
RFC48 - Possible protocol plateau

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Network Working Group J. Postel

Request for Comments: 48 S. Crocker


April 21, 1970

A Possible Protocol Plateau

I. Introduction

We have been engaged in two activities since the network meeting of

March 17, 1970 and, as promised, are reporting our results.

First, we have considered the various modifications suggested from

all quarters and have formed preferences about each of these. In

Section II we give our preferences on each issue, together with our


Second, we have tried to formalize the protocol and algorithms for

the NCP, we attempted to do this with very little specification of a

particular implementation. Our attempts to date have been seriously

incomplete but have led to a better understanding. We include here,

only a brief sketch of the structure of the NCP. Section III gives

our assumptions about the environment of the NCP and in Section IV

the components of the NCP are described.

II. Issues and Preferences

In this section we try to present each of the several questions which

have been raised in recent NWG/RFC's and in private conversations,

and for each issue, we suggest an answer or policy. In many cases,

good ideas are rejected because in our estimation they should be

incorporated at a different level.

A. Double Padding

As BBN report #1822 eXPlains, the Imp side of the Host-to-Imp

interface concatenates a 1 followed by zero or more 0's to fill

out a message to an Imp Word boundary and yet preserve the

message length. Furthermore, the Host side of the Imp-to-Host

interface extends a message with 0's to fill out the message to

a Host word boundary.

BBN's mechanism works fine if the sending Host wants to send an

integral number of words, or if the sending Host's hardware is

capable of sending partial words. However, in the event that

the sending Host wants to send an irregular length message and

its hardware is only capable of sending word-multiple messages,

some additional convention is needed.

One of the simplest solutions is to modify the Imp side of the

Host-to-Imp interface so that it appends only 0's. This would

mean that the Host software would have to supply the trailing

1. BBN rejected the change because of an understandably strong

bias against hardware changes. It was also suggested that a

five instruction patch to the Imp program would remove the

interface supplied 1, but this was also rejected on the new

grounds that it seemed more secure to depend only upon the Host

hardware to signal message end, and not to depend upon the Host

software at all.

Two other solutions are also available. One is to have "double

padding", whereby the sending Host supplies 10* and the network

also supplies 10*. Upon input, a receiving Host then strips

the trailing 10* 10*. The other solution is to make use of the

marking. Marking is a string of the form 0*1 inserted between

the leader and the text of a message. The original intent of

marking was to extend the leader so that the sending Host could

_begin_ its text on a word boundary. It is also possible to

use the marking to expand a message so that it _ends_ on a word


Notice that double padding could replace marking altogether by

abutting the text beginning against the leader. For 32 bit

machines, this is convenient and marking is not, while for

other lengths, particularly 36 bit machines, marking is much

more convenient than double padding.

We have no strong preference, partially because we can send

word fragments. Shoshani, et al in NWG/RFC#44 claim that

adjusting the marking does not cause them any problems, and

they have a 32 bit machine. Since the idea of marking has been

accepted for some time, we suggest that double padding not be

used and that marking be used to adjust the length of a

message. We note that if BBN ever does remove the 1 from the

hardware padding, only minimal change to Host software is

needed on the send side.

A much prettier (and more expensive) arrangement was suggested

by W. Sutherland. He suggested that the Host/Imp interfaces be

smart enough to strip padding or marking and might even parse

the message upon input.

B. Reconnection

A very large population of networkers has beat upon us for

including dynamic reconnection in the protocol. We felt it

might be of interest to relate how it came to be included.

After considering connections and their uses for a while, we

wondered how the mechanism of connections compared to existing

forms of intra-Host interprocess communication. Two ASPects

are of interest, what formalisms have been presented in the

literature, and what mechanisms are in use. The formalisms are

interesting because they lead to uniform implementations and

parsimonious design. The existing mechanisms are interesting

because they point out which problems need solving and

sometimes indicate what an appropriate formalism might be. In

particular, we have noticed that the mechanisms for connecting

a console to the logger upon dial in, the mechanisms for

creating a job, and the mechanisms for passing a console around

to various processes within a job tend to be highly

idiosyncratic and distinct from all other structures and

mechanisms within an operating system.

