
RFC942 - Transport protocols for Department of Defense data networks

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Network Working Group National Research Council

Request for Comments: 942

February 1985





This RFCis distributed for information only. This RFCdoes not

establish any policy for the DARPA research community or the DDN

operational community. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

This RFCreprodUCes the National Research Council report resulting from

a study of the DOD Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control

Protocol (TCP) in comparison with the ISO Internet Protocol (ISO-IP) and

Transport Protocol level 4 (TP-4).

Transport Protocols for

Department of Defense

Data Networks

Report to the Department of Defense

and the National Bureau of Standards

Committee on Computer-Computer Communication Protocols

Board on Telecommunications and Computer Applications Commission on

Engineering and Technical Systems

National Research Council

National Academy Press

Washington, D.C. February 1985

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The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the

Governing Board on the National Research Council, whose members are

drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the

National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The

members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for

their special competences and with regard for appropriate balance.

This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors,

according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting

of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of

Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.

The National Research Council was established by the National Academy of

Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and

technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering knowledge and of

advising the federal government. The Council operates in accordance

with general policies determined by the Academy under the authority of

its congressional charter of 1863, which establishes the Academy as a

private, nonprofit, self-governing membership corporation. The Council

has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy

of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in the conduct of

their services to the government, the public, and the scientific and

engineering communities. It is administered jointly by both Academies

and the Institute of Medicine. The National Academy of Engineering and

the Institute of Medicine were established in 1964 and 1970,

respectively, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences.

This is a report of work supported by Contract No. DCA-83-C-0051 between

the U.S. Defense Communications Agency and the National Academy of

Sciences, underwritten jointly by the Department of Defense and the

National Bureau of Standards.

Copies of this publication are available from:

Board on Telecommunications and Computer Applications Commission on

Engineering and Technical Systems

National Research Council

2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20418

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C. CHAPIN CUTLER, Professor of Applied Physics, Stanford University,

Stanford, California


HERBERT D. BENINGTON, Technical Director, System Development

Corporation, McLean, Virginia

DONALD L. BOYD, Director, Honeywell Corporate Computer Sciences Center,

Honeywell Corporate Technology Center, Bloomington, Minnesota

DAVID J. FARBER, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor of

Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of

Delaware, Newark, Delaware

LAWRENCE H. LANDWEBER, Professor, Computer Sciences Department,

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

ANTHONY G. LAUCK, Manager, Distributed Systems Architecture and

Advanced Development, Digital Equipment Corporation, Tewksbury,


KEITH A. LUCKE, General Manager of Control Data Technical Standards,

Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota

MISCHA SCHWARTZ, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer

Science, Columbia University, New York, New York

ROBERT F. STEEN, Director of Architecture, Communication Products

Division IBM Corporation, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

CARL A. SUNSHINE, Principal Engineer, Sytek, Incorporated, Los Angeles

Operation, Culver City, California

DANIEL J. FINK, (Ex-officio), President, D.J. Fink Associates, Inc.,

Arlington, Virginia


Department, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey


RICHARD B. MARSTEN, Executive Director

JEROME D. ROSENBERG, Senior Staff Officer and Study Director

LOIS A. LEAK, Administrative Secretary

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DANIEL J. FINK, President, D.J. Fink Associates, Inc., Arlington,


Past Chairman

BROCKWAY MCMILLAN, Vice President (Retired), Bell Laboratories,

Sedgwick, Maine


ARTHUR G. ANDERSON, Vice President (Retired), IBM Corporation, San

Jose, California

DANIEL BELL, Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences, Department of

Sociology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

HERBERT D. BENINGTON, Technical Director, System Development

Corporation, McLean, Virginia

ELWYN R. BERLEKAMP, Professor of Mathematics, Department of

Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, California

ANTHONY J. DEMARIA, Assistant Director of Research for Electronics and

Electro-Optics Technology, United Technologies Research Center, East

Hartford, Connecticut

GERALD P. DINNEEN, Vice President, Science and Technology, Honeywell

Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota

GEORGE GERBNER, Professor and Dean, The Annenberg School of

Communications, University of Pennsylvania, PhilaDelphia, Pennsylvania

ANNE P. JONES, Partner, Sutherland, Asbill and Brennan, Washington,


ADRIAN M. MCDONOUGH, Professor of Management and Decision Sciences

(Retired), The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Havertown,


WILBUR L. PRITCHARD, President, Satellite Systems Engineering, Inc.,

Bethesda, Maryland

MICHAEL B. PURSLEY, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of

Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

IVAN SELIN, Chairman of the Board, American Management Systems, Inc.,

Arlington, Virginia

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MISCHA SCHWARTZ, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer

Science, Columbia University, New York, New York

ERIC E. SUMNER, Vice President, Operations System and Network Planning,

AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey

KEITH W. UNCAPHER, Executive Director, USC-Information Sciences

Institute Associate Dean, School of Engineering, University of Southern

California, Marina del Rey, California


Department, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey


Richard B. Marsten, Executive Director

Jerome D. Rosenberg, Senior Staff Officer

Karen Laughlin, Administrative Coordinator

Carmen A. Ruby, Administrative Assistant

Lois A. Leak, Administrative Secretary

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PREFACE ............................................................ ix

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................. xi

I Introduction .................................................. 1

II Review of NBS and DOD Objectives .............................. 3

III Comparison of DOD and ISO Protocols .......................... 13

IV Status of DOD and ISO Protocol

Implementations and Specifications .......................... 25

V Markets ...................................................... 31

VI Development of Standard Commercial versus

Special Commercial Products .................................. 39

VII Responsiveness of International Standards

Process to Change ............................................ 43

VIII Options for DOD and NBS ...................................... 45

IX Cost Comparison of Options .................................. 47

X Evaluation of Options ........................................ 53

XI Recommendations .............................................. 61

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This is the final report of the National Research Council Committee on

Computer-Computer Communication Protocols. The committee was

established in May l983 at the request of the Department of Defense

(DOD) and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), Department of

Commerce, to develop recommendations and guidelines for resolving

differences between the two agencies on a data communications transport

protocol standard.

Computer-based information and transaction-processing systems are basic

tools in modern industry and government. Over the past several years

there has been a growing demand to transfer and exchange digitized data

in these systems quickly and accurately. This demand for data transfer

and exchange has been both among the terminals and computers within an

organization and among those in different organizations.

Rapid electronic transport of digitized data requires electronic

communication links that tie the elements together. These links are

established, organized, and maintained by means of a layered series of

procedures performing the many functions inherent in the communications

process. The successful movement of digitized data depends upon the

participants using identical or compatible procedures, or protocols.

The DOD and NBS have each developed and promulgated a transport protocol

as standard. The two protocols, however, are dissimilar and

incompatible. The committee was called to resolve the differences

between these protocols.

The committee held its first meeting in August l983 at the National

Research Council in Washington, D.C. Following this two-day meeting the

committee held five more two-day meetings, a three-day meeting, and a

one-week workshop.

The committee was briefed by personnel from both agencies. In addition,

the committee heard from Jon Postel, University of Southern California's

Information Sciences Institute; Dave Oran, Digital Equipment

Corporation; Vinton Cerf, MCI; David Wood, The Mitre Corporation; Clair

Miller, Honeywell, and Robert Follett, IBM, representing the Computer

and Business Equipment Manufacturer's Association; and John Newman,

Ultimate Corporation. In most cases the briefings were followed by


The committee wishes to thank Philip Selvaggi of the Department of

Defense and Robert Blanc of the NBS, Institute of Computer Sciences and

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Technology, for their cooperation as their agency's liaison

representatives to the committee. The committee appreciates the

contributions and support of Richard B. Marsten, Executive Director of

the Board on Telecommunications -- Computer Applications (BOTCAP), and

Jerome D. Rosenberg, BOTCAP Senior Staff Officer and the committee Study

Director. We also wish to thank Lois A. Leak for her eXPert

administrative and secretarial support.

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Computer communication networks have become a very important part of

military and commercial operations. Indeed, the nation is becoming

dependent upon their efficiency and reliability, and the recent

proliferation of networks and their widespread use have emphasized the

importance of developing uniform conventions, or protocols, for

communication between computer systems. The Department of Defense (DOD)

and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) have been actively engaged in

activities related to protocol standardization. This report is

concerned primarily with recommendations on protocol standardization

within the Department of Defense.

Department of Defense's Transmission Protocol

The DOD's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been

conducting and supporting research on computer networks for over

fifteen years (1). These efforts led to the development of modern

packet-switched network design concepts. Transmission between

computers is generally accomplished by packet switching using strict

protocols for the control and exchange of messages. The Advanced

Research Projects Agency network (ARPANET), implemented in the early

1970s, provided a testing ground for research on communications

protocols. In 1978, after four years of development, the DOD

promulgated versions of its Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and an

Internet Protocol (IP) and mandated their use as standards within the

DOD. TCP is now widely used and accepted. These protocols meet the

unique operational and functional requirements of the DOD, and any

changes in the protocols are viewed with some trepidation by members of

the department. DOD representatives have stated that standardizing TCP

greatly increased the momentum within the DOD toward establishing

interoperability between networks within the DOD.

International Standards Organization's Transport Protocol

The NBS Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology (ICST), in

cooperation with the DOD, many industrial firms, and the International

Standards Organization (ISO), has developed a new international



(1) The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was reorganized and

became the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1973.

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Transport Protocol (TP-4) and a new Internetwork Protocol (2). These

protocols will soon be available as commercial products. Although in

part derived from TCP, the new protocols are not compatible with

TCP (3). The U.S. standards organizations are supporting TP-4 in

international operations, and the Department of Commerce is proposing

TP-4 as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for use by all

federal agencies.


The DOD has unique needs that could be affected by the Transport and

Internet Protocol layers. Although all data networks must have some of

these capabilities, the DOD's needs for operational readiness,

mobilization, and war-fighting capabilities are extreme. These needs

include the following:

Survivability--Some networks must function, albeit at reduced

performance, after many nodes and links have been destroyed.

Security--Traffic patterns and data must be selectively protected

through encryption, Access control, auditing, and routing.

Precedence--Systems should adjust the quality of service on the basis

of priority of use; this includes a capability to preempt services in

cases of very high priority.

Robustness--The system must not fail or suffer much loss of capability

because of unpredicted situations, unexpected loads, or misuse. An

international crisis is the strongest test of robustness, since the

system must operate immediately and with virtually full performance

when an international situation flares up unexpectedly.

Availability--Elements of the system needed for operational readiness

or fighting must be continuously available.

Interoperability--Different elements of the Department must be able to

"talk" to one another, often in unpredicted ways between parties that

had not planned to interoperate.


(2) The ISO Transport Protocol and ISO Internetwork Protocol became

Draft International Standards in September 1983 and April 1984,

respectively. Commercial vendors normally consider Draft International

Standards to be ready for implementation.

(3) Except where noted, the abbreviation TCP generally refers to both

the DOD's Transmission Control Protocol and its Internet Protocol.

Similarly, the abbreviation TP-4 refers to both the ISO Transport

Protocol class 4 and its Internetwork Protocol. (Transport Protocol

classes 0 to 3 are used for special purposes not related to those of

this study.)

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These operational needs reflect themselves into five technical or

managerial needs:

1. Functional and operational specifications (that is, will the

protocol designs meet the operational needs?);

2. Maximum interoperability;

3. Minimum procurement, development, and support costs;

4. Ease of transition to new protocols; and

5. Manageability and responsiveness to changing DOD requirements.

These are the criteria against which DOD options for using the ISO

transport and internet protocols should be evaluated.

Interoperability is a very important DOD need. Ideally, DOD networks

would permit operators at any terminal to access or be accessed by

applications in any computer. This would provide more network power

for users, integration of independently developed systems, better use

of resources, and increased survivability. To increase

interoperability, the Office of the Secretary of Defense has mandated

the use of TCP for the Defense Communication System's Defense Data

Network (DDN), unless waivers are granted. In addition, the Defense

Communication Agency (DCA) is establishing standards for three

higher-level "utility" protocols for file transfer, terminal access,

and electronic mail. Partly as a result of these actions, it has

become clear that there is growing momentum toward accepting

interoperability and a recognition that it is an important operational


It is very important, however, to recognize that functional

interoperability is only achieved with full generality when two

communication nodes can interoperate at all protocol levels. For the

DOD the relevant levels are as follows:

1. Internet, using IP;

2. Transport, using TCP;

3. Utility, using file, terminal, or mail protocols; and

4. Specific applications that use the above protocols for their

particular purpose.

Accordingly, if a network is developed using one transport protocol, it

would generally not be able to interoperate functionally with other

networks using the same transport protocol unless both networks were

also using the higher-level utility and application protocols. In

evaluating whether or not to convert to TP-4 and in developing a

transition plan, the following factors must be considered:

The DOD contains numerous communities of interest whose principal need

is to interoperate within their own members, independently. Such

communities generally have a specific, well-defined mission.

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The DOD Intelligence Information System (DODIIS) and the World Wide

Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) are examples.

Interoperability is needed primarily between the higher layer

applications programs initially unique to each community of interest.

There are many different kinds of operations needed between

communities of interest. Examples of such operations are

headquarters' need for access to several subordinate communities and

the communities' need for some minimum functional interoperability

with each other (such as mail exchange).

The need for functional interoperability can arise, unexpectedly and

urgently, at a time of crisis or when improved management

opportunities are discovered. Widespread standardization of TP-4 and

higher-level protocols can readily help to achieve these needs.

Often, special development of additional applications that cost time

and money will be necessary.

The DOD needs functional interoperability with many important external

agencies that are committed to ISO standards: The North Atlantic

Treaty Organization (NATO), some intelligence and security agencies,

and other parts of the federal government.

The same objectives that have prompted the use of standardized

protocols at higher-level headquarters will lead to their use by

tactical groups in the field.


A detailed comparison of the DOD Transmission Control Protocol and the

ISO Transport Protocol indicates they are functionally equivalent and

provide essentially similar services. Because it is clear that a great

deal of care and experience in protocol development have gone into

generating the specifications for TP-4, the committee is confident that

TP-4 will meet military requirements.

Although there are differences between the two protocols, they do not

compromise DOD requirements. And, although in several areas, including

the data transfer interface, flow control, connection establishment,

and out-of-band, services are provided in different ways by the two

protocols, neither seems intrinsically superior. Thus, while existing

applications may need to be modified somewhat if moved from TCP to

TP-4, new applications can be written to use either protocol with a

similar level of effort.

The TCP and TP-4 protocols are sufficiently equivalent in their

security-related properties in that there are no significant technical

points favoring the use of one over the other.

While TCP currently has the edge in maturity of implementation, TP-4 is

gaining rapidly due to the worldwide support for and acceptance of the

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Open System Interconnection (OSI) international standards.

Experimental TCP implementations were completed in 1974 at Stanford

University and BBN Communications Corporation. Between 1974 and 1982 a

large number of implementations were produced. The Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency (ARPA) network switched to a complete use of

TCP in January 1983. Operations have been satisfactory and its use is

growing. A number of TCP implementations are also in commercial use in

various private networks.

In contrast, TP-4 has not yet been implemented in any large operational

system. It has been tested experimentally, however, and has received

endorsement by many commercial vendors worldwide. In addition,

substantial portions of TP-4 have been demonstrated at the National

Computer Conference in July 1984.

The Internet Protocol (IP) part of the standards is not believed to be

a problem. The ISO IP is not as far along as TP-4, but it is much less

complex. The ISO IP, based very strongly on the DOD IP, became a draft

international standard in April 1984.

The rapidity of the progress in ISO and the results achieved over the

past two years have surprised even the supporters of international

standards. The reasons for this progress are twofold: strong market

demands stemming from the growing integration of communications and

data processing and the progress in networking technology over the past

years as the result of ARPA and commercial developments.

Although the DOD networks have been a model upon which the ISO

transport standards have been built, the rest of the world is adopting

TP-4. Because the DOD represents a small fraction of the market and

because the United States supports the ISO standard, it is not

realistic to hope that TP-4 can be altered to conform with TCP. This

raises the question as to what action should be taken by the DOD with

respect to the ISO standard.


The DOD has a large and growing commitment in operational TCP networks,

and this will increase by 50 to 100 percent in the next eighteen

months. This rate of investment will probably continue for the next

five years for new systems and the upgrading of current ones. The

current Military Network (MILNET) and Movement Information Network

(MINET) systems are expanding and will shortly be combined. The

Strategic Air Command Digital Information Network (SACDIN) and DODIIS

are undergoing major upgrading. When these changes are completed,

there are plans to upgrade the WWMCCS Intercomputer Network (WIN) and

to add separate SECRET and TOP SECRET networks. There are plans to

combine these six networks in the late 1980s, and they will become

interoperable and multilevel secure using an advanced technology now

under development. If these plans are implemented on schedule, a delay

of several years in moving to TP-4 would mean that the DOD networks in

the late 1980s would be virtually all TCP-based. Subsequent conversion

to international standards would be very expensive

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if hastily attempted in order to maintain established DOD

interoperability and gain interoperability with a large body of users.

As the Department of Defense policy recognizes, there are significant

advantages in using commercial vendor products if they meet the

department's operational needs. The major advantages are as follows:

Costs to the DOD for development, production, and maintenance are

significantly lower because (1) vendors spread the cost over a much

larger user base, (2) commercial vendors are generally more efficient

in their operations, and (3) vendors look for ways to improve their

product to meet competition.

The department generally gets more effective products because vendors

integrate the protocol functions into their entire software and

hardware product line. Thus the DOD may be able eventually to use

commercial software products that are built on top of, and thereby

take advantage of, the transport protocols.

