
RFC966 - Host groups: A multicast extension to the Internet Protocol

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Network Working Group S. E. Deering

Request for Comments: 966 D. R. Cheriton

Stanford University

December 1985

Host Groups:

A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

1. Status of this Memo

This RFCdefines a model of service for Internet multicasting and

proposes an extension to the Internet Protocol (IP) to support sUCh a

multicast service. Discussion and suggestions for improvements are

requested. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

2. Acknowledgements

This memo was adapted from a paper [7] presented at the Ninth Data

Communications Symposium. This work was sponsored in part by the

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under contract N00039-83-

K-0431 and National Science Foundation Grant DCR-83-52048.

The Internet task force on end-to-end protocols, headed by Bob

Braden, has provided valuable input in the development of the host

group model.

3. Introduction

In this paper, we describe a model of multicast service we call host

groups and propose this model as a way to support multicast in the

DARPA Internet environment [14]. We argue that it is feasible to

implement this facility as an extension of the existing "unicast" IP

datagram model and mechanism.

Multicast is the transmission of a datagram packet to a set of zero

or more destination hosts in a network or internetwork, with a single

address specifying the set of destination hosts. For example, hosts

A, B, C and D may be associated with multicast address X. On

transmission, a packet with destination address X is delivered with

datagram reliability to hosts A, B, C and D.

Multicast has two primary uses, namely distributed binding and

multi-destination delivery. As a binding mechanism, multicast is a

robust and often more efficient alternative to the use of name

servers for finding a particular object or service when a particular

host address is not known. For example, in a distributed file

system, all the file servers may be associated with one well-known

multicast address. To bind a file name to a particular server, a

client sends a query packet containing the file name to the file

server multicast address, for delivery to all the file servers. The

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

server that recognizes the file name then responds to the client,

allowing subsequent interaction directly with that server host. Even

when name servers are employed, multicast can be used as the first

step in the binding process, that is, finding a name server.

Multi-destination delivery is useful to several applications,


- distributed, replicated databases [6,9].

- conferencing [11].

- distributed parallel computation, including distributed

gaming [2].

Ideally, multicast transmission to a set of hosts is not more

complicated or eXPensive for the sender than transmission to a single

host. Similarly, multicast transmission should not be more expensive

for the networks and gateways than traversing the shortest path tree

that connects the sending host to the hosts identified by the

multicast address.

Multicast, transmission to a set of hosts, is properly distinguished

from broadcast, transmission to all hosts on a network or

internetwork. Broadcast is not a generally useful facility since

there are few reasons for communicating with all hosts.

A variety of local network applications and systems make use of

multicast. For instance, the V distributed system [8] uses

network-level multicast for implementing efficient operations on

groups of processes spanning multiple machines. Similar use is being

made for replicated databases [6] and other distributed applications

[4]. Providing multicast in the Internet environment would allow

porting such local network distributed applications to the Internet,

as well as making some existing Internet applications more robust and

portable (by, for example, removing "wired-in" lists of addresses,

such as gateway addresses).

At present, an Internet application logically requiring multicast

must send individually addressed packets to each recipient. There

are two problems with this approach. Firstly, requiring the sending

host to know the specific addresses of all the recipients defeats its

use as a binding mechanism. For example, a diskless workstation

needs on boot to determine the network address of a disk server and

it is undesirable to "wire in" specific network addresses. With a

multicast facility, the multicast address of the boot servers (or

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

name servers that hold the addresses of the boot servers) can be

well-known, allowing the workstation to transmit its initial queries

to this address.

Secondly, transmitting multiple copies of the same packet makes

inefficient use of network bandwidth, gateway resources and sender

resources. For instance, the same packet may repeatedly traverse the

same network links and pass through the same gateways. Furthermore,

the local network level cannot recognize multi-destination delivery

to take advantage of multicast facilities that the underlying network

technologies may provide. For example, local-area bus, ring, or

radio networks, as well as satellite-based wide-area networks, can

provide efficient multicast delivery directly. Besides using

excessive communication resources, the use of multiple transmissions

to effect multicast severely limits the amount of parallelism in

transmission and processing that can be achieved compared to an

integrated multicast facility.

The next section describes the host group model of multicast service.

Section 5 describes the extensions to IP to support the host group

model. Section 6 discusses the implementation of multicast within

the networks and gateways making up the Internet. Section 7 relates

this model to other proposals. Finally, we conclude with remarks on

our experimental prototype implementation of host groups and comments

on future directions for investigation.

