
RFC969 - NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol

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Network Working Group David D. Clark

Request for Comments: 969 Mark L. Lambert

Lixia Zhang

M. I. T. Laboratory for Computer Science

December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol


This RFCsuggests a proposed protocol for the ARPA-Internet

community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

This is a preliminary discussion of the NETBLT protocol. It is

published for discussion and comment, and does not constitute a

standard. As the proposal may change, implementation of this

document is not advised. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


NETBLT (Network Block Transfer) is a transport level protocol

intended for the rapid transfer of a large quantity of data between

computers. It provides a transfer that is reliable and flow

controlled, and is structured to provide maximum throughput over a

wide variety of networks.

The protocol works by opening a connection between two clients the

sender and the receiver), transferring the data in a series of large

data aggregates called buffers, and then closing the connection.

Because the amount of data to be transferred can be arbitrarily

large, the client is not required to provide at once all the data to

the protocol module. Instead, the data is provided by the client in

buffers. The NETBLT layer transfers each buffer as a sequence of

packets, but since each buffer is composed of a large number of

packets, the per-buffer interaction between NETBLT and its client is

far more efficient than a per-packet interaction would be.

In its simplest form, a NETBLT transfer works as follows. The

sending client loads a buffer of data and calls down to the NETBLT

layer to transfer it. The NETBLT layer breaks the buffer up into

packets and sends these packets across the network in Internet

datagrams. The receiving NETBLT layer loads these packets into a

matching buffer provided by the receiving client. When the last

packet in the buffer has been transmitted, the receiving NETBLT

checks to see that all packets in that buffer have arrived. If some

packets are missing, the receiving NETBLT requests that they be

resent. When the buffer has been completely transmitted, the

receiving client is notified by its NETBLT layer. The receiving

client disposes of the buffer and provides a new buffer to receive

more data. The receiving NETBLT notifies the sender that the buffer

arrived, and the sender prepares and sends the next buffer in the

RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

same manner. This continues until all buffers have been sent, at

which time the sender notifies the receiver that the transmission has

been completed. The connection is then closed.

As described above, the NETBLT protocol is "lock-step"; action is

halted after a buffer is transmitted, and begins again after

confirmation is received from the receiver of data. NETBLT provides

for multiple buffering, in which several buffers can be transmitted

concurrently. Multiple buffering makes packet flow essentially

continuous and can improve performance markedly.

The remainder of this document describes NETBLT in detail. The next

sections describe the philosophy behind a number of protocol

features: packetization, flow control, reliability, and connection

management. The final sections describe the protocol format.


NETBLT is designed to permit transfer of an essentially arbitrary

amount of data between two clients. During connection setup the

sending NETBLT can optionally inform the receiving NETBLT of the

transfer size; the maximum transfer length is imposed by the field

width, and is 2**32 bytes. This limit should permit any practical

application. The transfer size parameter is for the use of the

receiving client; the receiving NETBLT makes no use of it. A NETBLT

receiver accepts data until told by the sender that the transfer is


The data to be sent must be broken up into buffers by the client.

Each buffer must be the same size, save for the last buffer. During

connection setup, the sending and receiving NETBLTs negotiate the

buffer size, based on limits provided by the clients. Buffer sizes

are in bytes only; the client is responsible for breaking up data

into buffers on byte boundaries.

NETBLT has been designed and should be implemented to work with

buffers of arbitrary size. The only fundamental limitation on buffer

size should be the amount of memory available to the client. Buffers

should be as large as possible since this minimizes the number of

buffer transmissions and therefore improves performance.

NETBLT is designed to require a minimum of its own memory, allowing

the client to allocate as much memory as possible for buffer storage.

In particular, NETBLT does not keep buffer copies for retransmission

purposes. Instead, data to be retransmitted is recopied directly

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NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

from the client buffer. This does mean that the client cannot

release buffer storage piece by piece as the buffer is sent, but this

has not proved a problem in preliminary NETBLT implementations.

