
RFC189 - Interim NETRJS specifications

王朝html/css/js·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. T. Braden

Request for Comments: 189 UCLA/CCN

Obsoletes: RFC88 (NIC 5668) 15 July 1971

NIC 7133

Category: D


The following document describes the operation and protocol of the

remote job entry service to CCN's 360 Model 91. The interim protocol

described here will be implemented as a production service before the

end of July. Two host sites (Rand and UCLA/NMC) have written user

processes for the interim NETRJS, based on the attached document.

Questions on it should be addressed to CCN's Technical Liaison.

It is anticipated that the interim protocol will be superseded in a

few months by a revised NETRJS, but the changes will be minor. The

revision will bring the data transfer protocol of NETRJS into

complete conformity with the proposed Data Transfer Protocol DTP (see

RFC#171). The present differences between the DTP and NETRJS

protocols are:

(a) The format (but not the contents) of the 72 bit transaction

header of NETRJS must be changed to conform with DTP.

(b) The End-of-Data marker must be changed from X'FE' to X'B40F'.

(c) The initial "modes available" transaction of DTP must be


(d) Some of the DTP error codes will be implemented.

No other protocol changes are presently planned, although some may be

suggested by operating eXPerience with the interim protocol. When

the revised protocol has been fully specified, it will be implemented

with different ICP sockets than the interim protocol. This will

allow a site which wants to start using CCN immediately to convert

his protocol at leisure.

Some possible future extensions to NETRJS which have been suggested


(1) A 7-bit ASCII option of data transfer connections, for the

convenience of PDP-10s.

(2) A "transparency" mode for input from ASCII remote sites, to

allow the transmission of "binary decks" (object decks) in

the job stream from these sites.

(3) More than one simultaneous virtual card read, printer, and

punch stream to the same virtual terminal.

Comments on the utility of these proposals or others for your site

would be appreciated.

Robert T. Braden

Technical Liaison


(213) 825-7518



(Interim Protocol)

A. Introduction

NETRJS is the protocol for the remote job entry service to the 360

Model 91 at the UCLA Campus Computing Network (CCN). NETRJS allows

the user at a remote host to Access CCN's RJS ("Remote Job Service")

sub-system, which provides remote job entry service to real remote

batch (card reader/line printer) terminals over direct communications

lines as well as to the ARPA Network.

To use NETRJS, a user at a remote host needs a NETRJS user process to

communicate with one of the NETRJS server processes at CCN. Each

active NETRJS user process appears to RJS as a separate (virtual)

remote batch terminal; we will refer to it as a VRBT.

A VRBT may have virtual card readers, printers, and punches. Through

a virtual card reader a Network user can transmit a stream of card

images comprising one or more OS/360 jobs, complete with Job Control

Language, to CCN. These jobs will be spooled into CCN's batch system

(OS/360 MVT) and run according to their priority. RJS will automati-

cally return the print and/or punch output images which are created

by these jobs to the virtual printer and/or card punch at the VRBT

from which the job came (or to a different destination specified in

the JCL). The remote user can wait for his output, or he can sign

off and sign back on later to receive it.

The VRBT is assumed to be under the control of the user's teletype or

other remote console; this serves the function of an RJS remote

operator console. To initiate a NETRJS session, the remote user must

execute the standard ICP (see RFC#165) to a fixed socket at CCN.

The result is to establish a duplex Telnet connection to his console,

allowing the user to sign into RJS. Once he is signed in, he can use

his console to issue commands to RJS and to receive status, confirma-

tion, and error messages from RJS. The most important RJS commands

are summarized in Appendix D.

Different VRBT's are distinguished by 8-character terminal id's.

There may be more than one VRBT using RJS simultaneously from the

same remote host. Terminal id's for new VRBT's will be assigned by

CCN to individual users or user groups who wish to run batch jobs at

CCN (contact the CCN Technical Liaison for details).

B. Connections and Protocols

Figure 1 shows conceptually the processes and protocols required to

use NETRJS. The operator console uses a duplex connection under the

Telnet third-level protocol (see RFC#158). The actual data transfer

streams for job input and output are handled over separate simplex

connections using a data transfer protocol.