4. The Host Group Model

The Internet architecture defines a name space of individual host

addresses. The host group model extends that name space to include

addresses of host groups. A host group is a set of zero or more

Internet hosts <1>. When an IP packet is sent with a host group

address as its destination, it is delivered with "best effort"

datagram reliability to all members of that host group.

The sender need not be a member of the destination group. We refer

to such a group as open, in contrast to a closed group where only

members are allowed to send to the group. We chose to provide open

groups because they are more flexible and more consistent as an

extension of conventional unicast models (even though they may harder

to implement).

Dynamic management of group membership provides flexible binding of

Internet addresses to hosts. Hosts may join and leave groups over

time. A host may also belong to more than one group at a time.

Finally, a host may belong to no groups at times, during which that

host is unreachable within the Internet architecture. In fact, a

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

host need not have an individual Internet address at all. Some hosts

may only be associated with multi-host group addresses. For

instance, there may be no reason to contact an individual time server

in the Internet, so time servers would not require individual


Internet addresses are dynamically allocated for transient groups,

groups that often last only as long as the execution of a single

distributed program. In addition, a range of host group identifiers

is reserved for identifying permanent groups. One use of permanent

host groups identifiers is for host groups with standard logical

meanings such as "name server group", "boot server group", "Internet

monitor group", etc.

In the current Internet architecture, addresses are bound to single

hosts. The host group model generalizes the binding of Internet

addresses to hosts by allowing one address to bind to multiple hosts

on multiple networks, more than one address to be bound (in part) to

one host, and the binding of an address to host to be dynamic, i.e.

possible to be modified under application control. Within this more

general model, the current architecture is supported as a special

case, retaining its current semantics and implementation.

The following subsections provide further details of the model.

4.1. Host Group Management

Dynamic binding of Internet addresses to hosts is managed by the

following three operations which are made available to clients of

the Internet Protocol <2>:

CreateGroup ( type ) --> outcome, group-address, Access-key

requests the creation of a new transient host group with the

invoking host as its only member. The type argument specifies

whether the group is restricted or unrestricted. A restricted

group restricts membership based on the access-key. Only hosts

presenting a valid host access-key are allowed to join. All

unrestricted host groups have a null access-key. outcome

indicates whether the request is approved or denied. If it is

approved, a new transient group address is returned in

group-address. access-key is the protection key (or passWord)

associated with the new group. This should fail only if there are

no free transient group addresses.

JoinGroup ( group-address, access-key ) --> outcome

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

requests that the invoking host become a member of the identified

host group (permanent or transient). outcome indicates whether

the request is approved or denied. A request is denied if the

access key is invalid.

LeaveGroup ( group-address ) --> outcome

requests that the invoking host be dropped from membership in the

identified group (permanent or transient). outcome indicates

whether the request is approved or denied.

There is no operation to destroy a transient host group because a

transient host group is deemed to no longer exist when its

membership goes to zero.

Permanent host group addresses are allocated and published by

Internet administrators, in the same way as well-known TCP and UDP

port numbers. That is, they are published in future editions of

the "Assigned Numbers" document [17].

4.2. Packet Transmission

Transmission of a packet in the host group model is controlled by

two parameters of scope, one being the destination internetwork

address and the other being the "distance" to the destination

host(s). In particular,

Send ( dest-address, source-address, data, distance )

transmits the specified data in an internetwork datagram to the

host(s) identified by dest-address that are within the specified

distance. The destination address is thus similar to conventional

networks except that delivery may be to multiple hosts; the

distance parameter requires further discussion.

Distance may be measured in several ways, including number of

network hops, time to deliver and what might be called

administrative distance. Administrative distance refers to the

distance between the administrations of two different networks.

For example, in a company the networks of the research group and

advanced development group might be considered quite close to each

other, networks of the corporate management more distant, and

networks of other companies much more distant. One may wish to

restrict a query to members within one's own administrative domain

because servers outside that domain may not be trusted.

Similarly, error reporting outside of an administrative domain may

not be productive and may in fact be confusing.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

Besides limiting the scope of transmission, the distance parameter

can be used to control the scope of multicast as a binding

mechanism and to implement an expanding scope of search for a

desired service. For instance, to locate a name server familiar

with a given name, one might check with nearby name servers and

expand the distance (by incrementing the distance on

retransmission) to include more distant name servers until the

name is found.