Buffers are broken down by the NETBLT layer into sequences of DATA

packets. As with the buffer size, the packet size is negotiated

between the sending and receiving NETBLTs during connection setup.

Unlike buffer size, packet size is visible only to the NETBLT layer.

All DATA packets save the last packet in a buffer must be the same

size. Packets should be as large as possible, since in most cases

(including the preliminary protocol implementation) performance is

directly related to packet size. At the same time, the packets

should not be so large as to cause Internet fragmentation, since this

normally causes performance degrada- tion.

All buffers save the last buffer must be the same size; obviously the

last buffer can be any size required to complete the transfer. Since

the receiving NETBLT does not know the transfer size in advance, it

needs some way of identifying the last packet in each buffer. For

this reason, the last packet of every buffer is not a DATA packet but

rather an LDATA packet. DATA and LDATA packets are identical save

for the packet type.


NETBLT uses two strategies for flow control, one internal and one at

the client level.

The sending and receiving NETBLTs transmit data in buffers; client

flow control is therefore at a buffer level. Before a buffer can be

transmitted, NETBLT confirms that both clients have set up matching

buffers, that one is ready to send data, and that the other is ready

to receive data. Either client can therefore control the flow of

data by not providing a new buffer. Clients cannot stop a buffer

transfer while it is in progress.

Since buffers can be quite large, there has to be another method for

flow control that is used during a buffer transfer. The NETBLT layer

provides this form of flow control.

There are several flow control problems that could arise while a

buffer is being transmitted. If the sending NETBLT is transferring

data faster than the receiving NETBLT can process it, the receiver's

ability to buffer unprocessed packets could be overflowed, causing

packets to be lost. Similarly, a slow gateway or intermediate

network could cause packets to collect and overflow network packet

RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

buffer space. Packets will then be lost within the network,

degrading performance. This problem is particularly acute for NETBLT

because NETBLT buffers will generally be quite large, and therefore

composed of many packets.

A traditional solution to packet flow control is a window system, in

which the sending end is permitted to send only a certain number of

packets at a time. Unfortunately, flow control using windows tends

to result in low throughput. Windows must be kept small in order to

avoid overflowing hosts and gateways, and cannot easily be updated,

since an end-to-end exchange is required for each change.

To permit high throughput over a variety of networks and gateways of

differing speeds, NETBLT uses a novel flow control ethod: rate

control. The transmission rate is negotiated by the sending and

receiving NETBLTs during connection setup and after each buffer

transmission. The sender uses timers, rather than messages from the

receiver, to maintain the negotiated rate.

In its simplest form, rate control specifies a minimum time period

per packet transmission. This can cause performance problems for

several reasons: the transmission time for a single packet is very

small, frequently smaller than the granularity of the timing

mechanism. Also, the overhead required to maintain timing mechanisms

on a per packet basis is relatively high, which degrades performance.

The solution is to control the transmission rate of groups of

packets, rather than single packets. The sender transmits a burst of

packets over negotiated interval, then sends another burst. In this

way, the overhead decreases by a factor of the burst size, and the

per-burst transmission rate is large enough that timing mechanisms

will work properly. The NETBLT's rate control therefore has two

parts, a burst size and a burst rate, with (burst size)/(burst rate)

equal to the average transmission rate per packet.

The burst size and burst rate should be based not only on the packet

transmission and processing speed which each end can handle, but also

on the capacities of those gateways and networks intermediate to the

transfer. Following are some intuitive values for packet size,

buffer size, burst size, and burst rate.

Packet sizes can be as small as 128 bytes. Performance with packets

this small is almost always bad, because of the high per-packet

processing overhead. Even the default Internet Protocol packet size

of 576 bytes is barely big enough for adequate performance. Most

RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

networks do not support packet sizes much larger than one or two

thousand bytes, and packets of this size can also get fragmented when

traveling over intermediate networks, degrading performance.

