
RFC186 - Network graphics loader

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group J. Michener

Request for Comments: 186 MCG

NIC: 7130 12 July 1971

A Network Graphics Loader


The facility described herein will permit remote users on the ARPA

network to oBTain graphics output from programs they write for the

Evans and Sutherland Line Drawing System Model 1 (LDS-1) located at

the DMCG computer. Also, users at that computer can employ the

facility to do graphics on their ARDS and IMLAC consoles.


The Graphics Loader on the Project MAC Dynamic Modeling/Computer

Graphics PDP-10 is for use with the E&S LDS-1 display. Display

programs can be shipped to it and executed repeatedly. The output,

which would normally be visible at the PDP-10 installation, is

transmitted to the originating site in digital form.

Corrections and alterations to display programs can be transmitted so

that the bulk of the program need be sent only once. Any data or

parameters which vary may be sent whenever they change.

The originating site may request to have any part of its program or

data transmitted back to it from the Graphics Loader. With this

feature it is possible to debug a display program which is

incorrectly modifying itself.

In order to simplify the Graphics Loader, it is assumed that the

display program should occupy a contiguous block of core starting at

location 1000 octal (i.e., it has been assembled absolutely), that

its first executable instruction is at the same place, and that, when

one frame is complete, it jumps to location 777 octal.

The E&S LDS-1 has the capability of writing into memory the

coordinates of endpoints of the line segments which would be visible

to a user sitting at the LDS-1 display device. A register called the

Writer Address Register (WAR) is used to indicate an area of memory

to contain these coordinates. Various submodes are available for

output to memory, but for the submode of greatest interest, "Scaled

Coordinates to Memory" mode, each "visible" line segment causes two

Words of coordinate data to be stored. The contents of the WAR are

incremented for each word stored.

For each execution of the display program, the Graphics Loader sets

the proper output mode (suppressing output to the cathode ray tube at

the DGSD machine), initializes the WAR before execution and saves the

final value of the WAR after execution. Thus it is easy for the

Graphics Loader to transmit to the user only the "visible output" of

the display program.


Request are in the form of 36 bit words. The first word of a request

is interpreted as two 18 bit fields. The left half contains a number

identifying which of six operations is being requested. The right

half is either a mode or is ignored, depending on the requested

operation. (If the left half is not a valid operation number, an

error message is sent and the next word is considered to begin a new


Depending upon the operation requested and upon the mode, one word of

argument data may or may not be read. This word is (also) treated as

two 18 bit halves. The interpretation of the halves depends on the

operation. In the description of individual operations, the left

half will be called A1; the right half will be called A2 (standing

for Arguments 1 and 2).

Error checking of the arguments is performed next. If an error

condition is present, error information is sent to the user program

at the originating site and the Graphics Loader prepares itself for

the next command. If no error condition is present, an acknowledging

message is sent unless the Suppress Acknowledgement mode prevails.

For certain requests, the operation is performed before the

acknowledgement is transmitted.

For those operations involving a transfer of display program

information (either to or from the Graphics Loader), this transfer is

done next, after the error checking of arguments has been performed

and after an acknowledge message has been sent.

This done, the Graphics Loader reads the next command.


0. The valid operations are currently:

SETUP indicated by an operation number of 1

EXECUTE indicated by an operation number of 2

TRANSMIT indicated by an operation number of 3

UPDATE indicated by an operation number of 4

FLUSH connection indicated by an operation number of 5

MODESET indicated by an operation number of 6

An invalid operation number is an error condition (condition number


1. The SETUP request.

The mode field of the first word is ignored. SETUP requires an

argument word. The arguments A1 and A2 are both treated like

lengths, so both must be non-negative numbers. If they are not,

error condition 2 is recognized.

1A. If A1 is _strictly_ _positive_, then this request describes a

whole new display program, and any previous display program

from this user is to be forgotten. In this case, A1 is the

total length of the display program, exclusive of the area to

be addressed by the Write Address Register (WAR). A2 is the

length of the area to be addressed by the WAR. As such, A2

must be at least twice the greatest possible number of visible

line segments to be displayed. (If the LDS-1 programmer feels

sure of himself, he may set up his own "WAR area" and set his

own "Output To Memory" modes. He would not need to use the A2

parameter at all.)

An acknowledge message is sent (unless suppressed; see

MODESET). Then the display program is read (which consists of

(A1) words).

1B. If A1 is _zero_ then this request is for a change in the length

of the area to be addressed by the WAR. A2 contains the new

length. A2 may be larger or smaller than the current length of

the area. If no previous 1A type of SETUP request has been

processed, error condition 1 is recognized. Otherwise an

acknowledge message is sent (unless suppressed, see MODESET).

(This request would typically be used if an initial estimate on

the number of words required were too low. Error condition 5,

described under EXECUTE may be indicate a low estimate.)

