
RFC65 - Comments on Host/Host Protocol document #1

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Dave Walden

Request for Comments: 65 A/S Norsk Data-Elektonikk

August 29, 1970

Comments on Host-Host Protocol Document No. 1 (S. Crocker - 8/3/70)

Page 3. Eliminate marking. Instead, make all regular messages into

two message: The first containing just the leader and indicating that

the data follows in the second (next) message. Do this both from the

source Host to its IMP and from the destination IMP to its Host.

Thus, no more hunting for the beginning of the data is necessary.

Once this adjustment is made, an additional simplification is

available. If the maximum message length is a common multiple of the

Word sizes of all the computers in the network (perhaps 2880*2 bits),

sUCcessive messages of long files can be dropped in place without


Page 4. Control messages should be sent to and from the _control

socket_ -- not over the control link. The concept of the control

link causes a great big, unnecessary special case.

Page 5. Assigning sockets permanently to certain network resources

should be encouraged and a Directory of the socket/resource

associations should be available somewhere in the network, perhaps in

physical book form at each site.

Page 6. Links have no Host-Host purpose other than identifying a

connection so that socket numbers don't have to be included in all

messages and to simplify table look-ups in the NCPs. However, since

there are possibly 512 links* with the same number, links don't aid

table look-ups very much. Also finding the next available link to a

particular destination is very ugly . Therefore, I suggest limiting

the number of links to a total of n (where n = 32, 64, or 256 or some

other good number) for all destinations. In other words, a

particular link is only in use to one destination at a time(actually

from one destination at a time since the receiver picks the link to

be used for a connection). This change makes picking the next

available link very simple and,I feel,is a worthwhile change if only

for this reason. The question of simplifying table look-ups is a

little more complex. It is easy to use the link directly as an index

into tables in the receive portion of the NCP since the receiver

picks the link. But a hash table or linear search or something is

still necessary in the send portion of the NCP. This too can be

fixed with the following changes. Add to STR a _pseudo link_ chosen

by the sender. This link is sent in all non-control messages in the 8


*A destination number is 9 bits.

bits to the right of the link in the leader. The IMP must preserve

these bits and return them with RFNMs and the receiver must use the

pseudo link instead of the link in RET and INR. The extra memory

necessary to store the pseudo link in the NCP receive tables (which

are indexed by link) and the link in the NCP send tables (which are

indexed by pseudo link) is certainly less than the overhead necessary

to maintain associative tables.

Page 8. The allocate mechanism seems very inconvenient for the

receive portion of the NCP to use. The receiver wants the allocation

to be used up in units of the receiver's buffer size not in units of

sender messages which may be variable length. Otherwise the receiver

has a memory compaction problem.

Page 9. The new irregular message to make the "cease" mechanism

work are unnecessary, I think. The sender can keep track (probably

with a one bit counter) of ALLs and GVBs and ignore GVB 0s for which

resume ALLs have already arrived. This the receiver need not know

whether the cease has been sent or not.

Page 15. If I implemented an NCP, all ERRs would be treated like

NOP. As an error control mechanism ERR is complicated and

insufficient. Who wants to debug a complicated mechanism which only

catches bugs due to the primary mechanism being undebugged. The one

error control mechanism I would provide is a receive process to send

process acknowledgment on every message. If this is not received for

too long, the send process can send the message again if it has been

saving it. This acknowledgment catches errors causing message loss

at the process/NCP, NCP/NCP, Host/IMP, IMP/IMP, etc. levels.

Currently the Host/IMP interface is particularly lacking in useful

error controls. I wouldn't worry about kinds of errors check-sums

are designed to pick up. If dropped and picked up bits ever become a

problem either add hardware to more interfaces or let the receive

process not send the process to process acknowledgment if a software

checksum does not check.

The page 3 and page 6 comments involve a change to the IMP program.

I feel a tiny bit guilty suggesting changes I don't have to implement

any more. However, I trust Crowther and Cosell will, as always,

resist bad changes while making sensible ones. The page 9 comment is

aimed at avoiding a change in the IMP program.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Luke Hollins 8/99]

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