The size of a NETBLT buffer is limited only by the amount of memory

available to a client. Theoretically, buffers of 100K bytes or more

are possible. This would mean the transmission of 50 to 100 packets

per buffer.

The burst size and burst rate are obviously very machine dependent.

There is a certain amount of transmission overhead in the sending and

receiving machines associated with maintaining timers and scheduling

processes. This overhead can be minimized by sending packets in

large bursts. There are also limitations imposed on the burst size

by the number of available packet buffers. On most modern operating

systems, a burst size of between five and ten packets should reduce

the overhead to an acceptable level. In fact, a preliminary NETBLT

implementation for the IBM PC/AT sends packets in bursts of five. It

could send more, but is limited by available memory.

The burst rate is in part determined by the granularity of the

sender's timing mechanism, and in part by the processing speed of the

receiver and any intermediate gateways. It is also directly related

to the burst size. Burst rates from 60 to 100 milliseconds have been

tried on the preliminary NETBLT implementation with good results

within a single local-area network. This value clearly depends on

the network bandwidth and packet buffering available.

All NETBLT flow control parameters (packet size, buffer size, burst

size, and burst rate) are negotiated during connection setup. The

negotiation process is the same for all parameters. The client

initiating the connection (the active end) proposes and sends a set

of values for each parameter with its open connection request. The

other client (the passive end) compares these values with the

highest-performance values it can support. The passive end can then

modify any of the parameters only by making them more restrictive.

The modified parameters are then sent back to the active end in the

response message. In addition, the burst size and burst rate can be

re-negotiated after each buffer transmission to adjust the transfer

rate according to the performance observed from transferring the

previous buffer. The receiving end sends a pair of burst size and

burst rate values in the OK message. The sender compares these

values with the values it can support. Again, it may then modify any

of the parameters only by making them more restrictive. The modified

parameters are then communicated to the receiver in a NULL-ACK

packet, described later.

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NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

Obviously each of the parameters depend on many factors-- gateway and

host processing speeds, available memory, timer granularity--some of

which cannot be checked by either client. Each client must therefore

try to make as best a guess as it can, tuning for performance on

subsequent transfers.


Each NETBLT transfer has three stages, connection setup, data

transfer, and connection close. Each stage must be completed

reliably; methods for doing this are described below.

5.1. Connection Setup

A NETBLT connection is set up by an exchange of two packets

between the active client and the passive client. Note that

either client can send or receive data; the Words "active" and

"passive" are only used to differentiate the client initiating the

connection process from the client responding to the connection

request. The first packet sent is an OPEN packet; the passive end

acknowledges the OPEN packet by sending a RESPONSE packet. After

these two packets have been exchanged, the transfer can begin.

As discussed in the previous section, the OPEN and RESPONSE

packets are used to negotiate flow control parameters. Other

parameters used in the transfer of data are also negotiated.

These parameters are (1) the maximum number of buffers that can be

sending at any one time (this permits multiple buffering and

higher throughput) and (2) whether or not DATA/LDATA packet data

will be checksummed. NETBLT automatically checksums all

non-DATA/LDATA packets. If the negotiated checksum flag is set to

TRUE (1), both the header and the data of a DATA/LDATA packet are

checksummed; if set to FALSE (0), only the header is checksummed.

NETBLT uses the same checksumming algorithm as TCP uses.

Finally, each end transmits its death-timeout value in either the

OPEN or the RESPONSE packet. The death-timeout value will be used

to determine the frequency with which to send KEEPALIVE packets

during idle periods of an opened connection (death timers and

KEEPALIVE packets are described in the following section).

The active end specifies a passive client through a

client-specific "well-known" 16 bit port number on which the

passive end listens. The active end identifies itself through a

32 bit Internet address and a 16 bit port number.

In order to allow the active and passive ends to communicate

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NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

miscellaneous useful information, an unstructured, variable-

length field is provided in OPEN and RESPONSE messages for an

client-specific information that may be required.

