
RFC139 - Discussion of Telnet Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group T. O'Sullivan

Request for Comments: 139 Raytheon

NIC: 6717 7 May 1971

Discussion of TELNET Protocol

The attached discussion is an extension of RFC137, NIC #6717, and is

presented to provide useful background to designers and implementers

to help them interpret the proposed Protocol and evaluate it in

preparation for further discussion at the Atlantic City meetings.

While the views in the discussion represent those of various TELNET

committee members, they should not be interpreted as being the agreed

view of committee. They are the author's understanding of some of

the arguments and background to the PROTOCOL proposed in the TELNET

PROTOCOL recommendations.

* See Footnotes to attached discussion for changes to RFC137.


The use of a standard, network-wide, intermediate representation of

terminal code between sites eliminates the need for using and serving

sites to keep information about the characteristics of each other's

terminals and terminal handling conventions, but only if the user,

the using site, and the serving site assume certain responsibilities.

1. The serving site must specify how the intermediate code will be

mapped by it into the terminal codes that are eXPected at that


2. The user must be familiar with that mapping.

3. The using site must provide some means for the user to enter

all of the intermediate codes, and as a convenience, special

control signals, as well as specify for the user how the

signals from the serving site will be presented at the user


Other schemes were considered but rejected. For example, a proposal

that the using site be responsible to transmit to and from the code

expected by the serving site was rejected since it required that the

using site keep tables of all serving site codes and provide mapping

for each case. The information would require constant maintenance as

new hosts were added to the network.

Since it is not known how the current or future sites will specify

the mapping between the network-wide standard code (7 bit ASCII in an

8 bit field) and the codes expected from their own terminals, it

seems necessary to permit the user to cause every one of the 128

ASCII codes, plus (for full user power) selected control signals

(either of a TELNET control nature, or of a special terminal nature

sUCh as break or attention).

There was strong feeling about the importance of the user/system

interface at the using site, but equally strong feeling that this

problem is one of local implementation and should reflect the using

site installation philosophy rather than the subject to network-wide

standards. Some topics of consideration in this area are:

1. How to represent special graphics, not available at the using

site, at the user's terminal.

2. Treatment of upper/lower case problem on TTY 33 and 35.

a. Representing lower-case output.

b. Providing users with shift and shift lock signals.

3. Incorporating editing capability in TELNET.

4. Extending user options in Network mode not available to local


e.g., hold output

kill print

5. Permit users to specify how keyboard input is to be translated,

e.g., let a character from the terminal cause a specified

string to be sent by the user's TELNET.

In early discussions, there was pressure to get a simple statement of

protocol out early to permit early use of selected systems. The

counter pressure to provide a richer set of protocol in the first

release was also present. Work started in the direction of the

latter, but the complexities introduced were not necessary for early

use of the network. The proposed solution to the TELNET protocol

problem seems to provide a mechanism for a minimum implementation (to

be discussed later) while providing a basis for developing richer

sets of protocol for present and future use in terminal applications,

process-process communications, and use by other conventions to pass

data or control information.

The understanding that ASCII be used as a network-wide code has been

established for some time. Its use in TELNET provided a problem with

respect to the limitation of a maximum character set of 128. Some

systems provide for more than this number in their operation, and

therefor, as serving sites cannot map on a one for one basis.

Each such serving site could probably provide a reasonably useful

character set, including all system control signals, by mapping 128

of its codes and just not provide a network user Access to the other

codes. However, any character left out might later be used in a

major application at that site as a special control signal. This

could result in denying network users the facility offered by that

application. Serving sites are, therefor, encouraged to provide a

full mapping between the ASCII code and the code used on the serving


The ASCII code for ESC (known to some as ALT MODE) has been selected

as an escape [1]. For each serving site character not mapped on a

one for one basis, the serving site can specify an escape character

or string of escape characters (preferably a printable graphic) to

represent it. Thus, the user could enter the full set of serving

site code from any network terminal operating through the Network

Virtual Terminal (NVT) ASCII convention. The serving site, in

generating output directed at the user's terminal, would be expected

to map out such a character and transmit the appropriate ESC

character or string of ESC characters.

Example: A serving site, whose normal code is EBCDIC, has

specified that cent ([5]) has not been mapped on a one for one

basis and that to transmit the character, users must enter ESC

followed by C. At a using site, the TELNET implementers have

decided to try to print out all ESC characters using \ to indicate

ESC. On receipt of the representation for cent, the user would

see \C on his print-out.

