
RFC187 - Network/440 Protocol Concept

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


Network Working Group Douglas B. McKay

Request for Comments #187 Donald P. Karp

NIC #7131 IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Categories: C3,C4,C5,C6,D7 Yorktown Heights, New York

Update: None

Obsoletes: None

This RFCis being circulated as an

information RFC. Its intent is to

convey some of the thinking and

philosophy that went into IBM's

network protocol and overall

network design.

Network/44O is an eXPerimental project in computer netting that was

undertaken by the Computer Science Department of IBM Research. The

primary objectives of the project have been to understand netting,

identify design problems and implement the solutions to these problems.

The above objectives have been met since a network has been built and is

presently being operated by the project. Implementation discussions

transpired with another department at Research in order to define a

realistic user system interface. The protocol defined for the project's

network is also the basis for the operation of an IBM OS network.

The Network/44O project has also been involved in the philosophical and

architectural concepts of network systems. The basic premise in our work

is the concept of a logical network machine.(1) The main theme is to

treat all systems involved in the network as a part of a single (large)

multiprocessor system. Although many of the ideas have been based on

hypothetical concepts, an equal number of ideas were derived from our

network implementation and operating experience.

The scope of this paper is to describe the philosophy and definition of

a network protocol that is not restricted to any physical configuration.

This is exemploified by the fact that a major portion of the ideas are

implemented in IBM's two major operational networks, one of which is a

distributed configuration and the other a star configuration.

(1) Intenet - Report 2, February 1, 1970, Computer Science Department,

IBM Corporation, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights,

New York.


There was a necessity to delineate many network functions in setting up

an operating protocol. These functions included switching control,

buffer control, message control, and operating control. The operating

control function becomes further complicated as the user is able to

program the network as if it were a single operating system. The

protocol had to be further broken dowm into detailed functions in order

to cope with error recovery and handling techniques.

The original thoughts on handling these functions were to provide two

basic realms of control. The net control is a higher level function that

recognizes and controls all ASPects of net jobs and the execution of job

steps in the network machine. In addition, a communication control

facility (referred to as an "Express Interpreter") was incorporated to

provide fast service for all messages that were to be moved between user

systems without intervention by the net controller.

[Page 2]



--------------- ^


----> in out /


Express Exchange

<---- --------------------------------

out in ^

The above figure illustrates the two major functions with messages

travelling in both directions and directly through the Express Exchange,

except in the case of messages that must be acted on by the Net

Controller. These messages will be explained in detail later.

These two functions can exist on any system and operate in any physical

configuration providing the control information reflects the

configuration so that proper operation can be maintained. There is no

reference to physical configuration in this paper because of the

flexible nature of the protocol and its adaptability to any

configuration. For example, in the case of a distributed net, the

Express Exchange would pass messages directly to the next station

without any 'NC' overhead. The 'NC' would only come into play at the

final destination and with the same reasoning, the 'NC' would not have

to be present at every station.


Before proceeding with the discussion of protocol and control, the basic

message content and concepts must be defined.

A transmission block is a physical entity that consists of header and

text. A message (logical) consists of many transmission blocks.


Header Text


The primary purpose of the network is to deliver messages from one user

system to another in an orderly controlled manner. In order to provide

all the information necessary to maintain control, the header contains a

set of operational functions. These functions are listed below with the

rationale for each.

This code selects the immediate destination of the transmitted blocks;

the data may be transmitted directly to the user described in the DSID

field, sent to 'NC', or used by 'EE'. Any conflict in information

between this field and any other field in the header will cause an error

message to be returned to the originating station. The AC will serve a

similar function at the receiving system, indicating to the

communications interface (CI) whether the data block is destined for a

user routine or contains control information for the CI. [The CI is that

function which interfaces directly with the local operating system.]

Transmission Block Number

Each block of transmission within the network will contain a sequential

number inserted by the transmitting station. As the block flows through

the network, every station will insert its own number into the block,

overlaying the previous station's number. The purpose of this sequential

number is to guarantee that no messages are lost in the physical

communications process.