We will use the term channel for one of these NETRJS connections, and

designate it input or output with reference to CCN. Each data

transfer channel is identified with a particular virtual remote dev-

ice -- card reader, printer, or punch. The data transfer channels

need be open only while they are in use, and different channels may

be used sequentially or simultaneously. NETRJS will presently sup-

port simultaneous operation of a virtual card reader, a virtual

printer, and a virtual punch (in addition to the operator console) on

the same VRBT process. RJS itself will support more than one reader,

printer, and punch at each remote terminal, so the NETRJS protocol

could easily be expanded in the future to allow more simultaneous I/O

streams to each Network user.

The remote user needs a local escape convention so he can send com-

mands directly to his VRBT process. These local VRBT commands would

allow selection of the files at his host which contain job streams to

be sent to the server, and files to receive job output from the

server. They would also allow the user to open data transfer chan-

nels to the NETRJS server process, and to close these connections to

free buffer space or abort a transmission.

When a VRBT starts a session, it has a choice of two ICP sockets,

depending upon whether it is an ASCII or an EBCDIC virtual terminal.

An EBCDIC virtual terminal transmits and receives its data as tran-

sparent streams of 8 bit bytes (since CCN is an EBCDIC installation).

It is expected that a user at an ASCII installation, however, will

want his VRBT declared ASCII; RJS will then translate the input

stream from ASCII to EBCDIC and translate the printer stream back to

ASCII. This will allow the user to employ his local text editor for

preparing input to CCN and for examining output. The punch stream

will always be transparent, for outputting "binary decks".

It should be noted that the choice of code for the operator console

connections is independent of declared terminal type; in particular,

they always use ASCII under Telnet protocol, even from an EBCDIC


NETRJS protocol provides data compression, replacing repeated blanks

or other characters by repeat counts. However, when the terminal id

is assigned by CCN, a particular network terminal may be specified as

using no data compression. In this case, NETRJS will simply truncate

trailing blanks and send records in a simple "op code-length-data"

form, called truncated format.

C. Starting and Terminating a Session

The remote user establishes a connection to RJS via the standard ICP

from his socket U to socket 11 [sub] 10 (EBCDIC) or socket 13 [sub]

10 (ASCII) at host 1, IMP 1. If successful, the ICP results in a

pair of connections which are in fact the NETRJS operator control


Once the user is connected, he must enter a valid RJS signon command

("SIGNON terminal-id") through his console. RJS will normally ack-

nowledge signon with a console message; however, if RJS does not

recognize the terminal-id or has no available Line Handler for the

Network, it will indicate refusal by closing both operator connec-

tions. If the user attempts to open data transfer connections before

his signon command is accepted, the data transfer connections will be

refused by CCN with an error message to his console.

Suppose the operator input connection is socket S at CCN; S is the

even number sent in the ICP. Then the other NETRJS channels have

sockets at CCN with fixed relation to S, as shown in the table below.

Until there is a suitable Network-wide solution to the problem of

identity control on sockets, NETRJS will also require that the VRBT

process use fixed socket offsets from his initial connection socket

U. These are shown in the following table:

Channel CCN Socket Remote Socket

(Server) (User)

Telnet / Remote Operator Console Input S U + 3 \ Remote Operator Console Output S + 1 U + 2 / Telnet

Data / Card Reader #1 S + 2 U + 5

Transfer < Printer #1 S + 3 U + 4

\ Punch #1 S + 5 U + 6

Once the user is signed on, he can open data transfer channels and

initiate input and output operations as explained in the following

sections. To terminate the session, the remote user may close all

connections. Alternatively, the user may enter a SIGNOFF command

through his console; in this case, RJS will wait until the current

job output streams are complete and then itself terminate the session

by closing all connections.

D. Input Operations

A job stream for submission to RJS at CCN is a series of logical

records, each of which is a card image. A card image may be at most

80 characters long, to match the requirements of OS/360 for job

input. The user can submit a "stack" of successive jobs through the

card reader channel with no end-of-job indication between jobs; RJS

recognizes the beginning of each new job by the appearance of a JOB


To submit a job or stack of jobs for execution at CCN, the remote

user must first open the card reader channel. He signals his VRBT

process to issue Init (local = U + 5, foreign = S + 2, size = 8).

NETRJS, which is listening on socket S + 2, will normally return an

RTS command, opening the channel. If, however, it should happen that

all input buffer space within the CCN NCP is in use, the request will

be refused, and the user should try again later. If the problem per-

sists, call the Technical Liaison at CCN.