By depending on industry to manage the development and maintenance of

products, the department can use its scarce management and technical

resources on activities unique to its mission.

Because the costs of transport and internet protocol development and

maintenance are so intertwined with other factors, it is impossible to

give a precise estimate of the savings that would be achieved by using

commercial products. Savings will vary in individual cases. The

marginal savings should range from 30 to 80 percent.


The ISO protocols are now well specified but will not generally be

commercially available for many months. Nevertheless, this committee

believes that the principles on which they are based are

well-established, and the protocols can be made to satisfy fully DOD's

needs. The committee recommends that the DOD move toward adoption of

TP-4 as costandard with TCP and toward exclusive use of TP-4.

Transition to the use of the ISO standards, however, must be managed in

a manner that will maintain DOD's operational capabilities and minimize

risks. The timing of the transition is, therefore, a major concern.

Descriptions of two options that take this requirement into account

follow. A majority of the committee recommends the first option, while

a minority favors the second. A third option--to defer action--is also

described but not recommended.

Option 1

The first option is for the DOD to immediately modify its current

transport policy statement to specify TP-4 as a costandard along with

TCP. In addition, the DOD would develop a military specification for

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TP-4 that would also cover DOD requirements for discretionary options

allowed under the NBS protocol specifications. Requests for proposals

(RFPs) for new networks or major upgrades of existing networks would

specify TP-4 as the preferred protocol. Contracts for TP-4 systems

would be awarded only to contractors providing commercial products,

except for unique cases.

Existing networks that use TCP and new networks firmly committed to

the use of TCP-based systems could continue to acquire implementations

of TCP. The DOD should carefully review each case, however, to see

whether it would be advantageous to delay or modify some of these

acquisitions in order to use commercial TP-4 products. For each

community of users it should be decided when it is operationally or

economically most advantageous to replace its current or planned

systems in order to conform to ISO standards without excessively

compromising continued operations.

United States government test facilities would be developed to enable

validation of TP-4 products (4). The Department of Defense would

either require that products be validated using these test facilities

or that they be certified by the vendor. The test facilities could

also be used to isolate multivendor protocol compatibility problems.

The existing NBS validation tools should be used as the base for the

DOD test facilities.

Because under this option networks based on both TCP and TP-4 would

coexist for some time, several capabilities that facilitate

interoperability among networks would need to be developed. The

Department of Defense generally will not find them commercially

available. Examples are gateways among networks or specialized hosts

that provide services such as electronic mail. The department would

need to initiate or modify development programs to provide these

capabilities, and a test and demonstration network would be required.

Option 2

Under Option 2 the Department of Defense would immediately announce

its intention to adopt TP-4 as a transport protocol costandard with

TCP after a satisfactory demonstration of its suitability for use in

military networks. A final commitment would be deferred until the

demonstration has been evaluated and TP-4 is commercially available.

The demonstration should take at most eighteen months and should

involve development of TP-4 implementations and their installation.

This option differs from Option 1 primarily in postponing the adoption

of a TP-4 standard and, consequently, the issuance of RFPs based on

TP-4 until successful completion of a demonstration. The department,


(4) Validation means a systematic and thorough state-of-the-art testing

of the products to assure that all technical specifications are being


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however, should proceed with those provisions of Option 1 that may be

completed in parallel with the demonstration. Early issuance of a

TP-4 military specification, development of validation procedures, and

implementation of means for interoperability would be particularly

important in this regard.

Option 3

Under the third option the DOD would continue using TCP as the

accepted transport standard and defer any decision on the use of TP-4

indefinitely. The department would be expected to stay well informed

on the development and use of the new protocol in the commercial and

international arena and, with the National Bureau of Standards, work

on means to transfer data between the two protocol systems. Testing

and evaluation of TP-4 standards by NBS would continue. The DOD might

eventually accommodate both protocol systems in an evolutionary

conversion to TP-4.

Comparison of Options

The committee believes that all three options equally satisfy the

functional objectives of the DOD, including matters of security. It

believes the two protocols are sufficiently similar and no significant

differences in performance are to be expected if the chosen protocol

implementation is of equal quality and is optimized for the given


The primary motivation for recommending Option 1 is to oBTain the

benefits of standard commercial products in the communication protocol

area at an early date. Benefits include smaller development,

procurement, and support costs; more timely updates; and a wider

product availability. By immediately committing to TP-4 as a

costandard for new systems, Option 1 minimizes the number of systems

that have to be converted eventually from TCP. The ability to manage

the transition is better than with Option 2 since the number of

systems changed would be smaller and the time duration of mixed TCP

and TP-4 operation would be shorter. Interoperability with external

systems (NATO, government, commercial), which presumably will also use

TP-4, would be brought about more quickly. Option 1 involves greater

risk, however, since it commits to a new approach without as complete

a demonstration of its viability.

As with Option 1, a primary benefit of following Option 2 would be

obtaining the use of standard commercial products. Unit procurement

costs probably would be lower than with Option 1 because the

commercial market for TP-4 will have expanded somewhat by the time DOD

would begin to buy TP-4 products. Risk is smaller, compared to Option

1, because testing and demonstration of the suitability for military

use will have preceded the commitment to the ISO protocols.

Transition and support costs would be higher than for Option 1,

however, because more networks and systems would already have been

implemented with TCP. Also this is perhaps the most difficult option

to manage since the largest number of system conversions and the

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longest interval of mixed TCP and TP-4 operations would occur. In

addition, interoperability with external networks through

standardization would be delayed.

The principal benefit of exercising Option 3 would be the elimination

of transition cost and the risk of faulty system behavior and delay.

It would allow the most rapid achievement of full internal

interoperability among DOD systems. Manageability should be good

because only one set of protocols would be in use (one with which the

DOD already has much experience), and because the DOD would be in

complete control of system evolution. Procurement costs for TCP

systems would remain high compared with standard ISO protocol

products, however, and availability of implementations for new systems

and releases would remain limited. External interoperability with

non-DOD systems would be limited and inefficient.

In summary, Option 1 provides the most rapid path toward the use of

commercial products and interoperability with external systems.

Option 2 reduces the risk but involves somewhat greater delay and

expense. Option 3 involves the least risk and provides the quickest

route to interoperability within the Defense Department at the least

short-term cost. These are, however, accompanied by penalties of

incompatibility with NATO and other external systems and higher

life-cycle costs.

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For the past two decades industry and government have experienced an

increasing need to share software programs, transfer data, and exchange

information among computers. As a result, computer-to-computer data

communications networks and, therefore, communication formats and

procedures, or protocols, have proliferated. The need to interconnect

these networks is obvious, but the problems in establishing agreements

among users on the protocols have heightened.

The Department of Defense (DOD) has been conducting research and

development on protocols and communication standards for more than

fifteen years. In December 1978 the DOD promulgated versions of the

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Transmission Control

Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) as standards within DOD. With

the participation of major manufacturers and systems houses, the DOD has

implemented successfully over twenty different applications of these

standards in DOD operational data communications networks.

The Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology (ICST) of the

National Bureau of Standards (NBS) is the government agency responsible

for developing network protocols and interface standards to meet the

needs of federal agencies. The Institute has been actively helping

national and international voluntary standards organizations develop

sets of protocol standards that can be incorporated into commercial


Working with both industry and government agencies, the ICST has

developed protocol requirements based, in terms of functions and

services, on the DOD's TCP. These requirements were submitted to the

International Standards Organization (ISO) and resulted in the

development of a transport protocol (TP-4) that has the announced

support of twenty computer manufacturers.

Although the ISO's TP-4 is based on the DOD's TCP, the two protocols are

not compatible. Thus manufacturers who wish to serve DOD, while

remaining able to capture a significant share of the worldwide market,

have to field two product lines that are incompatible but perform the

same function. The Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology would

like to have a single set of protocol standards that serves both the

DOD, other government agencies, and commercial vendors.

It would be to the advantage of the DOD to use the same standards as the

rest of the world. The dilemma, however, is understandable: The DOD

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has well satisfied its requirements by its own tried and proven

protocols, the agency has invested heavily in systems operating

successfully with TCP, and the Armed Forces is increasingly adopting the

protocol. Thus, although DOD's policy is to use commercial standards

whenever suitable, it is hesitant about converting to the ISO TP-4

protocols. In addition, the DOD is not certain whether the ISO TP-4

completely satisfies military requirements.

In 1983 both DOD and the ICST agreed that an objective study of the

situation was needed. Each requested assistance from the National

Research Council. The National Research Council, through its Board on

Telecommunications and Computer Applications (BOTCAP), appointed a

special Committee on Computer-Computer Communication Protocols to study

the issues and develop recommendations and guidelines for ways to

resolve the differences in a mutually beneficial manner.

The six items composing the committee's scope of work are as follows:

1. Review the technical ASPects of the DOD transmission control and

ICST transport protocols.

2. Review the status of the implementation of these protocols.

3. Review the industrial and government markets for these protocols.

4. Analyze the technical and political implications of the DOD and

ICST views on the protocols.

5. Report on time and cost implications to the DOD, other federal

entities, and manufacturers of the DOD and ICST positions.

6. Recommend courses of action toward resolving the differences

between the DOD and ICST on these protocol standards.

The committee devoted considerable effort to reviewing the objectives

and goals of the DOD and NBS that relate to data communications, the

technical aspects of the two protocols, the status of their

implementation in operating networks, and the market conditions

pertaining to their use. This process included hearing government and

industry presentations and reviewing pertinent literature. The results

of this part of the study are presented in Sections II through VII.

Concurrent with this research and analysis, the committee developed ten

possible options that offered plausible resolutions of the problem.

These ranged from maintaining the status quo to an immediate switchover

from one protocol to the other. From these ten initial options three

were determined to hold the greatest potential for resolving the


Section VIII describes the three options, Section IX provides a cost

comparison, and Section X provides an overall evaluation of the three

options. Section XI presents the committee's basic and detailed

recommendations for how best the DOD might approach the differences

between its protocol and the ISO protocol.

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The National Bureau of Standards and the Department of Defense are such

disparate organizations that the committee felt it needed to begin its

study with a definition of the roles and expectations of each with

regard to the protocol issues in question. The following provides a

review of each organization's objectives (5).


The National Bureau of Standards has three primary goals in computer


1. To develop networking and protocol standards that meet U.S.

government and industry requirements and that will be implemented

in off-the-shelf, commercial products.

2. To develop testing methodologies to support development and

implementation of computer network protocols.

3. To assist government and industry users in the application of

advanced networking technologies and computer and communications

equipment manufacturers in the implementation of standard


Development of Networking and Protocol Standards

The Bureau accomplishes the first objective through close coordination

and cooperation with U.S. computer manufacturers and communications

system developers. Technical specifications are developed

cooperatively with U.S. industry and other government agencies and

provided as proposals to voluntary standards organizations.

Because the Department of Defense is potentially the largest

government client of these standards, DOD requirements are carefully

factored into these proposals. In addition, protocols for

computer-to-computer communications developed within the DOD research

community are used as an


(5) The objectives were reviewed by representatives of NBS and DOD,


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exact statement of DOD functional needs for a particular protocol and

form a basis for the functions, features, and services of NBS-proposed


To further the development of commercial products that implement

standards, the NBS gives priority to the needs of U.S. computer

manufacturers who wish to market their products nationally and

internationally, not just to the U.S. government. The NBS

participates, therefore, in national and international voluntary

standards organizations toward the development of an international

consensus based on United States needs. Specifications, formal

description techniques, testing methodologies, and test results

developed by the NBS are used to further the international

standardization process.

Development of Testing Methodologies

The National Bureau of Standards has laboratory activities where

prototypes of draft protocol standards are implemented and tested in a

variety of communications environments supporting different

applications on different kinds and sizes of computers.

Communications environments include, for example, global networks,

local networks, and office system networks. Applications may, for

example, include file transfer or message processing. The primary

purposes are to advance the state of the art in measurement

methodologies for advanced computer networking technologies and

determine protocol implementation correctness and performance.

The NBS views testing as a cooperative research effort and works with

other agencies, private-sector companies, and other countries in the

development of methodologies. At this time, this cooperation involves

five network laboratories in other countries and over twenty computer


The testing methodologies developed at the NBS are well documented,

and the testing tools themselves are developed with the objective of

portability in mind. They are made available to many organizations

engaged in protocol development and implementations.

Assisting Users and Manufacturers

The NBS works directly with government agencies to help them use

evolving network technologies effectively and apply international and

government networking standards properly. When large amounts of

assistance are required, the NBS provides it under contract.

Assistance to industry is provided through cooperative research

efforts and by the availability of NBS testing tools, industry wide

workshops, and cooperative demonstration projects. At this time, the

NBS is working directly with over twenty computer manufacturers in the

implementation of network protocol standards.

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Consistent with overall goals, NBS standards developments, research in

testing methodologies, and technical assistance are characterized by

direct industry and government

cooperation and mutual support.


The DOD has unique needs that could be affected by the Transport and

Internet Protocol layers. Although all data networks must have some of

these capabilities, the DOD's needs for operational readiness,

mobilization, and war-fighting capabilities are extreme. These needs

include the following:

Survivability--Some networks must function, albeit at reduced

performance, after many nodes and links have been destroyed.

Security--Traffic patterns and data must be selectively protected

through encryption, access control, auditing, and routing.

Precedence--Systems should adjust the quality ot service on the basis

of priority of use; this includes a capability to preempt services in

cases of very high priority.

Robustness--The system must not fail or suffer much loss of capability

because of unpredicted situations, unexpected loads, or misuse. An

international crisis is the strongest test of robustness, since the

system must operate immediately and with virtually full performance

when an international situation flares up unexpectedly.

Availability--Elements of the system needed for operational readiness

or fighting must be continuously available.

Interoperability--Different elements of the Department must be able to

"talk" to one another, often in unpredicted ways between parties that

had not planned to interoperate.

These operational needs reflect themselves into five technical or

managerial needs:

1. Functional and operational specifications (that is, will the

protocol designs meet the operational needs?);

2. Maximum interoperability;

3. Minimum procurement, development, and support costs;

4. Ease of transition to new protocols; and

5. Manageability and responsiveness to changing DOD requirements.

These are the criteria against which DOD options for using the ISO

transport and internet protocols should be evaluated.

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Performance and Functionality

The performance and functionality of the protocols must provide for

the many unique operational needs of the DOD. The following

paragraphs discuss in some detail both these needs and the ways they

can impact protocol design.

Survivability includes protecting assets, hiding them, and duplicating

them for redundancy. It also includes endurance--the assurance that

those assets that do survive can continue to perform in a battle

environment for as long as needed (generally months rather than

hours); restoral--the ability to restore some of the damaged assets to

operating status; and reconstitution--the ability to integrate

fragmented assets into a surviving and enduring network.

The DOD feels that an important reason for adopting international and

commercial standards is that under cases of very widespread damage to

its own communications networks, it would be able to support DOD

functions by using those civil communications that survive. This

would require interoperability up to the network layer, but neither

TCP nor TP-4 would be needed. The committee has not considered the

extent to which such increased interoperability would increase

survivability through better restoral and reconstitution.

Availability is an indication of how reliable the system and its

components are and how quickly they can be repaired after a failure.

Availability is also a function of how badly the system has been

damaged. The DDN objective for system availability in peacetime varies

according to whether subscribers have access to l or 2 nodes of the

DDN. For subscribers having access to only one node of the DDN, the

objective is that the system be available 99.3 percent of the time,

that is, the system will be unavailable for no more than 60 hours per

year. For subscribers having access to 2 nodes, the objective is that

the system be available 99.99 percent of the time, that is, the system

will be unavailable for no more than one hour per year.

Robustness is a measure of how well the system will operate

successfully in face of the unexpected. Robustness attempts to avoid

or minimize system degradation because of user errors, operator

errors, unusual load patterns, inadequate interface specifications,

and so forth. A well designed and tested system will limit the damage

caused by incorrect or unspecified inputs to affect only the

performance of the specific function that is requested. Since

protocols are very complex and can be in very many "states",

robustness is an important consideration in evaluating and

implementing protocols.

Security attempts to limit the unauthorized user from gaining both the

information communicated in the system and the patterns of traffic

throughout the system. Security also attempts to prevent spoofing of

the system: an agent attempting to appear as a legitimate user,

insert false traffic, or deny services to users by repeatedly seeking

system services.

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Finally, Security is also concerned with making sure that electronic

measures cannot seriously degrade the system, confuse its performance,

or cause loss of security in other ways.

Encryption of communication links is a relatively straightforward

element of security. It is widely used, fairly well understood,

constantly undergoing improvement, and becoming less expensive. On

the other hand, computer network security is a much newer field and

considerably more complex. The ability of computer network protocols

to provide security is a very critical issue. In the past decade much

has been learned about vulnerability of computer operating systems,

development of trusted systems, different levels of protection, means

of proving that security has been achieved, and ways to achieve

multilevel systems or a compartmented mode. This is a dynamic field,

however, and new experience and analysis will probably place new

requirements on network protocols.

Crisis-performance needs are a form of global robustness. The nature

of a national security crisis is that it is fraught with the

unexpected. Unusual patterns of communication traffic emerge.

Previously unstressed capabilities become critical to national

leaders. Individuals and organizations that had not been

communicating must suddenly have close, secure, and reliable

communications. Many users need information that they are not sure

exists, and if it does, they do not know where it is or how to get it.

The development of widely deployed, interoperable computer networks

can provide important new capabilities for a crisis, particularly if

there is some investment in preplanning, including the higher-level

protocols that facilitate interoperability. Presidential directives

call for this. This will become a major factor in DOD's need for

interoperability with other federal computer networks. The DOD, as

one of the most affected parties, has good reason to be concerned that

its network protocols will stand the tests of a crisis.