Network Job Identifier

The function of this field is to associate a transmission block with the

network job to which it belongs. The identifier is assigned to the

network job and to each associated transmission block by the user system

or by the 'NC'. In order to establish a unique name for each job within

the network, the user node identifier (i.e., the name of the user system

originating the net job) will be concatenated with a number generated by

the originating user system.

Job Step (Marker)

The purpose here is to uniquely identify a job step within a network

job. The NC will assign this name since it maintains control of all

network jobs.

Originating System Identifier

In order to route a block of data from one user system to another, a

unique name must be associated with each user system. The name will be

assigned by the network control group at the time the user system is

accepted as a network participant. The station originating a block of

data will place his assigned identification in this field in every block

of data originating at his system.

This field indicates transmission priority (not to be confused with

processing priority) by block within the queue for a particular user


Destination System Identifier

This is similar to the originating node identifier except that the

identification inserted is that of the node for which the block is


Logical Message Flags

The message flags denote the first and last blocks of a message; all

intermediate blocks are noted by their absence. The flag field in

conjunction with the logical message sequence number will enable the

user to determine if any blocks are missing from a message and will also

provide an identifier that can be used to recover missing blocks. When

the first and last indicators are turned on in a single block, the

message is contained within the block.

Logical Message Sequence Number

This field is used to number sequentially the blocks within a message.

The first block (denoted by the LMID) will contain the lowest number

assigned (not necessarily 1) within a message while the last block will

contain the highest number. Unlike the TBN, this number will remain

intact throughout the journey of the block through the network. It is

used for error detection and recovery along with the logical message


Logical Message Identifier

Since all communications lines in the network can be multiplexed (blocks

within a message will be interleaved with blocks from other messages), a

message identifier becomes necessary in order to reassemble the message

at the user destination. Therefore; each block within a message will

contain an identifier unique to the message. In the simple case where

the message is contained in one block, the identifier performs no


When multiple blocks comprise a message, LMID will enable the user to

reassemble the message. There can be any number of physical message

blocks associated with any logical message. It is important that the

that this LMID be used in the messages generated by the CI in response

to NC commands.

This field contains a binary number that equals the number of characters

in the text portion of the transmission block, Although there are other

means available to oBTain this number, it is included in the header for

redundancy check purposes.

Logical Message StrUCturing

The network controller maintains control for every user job submitted by

NJID. The following hierarchical structure is set up for a message

configuration, Any message pertaining to any step in a network job can

be tracked and retransmitted if necessary. It provides a mapping of the

logical structure of any network job into their appropriate message


Net Controller


NJID(1) NJID(2) - - - NJID(N)

---------------------- . . . . .

Stepname Stepname





The Express Exchange is a combination of functions. It is basically a

communication handler and store and forward switch. The 'EE' has the

ability to keep track of all messages in the network by TEN (defined

earlier). It is therefore possible to record and reflect the entire

status of the network down to any detail desired.


The protocol for operating a network system has different levels of

control. The 'EE' must exercise control on the communication link

between any pair of stations. The NC maintains control at the net job

level. However, the functions that each unit performs are combined to

handle special control cases. These complimentary functions will be

discussed in detail as they arise in the protocol discussion.

[Page 6]

First of all, there must be a series of initialization messages sent

from one station to another before any actual message transmission takes

place. These messages are sent between each station and positive

acknowledgments must be received in order to complete the initial hand


At any point during the transmission of messages an error can occur

which will be detected by a negative acknowledgement. The message in

error will be retransmitted several times. If the error persists, the

line is timed out and will be retried later. The assumption here is the

line may be temporarily noisy and we give it time to quiesce.

When a station receives an initialization message it is possible to

respond in several ways depending on the status of the user system.

(1) The station receiving the initialization message can acknowledge

that it is ready to receive and transmit.

(2) Temporarily cannot receive certain logical messages (actual data

transmissions) but can receive special control messages. This

option allows a user system to selectively process net jobs as

facilities on his system become available.

(3) Unable to receive traffic (in other Words, the user system is

logically or physically disconnected from the network).

