
RFC264 - The Data Transfer Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group A. Bhushan

Request for Comments: 264 MIT

NIC: 7812 B. Braden


W. Crowther


E. Harslem

J. Heafner


A. McKenzie


J. Melvin


B. Sundberg


D. Watson


J. White


15 November 1971


This paper is a revision of RFC171, NIC 6793. The changes to RFC

171 are given below. The protocol is then restated for your



1) The sequence number field is changed to 16 bits in the error (Type

B5) transactions, thus resolving the ambiguity in the previous

specification. In addition, the information separators (Type B4)

transactions shall also contain a 16-bit sequence number field.

2) The modes available (Type B3) transactions shall define only the

modes available for receive, instead of both receive and send. In

simplex connections modes available transactions should not be

sent as they are meaningless. In full-duplex connections, the

modes available transactions are still required.

3) The code assignments for "End Code" in information separators and

for "function" in abort transactions have been changed to reflect

a numerical order rather than "bit-coding".

4) Minor editorial changes.


A common protocol is desirable for data transfer in such diverse

applications as remote job entry, file transfer, network mail

system, graphics, remote program execution, and communication with

block data terminals (such as printers, card, paper tape, and

magnetic tape equipment, especially in context of terminal IMPs).

Although it would be possible to include some or even all of the

above applications in an all-inclusive file transfer protocol, a

separation between data transfer and application functions may

provide flexibility in implementation, and reduce complexity.

Separating the data transfer function from the specific

applications functions may also reduce proliferation of programs

and protocols.

We have therefore defined a data transfer protocol (DTP) which

should be used for transfer of data in file transfer, remote job

entry, and other applications protocols. This paper concerns

itself only with the data transfer protocol. A companion paper

(RFC265) describes the file transfer protocol.


The data transfer protocol (DTP) serves three basic functions. It

provides for convenient separation of NCP messages into "logical"

blocks (transactions, units, records, groups, and files), it

allows for the separation of data and control information, and it

includes some error control mechanisms.

Transfer Modes

Three modes of separating messages into transactions [1] are

allowed by DTP. The first is an indefinite bit stream which

terminates only when the connection is closed (i.e., the bit

stream represents a single transaction for duration of

connection). This mode would be useful in data transfer between

hosts and terminal IMPs (TIPs).

The second mode utilizes a "transparent" block convention, similar

to the ASCII DLE (Data Link Escape) convention. In "transparent"

mode, transactions (which may be arbitrarily long) end whenever

the character sequence DLE ETX is encountered (DLE and ETX are 8-

bit character codes). To prevent the possibility of a DLE ETX

sequence occurring within data stream, any occurrence of DLE is

replaced by DLE DLE on transmission. The extra DLE is stripped on

reception. A departure from the ASCII convention is that

"transparent" block does not begin with DLE STX, but with a

transaction type byte. This mode would be useful in data transfer

between terminal IMPs.

The third mode utilizes a count mechanism. Each transaction

begins with a fixed-length descriptor field containing separate

binary counts of information bits and filler (i.e., not

information) bits. If a transaction has no filler bits, its

filler count is zero. This mode would be useful in most host-to-

host data transfer applications.

DTP allows for transfer modes to be intermixed over the same

connection (i.e., the transfer mode is not associated with

connection, but only with transaction). The transfer modes can

represent transfer of either data or control information. The

protocol allows for separating data and control information at a

lower level, by providing different "type" codes (see

SPECIFICATIONS) for data and control transactions. This provision

may simplify some implementations.

The implementation of a subset of transfer modes is specifically

permitted by DTP. To provide compatibility between hosts using

different subsets of transfer modes, an initial "handshake"

procedure may be used. The handshake involves exchanging

information on modes available for receive. This will enable host

programs to agree on transfer modes acceptable for a connection.

Using DTP

The manner in which DTP is used would depend largely on the

applications protocol. It is the applications protocol which

defines the use of transfer modes and the use of information

separator and abort functions provided in DTP (see

SPECIFICATIONS). For example, in a remote job entry protocol,

aborts may be used to stop the execution of a job, while they may

not cause any action in another applications protocol.