In addition, there are performance and functionality features that are

measures of the capability of the network when it is not damaged or

stressed by unexpected situations. Performance includes quantifiable

measures such as time delays, transmission integrity, data rates and

efficiency, throughput, numbers of users, and other features well

understood in computer networks. Equally important is the extent of

functionality: What jobs will the network do for the user?

The DDN has established some performance objectives such as end-to-end

delays for high-precedence and routine traffic, the probability of

undetected errors, and the probability of misdelivered packets. Such

objectives are important to engineer a system soundly. The DOD must

place greater emphasis on more complex performance issues such as the

efficiency with which protocols process and communicate data.

The DOD has stated a need for an effective and robust system for

precedence and preemption. Precedence refers to the ability of the

system to adaptively allocate network resources so that the network

performance is related to the importance of the function being

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performed. Preemption refers to the ability of the system to remove

users (at least temporarily) until the needs of the high-priority user

are satisfied. The ARPANET environment in which the protocols were

developed did not emphasize these capabilities, and the current MILNET

does not function as effectively in this regard as DOD voice


The DOD has also stated a need for connectionless communications and a

broadcast mode. In the majority of network protocols, when two of

more parties communicate, virtual circuits are established between the

communicating parties. (For reliability, additional virtual circuits

may be established to provide an in place backup.) DOD needs a

connectionless mode where the message can be transmitted to one or

more parties without the virtual circuit in order to enhance

survivability; provide a broadcast capability (one sender to many

receivers); and handle imagery, sensor data, and speech traffic

quickly and efficiently.

If intermediate nodes are destroyed or become otherwise unavailable,

there is still a chance that the data can be sent via alternate paths.

The broadcast capability is particularly important in tactical

situations where many parties must be informed almost simultaneously

and where the available assets may be disappearing and appearing

dynamically. The Department of Defense requires an internetting

capability whereby different autonomous networks of users can

communicate with each other.


Presidential and DOD directives place a high priority on

interoperability, which is related to the internetworking previously


Interoperability is primarily important at two levels: network access

and applications. To achieve interoperability at the level of network

access,users of backbone communications nets must utilize the same

lower-level protocols that are utilized by the network. Generally

these protocols are layers 1, 2, and 3, up to and including part of

the IP layer. In other Words, interoperability for network access

does not depend on either implementation of the transport layer (TP-4

or TCP) or of all of the internet (IP) layer. The primary advantages

of network access interoperability are twofold:

1. Significant economies of scale are possible since the various

users can share the resources of the backbone network including

hardware, software, and development and support costs.

2. Network survivability for all users can be increased

significantly since the network has high redundancy and, as the

threat increases, the redundancy can also be increased.

Interoperability at the applications layer allows compatible users at

different nodes to talk to each other, that is, to share their data,

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support each other, and thereby coordinate and strengthen the

management of forces and other assets. Interoperability at the

applications layer can be achieved through the use of specialized

software that performs those functions of higher-layer protocols (such

as TCP or TP-4, file transfer, and virtual terminal) that are needed

by the particular application. If some of the higher-layer transport

and utility protocols have been developed for particular hosts or work

stations, their use greatly reduces development, integration, and

support costs, although with a potential sacrifice of performance.

Interoperability at the applications level, that is, full functional

interoperability, is important to specialized communities of users

such as the logistics, command and control, or research and

development communities. As these different communities utilize the

DDN, they have the advantages of shared network resources. Within each

community there is full functional interoperability but generally

there is much less need for one community to have functional

interoperability with members of another community.

The implementation of TCP or TP-4 within network users, but without

the implementation of higher-level protocols and application

interoperability, is not generally an immediate step in increasing

interoperability. It does have these immediate advantages:

It represents an important step in investing in longer-term


It generally represents an economical near-term investment on which

communities of interest can build their own applications.

It facilitates the development of devices for general network use

such as Terminal Access Controllers (TACs).

Interoperability at the applications level will become increasingly

important among the following communities: Worldwide Military Command

and Control Systems, including systems of subordinate commands;

Department of Defense Intelligence Information Systems; U.S. tactical

force headquarters (fixed and mobile); NATO force headquarters; other

U.S. intelligence agencies; the State Department; and the Federal

Bureau of Investigation and other security agencies.

Although interoperability of applications within the DOD has the

highest priority, it is clear that government wide and international

interoperability will be an objective with increasing priority. The

NATO situation is especially important (6).


(6) Europe has been a major force in the development of ISO standards.

Consistent with this is a NATO commitment to adopt ISO standards so long

as they meet military requirements.

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In a somewhat longer time period, DOD will want applications

interoperability with many commercial information services. As

interoperable computer networks become more common, processing and

data services will burgeon in the marketplace. These will include

specialized data bases and analytic capabilities that all large

organizations will need in order to be up-to-date and competitive.

With regard to interoperability at the network level, DOD will want to

be able to utilize commercially available networks for both

survivability and operational effectiveness and economy. In the case

of a major war in Europe, for example, the United States would want to

be able to use surviving PTTs (Postal, Telegraphy, and Telephony

Ministries) for restoral and reconstitution. During peacetime there

will be cases where special DOD needs can be best satisfied with

commercially available capabilities.

As technology continues to provide less expensive, smaller, and more

reliable data processing equipment, computer networks will become

increasingly prevalent at lower levels of the tactical forces--land,

air, and sea. It will be important that these tactical networks be

capable of interoperability with each other (for example, air support

of ground forces) and with headquarters. It is likely that the

tactical network will need a network architecture and protocols that

are different from the ARPA-\and ISO-derived protocols. If so, the

developments will place requirements on the higher-level DOD


If the DOD chooses to move from TCP to TP-4, this can be done in

phases for different communities of interest and subnetworks. In this

way if there is difficulty in converting one subnet, the rest of the

network need not be degraded. Also the different subnets will be able

to make the transition at the most suitable time in terms of cost,

risk, and the need to interoperate with other subnets. As a result if

DOD uses TP-4 for some new nets or major upgrade of existing nets,

this will generally not reduce interoperability in the near term

unless interoperability of applications is needed between two

communities. In this case specific interoperability needs may be

satisfied with specialized gateways for mail or data exchange.

The DOD points out that it desires all networks to be interoperable

since it is not possible to predict when one community will need to

communicate with another or use the resources of the other. As

previously indicated, however, unexpected needs for full functional

interoperability can only be met when appropriate higher-layer

software is developed.

Minimize Costs

The Department of Defense seeks to minimize costs of development,

procurement, transition (if it decides to move to ISO protocols), and

support. Generally the objective is to limit life-cycle costs, that

is, the total costs over a 5-to-8-year period with future costs

suitably discounted (10 to 20 percent per year).

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The Department of Defense has already made a heavy investment in

protocols, and the investment has paid off in the success of current

protocols operational in many networks. On the other hand, the DOD

acknowledges the potential advantages of using the ISO protocols if

made available as commercially supported products. Development costs

for these protocols can be small since their development cost is

amortized by the commercial vendor over a larger market. Support

costs for these protocols (including minor modifications, integration

into other products, documentation, and training) are also

significantly reduced because of vendor-supplied services. These cost

factors are further discussed in Section IX in terms of the three

options presented in Section VIII.

Ease of Transition and Manageability

Networks must be manageable and capable of growth and improvement. The

Department of Defense generally makes the fastest progress in

developing complex information systems if it evolves these

capabilities while working in concert with the users and the acquiring

agencies. In this light, the following factors are important:

Minimal interruption of current service--For most DOD networks it is

essential that they operate continuously. If there is to be

transition to new protocol services (whether based on current DOD

versions or ISO), it is important that these transitions be planned,

designed, and pretested so that the transition will be nondisruptive.

Verifiability--It is essential to have a testing capability where new

protocol implementations can be thoroughly tested to ensure that they

will interoperate, have full functionality specified, do not contain

errors, are robust, and meet quantitative performance needs. The

National Bureau of Standards has established such a capability, and

it is being used to verify a number of TP-4 implementations,

including those demonstrated at the National Computer Conference in

July 1984. An IP-testing capability is being added. The Department

of Defense is planning a similar protocol test facility for TCP, but

work is just getting underway. If the DOD plans to migrate promptly

to TP-4, there is a question whether this investment is warranted.

Compatibility with higher protocols--As the transport and

lower-protocol layers evolve, it is essential that they maintain full

compatibility with higher-layer protocols. This is particularly

important for the DOD because it will increasingly have

inter-operability at the applications level.

Responsiveness to evolving DOD needs--Current DOD needs will change

or new needs may arise. It is very likely, for example, that subtle

performance problems may be discovered in a protocol that are unique

to the strenuous DOD-operating environment and that could have

serious operational consequences. If the DOD is using commercial

protocols products based upon international standards, the DOD will

need two commitments when critical deficiencies are discovered. It

will need a commitment from the manufacturer that critical problems

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will be promptly fixed and a commitment from the NBS that it will

move quickly to change federal standards and seek changes in

international standards.

Minimal risks--The DOD needs are so large and important, it cannot

afford to take otherwise avoidable risks.

Maintenance of manageability--The DDN is new and is using a new

approach after the cancellation of AUTODIN II (7). There are

pressing operational needs and many impatient users. If the DOD

delays in moving to ISO protocols and later decides to do so, the

costs and disruption will be large. On the other hand, moving now to

ISO will be less disruptive.


(7) AUTODIN II was a program to develop a data communications system

for the DOD. The program envisioned relatively few large packet

switches. It was cancelled in 1982 in favor of ARPANET-derived designs

because of considerations of security, architecture, survivability, and


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This section presents a general description of the major functional

differences between the ISO and DOD protocol sets at the transport and

network layers and then discusses particular aspects of the protocols:

performance, security, and risk.


Differences between the Defense Department's TCP protocol and the

International Standards Organization's TP-4 protocol are described in

terms of items visible to users of the protocol. Internal differences

in mechanism that have no effect on the service seen by the user are not

considered. A second much simpler protocol, the User Datagram Protocol

(UDP), providing datagram or connectionless service at the transport

layer is also briefly considered.

In summary, the services provided by TCP and TP-4 are functionally quite

similar. Several functions, however, including data transfer interface,

flow control, connection establishment binding, and out-of-band signals

are provided in significantly different ways by the two protocols.

Neither seems intrinsically superior, but some effort would be required

to convert a higher-level protocol using TCP to make use of TP-4. The

exact amount of work needed will vary with the nature of the

higher-level protocol implementations and the operating systems in which

they are embedded. A programmer experienced with the higher-level

protocols would require about six months to design, implement, and test

modifications of the three major DOD higher-level protocols (file

transfer, mail, and Telnet) to work with TP-4.

There are several areas in which the openness and lack of experience

with the TP-4 specification leave questions about just what

functionality is provided and whether incompatibilities are allowed.

These areas include connection-establishment binding, flow control,

addressing, and provision of expedited network service. The best way to

resolve these questions seems to be to implement and test TP-4 in a

military environment and to further specify desired procedures where

there is unwanted latitude allowed by the standard (see the

recommendations section XI).

There is one area in which the NBS-proposed Federal Information

Processing Standard (FIPS) differs from the ISO specification: The FIPS

provides a graceful closing service as in TCP, while the ISO does not.

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Data Transfer Interface

TCP is stream oriented. It does not deliver any End of Transmission

(EOT), but accepts a "push" on the send side which has an effect much

like an EOT causes data being buffered to be sent.

TP-4 is block oriented and does deliver EOT indications. By indicating

EOT, a sending user should be able to accomplish the same effect as

"push" in TCP in most reasonable TP-4 implementations.

The impact of this is uncertain. Neither type of interface is

inherently better than the other. Some applications will find it more

convenient to have a stream-type interface (for example, interactive

terminal handling), while others might prefer a block mode (for example,

file transfer). It should be possible for TP-4 to approximate the

stream mode by forwarding data without an EOT from the sending user and

delivering data to the receiving user before an EOT is received. Some

work would have to be done on applications using one type of protocol to

modify them to use the other.

Flow Control

TCP has octet units of allocation, with no EOT and hence no impact of

EOT on the allocation. The segment size, Transport Protocol Data Unit

(TPDU) size, used by the protocol is invisible to the user, who sees

allocations in units of octets.

TP-4 has segment units of allocation, with a common segment size for

both directions negotiated as part of connection establishment.

Although in some implementations the protocol's flow control is not

directly visible to the users, in others it is. In the latter case,

users of TP-4 will see allocations in units of segments and will have to

be aware of the segment size for this to be meaningful (for example, to

know that a window of four 100-byte segments seen will be consumed by

two messages of 101 to 200 bytes each).

The impact is uncertain. Both octet and segment units of flow control

can be argued to have their advantages for different types of

application. The former makes it easy to indicate buffering limits in

terms of total bytes (appropriate for stream transfer), while the latter

makes it easy to indicate buffering limits in terms of messages

(appropriate for block mode). The way in which flow control is exerted

over an interface is complex and one of the most performance-sensitive

areas of protocols, so a significant conversion and tuning effort would

be required to get an application used with one type of high-level

protocol to be able to perform using another.

Error Detection

TCP applies ones-complement addition checksum. TP-4 uses an ISO

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algorithm (8). The error-detection properties of the TCP procedure have

not been studied carefully, but the ISO algorithm is thought to be

somewhat stronger and hence allows fewer nondetected errors in data

passed to users. It should be noted that the TCP checksum is defined to

include certain fields from the IP level including addresses so that

double protection against misdelivery errors is provided. The practical

difference in error-detection power is probably not important.

Simultaneous Call Between Same Users

TCP will establish one call. TP-4 will establish two calls if both

sides support multiple calls, no call if they allow only one call (that

is, see each other as busy), or in very unusual circumstances, one call.

The impact is minor since most applications naturally have an initiator

and a responder side.

Multiple Calls Between Same Addresses_

TCP allows only one call between a given pair of source and destination

ports. TP-4 allows more than one by using reference numbers. The

impact is minor since it is easy to generate a new per-call port number

on the calling side in most cases. This can be a problem in TCP,

however, if both are well-known ports.


TCP provides sixteen bit ports for addressing within a node identified

by the internet layer. Some of these ports are assigned to well-known

applications, others are free for dynamic assignment as needed.

TP-4 provides a variable-length transport suffix (same as Transport

Service Access Point Identifier) in the call-request packet. The use of

addresses at different levels in the ISO model has not yet been

solidified, but it seems likely that addressing capabilities similar to

TCP's will eventually be provided by TP-4 (or possibly the session

layer) along with standard addresses for common applications.

The impact is likely to be minimal, but this is an open area of the ISO

specifications that may need further definition for use by DOD.

Binding User Entities to Connections

TCP requires a prior Listen Request from a user entity for it to be able

to accept an incoming connection request. Normally a user entity must

exist and declare itself to TCP, giving prior approval to accept


(8) For additional information, see Information Processing Systems,

Open Systems Interconnection, Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol

Specifications, ISO DIS 8073, Section 6.17, page 45.

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a call from a specific or general remote entity. In some

implementations it may be possible for a nonresident user entity to

cause a Listen Request to be posted and an instance of the entity to

be created when a matching connection request arrives. TCP does not

queue an incoming connection request with no matching Listen Request

but instead rejects the connection.

TP-4 requires no prior request but passes a Call Indication to a user

entity whenever a Call Request is received. It is, however, left open

as an implementation decision as to how TP-4 finds and/or creates an

appropriate user entity to give the Call Indication; that is, the

service does not include or define how user applications make

themselves available for calls (no Listen Service Primitive). The

implementation guidelines indicate that well-known addresses, prior

process existence, and Call Request queuing are all facilities that

may or may not be provided at the implementor's choice (9). This

would seem to allow for different choices and hence failure to

establish a connection between standard implementations (for example,

caller expects requests not to be queued, while callee does queuing,

and hence never responds).

The practical impact is uncertain due to lack of experience with how

the various options allowed by the TP-4 standard will be used in

practice. TCP seems more oriented to a prior authorization mode of

operation, while TP-4 most easily supports an

indication-with-later-acceptance scenario. It is not clear how TP-4

will support rejecting calls to nonexistent or inactive user entities

and how user entities could control how many calls they would accept.

This area may require DOD refinement.

Out-of-Band Signals

TCP allows the user to specify an urgent condition at any point in the

normal data stream. Several such indications may be combined, with

only the last one shown to the destination. There is no limit to the

number of urgent indications that can be sent. The TCP urgent

messages are sent requesting expedited service from the network layer

so network bottlenecks can be bypassed as well.

TP-4 allows users to send expedited data units carrying up to sixteen

octets of user data. These are only half synchronized with the normal

data stream since they may be delivered before previously sent normal

data, but not after subsequently sent normal data. Each expedited

data unit is delivered to the destination, and only one can be

outstanding at a time. ISO has indicated its intention to allow

transport protocols to use network-level expedited service, but this


(9) Specification of a Transport Protocol for Computer Communications,

Vol. 5: Guidance for the Implementor, Section 2.11.2. National Bureau

of Standards, Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology,

(Washington, D.C.) U.S. Department of Commerce, January 1983.

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is not yet defined.

The impact is primarily for applications like terminal traffic

handlers that must deal with interrupt-type signals of various types.

The need to read an arbitrary amount of normal data and recognize

urgent data in the normal stream are difficulties with TCP urgent

service, but it has been used successfully by the Telnet protocol.