When the connection is open, the user can begin sending his job

stream using the protocol defined in Appendix A. For each job suc-

cessfully spooled, the user will receive a confirming message on his

console. At the end of the stack, he must send an End-of-Data tran-

saction to initiate processing of the last job. NETRJS will then

close the channel (to avoid holding buffer space unnecessarily). At

any time during the session, the user can re-open the card reader

channel and transmit another job stack. He can also terminate the

session and sign on later to get his output.

The user can abort the card reader channel at any time by closing the

channel (his socket S + 2). NETRJS will then discard the last par-

tially spooled job. If NETRJS finds an error (e.g., transaction

sequence number error or a dropped bit), it will abort the channel by

closing the connection prematurely, and also inform the user via his

console that his job was discarded (thus solving the race condition

between End-of-Data and aborting). The user needs to retransmit only

the last job. However, he could retransmit the entire stack

(although it would be somewhat wasteful) since the CCN operating sys-

tem enforces job name uniqueness by immediately "flushing" jobs with

names already in the system.

If the user's process, NCP, or host, or the Network itself fails dur-

ing input, RJS will discard the job being transmitted. A message

informing the user that this job was discarded will be generated and

sent to him the next time he signs on. On the other hand, those jobs

whose receipt have been acknowledged on the operator's console will

not be affected by the failure, but will be executed by CCN.

E. Output Operations

The user may wait to set up a virtual printer (or punch) and open its

channel until a STATUS message on his console indicates output is

ready; or he may leave the output channel(s) open during the entire

session, ready to receive output whenever it becomes available. He

can also control which one of several available jobs is to be

returned by entering appropriate operator commands.

To be prepared to receive printer (or punch) output from his jobs,

the user site issues Init (local = U + 4 (U + 6), foreign = S + 3 (S

+ 5), size = 8), respectively. NETRJS is listening on these sockets

and should immediately return an STR. However, it is possible that

because of software problems at CCN, RJS will refuse the connection

and a CLS will be returned; in this case, try again or call the

Technical Liaison.

When RJS has output to send to a particular (virtual) terminal and a

corresponding open output channel, it will send the output as a

series of logical records using the protocol in Appendix A. The

first record will consist of the job name (8 characters) followed by

a comma and then the ID string from the JOB card (if any). In the

printer stream, the first column of each record will be an ASA car-

riage control character (see Appendix C); the punch output stream

will never contain carriage control characters.

NETRJS will send an End-of-Data transaction and then close an output

channel at the end of the output for each complete batch job; the

remote site must then send a new RFC(and ALL) to start output for

another job. This gives the remote site a chance to allocate a new

file for each job without breaking the output within a job. If the

user at the remote site wants to cancel (or backspace or defer) the

output of a particular job, he enters appropriate RJS commands on the

operator input channel (see Appendix D).

A virtual printer in NETRJS has 254 columns, exclusive of carriage

control; RJS will send up to 255 characters of a logical record it

finds in a SYSOUT data set. If the user wishes to reject or fold

records longer than some smaller record size, he can do so in his

VRBT process.

If RJS encounters a permanent I/O error in reading the disk data set,

it will notify the user via his console, skip forward to the next set

of system messages or SYSOUT data set in the same job, and continue.

In the future, RJS may be changed to send a Lost Data marker within

the data stream as well as a console message to the user. In any

case, the user will receive notification of termination of output

data transfer for each job via messages on his console.

If the user detects an error in the stream, he can issue a Backspace

(BSP) command from his console to repeat the last "page" of output,

or a Restart (RST) command to repeat from last SYSOUT data set or the

beginning of the job, or he can abort the channel by closing his

socket. If he aborts the channel, RJS will simulate a Backspace com-

mand, and when the user re-opens the channel the job will begin

transmission again from an earlier point in the same data set. This

is true even if the user terminates the current session first, and

re-opens the channel in a later session; RJS saves the state of its

output streams. However, before re-opening the channel he can defer

this job for later output, restart it at the beginning, or cancel its

output (see Appendix D). Note that aborting the channel is only

effective if RJS has not yet sent the End-of-Data transaction.

If the user's process, NCP, or host, or the Network itself fails dur-

ing an output operation, RJS will act as if the channel had been

aborted and the user signed off. In no case should a user lose out-

put from NETRJS.