The representation of the end of a physical line at a terminal is

implemented differently on network HOSTS. For example, some use a

return (or new line) key, the terminal hardware both returns the

carriage or printer to start of line and feeds the paper to the next

line. In other implementations, the user hits carriage return and

the hardware returns carriage while the software returns to the

terminal a line feed. The network-wide representation will be

carriage return followed by line feed. It represents the physical

formatting that is being attempted, and is to be interpreted and

appropriately translated by both using site and serving site.

Example: A Multics user is working, through the network, on some

serving site HOST. In the course of the session, the user has

numerous occasions to hit New Line on his Mod 37 TTY. Each time

the Multics system is awakened by a New Line interrupt, the line

of buffered characters is passed to TELNET where it is scanned for

special characters. If none is found, carriage return followed by

line feed is inserted where New Line was entered, and the line is

turned over to the NCP for transmission. When the TELNET finds

the carriage return line feed sequence in the data stream coming

from the serving site, the two characters are replaced with New

Line code and sent to the terminal.

The decision to have the assumed condition for echo be that the using

site will provide any echo necessary for its terminals was taken

because of the difficulties faced by some installations that cannot

turn off their echo or that have terminals that print locally as a

result of key strokes. Serving sites could take the position "let

the user turn my echo off", but this seems an unnecessary burden on

the user. In addition, some serving sites may choose not to supply

any echo service, in which case the no echo assumption will supply a

network-wide condition, while other assumptions would give a mixed

starting connection. [2]

The convention of using "I ECHO", "YOU ECHO" seems to fill both the

requirements for dynamic echo control and for a minimum

implementation of TELNET Protocol. [3] An agreed-upon exchange to

pass echo control (i.e., two sites exchange the I ECHO/YOU ECHO

codes) results in passing the control from one site to the other.

Example: A serving site is exchanging control information with

the USER in an area where the serving system asks for pass Word

and wants to suppress the printing of the pass word at the using

site's user terminal. (In this case, the using site has the

ability to control the print capability at the user's terminal.)

Using site has been echoing to the user's terminal.

Serving Site to Using Site (--->)


Using Site to Serving Site (<---)


--->Pass word:

<--- (User enters password at terminal)

---> (No echo sent)


<--- I ECHO

After the exchange, the original normal condition is re-

established. If the using site did not have dynamic echo control

installed in its TELNET implementation, the serving site would

have signaled I ECHO several times, received no response, and

assumed that the using site could not comply proceeding to call

for the pass word without the normal protection of inhibiting


TELNET control signals are of two types: one that results in

transmission of signals down the network to a receiving site; the

other intended for the user/process site only. The latter type will

be discussed later. So far, we have discussed the former type,

specifically dealing with echo control.

The use of ESC should not be considered a TELNET-wide standard, but a

convention limited to the 7 bit ASCII mode of transmission. Other

conventions, to be incorporated later, may include binary

transmission, EBCDIC, etc. Presumably, each will have its own

convention for an escape character to extend its code set.

Since it is expected that conventions other than ASCII will be

implemented under TELNET, a code to indicate a DATA TYPE representing

each set of conventions will be employed. The control code X'AO' has

been selected to represent the ASCII convention in TELNET. Since a

number of applications may wish to transmit transparently (i.e., 8

bit binary data), X'Al' is being reserved for that purpose. The

TELNET control code X'A2' is reserved for an expected set of EBCDIC

conventions. The DATA TYPE is expected as the first byte of data

over a TELNET connection. Minimum implementations will be aided by

providing a default. That is, if the first byte over a connection

has the high order bit set as zero, then the transmission has begun

in ASCII mode.

Each set of conventions, i.e., each DATA TYPE will be expected to

have a convention for that DATA TYPE to signal that it is returning

to control mode. This return may be for the purpose of making use of

an existing control codes or to change data type. X'88' is used [4].

Example: At the using site, a terminal has a special device on it

(e.g., plotter, laboratory instrument, control box, etc.) that is

controlled by binary code in 8 bit bytes. The terminal uses a

special "enter" code that routes signals to the device and cuts

off printing at the terminal until a special "leave" signal is

received from the driving process. The driving process in this

case is at a remote serving site. It is assumed in this example

that a DLE convention is used for transparent transmission, a

single DLE signal representing return to control. Normal

transmission has been in ASCII.