Recovery for lost OPEN and RESPONSE packets is provided by the use

of timers. The active end sets a timer when it sends an OPEN

packet. When the timer eXPires, another OPEN packet is sent, until

some pre-determined maximum number of OPEN packets have been sent.

A similar scheme is used for the passive end when it sends a

RESPONSE packet. When a RESPONSE packet is received by the active

end, it clears its timer. The passive end's timer is cleared

either by receipt of a GO or a DATA packet, as described in the

section on data transfer.

To prevent duplication of OPEN and RESPONSE packets, the OPEN

packet contains a 32 bit connection unique ID that must be

returned in the RESPONSE packet. This prevents the initiator from

confusing the response to the current request with the response to

an earlier connection request (there can only be one connection

between any two ports). Any OPEN or RESPONSE packet with a

destination port matching that of an open connection has its

unique ID checked. A matching unique ID implies a duplicate

packet, and the packet is ignored. A non-matching unique ID must

be treated as an attempt to open a second connection between the

same port pair and must be rejected by sending an ABORT message.

5.2. Data Transfer

The simplest model of data transfer proceeds as follows. The

sending client sets up a buffer full of data. The receiving

NETBLT sends a GO message inside a CONTROL packet to the sender,

signifying that it too has set up a buffer and is ready to receive

data into it. Once the GO message has been received, the sender

transmits the buffer as a series of DATA packets followed by an

LDATA packet. When the last packet in the buffer has been

received, the receiver sends a RESEND message inside a CONTROL

packet containing a list of packets that were not received. The

sender resends these packets. This process continues until there

are no missing packets, at which time the receiver sends an OK

message inside a CONTROL packet to the sender, sets up another

buffer to receive data and sends another GO message. The sender,

having received the OK message, sets up another buffer, waits for

the GO message, and repeats the process.

There are several obvious flaws with this scheme. First, if the

LDATA packet is lost, how does the receiver know when the buffer

has been transmitted? Second, what if the GO, OK, or RESEND

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NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

messages are lost? The sender cannot act on a packet it has not

received, so the protocol will hang. Solutions for each of these

problems are presented below, and are based on two kinds of

timers, a data timer and a control timer.

NETBLT solves the LDATA packet loss problem by using a data timer

at the receiving end. When the first DATA packet in a buffer

arrives, the receiving NETBLT sets its data timer; at the same

time, it clears its control timer, described below. If the data

timer expires, the receiving end assumes the buffer has been

transmitted and all missing packets lost. It then sends a RESEND

message containing a list of the missing packets.

NETBLT solves the second problem, that of missing OK, GO, and

RESEND messages, through use of a control timer. The receiver can

send one or more control messages (OK, GO, or RESEND) within a

single CONTROL packet. Whenever the receiver sends a control

packet, it sets a control timer (at the same time it clears its

data timer, if one has been set).

The control timer is cleared as follows: Each control message

includes a sequence number which starts at one and increases by

one for each control message sent. The sending NETBLT checks the

sequence number of every incoming control message against all

other sequence numbers it has received. It stores the highest

sequence number below which all other received sequence numbers

are consecutive, and returns this number in every packet flowing

back to the receiver. The receiver is permitted to clear the

control timer of every packet with a sequence number equal to or

lower than the sequence number returned by the sender.

Ideally, a NETBLT implementation should be able to cope with

out-of-sequence messages, perhaps collecting them for later

processing, or even processing them immediately. If an incoming

control message "fills" a "hole" in a group of message sequence

numbers, the implementation could even be clever enough to detect

this and adjust its outgoing sequence value accordingly.

When the control timer expires, the receiving NETBLT resends the

control message and resets the timer. After a predetermined

number of resends, the receiving NETBLT can assume that the

sending NETBLT has died, and can reset the connection.