To reach all members of a group, a sender specifies the maximum

value for the distance parameter. This maximum must exceed the

"diameter" of the Internet.

Packet reception is the same as conventional architectures. That


Receive () --> dest-address, source-address, data

returns the next internetwork datagram that is, or has been,


4.3. Delivery Requirements

We identify several requirements for the packet delivery mechanism

that are essential to host groups being a useful and used


Firstly, given the predominance of broadcast local-area networks

and the locality of communication to individual networks, the

delivery mechanism must be able to exploit the hardware's

capability for very efficient multicast within a single local-area


Secondly, the delivery mechanism must scale in sophistication to

efficient delivery across the Internet as it acquires high-speed

wide-area communication links and higher performance gateways.

The former are being provided by the introduction of high-speed

satellite channels and long-haul fiber optic links. The latter

are made feasible by the falling cost of memory and processing

power plus the increasing importance in controlling access to

relatively unprotected local network environments. A host group

delivery mechanism must be able to take advantage of these trends

as they materialize.

Finally, the delivery mechanism must avoid "systematic errors" in

delivery to members of the host group. That is, a small number of

repeated transmissions must result in delivery to all group

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

members within the specified distance, unless a member is

disconnected or has failed. We refer to this property as

coverage. In general, most reliable protocols make this basic

assumption for unicast delivery. It is important to guarantee

this assumption for multicast as well or else applications using

multicast may fail in unexpected ways when coverage is not

provided. For efficiency, the multicast delivery mechanism should

also avoid regularly delivering multiple copies of a packet to

individual hosts.

Failure notification is not viewed as an essential requirement,

given the datagram semantics of delivery. However, a host group

extension to IP should provide "hint"-level failure notification

as the natural extension of the failure notification for unicast.

5. Extensions to IP

This section discusses the specific extensions to the DARPA Internet

Protocol required to support the host group model. The extensions

need be implemented only on those hosts that wish to join host groups

or send to host groups; existing implementations are not affected by

the proposed changes.

5.1. Group Addresses

A portion of the 32-bit IP address space is reserved for host

group addresses. The range of group addresses is chosen to be

easily recognized and to not conflict with existing individual

addresses. Either Class A addresses with a distinguished

(currently unused) network number or Class D addresses (those

starting with 111) would be suitable. The range of group addresses

is further subdivided into a set of permanent group addresses and

a set of temporary group addresses.

Host group addresses may be used in the same way as individual

addresses in the source, destination, and options fields of IP

datagrams. An IP implementation adds to the list of its own

individual addresses, the addresses of all groups to which it

belongs. The source addresses of locally originated datagrams are

validated against the list, and incoming datagrams which are not

destined to an address on the list are discarded. The addresses

on the list change dynamically as IP users create, join and leave


RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

5.2. Group Management

To support the group management operations of CreateGroup,

JoinGroup and LeaveGroup, an IP module must interact with one or

more multicast agents which reside in neighbouring gateways or

other special-purpose hosts. These interaction are handled by an

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) which, like ICMP [15],

is an integral part of the IP implementation. A proposed

specification for IGMP is given in Appendix I.

5.3. Multicast Delivery

In order to transmit a datagram destined to a host group, an IP

module must map the destination group address into a local network

address. As with individual IP addresses, the mapping algorithm

is local-network- specific. On networks that directly support

multicast, the IP host group address is mapped to a local network

multicast address that includes all local members of the host

group plus one or more multicast agents. For networks that do not

directly support multicast, the mapping may be to a more general

broadcast address, to a list of local unicast addresses, or

perhaps to the address of a single machine that handles

multi-destination relaying.

5.4. Distance Control

The existing Time to Live field in the IP header can be used for

crude control over the delivery radius of multicast datagrams. To

provide finer-grain control, a new IP option is defined to specify

the maximum delivery distance in "administrative units", such as

"this network", "this department", "this company", "this country",

etc. The set of units and their encoding is to be determined.

6. Implementation

In this section, we sketch a design for implementing the host group

model within the Internet. This description of the design is given

to further support the feasibility of the host group model as well as

point out some of the problems yet to be addressed.

Implementation of host groups involves implementing a binding

mechanism (binding Internet addresses to zero or more hosts) and a

packet delivery mechanism (delivering a packet to each host to which

its destination address binds). This facility fits most naturally

into the gateways of the Internet and the switching nodes of the

constituent point-to-point networks (as opposed to separate machines)

because multicast binding and delivery is a natural extension of the

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

unicast binding and delivery (i.e. routing plus store-and-forward).