2. The EXECUTE request.

The EXECUTE request does not take a parameter word, but the mode

field is used to specify the number of times that the "EXECUTE

action" is to be performed. (This "action" is described in detail

following this paragraph. Briefly, it is a single execution of the

display program.) If the mode field is zero or negative, then one

EXECUTE action is performed. Whenever an error is encountered during

a multiple EXECUTE, the iteration is immediately stopped. This way,

the status of the display program after the error is not destroyed,

and no flood of error messages is ever sent, only a single one.

The EXECUTE action is as follows:

If no previous SETUP request has been processed, error condition

number 1 will be recognized.

An attempt is made to seize the E&S LSD-1 display processor. (If a

previous EXECUTE has succeeded in seizing it, then this will also

succeed. If some other user of the DMCG machine has control of the

display processor, this will fail and error condition 4 will be


The display program is now executed. The environment at the

beginning of execution of the display program is given in Appendix 1.

If a previous execute failed in a way indicating a programming error

in the display program (error conditions 6,7 and 8), then an SETUP or

an UPDATE request must be executed before another request will be


(If no SETUP of UPDATE is given before another EXECUTE, then error

condition 3 is recognized.)

If the LDS-1 runs for two seconds without causing an interrupt or

jumping to the "finish" location (the word before the origin of the

display program) then it is assumed the program is running away. The

LDS-1 is stopped, and error condition 6 is recognized. (A SETUP or

an UPDATE is required before another EXECUTE is permitted.)

If the LDS-1 stops because too many output words are stored (i.e., if

the WCR becomes positive or zero), error condition 5 is recognized.

The number of output words made available to the user is as specified

by A2 of the most recent SETUP request.

If the LDS stops in any manner other than either those described

above or by jumping to the word before the origin (the "finish"

location), then error condition 7 is recognized. (A SETUP or an

UPDATE is required before another EXECUTE is permitted.)

If the LDS-1 stops by jumping to the finish location, then the value

of the WAR at the time determines the amount of output in the "WAR

area" which the user may have Access to.

If the WAR has been altered so that it contains an address smaller

than its initial value, then the effective value of the WAR is its

initial value. If the WAR contains a value greater than the address

of the end of the area for output, then a WCR stop error is imitated

(the effective value of the WAR is the maximum allowed by SETUP and

error condition 5 is recognized). The situation in which no error is

recognized will be called a "normal stop".

Summary for Normal Stop:



Display Program - <--If WAR here, it is set to here._

+-----------------+ _




WAR output area - <--If WAR here, it is left alone.

+-----------------+ _

_ <-----------------------------------+

- <--If WAR here, it is set to here,+

and error condition 5 is


If no error condition is recognized for an EXECUTE request, an

acknowledge message is sent (unless suppressed; see MODE SET). The

_effective_ value of the WAR is saved for later use in determining

how much output the display program generated, but it is saved only

for normal stops and WRC positive stops.

After normal stop, if Auto-TRANSMIT mode is set (see MODESET, below)

then a TRANSMIT request is simulated (using the arguments specified

in the MODESET request which initiated Auto-TRANSMIT mode).

Otherwise the next request is begun.

3. The TRANSMIT Request.

Transmit takes one argument word and decodes the mode field, except

in special cases. Normally A1 indicates the number of words of

display program and/or output (in the WAR area) which are to be

transmitted (possibly after data format conversion as indicated by

the mode field). A2 indicates the starting address of the block of

data to be (converted and) sent.

3A. Special Case: If A2 is zero, the mode and A1 are ignored. In

this case an acknowledge message is sent (unless suppressed), a

length word (containing 1) is sent (36 bits - left half word

equals 1, right halfword equals zero) and then a word

containing the origin address for display programs. (This

address should always be 1000 (octal); it might have to change,

however, and this mechanism is provided to permit the user to

determine what its value is.)

3B. The normal case is when A2 is non-zero.

If there has never been a SETUP request, error condition 1 is

recognized. If the mode field is non-zero or 1, or if A1 is

negative, or A2 is less than the origin (but not zero), or A1 +

A2 is greater than the current "effective value of the WAR"

(read on), then error condition 2 is recognized.

The "effective value of WAR" always points to the word beyond

the last word of output from the LDS-1. Before the first

EXECUTE request, it points to the word after the end of the

display program (indicating that zero words have been output).

EXECUTE requests effect the value in various ways (depending on

error conditions, etc.) as described previously. The effective

WAR value is also changed to correctly reflect the effect of

SETUP requests, which can change the size of the WAR area (type

1.B), and UPDATE request, which can increase the size of the

display program causing the whole WAR arla to be shifted.

If the parameters are correct, an acknowledge message is sent

(unless suppressed; see MODESET).

