
RFC975 - Autonomous confederations

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Network Working Group D. L. Mills

Request for Comments: 975 M/A-COM Linkabit

February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

Status of This Memo

This RFCproposes certain enhancements of the Exterior Gateway

Protocol (EGP) to support a simple, multiple-level routing capability

while preserving the robustness features of the current EGP model.

It requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


The enhancements, which do not require retrofits in existing

implementations in order to interoperate with enhanced

implementations, in effect generalize the concept of core system to

include multiple communities of autonomous systems, called autonomous

confederations. Autonomous confederations maintain a higher degree of

mutual trust than that assumed between autonomous systems in general,

including reasonable protection against routing loops between the

member systems, but allow the routing restrictions of the current EGP

model to be relaxed.

The enhancements involve the "hop count" or distance field of the EGP

Update message, the interpretation of which is not covered by the

current EGP model. This field is given a special interpretation

within each autonomous confederation to support up to three levels of

routing, one within the autonomous system, a second within the

autonomous confederation and an optional third within the universe of


1. IntrodUCtion and Background

The historical development of Internet exterior-gateway routing

algorithms began with a rather rigid and restricted topological model

which emphasized robustness and stability at the eXPense of routing

dynamics and flexibility. Evolution of robust and dynamic routing

algorithms has since proved extraordinarily difficult, probably due

more to varying perceptions of service requirements than to

engineering problems.

The original exterior-gateway model suggested in RFC-827 [1] and

subsequently refined in RFC-888 [2] severely restricted the Internet

topology essentially to a tree structure with root represented by the

BBN-developed "core" gateway system. The most important

characteristic of the model was that debilitating resource-consuming

routing loops between clusters of gateways (called autonomous

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

systems) could not occur in a tree-structured topology. However, the

administrative and enforcement difficulties involved, not to mention

the performance liabilities, made widespread implementation


1.1. The Exterior Gateway Protocol

Requirements for near-term interoperability between the BBN core

gateways and the remainder of the gateway population implemented

by other organizations required that an interim protocol be

developed with the capability of exchanging reachability

information, but not necessarily the capability to function as a

true routing algorithm. This protocol is called the Exterior

Gateway Protocol (EGP) and is documented in RFC-904 [3].

EGP was not designed as a routing algorithm, since no agreement

could be reached on a trusted, common metric. However, EGP was

designed to provide high-quality reachability information, both

about neighbor gateways and about routes to non-neighbor gateways.

At the present state of development, dynamic routes are computed

only by the core system and provided to non-core gateways using

EGP only as an interface mechanism. Non-core gateways can provide

routes to the core system and even to other non-core gateways, but

cannot pass on "third-party" routes computed using data received

from other gateways.

As operational experience with EGP has accumulated, it has become

clear that a more decentralized dynamic routing capability is

needed in order to avoid resource-consuming suboptimal routes. In

addition, there has long been resistance to the a-priori

assumption of a single core system, with implications of

suboptimal performance, administrative problems, impossible

enforcement and possible subversion. Whether or not this

resistance is real or justified, the important technical question

remains whether a more dynamic, distributed approach is possible

without significantly diluting stability and robustness.

This document proposes certain enhancements of EGP which

generalize the concept of core system to include multiple

communities of autonomous systems, called autonomous

confederations. Autonomous confederations maintain a higher

degree of mutual trust than that assumed between autonomous

systems in general, including reasonable protection against

routing loops between the member systems. The enhancements

involve the "hop count" or distance field of the EGP Update

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

message, which is given a special interpretation as described

later. Note that the interpretation of this field is not

specified in RFC-904, but is left as a matter for further study.

The interpretation of the distance field involves three levels of

metrics, in which the lowest level is available to the interior

gateway protocol (IGP) of the autonomous system itself to extend

the interior routes to the autonomous system boundary. The next

higher level selects preferred routes within the autonomous system

to those outside, while the third and highest selects preferred

routes within the autonomous confederation to those outside.

The proposed model is believed compatible with the current

specifications and practices used in the Internet. In fact, the

entire present conglomeration of autonomous systems, including the

core system, can be represented as a single autonomous

confederation, with new confederations being formed from existing

and new systems as necessary.

1.2. Routing Restrictions

It was the intent in RFC-904 that the stipulated routing

restrictions superceded all previous documents, including RFC-827

and RFC-888. The notion that a non-core gateway must not pass on

third-party information was suggested in planning meetings that

occured after the previous documents had been published and before

RFC-904 was finalized. This effectively obsoletes prior notions

of "stub" or any other asymmetry other than the third-party rule.