The lack of full synchronization of the signal and normal data in TP-4

may require users to insert their own synchronization marks in the

normal data stream [as was the case with the old ARPA Network Control

Program (NCP)], and the limitation of one outstanding signal may be

restrictive. Some effort would be required to convert higher-level

protocols using one transport protocol to using the other.


The committee has determined that the TCP and TP-4 are sufficiently

equivalent in their security-related properties so that no significant

technical points favor the use of one over the other.

The DOD protocol architecture assigns the security-marking function to

the IP layer and provides an 11-byte security option with a defined

coding in the IP header.

TP-4 provides a variable-length security option carried in Call

Request packets. A variable-length security option field is also

provided in the ISO IP. Standard encoding of security markings are

under consideration but not yet defined and accepted.

In addition to these explicit security-marking fields, the existence,

coding, and placement of other header fields have security

implications. If data is encrypted, for example, a checksum is usually

used to determine if the decrypted data is correct, so the strength of

the checksum has security implications.


TCP supports precedence by using three bits provided in IP headers of

every packet. TP-4 provides a 2-byte priority option in Call Request

packets. A 2-byte priority option in the ISO IP header is also under

consideration. Currently, no implementations make use of precedence

information (to support preemption, for example). There should be no

impact, therefore, of changing from one protocol to the other.

Type of Service

The types of network service that can be requested via TCP and TP-4

are somewhat different. The impact seems minimal since few networks

do anything with the type of service fields at present with the

exception of DARPA's packet radio and satellite nets. This may become

more important in the future.

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Datagram Service

TCP provides only reliable session service. A separate User Datagram

Protocol (UDP) in the DOD architecture supports transaction or

connectionless-type interaction where individual messages are

exchanged. UDP is merely an addition of the port-addressing layer to

the basic datagram service provided by IP. No delivery confirmation

or sequencing is provided (although IP provides fragmentation and


The NBS TP-4 specification originally presented to the committee

provided unit-data-transfer service within the same protocol framework

as sessions (10). This material has since been deleted to bring the

NBS proposal into conformance with ISO work. A separate ISO datagram

protocol similar to UDP has been defined and is expected to become a

draft proposed standard in June 1984.


TCP provides a graceful closing mechanism that ensures that all data

submitted by users are delivered before the connection is terminated.

The NBS TP-4 provides a similar mechanism, but is not included in the

ISO standard TP-4, which provides only an immediate disconnect

service. Impact is significant if the ISO version is used because

users would then have to add their own graceful termination handshake

if desired.


The internet protocols of DOD and ISO are much more similar to one

another than the transport protocols. This is not surprising since the

Defense Department's IP was used as the basis for the International

Standards Organization's IP. Some reformatting, renaming, and recoding

of fields has been done. Hence not only are the services to higher

layers essentially equivalent, but the protocol mechanisms themselves

are also nearly identical. Due to the format changes, however, the two

protocols are incompatible.

It should be noted that the IP itself forms only part of the internet

layer. For clarity it should also be noted that the internet layer in

ISO is considered to be the top sublayer within the network layer.

In DOD, there is an additional Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

that deals with error conditions, congestion control, and simple

routing updates to host computers. There is also a Gateway-to-Gateway

Protocol (GGP) that deals with internet management and routing updates

for gateways. In the ISO, only the IP itself has so far been


(10) National Bureau of Standards, Specification of a Transport

Protocol for Computer Communications, Vol. 3, Class 4 Protocol,

ICST/HLNP-83-3, February 1983.

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considered, while most error reporting, control, and routing functions

are considered "management" functions that remain to be addressed in

the future.

The only significant differences in the IPs themselves are in the areas

of addressing and error reporting. The DOD IP has a fixed-length,

32-bit source and destination addresses (identifying network and host)

plus an 8-bit "protocol number" field to identify the higher-level

protocol for which the IP data is intended. The ISO IP has

variable-length source and destination addresses whose format and

content are not yet specified, although preliminary documentation

indicates that ISO intends to support a similar level of addressing

(network/host) in a more global context which would allow use of

current DOD addresses as a subset. There is no equivalent of the DOD

protocol number field, although possibly the tail of the

variable-length ISO addresses could be used for this purpose.

Error reporting is provided within the ISO IP by means of a separate

packet type, while the DOD provides more complete error- and

status-reporting functions via the separate Internet Control Message

Protocol (ICMP), including routing "redirect" messages to hosts that

have sent datagrams via nonoptimal routes.

In summary, from the functional point of view, DOD and ISO IP can be

considered essentially equivalent with the provision that the

ISO-addressing scheme is suitably resolved. The absence of routing and

control procedures from the ISO internet layer means that additional

procedures beyond IP would be needed to produce a complete,

functioning, internet even if the ISO IP were adopted. It appears that

the existing DOD ICMP and GGP or its successors could be modified to

operate with the ISO IP with modest effort, but this requires further

study and validation in an operational system.

A table at the end of this chapter compares DOD and ISO IP packet




The performance of a transport protocol, such as TCP or TP-4, is a

function of its implementation as well as its inherent design.

Experience in implementing TCP and other proprietary protocols has

demonstrated that implementation considerations usually dominate.

This makes it difficult to compare protocols, since a wide range in

efficiency of implementations is possible. Furthermore, there are a

number of dimensions along which an implementation can be optimized.

Despite the difficulties, protocol designers have developed several

metrics for comparing transport protocols. These view protocol

performance from a variety of perspectives, including (1) user

response time, (2) throughput on a single connection, (3) network and

host computer resource utilization. Protocol efficiency can also be

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significantly affected by the communications environment. Protocol

efficiency must be considered in a wide range of communication

environments, including local area networks, satellite links,

terrestrial links, and packet-switched networks.

The critical algorithms most affecting protocol performance are those

that perform end-to-end error control and end-to-end flow control.

These algorithms affect the response time, throughput, and resource

utilization of the protocol during the data transfer phase. The

efficiency of the connection management procedures may also be

important in applications involving frequent connections of brief


The committee compared the algorithms and message formats specified

for each protocol for critical functions, including flow-and

error-control and connection management. They concluded that since

the two protocols were sufficiently similar there would be no

significant difference in performance of TCP or TP-4 implementations

of equal quality optimized for a given environment.

The committee compared the error-and-flow-control algorithms of TCP/IP

and TP-4. Both employ window-based techniques using large-sequence

number spaces and both permit large window sizes. Their differences

are minor. TCP performs its error-and-flow-control in units of octets,

rather than the protocol data units employed by TP-4. This adds a

small amount of overhead to TCP calculation in return for a finer

control over host buffer memory. The committee did not consider the

difference significant, assuming that appropriate buffer management

strategies are implemented by transport and higher-level protocols.

TP-4 employs more sophisticated techniques to ensure that flow-control

information is reliably transmitted than does TCP. These more

sophisticated techniques may reduce TP-4 protocol overhead during

periods of light load in some applications, possibly adding slightly

more CPU load in other cases. The committee did not consider these

effects significant.

Both protocols employ a three-way handshake for establishing a

transport connection. The differences between the TCP and TP-4

handshake are related to the addressing conventions employed for

establishing connections and do not affect protocol efficiency. In

the common cases where a client process requests a connection to a

server process, the TCP and TP-4 operations are equivalent.

Both protocols permit a range of policy decisions in their

implementation. These include (1) selection of timer values used to

recover from transmission errors and lost packets, (2) selection of

window sizes at the receiver and transmitter, and (3) selection of

protocol data unit sizes. Both permit substantial reduction in

control message overhead by expanding window sizes. Both permit

credits to be granted "optimistically," permitting receiver buffers to

be shared over several transport connections and permitting credit

reduction in the event of buffer congestion. Both permit optimizing

protocol efficiency by delaying control message traffic when it does

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not need to be transmitted, combining it with later data or control


The most significant difference between TCP and TP-4 flow control

derives from slight differences in expression of flow control at the

transport layer service interface. TCP employs a stream model while

TP-4 uses a message model. These two models are equivalent in

function; however, some higher-level applications protocols may be

more naturally expressed in one model than the other. The committee

considered the possibility that current ARPA protocols might require

some adaptation to operate more efficiently with TP-4. For this

reason the committee recommends that the DOD study the operation of

current DOD higher-level protocols on TP-4 (recommendation 5, Chapter



The committee considered the impact of security requirements on

transport protocols primarily and also on overall protocol hierarchies

in the DOD, The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and ISO.

Based on the information the committee received, it finds that:

The current TCP-4 and TP-4 are sufficiently equivalent in their

security-related properties that no significant technical points

would favor the use of one over the other.

There is no technical impediment to their equivalent evolution over

time in the security area.


There are several risks in implementing a new protocol or protocol

family. These include (1) fatal flaws in protocol design not easily

rectified, (2) errors in protocol specification, (3) ambiguities in

protocol specification, (4) errors in protocol implementation, (5)

performance degradation due to inefficient implementation, (6)

performance degradation due to "untuned" implementation, and (7)

performance degradation due to untuned application protocols.

This list of risks comes from experience in implementing computer

networks based on the DOD protocols and proprietary commercial

protocols. Considering that it took more than ten years for the

current TCP protocols to reach their current state of maturity and

that the TP-4 protocol is only about two years old, the committee

devoted considerable attention to the maturity of TP-4.

Fatal Flaws in Protocol Design

Early ARPANET protocols had a number of "fatal" design errors that

resulted in deadlocks or other serious system failures. Commercial

networks had similar problems in early design phases. The committee

considered the possibility that TP-4 could suffer from similar faults

and concluded that this was unlikely. TP-4 employs design techniques

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similar to those of TCP and proprietary transport protocols. The

faults encountered in the ARPANET are now well known. Indeed, the

state of the art in transport protocol design is now quite mature.

The developers of the TP-4 protocol were familiar with the earlier

protocols and their problems.

Errors and Ambiguities in Protocol Specification

Early in the development of TP-4, NBS developed a formal protocol

specification and a test environment based on this specification. A

protocol implementation can be partially compiled automatically from

the formal specification. Other implementations can be tested against

this master implementation. The NBS protocol laboratory was used to

debug the formal specification of TP-4 and is currently being used to

certify other implementations of TP-4. The laboratory has also

developed and employed tools to analyze the specification for possible

problems. The existence of this laboratory and the results obtained

to date led the committee to conclude that there is no substantial

risk associated with the TP-4 protocol specification.

In contrast TCP has only recently received a formal specification. To

the committee's knowledge most existing TCP implementations predate

the formal TCP specification and have not been derived from the formal

specification. In the committee's opinion the formal TCP

specification is likely to have more bugs or ambiguities than the TP-4


At the present time NBS has developed the only formal specification

for ISO TP-4. ISO is currently developing standards for formal

specification techniques that are similar to those used by NBS. When

these specifications are complete ISO will update the TP-4

specification to include a formal description. In translating the

current informal ISO specification into the formal specification there

is a risk that the ISO specification may be changed such that it is no

longer consistent with the current NBS specification. The National

Bureau of Standards is playing a key role in developing the ISO formal

specification techniques and formal specification. It plans to

generate automatically an implementation of the ISO formal

specification and verify it against the NBS specification using the

NBS test tools. In the committee's opinion this makes the risk of

unintentional changes in the ISO specification quite low.

One possible risk remains. The ISO specification for TP-4 that was

approved is an informal document subject to the ambiguities of

informal protocol specifications. The formalization may remove

ambiguities that have gone undetected and that were the basis of its

approval. It is conceivable that once these ambiguities are exposed,

the current consensus for TP-4 may dissolve. The committee considers

this risk to be very low. The areas of ambiguity in protocol

specifications are typically only of concern to protocol implementors.

The current protocol implementors through much of the world are

typically using the NBS formal specifications as a basis of their

implementations of TP-4 and have access to the NBS test tools for

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certifying their implementations. In the event of a possible

conflict, the majority of implementors could be expected to support

resolution of ambiguities in favor of the current NBS formal

specification, making it unlikely that ISO would approve an alternate


Errors in Protocol Implementation

Several factors influence the likelihood of errors in a protocol

implementation. These include the complexity of the protocol, quality

of the protocol specification, the experience of the implementors, and

the availability of test tools. Based on the availability of the NBS

test tools and formal protocol specification for TP-4, the committee

did not see any significant risk of errors in implementing TP-4.

Performance Issues

The largest risk in implementing TP-4 concerns the performance of the

implementations. This risk is not inherent in the protocol as

specified, but is present in new implementations of any transport

protocol. Experience has shown that performance can often be improved

by a factor of two or more by careful attention to implementation

details and careful performance measurement and tuning. The committee

considered it likely that some initial implementations of TP-4 will

have significantly lower performance than the current mature

implementations of TCP. Evidence to support this conclusion may be

found in data supplied by the DOD which show a wide range of

performance of TCP implementations.

Some members of the committee expressed the belief that over the long

term, TP-4 will afford better performance due to widespread commercial

support. Vendors will be highly motivated to optimize performance of

their TP-4 implementations, since a large number of users will

benchmark implementation performance. Many individuals will become

familiar with implementations of TP-4 and with configuring and

operating networks based on TP-4. Initially, this expertise will be

found in organizations developing TP-4 implementations and


The committee believes that the largest performance risks are short

term. The performance of existing DOD high-level protocols may be

affected by subtle differences between TP-4 and TCP interfaces.

Highlevel DOD implementations and protocols may require retuning to

attain some high-level efficiency using TP-4. Another short-term risk

is potential lack of experience in configuring and operating

TP-4-based networks. The committee believes that a program of testing

and development would minimize these risks, ensuring that the current

high-level DOD protocols run effectively on TP-4-based networks.

There is a possibility that the equivalent, but different, protocol

mechanisms and interfaces in TP-4 may manifest some undesirable

behavior that is not expected and which cannot easily be removed by

tuning. In this event ISO may find it necessary to make some

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modifications to TP-4. It is unlikely that such problems will be

serious enough to prevent an early transition to TP-4. If such

problems are discovered, it is expected that they can be handled

through the normal standards process of periodic enhancement. A

number of proprietary commercial networking protocols are similar in

operation to TP-4 and do not have serious performance problems. Any

enhancements that may be desirable can probably be added to TP-4 in a

compatible fashion, permitting interoperation of enhanced and

unenhanced implementations.

TABLE: Comparison of DOD and ISO IP Packet Formats

DOD ISO (not in correct order)


Protocol version: 4 bits Version: 8 bits

Header Length (in 32-bit words): [Header] Length (in bytes): 8 bits

4 bits

Type of service: 8 bits Quality of service**: 8 bits

(includes 3-bit Precedence) Precedence**: 8 bits

Total Length: 16 bits Segment Length: 16 bits

ID: 16 bits Data Unit ID*: 16 bits

Don't Fragment flag Segmentation Permitted flag

More Fragments flag More Segments flag

Fragment offset: 13 bits Segment offset*: 16 bits

Time to live (sec): 8 bits Lifetime (.5 sec): 8 bits

Protocol number: 8 bits ---

Header checksum: 16 bits Header checksum: 16 bits

(provided by subnet layer) Network Layer Protocol ID: 8 bits

--- [Generate] Error flag

(in ICMP) Type: 5 bits

--- Total Length*: 16 bits

............. .............

Source address: 32 bits Source address length: 8 bits

Source address: var.

Dest. address: 32 bits Dest. address length: 8 bits

Dest. address: var.

............. .............

OPTIONS: NOP, Security, OPTIONS: Padding, Security

Source Route, Record Route, Source Route, Record Route,

Stream ID, Time Stamp Quality of service, Precedence,

Error reason (only for error type)

............. .............



* only present if segmentation is in use

** in options

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The DOD internetting protocol was first introduced in 1974 and later

split into separate TCP and IP specifications. From 1974 until 1978,

when they were adopted as DOD standards, the protocols underwent a

number of major revisions. These revisions were largely a result of

extensive experience gained by researchers working on the DARPA

Internet project. The DARPA "Request for Comment" and "Internet

Experimental Note" technical report series document the conclusions of

numerous protocol-related studies and discussions. Successive

specifications of TCP and other internet protocols are also given by

reports in these series. Most of these specifications were informally

presented and were accompanied by discussions that affected design

choices. The most recent TCP documents introduce a more formal style

of presentation (11).

The first experimental TCP implementations were completed in 1974 at

Stanford University and Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., for the

PDP-11/ELF and DEC-10/TENEX systems, respectively. Today

implementation exists for numerous computer systems. While many of

these were implemented at and are supported by university and other

research groups, several are available as commercial products.

Testing of TCP was done on the ARPANET (12), other DOD networks

(Satellite net, packet radio), and a variety of local networks. For

several years a number of DARPA contractors used TCP in parallel with

the old ARPANET transport protocol (NCP). In addition, for about six

months preceding the January 1, l983, ARPANET cutover from NCP to TCP,

these hosts were joined by additional TCP-only hosts (for a total of

approximately thirty). This extensive testing prior to the cutover to

TCP enabled the networks involved to maintain operational capability



(11) Transport Control Protocol, DOD MIL-STD-1778, August 1983.

(12) The ARPANET is a data communications network established in 1969

by the DOD's Advanced Research Projects Agency to interconnect the

computer resources at selected research centers at substantially lower

costs than systems then available. The ARPANET is a fully operational

80-node network that interconnects over 200 host computers in the United

States, the United Kingdom, and Norway. ARPA became the Defense

Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1973.

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the transition and to achieve normal service levels in a few months.

Today the TCP-based DOD networks includes hundreds of hosts (over 300

on DDN alone) and serves thousands of users. Traffic on just the

ARPANET component is now approximately 500 million packets per month.

TCP is also extensively used on local area networks including Ethernet

and Pronet, as well as on CSNET, the Computer Science Research Network

(Telenet hosts).