If A1, the number of words to be reformatted (possibly) and

sent, is zero it is understood that the block of words to be

processed starts at A2 and terminates with the last word

before the effective WAR value. (Thus the number of words to

be processed is "the effective WAR value minus A2".)

If the mode field of the first word of the request is zero then

no reformatting will be done: an exact copy of the core image

will be transmitted. If it is a one, then the block of words

to be processed is _assumed_ to contain the coordinates of end

points of a sequence of line segments. (The odd numbered words

(starting counting with one, not zero!) are assumed to

represent _set-point_ data and the even-numbered words are

assumed to contain draw-to data. (Note that this is consistent

with LDS-1 "Scaled Coordinate to Memory" mode _as_ _long_ _as_

_no_ _dots_ _are_ _displayed_!!) The line segments are recoded

in ARDS format, five seven-bit ASCII characters to a word, with

the right most bit of each 36 word unspecified. The last word

may contain null ASCII characters (all zero) to fill out the


The first word transmitted (after the acknowledge message, if

any) has a left half of 3 and a right half of: 0 (for exact

core image) or 1 (for ARDS format).

The next word has a left half equal to the number of words

which follow and a right half of zero. For ARDS format, this

is the number of words after reformatting (of course).

Unless zero words are to be transmitted, the next words are the

data request.

Note that the following sequence of requests could be used to

simply convert line data (in the correct format) to ARDS


(The notation "A,,B" stands for a 36 bit word whose left half

has the value "A" and whose right half has the value "B".)

Establish network connection

SETUP,,0 ; start

2n,,0 ; data representing "n" line

; segments follow

+----------------+ _

- 2n coordinate pairs



TRANSMIT,,2 ; request ARDS transmission

0,,1000 ; convert and transmit the

; whole "program"

FLUSH,,0 ; signoff

4. The UPDATE request.

The UPDATE request allows a portion of the display program to be

altered and also allows the end of the display to be extended (to

include more data perhaps). The mode field of the first word of the

request indicates the number times the _EXECUTE-action_ is to be

performed if the UPDATE request is successful. The UPDATE request

takes an argument word which is similar to that of TRANSMIT (i.e., A1

is a length and A2 is an address).

If no SETUP request has previously been executed error condition 1 is


If A1 is negative or if A2 is less than the origin of the display

program, error condition 2 is recognized.

If A1 + A2 is greater than the end of the display program, then the

length of the display program is increased to equal "A1 + A2 -

origin". The WAR area remains the same length as before, and its

contents are shifted to their new locations. The "effective WAR

value" (see TRANSMIT) is increased by the amount of increase in

display program length.

An acknowledge message is sent (unless suppressed) if no error

condition is recognized (and if no problem with core size limitation

arises). Also, the flag which is set by severe error conditions

encountered during EXECUTE requests, is cleared by successful UPDATE


The next "A1" words are read and stored in consecutive locations

starting in location "A2". If A1 is zero, no words are read.

If the mode field of the first word of the UPDATE request is

positive, it is taken as an iteration count for a multiple EXECUTE

request. Otherwise, the next request is read from the Network.

5. The FLUSH request.

The Flush request takes no arguments and ignores the mode field of

the first word of the request. No acknowledge message is sent. The

network connection is broken and the process destroys itself.

6. THE MODESET request.

The mode field of the first request word is decoded first. If it is

zero or less, or if it is greater than (currently) 6, error condition

2 is recognized.

6A. If the mode field is 1, then acknowledge messages and ASCII

error messages are not to be suppressed.

6B. If the mode field is 2, then acknowledge messages and ASCII

error messages are to be suppressed.

6C. If the mode field is 3, exit from Auto TRANSMIT mode. (See


6D. If the mode field is 4 or 5, whenever an EXECUTE has a normal

stop, a TRANSMIT request is to be automatically performed.

The mode field for the transmit is to be 4 less than the mode field

for this MODESET request. One (more) word is read from the network.

It contains the arguments for the TRANSMIT. (That is, the word is

saved and used when the TRANSMIT operation is performed. The values

of the arguments are checked at that time, not during the MODESET



Suppose a display routine calculated and saved a different 3

dimensional transformation matrix each time it was executed. (It

might be programmed to make an object appear to rotate.) The user of

the routine typically would want to set up the matrices and then "let

'er rip" with ten or twenty (or more) executions. This could be done

as follows:


+-->length,,2000 ; length of display pgm

- ; large output area



+--> -----





MODESET,,5 ; auto transmit in ARDS mode

0,,1000+length ; arguments for transmit

; meaning "current contents

; of output area"

EXQ,,10 ; execute 10 times, sending

; the data each time

UPDATE,,20 ; update, then execute 20 times

8,,address of matrix ; arguments for update, to

- ; change a matrix

8 words - new matrix



The output from the Graphics Loader for this example would be as


ACKNOWLEDGE setup,setup :(See description of ACKN

; for format in word)

ACKNOWLEDGE modeset,modeset

ACKNOWLEDGE transmit, exq

output,,1 ; output in ARDS mode



- data


ACKNOWLEDGE transmit,exq




- data


. (in total, there are 10 sets of output.)