Driving Process (at Serving Site) to Using Site) ---->


Using Site to Serving Site <----



ENTER code...8 bit binary bytes...

Using Site TELNET to Terminal


Enter code...8 bit binary bytes...


Turn printer off, feed transparently to special device, look

for LEAVE signal


8 bit binary bytes...LEAVE signal...single DLE







8 bit binary data...LEAVE signal MESSAGE


During this sequence of exchanges - at the terminal, feed binary

data to special device until LEAVE signal is sensed, strip off

LEAVE signal, turn on printer and block data path to special

device, print MESSAGE at terminal.

There is a special control signal on some terminals that has no

corresponding bit pattern in ASCII, but is transmitted by a special

electrical signal. This control signal is ATTN on a 2741 and BREAK

on a teletype. The ASCII DATA TYPE in TELNET will use the code X'81'

to represent BREAK. (There is a corresponding control signal for use

from serving sites to using sites for reverse break, and it is

assigned the code X'82').

Some systems treat the break as an extra code available for use in

conjunction with the data stream. For example, one system uses break

as a special editing code meaning "delete the current line to this

point". In these cases, the code may simply be inserted in the data

stream with no special additional action by the user.

Other systems use BREAK or ATTN in a special interrupt fashion, to

mean stop processing the application and give me the supervisor, or

cancel the present job, etc. (Other systems use normal characters

for this purpose, such as "Control C".) In these cases, because of

differences in the ways both serving and using sites operate, it is

necessary to take a route in addition to the normal TELNET data

stream to signal that the special control signal is imbedded in the

data stream.


The PDP-10 normally will, when it fills its input buffer, continue

to accept characters from a terminal examining each to see if it

is a control character, then act on it if it is or throw it away

if it is not.

Since the TELNET server at the serving site is at the mercy of the

NCP with respect to controlling the bunching, and therefor,

arrival at the TELNET of bursts of characters, TELNET

implementations might be expected to choke off flow to the buffers

until they are ready to accept characters without throwing them


Under this condition, the serving process might be outputting to the

using terminal, the input buffers fill up, and a control C get stuck

in the data stream that has been choked off.

A similar problem could occur with the Multics or some IBM system as

a server. The user at a using site gets into an output loop at the

serving site and wants to break the process without having to release

his TELNET connection. The buffers clog the connection, transmission

is choked off, and the control C break, or other user control signal

gets stuck in the pipeline.

_Example - Solution_

The user at the using site knows he is entering a special control

signal (break, ATTN, control C, etc.) and follows it with an X'80'.

(The local instructions at using sites for accomplishing this may

differ from site to site.)

Using Site TELNET to Serving Site

Insert X'80' in Data Stream

Using Site TELNET to Using Site NCP

Send an INS

Sending Site NCP to TELNET Server

Look out, here she come

Serving Site TELNET

Does its special thing until it sees X'80' then resumes

normal handling

Thus, depending on the server's local implementation to provide

adequate service, a special handling of the data stream can be

invoked whenever an INS is received in order to get the special

character. When it sees X'80', it recognizes it as a SYNC character

and knowing that the special character has been passed on, strips the

X'80' from the data stream and returns to normal mode.

If the X'80' arrives before the INS, a counting scheme can keep the

activity appropriate to the serving site conditions.

This approach to handling selected special characters or signals

relieves the using TELNET processes from having to recognize the

special serving site characters, as well as from having to know how

the serving site wants to handle them. At the same time, the

procedure requires only a minimum level of user understanding of the

serving site. This seems appropriate, since the TELNET ASCII

conventions are providing a Network Virtual Terminal, not a Network

Virtual User.

The ability of the user to cause the using site TELNET to send any

combination of ASCII characters in a string, and only that

combination, is viewed as important to the user utility of the TELNET

ASCII conventions. Because of this, some user sites may find it

necessary to provide special local TELNET control signalling from the

user to the using site.


A user on a line at a time system (Multics, System 360, GECOS,

etc.) is working through the Network on a serving site that

operates a character at a time. The application is a debugging

aid that permits the user to type in a memory location = to which

it will respond with n where n represents the current contents of

that location. The serving site process does not expect to see

the location = followed by a carriage return line feed sequence.