With respect to the literature, it appears there is only one

idea with several variations, viz processes should share a

portion of their address spaces and cooperatively wake up each

other. Semaphores and event channels are handy extensions of

wake up signals, but the intent is basically the same. (Event

channels could probably function as connections, but it seems

not to be within their intended use. In small systems, the

efficiency and capacity of event channels are inversely


With respect to existing implementations, we note that several

systems allow a process to appear to be a file to another

process. Some systems, e.g. the SDS-940 at SRI impose a

master/slave relationship between two processes so connected,

but other systems provide for a coequal relationship e.g. the

AI group's PDP-6 system at MAC. The PDP-6 system also has a

feature whereby a superior process can "surround" an inferior

process with a mapping from device and file names to other

device and file names. Consoles have nearly the same semantics

as files, so it is quite reasonable for an inferior process to

believe it is communicating with the console but in fact be

communicating with another process.

The similarity between network connections and existing

sequential interprocess connections supports our belief that

network connections are probably the correct structure for

using the network. Moreover, the structure is clean enough and

compatible with enough machines to pass as a formalism or

theory, at least to the extent of the other forms of

interprocess communication presented in the literature.

Any new formalism, we believe, must meet at least the following

two tests:

1. What outstanding problems does it solve?

2. Is it closed under all operations?

In the case of network connections, the candidates for the

first are the ones given above, i.e. all operations involving

connecting a console to a job or a process. Also of interest

are the modelling of sequential devices such as tape drives,

printers and card readers, and the modeling of their buffering

(spooling, symbiont) systems.

The second question mentions closure. In applying the

connection formalism to the dial-in and login procedures, we

felt the need to include some sort of switching or

reconnection, and an extremely mild form is presented in an

SJCC paper, which is also NWG/RFC#33. This mild form permits

only the substitution of AEN's, and even then only at the time

of connection establishment. However, it is a common experience

that if an operation has a natural definition on an extended

domain, it eventually becomes necessary or at least desirable

to extend its definition. Therefore, we considered the

following extensions:

1. Switching to any other socket, possibly in another Host.

2. Switching even after data flow has started.

There is even some precedent for feeling these extensions might

be useful. In one view of an operating system, we see all

available phone lines as belonging to a live process known as

the logger. The logger answers calls, screens users, and

creates jobs and processes. One of the features of most

telephone answering equipment is that many phone lines may

serve the same phone number by using a block of sequential

numbers and a rotary answering system. In our quest for

accurate models of practical systems, we wanted to be able to

provide equivalent service to network users, i.e. they should

be able to call a single advertised number and get connected to

the logger. Thus a prima facie case for switching is


Next we see that after the logger interrogates a prospective

user, it must connect the user to a newly created job. Data

flow between the user and the logger has already commenced, so

flow control has to be meshed with switching if it is desired

not to lose or garble data in transit.

With respect to inter-Host switching, we find it easy to

imagine a utility service which is distributed throughout the

network and which passes connections from one socket to another

without the knowledge of the user. Also, it is similar to the

more sophisticated telephone systems, to standard facilities of

telephone company operators, and to distributed private


These considerations led us to investigate the possibility of

finding one type of reconnection which provided a basis for all

known models. The algorithm did not come easily, probably

because of inexperience with finite state automata theory, but

eventually we produced the algorithm presented in NWG/RFC#36.

A short time later, Bill Crowther produced an equivalent

algorithm which takes an alternate approach to race conditions.

Networkers seem to have one of two reactions. Either it was

pretty and (perhaps ipso facto) useful, or it was complex and

(again perhaps ipso facto) unnecessary. The latter group was

far more evident to us, and we were put into the defensive

position of admitting that dynamic reconnection was only

1. pretty

2. useful for login and console passing

In response to persistent criticism, we have made the following

change in the protocol. Instead of calling socket <O,H,O> to

login, sockets of the form <U,H,O> and <U,H,1> are the input

and output sockets respectively of a copy of the logger or, if

a job has been stared with user id U, these sockets are the

console sockets. The protocol for login is thus to initiate a

connection to <U,H,O> and <U,H,1>. If user U is not in use, a

copy of the logger will respond and interrogate the caller. If

user id U is in use, the call will be refused. This

modification was suggested by Barry Wessler recently. (Others

also suggested this change much earlier; but we rejected it


The logger may demand that the caller be from the same virtual

net, i.e. the caller may have user id U in some other Host, or

it may demand that the user supply a password matched to user

id U, or it may demand both. Some systems may even choose to

permit anybody to login to any user id.

