
RFC951 - Bootstrap Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group Bill Croft (Stanford University)

Request for Comments: 951 John Gilmore (Sun Microsystems)

September 1985


1. Status of this Memo

This RFCsuggests a proposed protocol for the ARPA-Internet

community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

2. Overview

This RFCdescribes an IP/UDP bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) which allows

a diskless client machine to discover its own IP address, the address

of a server host, and the name of a file to be loaded into memory and

executed. The bootstrap operation can be thought of as consisting of

TWO PHASES. This RFCdescribes the first phase, which could be

labeled 'address determination and bootfile selection'. After this

address and filename information is oBTained, control passes to the

second phase of the bootstrap where a file transfer occurs. The file

transfer will typically use the TFTP protocol [9], since it is

intended that both phases reside in PROM on the client. However

BOOTP could also work with other protocols sUCh as SFTP [3] or

FTP [6].

We suggest that the client's PROM software provide a way to do a

complete bootstrap without 'user' interaction. This is the type of

boot that would occur during an unattended power-up. A mechanism

should be provided for the user to manually supply the necessary

address and filename information to bypass the BOOTP protocol and

enter the file transfer phase directly. If non-volatile storage is

available, we suggest keeping default settings there and bypassing

the BOOTP protocol unless these settings cause the file transfer

phase to fail. If the cached information fails, the bootstrap should

fall back to phase 1 and use BOOTP.

Here is a brief outline of the protocol:

1. A single packet exchange is performed. Timeouts are used to

retransmit until a reply is received. The same packet field

layout is used in both directions. Fixed length fields of maximum

reasonable length are used to simplify structure definition and


2. An 'opcode' field exists with two values. The client

broadcasts a 'bootrequest' packet. The server then answers with a

'bootreply' packet. The bootrequest contains the client's

hardware address and its IP address, if known.

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

3. The request can optionally contain the name of the server the

client wishes to respond. This is so the client can force the

boot to occur from a specific host (e.g. if multiple versions of

the same bootfile exist or if the server is in a far distant

net/domain). The client does not have to deal with name / domain

services; instead this function is pushed off to the BOOTP server.

4. The request can optionally contain the 'generic' filename to be

booted. For example 'unix' or 'ethertip'. When the server sends

the bootreply, it replaces this field with the fully qualified

path name of the appropriate boot file. In determining this name,

the server may consult his own database correlating the client's

address and filename request, with a particular boot file

customized for that client. If the bootrequest filename is a null

string, then the server returns a filename field indicating the

'default' file to be loaded for that client.

5. In the case of clients who do not know their IP addresses, the

server must also have a database relating hardware address to IP

address. This client IP address is then placed into a field in

the bootreply.

6. Certain network topologies (such as Stanford's) may be such

that a given physical cable does not have a TFTP server directly

attached to it (e.g. all the gateways and hosts on a certain cable

may be diskless). With the cooperation of neighboring gateways,

BOOTP can allow clients to boot off of servers several hops away,

through these gateways. See the section 'Booting Through

Gateways' below. This part of the protocol requires no special

action on the part of the client. Implementation is optional and

requires a small amount of additional code in gateways and


3. Packet Format

All numbers shown are decimal, unless indicated otherwise. The BOOTP

packet is enclosed in a standard IP [8] UDP [7] datagram. For

simplicity it is assumed that the BOOTP packet is never fragmented.

Any numeric fields shown are packed in 'standard network byte order',

i.e. high order bits are sent first.

In the IP header of a bootrequest, the client fills in its own IP

source address if known, otherwise zero. When the server address is

unknown, the IP destination address will be the 'broadcast address' This address means 'broadcast on the local cable,

(I don't know my net number)' [4].