(4) Unable to receive new network job requests but able to handle

traffic for jobs in progress. The user system may have several

jobs in progress that are transmitting and receiving messages.

This acknowledgement gives the user system the ability to allow

these jobs to continue normal processing.

The last alternative gives the CI at each user system the mechanism to

selectively demultiplex itself to handling one logical message. The

temporarily deactivated.

Thus, all user systems can selectively halt messages throughout the

entire network. The destination system can selectively halt all messages

for a given NJID or selective halt logical messages within a net job.

The adjacent system would keep accepting messages until its buffers were

filled to some operational threshold limit that must be maintained to

keep the network from coming to a complete standstill, and would issue

selective halts to systems sending to it. It is conceivable that the

message blocks of one logical message would be stored in distributed

segments throughout the network.

The same selective halt mechanism can be applied in reverse through a

resume message. The resume message can apply to an entire set of

messages for a net job or selective logical messages within a job. The

reinitiation of a transmission takes place between any two stations that

wish to allow more message blocks to be transmitted. The destination

[Page 7]

station must resume on a particular logical message to allow the message

to reach its final destination and complete transmission through the

network. The LMID of the message header enables the 'EE' and 'NC' to

cooperate in controlling and cleaning up network operation. Not only

does this cooperation between logical levels reduce a duplication of

effort but it enables the control to become realistic and practical.

Complete separation of communications and control functions could cause

a loss of useful information that may not be obtained by other means.

For example, if a file transmission consisted of many blocks and a

transmission error occurred that the network was unable to recover. The

'EE' would notify the 'NC' of the error occurrence on this file

transmission and then 'NC' would issue purge messages to the 'EE's for

those particular 'logic message' blocks. This mechanism-allows a general

'clean-up' and management of all file transmissions.

There is also the condition when a receiving system goes down. When this

occurs there may be a number of network jobs involved with that user

system. If the user system remains down for an extended period of time

and the 'EE' buffer resources are filled to threshold limit, it may be

necessary to purge pending message blocks. The 'EE' will notify the 'NC'

of the user system being down and the 'NC' will issue purge commands to

the 'EE' for all pending messages of those netjobs involved with the

down user system. However, in our present implementation the 'EE' uses

disk storage as a logical extension of core for message buffering. In

this operation, the freeing of real core buffers becomes a simple matter

of moving the messages on to disk for later retrieval. In some instances

of transmission a file may be scored in segments at several locations

until the receiving system is able to receive it. Network buffer

resources are treated as a logically simple entity that may be

physically distributed.

When the user system comes back on the air the involved user network job

will be restarted by issuing resume transmit commands to the 'EE'. If

the user is, an interactive user controlling the network, he would be

notifed of the problem and status of his file transmission. He could

then reinstate his command at a later time. The batch network jab would

be restarted at a point where no unnecessary retransmission would occur.

It has not been determined how long files should reside in a store and

forward node before being purged from the network. If a backing storage

device is available to network operation, the file can remain for a

longer time but still not indefinitely.

The File Transmission Protocol of the 'NC' is primarily concerned with

the control and transfer of user files for storage, temporary use at a

remote system, and execution.

The commands and status messages that pertain to the second level logic

of the 'NC' are sent and interpreted by the sending and receiving

systems. All initiation of file transfers result from direct user

commands to the 'NC'.

The sending system will first be interrogated to determine if the file

is resident at that system. The user must provide the necessary

information to locate the file if it is not catalogued at that system.

This information consists of the physical attributes, such as volume and

serial number. A negative acknowledgement to this message would result

in the termination of a net job step with the reason for termination

returned to the originator.

When a positive acknowledgement is received by the 'NC' it has two

options available. It must first determine the amount of unused buffer

space in the 'EE' and based on the size of the file to be transferred,

decide whether to have the data set sent immediately or wait for an

acknowledgement to the receive message.

If the 'NC' decides to move the file regardless of the state of the

receiving system, the 'NC' will issue a send or receive message to both

systems simultaneously. A negative response to the 'receive' message is

taken as a definite refusal by the receiving system to accept the data

transmission. This may result from insufficient resources to handle the

job. If the file was transmitted from the receiving system and is

resident in the network storage facilities, the user will be notified of

its exact location so that he may move it from that point at a later

time. If the 'NC' chose the second option, the file would still be

resident at the originating system.