After login, AEN's 0 and 1 remain the console AEN's. Each

system presumably has mechanisms for passing the console, and

these would be extended to know about AEN's 0 and 1 for network

users. Passing the console is thus a matter of reconnecting

sockets to ports, and happens within the Host and without the


In conversations with Meyer and SKINner after NWG/RFC#46 was

received, they suggested a login scheme different from both

Meyer's and ours in section above. Their new scheme seemed a

little better and we look forward to their next note.

It is generally agreed that login should be "third-level", that

is, above the NCP level. We are beginning to be indifferent

about particular logins schemes; all seem ok and none impress

us greatly. We suggest that several be tried. It is some

burden, of course, to modify the local login procedure, but we

believe it imposes no extra hardship to deal with diverse login

procedures. This is because the text sequences and interrupt

conventions are so heterogenous that the additional burden of

following, say, our scheme on our system and Meyer's on Multics

is minimal.

We are agreed that reconnection should not be required in the

initial protocol, and we will offer it later as an optional and

experimental tool. In addition, we would like to be on record

as predicting that general reconnection facilities will become

useful and will provide a unifying framework for currently ad

hoc operating system structures.

C. Decoupling Connections and Links

Bill Crowther (BBN) and Steve Wolfe (UCLA) independently have

suggested that links not be assigned to particular connections.

Instead, they suggest, include the destination socket as part

of the text of the message and then send messages over any

unblocked link.

We discussed this question a little in NWG/RFC#37, and feel

there is yet an argument for either case. With the current

emphasis on simplicity, speed and small core requirements, it

seems more efficient to leave links and connections coupled.

We, therefore, recommend this.

D. Error Reporting

As mentioned by J. Heafner and E. Harslem of RAND, it is

important to treat errors which might occur. A good philosophy

is to guard against any input which destroys the consistency of

the NCP's data base.

The specific formulation of the error command given by Heafner

and Harslem in NWG/RFC#40 and by Meyer in NWG/RFC#46 seems

reasonable and we recommend its adoption. Some comments are in

order, however.

A distinction should be made between resource errors and other

types of errors. Resource errors are just the detection of

overload conditions. Overload conditions are well-defined and

valid, although perhaps undesirable. Other types of errors

reflect errant software or hardware. We feel that resource

errors should not be handled with error mechanisms, but with

mechanisms specific to the problem. Thus the <CLS> command may

be issued when there is no more room to save waiting <RFC>'s.

Flow control protocol is designed solely to handle buffering


With respect to true errors, we are not certain what the value

of the <ERR> command is to the recipient. Presumably his NCP

is broken, and it may only aggravate the problem to bombard it

with error commands. We therefore, recommend that error

generation be optional, that all errors be logged locally in a

chronological file and that <ERR> commands received likewise be

logged in a chronological file. No corrective action is

specified at this time.

In the short time the network has been up at UCLA, we have

become convinced that the network itself will generate very few

errors. We have watched the BBN staff debug and test the IMP

program, and it seemed that most of the errors affected timing

and throughput rather than validity. Hence most errors will

probably arise from broken Hosts and/or buggy NCP's.

E. Status Testing and Reporting

A valuable debugging aid is to be able to get information about

what a foreign NCP thinks is happening. A convenient way to do

this is to permit NCP's to send status whenever they wish, but

to always have them do it whenever they receive a request.

Since we view this feature as primarily a debugging tool, we

suggest that a distinct link, like 255, be used. The intent is

that processing of status requests and generating of status

messages should use as little of the normal machinery as

possible. Thus we suggest that link 255 be used to send

"request status" and "status is" commands. The form follows

the suggestion on page 2 of NWG/RFC#40.

Meyer's <ECO> command is easily implemented and serves the more

basic function of testing whether a foreign NCP is alive. We

suggest that the length of the <ECO> command be variable, as

there seems to be no significance in this context to 48 bits.

Also, the value of a (presumably) 8 bit binary switch is

unclear, so we recommend a pair of commands:

<ECO> <length> <text>


<ERP> <length> <text>


<length> is 8 bits.