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

The UDP header contains source and destination port numbers. The

BOOTP protocol uses two reserved port numbers, 'BOOTP client' (68)

and 'BOOTP server' (67). The client sends requests using 'BOOTP

server' as the destination port; this is usually a broadcast. The

server sends replies using 'BOOTP client' as the destination port;

depending on the kernel or driver facilities in the server, this may

or may not be a broadcast (this is eXPlained further in the section

titled 'Chicken/Egg issues' below). The reason TWO reserved ports

are used, is to avoid 'waking up' and scheduling the BOOTP server

daemons, when a bootreply must be broadcast to a client. Since the

server and other hosts won't be listening on the 'BOOTP client' port,

any such incoming broadcasts will be filtered out at the kernel

level. We could not simply allow the client to pick a 'random' port

number for the UDP source port field; since the server reply may be

broadcast, a randomly chosen port number could confuse other hosts

that happened to be listening on that port.

The UDP length field is set to the length of the UDP plus BOOTP

portions of the packet. The UDP checksum field can be set to zero by

the client (or server) if desired, to avoid this extra overhead in a

PROM implementation. In the 'Packet Processing' section below the

phrase '[UDP checksum.]' is used whenever the checksum might be



----- ----- -----------

op 1 packet op code / message type.


htype 1 hardware address type,

see ARP section in "Assigned Numbers" RFC.

'1' = 10mb ethernet

hlen 1 hardware address length

(eg '6' for 10mb ethernet).

hops 1 client sets to zero,

optionally used by gateways

in cross-gateway booting.

xid 4 transaction ID, a random number,

used to match this boot request with the

responses it generates.

secs 2 filled in by client, seconds elapsed since

client started trying to boot.

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

-- 2 unused

ciaddr 4 client IP address;

filled in by client in bootrequest if known.

yiaddr 4 'your' (client) IP address;

filled by server if client doesn't

know its own address (ciaddr was 0).

siaddr 4 server IP address;

returned in bootreply by server.

giaddr 4 gateway IP address,

used in optional cross-gateway booting.

chaddr 16 client hardware address,

filled in by client.

sname 64 optional server host name,

null terminated string.

file 128 boot file name, null terminated string;

'generic' name or null in bootrequest,

fully qualified Directory-path

name in bootreply.

vend 64 optional vendor-specific area,

e.g. could be hardware type/serial on request,

or 'capability' / remote file system handle

on reply. This info may be set aside for use

by a third phase bootstrap or kernel.

4. Chicken / Egg Issues

How can the server send an IP datagram to the client, if the client

doesnt know its own IP address (yet)? Whenever a bootreply is being

sent, the transmitting machine performs the following operations:

1. If the client knows its own IP address ('ciaddr' field is

nonzero), then the IP can be sent 'as normal', since the client

will respond to ARPs [5].

2. If the client does not yet know its IP address (ciaddr zero),

then the client cannot respond to ARPs sent by the transmitter of

the bootreply. There are two options:

a. If the transmitter has the necessary kernel or driver hooks

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

to 'manually' construct an ARP address cache entry, then it can

fill in an entry using the 'chaddr' and 'yiaddr' fields. Of

course, this entry should have a timeout on it, just like any

other entry made by the normal ARP code itself. The

transmitter of the bootreply can then simply send the bootreply

to the client's IP address. UNIX (4.2 BSD) has this


b. If the transmitter lacks these kernel hooks, it can simply

send the bootreply to the IP broadcast address on the

appropriate interface. This is only one additional broadcast

over the previous case.

5. Client Use of ARP

The client PROM must contain a simple implementation of ARP, e.g. the

address cache could be just one entry in size. This will allow a

second-phase-only boot (TFTP) to be performed when the client knows

the IP addresses and bootfile name.

Any time the client is expecting to receive a TFTP or BOOTP reply, it

should be prepared to answer an ARP request for its own IP to

hardware address mapping (if known).

Since the bootreply will contain (in the hardware encapsulation) the

hardware source address of the server/gateway, the client MAY be able

to avoid sending an ARP request for the server/gateway IP address to

be used in the following TFTP phase. However this should be treated

only as a special case, since it is desirable to still allow a

second-phase-only boot as described above.