ACKNOWLEDGE update,update

ACKNOWLEDGE transmit, update




- data



. (in total, there are 20 sets of output.)



These messages are each a single 36 bit word. They can be suppressed

dynamically by the MODESET request. The left half of the 36 bit word

identifies the fact that it is an acknowledge message by containing a

1. The right half is further divided into two 9-bit fields

(quarters). The right 9-bit field (within the right half word)

contains the opcode field of the last request sent by the user. Thus

if an UPDATE request was received last, this field is a 4.

The left 9-bit field (within the right half word) contains the number

of the action actually being performed. This differs from the opcode

of the last request received only for Auto TRANSMIT mode and when a

positive mode field is given in an UPDATE request (which is an

EXECUTE count).

Possible pairs of these fields are given below. Note that Auto

TRANSMIT mode sends only one acknowledge message which indicates both

successful execution of the display program _and_ correct parameters

for the TRANSMIT operation.

Currently Most Recent Comments:

Executing: Request


SETUP SETUP ; Sent before data words are read.

EXQ EXQ ; Never sent in Auto-Transmit mode.

TRANSMIT EXQ ; Only sent in Auto-Transmit mode.


EXQ UPDATE ; Never sent in Auto-Transmit mode.

TRANSMIT UPDATE ; Only sent in Auto-Transmit mode.

UPDATE UPDATE ; Sent before data words are read.

MODESET MODESET ; When setting up Auto-Transmit mode,

; this is sent before the argument

; word for TRANSMIT is read.


1) A MODESET request which suppresses acknowledge messages is

never acknowledged. One which permits acknowledge messages is

always acknowledged.

2) Requests which read data words (certain SETUP, UPDATE and

MODESET requests) send acknowledge messages (unless suppressed)

_before_ reading the data words.


These messages contain one or more words. If acknowledge messages

are suppressed, then only one word is sent. (The assumption was made

that brevity of response would also be desired for error messages if

it were also desired for normal output.)

The first (or only) word contains a left half of 2. (Identifying

this as an error message). The right half contains the number of the

error condition recognized; these numbers are summarized below.

If the long form of the error message is being used, additional words

are sent, the first contains a positive count of the remaining words

in the left half and zero in the right half. Words following the

count word contain five 7-bit ASCII characters per word (the last

word may end in null characters) which spell out a descriptive error

message. These messages are summarized below:

Error Condition Number Error Message











This output consists of an identifying word (left half of 3, right

half containing 0 for image mode and 1 for ARDS mode), a count word

(left half indicating the number of words following this word, right

half of zero) and zero or more data words in whatever data format the

first word indicated.

Appendix 1

The environment at the beginning of execution of the user's display

program is as follows:

This LDS-1 is in program mode.

RAR/ Origin of user's program.

WAR/ First word of a block of core at least as long

as requested via SETUP operations. This block

immediately follows the last word of the display


PC/ Origin of user's program.

SP/ Address of first word beyond the end of a 200

(octal) word area of combined data sink and

control register stack.

P1/ Unspecified.

P2/ Unspecified.

DSP/ First word of a 200 (octal) word area of

combined data sink and control register stack.

UR/ Unspecified.

RCR/ Unspecified.

WCR/ Minus one plus the negative of the length of the

"WAR area" as specified in the most recent

SETUP request.

DIR/ Stop on WCR positive.

Do not stop on Hit.

Matrix Multiplier inactive.

"Overlap" permitted.

Two dimensional mode.

Do not "Do Twice".

RSR/ Unspecified.

SR/ 0, except for bits not under program control

like the stylus "Z" coordinate bits.

NEXT/ Unspecified.

SAVELB/ -3777,,-3777

SAVERT/ 3777,,3777

VIEWLB/ -3777,,-3777

VIEWRT/ 3777,,3777

WINDLB/ -3777,,-3777

WINDRT/ 3777,,3777

INSTLB/ -3777,,-3777

INSTRT/ 3777,,3777

NAME/ Unspecified.

CDIR/ Scaled Coordinates to Memory

Curve mode inactive.

Minimum effort inactive.

Solid, not dashed lines.

Self mode inactive.

HITANG/ Unspecified.

SELINT/ Unspecified.

Matrix Multiplier/ Unspecified.

Origin of program -1/ (Should be jumped to when the

display program is finished.)

[This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

[into the online RFCarchives by Lorrie Shiota, 10/01]

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