Thus, the only restrictions placed on a non-core gateway is that

in its EGP messages (a) a gateway can be listed only if it belongs

to the same autonomous system (internal neighbor) and (b) a net

can be listed only if it is reachable via gateways belonging to

that system. There are no other restrictions, overt or implied.

The specification does not address the design of the core system

or its gateways.

The restrictions imply that, to insure full connectivity, every

non-core gateway must run EGP with a core gateway. Since the

present core-gateway implementation disallows other gateways on

EGP-neighbor paths, this further implies that every non-core

gateway must share a net in common with at least one core gateway.

Note that there is no a-priori prohibition on using EGP as an IGP,

or even on using EGP with a gateway of another non-core system,

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

providing that the third-party rule is observed. If a gateway in

each system ran EGP with a gateway in every other system, the

notion of core system would be unneccessary and superflous.

At one time during the evolution of the EGP model a strict

hierarchical topology (tree structure) of autonomous systems was

required, but this is not the case now. At one time it was

forbidden for two nets to be connected by gateways of two or more

systems, but this is not the case now. Autonomous systems are

sets of gateways, not nets or hosts, so that a given net or host

can be reachable via more than one system; however, every gateway

belongs to exactly one system.

1.3. Examples and Problems

Consider the common case of two local-area nets A and B connected

to the ARPANET by gateways of different systems. Now assume A and

B are connected to each other by a gateway A-B belonging to the

same system as the A-ARPANET gateway, which could then list itself

and both the A and B nets in EGP messages sent to any other

gateway, since both are now reachable in its system. However, the

B-ARPANET gateway could list itself and only the B net, since the

A-B gateway is not in its system.

In principle, we could assume the existence of a second gateway

B-A belonging to the same system as the B-ARPANET gateway, which

would entitle it to list the A net as well; however, it may be

easier for both systems to sign a treaty and consider the A-B

gateway under joint administration. The implementation of the

treaty may not be trivial, however, since the joint gateway must

appear to other gateways as two distinct gateways, each with its

own autonomous-system number.

Another case occurs when for some reason or other a system has no

path to a core gateway other than via another non-core system.

Consider a third local-are net C, together with gateway C-A

belonging to a system other than the A-ARPANET and B-ARPANET

gateways. According to the restrictions above, gateway C-A could

list net C in EGP messages sent to A-ARPANET, while A-ARPANET

could list ARPANET in messages sent to C-A, but not other nets

which it may learn about from the core. Thus, gateway C-A cannot

acquire full routing information unless it runs EGP directly with

a core gateway.

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

2. Autonomous Systems and Confederations

The second example above illustrates the need for a mechanism in

which arbitrary routing information can be exchanged between non-core

gateways without degrading the degree of robustness relative to a

mutually agreed security model. One way of doing this is is to

extend the existing single-core autonomous-system model to include

multiple core systems. This requires both a topological model which

can be used to define the scope of these systems together with a

global, trusted metric that can be used to drive the routing

computations. An appropriate topological model is described in the

next section, while an appropriate metric is suggested in the

following section.

2.1. Topological Models

An "autonomous system" consists of a set of gateways, each of

which can reach any other gateway in the same system using paths

via gateways only in that system. The gateways of a system

cooperatively maintain a routing data base using an interior

gateway protocol (IGP) and a intra-system trusted routing

mechanism of no further concern here. The IGP is expected to

include security mechanisms to insure that only gateways of the

same system can acquire each other as neighbors.

One or more gateways in an autonomous system can run EGP with one

or more gateways in a neighboring system. There is no restriction

on the number or configuration of EGP neighbor paths, other than

the requirement that each path involve only gateways of one system

or the other and not intrude on a third system. It is

specifically not required that EGP neighbors share a common

network, although most probably will.

An "autonomous confederation" consists of a set of autonomous

systems sharing a common security model; that is, they trust each

other to compute routes to other systems in the same

confederation. Each gateway in a confederation can reach any

other gateway in the same confederation using paths only in that

confederation. Although there is no restriction on the number or

configuration of EGP paths other than the above, it is expected

that some mechanism be available so that potential EGP neighbors

can discover whether they are in the same confederation. This

could be done by Access-control lists, for example, or by

partitioning the set of system numbers.