Upon receipt of an <ECO> command the NCP would echo with the

<ERP> command.

F. Expansion and Experimentation

As Meyer correctly points out in NWG/RFC#46, network protocol

is a layered affair. Three levels are apparent so far.

1. IMP Network Protocol

2. Network Control Program Protocol

3. Special user level or Subsystem Level Protocol

This last level should remain idiosyncratic to each Host (or

even each user). The first level is well-specified by BBN, and

our focus here is on level 2. We would like to keep level 2 as

neutral and simple as possible, and in particular we agree that

login protocol should be as much on level 3 as possible.

Simplicity and foresight notwithstanding, there will arise

occasions when the level 2 protocol should change or be

experimented with. In order to provide for experimentation and

change, we recommend that only link numbers 2 through 31 be

assigned to regular connections, with the remaining link

numbers, 32 to 255, used experimentally. We have already

suggested that link 255 be used for status requests and

replies, and this is in consonance with our view of the

experimental aspects of that feature.

We also recommend that control command prefixes from 255

downward be used for experimentation.

These two conventions are sufficient, we feel to permit

convenient experimentation with new protocol among any subset

of the sites. We thus do not favor inclusion of Ancona's

suggestion in NWG/RFC#42 for a message data type code as the

first eight bits of the text of a message.

G. Multiplexing Ports to Sockets

Wolfe in NWG/RFC#38 and Shoshani et al in NWG/RFC#44 suggest

that it should be possible to attach more than one port to a

socket. While all of our diagrams and prototypical system

calls have shown a one-to-one correspondence between sockets

and ports, it is strictly a matter of local implementation. We

note that sockets form a network-wide name space whose sole

purpose is to interface between the idiosyncratic structures

peculiar to each operating system. Our references to ports are

intended to be suggestive only, and should be ignored if no

internal structures corresponds to them. Most systems do have

such structures, however, so we shall continue to use them for


H. Echoing, Interrupts and Code Conversion

1. Interrupts

We had been under the impression that all operating systems

scanned for a reserved character from the keyboard to

interpret it as an interrupt signal. Tom Skinner and Ed

Meyer of MIT inform us that model 37 TTY's and IBM 2741

generate a "long space" of 200-500 milliseconds which is

detected by the I/O channel hardware and passed to the

operating system as an interrupt. The "long space" is not a

character -- it has no ASCII code and cannot be program


Well over a year ago, we considered the problem of

simulating console interrupts and rejected the <INT> type

command because it didn't correctly model any system we

knew. We now reverse our position and recommend the

implementation of an INTERRUPT system call and an <INT>

control command as suggested by Meyer in NWG/RFC#46.

Two restrictions of the interrupt facility should be

observed. First, when communicating with systems which scan

for interrupt characters, this feature should not be used.

Second, non-console-like connections probably should not

have interrupts. We recommend that systems follow their own

conventions, and if an <INT> arrives for a connection on

which it shouldn't the <INT> should be discarded and

optionally returned as an error.

2. Echoing and Code Conversion

We believe that each site should continue its current

echoing policy and that code conversion should be done by

the using process. Standardization in this area should

await further development.

Ancona's suggestion of a table-driven front-end transducer

seems like the right thing, but we believe that such

techniques are part of a larger discussion involving

higher-level languages for the network.

I. Broadcast Facilities

Heafner and Harslem suggest in NWG/RFC#39 a broadcast

facility, i.e. <TER> and <BDC>. We do not fully understand the

value of this facility and are thus disposed against it. We

suspect that we would understand its value better if we had

more experience with OS/360. It is probably true in general

that sites running OS/360 or similar systems will find less

relevance in our suggestions for network protocol than sites

running time-sharing systems. We would appreciate any cogent

statement on the relationship between OS/360 and the concepts

and assumptions underlying the network protocol.

J. Instance Numbers

Meyer in NWG/RFC#46 suggests extending a socket to include an

_instance_ code which identifies the process attached to the

socket. We carefully arranged matters so that processes would

be indistinguishable. We did this with the belief that both as

a formal and as a practical matter it is of concern only within

a Host whether a computation is performed by one or many

processes. Thus we believe that all processes within a job

should cooperate in allocating AEN's. If an operating system

has facilities for passing a console from process to process

within a job, these facilities mesh nicely with the current

network protocol, even within reconnection protocol; but

instance numbers interfere with such a procedure.

