
RFC84 - List of NWG/RFCs 1-80

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Network Working Group J. B. North

Request for Comments: 84 23 December 1970

NIC 5620


NWG/RFC1 7 April 1969 NIC 4687

HOST Software

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC2 9 April 1969 NIC 4688

HOST Software

B. Duvall (SRI)

NWG/RFC3 9 April 1969 NIC 4689

Documentation Conventions

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC4 24 March 1969 NIC 4690

Network Timetable

E. Shapiro (SRI)

NWG/RFC5 2 June 1969 NIC 4691


J. Rulifson (SRI)

NWG/RFC6 10 April 1969 NIC 4692

Conversation with Bob Kahn

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC7 5 May 1969 NIC 4693

HOST/IMP Interface

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG/RFC8 5 May 1969 NIC 4694

ARPA Network Functional Specifications

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG/RFC9 1 May 1969 NIC 4695

HOST Software

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG/RFC10 29 July 1969 NIC 4696

Documentation Conventions

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC11 1 August 1969 NIC 4718

Implementation of the HOST-HOST

Software Procedures in GORDO

G. Deloche (UCLA)

NWG/RFC12 26 August 1969 NIC 4697

IMP/HOST Interface Flow Diagram

M. Wingfield (UCLA)

NWG/RFC13 20 August 1969 NIC 4698

Referring to NWG/RFC11

Vint Cerf (UCLA)

NWG/RFC14 (never issued)

NWG/RFC15 25 September 1969 NIC 4754

Network Subsystem for Time-Sharing HOSTS

C. Stephen Carr (UTAH)

NWG/RFC16 27 August 1969 NIC 4719

MIT (address)

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC17 27 August 1969 NIC 4699

Some Questions Re: HOST-IMP Protocol

John E. Kreznar (SDC)

NWG/RFC18 September 1969 NIC 4720

(use of links 1 and 2)

Vint Cerf (UCLA)

NWG/RFC19 7 October 1969 NIC 4721

Two Protocol Suggestions to Reduce Congestion at

Swap-bound Nodes

John E. Kreznar (SDC)

NWG/RFC20 10 October 1969 NIC 4722

ASCII Format for Network Interchange

Vint Cerf (UCLA)

NWG/RFC21 17 October 1969 NIC 4723

(report of Network meeting)

Vint Cerf (UCLA)

NWG/RFC22 17 October 1969 NIC 4724

HOST-HOST Control Message Formats

Vint Cerf (UCLA)

NWG/RFC23 16 October 1969 NIC 4725

Transmission of Multiple Control Messages

G. Gregg (UCSB)

NWG/RFC24 21 November 1969 NIC 4726

Documentation Conventions

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC25 30 October 1969 NIC 4727

No High Link Numbers

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC26 Never Issued

NWG/RFC27 6 December 1969 NIC 4729

Documentation Conventions

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC28 13 January 1970 NIC 4730

Time Standards

Bill English (ARC)

NWG/RFC29 19 January 1970 NIC 4731

Note in Response to Bill English's Request for Comments

Robert Kahn (BBN)

NWG/RFC30 4 February 1970 NIC 4732

Documentation Conventions

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC31 February 1968 NIC 4733

Binary Message Forms in Computer Networks

Daniel Borrow (BBN)

William R. Sutherland (LINC)

NWG/RFC32 31 January 1969 NIC 4734

Connecting M.I.T. Computers to the ARPA Computer-to-Computer

Communication Network

Dietrich Vedder (MAC)

NWG/RFC33 12 February 1970 NIC 4735

New HOST-HOST Protocol

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC34 26 February 1970 NIC 4736

Some Brief Preliminary Notes on the ARC Clock

Bill English (ARC)

NWG/RFC35 3 March 1970 NIC 4737

Network Meeting

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC36 16 March 1970 NIC 4738

Protocol Notes

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC37 20 March 1970 NIC 4739

Network Meeting Epilogue, etc.

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC38 20 March 1970 NIC 4740

Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC36

Stephen M. Wolfe (UCLA)

NWG/RFC39 25 March 1970 NIC 4741

Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC36

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND)

NWG/RFC40 27 March 1970 NIC 4742

More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND)

NWG/RFC41 30 March 1970 NIC 4743

IMP-IMP Teletype Communication

John Melvin (ARC)

NWG/RFC42 31 March 1970 NIC 4744

Message Data Types

E. I. Ancona (LINC)

NWG/RFC43 8 April 1970 NIC 4745

Proposed Meeting

A. G. Nemeth (LINC)

NWG/RFC44 10 April 1970 NIC 4746

Comments on NWG/RFC33 and 36

A. Shohani (SDC)

R. Long (SDC)

A. Kandsberg (SDC)

NWG/RFC45 14 April 1970 NIC 4747

New Protocol is Coming

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC46 17 April 1970 NIC 4748

ARPA Network Protocol Notes

Edwin W. Meyer Jr. (MAC)