In addition to TCP, the DOD protocol architecture includes internet

layer protocols for communication between hosts and gateways (ICMP) and

between gateways (GGP). Experience indicates that the design of robust

and powerful gateways that internet numerous networks and provide

survivability is a complex challenge. DOD is developing new gateway

protocols that could be adapted to work with either DOD's or ISO's IP.

The higher-level protocols currently used on DDN for electronic mail

(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), file transfer (File Transfer

Protocol), and remote log-in (Telnet) are TCP-specific. Their

specifications are stable, and numerous implementations exist. The DOD

has indicated its intent to adopt ISO higher-level protocols when they

are specified and implementations are available.

The committee has concluded that the DOD transport and internet

protocols are well tested and robust. It is unlikely that major

problems with their design or specifications will be uncovered. No

comprehensive facility or procedures for testing new implementations of

TCP now exist, although efforts in this area are being started at

Defense Communications Agency (DCA).


Standardization and development of the ISO IP and ISO TP-4 are

proceeding in a relatively independent fashion. Currently, TP-4 is

further along in the standardization process. The local area network

communications environment has created an immediate need for TP-4

functions; however, communications within a single Local Area Network

(LAN) do not need an internet capability. A "null" IP has been defined

to enable TP-4 to be used on a single LAN without the necessity of a

complete IP. It is quite likely that some early TP-4 products will

implement this null IP, leaving implementation of the complete IP for

future product development. In the following discussion, TP-4 and IP

will be treated separately due to this potential independence.

TP-4 Status and Plans

The ISO TP-4 became a Draft International Standard in September 1983.

The final stages in standardization are primarily procedural. The

committee expects products that implement TP-4 to be widely available

in the market within about two years. It normally takes twelve to

eighteen months for implementations and testing prior to product

announcement. Some vendors apparently began implementation and testing

the protocol

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soon after it became a draft proposal in June 1982, because the

protocol was essentially frozen at that time.

At present, INTEL and Able Computer have announced the availability of

products that implement TP-4 for use over LANs. The committee does

not know, however, whether these products have been delivered or

incorporated into systems. In addition, more than twenty companies

have indicated their support of TP-4 and their intention to

incorporate TP-4 into future products, without announcing specific

products or availability dates. Most companies do not make specific

product announcements until relatively late in the product development


In December 1982 six vendors and network users interested in early

development of TP-4 products requested NBS to hold a series of

workshops on the operation of TP-4 in a LAN environment. To date,

four workshops have been held, with more than thirty companies in

attendance. The first workshop set a goal of demonstrating

multivendor networking at a major U.S. national computer conference.

The second workshop, held in April 1983, determined that

demonstrations would include a file transfer application and would be

developed on two local area network technologies currently

standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

(IEEE). These technologies are the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with

Collision Detection, which is standardized by IEEE committee 802.3,

and the Token Bus, which is standardized by IEEE committee 803.4. The

workshop selected the National Computer Conference in July 1984 for

the demonstrations.

Vendors committed to the demonstration developed and tested TP-4

implementations using the NBS test tools. The workshops defined a

schedule that called for individual testing through April 1984 with

multivendor testing commencing thereafter. While the vendors that

participated in the demonstration have emphasized that participation

in the demonstration is not a commitment to product development, a

number of large customers have indicated that there will be an

immediate market demand for TP-4 implementation as soon after the

demonstration as practical. The committee considers it highly likely

that many commercial vendors will announce commitments to deliver TP-4

products shortly after the demonstration.

Internetwork Protocol Status and Plans

The ISO Internetwork Protocol (IP) became a Draft International

Standard (DIS) in May 1984 (13). The DIS was out for ballot for the

previous eight months. Attaining DIS status freezes the technical

approach, permitting implementations to begin.


(13) ISO Draft Proposal, Information Processing Systems -- Data

Communications -- Protocol for Providing Connectionless Network

Services, DP 8473, May 1984.

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The ISO IP specification is only one of several specifications needed

to completely specify the Network Layer. A number of other

specifications are needed, including a Gateway-to-Host error protocol,

a network wide addressing plan, and a Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol for

managing routing information. A complete specification is needed

before an internetwork, consisting of gateways and hosts, can be

deployed. Most of the complexity of the Network Layer, however, is

confined to the gateways. A complete standardization of the Network

Layer is not required to develop and deploy host systems.

The International Standards Organization is currently developing

proposals for conveying error information between hosts and gateways.

It is expected that responses to the Draft Proposal by ISO members

will include proposals to provide these functions. The committee does

not consider this a controversial area and expects that these

capabilities will be included in the ISO standard by the time it

reaches Draft International Status.

Addressing is a more complex issue. The addressing structure of a

computer internetwork depends on complex trade-offs between

implementation complexity, flexibility, network cost, and network

robustness. Addressing structure in a large network can influence the

range of possible policy decisions available for routing network

traffic. The trade-offs for a military environment may be

significantly different from those of a commercial environment. The

ISO has considered these factors in its existing IP. A flexible

addressing scheme is provided, permitting implementation of a variety

of addressing structures. Host computers need not be concerned with

the internal structure of addresses. The committee considers that the

IP-addressing scheme has sufficient flexibility that host

implementations can be constructed that will support the full range of

addressing philosophies allowed by ISO, including those needed by DOD.

Routing algorithms, like addressing, are complex and often

controversial. For this reason ISO has not yet attempted

standardization of routing algorithms. A routing algorithm is a key

part of a Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol. A single network must

implement a common routing algorithm. In the absence of an ISO

routing algorithm, a network must be based on either proprietary

routing algorithms or on other standards.

The committee has studied the current ISO IP and the current ISO

addressing structure. It believes that it will be possible to map the

current DOD IP-addressing structure and routing algorithm into the ISO

network layer. In practice this means that the Gateway-to-Host

Protocols and addressing formats will fully comply with the ISO

standards, while gateways will need to include additional DOD

capabilities. (This is addressed in recommendations, section IX.)

This approach will enable DOD to procure commercial host

implementations, while retaining the need for procuring DOD-specific

gateways. The committee believes these hybrid DOD-ISO gateways can be

readily developed by modifying existing DOD gateway implementations.

Since the majority of systems in a network are hosts and not gateways,

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the committee considers this approach worthwhile.

To the committee's knowledge no vendor has yet announced plans to

support the ISO Internetwork Protocol. This is not surprising, since

the ISO IP attained Draft Proposal status only recently. The

committee has considered the possibility that the ISO IP may not

attain the same wide level of market demand and vendor support

anticipated by TP-4. Since host support of IP is necessary for DOD to

migrate to ISO protocols, the committee has considered this question

in some depth.

While it is possible to operate TP-4 directly over a LAN or directly

over an X.25-based, wide-area network, some form of internetwork

capability or alternative approach is needed to interconnect systems

attached to multiple LANs via Wide Area Networks (WANs). In the

current ISO open systems architecture, this function is to be provided

by the Network layer. There are two possible Network layer services,

connectionless and connection oriented. The ISO architecture permits

both of these services, leaving it to the market place to determine

which approach is to be selected. The DOD believes that the

connectionless approach best suits their needs.

Developing a connection-oriented network that operates over a mixed

LAN and WAN environment is considerably more difficult than developing

a connectionless one. Existing LANs are inherently connectionless and

existing (X.25) WANs are inherently connection oriented. A protocol

to provide internetwork service between these LANs must arrive at a

common subnetwork capability. It is a relatively simple matter to

adapt a connection-oriented to a connectionless service since it can

be done by ignoring unneeded functions of the connection-oriented

service. Adapting a connectionless subnetwork to the needs of a

connection-oriented network service is much more difficult. Many of

the functions provided by TP-4 would be needed in the network layer to

build such a service.

Some work is currently going on in European Computer Manufacturer's

Association (ECMA) to interconnect WANs and LANs in a

connection-oriented fashion. There is considerable controversy

surrounding several proposals, since some participants in the

standards process do not believe the proposals conform to the ISO

Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection. This, plus their

complexity, makes it unlikely that a connection-oriented network

standard will gain support in ISO in the immediate future.

There is an immediate need for users to build networks consisting of

interconnected LANs and WANs. Such networks are currently in place

using vendor proprietary architectures. Market pressures to build

multivendor LAN and WAN networks make it quite likely that vendors

will adopt the immediate solution and implement the connectionless ISO

IP. The committee believes that DOD can enhance the early

availability of ISO IP by announcing its intention to use it.

Commercial availability of IP is an important part of a migration

strategy, as described in the section on recommendations. The

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committee believes that vendors would be responsive to DOD requests

for IP, since IP is quite simple to implement in comparison with TP-4

and since they foresee the need to operate in mixed LAN-WAN


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The committee reviewed the market demand and its potential with respect

to both TCP and TP-4 to provide an indication of the likelihood and

rapidity with which competition and its benefits will develop. The

committee concludes that the market demand for TCP protocols will be

small outside the United States. The demand for TP-4, on the other

hand, is expected to be worldwide.

In this report we use the term market demand to indicate the potential

or actual demand for products using the protocols under discussion. A

large market is characterized by a broad demand from all sectors of the

marketplace: consumers, businesses, and governments. The broadest

demand is an international demand in all sectors. We distinguish the

demand for products from the supply that usually develops as a result of

the demand. It is assumed here that a broad market demand will result in

a broad range of products, competitive in price, quality, function, and


The demand for products implementing computer communication protocols is

discussed in relation to the requirements placed on the potential

customer. Specifically, the customer may be required to acquire products

that meet one or the other of the standards under discussion or may have

no obligation to use either of the two. That is, customers will fall

into one of the following classes with respect to these standards:

1. DOD standards required.

2. International or National standards required.

3. No requirement with respect to standards.

Although customers in the third class may be under no formal obligation

to use standards, they may still prefer a standard solution for several

possible real or perceived benefits. They may, for example, obtain a

broader selection of products using the standard solution or may obtain

a more competitive price. They may also require a specific

communication protocol in order to share information with products that

are required by fiat to implement certain standard protocols. This need

for compatible protocols to communicate is a powerful driving force

toward communication standards.


The major networks of the Defense Data Network include the following:

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Military Network (MILNET)--operational and growing.

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)--operational and


WWMCCS Intercomputer Network (WIN)--to be upgraded.

DOD Intelligence Information System (DODIIS)--to be upgraded.

Strategic Air Command Digital Information Network (SACDIN)--to be


Movement Information Network (MINET)--to be established in 1984.

Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) net--to be established in


TOP SECRET (TS) net--to be established in 1985.

SECRET net--to be established in 1986.

Initially, each of these networks has its own backbone. The networks

will be integrated into a common Defense Data Network in a series of

phases starting in 1984 with the integration of MILNET and MINET. It

is planned that by 1988 they will all be integrated but communities of

interest will operate at different security classifications

interconnected with Internet Private Line Interfaces (IPLIs). When

appropriate technology becomes available in the late 1980s, the network

will have the capability for multilevel security, including end-to-end

encryption, and will achieve interoperability between all users.

The following observations are relevant to the TCP and TP-4 issue:

The DOD currently has two major networks, MILNET and ARPANET,

currently comprising the DDN. About sixty subnets and hundreds of

hosts are internetted and most use TCP.

This year a European network, MINET, will be activated and integrated

into the DDN. It uses TCP.

In the second half of 1983, fifteen additional subscribers have been

added to MILNET and current planning estimates hundreds more

additional subscribers in 1984 and 1985.

For the many DDN users that are, or shortly will be, interconnected

over common backbones, there are groups of users that need

interoperability within the group. These groups are determined by the

military department they are part of as well as by functions such as

logistics, maintenance, training, and many others.

The Air Force and the Army are both committed to the use of TCP for

some of their networks or subnetworks (including Local Area

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Networks) and active acquisition programs are underway, or will be

initiated, during the next twelve to eighteen months.

The DDN Program Office has procured, or shortly will procure, devices

to facilitate terminal and host access to DDN hosts and terminals.

These devices employ TCP.

NATO has discussed protocol standards and has selected ISO as an

approach, subject to its being adapted to meet military requirements,

if such adaptation is necessary. There is no definitive planning

underway, however, to develop a NATO computer network.

The Mail Bridge that will allow traffic to pass between the classified

segment and the unclassified segment will use TCP and is scheduled for

a 1987 Initial Operational Capability (IOC).

In general, the backbone in the various networks provides functions at

layers below TCP and TP-4. As a result a backbone (such as MILNET)

could support users of either protocol set. The users of one set

could not, however, interoperate with the users of another unless

additional steps are taken.

In summary, there is a large TCP community operational today and the

community is growing rapidly. In addition, there are, or shortly will

be, procurements underway that plan to use TCP. The rate of growth

cannot be precisely estimated in part because of uncertainties in

demand and availability of trunks and cryptographic equipment. On the

other hand, interconnection of several major networks will not take

place until 1987 or later; and for those elements that are

interconnected, there are many groups of users that primarily require

interoperability with each other.

System Descriptions

MILNET is a network for handling the unclassified operational data of

the DOD. It was created after the decision in 1982 to cancel the

AUTODIN II system by dividing the ARPANET into two nets, MILNET and

ARPA Research Net. The majority of the capacity of ARPANET was

assigned to MILNET, and the number of subscribers is growing rapidly.

The network backbone does not require the use of TCP but its use is

generally mandated for subscribers. To achieve TCP functions, the DDN

will procure some interface devices and thereby take the burden off

some subscribers.

ARPANET supports most of the research organizations sponsored by

DARPA. It generally uses TCP but some users continue to use NCP.

MINET is a European network scheduled for Initial Operational

Capability (IOC) in 1984 to handle unclassified operational traffic,

mostly logistical, and tie into the MILNET. It will have 8 nodes, 8

TACs, and 3 hosts to process electronic mail. These hosts and others

to be added to the net will use TCP and the File Transfer Protocol


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The Department of Defense Intelligence Information System currently

uses a home-grown protocol. Sometime after 1984 its plans are to

upgrade it to TCP. It will be a 3-node, 3-host net with plans to

upgrade it to 20 to 30 nodes and about 50 hosts. The net is run at a

high-security level (SCI) for communicating compartmented data. The

SCI network consists of those users of SCI who are outside of DODIIS.

SACDIN is an upgrade of the digital communications system of the

Strategic Air Command. The IOC is planned for about 1985. At

present, TCP is not planned initially as a protocol. SACDIN will

operate with multilevel security up to Top Secret sensitive


WIN is the WWMCCS Information Network. It is currently operational

and uses NCP as a transport protocol. There is a major effort underway

to modernize the WWMCCS, including upgrading or replacing current

computers, providing Local Area Networks at major centers throughout

the world, and providing common software packages for utilities and

some applications. The upgrading of the transport protocols is part of

this effort. Schedules are still uncertain but there is a target of

1986 for the protocol upgrading.

TOP SECRET is a network that will support top secret users other than


SECRET net is a network that will operate at the Secret level. It

should be very useful for a large community that does not routinely

need top secret or compartmented information. This is a community

primarily outside the command and intelligence communities and

includes missions such as logistics, procurement, and research and

development. DOD will start the system as soon as there is sufficient

cryptographic equipment; by 1986 they hope to have a 90-node network

with several hundred subscribers.

The Army plans to establish a Headquarters Net tying together major

headquarters with an IOC of 1986. It will use TCP.

The Air Force has established a Program Office to help in the

development of Local Area Networks at major Air Force installations.

These could be internetted using the DDN and thereby also gain access

to other nodes. TCP has been mandated. Initial procurements are


Mail Bridge will provide gateways between ARPA Research Net and other

elements of the DDN. These would use TCP and are scheduled for IOC in


During 1984 the DDN is procuring two capabilities that will facilitate

use of the network and higher-level protocols.

The first capability will be provided shortly by Network Access

Controllers (NAC). The NACs provide three elements all based on TCP:

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1. Terminal Access Controllers (TACs) allow a cluster of terminals

to access hosts on the DDN. Many are in operation today as a

legacy of the ARPANET developments. New ones will be

competitively procured.

2. Terminal Emulation Processes (TEP) allow the connection of a

high-capacity host to the DDN through a number of terminal-like


3. Host Front-End Processors (HFP) allow high-capacity host

connection to the DDN through use of a Network Front End that

off loads much processing capacity from the host.

The second capability will be provided by software the DDN is

currently procuring for up to seventeen families of specific

combinations of hosts and their commercially available operating

systems. The software packages will include 1822 or X.25, TCP, and

utility protocols for terminal access, mail, and file transfer.

Initial operational capability is planned for late 1985.


MINET will be connected to MILNET in 1984. This will be an

unclassified network.

WIN, DODIIS, SECRET, and SACDIN will be integrated as a classified

network in 1987 at the earliest. Since they all operate at different

security levels, they will be able to use the same DDN backbone but

will be cryptologically isolated.

Integration and interoperability of all the networks will not be

possible until the late 1980s at the earliest, since this will require

successful implementation of an advanced technology for end-to-end

cryptological networking and the development of techniques for

multilevel security in individual and netted computer systems.

The use of gateways as elements to integrate networks is under

consideration. Gateways are currently operational to interconnect

MILNET with (l) ARPANET (six gateways primarily used to exchange mail

between authorized users), (2) MINET (one gateway for use prior to

integration of the two networks into one), and (3) eight

developmentally oriented networks. There are many more gateways

internetting ARPANET with other research nets. Most of these gateways

use the ARPA-developed Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol. It is now

realized that this protocol is deficient for widespread use and ARPA

has been investigating alternatives.