We suggest this matter be discussed fully because it relates to

the basic philosophy of sockets and connections. Presently we

recommend 40 bit socket numbers without instance codes.

K. AEN's

Nobody, including us, is particularly happy with our name AEN

for the low order 8 bits of the socket. We rejected _socket_

number_, and are similarly unhappy with Meyer's _socket_code_.

The word socket should not be used as part of the field name,

and we solicit suggestions.

III. Environment

We assume that the typical host will have a time-sharing operating

system in which the cpu is shared by processes.


We envision that each process is tagged with a _user_number_. There

may be more than one process with the same user number, and if so,

they should all be cooperating with respect to using the network.

We envision that each process contains a set of _ports_ which are

unique to the process. These ports are used for input to or output

from the process, from or to files, devices or other processes.

We also envision that each process has an event channel over which it

can receive very short messages (several bits). We will use this

mechanism to notify a process that some action external to the

process has occurred.

To engage in network activity, a process _attaches_ a _local_socket_

to one of its ports. Sockets are identified by user number, host and

AEN, and a socket is local to a process if their user numbers match

and they are in the same host. A process need only specify an AEN

when it is referring to a local socket.

Each port has a status which is modified by system calls and by

concurrent events outside the process. Whenever the status of a port

is changed, the process is sent an event over its event channel which

specifies which port's status has changed. The process may then look

at a port's status.

These assumptions are used descriptive material which follows.

However, these assumptions are not imposed by the network protocol

and the implementation suggested by section IV is in no way binding.

We wish to make very clear that this material is offered only to

provide clues as to what the implementation difficulties might be and

not to impose any particular discipline.

For example, we treat <RFC>'s which arrive for unattached local

sockets as valid and queue them. If desired, an NCP may reject them,

as Meyer suggests, or it might hold them for awhile and reject them

if they're not soon satisfied. The offered protocol supports all

these options.

Another local option is the one mentioned before of attaching

multiple ports to a socket. We have shown one-one correspondence but

this may be ignored. Similarly, the system calls are merely


System Calls

These are typical system calls which a user process might execute.

We show these only for completeness; each site will undouBTedly

implement whatever equivalent set is convenient.

We use the notation

Syscall ( arg , arg ...; val ... )

1 2 1


Syscall is the system call

arg etc. are the parameters supplied with the call, and


val etc. are any values returned by the system call.


Init (P,AEN,FS,Bsiz;C)

P Specifies a port of the process.

AEN Specifies a local socket. The user number of this

process and host number of this host are implicit.

FS Specifies a socket with any user number in any host,

with any AEN.

Bsiz Specified the amount of storage in bits the user wants

to devote to buffering messages.

C The condition code returned.

Init attempts to attach the local socket specified by AEN to the port

P and to initiate a connection with socket FS. Possible returned

values of C are

C = ok The Init was legal and the socket FS is being

contacted. When the connection is established or

when FS refuses, the process will receive an event.

C = busy The local socket was in use by a port on this or

some other process with the same user number. No

action was taken.

C = homosex The AEN and FS were either both send or both receive


C = nohost The host designated within FS isn't known.

C = bufbig Bsiz is too large.

Listen (P,AEN,Bsize;C)

P Specifies a port of the process.

AEN Specifies a local socket.

Bsiz Specified a buffer size.

C The returned legality code.

Codes for C are

C = ok

C = busy

C = bufbig

The local socket specifies by AEN is attached to P. If there is a

waiting call, it is processed; otherwise no action is taken. When a

call comes in, a connection will be established and the process

notified via an event.

Close (P)

P Specifies a port of the process.

Any activity is stopped, and the port becomes free for other use.

Transmit (P,M,L1;L2,C)

P Specifies port with an open connection.

M The text to be transmitted.

L1 Specifies the length of the text.

L2 The length actually transmitted.

C The error code.

Transmission between the processes on either side of the port takes


Codes for C are

C = ok


C = not open if no connection is currently open and

otherwise uninhibited

Status (P;C)

The status of port P is returned as C.


We view the NCP as having five component programs, three associative

tables, some queues and buffers, and a link assignment table. Each

site will of course, vary this design to meet its needs, so our

design is only illustrative.

