
RFC150 - Use of IPC Facilities: A Working Paper

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Richard Bl. Kalin Network Working Group

MIT Lincoln Laboratory Request for Comments #150

5 May 1971 NIC 6754



This material has not been reviewed for public release and is intended

only for use within the ARPA network. It should not be quoted or cited

in any publication not related to the ARPA network.


It is our hypothesis that the goals of interprocess communication

are more complex than commonly realized, and that until this complexity

is more fully understood, there will be no satisfactory implementations.

The objective of an IPC design must be more than that of providing a

facility for moving bits between otherwise independent user programs, a

variety of other constraints must also be satisfied.

These constraints are dictated by the eventual usage of the

facility. Any design that will sustain this usage pattern can be a

satisfactory one. If it does so efficiently, it will be said to be well

designed. Furthermore, it is unimaginable that a large design effort,

undertaken without a complete understanding of the usage it must serve,

will ever be well designed or even satisfactorily designed.

This paper undertakes the eXPosition of the types of usage to

which an IPC facility would be subjected, in hopes that such a

discussion will clarify the goals being pursued and will provide a

benchmark for gauging various implementation strategies. The difficulty

of this task should not be underestimated. The only experience available

for us to draw upon is from very primitive and overly constrained IPC

implementations. Extrapolation from this limited usage environment to

more general notions has as yet no basis in real experience. Such

speculation is therefore subject to enormous oversight and misguided


In compiling this paper, it was necessary to imagine what services

a process might want from an IPC facility. The areas recognized include:

1) the exchange of bit encoded information via channels.

2) the establishment, deletion, and reassignment of these channels.

3) the ability to debug errors and suspected errors.

4) the potential to improve running efficiency.

5) the capacity to avoid storage allocation deadlocks.

6) the aided recovery from transmission errors.

This list is known to be incomplete. Some areas, such as understood to

be intelligently discussed. In other cases, omissions should be blamed

on simple oversight.

Because of these obvious problems, one should not consider any

document of this kind as either authoritative or final. For this reason,

this paper is being kept as a computer based textfile, and so will

remain subject to editting and rerelease whenever new insights become

understood. We hope that it can remain an accurate and up to date

statement of the goals to which any group of IPC implementers can ASPire

and, as such, can be a guidebook to the problems that must be faced.

For several reasons no attempt shall be made here to design

suitable solutions to the problems raised. To be useful, such solutions

must be machine dependent. A so called 'general solution' would actually

be too clumsy and inefficient to be of any value. Secondly, we take the

point of view of the user, who need not be aware of the manner in which

his demands are carried out, so long as they can be accomplished.

Finally, we are trying to stay aloof from the eccentricities of present

day machine organization.

In our attempt to be implementation independent, we are admittedly

treading a fuzzy line. Our characterization of usage patterns presumes

both a system/process software organization and a computing milieu

capable of supporting it. Although this does not appear to significantly

affect the generality of the document, some care must be exercised in

the selection of host machines.


In the rest of this paper, we attempt to characterize the types of

usage that should be anticipated by an IPC facility. The organization is

into titled sections, each section discussing some aspect of the

expected usage.


Most processes exhibit preferences toward certain quantities of

input data. This preference is reflected in the amount of computing time

that can be expended for a given amount of input. For example, a

character translation routine might prefer eight bit quantities of

input. With seven or less bits no processing is possible, but once a

complete character is available an entire translation cycle can

commence. This preference is independent of the function of the routine.

Otherwise equivalent routines could be written that would accept one bit

at a time. In other examples, a command interpreter might require a

complete line of input, a linking loader a complete file.

Every executive system must face the problem of deciding at what

times enough input is available for a given routine for it to run

efficiently. This decision can not be taken lightly. Issuing a wakeup to

a dormant process carries with it considerable overhead -- room in core

storage must be made available, the program must be swapped into memory,

tables must be updated, active registers exchanged, and the entire

procedure done in reverse once the process has finished. To issue a

wakeup when there is insufficient input for the program is inefficient

and wasteful. The amount of computing that can be done does not justify

the overhead that must be expended.

The problem of determining a priori the best time to issue a

wakeup has no general solution. It depends critically upon the

relationship between waiting costs and running costs. Attempts to make

reasonable predictions must contend with the tradeoff between accuracy

and overhead. The more system code that must be run, the more overhead

incurred and the less the final prediction means.

Although there is no general solution, help is available to the

scheduler in specific cases. A commonly found instance is that of using

the receiving process to specify the number of bits that it is

expecting. Thus, a process may inform the supervisor/scheduler that it

requires fifty bits of input from some source before it is able to

continue. The process can then go into the shade and it will be awakened

when the required input is available.