It should also be noted that DTP does not define a data transfer

service. There is no standard server socket, or initial

connection protocol defined for DTP. What DTP defines is a

mechanism for data transfer which can be used to provide services

for block data transfers, file transfers, remote job entry,

network mail and other applications.

There are to be no restrictions on the manner in which DTP is

implemented at various sites. For example, DTP may be imbedded in

an applications program such as for file transfer, or it may be a

separate service program or subroutine used by several

applications programs. Another implementation may employ macros

or UUO's (unimplemented user operations on PDP-10's), to achieve

the functions specified in DTP. It is also possible that in

implementation, the separation between the DTP and applications

protocols be only at a conceptual level.


1. Byte Size for Network Connection

The standard byte size for network connections using DTP is 8

bits. However, other byte sizes specified by applications

protocols are also allowed by DTP. For the purpose of this

document bytes are assumed to be 8-bits, unless otherwise


2. Transactions

At DTP level, all information transmitted over a connection is

a sequence of transactions. DTP defines the rules for

delimiting transactions.

2A. Types

The first 8-bit byte of each transaction shall define a

transaction type, as shown below. (Note that code assignments

do not conflict with assignments in TELNET protocol.) The

transaction types will be referred to by the hexadecimal code

assigned to them. (The transaction types are discussed in more

detail in Section 2B.)

Code Transaction Type

Hex Octal

B0 260 Indefinite bit stream -- data.

B1 261 Transparent (DLE) block--data.

B2 262 Descriptor and counts--data.

B3 263 Modes available (handshake).

B4 264 Information Separators.

B5 265 Error codes.

B6 266 Abort.

B7 267 No operation (NoOp).

B8 270 Indefinite bit stream--control.

B9 271 Transparent (DLE) block--control.

BA 272 Descriptor and counts--control.

BB 273

through through Unassigned but reserved for DTP.

BF 277

2B. Syntax and Semantics

2B.1 Type B0 and B8 (indefinite bitstream modes) transactions

terminate only when the NCP connection is "closed". There is

no other escape convention defined in DTP at this level. It

should be noted that the closing of a connection in bitstream

mode is an implicit file separator (see Section 2B.5).

2B.2 Type B1 and B9 (transparent block modes) transactions terminate

when the byte sequence DLE ETX is encountered. The sender

shall replace any occurrence of DLE in data stream by the

sequence DLE DLE. The receiver shall strip the extra DLE. The

transaction is assumed to be byte-oriented. The code for DLE

is Hex '90' or Octal '220' (this is different from the ASCII

DLE which is Hex '10' or Octal '020). [2] ETX is Hex '03' or

Octal '03' (the same as ASCII ETX).

2B.3 Type B2 and BA (descriptor and counts modes) transactions have

three fields, a 9-byte (72-bit) descriptor field (as shown

below) and variable length (including zero) info and filler

fields. The total length of a transaction is (72+info+filler)


<B2 or BA><Info count> <NUL> <Sequence #> <NUL> <filler count>

<-8-bit-> <--24-bit--><8-bit><--16-bit--><8-bit><---8-bit---->

<--------------------72-bit descriptor field--------------------->

_Info count_ is a binary count of the number of bits in the

info field, not including descriptor or filler bits. The

number of info bits is limited to (2**24 - 1), as there are 24

bits in info count field.

_Sequence #_ is a sequential count in round-robin manner of B2,

BA, and B4 type transactions. The inclusion of sequence

numbers will help in debugging and error control, as sequence

numbers may be used to check for missing transactions and aid

in locating errors. Hosts not wishing to implement this

mechanism should have all 1's in the field. The count shall

start from zero and continue sequentially to all 1's, after

which it is reset to all zeros. The permitted sequence numbers

are one greater than the previous, all 1's, and zero for the

first transaction only.

_Filler count_ is a binary count of bits used as fillers (i.e.,

not information) after the end of meaningful data. Number of

filler bits is limited to 255, as there are 8 bits in filler

count field.