A network is "directly reachable" from an autonomous system if a

gateway in that system has an interface to it. Every gateway in

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

that system is entitled to list all directly reachable networks in

EGP messages sent to any other system. In general, it may happen

that a particular network is directly reachable from more than one


A network is "reachable" from an autonomous system if it is

directly reachable from an autonomous system belonging to the same

confederation. A directly reachable net is always reachable from

the same system. Every gateway in that confederation is entitled

to list all reachable nets in EGP messages sent to any other

system. It may happen that a particular net is either directly

reachable or reachable from different confederations.

In order to preserve global routing stability in the Internet, it

is explicitly assumed that routes within an autonomous system to a

directly reachable net are always preferred over routes outside

that system and that routes within an autonomous confederation are

always preferred over routes outside that confederation. The

mechanism by which this is assured is described in the next


In general, EGP Update messages can include two lists of gateways,

one for those gateways belonging to the same system (internal

neighbors) and the other for gateways belonging to different

systems (external neighbors). Directly reachable nets must always

be associated with gateways of the same system, that is, with

internal neighbors, while non-directly reachable nets can be

associated with either internal or external neighbors. Nets that

are reachable, but not directly reachable, must always be

associated with gateways of the same confederation.

2.2. Trusted Routing Metrics

There seems to be a general principle which characterizes

distributed systems: The "nearer" a thing is the more dynamic and

trustable it is, while the "farther" a thing is the more static

and suspicious it is. For instance, the concept of network is

intrinsic to the Internet model, as is the concept of gateways

which bind them together. A cluster of gateways "near" each other

(e.g. within an autonomous system) typically exchange routing

information using a high-performance routing algorithm capable of

sensitive monitoring of, and rapid adaptation to, changing

performance indicators such as queueing delays and link loading.

However, clusters of gateways "far" from each other (e.g. widely

separated autonomous systems) usually need only coarse routing

information, possibly only "hints" on the best likely next hop to

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

the general destination area. On the other hand, mutual suspicion

increases with distance, so these clusters may need elaborate

security considerations, including peer authentication,

confidentiality, secrecy and signature verification. In addition,

considerations of efficiency usually dictate that the allowable

network bandidth consumed by the routing protocol itself decreases

with distance. The price paid for both of these things typically

is in responsiveness, with the effect that the more distant

clusters are from each other, the less dynamic is the routing


The above observations suggest a starting point for the evolution

of a globally acceptable routing metric. Assume the metric is

represented by an integer, with low values representing finer

distinctions "nearer" the gateway and high values coarser

distinctions "farther" from it. Values less than a globally

agreed constant X are associated with paths confined to the same

autonomous system as the sender, values greater than X but less

than another constant Y with paths confined to the autonomous

confederation of the sender and values greater than Y associated

with the remaining paths.

At each of these three levels - autonomous system, autonomous

confederation and universe of confederations - multiple routing

algorithms could be operated simultaneously, with each producing

for each destination net a possibly different suBTree and metric

in the ranges specified above. However, within each system the

metric must have the same interpretation, so that other systems

can mitigate routes between multiple gateways in that system.

Likewise, within each confederation the metric must have the same

interpretation, so that other confederations can mitigate routes

to gateways in that confederation. Although all confederations

must agree on a common universe-of-confederations algorithm, not

all confederations need to use the same confederation-level

algorithm and not all systems in the same confederation need to

use the same system-level algorithm.

3. Implementation Issues

The manner in which the eight-bit "hop count" or distance field in

the EGP Update to be used is not specified in RFC-904, but left as a

matter for further study. The above model provides both an

interpretation of this field, as well as hints on how to design

appropriate routing algorithms.

For the sake of illustration, assume the values of X and Y above are

128 and 192 respectively. This means that the gateways in a

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

particular system will assign distance values less than 128 for

directly-reachable nets and that exterior gateways can compare these

values freely in order to select among these gateways. It also means

that the gateways in all systems of a particular confederation will

assign distance values between 128 and 192 for those nets not

directly reachable in the system but reachable in the confederation.

In the following it will be assumed that the various confederations

can be distinguished by some feature of the 16-bit system-number

field, perhaps by reserving a subfield.

3.1. Data-Base Management Functions

The following implementation model may clarify the above issues,

as well as present at least one way to organize the gateway data

base. The data base is organized as a routing table, the entries

of which include a net number together with a list of items, where

each item consists of (a) the gateway address, system number and

distance provided by an EGP neighbor, (b) a time-to-live counter,

local routing information and other information as necessary to

manage the data base.