That is, a multicast packet is routed and transmitted to multiple

destinations, rather than to a single destination.

In the following description, we start with a basic, simple

implementation that provides coverage and then refine this mechanism

with various optimizations to improve efficiency of delivery and

group management.

6.1. Basic Implementation

A host group defines a network group, which is the set of networks

containing current members of the host group. When a packet is

sent to a host group, a copy is delivered to each network in the

corresponding network group. Then, within each network, a copy is

delivered to each host belonging to the group.

To support such multicast delivery, every Internet gateway

maintains the following data structures:

- routing table: conventional Internet routing information,

including the distance and direction to the nearest gateway

on every network.

- network membership table: A set of records, one for every

currently existing host group. The network membership record

for a group lists the network group, i.e. the networks that

contain members of the group.

- local host membership table: A set of records, one for each

host group that has members on directly attached networks.

Each local host membership record indicates the local hosts

that are members of the associated host group. For networks

that support multicast or broadcast, the record may contain

only the local network-specific multicast address used by the

group plus a count of local members. Otherwise, local group

members may be identified by a list of unicast addresses to

be used in the software implementation of multicast within

the network.

A host invokes the multicast delivery service by sending a

group-destined IP datagram to an immediate neighbour gateway (i.e.

a gateway that is directly attached to the same network as the

sending host). Upon receiving a group-destined datagram from a

directly attached network, a gateway looks up the network

membership record corresponding to the destination address of the

datagram. For each of the networks listed in the membership

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

record, the gateway consults its routing table. If, according to

the routing table, a member network is directly attached, the

gateway transmits a copy of the datagram on that network, using

the network-specific multicast address allocated for the group on

that network. For a member network that is not directly attached

the gateway creates a copy of the datagram with an additional

inter-gateway header identifying the destination network. This

inter-gateway datagram is forwarded to the nearest gateway on the

destination network, using conventional store-and-forward routing

techniques. At the gateway on the destination network, the

datagram is stripped of its inter-gateway header and transmitted

to the group's multicast address on that network. The datagram is

dropped by the relaying gateways whenever it exceeds its distance


The network membership records and the network-specific multicast

structures are updated in response to group management requests

from hosts. A host sends a request to create, join, or leave a

group to an immediate neighbour gateway. If the host requests

creation of a group, a new network membership record is created by

the serving gateway and distributed to all other gateways. If the

host is the first on its network to join a group, or if the host

is the last on its network to leave a group, the group's network

membership record is updated in all gateways. The updates need

not be performed atomically at all gateways, due to the datagram

delivery semantics; hosts can tolerate misrouted and lost packets

caused by temporary gateway inconsistencies, as long as the

inconsistencies are resolved within normal host retransmission

periods. In this respect, the network membership data is similar

to the network reachability data maintained by conventional

routing algorithms, and can be handled by similar mechanisms.

In many cases, a host joins a group that already has members on

the same network, or leaves a group that has remaining members on

the same network. This is then a local matter between the hosts

and gateways on a single network: only the local host membership

table needs to be updated to include or exclude the host.

This basic implementation strategy meets the delivery requirements

stated at the end of Section 4. However, it is far from optimal,

in terms of either delivery efficiency or group management

overhead. Below, we discuss some further refinements to the basic


RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

6.2. Multicast Routing Between Networks

Multicast routing among the Internet gateways is similar to

store-and-forward routing in a point-to-point network. The main

difference is that the links between the nodes (gateways) can be a

mixture of broadcast and unicast-type networks with widely

different throughput and delay characteristics. In addition,

packets are addressed to networks rather than hosts (at the

gateway level).

We intend to use the extended reverse path forwarding algorithm of

Dalal and Metcalfe [10]. Although originally designed for

broadcast, it is a simple and efficient technique that can serve

well for multicast delivery if network membership records in each

gateway are augmented with information from neighbouring gateways.

This algorithm uses the source network identifier, rather than a

destination network identifier to make routing decisions. Since

the source address of a datagram may be a group address, it cannot

be used to identify the source network of the datagram; the first

gateway must add a header specifying the source network. This

approach minimizes redundant transmissions when multiple

destination networks are reachable across a common intergateway

link, a problem with the basic implementation described above.