A positive acknowledgement will allow the file to continue its normal

flow through the network. Queuing in the 'EE' is always done in order

that 'receive' messages will be sent before the actual data files. The

possibilities include loading the file directly into the job stream

(this step assumes the appropriate JCL is included in the text of the

files) or cataloguing the file at the remote system or storing it for

temporary immediate use. All network files are catalogues with a unique

name that includes User ID (unique at his home node), home node ID

(unique in the network) and his own data name which is unique in his own

work. The 'receive' message may also contain some special instructions

to print or punch a file.

[Page 9]

When the sending and receiving stations have completed the file

transfer, they send status messages back to the 'NC' indicating the

completed action. These status messages enable the 'NC' to keep a record

of user network job steps and their progress through the network. These

status messages play an important part in insuring proper checkpoint

restart for the network.

Files routed specifically for execution require a third status message

from the receiving user system. The system must indicate when and how

the job completed execution. This status message will also contain the

appropriate accounting information to allow dynamic updating of network

user and system accounting information. It is not clear at this time

what should be accounted for in the network, but it is an area of prime

concern to operational networks.

An error in the second logic level can occur during the file

transmission. There may be an error moving files from devices into the

line buffers or reading from the line buffers. When this occurs, the

operating system must pass this information to the 'NC'. The 'NC' will

then terminate the task involved in this job step and purge all the

network buffers containing blocks of this message transmission.

When the 'NC' receives the file error message it will immediately send a

'release' message to all the network tasks supporting this job step.

This action will cause the user systems to end all pending tasks

associated with this net job step. In addition a purge message for that

job step will be sent to the 'EE' to purge the message from its buffers.

If there is more than one 'EE' involved, the purge message would be

passed to all other 'EE's.

This is another example of the 'EE' and 'NC' combining functional

capability and providing effective management of network traffic. The

mapping of message Into the job step allows the 'NC' to selectively

choose all messages it wishes to purge.

The protocol the user must use for interactive use of the network is

different, There are some standard message types that are provided for

interactive use to insure the proper message recognition from one system

to another, Terminal type traffic will be sent across the network

through the normal netting' interface, The control information that a

terminal sends to the operating system must be incorporated in the

network protocol by the 'CI'.

The interactive user can request a direct connection to the remote

system through the 'NC'. The 'NC' will notify the remote system of the

user request and establish the user's direct link, The 'NC' becomes a

monitor of the conversation but no longer becomes involved with the

messages. Other conversational messages are sent back and forth through

[Page 10]

the 'EE' with no interaction by the 'NC'. In the event one of the

systems goes down breaking the logical link, the 'NC' must notify the

other system to terminate the waiting task, In most cases a user system

will be isolated from the second user system by other stations and the

'NC' is a convenient way of notifying other user systems about the


Once the user's connection is established, three types of messages may

be generated, These messages are identified by the 'AC' field in the

header. The three basic transmission types covered by the protocol are:

a response requested - with or without text included in the message, a

text message which is simply a response to the first or just data to be

printed at the user's terminal, and finally, an interrupt message which

indicates the user wishes to stop a task or talk directly to the

operating system.

It is important to note that regardless of what type of conditions

exist, there are always enough buffers left to receive an interrupt

message and terminate or flush any existing task and the associated

operation it may be supporting.


The protocol concepts discussed in this paper were developed to

facilitate the transfer of data between two or more independent systems.

The protocol is able to handle the various pathological cases that may

arise during network operation, A fundamental design consideration in

developing these concepts was to maintain complete recovery from any

recoverable error condition.

Many of the concepts have been used in an operational star network, with

a single 'EE' and 'NC' located in the central system and a 'CI' located

at each participating system. The successful operation of the network

has proven the feasibility of this protocol.


The authors wish to acknowledge the design and implementation effort of

the contributing members of the Computer Science Department of the T. J.

Watson Research Center.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Tim Buck 5/97 ]

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