The routing table is updated each time an EGP Update message is

received from a neighbor and possibly by other means, such as the

system IGP. The message is first decoded into a list of quads

consisting of a network number, gateway address, system number and

distance. If the gateway address is internal to the neighbor

system, as determined from the EGP message, the system number of

the quad is set to that system; while, if not, the system number

is set to zero, indicating "external."

Next, a new value of distance is computed from the old value

provided in the message and subject to the following constraints:

If the system number matches the local system number, the new

value is determined by the rules for the system IGP but must be

less than 128. If not and either the system number belongs to the

same confederation or the system number is zero and the old

distance is less than 192, the value is determined by the rules

for the confederation EGP, but must be at least 128 and less than

192. Otherwise, the value is determined by the rules for the

(global) universe-of-federations EGP, but must be at least 192.

For each quad in the list the routing table is first searched for

matching net number and a new entry made if not already there.

Next, the list of items for that net number is searched for

matching gateway address and system number and a new entry made if

not already there. Finally, the distance field is recomputed, the

time-to-live field reset and local routing information inserted.

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

The time-to-live fields of all items in each list are incremented

on a regular basis. If a field exceeds a preset maximum, the item

is discarded; while, if all items on a list are discarded, the

entire entry including net number is discarded.

When a gateway sends an EGP Update message to a neighbor, it must

invert the data base in order by gateway address, rather than net

number. As part of this process the routing table is scanned and

the gateway with minimum distance selected for each net number.

The resulting list is sorted by gateway address and partitioned on

the basis of internal/external system number.

3.2. Routing Functions

A gateway encountering a datagram (service unit) searches the

routing table for matching destination net number and then selects

the gateway on that list with minimum distance. As the result of

the value assignments above, it should be clear that routes at a

higher level will never be chosen if routes at a lower level

exist. It should also be clear that route selection within a

system cannot affect route selection outside that system, except

through the intervention of the intra-confederation routing

algorithm. If a simple min-system-hop algorithm is used for the

confederation EGP, the IGP of each system can influence it only to

the extent of reachability.

3.3. Compatibility Issues

The proposed interpretation is backwards-compatibile with known

EGP implementations which do not interpret the distance field and

with several known EGP implementations that take private liberties

with this field. Perhaps the simplest way to evolve the present

system is to collect the existing implementations that do not

interpet the distance field at all as a single confederation with

the present core system and routing restrictions. All distances

provided by this confederation would be assumed equal to 192,

which would provide at least a rudimentary capability for routing

within the universe of confederations.

One or more existing or proposed systems in which the distance

field has a uniform interpretation throughout the system can be

organized as autonomous confederations. This might include the

Butterfly gateways now now being deployed, as well as clones

elsewhere. These systems provide the capability to select routes

into the system based on the distance fields for the different

gateways. It is anticipated that the distance fields for the

Butterfly system can be set to at least 128 if the routing

RFC975 February 1986

Autonomous Confederations

information comes from another Butterfly system and to at least

192 if from a non-Butterfly system presumed outside the


New systems using an implmentation model such as suggested above

can select routes into a confederation based on the distance

field. For this to work properly, however, it is necessary that

all systems and confederations adopt a consistent interpretation

of distance values exceeding 192.

4. Summary and Conclusions

Taken at face value, this document represents a proposal for an

interpretation of the distance field of the EGP Update message, which

has previously been assigned no architected interpretation, but has

been often used informally. The proposal amounts to ordering the

autonomous systems in a hierarchy of systems and confederations,

together with an interpretation of the distance field as a

three-level metric. The result is to create a corresponding

three-level routing community, one prefering routes inside a system,

a second preferring routes inside a confederation and the third with

no preference.

While the proposed three-level hierarchy can readily be extended to

any number of levels, this would create strain on the distance field,

which is limited to eight bits in the current EGP model.

The concept of distance can easily be generalized to "administrative

distance" as suggested by John Nagle and others.

5. References

[1] Rosen, E., Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), DARPA Network

Working Group Report RFC-827, Bolt Beranek and Newman, September


[2] Seamonson, L.J., and E.C., Rosen. "STUB" Exterior Gateway

Protocol, DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-888, BBN

Communications, January 1984.

[3] Mills, D.L., Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification,

DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-904, M/A-COM Linkabit,

April 1984.

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