Note that we eliminate from consideration techniques that fail to

deliver along the branches of the shortest delay tree rooted at

the source, such as Wall's center-based forwarding [16] because

this compromises the meaning of the multicast distance parameter

and detracts from multicast performance in general. We also

rejected the approach of having a multicast packet carry more than

one network identifier in its inter-gateway header to indicate

multiple destination networks because the resulting variable

length headers would cause buffering and fragmentation problems in

the gateways.

6.3. Multicasting Within Networks

A simple optimization within a network is to have the sender use

the local multicast address of a host group for its initial

transmission. This allows the local host group members to receive

the transmission immediately along with the gateways (which must

now "eavesdrop" on all multicast transmissions). A gateway only

forwards the datagram if the destination host group includes

members on other networks. This scheme reduces the cost to reach

local group members to one packet transmission from two required

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

in the basic implementation <3> so transmission to local members

is basically as efficient as the local multicast support provided

by the network.

A similar opportunity for reducing packet traffic arises when a

datagram must traverse a network to get from one gateway to

another, and that network also holds members of the destination

group. Again, use of a network-specific multicast address which

includes member hosts plus gateways can achieve the desired

effect. However, in this case, hosts must be prepared to accept

datagrams that include an inter-gateway header or, alternatively,

every datagram must include a spare field in its header for use by

gateways in lieu of an additional inter-gateway header.

6.4. Distributing Membership Information

A refinement to host group membership maintenance is to store the

host group membership record for a group only in those gateways

that are directly connected to member networks. Information about

other groups is cached in the gateway only while it is required to

route to those other groups. When a gateway receives a datagram

to be forwarded to a group for which it has no network membership

record (which can only happen if the gateway is not directly

connected to a member network), it takes the following action.

The gateway assumes temporarily that the destination group has

members on every network in the internetwork, except those

directly attached to the sending gateway, and routes the datagram

accordingly. In the inter-gateway header of the outgoing packet,

the gateway sets a bit indicating that it wishes to receive a copy

of the network membership record for the destination host group.

When such a datagram reaches a gateway on a member network, that

gateway sends a copy of the membership record back to the

requesting gateway and clears the copy request bit in the


Copies of network membership records sent to gateways outside of a

group's member networks are cached for use in subsequent

transmissions by those gateways. That raises the danger of a

stale cache entry leading to systematic delivery failures. To

counter that problem, the inter-gateway header contains a field

which is a hash value or checksum on the network membership record

used to route the datagram. Gateways on member networks compare

the checksum on incoming datagrams with their up-to-date records.

If the checksums don't match, an up-to-date copy of the record is

returned to the gateway with the bad record.

This caching strategy minimizes intergateway traffic for groups

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Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

that are only used within one network or within the set of

networks on which members reside, the expected common cases.

Partial replication with caching also reduces the overhead for

network traffic to disseminate updates and keep all copies

consistent. Finally, it also reduces the total space required in

all the gateways to support a large number of host groups.

We have not addressed here the problem of maintaining up-to-date,

consistent network membership records within the set of gateways

connected to members of a group. This can be viewed as a

distributed database problem which has been well studied in other

contexts. The loose consistency requirements on network

membership records suggest that the techniques used in Grapevine

[3] might be useful for this application.

7. Related Work

The use of unreliable multicast by higher-level protocols and the

implementation of multicast within various individual networks have

been well-studied (see [7] for references and discussion). However,

there is relatively little published work on the use or

implementation of internetwork multicasting.

Boggs, in his thesis [4], describes a number of distributed

applications that are impossible or very awkward to support without

the flexible binding nature of broadcast addressing. Although he

recognizes that almost all of his applications would be best served

by a multicast mechanism, he advocates the use of "directed

broadcast" because it is easy to implement within many kinds of

networks and can be extended across an internetwork without placing

any new burden on internetwork gateways. In RFC-919 [13], Mogul

proposes adopting directed broadcast for the DARPA Internet.

Broadcasting has the undesirable side effect of delivering packets to

more hosts than necessary, thus incurring overhead on uninvolved

parties and possibly creating security problems. As more and more

applications take advantage of broadcasting, the overhead on all

hosts continues to rise. Clearly, broadcast does not scale up to a

large internetwork. As an attempt to handle the scaling problem,

directed broadcast is less attractive than true multicast because the

set of hosts that can be reached by a single "send" operation is an

artifact of the internetwork topology, rather than a grouping that is

meaningful to the sender.

In RFC-947 [12], Lebowitz and Mankins propose the use of broadcast

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

repeaters that pick up broadcast datagrams from one network and relay

them to other networks for broadcast there. This technique is even

less selective of its targets than Bogg's directed broadcast method.