The Component Programs

1. The Input Handler

This is an interrupt driven input routine. It initiates Imp-

to-Host transmission into a resident buffer and wakes up the

Input Interpreter when transmission is complete.

2. The Output Handler

This is an interrupt driven output routine. It initiates

Host-to-Imp transmission out of a resident buffer and wakes up

the Output Scheduler when transmission is complete.

3. The Input Interpreter

This program decides whether the input is a regular message

intended for a user, a control message, an Imp-to-Host message,

or an error. For each class of message, this program takes the

appropriate action.

4. The Output Scheduler

Three classes of message are sent to the Imp

(a) Host-to-Imp messages

(b) Control messages

(c) Regular messages

We believe that a priority should be imposed among these

classes. The priority we suggest is the ordering above. The

Output Scheduler selects the highest priority message and

gives it to the Output Handler.

5. The System Call Interpreter

This program interprets requests from the user.

The two interesting components are the Input Interpreter and the

System Call Interpreter. These are similar in that the Input

Interpreter services foreign requests and the System Call Interpreter

services local requests.

Associative Tables

We envision that the bulk of the NCP's data base is in three

associative tables. By "associative", we mean that there is some

lookup routine which is presented with a key and either returns

successfully with a pointer to the corresponding entry, or fails if

no entry corresponds to the key.

1. The Rendezvous Table

"Requests-for-connection" and other attributes of a

connection are held in this table. This table is Accessed by

local socket, but other tables have pointers to existing


The components of an entry are:

(a) local socket (key)

(b) foreign socket

(c) link

(d) queue of callers

(e) text queue

(f) connection state

(g) flow state

(h) pointer to attached port

An entry is created when a user executes either an Init or a

Listen system call or when a <RFC> is received. Some fields

are unused until the connection is established, e.g. the

foreign socket is not known until a <RFC> arrives if the

user did a Listen.

2. The Input Link Table

The Input Interpreter uses the foreign host and link as a

key to get a pointer to the entry in the rendezvous table

for the connection using the incoming link.

3. The Output Link Table

In order to interpret RFNM's, the Input Interpreter needs a

table in the same form as the Input Link Table but using

outgoing links.

Link Assignment Table

This is a very simple structure which keeps track of which links are

in use for each host. One word per host probably suffices.

The following diagram is our conception of the Network Control

Program. Boxes represent tables and Buffers, boxes with angled

corners and a double bottom represent Queues, and jagged boxes

represent component programs, the arrows represent data paths.

The abbreviated names have the following meanings.

ILT - Input Link Table

OLT - Output Link Table

LAT - Link Assignment Table

RT - Rendezvous Table

HIQ - Host to Imp Queue

OCCQ - Output Control Command Queue

ORMQ - Output Regular Message Queue

IHBuf - Buffer filled by the Input Handler from the IMP and

emptied by the Input Interpreter

OHBuf - Buffer of outgoing messages filled from the Queues

by the Output Scheduler and emptied by the Output





v ^


/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\

\ / <--------+ +---< \ /

/ Input \ / Output \

\ Handler / \ Handler / <----+

/ \ >------+ / \

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ^

v +-----+

+-----+ OH

IM Buf

Buf +-----+

+-----+ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ^

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ v +----> \ /

\ / / Output \ >--+

/ \ <------+ ^ \ /

\ Input / /-----\ / Scheduler \

/ \ >--------> HIQ \ /

\ Interpreter / _____ / \

/ \ >----+ \_____/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ^ v ^

^ ^ ^ \ /-----\ /-----\

\ \ \ O O

\ \ \ +---> C >----+ +---< R

v v v \ C M

+---+ +---+ +---+ \ Q v Q

\ _____ +---------+ _____

ILT LAT OLT \ \_____/ \_____/

\ ^ R T ^

+---+ +---+ +---+ +-------------->

v +---------+

^ ^


\ /

+----------->/ System \<-------+

\ Call /

/ Interpreter \>--------------------+

\ /

+-->/ \>--+



+---< system calls <---+

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Donald and Jill Eastlake 1999 ]

[Editor's note: The original hand-drawn diagram represented

Queues by cylinders and component programs by "squishy ameoba

like things".]

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