The sending NETBLT, upon receiving a control message, should act

as quickly as possible on the packet; it either sets up a new

buffer (upon receipt of an OK packet for a previous buffer),

resends data (upon receipt of a RESEND packet), or sends data

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NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

(upon receipt of a GO packet). If the sending NETBLT is not in a

position to send data, it sends a NULL-ACK packet, which contains


high-received-sequence-number as described above (this permits the

receiving NETBLT to clear the control timers of any packets which

are outstanding), and waits until it can send more data. In all

of these cases, the overhead for a response to the incoming

control message should be small; the total time for a response to

reach the receiving NETBLT should not be much more than the

network round-trip transit time, plus a variance factor.

The timer system can be summarized as follows: normally, the

receiving NETBLT is working under one of two types of timers, a

control timer or a data timer. There is one data timer per buffer

transmission and one control timer per control packet. The data

timer is active while its buffer is being transferred; a control

timer is active while it is between buffer transfers.

The above system still leaves a few problems. If the sending

NETBLT is not ready to send, it sends a single NULL-ACK packet to

clear any outstanding control timers at the receiving end. After

this the receiver will wait. The sending NETBLT could die and the

receiver, with all its control timers cleared, would hang. Also,

the above system puts timers only on the receiving NETBLT. The

sending NETBLT has no timers; if the receiving NETBLT dies, the

sending NETBLT will just hang waiting for control messages.

The solution to the above two problems is the use of a death timer

and a keepalive packet for both the sending and receiving NETBLTs.

As soon as the connection is opened, each end sets a death timer;

this timer is reset every time a packet is received. When a

NETBLT's death timer at one end expires, it can assume the other

end has died and can close the connection.

It is quite possible that the sending or receiving NETBLTs will

have to wait for long periods of time while their respective

clients get buffer space and load their buffers with data. Since

a NETBLT waiting for buffer space is in a perfectly valid state,

the protocol must have some method for preventing the other end's

death timer from expiring. The solution is to use a KEEPALIVE

packet, which is sent repeatedly at fixed intervals when a NETBLT

is waiting for buffer space. Since the death timer is reset

whenever a packet is received, it will never expire as long as the

other end sends packets.

The frequency with which KEEPALIVE packets are transmitted is

computed as follows: At connection startup, each NETBLT chooses a

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NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

death-timeout value and sends it to the other end in either the

OPEN or the RESPONSE packet. The other end takes the

death-timeout value and uses it to compute a frequency with which

to send KEEPALIVE packets. The KEEPALIVE frequency should be high

enough that several KEEPALIVE packets can be lost before the other

end's death timer expires.

Both ends must have some way of estimating the values of the death

timers, the control timers, and the data timers. The timer values

obviously cannot be specified in a protocol document since they

are very machine- and network-load-dependent. Instead they must

be computed on a per-connection basis. The protocol has been

designed to make such determination easy.

The death timer value is relatively easy to estimate. Since it is

continually reset, it need not be based on the transfer size.

Instead, it should be based at least in part on the type of

application using NETBLT. User applications should have smaller

death timeout values to avoid forcing humans to wait long periods

of time for a death timeout to occur. Machine applications can

have longer timeout values.

The control timer must be more carefully estimated. It can have

as its initial value an arbitrary number; this number can be used

to send the first control packet. Subsequent control packets can

have their timer values based on the network round-trip transit

time (i.e. the time between sending the control packet and

receiving the acknowledgment of the corresponding sequence number)

plus a variance factor. The timer value should be continually

updated, based on a smoothed average of collected round-trip

transit times.

The data timer is dependent not on the network round-trip transit

time, but on the amount of time required to transfer a buffer of

data. The time value can be computed from the burst rate and the

number of bursts per buffer, plus a variance value <1>. During the

RESENDing phase, the data timer value should be set according to

the number of missing packets.