The earliest requirement for additional gateways in the operational

elements of the DDN will be to internet Local Area Networks into

global networks of the DDN. A new "stub" protocol has been developed

that might meet this need. The DDN is reviewing its requirements for

available gateways and approaches.

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In the United States and most countries of the world, national

standards organizations adopt international data communication


In the United States the standards for the transport protocols are

established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The

same standards for the federal sector are established by the NBS with

an exception for DOD's military needs which may be established by MIL

standards. Market demand for the latter was previously discussed.

Outside the DOD there are numerous government agencies and

organizations such as the Federal Aviation Agency, Internal Revenue

Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Federal Reserve

Banks which have, or will have, networks that fall under the guidance

of the NBS and will probably use the NBS-specified standard protocols

when the NBS standard is issued. Already the Federal Reserve is

procuring its computer networking products using the X.25 protocol.

National Support of International Standards

The earliest evidence of demand for TP-4 products is in countries that

give strong support for ISO standards. Most countries outside of the

United States give the international standards much stronger

governmental support than the United States does for a variety of

reasons. First, in most cases these governments own the postal and

telecommunication monopolies. Frequently, the responsibility for

these organizations is at a ministerial level in the government.

Furthermore, many of the modern countries have concluded that the

information industry is a national resource and one of the growth

industries of the future. International standards that are neutral,

in the sense that no manufacturer has a head start, give the companies

in these countries the additional margin they feel is necessary to

compete in the worldwide market. It is also recognized by many that a

worldwide market is much better than a market demand fragmented by

national geographic and political considerations. Finally, the PTTs

have traditionally provided information services equivalent to those

for which some of the ISO computer communication protocols are

designed. The best example is Teletext, which is an upgraded version

of the Telex system used widely outside the United States.

Consequently, government networks in many countries use the

international ISO standards or the national standards derived from the

international standards. Bid requests for government networks in

France and Germany, for example, have required support for ISO

protocols for over a year even though the standards are not yet fully

approved. These bids ask the respondent only to state support for the

protocols. No doubt, as the ISO protocols become stable, these

countries will require the protocols for their networks. These

government networks will further influence the implementation of

networks not actually required to use the international and national


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Most of the demand for communication protocols comes from potential

customers who are under no government fiat to use either TCP or TP-4

protocols in their networks or network products. Many of these will

use existing supplier-specified protocols. Such protocols have been

embedded in products for over ten years and are well tested both

formally and through field experience in thousands of networks.

Continuing demand for these protocols will not contribute to the

relative demand for either TCP or TP-4.

There are widely recognized advantages in using international standard

protocols for computer communications. First, there is tremendous

value in exchanging information with other information users. As the

standard protocols become widely used, the value of the information

accessible through networks using these protocols is normally greater

than the value of information accessible through less widely used

networks protocols. This is the reason that industry groups such as

airlines, banks, and insurance companies band together to set up common

networks. Similarly, it is recognized that there are economies of

scale for widely used networking protocols both in the sense that

equipment can be obtained at lower cost and in the sense that the

manufacturer's improvements in performance, function, and cost will be

repaid by market demand. In addition, many network protocol users wish

to have the option to procure equipment from a wide variety of vendors.

Sometimes international standards encourage this environment. Finally,

international organizations would prefer to have common procurement of

equipment and software for worldwide operations. Thus international

standards are preferred for operational as well as logistic


In the United States much of the demand for TP-4 will develop in the

industries that exchange information regularly with entities of the

federal government. If the Federal Reserve were to use the TP-4

standard for exchanging information with member banks, for example,

there would be pressure on the banks to use TP-4. Similarly, if DOD

suppliers wish to have easy access to DOD employees using a system

based on TCP, they would need to use TCP. Also many of the

university-oriented networks use the ARPANET protocols to exchange

information with other university ARPANET users.

The committee concludes that the demand for TP-4 in the United States

will significantly out weigh the demand for TCP independent of DOD's

adoption of TP-4. If DOD adopts the ISO TP-4 immediately or if DOD

adopts TP-4 after a demonstration, the U.S. market demand for TCP

protocols will disappear as the current networks are converted to TP-4.

If DOD chooses to use the DOD TCP indefinitely, clearly the DOD and

ARPANET demand for TCP will continue.

A similar set of market forces operates outside the United States

except that the foreign governments are more strongly in favor of

international and national standards and have smaller investments in

nonstandard equipment. Thus there are even more industries drawn to

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the standards in order to share information. This is illustrated by

the extremely strong support for ISO efforts. The European Computer

Manufacturers Association has been active in the TP-4 standardization

effort. NATO appears committed to TP-4 implementations, and there is

likely to be intense competition in this arena. Lacking the federal

government support of two different protocol suites, there is a

stronger force to adopt a single international standard in most

countries. There are other countries with a similar problem, however.

Germany is beginning to install systems based on its unique national

standard but has committed to convert eventually to ISO protocols.

The committee concludes that there will be little market demand for the

TCP protocols outside the United States. The strong international

demand will be for ISO protocols, including TP-4.

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DOD has expressed a desire to use off-the-shelf commercial products

because they are expected to be less costly. It is expected that

performance of commercial products will be optimized to increase

competitiveness. User cost will be lower because of a large commercial

customer base over which to amortize costs for development, continuous

improvements, and maintenance. Furthermore, the DOD may benefit from

having more vendors compete for their business. This section examines

the way vendors select standard products for development and the

implications in cost, continuing supports, and improvements.


It is assumed in this discussion that off-the-shelf commercial products

can be used through system integration to construct system solutions.

Most vendors supply both standard products and system integration

services. Some vendors supply only the integration functions, using

other vendors' products. System integration adds value to the product

and in some cases results in modifications of the product to meet

system requirements. When standard products are used, the

responsibility for continuing maintenance and improvements almost

always can be passed to the product developer. Thus in this discussion

we assume that off-the-shelf commercial products are standard products

supplied by vendors to implement one or more transport-level protocols

for the DOD.


The product vendor's choice to develop a standard product is governed

by market requirements, economic opportunities, and other design

considerations. In the case of data transmission products, market

requirements include competition, connection to the installed base of

products, market growth, and satisfaction of the standards requirements

of customers.

Often the vendor will develop a product that supports several protocols

as options. Usually only one or two protocols will be selected for

primary support, and all other options are considered for secondary

support. The primary protocols selected for implementation are based

upon the largest potential market for the vendor. These protocols

become the vendor's standard products. Standard products are announced

for sale and supported on a continuing basis. Implementations of

secondary protocols are often adaptations of the implementations of

standard protocols and may be suboptimal with respect to performance

and continuing vendor support. Often secondary implementations are

created when an RFP is issued and the vendor who wishes to respond to

the RFP must create a special product to do so. This committee

believes that, in general, future standard data transmission products

will be either TP-4 or vendor-unique protocols and TCP will be a

special product.

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Within the OSI architectural model, seven layers are defined, each of

which will have protocols defined for interconnection of systems.

These protocols are controlled by standards. TP-4 is an example of a

protocol for the transport layer. These protocols will be implemented

on many vendor systems that have different systems architecture,

different operating system architectures, and, therefore, differences

in the specifics of the layer interface. The vendor systems will be

designed to optimize the specific environments that each vendor has

determined are most important to satisfy the major market objective for

that vendor's particular computer architectures. This determines the

vendor's standard system and architecture. Support of special

requirements will frequently be designed as modifications to a standard

system, using translators and other techniques to bridge the

differences in layer interface definitions, operating systems

structure, and protocols. Most support activity, optimization of

performance and resource usage will be directed at the standard system

architecture selected by the supplier.

Special-Product Process

Special-product development is initiated to meet customer

specifications. The specifications, schedule, and cost assume that

special products are released using an existing version of the

software system (operating system, language, communications, and data

manager). Support for the special product is conditioned on a support

contract. The special product is tested and released with that

system. This provides the fastest availability of the product, since

the schedule will only include the time to develop the product and

test it with the selected system. It is likely that by the time a

product and its software system are delivered, a newer version of the

software system containing code corrections and added functions and

other new products will have been released. Additional cost to the

customer is required if the vendor is to modify the special product to

operate on this new version of software. This occurs frequently in a

rapidly developing technology. If the special product is not

modified, operational and maintenance expenses may increase.

Standard-Product Process

A standard product is developed to meet the market requirements of a

market area. The development of a standard product generally has a

target date that is used as a basis for scheduling system development,

fabrication, and testing into a planned software system release. The

product then is included in the test and integration plan for the

system release and integration into a systems test procedure to assure

operation with the other parts of the software system. The standard

product then becomes a part of the software system, and as new

releases of the system are made, the product is tested as a part of

the integrated system to assure that it still operates with the

revised, new system. The product may also be enhanced to satisfy new

requirements or resolve problems of the earlier version. The product

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then will operate with the latest software system release.

The integration process complicates the development process. The

increased complexity may result in a longer development schedule or

may require more resources than special products require since (1) the

cycle may involve a longer product requirement definition, (2)

additional planning and integration testing may be needed to

coordinate the product design with other system activities, and (3)

there is the possibility of up to twelve months' delay in scheduling a

software system release, which for most vendors generally occurs at 6-

to 12 month intervals. The product may be maintained with a

corrective code released in intermediate system fabrication and

integrated into the following software release. Different categories

of support may be available and these categories may vary by product.

The support categories may range from no support to full unlimited



The committee concludes that there are significant benefits for the

Department of Defense in using standard commercial products that meet

the department's operational needs:

Costs to the DOD for development, production, and maintenance are

significantly lower because (l) vendors spread the cost over a much

larger user base, (2) commercial vendors have to be efficient in their

operations in view of the competition in the market, and (3) vendors

look for ways to upgrade their product to meet competition.

The department may get additional useful products because vendors

integrate the protocol function into their corporate software and

hardware product lines. Thus the DOD may be able eventually to use

standard commercial software application products that are built on

top of, and thereby take advantage of, the transport protocols. The

DOD will thereby have a wider selection of standard commercial

application products to choose from. By depending on industry to

manage the development, maintenance, and upgrade of products, the DOD

can use its scarce management and technical resources on activities

unique to its mission.

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The international standards process has proven its ability to respond

quickly to new requirements and protocol problems uncovered during

standardization. The United States, through organizations such as the

NBS, the ANSI, and IEEE has a leadership role in this process. The

committee concludes that the process can be responsive to DOD's needs.

The DOD will benefit from active participation in the international

protocol standardization efforts. This will ensure that the DOD's

evolving computer communications needs will be met in future commercial

products. Also the DOD will have access to a broad spectrum of protocol

experts and have access to those developing future commercial products.

These benefits will far out weigh the costs of participation.

There will probably be very few high-priority instances where DOD will

require immediate changes to its operational commercial software. These

may relate to security or survivability. In order to accommodate these

changes in the short run, the DOD will need agreements with its

commercial suppliers for quick fixes to be made while the standard is

being changed.

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The committee believes that the Department of Defense is committed to

adopting commercial standards when they are suitable and available and,

therefore, will adopt the ISO standards eventually as the military

standard for transport-level communication protocol. Further, the DOD

realizes the benefits in cost and reliability of obtaining its data

communications equipment from vendors who offer it as standard products.

Of the three options identified by the committee, the first two are ways

for the DOD to realize these benefits while the third option would

withhold the benefits from the DOD indefinitely.

The primary difference between Option l and Option 2 is in the timing of

the transition from TCP to TP-4. This timing difference has

implications in risk, cost, and manageability of the transition. (This

is discussed in Chapter X in greater detail.)

Option 1

The first option is for the DOD to immediately modify its current

transport policy statement to specify TP-4 as a costandard along with

TCP. In addition, the DOD would develop a military specification for

TP-4 that would also cover DOD requirements for discretionary options

allowed under the NBS protocol specifications. Requests for proposals

(RFPs) for new networks or major upgrades of existing networks would

specify TP-4 as the preferred protocol. Contracts for TP-4 systems

would be awarded only to contractors providing commercial products,

except for unique cases.

Existing networks that use TCP and new networks firmly committed to the

use of TCP-based systems could continue to acquire implementations of

TCP. The DOD should carefully review each case, however, to see

whether it would be advantageous to delay or modify some of these

acquisitions in order to use commercial TP-4 products. For each

community of users it should be decided when it is operationally or

economically most advantageous to replace its current or planned

systems in order to conform to ISO standards without excessively

compromising continued operations.

United States government test facilities would be developed to enable

validation of TP-4 products. The Department of Defense would either

require that products be validated using these test facilities or be

certified by the vendor. The test facilities could also be used to

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isolate multivendor protocol compatibility problems. The existing NBS

validation tools should be used as the base for the DOD test


Because under this option networks based on both TCP and TP-4 would

coexist for some time, several capabilities that facilitate

interoperability among networks would need to be developed. The

Department of Defense generally will not find them commercially

available. Examples are gateways among networks or specialized hosts

that provide services such as electronic mail. The department would

need to initiate or modify development programs to provide these

capabilities, and a test and demonstration network would be required.

Option 2

Under Option 2 the Department of Defense would immediately announce its

intention to adopt TP-4 as a transport protocol costandard with TCP

after a satisfactory demonstration of its suitability for use in

military networks. A final commitment would be deferred until the

demonstration has been evaluated and TP-4 is commercially available.

The demonstration should take at most eighteen months and should

involve development of TP-4 implementations and their installation.

This option differs from Option 1 primarily in postponing the adoption

of a TP-4 standard and, consequently, the issuance of RFPs based on

TP-4 until successful completion of a demonstration. The department

should, however, proceed with those provisions of Option 1 that may be

completed in parallel with the demonstration. Early issuance of a TP-4

military specification, development of validation procedures, and

implementation of means for interoperability would be particularly

important in this regard.

Option 3

Under the third option the DOD would continue using TCP as the accepted

transport standard and defer any decision on the use of TP-4

indefinitely. The department would be expected to stay well informed of

the development and use of the new protocol in the commercial and

international arena and, with the National Bureau of Standards, work on

means to transfer data between the two protocol systems. Testing and

evaluation of TP-4 standards by NBS would continue. The DOD might

eventually accommodate both protocol systems in an evolutionary

conversion to TP-4.

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There are so many variables affecting cost, it is impossible to compare

precisely the cost for each option over time. The estimates in this

section are, therefore, mostly qualitative. They are based on the wide

experience of several committee members in commercial networking (14).

Cost comparisons among the three options are difficult for two reasons:

1. There are an unlimited number of scenarios that can be considered

for the growth of DOD's data communication networks in the next fifteen

to twenty years, involving questions such as (a) How many different

implementations will there be? (b) What economies of scale can be

achieved? (c) How much software will be shared between different

implementations? (d) How much will the standards change for greater

effectiveness or to accommodate higher-layer standards? and (e) What

will happen to manpower costs in this high-skill area?

2. It is difficult to isolate the costs attributable to developing,

implementing, and maintaining the protocols at issue. This is

especially true if we assume DOD continues to use its own unique

protocols. For both in-house and contractor efforts, the costs

associated with TCP are folded into many other efforts. If DOD moves to

commercial protocols, the marginal costs may be more visible.


(14) The committee has had some access to a study recently conducted by

the Defense Communication Agency that compares the costs of commercially

maintained versus government-maintained operating systems for the

Honeywell computers used in WWMCCS. Although the WWMCCS example has

many fewer dimensions and systems than are covered by this analysis, the

committee urges the DOD to review this study as a good example of

potential savings from commercially vended software. (WWMCCS-ADP System

Software Economic Analysis. J. Stephens and others, Joint Data Systems

Support Center, Defense Communications Agency, Technical Report, in


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A major motivation expressed by the DOD for using commercial protocols

is that the commercial protocols are significantly cheaper. If this is

the case, then many in the DOD would like to know the savings over the

next ten to twenty years if DOD adopts TP-4. This is not a question we

will try to answer in this report, but the concept of opportunity costs

is significant. If DOD can successfully move to commercial standards,

then it will eventually be able to use DOD's scarce management and

technical resources to strengthen its efforts in other areas of

information communications and processing that are more unique to the

DOD. Given the finite pool of such resources available to the DOD, the

value of this transfer may be significantly greater than the dollars

saved by adopting the international standards.

The following assumptions have been used in trying to estimate the cost

factors if DOD moves toward adopting TP-4 using either Option 1 or 2:

No major subsystem of the DDN (which includes MILNET, DODIIS, WWMCCS,

and so forth) would use both protocols at the same time except possibly

for a brief transition period.

In only a few selected cases would a capability be required to handle

both protocols. These cases could include select hosts that use both,

special servers (most likely mail servers) that could provide functions

between several communities of interest using both protocols, or

translating gateways between networks.

Within the DDN both sets of protocols would be used for a period of

five to ten years starting eighteen months after the DOD approves the

use of TP-4 in a new system.

In virtually all cases, the phase-over from TCP to TP-4 in a subsystem

of the DDN would be performed at a time when there is a major upgrade

of subsystem elements that include TCP as a part. In other words, the

transition is not merely a substitution of transport or internet

software except in cases where the hardware currently being used is

from a vendor who has started to offer TP-4 as a commercial product.

Where this is not the case, the transition includes the substitution of

new hardware whose vendor provides TP-4 commercially.


Four major factors must be considered in evaluating the costs of the

three options:

1. How much lower will be the cost of commercial, standard-product

protocols compared to those developed and acquired by the DOD?

2. If DOD decides to adopt TP-4, how quickly can it start using it

in new systems, and how quickly will it phase TCP out of older


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3. What will be the one-time cost of management and test before DOD

is prepared to start using TP-4?

4. What will be the marginal costs of maintaining the two standards

over the 5- to 10-year transition period?