Appendix A

Data Transfer Protocol in NETRJS

1. Introduction

The records in the data transfer channels (for virtual card reader,

printer, and punch) are generally grouped into _transactions_ pre-

ceded by headers. The transaction header includes a sequence number

and the length of the transaction. Network byte size must be 8 bits

in these data streams.

A transaction is the unit of buffering within the Model 91 software.

Internal buffers are 880 bytes. Therefore, CCN cannot transmit or

receive a single transaction larger than 880 bytes. Transactions can

be as short as one record; however, those sites which are concerned

with efficiency should send transactions as close as possible to the

880 byte limit.

There is no necessary connection between physical message boundaries

and transactions ("logical messages"); the NCP can break the "logical

message" arbitrarily into physical messages. At CCN we will choose

to have each logical message start a new physical message, so the NCP

can send the last part of each message without waiting for an expli-

cit request, but a remote site is not required to follow this conven-


Each logical record within a transaction begins with an "op code"

byte which contains the channel identification, so its value is

unique to each channel but constant within a channel. This choice

provides a convenient way to verify bit synchronization at the

receiver, and also allows an extension in the future to true "multi-

leaving" (i.e., multiplexing all channels within one connection in

each direction).

The only provisions for transmission error detection in the current

NETRJS protocol are (1) this "op code" byte to verify bit synchroni-

zation and (2) the transaction sequence number. At the urging of

Crowther, we favor putting an optional 16 bit check sum in the unused

bytes of the second-level header. It is currently assumed that if an

error is detected then the channel is to be aborted and the entire

transmission repeated. To provide automatic retransmission we would

have to put in reverse channels for ACK/NAK messages.

2. Character Sets

For an ASCII VRBT, NETRJS will map ASCII in the card reader stream

into EBCDIC, and re-map the printer stream to ASCII, by the following


1. One-to-one mapping between the three ASCII characters ~ which are not in EBCDIC, and the three EBCDIC characters

[vertical bar, not-sign and cent-sign] (respectively) which

are not in ASCII.

2. The other six ASCII graphics not in EBCDIC will be

translated on input to an EBCDIC question mark (?).

3. The ASCII control DC3 (the only one not in EBCDIC) will be

mapped into and from the EBCDIC control TM.

4. The EBCDIC characters not in ASCII will be mapped in the

printer stream into the ASCII question mark.

3. Meta-Notation

The following description of the NETRJS data transfer protocol uses a

formal notation derived from that proposed in RFC#31 by Bobrow and

Sutherland. (The NETRJS format is also shown diagramatically in

Figure 2.)

The derived notation is both concise and easily readable, and we

recommend its use for Network documentation. The notation consists

of a series of productions for bit string variables whose names are

capitalized. Each variable name which represents a fixed length

field is followed by the length in bits (e.g., SEQNUMB(16)). Numbers

enclosed in quotes are decimal, unless qualified by a leading X

meaning hex. Since each hex digit is 4 bits, the length is not shown

explicitly in hex numbers. For example, '1'(8) and X'FF' both

represent a string of 8 one bits. The meta-syntactic operators are:

:alternative string

[ ] :optional string

( ) :grouping

+ :catenation of bit strings

The numerical value of a bit string (interpreted as an integer) is

symbolized by a lower case identifier preceding the string expression

and separated by a colon. For example, in "i:FIELD(8)", i symbolizes

the numeric value of the 8 bit string FIELD.

Finally, we use Bobrow and Sutherland's symbolism for iteration of a

sub-string: (STRING-EXPRESSION = n); denotes n occurrences of STRING

EXPRESSION, implicitly catenated together. Here any n >= 0 is

assumed unless n is explicitly restricted.

4. Protocol Definition


That is, STREAM, the entire sequence of data on a particular open

channel, is a sequence of n TRANSACTIONS followed by an END-OF-DATA

marker (omitted if the sender aborts the channel).

TRANSACTION <-- THEAD(72) + (RECORD = r) + ('0'(1) = f)

That is, a transaction consists of a 72 bit header, r records, and f

filler bits.

THEAD <-- X'FF' + f:FILLER(8) + SEQNUMB(16) + LENGTH(32) + X'00'

Transactions are to be consecutively numbered in the SEQNUMB field,

starting with 0 in the first transaction after the channel is (re-)

opened. The 32 bit LENGTH field gives the total length in bits of

the r RECORD's which follow. For convenience, the using site may add

f additional filler bits at the end of the transaction to reach a

convenient Word boundary on his machine; the value f is also

transmitted in the FILLER field of THEAD.