In cases where input lengths are predetermined, this technique is

quite satisfactory. Elsewhere, problems arise. In the case of unknown

input sizes, too short a prediction will give rise to the inefficiencies

of premature scheduling, and too long a prediction may produce input


Under these circumstances it is common to have the process tell

the scheduler a simple criterion that can be applied to determine if

there is sufficient input -- the appearance of a carriage return in the

teletype input stream, for example. The criterion is tested either by

system routines or by a low overhead user supplied routine (which in

turn must have a criterion of its own for being awakened). Once the

criterion is met, the main routine is awakened and processing continues.

Sometimes the system and user criteria work in conjunction with

one another. A user may specify an maximum character count,

corresponding to available buffer size, and the system may look for line

terminators. Wakeups to the user process may appear from either source.

At other times the system may preempt the user's criterion. For example,

if a process while trying to put a single character into a full buffer

is forced into shade, it will typically not be awakened again until

buffer has been almost emptied. Even though the user program only wished

room for a single character, the system imposed a much stronger

criterion, namely room for N characters, on the assumption other calls

to output characters will follow. Thus the program is forced into

outputting in bursts and, rather than going into the shade and being

awakened N times, each time when there is only room to output one

character, the program is awakened once and sends N characters. Program

efficiency is appropriately improved.

A third source of criteria for deciding when to awaken the user

process is the device or routine that is producing the input data. This

source is frequently utilized in hardware design. Many computer

peripherals have the ability to send an end of record indication. For

variable length uninterpreted records this is an absolute necessity. For

fixed length records it is a convenient double check. In the world of

interprocess communication an analogous feature should be available. If

the routine that is generating the data knows how much the receiving

routine will require, then this information should be made available for

scheduling purposes. Implementing this requires a standardized way of

denoting logical boundaries on the stream of data flowing, through a

communication channel. The markers must be recognizable by the

scheduler/supervisor in the receiving host computer so that wakeups can

be issued as desired. To simplify the task of input interpretation,

marker pacement should also be visible to the receiving process.

The data between boundaries we shall call a logical message, since

it is a natural unit of information exchange and since the markers

travel with the data through the channel. The additional information the

markers provide about data flow yield many useful consequences.

Consider, for example, two processes that always exchange 100 bit long

logical messages. If the receiving process is able to determine the

length of each logical message that arrives, there is available a simple

facility for error detection. If a 99 bit message arrives, it is obvious

that a bit has been dropped somewhere.

It should be noted that it is not always possible for the

receiving process to compute the positions of boundary markers in the

input stream. there is no reason that the information implicit is marker

position must also be found as part of the coded input data. Even in

cases in which there is coding redundancy, it may be more difficult to

extract boundary information from the rest of the input than it is to

use the markers explicitly.


Any IPC facility, in which user storage is at all constrained, can

not require a process to send an entire logical message at one time. The

concept is only introduced to facilitate the issuing of wakeups to a

receiving process. What are convenient input quanta for the receiving

process may not be convenient output quanta for the sending one.

consider the case of a process running on a small machine and sending

messages to a process on a large task-multiplexed machine. For

efficiency, the receiving process requires large quantities of input

data at a time. Buffer space in the address space of the sending process

can not hold much data. The only answer is to allow the sending process

to dump its logical message in parts and with the last part to indicate

that it is the end of a message.


In the reverse of the above situation, a receiving process may not

have sufficient buffer space available to accept an entire message at

once. It should be possible under these circumstances to elect to accept

the message in parts. This is also necessary in the case of messages

that are too long to be buffered by the system. Unless part of the

message is accepted by the receiving process, the transmission can never

be completed. This device also serves for the removal of very long

messages that appear by error in the input stream.


If left unchecked, a routine can easily generate messages faster

than they can be consumed. Since any given amount of buffer capacity can

be quickly exhausted, there must be a way for the system to limit the

rate at which a process produces messages. This implies that at times a

process trying to send a message may be prevented from doing so because

of buffer inavailability. If the process is forced into the shade, the

pause should not come without warning. There should be a way for the

process to learn in advance if the message can be sent. A program may

have better things to do than wait for a buffer to become available.


A process should be able to get guarantee from the system that a

message of a certain size can be sent. This allows the process to know

before a computation is made that the results can be successfully

output. This allocation should remain either until it is depleted or

until it is changed by another allocation request.