Savings Using Commercial Software

Commercial software providing TP-4 will tend to be cheaper than DOD

provided TCP because commercial one-time and recurring costs

(especially the former) can be apportioned over a larger consumer

base, and the commercial supplier will tend to be more efficient. As

in most cases where one compares the cost of one product provided by

two vendors, there will be situations where a DOD vendor providing TCP

can do it more cheaply than a commercial vendor providing TP-4. These

occurrences will be rare but they illustrate the difficulty of

developing detailed quantitative models that compare the costs.

Factors relating to competing suppliers go far beyond the transport

protocols themselves and distort such models.

The first argument relating to the size of the consumer base has many

factors. For the time period under consideration, DOD represents

about 3 percent of the commercial U.S. computer base. It would follow

that DOD should pay much less in development and support costs for the

commercial products. But there are other factors. The number of

commercial suppliers is larger than the number of DOD suppliers by a

factor of 5-10. The DOD's need for transport and internet protocols

will be greater than the average commercial user in the time period

under consideration. If commercial vendors break out the costs of

developing these protocol features earlier than planned, DOD will pick

up a larger share of the tab. This could be by a factor of 2 or more.

A good deal of the one-time development and production costs of TCP

have already been spent by the DOD or partly written off by DOD

vendors. This factor would be extremely difficult to estimate, but we

do not think it is very significant since the major costs in

implementation relate to processes down-the-line from getting a

C-language version. These down-the-line processes must be repeated in

great part as families of hardware and software are upgraded with

system and technology improvements to meet DOD directives for standard

TCP products. There are also factors that cut in the other direction;

if the DOD is only 3 percent of the U.S. commercial user market, it is

an even smaller fraction of the international user market. This

latter market is growing; its need for ISO protocols will be

relatively higher than the U.S. market, and market share for U.S.

manufacturers, including foreign subsidiaries, is large and holding

its own.

The situation is equally complex when it comes to comparing the

efficiency of commercial vendors with DOD vendors when it relates to

developing, installing, and maintaining transport and internet

protocols. The elements that favor increased efficiency of the

commercial supplier include the following:

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The commercial marketplace is much larger, less regulated, and is

forced, therefore, to seek greater efficiency and innovation.

Transport and internet protocols represent functions that interact

very closely with operating systems, the largest portion of which are

commercial. The major sources of expertise for dealing with these

operating systems are in the commercial marketplace, primarily with

the vendors who supply the hardware as well as with vendors who

specialize in related products.

The commercial sector is in the business of managing the interplay

between operating systems, protocols, related software and hardware

products, new technology and architecture, and the relationship

between all these and the market. If DOD adopts TP-4, it will be

delegating many of these management functions to a marketplace that

will generally make better and faster decisions.

For every dollar that the DOD might invest in TCP, how much would it

cost to gain comparable capability with TP-4 procured as vendor

standard products? The many factors involved make a precise estimate

impossible. We believe, however, that TP-4 can be procured at

substantial savings and with virtually no economic risk if the market

develops as we believe it will, with many vendors offering it as a

commercial product by mid-1986. On the average, we judge the savings

to be 30 to 80 percent including initial installation, field support,

and maintenance.

How Soon Will TP-4 Be Used?

The sooner that DOD decides to use TP-4, the greater will be DOD's

savings. These savings can offset the adverse cost factors discussed

in the next two sections: the cost to decide to use TP-4 and the

added cost for the period when two standards (TCP and TP-4) are in


Currently, TCP is generally used in MILNET, MINET, and ARPANET. As

previously stated in the assumptions, even if DOD decides to move

aggressively toward TP-4, there are no evident, strong economic or

operational reasons for converting these users to the new standards

until a major upgrade of the users' communications and processing

subsystems is planned. Also in the next twelve to eighteen months new

uses of these nets are planned that will expand existing subnets and

these new users would use TCP in order to be interoperable with the

current users in their community of interest.

In some cases the planning for new subnets for new communities of

users is well along. DODIIS is a primary example. Some of these

subnets should very likely proceed with TCP, but others appear to be

prime targets for TP-4 if DOD is to move in the direction of adopting

TP-4. The WWMCCS and its WIN are probably good examples of the latter.

Planning and implementation for all of these subsystems must move

ahead, however, and if DOD does not make a firm commitment to TP-4 by

mid-1985, the number of systems that will move ahead with TCP will

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probably constitute almost half of the growth of the DDN in the next

five years. In other words, delay of a decision to move to TP-4 until

1986 would mean that most of the DDN subnets that will exist in the

late 1980s will be based on TCP, whereas a decision for TP-4 a year

earlier could significantly reduce this number.

Cost of Decision to Use TP-4

The costs of the decision to use TP-4 include the one-time management

and test costs that DOD decides are needed before a TP-4 commitment

and policy can be approved. Under Option 1 these costs are small.

Under Option 2 they are significantly higher, although the amount will

depend on the extent and duration of the testing needed. Under Option

3 there will be no management and test costs.

Marginal Costs of Maintaining Two Standards

If DOD moves toward the gradual introduction of TP-4, both standards

will have to be maintained for five to ten years. The additional

costs of maintaining two standards include the following:

Management costs of dealing with two standards.

Costs for developing and maintaining capabilities for limited

intercommunication between systems using the different transport and

internet protocols. These include costs for gateways,

dual-capability hosts, and special servers such as mail.

Parallel validation capability. The DOD is implementing a validation

capability for DOD TCP. This is similar to the currently operational

NBS facility for TP-4 testing. If DOD selects Option 1, there is a

question whether this DOD facility should be completed for TCP

(because the number of new implementations of TCP would be small

several years from now). If DOD selects Option 2, the facility is

probably desirable.

Costs for maintaining research and development (R&D) programs to

improve the standards. A part of the DARPA and DCA research and

development programs in information technology is directed at system

issues related to TCP. This includes work on internet issues,

gateways, and higher-level protocols. The committee has not reviewed

the research program for details and cost; however, a commitment to

move toward ISO standards should affect the program. Costs would

increase to the extent that the program would be involved with

interactions with both protocols. There would be some decreased

requirements for R&D in light of potential dependence on commercial

R&D to improve the standards. In the next several years, however,

the committee concludes that dual standards would, on balance,

somewhat increase R&D costs because of the DOD's unique operational


These costs are roughly the same for Options 1 and 2 and depend on how

DOD manages the transition. Under an austere transition, which does

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not provide extensive interoperability between TP-4 and TCP-based

systems and minimizes costs in other areas, the overall costs could be

low in comparison with potential savings.

Evaluation of Options by Cost

In terms of the previously discussed factors, savings can develop in

two ways: by using TP-4 instead of TCP in new systems and by

replacement of TCP with TP-4 in existing systems when this can be done

smoothly and efficiently. The earlier that TP-4 is introduced, the

greater these savings.

In contrast costs will be incurred in two ways: in one-time planning

to use TP-4 and in continuing costs of operating two standards.

The following is a summary of the cost evaluation of the three options

in the near term:

Option 3 is least expensive. It achieves no commercial savings but

has no costs for one-time planning and maintenance of dual standards.

Option 1 is at most only slightly more expensive than Option 3 since

one-time planning costs (which are much lower than for Option 2) and

maintenance costs can be significantly offset with commercial savings

in the following several years.

Option 2 is most expensive since it does not realize significant

offsetting commercial savings.

In the longer term (beyond the next several years) commercial savings

for Options 1 and 2 should overtake costs of transition, and both

these options should cost the same.

There is a concern on the part of some members of the committee

whether the higher near-term costs of Option 2 are adequately offset

by the Option's long-term savings to warrant the transition.

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We present a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each option,

followed by a detailed evaluation for each set of criteria.


Option 1's primary benefit is that it would allow the DOD to obtain the

benefits of standard commercial products in the communication protocol

area at an early date. These benefits include smaller development,

procurement, and support costs; more timely updates; and a wider

product availability. By immediately committing to TP-4 as a

costandard for new systems, Option 1 minimizes the number of systems

that have to be converted eventually from TCP. The ability to manage

the transition is better than with Option 2 since the number of systems

changed would be smaller and the time duration of mixed TCP and TP-4,

operation would be shorter. Interoperability with external systems

(NATO, government, and commercial), which presumably will use TP-4,

would also be brought about more quickly. Option 1 involves greater

risk, however, since it commits to a new approach without a

demonstration of its viability.

As with Option 1, a primary benefit of following Option 2 would be

obtaining the use of standard commercial products. Unit procurement

costs probably would be lower than with Option 1 since the commercial

market for TP-4 will have expanded somewhat by the time DOD would begin

to buy TP-4 products. Risk is smaller compared to Option 1 since

testing and demonstration of the suitability for military use will have

preceded the commitment to the ISO protocols. Transition and support

costs would be higher than for Option 1, however, because more networks

and systems would already have been implemented with TCP. Also this is

perhaps the most difficult option to manage since the largest number of

system conversions and the longest interval of mixed TCP and TP-4

operations would occur. In addition, interoperability with external

networks through standardization would be delayed.

The principal benefit of exercising Option 3 would be the elimination

of transition cost and the risk of faulty system behavior and/or delay.

It would allow the most rapid achievement of full internal

interoperability among DOD systems. Manageability should be good,

since only one set of protocols would be in use (one with which the DOD

already has much experience) and the DOD would be in complete control

of system evolution. Procurement costs for TCP systems would remain

high compared to standard ISO protocol products, however, and

availability of implementations for new systems and releases would

remain limited. External interoperability with non-DOD systems would

be limited and inefficient.

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In summary, Option 1 provides the most rapid path toward the use of

commercial products and interoperability with external systems. Option

2 reduces the risk but involves somewhat greater delay and expense.

Option 3 provides a quicker route to interoperability within the

Defense Department and at the least risk, but at a higher life-cycle

cost and incompatibility with NATO and other external systems.


The committee has identified a set of DOD objectives for transport

protocols, discussed in Section II of this report. In this section we

discuss the potential of each of the three options for achieving those

objectives. The objectives have been grouped into five major

categories that serve as criteria for evaluation of options.

Functional and Performance Objectives

There are certain functional and performance objectives that standard

DOD transport protocols must satisfy. Key objectives include security

capabilities, the ability to establish message precedence in crisis

situations, and survivability of continuing operations when failures

occur and portions of the network become inoperable. This implies

continuous availability of the primary data transmission network and

the ability to reconfigure the networks to operate after some of its

nodes are lost.

As previously stated, the two protocols are functionally equivalent.

TCP and TP-4 have equivalent reliability characteristics and are able

to detect and recover from failures. The committee also concludes

that robustness, availability, and performance in crises are

equivalent using either protocol. The committee concludes that all

three options equally satisfy the functional objectives that DOD


Since the performance characteristics of TCP versus TP-4 will be a

function primarily of the particular implementations, the committee

concludes that the two protocols are sufficiently alike that there are

no significant differences in performance of a TCP or a TP-4

implementation of equal quality when each is optimized for a given


If Option 1 is selected, early implementations may result in

suboptimal performance. Option 2 specifies that there be a

demonstration network established that will provide time for

adjustment, testing, and gaining experience. Option 3 would result in

no reduction in performance of current networks. The maturity of TCP

has resulted in many implementations that have demonstrated good

performance. This experience provides a knowledge base for future

implementations of either TCP or TP-4. In either case, however,

initial implementations of TCP or TP-4 may be suboptimal and require

additional development to optimize performance.

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Maximizing Interoperability

A high-priority DOD objective is interoperability among its internal

networks and among internal networks and non-DOD, external networks,

including NATO. Interoperability allows users of a network to have

access to applications on the same or other networks.

Option 3 would allow the DOD to increase internal interoperability

most rapidly by continuing to mandate use of TCP for all new systems.

Interoperability with external systems, however, the vast majority of

which are expected to use ISO standard protocols, will remain limited.

The more quickly DOD moves to use TP-4, the more rapidly external

interoperability will improve. In the short run internal

interoperability will be reduced due to the existence of both TCP and

TP-4 protocols by different subnets. This problem is greater with

Option 2 then Option 1 since the number of systems and the length of

time both protocols are in use is greater. In both options the

problem can be reduced by providing special servers and translating

gateways to provide limited interoperability where needed among

subnets using different protocols.

Minimizing Procurement, Development, and Support Costs

A DOD goal is to assure availability of commercial-grade transport

systems from vendors and minimize development, procurement, and

continuing support costs. Both Option 1 and, after demonstration,

Option 2 result in DOD adopting the TP-4 standard that has the

endorsement of both national (ANSI) and international (ISO) standards

organizations. Further, this protocol has been endorsed for use by

NATO, the European Computer Manufacturer's Association, the Computer

and Business Equipment Manufacturer's Association (CBEMA), and the NBS

Institute of Computer Sciences and Technology for the information

processing community of the federal government.

The result of the endorsements will be widespread use of the standard

protocol in worldwide networks and a large number of vendors supplying

commercial grade products supporting TP-4. As previously noted, many

vendors have already stated they plan to develop TP-4-based products

and many are already doing this in-house. Thus a large market and

large vendor base will assure the availability of commercial grade

TP-4 products.

A large market and supply of commercial-grade products will give DOD a

large competitive base from which to select its data transmission

systems. The effect will be to reduce DOD acquisition cost because

large markets allow vendors to amortize development and support cost

over a large base. This favors adoption of either of the options that

results in DOD using TP-4 as its standard.

With the availability of commercial-grade products, vendors will take

the responsibility for continuing maintenance and enhancements of the

product. Transmission products are tightly coupled to the operating

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systems on the host computer systems in which they operate. With

vendor support of the products, evolution of both the host computer

operating system and transmission system will occur in

synchronization. This again favors the adoption by DOD of either the

Option 1 or Option 2 that results in TP-4. In these options much of

the support cost is covered by the vendors and spread over the large

market base. This reduces the development and maintenance cost passed

on to the DOD.

The committee does not believe that a large market beyond the DOD will

develop for TCP because worldwide markets for products will be based

on the ISO standards. Consequently, if the DOD chooses Option 3, only

the DOD-dedicated vendors would supply TCP as standard products

resulting in a smaller market and supply for TCP products and limited

availability of TCP products.

If DOD remains with TCP, many commercial vendors will be forced to

develop and support both the commercial standard products (TP-4) and

DOD standard special products (TCP) to stay in both markets. In many

cases only the large market-based products such as TP-4 will be

considered standard and TCP products will be considered special

products. The effect is higher development and support cost to the

vendors which would be passed on to DOD. Thus the incentive for

continuing enhancement to the special product, TCP, would be reduced.

This responsibility would be passed to DOD, also resulting in higher


Ease of Transition

The DOD is concerned with the ease and risk associated with transition

from the current network architecture using TCP to its future network

architecture. The objectives for DOD are to reduce the interruption

of data communication services supplied by its active networks;

minimize the risk of using an immature, untried protocol; and maximize

the use of the critical skills, knowledge, and experience of the

engineers who develop the communications products.

The maturity of TCP and the momentum that exists in the DOD community

for implementing future systems using TCP would favor Option 3.

Selection of Option 3 would minimize interruption of service and

minimize risk. With this option there would be no transition; the DOD

would remain with its current policy. There would be no conversion

costs and the only risks for DOD would be associated with poor

implementations of new TCP-based products.

The committee believes that much of the technical risk is associated

with implementations. Therefore, given the relative state of their

specifications and implementations as discussed earlier, the committee

feels that the risks are comparable for implementing new products for

either TCP or TP-4. Since DOD is acquiring many new networks the

implementation risk of either TCP or TP-4 will be equal.

If DOD chooses Option 1, it will display confidence in the TP-4

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specifications and in the vendor's implementations through its

immediate commitment for TP-4 use in new military networks. DOD will,

in effect, be making a commitment similar to that of vendors who are

planning this protocol for their standard products. Since most new

networks would not use a transport protocol other than TP-4, this

minimizes the number of networks and therefore the cost of converting

and maintaining TCP networks to TP-4.

Since the standard TP-4 products from vendors are not available today,

DOD endorsement of TP-4 may have the effect of accelerating vendor

development of standard products. These products are expected to be

generally available by 1986. Thus Option 1 can be consistent with the

manufacturers' expected product plans. Option 1 provides, therefore,

the least conversion cost but with higher risk for DOD conversion.

If DOD chooses Option 2, then the risk that TP-4 will not meet DOD

needs is reduced since there is no commitment to use this protocol

until a successful demonstration is completed. In the interim, many

networks will have been committed using TCP, resulting in higher

conversion costs than with Option 1. In summary, Option 2 provides a

lower risk approach for DOD to convert to TP-4, but will encounter the

higher conversion cost.

There is a great deal of experience with TCP and thus there is an

engineering community that is highly knowledgeable about it. As

previously noted, however, if DOD remains with TCP, some DOD vendors

will be forced to support multiple protocol products. The functional

equivalence and similarities between TCP and TP-4 permit an easy

transition for the experienced engineer to move from TCP to TP-4.

Option 2 allows more time for this transition to occur, and thereby

minimizes the risk associated with a complete switch to TP-4.

In addition to the transport protocols, a transition from TCP to TP-4

also involves the conversion of applications. The committee has

concluded that the services provided by TCP and TP-4 are comparable

and applications software can be moved from TCP to TP-4 without loss

of functionality. Obviously, Option 3 requires no conversion to

existing applications on current implementations. Option 2 will

result in more applications interfacing to TCP than Option 1, thus

potentially increasing conversion costs. In the future DOD could

minimize the cost of conversion by standardizing the services provided

by the transport layer to the applications.