Aguilar [1] suggests allowing an IP datagram to carry multiple

destination addresses, which are used by the gateways to route the

datagram to each recipient. Such a facility would alleviate some of

the inefficiencies of sending individual datagrams to a group, but it

would not be able to take advantage of local network multicast

facilities. More seriously, Aguilar's scheme requires the sender to

know the individual IP addresses of all members of the destination

group and thus lacks the flexible binding nature of true multicast or


8. Concluding Remarks

We have described a model of multicast communication for the

Internet. As an extension of the existing Internet architecture, it

views unicast communication and time-to-live constraints as special

cases of the more general form of communication arising with

multicast. We have argued that this model is implementable in the

Internet and that it provides a powerful facility for a variety of

applications. In some cases, it provides a facility that is required

for certain applications to work in the Internet environment. In

other cases, it provides a more efficient, robust and possibly more

elegant way of implementing existing Internet applications.

We are currently implementing a prototype host group facility as an

extension of IP. For practical reasons, this prototype implements

all group management functions and multicast routing outside of the

Internet gateways, in special hosts called multicast agents, which

are similar to the broadcast repeaters of Lebowitz and Mankins. The

collection of multicast agents in effect provides a second gateway

system on top of the existing Internet, for multicast purposes. The

major costs of this separation are redundancy of routing tables

between gateways and multicast agents and the increased delay and

unreliability of extra hops in the delivery path. Much of the

routing information in the multicast agents must be "wired-in"

because they do not have access to the gateways' routing tables.

However, this rudimentary implementation provides an environment for

evaluating the interface to the multicast service and for

investigating group management and multicast routing protocols for

eventual use in the gateways. It also serves as a testbed for

porting multicast-based distributed applications to the Internet.

For now, we are restricting group membership to local networks that

already have a broadcast or multicast capability, such as the

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

Ethernet. We feel that, in the future, any network that is to support

hosts other than just gateways must have a multicast addressing mode.

Efficient implementation of multicast within point-to-point or

virtual circuit networks deserves investigation.

A significant issue raised by the host group model is authentication

and access control in the Internet. Gateways must control which

hosts can create and join host groups, presumably making their

decision based on the identity of the requestor (thus requiring

authentication) and permissions (access control lists). This issue

does not arise in conventional internetwork architectures because

host addresses are administratively assigned with no notion of

dynamic assignment and binding as provided by host groups. We

believe that access control should be recognized as a proper and

necessary function of gateways so as to protect the hosts of local

networks from general internetwork activity. Thus, group access

control can be subsumed as part of this more general mechanism,

although more investigation of the general issue is called for.

On a philosophical point, there has been considerable reluctance to

make open use of multicast on local networks because it was

network-specific and not provided across the Internet. We were

originally of that school. However, we recognized that our "hidden"

uses of multicast in the V distributed system were essential unless

we resorted to dramatically poorer solutions - wired-in addresses.

We also recognized, as described in this paper, that an adequate

multicast facility for the Internet was feasible. As a consequence,

we now argue that multicast is an important and basic facility to

provide in local networks and internetworks. Higher levels of

communication, including applications, should feel free to make use

of this powerful facility. Networks and internetworks lacking

multicast should be regarded as deficient relative to the future (and

present) requirements of sophisticated distributed applications and

communication systems.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

Appendix I. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used between IP

hosts and their immediate neighbour multicast agents to support the

allocation of temporary group addresses and the addition and deletion

of members of a group.

Like ICMP, IGMP is a required part of all IP implementations. IGMP

messages are encapsulated in IP datagrams, with an IP protocol number

of 2. IGMP messages are formatted similarly to ICMP messages and the

different IGMP message types are given values distinct from ICMP

message types, so that both protocols may share common implementation

modules or, perhaps, be merged into a single protocol.

IGMP interactions take the form of request-response transactions. A

request message is sent by hosts to the permanent group of all

immediate neighbour multicast agents. Multicast agents reply to the

IP source address of a request. If no reply is received within a

(currently unspecified) timeout interval, a host retransmits its

request, up to some (currently unspecified) maximum number of times.

IGMP transactions are considered idempotent, so that multicast agents

need not recognize and filter out duplicate requests nor buffer

replies <4>.