This particular user option is sure to raise the wrath of legions

of system programmers. From their point of view, the empty buffer space

that is being preallocated is necessarily being wasted. For although it

contains no messages, it is not available for other uses. The user, on

the other hand, does not correlate 'empty' with 'wasteful' nor 'full'

with 'efficient'. A process needs empty output buffers as much as it

needs full input ones. Both are resources necessary to sustain



A process that is sending messages over a channel should be able

to find out how many of those messages have not yet been accepted by the

user process at the far end and whether or not this number can decrease.

Ideally, it should also be able to determine the number of bits left in

any partially accepted message, but the overhead necessary to implement

this on conventional systems may be too great to be tolerated.

The count returned can be useful both dynamically and for post

mortems. Used in debugging a remote process, it allows inputs on

normally concurrent channels to be presented one at a time and in any

given order. In this way one could, for example, verify that the same

results are produced regardless of the order in which the inputs arrive.

If there is a failure of a receiving process, this mechanism

allows a sending process to determine the last input accepted before the

process died. Even between operational processes it provides a user

managed way for the transmitting process to slow down and let the

receiver catch up with it. By pinpointing bottlenecks, it can be used to

detect design mismatches.

Unless the channel has no outstanding messages or it is dead,

there is the possibility that concurrently with the request the

receiving process will accept another message. This being the case, the

count returned can not be assumed to be exact but must be considered as

only an upper bound.


In conjunction with the above it should be possible for a user

process to be alerted when the number of messages that have been sent

over a particular channel and not accepted at the far end falls below a

specified threshold. Thus a process, upon discovering that twenty

messages are still outstanding, can elect to enter the shade until this

number has fallen to less than five. By doing so the process can run in

'burst mode'. Rather than being swapped in and out of core fifteen times

and each time being allowed to send one message, it is loaded once and

sends fifteen messages. There is no penalty for doing this since the

bottleneck on throughput is at the receiving process. If swapping costs

for the local process are significant, there may be considerable

economic advantage to this mode of operation.

If the remote process dies or issues a channel 'close', the count

of undelivered messages becomes frozen. If the receiving process is

expecting this type of wakeup, it should get one at this time even

though the count has not reached the desired threshold. The process is

thus alerted to do a postmortem on the channel.


A process should be able to learn of the status of the Nth logical

message queued on a given input channel. It should a least be able to

determine if it is available, whether or not it is complete, how long it

is and what it contains.

This facility allows a program to make general preparations before

accepting a message. It offers some escape from being put into the

awkward position of having accepted input and not being able to dispose

of it. If for example, it is known that processing the message will

result in two more messages being sent, then it is advantageous to get

guarantees that the output can be generated before the input is


Under circumstances in which one end of a channel is moved from

one process to another, for example, moving a teletype connection

between a user program and a debugging program, this ability to scan

ahead in the input stream allows a process to check whether or not

pending input is really meant for it. If it is, the input will then be

accepted normally, otherwise, the end of the channel must be first moved

to another receiving process.

Accepting input should be viewed as a grave responsibility, not to

be undertaken unless there is reasonable assurance that the input can be

processed. One of the first rules of asynchronous system design is to

detect errors as soon as possible. If propagated, the tangled results

may be hopeless to unravel.


A process should be able to determine how many messages are

left to be processed on a given input channel. Two uses are readily

thought of. Given pending inputs on several channels a process should be

able to exercise preference. One decision might be to take input first

from the channel with the most messages queued. This might have the

effect of increasing throughput since by freeing message buffers the

remote transmitting process might be allowed to run. Another possibility

might be that the receiving process has some control over the sending

process and, upon observing the backlog on inputs, it could tell that

process to slow down.

Assuming that the remote process is still able to send messages,

the number of inputs reported is only a lower bound. New inputs may be

added concurrently. If the foreign process has died or has otherwise

closed the connection then the bound can be made exact. The local

process should be able to learn when it is exact.


This requirement states that if a process has been told that it is

able to receive N messages on a given channel, that those messages are

really available and buffered within the host machine. If promised to a

user process, messages should not mysteriously become unavailable. An

example of how this might happen is illustrated in RFC60. There, during

a panic for buffer space, messages are destroyed and reported as being

in error. They are later recovered from backup copies contained in the

foreign host.


A process should be able to enable a wakeup when the number of

messages queued on an input channel exceeds a specified value or has

reached its maximum value. This allows a program to process input in a

burst mode fashion and to economize on swapping costs. It also permits

inputs to be combined in a simple manner. If, for example, two inputs

are needed before anything can be done, then the appropriate interrupt

can be easily generated.