6. Comparison to RARP

An earlier protocol, Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) [1]

was proposed to allow a client to determine its IP address, given

that it knew its hardware address. However RARP had the disadvantage

that it was a hardware link level protocol (not IP/UDP based). This

means that RARP could only be implemented on hosts containing special

kernel or driver modifications to Access these 'raw' packets. Since

there are many network kernels existent now, with each source

maintained by different organizations, a boot protocol that does not

require kernel modifications is a decided advantage.

BOOTP provides this hardware to IP address lookup function, in

addition to the other useful features described in the sections


RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

7. Packet Processing

7.1. Client Transmission

Before setting up the packet for the first time, it is a good idea

to clear the entire packet buffer to all zeros; this will place

all fields in their default state. The client then creates a

packet with the following fields.

The IP destination address is set to (the

broadcast address) or to the server's IP address (if known). The

IP source address and 'ciaddr' are set to the client's IP address

if known, else 0. The UDP header is set with the proper length;

source port = 'BOOTP client' port destination port = 'BOOTP

server' port.

'op' is set to '1', BOOTREQUEST. 'htype' is set to the hardware

address type as assigned in the ARP section of the "Assigned

Numbers" RFC. 'hlen' is set to the length of the hardware address,

e.g. '6' for 10mb ethernet.

'xid' is set to a 'random' transaction id. 'secs' is set to the

number of seconds that have elapsed since the client has started

booting. This will let the servers know how long a client has

been trying. As the number gets larger, certain servers may feel

more 'sympathetic' towards a client they don't normally service.

If a client lacks a suitable clock, it could construct a rough

estimate using a loop timer. Or it could choose to simply send

this field as always a fixed value, say 100 seconds.

If the client knows its IP address, 'ciaddr' (and the IP source

address) are set to this value. 'chaddr' is filled in with the

client's hardware address.

If the client wishes to restrict booting to a particular server

name, it may place a null-terminated string in 'sname'. The name

used should be any of the allowable names or nicknames of the

desired host.

The client has several options for filling the 'file' name field.

If left null, the meaning is 'I want to boot the default file for

my machine'. A null file name can also mean 'I am only interested

in finding out client/server/gateway IP addresses, I dont care

about file names'.

The field can also be a 'generic' name such as 'unix' or

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

'gateway'; this means 'boot the named program configured for my

machine'. Finally the field can be a fully directory qualified

path name.

The 'vend' field can be filled in by the client with

vendor-specific strings or structures. For example the machine

hardware type or serial number may be placed here. However the

operation of the BOOTP server should not DEPEND on this

information existing.

If the 'vend' field is used, it is recommended that a 4 byte

'magic number' be the first item within 'vend'. This lets a

server determine what kind of information it is seeing in this

field. Numbers can be assigned by the usual 'magic number'

process --you pick one and it's magic. A different magic number

could be used for bootreply's than bootrequest's to allow the

client to take special action with the reply information.

[UDP checksum.]

7.2. Client Retransmission Strategy

If no reply is received for a certain length of time, the client

should retransmit the request. The time interval must be chosen

carefully so as not to flood the network. Consider the case of a

cable containing 100 machines that are just coming up after a

power failure. Simply retransmitting the request every four

seconds will inundate the net.

As a possible strategy, you might consider backing off

exponentially, similar to the way ethernet backs off on a

collision. So for example if the first packet is at time 0:00,

the second would be at :04, then :08, then :16, then :32, then

:64. You should also randomize each time; this would be done

similar to the ethernet specification by starting with a mask and

'and'ing that with with a random number to get the first bacKOFf.

On each succeeding backoff, the mask is increased in length by one

bit. This doubles the average delay on each backoff.

After the 'average' backoff reaches about 60 seconds, it should be

increased no further, but still randomized.

Before each retransmission, the client should update the 'secs'

field. [UDP checksum.]

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

7.3. Server Receives BOOTREQUEST

[UDP checksum.] If the UDP destination port does not match the

'BOOTP server' port, discard the packet.

If the server name field (sname) is null (no particular server

specified), or sname is specified and matches our name or

nickname, then continue with packet processing.

If the sname field is specified, but does not match 'us', then

there are several options:

1. You may choose to simply discard this packet.

2. If a name lookup on sname shows it to be on this same cable,

discard the packet.