The IGMP message formats and procedures are defined below, in the

style used in the ICMP specification.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

Create Group Request or Create Group Reply Message

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Code Checksum


Identifier Sequence Number


Group Address


+ Access Key +


IP Fields:


A Create Group Request message is sent with an individual IP

address of the sending host as its source, and the well-known

group address of the multicast agents as its destination.

The corresponding Create Group Reply is sent with those two

addresses reversed.

IGMP Fields:


101 for Create Group Request

102 for Create Group Reply


For a Create Group Request message, the Code field indicates if

the group is to be restricted:

0 = unrestricted

1 = restricted

For a Create Group Reply message, the Code field specifies the

outcome of the request:

0 = request approved

1 = request denied, no resources

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol


The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's

complement sum of the IGMP message starting with the IGMP Type.

For computing the checksum, the checksum field should be zero.

This checksum may be replaced in the future.


An identifier to aid in matching Request and Reply messages.

Sequence Number

A sequence number to aid in matching Request and Reply


Group Address

For a Create Group Request message, a value of 0.

For a Create Group Reply message, either a newly allocated

group address (if the request is approved) or a value of 0 (if


Access Key

For a Create Group Request message, a value of 0.

For a Create Group Reply message, either a pseudo-random 64-bit

number (if the request for a restricted group is approved) or



A Create Group Request message is sent to the the group of

local multicast agents by a host wishing to allocate a new

temporary group.

If no Reply message is received within t seconds, the Request

is retransmitted. If no Reply is received after n

transmissions, the request is deemed to have failed.

The first Reply message to arrive, if any, specifies the

outcome of the request. The request may be denied because of

lack of resources (e.g. no table space in gateways or all

temporary addresses in use).

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

If the request is approved, the requesting host is considered

to be the first and only current member of the new host group.

The Identifier and Sequence Number fields are used to match the

Reply to the corresponding Request. The multicast agents may

choose to use these values to minimize the chance of allocating

more than one new group for a single request, for example when

a Reply is lost and a

Request is retransmitted. However, the multicast agents must

be prepared to recover temporary group addresses without

requiring explicit Leave Group Requests from all members; they

may choose simply to allocate a new address for every

retransmission and recover unused ones when needed <5>.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

Join Group Request or Join Group Reply Message

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Code Checksum


Identifier Sequence Number


Group Address


+ Access Key +


IP Fields:


A Join Group Request message is sent with an individual IP

address of the sending host as its source, and the well-known

group address of the multicast agents as its destination.

The corresponding Join Group Reply is sent with those two

addresses reversed.

IGMP Fields:


103 for Join Group Request

104 for Join Group Reply


For a Join Group Request message, the Code field contains 0.

For a Join Group Reply message, the Code field specifies the

outcome of the request:

0 = request approved

1 = request denied, no resources

2 = request denied, invalid group address

3 = request denied, invalid access key

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol


The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's

complement sum of the IGMP message starting with the IGMP Type.

For computing the checksum, the checksum field should be zero.

This checksum may be replaced in the future.


An identifier to aid in matching Request and Reply messages.

Sequence Number

A sequence number to aid in matching Request and Reply


Group Address

For a Join Group Request message, a host group address.

For a Join Group Reply message, the same group address as in

the corresponding request.

Access Key

For a Join Group Request message, the access key allocated when

the group was created (0 for unrestricted groups).

For a Join Group Reply message, the same access key as in the

corresponding request.


A Join Group Request message is sent to the the group of local

multicast agents by a host wishing to join a specified,

existing group. If no Reply message is received within t

seconds, the Request is retransmitted. If no reply is received

after n transmissions, the request is deemed to have failed.

The first Reply message to arrive, if any, specifies the

outcome of the request. The request may be denied because of

an invalid access key, an invalid specified group address (e.g.

non-existent group) or lack of resources (e.g. no table space

in gateways).

The Identifier and Sequence Number fields are used to match the

Reply to the corresponding Request. If a multicast agent

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

receives a request from a host to join a group to which it

already belongs, the agent approves the request, under the

assumption that the request was a retransmission for a lost


RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

Leave Group Request or Leave Group Reply Message

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Code Checksum


Identifier Sequence Number


Group Address


IP Fields:


A Leave Group Request message is sent with an individual IP

address of the sending host as its source, and the well-known

group address of the multicast agents as its destination.

The corresponding Leave Group Reply is sent with those two

addresses reversed.

IGMP Fields:


105 for Leave Group Request

106 for Leave Group Reply


For a Leave Group Request message, the Code field contains 0.