The timers have been designed to permit reasonable estimation. In

particular, in other protocols, determination of round-trip delay

has been a problem since the action performed by the other end on

receipt of a particular packet can vary greatly depending on the

packet type. In NETBLT, the action taken by the sender on receipt

of a control message is by and large the same in all cases, making

the round-trip delay relatively independent of the client.

RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

Timer value estimation is extremely important, especially in a

high-performance protocol like NETBLT. If the estimates are too

low, the protocol makes many unneeded retransmissions, degrading

performance. A short control timer value causes the sending

NETBLT to receive duplicate control messages (which it can reject,

but which takes time). A short data timer value causes the

receiving NETBLT to send unnecessary RESEND packets. This causes

considerably greater performance degradation since the sending

NETBLT does not merely throw away a duplicate packet, but instead

has to send a number of DATA packets. Because data timers are set

on each buffer transfer instead of on each DATA packet transfer,

we afford to use a small variance value without worrying about

performance degradation.

5.3. Closing the Connection

There are three ways to close a connection: a connection close, a

"quit", or an "abort".

The connection close occurs after a successful data transfer.

When the sending NETBLT has received an OK packet for the last

buffer in the transfer, it sends a DONE packet <2>. On receipt of

the DONE packet, the receiving NETBLT can close its half of the

connection. The sending NETBLT dallies for a predetermined amount

of time after sending the DONE packet. This allows for the

possibility of the DONE packet's having been lost. If the DONE

packet was lost, the receiving NETBLT will continue to send the

final OK packet, which will cause the sending end to resend the

DONE packet. After the dally period expires, the sending NETBLT

closes its half of the connection.

During the transfer, one client may send a QUIT packet to the

other if it thinks that the other client is malfunctioning. Since

the QUIT occurs at a client level, the QUIT transmission can only

occur between buffer transmissions. The NETBLT receiving the QUIT

packet can take no action other than to immediately notify its

client and transmit a QUITACK packet. The QUIT sender must time

out and retransmit until a QUITACK has been received or a

predetermined number of resends have taken place. The sender of

the QUITACK dallies in the manner described above.

An ABORT takes place when a NETBLT layer thinks that it or its

opposite is malfunctioning. Since the ABORT originates in the

NETBLT layer, it can be sent at any time. Since the ABORT implies

that the NETBLT layer is malfunctioning, no transmit reliability

is expected, and the sender can immediately close it connection.

RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol


In order to increase performance, NETBLT has been designed in a

manner that encourages a multiple buffering implementation. Multiple

buffering is a technique in which the sender and receiver allocate

and transmit buffers in a manner that allows error recovery of

previous buffers to be concurrent with transmission of current


During the connection setup phase, one of the negotiated parameters

is the number of concurrent buffers permitted during the transfer.

The simplest transfer allows for a maximum of one buffer to be

transmitted at a time; this is effectively a lock-step protocol and

causes time to be wasted while the sending NETBLT receives permission

to send a new buffer. If there are more than one buffer available,

transfer of the next buffer may start right after the current buffer

finishes. For example, assume buffer A and B are allowed to transfer

concurrently, with A preceding B. As soon as A finishes transferring

its data and is waiting for either an OK or a RESEND message, B can

start sending immediately, keeping data flowing at a stable rate. If

A receives an OK, it is done; if it receives a RESEND, the missing

packets specified in the RESEND message are retransmitted. All

packets flow out through a priority pipe, with the priority equal to

the buffer number, and with the transfer rate specified by the burst

size and burst rate. Since buffer numbers increase monotonically,

packets from an earlier buffer in the pipe will always precede those

of the later ones. One necessary change to the timing algorithm is

that when the receiving NETBLT set data timer for a new buffer, the

timer value should also take into consideration of the transfer time

for all missing packets from the previous buffers.

Having several buffers transmitting concurrently is actually not that

much more complicated than transmitting a single buffer at a time.