NWG/RFC47 20 April 1970 NIC 4749

BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC33

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC48 21 April 1970 NIC 4750

A Possible Protocol Plateau

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC49 25 April 1970 NIC 4728

Conversations with Steve Crocker

E. W. Meyer Jr. (MAC)

NWG/RFC50 30 April 1970 NIC 4751

Comments on the Meyer Proposal

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND)

NWG/RFC51 4 May 1970 NIC 4752

Proposal for a Network Interchange Language

M. Elie (UCLA)

NWG/RFC52 1 July 1970 NIC 4753

Updated Distribution List

S. Crocker (UCLA)

J. Postel (UCLA)

NWG/RFC53 9 June 1970 NIC 4755

An Official Protocol Mechanism

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC54 18 June 1970 NIC 4756

An Official Protocol Proffering

Steve Crocker (UCLA)

Jon Postel (UCLA)

John Newkirk (HARV)

Mike Kraley (HARV)

NWG/RFC55 19 June 1970 NIC 4757

A Prototypical Implementation of the NCP

J. Newkirk (HARV)

M. Kraley (HARV)

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC56 19 June 1970 NIC 4758

Third Level Protocol

Ed Belove (HARV)

Dave Black (HARV)

Bob Flegal (UTAH)

Lamar G. Farquar (UTAH)

NWG/RFC57 19 June 1970 NIC 4759

Thoughts and Reflections on NWG/RFC54

Mike Kraley (HARV)

John Newkirk (HARV)

NWG/RFC58 26 June 1970 NIC 4760

Logical Message Synchronization

T. P. SKINner (MAC)

NWG/RFC59 27 June 1970 NIC 4761

Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand Allocation

Edwin W. Meyer Jr.

NWG/RFC60 13 July 1970 NIC 4762

A Simplified NCP Protocol

Richard Kalin (LINC)

NWG/RFC61 17 July 1970 NIC 4961

A Note on Interprocess Communications in a Resource

Sharing Computer Network

Dave Walden (BBN)

NWG/RFC62 3 August 1970 NIC 4962

A Note on Interprocess Communications in a Resource

Sharing Computer Network

Dave Walden (BBN)

NWG/RFC63 31 July 1970 NIC 4963

Belated Network Meeting Report

V. Cerf (UCLA)

NWG/RFC64 (undated) NIC 4964

Getting Rid of Marking

M. Elie (UCLA)

NWG/RFC65 29 August 1970 NIC 4965

Comments on Host-Host Protocol Document No. 1

(by S. Crocker - 8/3/70)

Dave Walden (BBN)

NWG/RFC66 26 August 1970 NIC 5409

3rd level Ideas and Other Noise

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC67 (undated) NIC 5410

Proposed Changes to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking

W. Crowther (BBN)

NWG/RFC68 31 August 1970 NIC 5411

Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands


M. Elie (UCLA)

NWG/RFC69 22 September 1970 NIC 5412

Distribution List Change for MIT

A. Bhushan (MAC)

NWG/RFC70 15 October 1970 NIC 5413

A Note on Padding

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC71 25 September 1970 NIC 5414

Reallocation in Case of Input Error

Tjaart Schipper (UCLA)

NWG/RFC72 28 September 1970 NIC 5415

Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol

R.D. Bressler (MAC)

NWG/RFC73 25 September 1970 NIC 5416

Response to NWG/RFC67

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC74 16 October 1970 NIC 5417

Specification for Network Use of the UCSB On-Line


J. White (UCSB)

NWG/RFC75 14 October 1970 NIC 5418

Network Meeting

S. Crocker (UCLA)

NWG/RFC76 28 October 1970 NIC 5180

Connection-By-Name: User-Oriented Protocol

J. Bouknight (ILL)

J. Madden (ILL)

G. Grossman (ILL)

NWG/RFC77 20 November 1970 NIC 5604

Network Meeting Report

J. Postel (UCLA)

NWG/RFC78 (undated) NIC 5199

NCP Status Report: UCSB/RAND

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND)

J. White (UCSB)

NWG/RFC79 16 November 1970 NIC 5601

Logger Protocol Error

Edwin W. Meyer, Jr. (MAC

NWG/RFC80 1 December 1970 NIC 5608

Protocols and Data Formats

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND)

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Paul Hethmon 02/98 ]

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