For Leave Group Reply message, the Code field specifies the

outcome of the request:

0 = request approved

2 = request denied, invalid group address


The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's

complement sum of the IGMP message starting with the IGMP Type.

For computing the checksum, the checksum field should be zero.

This checksum may be replaced in the future.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol


An identifier to aid in matching Request and Reply messages.

Sequence Number

A sequence number to aid in matching Request and Reply


Group Address

For a Leave Group Request message, a host group address.

For a Leave Group Reply message, the same group address as in

the corresponding request.


A Leave Group Request message is sent to the the group of local

multicast agents by a host wishing to leave a specified,

existing group. If no Reply message is received within t

seconds, the Request is retransmitted. If no reply is received

after n transmissions, the request is deemed to have succeeded.

The first Reply message to arrive, if any, specifies the

outcome of the request. The request may be denied only if the

specified group address is invalid (e.g. an individual rather

than a group address.)

The Identifier and Sequence Number fields are used to match the

Reply to the corresponding Request, as with other ICMP

transactions. If a multicast agent receives a request from a

host to leave a group to which it does not belong, the agent

approves the request, under the assumption that the request was

a retransmission for a lost Reply.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol


<1> In reality, Internet addresses (individual or group) are bound

to network interfaces or network attachment points, not the host

machines per se.

<2> In this procedure call notation, the arguments for an operation

are listed in parentheses after the operation name, and the

returned values, if any, are listed after a --> symbol.

<3> One unicast transmission from sender to gateway and one

multicast transmission from gateway to local group members

<4> This protocol may eventually be replaced by a more general

reliable transaction protocol designed for this type of

client/server interaction, as suggested in RFC-955 [5].

<5> Multicast agents can use an ICMP Echo message to determine if a

group has any current members. The Echo message should be

transmitted several times before deciding the group address is

no longer in use.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol


[1] L. Aguilar. Datagram Routing for Internet Multicasting. In ACM

SIGCOMM '84 Communications Architectures and Protocols, pages

58-63. ACM, June, 1984.

[2] E. J. Berglund and D. R. Cheriton. Amaze: A distributed

multi-player game program using the distributed V kernel. In

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on

Distributed Systems. IEEE, May, 1984.

[3] A. D. Birrell et al. Grapevine: an exercise in distributed

computing. Communications of the ACM 25(4):260-274, April,


[4] D. R. Boggs. Internet Broadcasting. PhD thesis, Stanford

University, January, 1982.

[5] R. Braden. Towards a Transport Service for Transaction

Processing Applications. Technical Report RFC-919, SRI Network

Information Center, September, 1985.

[6] J-M. Chang. Simplifying Distributed Database Design by Using a

Broadcast Network. In SIGMOD '84. ACM, June, 1984.

[7] D. R. Cheriton and S. E. Deering. Host Groups: A Multicast

Extension for Datagram Internetworks. In Proceedings of the

Ninth Data Communications Symposium. ACM/IEEE, September, 1985.

[8] D. R. Cheriton and W. Zwaenepoel. Distributed Process Groups in

the V Kernel. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 3(3), May,


[9] F. Cristian et al. Atomic Broadcast: from simple message

diffusion to Byzantine agreement. In 15th International

Conference on Fault Tolerant Computing. , Ann Arbor, Michigan,

June, 1985.

[10] Y. K. Dalal and R. M. Metcalfe. Reverse Path Forwarding of

Broadcast Packets. Communications of the ACM 21(2):1040-1047,

December, 1978.

[11] H. Forsdick. MMCF: A Multi-Media Conferencing Facility.

personal communication.

RFC966 December 1985

Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol

[12] K. Lebowitz and D. Mankins. Multi-network Broadcasting within

the Internet.Technical Report RFC-947, SRI Network Information

Center, June, 1985.

[13] J. Mogul. Broadcasting Internet Datagrams. Technical Report

RFC-919, SRI Network Information Center, October, 1984.

[14] J. Postel. Internet Protocol. Technical Report RFC-791, SRI

Network Information Center, September, 1981.

[15] J. Postel. Internet Control Message Protocol. Technical Report

RFC-792, SRI Network Information Center, September, 1981.

[16] D. W, Wall. Mechanisms for Broadcast and Selective Broadcast.

Technical Report 190, Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford

University, June, 1980.

[17] J. K. Reynolds and J. Postel. Assigned Numbers. Technical

Report RFC-960, SRI Network Information Center, September,


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