The user at the using site should be able to type in the location,

follow it with a signal to suppress the end of a line convention,

followed by a new line or return, and expect the location number =

to be transmitted immediately without an end of line sequence.

In another case, a using site has decided that it is convenient to

accumulate four characters at a time and transmit them to the

serving site, unless an end of line is observed, in which case the

end of line sequence is sent preceded by whatever number of

characters have been accumulated, (presumably three or less). In

the same debugging application, the address is such that the end

does not correspond with the four character buffer demarcation.

The user should have the ability to enter a code for "transmit

immediately" in place of the Carriage Return in order to preserve

neat formatting, and expect the address to be sent to the serving


TELNET controls have been discussed and those introduced to date

are probably sufficient for an early implementation of TELNET

ASCII convention. There will be a need to establish a mechanism

for the controlled assignment (on request by Network Sites), and

announcement of DATA TYPE and CONTROL codes.

It should be noted that some controls are network-wide TELNET

controls, while others are specific to the ASCII Data Type. It

should be further recognized that some local control messages do

not require a corresponding network-wide code.

While it is recognized that even a minimum implementation of

TELNET for a using site is expected to permit the user to send any

selected ASCII string (and only that string) to the serving site,

it is not necessary for a serving site to implement a full mapping

from ASCII to local code, nor is it necessary for either the using

or serving sites to implement all control codes.

_Example - Using Site_

A minimum implementation of the TELNET protocol for the using site

would permit ignoring (and stripping) any control signals from the

serving site since they would all either require agreement or

acknowledgement (e.g., DATA TYPE, ECHO CONTROL, etc.) or can be

ignored with no particularly harmful results (e.g., reverse


_Example - Serving Site_

A minimum implementation of the TELNET protocol for the serving

site could provide one for one mapping for the most important 128

serving system controls and graphic signals, and ignore all

control signals.

It would be helpful if a minimally implemented receiving site, when

it recognizes an incoming control signal for which appropriate

reaction is not available, could respond with X'87' (The following

not implemented at this site) and follow it with the code just


Whenever an ASCII TELNET connection is lost, it should be assumed

that the process at the other end of the connection has been quit,

aborted, failed, etc. In this way, a minimum using site installation

can fail to implement the break and break synchronization, and have

the user rely on the using site local procedure for leaving a running

local process and returning to the supervisor to break a connection

to a remote serving site.


User recognizes that he is caught in an output loop and wishes to

stop his user process at the serving site. The serving site

requires a break, but the using site minimum implementation has

not made it available. Even if it had, the INS was not

implemented and could not be used to unblock the input pipe.

Locally, the using site convention for leaving a process and

getting to supervisory level is to hit the attention key on the

2741 terminal. The user does this and is passed to the supervisor

where he signals to release the TELNET connection. The serving

site, seeing that an ASCII TELNET connection has been lost,

assumes that the user is ended either normally or abnormally.

Serving site cancels the user's process. The user tries again by

re-establishing the connection, logging in again, re-initiating

the process, etc.

Other conventions under TELNET may make quite different assumptions

about lost connections, and some may go as far as dynamic

establishing and releasing of connections.

The proposed TELNET ASCII implementation leaves much uncovered, but

seems to permit early simple implementation with varying levels of

capability, along with the capacity to expand in several ways to meet

others needs.

There is an important open question. Should a PROTOCOL such as

TELNET provide the basis for extending a system to perform functions

that go beyond the normal capacity of the local system. For example,

a local system may not provide functions such as Hold Output, Kill

Print, etc., but it could extend it for network purposes through

TELNET. If so, to what extent should such extensions be thought of

as Network-wide standards as opposed to purely local implementations.


[1] Please drop the (s) at the end of "character" in paragraph 3,

page 3, RFC137, NIC #6714.

[2] Also make note that the starting assumption in the initial

exchange between using site and serving site will be that the using

site will (if necessary) provide echo and the serving site will not.

[3] Note: Please change RFC#137, NIC #6714, page 4 - Code X'85' to

read Reserved.

[4] Please note on page 4 of RFC137 that the receipt of an X'88'

should be responded with by the receiver sending a double signal,

i.e., X'88'X'88' if the new DATA TYPE can be handled.

[5] Cent sign

[This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

[into the online RFCarchives by Lorrie Shiota, 1/02]

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