3. If sname is on a different net, you may choose to forward

the packet to that address. If so, check the 'giaddr' (gateway

address) field. If 'giaddr' is zero, fill it in with my

address or the address of a gateway that can be used to get to

that net. Then forward the packet.

If the client IP address (ciaddr) is zero, then the client does

not know its own IP address. Attempt to lookup the client

hardware address (chaddr, hlen, htype) in our database. If no

match is found, discard the packet. Otherwise we now have an IP

address for this client; fill it into the 'yiaddr' (your IP

address) field.

We now check the boot file name field (file). The field will be

null if the client is not interested in filenames, or wants the

default bootfile. If the field is non-null, it is used as a

lookup key in a database, along with the client's IP address. If

there is a default file or generic file (possibly indexed by the

client address) or a fully-specified path name that matches, then

replace the 'file' field with the fully-specified path name of the

selected boot file. If the field is non-null and no match was

found, then the client is aSKINg for a file we dont have; discard

the packet, perhaps some other BOOTP server will have it.

The 'vend' vendor-specific data field should now be checked and if

a recognized type of data is provided, client-specific actions

should be taken, and a response placed in the 'vend' data field of

the reply packet. For example, a workstation client could provide

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

an authentication key and receive from the server a capability for

remote file access, or a set of configuration options, which can

be passed to the operating system that will shortly be booted in.

Place my (server) IP address in the 'siaddr' field. Set the 'op'

field to BOOTREPLY. The UDP destination port is set to 'BOOTP

client'. If the client address 'ciaddr' is nonzero, send the

packet there; else if the gateway address 'giaddr' is nonzero, set

the UDP destination port to 'BOOTP server' and send the packet to

'giaddr'; else the client is on one of our cables but it doesnt

know its own IP address yet --use a method described in the 'Egg'

section above to send it to the client. If 'Egg' is used and we

have multiple interfaces on this host, use the 'yiaddr' (your IP

address) field to figure out which net (cable/interface) to send

the packet to. [UDP checksum.]

7.4. Server/Gateway Receives BOOTREPLY

[UDP checksum.] If 'yiaddr' (your [the client's] IP address)

refers to one of our cables, use one of the 'Egg' methods above to

forward it to the client. Be sure to send it to the 'BOOTP

client' UDP destination port.

7.5. Client Reception

Don't forget to process ARP requests for my own IP address (if I

know it). [UDP checksum.] The client should discard incoming

packets that: are not IP/UDPs addressed to the boot port; are not

BOOTREPLYs; do not match my IP address (if I know it) or my

hardware address; do not match my transaction id. Otherwise we

have received a successful reply. 'yiaddr' will contain my IP

address, if I didnt know it before. 'file' is the name of the

file name to TFTP 'read request'. The server address is in

'siaddr'. If 'giaddr' (gateway address) is nonzero, then the

packets should be forwarded there first, in order to get to the


8. Booting Through Gateways

This part of the protocol is optional and requires some additional

code in cooperating gateways and servers, but it allows cross-gateway

booting. This is mainly useful when gateways are diskless machines.

Gateways containing disks (e.g. a UNIX machine acting as a gateway),

might as well run their own BOOTP/TFTP servers.

Gateways listening to broadcast BOOTREQUESTs may decide to forward or

rebroadcast these requests 'when appropriate'. For example, the

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

gateway could have, as part of his configuration tables, a list of

other networks or hosts to receive a copy of any broadcast

BOOTREQUESTs. Even though a 'hops' field exists, it is a poor idea

to simply globally rebroadcast the requests, since broadcast loops

will almost certainly occur.

The forwarding could begin immediately, or wait until the 'secs'

(seconds client has been trying) field passes a certain threshold.

If a gateway does decide to forward the request, it should look at

the 'giaddr' (gateway IP address) field. If zero, it should plug its

own IP address (on the receiving cable) into this field. It may also

use the 'hops' field to optionally control how far the packet is

reforwarded. Hops should be incremented on each forwarding. For

example, if hops passes '3', the packet should probably be discarded.