The key is to visualize each buffer as a finite state machine;

several buffers are merely a group of finite state machines, each in

one of several states. The transfer process consists of moving

buffers through various states until the entire transmission has


The state sequence of a send-receive buffer pair is as follows: the

sending and receiving buffers are created independently. The

receiving NETBLT sends a GO message, putting its buffer in a

"receiving" state, and sets its control timer; the sending NETBLT

receives the GO message, putting its buffer into a "sending" state.

The sending NETBLT sends data until the buffer has been transmitted.

If the receiving NETBLT's data timer goes off before it received the

last (LDATA) packet, or it receives the LDATA packet in the buffer

RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

and packets are missing, it sends a RESEND packet and moves the

buffer into a "resending" state. Once all DATA packets in the buffer

and the LDATA packet have been received, the receiving NETBLT enters

its buffer into a "received" state and sends an OK packet. The

sending NETBLT receives the OK packet and puts its buffer into a

"sent" state.


NETBLT is implemented directly on top of the Internet Protocol (IP).

It has been assigned a temporary protocol number of 255. This number

will change as soon as the final protocol specification has been



NETBLT packets are divided into three categories, each of which share

a common packet header. First, there are those packets that travel

only from sender to receiver; these contain the control message

sequence numbers which the receiver uses for reliability. These

packets are the NULL-ACK, DATA, and LDATA packets. Second, there is

a packet that travels only from receiver to sender. This is the

CONTROL packet; each CONTROL packet can contain an arbitrary number

of control messages (GO, OK, or RESEND), each with its own sequence

number. Finally, there are those packets which either have special

ways of insuring reliability, or are not reliably transmitted. These

are the QUIT, QUITACK, DONE, KEEPALIVE, and ABORT packets. Of these,

all save the DONE packet can be sent by both sending and receiving


Packet type numbers:












RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

Standard header:

local port: 2 bytes

foreign port: 2 bytes

checksum: 2 bytes

version number: 1 byte

packet type: 1 byte

packet length: 2 bytes

OPEN and RESPONSE packets:

connection unique ID: 4 bytes

standard buffer size: 4 bytes

transfer size: 4 bytes

DATA packet data segment size: 2 bytes

burst size: 2 bytes

burst rate: 2 bytes

death timeout value in seconds: 2 bytes

transfer mode (1 = SEND, 0 = RECEIVE): 1 byte

maximum number of concurrent buffers: 1 byte

checksum entire DATA packet / checksum

DATA packet data only (1/0): 1 byte

client-specific data: arbitrary


standard header only


reason: arbitrary bytes

CONTROL packet format:

CONTROL packets consist of a standard NETBLT header of type

CONTROL, followed by an arbitrary number of control messages with

the following formats:

Control message numbers:

GO: 0

OK: 1


RFC969 December 1985

NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

OK message:

message type (OK): 1 byte

buffer number: 4 bytes

sequence number: 2 bytes

new burst size: 2 bytes

new burst interval: 2 bytes

GO message:

message type (GO): 1 byte

buffer number: 4 bytes

sequence number: 2 bytes

RESEND message:

message type (RESEND): 1 byte

buffer number: 4 bytes

sequence number: 2 bytes

number of missing packets: 2 bytes

packet numbers...: n * 2 bytes

DATA, LDATA packet formats:

buffer number: 4 bytes

highest consecutive sequence number received: 2 bytes

packet number within buffer: 2 bytes

data: arbitrary bytes

NULL-ACK packet format:

highest consecutive sequence number received: 2 bytes

acknowledged new burst size: 2 bytes

acknowledged new burst interval: 2 bytes


<1> When the buffer size is large, the variances in the round trip

delays of many packets may cancel each other out; this means the

variance value need not be very big. This expectation can be

verified in further testing.

<2> Since the receiving end may not know the transfer size in

advance, it is possible that it may have allocated buffer space

and sent GO messages for buffers beyond the actual last buffer

sent by the sending end. Care must be taken on the sending

end's part to ignore these extra GO messages.

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