The same interrupt should be generated if the maximum number of

inputs have been received. Two cases are distinguished. Either the

foreign process has closed the channel and is therefore not sending more

messages, or the system will not allocate more buffers until some input

is accepted. In this way the process can be informed that there is no

point in waiting for the condition it anticipates.


A process, when trying to run efficiently, should be able to

specify arbitrarily complicated wakeup conditions. This allows a user

managed way of minimizing the number of premature wakeups. This

generality is perhaps most easily provided for by allowing the main

process to designate a small low overhead interrupt driven routine that

will check for the desired conditions and issue a wakeup to the main

process whenever they are met.


There has been much discussion about the measure of a data stream

and in the heat of committee, much confusion has been generated. It is

our feeling that, within the present domain of discussion, there is no

single measure of the capacity of a message channel. Two completely

orthogonal concepts must be measured -- 1) the number of messages

buffered and 2) the number of bits of encoded data represented. The

system overhead associated with each is very much implementation

dependent and hence no general equation can express the measure of one

in terms of the other. By making an arbitrary assumption (eg. a message

boundary equals 100 bits of buffer), a system runs the risk of excluding

new nodes that are unable to meet the old criterion.


There should be provided a system call that enables a user process

to learn of the maximum current capacity of any given channel. This

should be reported as a pair of numbers, namely the maximum bit count

and the maximum message count.


A process using a channel should be able to set new bounds on the

capacity of a given channel. If possible the system should try to meet

this bound. It should be noted that the actual bounds imposed must meet

the constraints of at least four different sources -- local and remote

user process, local and remote system -- by setting a arbitrarily high

bound, no guarantee is made that it can be met. Similarly, a low bound

can not always be met until buffered messages are consumed.

Thus a receiving process, by setting the current message bound to

zero, effectively disables the transmission of new messages. Thus,

without the cooperation of the transmitting process, message generation

can be temporarily disabled, while outstanding message buffers are

flushed. Later the message allocation can be raised to its original

limit and transmission can be resumed.


A process should be able to close down a channel at any time. If

the process has died, the system should be able to close all open

channels for it. For channels over which the process was receiving data,

pending input should be thrown away and indications returned to the

transmitting system marking the channel as dead and identifying the last

data item accepted. This identification will be in terms of the number

of logical messages discarded and the number of bits left in the oldest


If a process closes a channel over which it had been sending,

buffered output should be sent normally, and with it should be sent an

indication that this is all of the input that will ever appear.


The right to perform any of the operations discussed here is

normally reserved by the process that established the channel. At times

that process may wish to transfer some of its delegated power to another

process, especially in an environment where one process may spawn

another and resources must be passed to the newly created process.

Schemes for such reassignment can become arbitrarily complicated.

One could, for example, assign each of the various aspects of usage

individually and then separately assign the various rights of

reassignment. Fortunately it is not always necessary that it become so

elaborate, it is expected that in most cases the following simple

strategy can suffice. The ability to close a channel is retained

exclusively by the process that established the channel. If the channel

is still open when the process dies, it is automatically closed by the

system. All other uses of the channel remain outside system control. The

channel is known by name and all processes to which the name has been

given may make use of the channel. It is left to user level coordination

to insure that only one process is actually making use of it at any one



For most cases channel establishment can be handled quite simply.

A process announces to its local system that it listening on a

specified channel. It is connected to the first remote process that

'dials' the right number. Identification of the caller takes place

only after the channel has been established. In the event of a wrong

number, the channel can be closed and the listening resumed. Callers

trying to reach preestablished channels will get a 'busy signal'.

To 'dial' a remote process a process must specify a channel on

which it is listening and a remote number. The system will then

attempt to establish the connection. The channel will become 'busy'

during this time.

For processes that prefer to avoid the complications of

identifying remote callers, an additional feature can be added. By

specifying both the local and remote channel identifiers a process can

transfer to the system the responsibility for screening callers for

the proper identification. The connection will only be accepted from

the caller specified.


If after prescanning an input message a process should decide

that it contains some sort of transmission error, it should be able to

reject the message. The system should then invoke any internal error

recovery mechanism that it may have implemented.


The author welcomes any comments, questions, or corrections to

this document. Even the most informal note or telephone call will be

appreciated. Especially of interest are opinions about the usefulness

of the discussion and wether or not there should be more papers

directed at other of the basic questions of computer networking. If

the consensus tends to the affirmative, then others are encouraged to

contribute working papers on the problems of flow control, error

handling, process ownership, accounting, resource control, and the



[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Michael Baudisch 9/97 ]

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