[UDP checksum.]

Here we have recommended placing this special forwarding function in

the gateways. But that does not have to be the case. As long as

some 'BOOTP forwarding agent' exists on the net with the booting

client, the agent can do the forwarding when appropriate. Thus this

service may or may not be co-located with the gateway.

In the case of a forwarding agent not located in the gateway, the

agent could save himself some work by plugging the broadcast address

of the interface receiving the bootrequest into the 'giaddr' field.

Thus the reply would get forwarded using normal gateways, not

involving the forwarding agent. Of course the disadvantage here is

that you lose the ability to use the 'Egg' non-broadcast method of

sending the reply, causing extra overhead for every host on the

client cable.

9. Sample BOOTP Server Database

As a suggestion, we show a sample text file database that the BOOTP

server program might use. The database has two sections, delimited

by a line containing an percent in column 1. The first section

contains a 'default directory' and mappings from generic names to

directory/pathnames. The first generic name in this section is the

'default file' you get when the bootrequest contains a null 'file'


The second section maps hardware addresstype/address into an

ipaddress. Optionally you can also overide the default generic name

by supplying a ipaddress specific genericname. A 'suffix' item is

also an option; if supplied, any generic names specified by the

client will be accessed by first appending 'suffix' to the 'pathname'

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

appropriate to that generic name. If that file is not found, then

the plain 'pathname' will be tried. This 'suffix' option allows a

whole set of custom generics to be setup without a lot of effort.

Below is shown the general format; fields are delimited by one or

more spaces or tabs; trailing empty fields may be omitted; blank

lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored.

# comment line


genericname1 pathname1

genericname2 pathname2


% end of generic names, start of address mappings

hostname1 hardwaretype hardwareaddr1 ipaddr1 genericname suffix

hostname2 hardwaretype hardwareaddr2 ipaddr2 genericname suffix


Here is a specific example. Note the 'hardwaretype' number is the

same as that shown in the ARP section of the 'Assigned Numbers' RFC.

The 'hardwaretype' and 'ipaddr' numbers are in decimal;

'hardwareaddr' is in hex.

# last updated by smith


vmunix vmunix

tip ethertip

watch /usr/diag/etherwatch

gate gate.

% end of generic names, start of address mappings

hamilton 1 02.60.8c.06.34.98

burr 1 02.60.8c.34.11.78

101-gateway 1 02.60.8c.23.ab.35 gate 101

mjh-gateway 1 02.60.8c.12.32.bc gate mjh

welch-tipa 1 02.60.8c.22.65.32 tip

welch-tipb 1 02.60.8c.12.15.c8 tip

In the example above, if 'mjh-gateway' does a default boot, it will

get the file '/usr/boot/gate.mjh'.

RFC951 September 1985

Bootstrap Protocol

10. Acknowledgements

Ross Finlayson (et. al.) produced two earlier RFC's discussing TFTP

bootstraping [2] using RARP [1].

We would also like to acknowledge the previous work and comments of

Noel Chiappa, Bob Lyon, Jeff Mogul, Mark Lewis, and David Plummer.


1. Ross Finlayson, Timothy Mann, Jeffrey Mogul, Marvin Theimer. A

Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. RFC903, NIC, June, 1984.

2. Ross Finlayson. Bootstrap Loading using TFTP. RFC906, NIC,

June, 1984.

3. Mark Lottor. Simple File Transfer Protocol. RFC913, NIC,

September, 1984.

4. Jeffrey Mogul. Broadcasting Internet Packets. RFC919, NIC,

October, 1984.

5. David Plummer. An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol. RFC

826, NIC, September, 1982.

6. Jon Postel. File Transfer Protocol. RFC765, NIC, June, 1980.

7. Jon Postel. User Datagram Protocol. RFC768, NIC, August, 1980.

8. Jon Postel. Internet Protocol. RFC791, NIC, September, 1981.

9. K. R. Sollins, Noel Chiappa. The TFTP Protocol. RFC783, NIC,

June, 1981.

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