Manageability and Responsiveness to DOD Requirements

The final set of objectives is concerned with the degree of difficulty

that DOD will experience in managing its installed networks and future

networks. As communications requirements evolve, DOD must have the

ability to alter specifications so they will satisfy new requirements.

Finally, DOD requires facilities for validation of protocol

implementations as they are added to their networks.

Since Option 3 is to maintain the status quo, no additional management

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difficulty is anticipated.

Both Option 1 and Option 2 will cause some additional management

difficulties since they require that the current momentum for adopting

TCP to be redirected toward TP-4 without loss of intensity. In

addition to this change, DOD must manage both TCP and TP-4 networks.

This will add to its management difficulties.

Option 2 will result in greater management difficulties than Option l

due to the larger number of TCP systems that must eventually be

converted and the larger time period over which both protocols must be


There are benefits from each option. If Option 3 is selected, DOD and

its vendors have sole responsibility for determining what changes are

needed, implementing the change, validating the change and the ongoing

maintenance of the standard. If either Option 1 or Option 2 is

chosen, then DOD may encounter difficulty in persuading the standards

groups to adopt its proposals; however, DOD would gain the experience

and knowledge of the industry standards-making bodies. The industry

standards bodies should be receptive to good technical arguments for

correction of errors or apparent major deficiencies in the protocol.

The standards bodies that maintain the standard should become a

technical resource for DOD to develop its military specifications.

Since TP-4 will be a commercial standard, those vendors who adhere to

the standard will insure that validation facilities are in place. The

National Bureau of Standards has a test facility for TP-4. No such

facility exists for TCP. If Option 1 or Option 2 is chosen, DOD can

use this facility to validate vendor implementations. DOD should work

with NBS to develop a similar facility for TCP. This is particularly

important for new implementations of TCP. DOD should continue working

with and through NBS in getting needed protocol revisions introduced

into the appropriate standards bodies.

In summary, Option 3 results in no new management difficulties while

Option 2 causes the greatest difficulties. Option 1 allows DOD to

move toward commercialized standard products with the smallest

addition of management tasks.


Option 1 would quickly reduce the market held by TCP products as TP-4

products begin to take hold in the marketplace. In addition, it would

enhance the ability of U.S. manufacturers to compete in the world

networks market based on ISO standards because they would not have to

engage in parallel development nor support two sets of protocols for

very long. Option 2 could have a comparable but less pronounced effect

in the marketplace and it would be delayed. Because of the very

probable rapid deployment of TCP-based systems in DOD networks while

the TP-4 is still in the demonstration phase, however, many more

networks than in Option 1 would probably end up using TCP. This would

tend to reduce the U.S. manufacturer's competitive edge in the world

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market because their need to develop and maintain both TCP products as

well as TP-4 products would dilute their skill resources. The same

thing would happen with Option 3. Although none of the options would

affect the world market for TP-4 greatly, Option 3 would result in a

residual market for TCP products in the DOD and related networks.

Products made specifically for this market would continue to exist, but

with functions limited to this specific market, the products would lack

some of the advantages of large-scale production and product


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We first present our basic recommendation and then provide detailed

recommendations on aspects that require amplification. These are

followed by additional considerations in several important areas

relating to the transition plans. Many of our recommendations are

closely related to each other, and care should be taken not to consider

any single recommendation in isolation.


The committee unanimously recommends that DOD should adopt the ISO TP-4

(and IP) as DOD costandards with its TCP (and IP) and move toward

eventual exclusive use of TP-4. Transition to use of the ISO

standards, however, must be managed to maintain operational

capabilities and minimize risks. The timing of the transition to use

of these protocols is, therefore, a major concern, and the committee

was divided on the best schedule to recommend.

A majority of the committee favored immediate adoption of the ISO

protocols as costandards with TCP, giving major procurements in 1984-85

the option of using these standards (Option 1). A minority favored

deferring adoption of the ISO protocols by the DOD until after a

demonstration of commercial quality implementations supporting military

applications (Option 2). This difference is reflected in detailed

recommendations 2-4 below. The reasons for the two viewpoints are

based on differences within the committee on the extent of the risk

associated with adopting a protocol, TP-4, that has not been

implemented on operational networks.


In the following recommendations the committee provides details about

actions that should be taken to implement the basic recommendations.

Most of the recommendations involve actions that require the DOD to

take the lead role, with occasional support from the NBS Institute for

Computer Sciences and Technology. Some recommendations are directed

more toward NBS. Other government agencies and parties interested in

using DOD protocols or in their future evolution may also find these

recommendations applicable.

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(1). DOD should rapidly identify "open areas" of the ISO TP-4

specifications where various options for implementation are allowed and

define a required subset for use in DOD systems (a MIL-SPEC version of

the standards, for example). In doing this, the DOD should work with

the NBS with the goal of developing a Federal Standard, that has

relatively few options for implementation, facilitates maximum federal

interoperability, and makes it clear to vendors which functions are

required in their commercial products.

(2). DOD should aggressively develop and implement a plan for

integration of TP-4 as a costandard with TCP and for migration toward

its eventual exclusive use. The plan should include provision for

rapid completion of a MIL-SPEC (detailed recommendation 1), either

validation or demonstration facilities (detailed recommendation 3),

timing for procurement of systems with the new protocols (detailed

recommendation 4), development of equipment and procedures to support a

period of joint operation with both TCP and TP-4 protocols in use, and

guidelines for eventual conversion of TCP systems to the new protocols.

Whatever timing is chosen for the introduction of ISO protocols, an

extended period must be expected when both TCP and TP-4 are in use in

different systems. Hence equipment and procedures must be developed to

provide limited communication between systems using the two protocol

sets. This will include dual protocol operation for some gateways,

relay hosts, service hosts, and terminal concentrators. A secondary

purpose of the test system described in detailed recommendation 3

should be to aid in development of this transition support equipment.

Both a general transition strategy and specific transition plans for

each existing system should be developed. The switchover from old to

new protocols will take place at different times as appropriate for

each system during an overall transition period of many years.

(3). As soon as possible, the DOD should develop a protocol test

facility. If Option 1 is followed, this facility would serve primarily

to validate implementations of both old and new protocol sets. If

Option 2 is followed, the facility would initially focus on

demonstrating the suitability of the new protocols for use in a

military environment as rapidly as possible and then provide for

testing of commercially supplied protocol implementations.

For validation purposes, the NBS protocol-testing facility developed

for ISO protocols should serve as a good basis, but extensions to deal

with any DOD-specific option for the ISO protocols, performance, and

DOD protocols would be necessary. DOD is now beginning such a program.

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Report Transport on Protocols

For a more complete demonstration, commercial-quality implementations

of the ISO protocols must be obtained and shown to support military

applications in an operational subnetwork such as such as ARPANET or

DODIIS. In both cases the facility should also be used for development

and demonstration of the transition support equipment mentioned in

detailed recommendation 2.

(4). Procurements of new networks and major upgrades of existing

networks should favor use of ISO TP-4 as rapidly as possible. If

Option 1 is followed, RFPs may specify the new protocols immediately.

If Option 2 is followed, this must await successful completion of the

demonstration discussed in recommendation 3. Procurements for existing

networks using TCP may continue to require TCP-based equipment until an

appropriate conversion point is reached (see detailed recommendation


The purpose of this recommendation is to minimize spending on new TCP

implementations and their subsequent conversion to TP-4 where possible,

while recognizing that some additions to TCP-based systems will also be

needed. If Option 2 is followed, immediate requirements for new

systems may force new implementations of TCP in these cases also

because the demonstration is not completed at the time RFPs must be


(5). As part of a transition plan, a transport service interface to

higher-level protocols more like that of TP-4 should be developed for

TCP and tested with existing higher-layer protocols.

This should serve as a rapid test of whether existing DOD protocols can

make effective use of the somewhat different style of service that TP-4

provides. It should also allow higher-level protocols to be modified

to make use of TP-4 in parallel with the implementation of TP-4 itself,

making the ultimate transition to TP-4 more rapid and certain of

success. Finally, it may allow use of a single version of the

higher-level protocols to be used on both TCP and TP-4 equipment.

(6). DOD should continue using existing DOD-specific, higher-level

protocols for operational purposes (Telnet, FTP, and Simple Mail

Transfer Protocol, for example) but minimize effort on their further

development and plan to adopt suitable ISO protocols as they are

developed. Research on protocols providing new services (multimedia

mail, compressed video, and voice store-and-forward, for example)

should continue. The committee is pleased to find that DOD is already

pursuing this course of action.

(7). The NBS Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology should

maintain close liaison with DOD to ensure that DOD needs for new

protocols and modifications to existing standards are effectively

represented to appropriate standards bodies. This should include

research areas such as multimedia mail where there is significant

commercial as well as military interest.

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RFC942 February 1985

Report Transport on Protocols

The committee is pleased to find that this is already being done

through contracts from DOD for ICST to represent its interests in

standardization activities. Further cooperation (in demonstrating and

testing protocols, for example) could occur.

(8). The NBS and DOD should collaborate from the outset in the

development of new protocols for use as federal standards. This will

ensure early agreement on functions, features, and services of the

protocols under development. The NBS should present the developing work

early to the ISO standardization activities to expedite convergence on

internationally acceptable standards.

Such collaboration could help ensure that future protocol standards

will be developed in a single, coordinated process that results in a

single standard accommodating both DOD, other federal agencies, and

commercial needs.

(9). DOD and NBS should develop additions to protocol specifications

to support preemption of limited resources by high-precedence users.

Such capabilities are needed during high-load situations such as might

develop during wartime or other crisis situations. They are not yet

part of either the TCP or TP-4 specifications or existing

implementations. This should be an example of the sort of

collaboration mentioned in detailed recommendations 7 and 8.

This is important to avoid possible incompatibilities between different

implementations of the same specification as discussed in Section III.

It is likely that vendors would welcome guidance on how to deal with

open areas of the specifications, and early action by DOD could result

in their mandated subset becoming the de facto standard for most

commercial implementations as well, with consequent benefits to DOD.

This is a good area for cooperation between DOD and NBS.


Transition Plan

This section describes the major elements of a transition plan from

use of TCP to use of TP-4 in DOD systems. The plan will vary

depending on the option chosen. Both Option 1 and Option 2 share a

number of common elements that are discussed first, including

development of a MIL-SPEC, protocol-testing facilities, and transition

support equipment. If Option 2 is followed, a demonstration of TP-4

must also be undertaken.

MIL-SPEC. As noted in recommendation 1, several open areas and

options in the ISO TP-4 must be specified in order to have complete

and compatible protocol implementations. Completion of this

specification by the DOD should be a top priority objective.

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Report Transport on Protocols

Protocol-Testing Facilities. As noted in recommendation 3, test

facilities for protocol implementations are essential. Under Option

1, this facility should serve primarily to validate implementations of

both old and new protocol sets. If Option 2 is followed, the facility

should initially focus on demonstrating the suitability of the new

protocols for use in a military environment as rapidly as possible,

and provide for testing of commercially supplied protocol


For validation purposes, the NBS protocol-testing facility developed

for ISO protocols should serve as a good basis, but extensions to deal

with any DOD-specific options for the ISO protocols, performance, and

DOD protocols would be necessary. The DOD has stated that such a

program has been started.

Transition Support Equipment. In any transition plan it must be

assumed that the large body of systems with existing TCP

implementations will take a substantial period of time to switch

completely to the use of the ISO protocols. Some networks will

include many different communities sharing a common communications

backbone. Members of one community communicate primarily among

themselves, but occasionally outside their community. While members

of one community are likely to change over as a group, different

communities will change to use the new protocols at different times.

Hence an interim period must be anticipated when some systems are

using the old protocols and others, the new protocols. The transition

plan must provide some means of allowing interaction between old and

new systems where required during this period. Toward this end, a

number of relay hosts may need to be developed that support both old

and new protocols. These will allow automatic-staged forwarding of

electronic mail between old and new systems and manually set up file

transfer or remote terminal access via the relays. Performance

through these relays will not be as good as with direct connections,

but the relays should provide an adequate level of service for

occasional interactions among different communities of the internet


When more frequent interaction is anticipated and better service is

needed, major service hosts should support both old and new protocol

sets concurrently so they can provide service directly without

requiring the use of relays. Such service hosts include widely used

time-sharing machines, file servers, and special servers such as

Network Information Centers, Network Operations Centers, and

Administrator Machines (providing mailboxes of network administrators,

for example). Some dual protocol servers

may also act as relays where the load of both functions can be


Terminal concentrators for general use must also support both protocol

sets so that connections to both old and new hosts can be made


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Report Transport on Protocols

Gateways must support both old and new IPs so hosts using either one

may send internet traffic. This requirement could be relaxed in the

case of entire networks that will switch over simultaneously and hence

will only need one type of IP traffic. Gateways should not have to

translate between old and new IPs--it will be assumed that both source

and destination hosts are using the same protocols or going through an

explicit relay intermediate host.

This latter point requires some elaboration. If one type of IP packet

arrives at a destination host or gateway that only handles the other

type, it must be discarded. It would be good if, in addition, a

suitable ICMP error packet could be returned in the unsupported

protocol so it would be meaningful to the source. To avoid this

situation the internet-host name table maintained by the Network

Information Center should indicate which protocol(s) each host

supports. Then when a source host looks up the address of a

destination, it will also determine which type protocol to use or if a

relay is required.

Demonstration Plan

If Option 2 is followed, a major demonstration of the ISO protocols in

a military environment must be undertaken. Any such demonstration

should proceed by stages beginning with the implementation of TP-4 in

one network (15). Then the demonstration would be extended to include

internetting (still with DOD IP) to validate the suitability of TP-4

as a replacement for TCP. The demonstration would then be further

extended to employ the ISO IP in place of DOD IP.

Stand-Alone TP-4 Network Demonstration. The first stage of any

transition plan must be to establish a demonstration network or

subnetwork using TP-4 in place of TCP under existing higher-level

protocols. This step will require selection of a suitable network (or

subnetwork), procurement of TP-4 implementations for hosts and

terminal access controllers on that network, and modification of

higher-level protocols to use TP-4. The demonstration should include

sufficient use of real applications to test the protocols in an

operational environment.

To limit the amount of change attempted at one time, the DOD IP may be

retained and used under TP-4. Alternatively, if ISO IP development

status seems to warrant it, ISO IP may be installed along with TP-4.


(15) For the remainder of this chapter, the use of TCP and TP-4 to

include their respective IPs will no longer hold. The four

entities--Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and its Internet Protocol

(DOD IP) and the Transport Protocol (TP-4) and its Internetwork Protocol

(ISO IP)--will be treated individually.

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RFC942 February 1985

Report Transport on Protocols

In the latter case, all TP-4 hosts would be on the same network

anyway, so that IP will only be used between hosts and no gateways

will be involved and no gateway modifications will be needed.

The hosts involved could be dedicated to the demonstration and hence

only support TP-4 and only be able to interact with other

demonstration network hosts or be concurrently supporting TCP and DOD

IP for operational traffic to other "normal" hosts. In the latter

case, no forwarding or relaying of traffic by hosts between normal and

ISO logical networks would be allowed or performed (the demonstration

network would be logically closed).

Stand-Alone TP-4 Internet Demonstration. The next step would be to

expand the demonstration to include more than one network (at least

logically) and hence involve gateways. If only TP-4 is involved, this

is a simple extension to test TP-4 over longer internet paths with

more variable performance. If ISO IP is also being tested at the same

time, modification of the gateways involved will also be required as

indicated in the next section.

Stand-Alone ISO IP Demonstration. Once TP-4 has been tested,

introduction of the ISO IP to replace DOD IP may commence. In

addition to simply replacing one IP with the other in hosts and

gateways, this will require modification of the gateways to perform

ICMP and GGP on top of the ISO IP.

These gateways could either be dedicated to the demonstration and

hence have only ISO IP, or could be concurrently supporting normal

operational traffic via DOD IP. In the latter case, once again, no

forwarding of traffic between ISO demonstration internet and normal

systems would be allowed.

At the conclusion of these three steps, the ISO TP-4 and IP could be

deemed to have demonstrated their basic functional suitability in a

military environment. The transition support equipment described

above should have been developed in parallel, providing the capability

to smoothly and successfully switch operational systems using the old

protocols to use of the new protocols.

Switchover of User Systems

Once the above preparations have been made and the demonstration

completed, if Option 2 is being followed, the switchover of user

systems can commence. Each network or community within a network

should be able to switch at its convenience and maintain the ability

to interact with other systems. The user systems will not be required

to support operational use of both protocol sets simultaneously at any

time unless they wish to do so for their own reliability purposes.

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Report Transport on Protocols

Switchover of user systems also requires a personnel-training effort.

While earlier steps involved a relatively small number of specialists

and support staff at major sites, this step will affect all user

sites, and their network support staff must be trained in the new


Once switchover of all systems to the new protocol set is complete,

support for the old protocols by TACS, service hosts, and gateways can

be removed.

Lessons Learned from the ARPANET NCP-to-TCP Transition

The following points summarize some important lessons learned during

the ARPANET transition from NCP to TCP (16).

Conversion of TACs and service hosts to support both protocols before

the transition of user hosts starts is essential.

Relay capabilities were heavily used for mail, but used little for

other purposes.

The Network Information Center was not ready to support the new

protocols and this caused problems in distributing the host name


There were significant performance problems that required careful

analysis and parameter tuning after the transition. These were

unavoidable because no service host had been stressed prior to the

switchover, with a full user load over a long time period using the

new protocols.


(16) For additional information, see ARPANET Request for Comments:

NCP/TCP Transition Plan, J. Postel, (Menlo Park, California: SRI

International Telecommunications Sciences Center, November 1981).

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