centered type of addressing and double

encapsulation (i.e., an extra IP header) to route datagrams.


Network dynamics due to component mobility or failure.

Mobile host, reconstitution, partitioning.

H/W: 11/23

S/W: Some "C" gateway


Gateway-centered addressing, rather than network.

Gw host instead of net.host.

Double encapsulation: additional IP header.

TCP uses addr as an ID, IP uses it as an ADDRESS (-> route)

Need to separate these dual uses of this address field.

Incremental Routing (next-hop indication)

EGP -- Linkabit - Mills

Postel: A presentation of the EGP design. EGP has three major

ASPects, neighbor acquisition, neighbor reachability, and network

reachability. The autonomous system concept was discussed.


Background, Implementation, Experience, Disparaging Remarks

Design goals -

o Established demarcations

o Decouple implementations

o Confine routing loops

o Exchange reachability information

o Provide flow control for connectivity information

o Medium-term lifetime

Non goals Not trying to do these!

o Flexibility of topology

o Rapid response Very slow update

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

o Adaptive routing

o Common routing metric No agreement at all

o Load sharing or splitting

"Good news travels fast and bad news travels forever."

Not for routing, but only provides reachability

RFC827 initial mode, RFC888 stub protocol

Neighbor acquisition protocol

o 2-way shake

o Flow - rates

o Explicit acquisition/cause

Neighbor reachability protocol

o Periodic polling

o Parasitic information

o Reachability algorithm Network reachability


o Periodic pulling

o Remote information

o Direct and indirect neighbors

o Indirect internal and indirect external


o Distance information

EGP neighbors do not need to peer with more than one

CORE gateway, but you may peer with anybody you wish.

Shortcomings -

o Slow reaction due polling

o Tree-structured routing constraint

- Rigid topology

- Administrative resistance to odering

- Lack of adaptive connectivity

o Neighbor acquisition incomplete.

Loops between autonomous systems will last a long

time, and are a real no-no.

System models -

o "Appropriate first hop" criterion

- Not useful for implementation

- Requires global information

- Inadequate for verification

o Graph models

- N-graph shows net connectivity

- T-graph shows system connectivity

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

- T-acycloc criterion insures loop-free

o Derived features

- Induces spanning tree




/ \ / G2 / \ G3 G4 / \ G5

/ \ / C------D E-----F G6

AS1 = G2, G3, G6 A B

AS2 = G1

AS3 = G4, G5 AS1 ----- AS2 ----- AS3


Test: to ensure that there are no cycles

Spanning suBTree

Specification effort - Status report State machine designed

Remaining issues -

o Remove extra hop in core system

o Expand tables

o Test backdoor "GGP"

o Resolve specification issues

o Resolve full gateway configuration

- Back door connectivity guidance

- can only advertise 1 path at a time.

- APF rule guidancee

- Self organization issues

o Implement and distribute for operational systems.

Congestion Control -- FACC - Nagle

Postel: This was a discussion of the situation leading to the

ideas presented in RFC896, and how the policies described there

improved overall performance.

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes


First principle of congestion control:

DON'T DROP PACKETS (unless absolutely necessary)

Second principle:

Hosts must behave themselves (or else)

Enemies list -

1. TOPS-20 TCP from DEC

2. VAX/UNIX 4.2 from Berkeley

Third principle:

Memory won't help (beyond a certain point).

The small packet problem: Big packets are good, small are bad

(big = 576).

Suggested fix: Rule: When the user writes to TCP, initiate a send

only if there are NO outstanding packets on the connection. [good

for TELNET, at least] (or if you fill a segment). No change when

Acks come back. Assumption is that there is a pipe-like buffer

between the user and the TCP.

The source quench problem Rule: When a TCP gets an ICMP Source

Quench, it must reduce the number of outstanding datagrams on

relevant TCP connections.

Rule: When a gateway nears overload, before starting to drop

packets, send a Source Quench.

Node capacity: Each node ought to have one buffer for each TCP

connection, plus some for overload.

Both fixes really need to be done together, although the first one

is often helpful by itself. Side effect: FTPs start off "slowly,"

until the first Ack comes back Dave Mills thinks this will

increase the mean delay for medium-size interactions. This

probably will not work so well for SATNET.

Problems about propagation time of links biasing the validity of

this result!!

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

A Gateway Congestion Control Policy--NW Systems - Niznik

Postel: This talk was (for Postel) hard to follow. There were a

number of references to well known results in queuing theory etc,

but I could not follow how they were being used.


Replacements for IMP SPF

Topological observations

Nodal congestion control policy

GMD - control application [from German network]

RPN - relational Petri net

DCT - dynamic congestion table

NCCP performance evaluation

Planned GCCP: Gateway congestion control policy

Lots of diagrams and figures.

Better throughput than SPF, but somewhat higher delay.

Cubic structure of table.

DISCUSSION (Postel's personal comments)

There was very little organized discussion during the meeting and

not really very much question and answer interaction during the

presentation. There was a lot of discussion during the breaks,

and at lunch time, and at the end of each day.

Some things that occured to me during the meeting that may have

been triggered by something someone said (or maybe by the view out

the window):

Don't design a protocol where you expect to get a lot of

messages from a lot of sources at the same time. For example,

don't ask all the hosts on an Ethernet to send you an ack to a

broadcast packet.

Has anyone worked out in detail the routing traffic costs for

the GGP vs the SPF procedures for the actual case of the


How will the fact that thinking of the routing in the core

autonomous system is cast in terms of an entry and an exit

gateway effect other things? Will there be special

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes

arrangements between the entry and exit gateway? Will an

autonomous system become a circuit switch connecting pairs of

entry/exit gateways?

Is TOS routing worth the cost?

Should we allow (as a new type of ICMP message) redirects to


Does making memory larger ever hurt? If a gateway's memory is

full of inappropriately retransmitted TCP segments would it be

better if there were less memory?

Is there something reasonable to do with source quench at the

TCP? Re: RFC-896.

If there are links (or networks) of vastly differing delay and

thruput characteristics what impact would an IP level load

splitting (say by gateways) have on TCP connections (some of

the segments of the connection go one path and others go a

different path)?

Are any problems avoided (either way) by using double IP

headers vs a "source route like" IP option to separate the IP

level addressing and routing function from the TCP level

end-point naming function of the IP addresses.

What bad things could happen from the proposed IP

multidestination routing option?

RFC898 April 1984

Gateway SIG Meeting Notes


Mike Accetta - CMU

R. Buhr - Canada

J. Noel Chiappa - MIT

Paul Cook - Ford

Jon Crowcroft - UCL

Barbara Denny - SRI

Jim Forgie - LL

Steve Groff - BBN

Phill Gross - Linkabit

Kjell Hermansen - NTA

Robert Hinden - BBN

Patrick Holkenbrink - FACC

Ruth Hough - AIRINC

Willie Kantrowitz - LL

Paul Kirton -ISI

Mark Lewis -SRI

Liza Martin - MIT

Doug Miller - MITRE

Dave Mills - Linkabit

Mike Muuss - BRL

Jose Nabielsky - MITRE

Ron Natalie - BRL

John Nagle - Ford

Carol Niznick NW Systems

Jon Postel - ISI

Joyce Reynolds -ISI

Marshall Rose - UCI

Joe Sciortino - AIRINC

Linda Seamonson - BBN

Nachum Shacham - SRI

Alan Sheltzer - UCLA

Marvin Solomon - WISC

Zaw-Sing Su - SRI

Mitch Tasman - BBN

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