RJS will accept intermixed RECORD's which are COMPRESSED or TRUNCATED

in an input stream. RJS will send one or the other format in the

printer and punch streams to a given VRBT; the choice is determined

when CCN establishes a terminal id.

COMPRESSED <-- '2'(2) + DEVID(6) + (STRING = p) + '0'(8)

STRING <-- ('6'(3) + i:DUPCOUNT(5))

This form represents a string of i

consecutive blanks

('7'(3) + i:DUPCOUNT(5) + TEXTBYTE(8))

This form represents string of i consecutive

duplicated of TEXTBYTE.

('2'(2) + j:LENGTH(6) + (TEXTBYTE(8) = j))

This form represents a string of j


The first two alternatives above in the STRING production begin with

count bytes chosen to be distinguishable from the (currently defined)

Telnet control characters. In a Telnet stream, the third count byte

would not be needed. This is irrelevant to the current NETRJS, but

it would allow the use of compression within a Telnet data stream.

TRUNCATED <-- '3'(2) + DEVID(6) + n:COUNT(8) + (TEXTBYTE(8) = n)

DEVID(6) <-- DEVNO(3) + t:DEVTYPE(3)

DEVID identifies a particular virtual device, i.e.,

it identifies a channel. DEVTYPE specifies the type

of device, as follows:

t = 1: Output to remote operator console

2: Input from remote operator console

3: Input from card reader

4: Output to printer

5: Output to card punch

6,7: Unused

DEVNO(3) identifies the particular device of type t

at this remote site; at present only DEVNO = 0 is



Signals end of job (output) or job stack (input).


Telnet for VRBT Operator Console

The remote operator console connections use the ASCII Telnet

protocol as in RFC#158. Specifically:

1) The following one-to-one character mappings are used for the

three EBCDIC graphics not in ASCII:


in Telnet NETRJS

[vertical bar]

~ [not-sign]

\ [cent-sign]

2) Initially all Telnet control characters will be ignored. In the

future we will implement the Telnet Break facility to allow a

remote user to terminate extensive console output from a


3) An operator console input line which exceeds 133 characters

(exclusive of CR LF) will be truncated by NETRJS.

4) NETRJS will accept BS to delete a character, and CAN to delete

the current line. The sequence CR LF terminates each input and

output line. HT will be translated to a single space in RJS.

All other ASCII control characters will be ignored. NETRJS will

translate the six ASCII graphics with no equivalent in EBCDIC

into the character question mark ("?") on input.


Carriage Control

The carriage control characters sent in a printer channel by NETRJS

conform to IBM's extended USASI code, defined by the following table:


blank Space one line before printing

0 Space two lines before printing

- Space three lines before printing

+ Suppress space before printing

1 Skip to channel 1

2 Skip to channel 2

3 Skip to channel 3

4 Skip to channel 4

5 Skip to channel 5

6 Skip to channel 6

7 Skip to channel 7

8 Skip to channel 8

9 Skip to channel 9

A Skip to channel 10

B Skip to channel 11

C Skip to channel 12


Network/RJS Command Summary

Terminal Control and Information Command

SIGNON First command of a session; identifies VRBT by giving

its terminal id.

SIGNOFF Last command of a session; RJS waits for any data

transfer in progress to complete and then closes all


STATUS Outputs on the remote operator console a complete

list, or a summary, of all jobs in the system for

this VRBT, with an indication of their processing

status in the Model 91.

ALERT Outputs on the operator console the special "Alert"

message, if any, from CCN computer operator. The

Alert message is also automatically sent when the

user does a SIGNON, or whenever the message changes.

MSG Sends a message to CCN computer operator or to any

other RJS terminal (real or virtual). A message from

the computer operator or another RJS terminal will

automatically appear on the remote operator console.

Job Control and Routing Commands

Under CCN's job management system, the default destination for output

is the input source. Thus, a job submitted under a given VRBT will

be returned to that VRBT (i.e., the same terminal id), unless the

user's JCL overrides the default destination.

RJS places print and punch output described for a particular remote

terminal into either an Active Queue or a Deferred Queue. When the

user opens his print or punch output channel, RJS immediately starts

sending job output from the Active Queue, and continues this queue is

empty. Job output in the Deferred Queue, on the other hand, must be

called for by job name, (via a RESET command from the remote opera-

tor) before RJS will send it. The Active/Deferred choice for output

from a job is determined by the deferral status of the VRBT when the

job is entered; the deferral status, which is set to the Active

option when the user signs on, may be changed by the SET command.

SET Allows the remote user to change certain properties

of his VRBT for the duration of the current session;

(a) May change the default output destination to be

another (real or virtual) RJS terminal or the central


(b) May change the deferral status of the VRBT.

DEFER Moves the print and punch output for a specified job

or set of jobs from the Active Queue to the Deferred

queue. If the job's output is in the process of

being transmitted over a channel, RJS aborts the

channel and saves the current output location before

moving the job to the Deferred Queue. A subsequent

RESET command will return it to the Active Queue with

an implied Backspace (BSP).

RESET Moves specified job(s) from Deferred to Active Queue

so they may be sent to user. A specific list of job

names or all jobs can be moved with one RESET


ROUTE Re-routes output of specified jobs (or all jobs)

waiting in the Active and Deferred Queues for this

VRBT. The new destination may be any other RJS

terminal or the central facility.

ABORT Cancels a job which was successfully submitted and

awaiting execution or is current executing in the

Model 91. If he cancelled job was in execution, all

output it produced ill be returned.

Output Stream Control Commands

BSP (BACKSPACE) "Backspaces" output stream within current sysout data

set. Actual amount backspaced depends upon sysout

blocking but is typically equivalent to a page on the

line printer.

CAN (CANCEL) (a) On an output channel, CAN causes the rest of the

output in the sysout data set currently being

transmitted to be omitted. Alternatively, may

omit the rest of the sysout data sets for the job

currently being transmitted; however, the remain-

ing system and accounting messages will be sent.

(b) On an input channel, CAN causes RJS to ignore the

job currently being read. However, the channel

is not aborted as a result, and RJS will continue

reading in jobs on the channel.

(c) CAN can delete all sysout data sets for specified

job(s) waiting in Active or Deferred Queue.

RST (RESTART) (a) Restarts a specified output stream at the begin-

ning of the current sysout data set or, option-

ally, at the beginning of the job.

(b) Marks as restarted specified job(s) whose

transmission was earlier interrupted by system

failure or user action (e.g., DEFER command or

aborting the channel). When RJS transmits these

jobs again it will start at the beginning of the

partially transmitted sysout data set or, option-

ally, at the beginning of the job. This function

may be applied to jobs in either the Active or

the Deferred Queue; however, if the job was in

the Deferred Queue then RST also moves it to the

Active Queue. If the job was never transmitted,

RST has no effect other than this queue movement.

REPEAT Sends additional copies of the output of specified


EAM Echoes the card reader stream back in the printer or

punch stream, or both.




^ ^

v v v


CCN -- Server



^ ^

v v v

+----------+ +---------------+

TELNET Data Xfer (server)

Server 3rd Level

+----------+ +---------------+

^ ^



p p C C C

e I e O I h O h P h

ARPA r n r u n a u a u a

a p a t p n t n n n

Network t u t p u n p n c n

o t o u t e u e h e

r r t l t l l



+----------+ +---------------+

TELNET Data Xfer (user)

Server 3rd Level

+----------+ +---------------+

Remote ^ ^

/ "Virtual

User / Remote Batch V V

/ Terminal" +------------------+



+---------+ User

/ <-------------> Process

/ Console

+____________ +------------------+



(file) (file) (file)


+------+ +------+ +-----------+ +---------------------+

TRANSACTION <--> X'FF' Filler Sequence Data Length

Count Number in bits

+------+ +------+ +-----------+ +---------------------+


X'00' { RECORD } *


<---- n text bytes ------>

+--+-----+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+

TRUNCATED <--> 11Devid n (8) Text . . . Text

RECORD (6) (8) (8)

+--+-----+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+

/ +---+----+ *

110 n (n blanks)



+--+-----+ / +---+----+ +--------+

COMPRESSED<--> 10Devid< 111 n Char- (n replications

RECORD (6) \ (5) acter of "Character")

+--+-----+ +---+----+ +--------+

+--+-----+ +--------+ +--------+

10 n Text . . . Text

(6) (8) (8)

+--+-----+ +--------+ +--------+

\ /





[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Tony Hansen 11/98 ]

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