The NUL bytes must contain all 0's.

2B.4 Type B3 (modes available) transactions have a fixed length of

two bytes, as shown below. First byte defines the transaction

type B3, and second byte defines the transfer modes available

for receive.


Type I receive




The modes are indicated by bit-coding, as shown above. The

particular bits, if set to logical "1", indicate that the

corresponding modes are handled by the sender's receive side.

The two most significant bits should be set to logical "0".

Mode available transactions have no significance in a simplex

connection. The use of type B3 transactions is discussed in

section 3B.

2B.5 Type B4 (information separator) transactions have a fixed

length of four bytes, as shown below. First byte defines the

transaction type B4, second byte defines the separator, and

third and fourth bytes contain a 16-bit sequence number.


Type End Code Sequence Number



The following separator codes are assigned:

Code Meaning

Hex Octal

01 001 Unit separator

02 002 Record separator

03 003 Group separator

04 004 File separator

Files, groups, records, and units may be data blocks that a

user defines to be so. The only restriction is that of the

hierarchical relationship File>Groups>Records>Units (where '>'

means 'contains'). Thus a file separator marks not only the

end of file, but also the end of group, record, and unit.

These separators may provide a convenient "logical" separation

of data at the data transfer level. Their use is governed by

the applications protocol.

2B.6 Type B5 (error codes) transactions have a fixed length of four

bytes, as shown below. First byte defines the transaction type

B5, second byte indicates an error code, and third and fourth

bytes may indicate the sequence number of a transaction in

which an error occurred.


Type End Code Sequence Number



The following error codes are assigned:

Error Code Meaning

Hex Octal

00 000 Undefined error

01 001 Out of sync. (type code other

than B0 through BF).

02 002 Broken sequence (the sequence # field

contains the first eXPected but not

received sequence number).

03 003 Illegal DLF sequence (other than DLE


B0 260

through through The transaction type (indicated by

BF 277 by error code) is not implemented.

The error code transaction is defined only for the purpose of

error control. DTP does not require the receiver of an error

code to take any recovery action. The receiver may discard the

error code transaction. In addition, DTP does not require that

sequence numbers be remembered or transmitted.

2B.7 Type B6 (abort) transactions have a fixed length of two bytes,

as shown below. First byte defines the transaction type B6,

and second byte defines the abort function.


Type Function



The following abort codes are assigned:

Abort Code Meaning

Hex Octal

00 000 Abort preceding transaction

01 001 Abort preceding unit

02 002 Abort preceding record

03 003 Abort preceding group

04 004 Abort preceding file

DTP does not require the receiver of an abort to take specific

action, therefore a sender should not make any assumptions

thereof. The manner in which abort is handled is to be

specified by higher-level applications protocols.

2B.8 Type B7 (NoOp) transactions are one byte (8-bit) long, and

indicate no operation. These may be useful as fillers when the

byte size used for network connections is other than 8-bits.

3. Initial Connection, Handshake and Error Recovery

3A. DTP does not specify the mechanism used in establishing

connections. It is up to the applications protocol (e.g., file

transfer protocol) to choose the mechanism which suits its

requirements. [3]

3B. The first transaction after a full-duplex connection is made

will be type B3 (modes available) indicating the transfer modes

available for receive. The modes available (Type B3)

transaction is not applicable in simplex connections. It is

the sender's responsibility to choose a mode acceptable to the

receiver. [4] If an acceptable mode is not available or if

mode chosen is not acceptable, the connection may be closed.

3C. No error recovery mechanisms are specified by DTP. The

applications protocol may implement error recovery and further

error control mechanisms.


[1] The term transaction is used here to mean a block of data

defined by the transfer mode.

[2] This assignment was made to be consistent with the TELNET

philosophy of maintaining the integrity of the 128 Network ASCII


[3] It is, however, recommended that the standard Initial Connection

Protocol as specified in RFC165 or any subsequent standard document

be adopted where feasible.

[4] It is suggested that when available, the sender should choose

'descriptor and count' mode (Type B2 or BA). The 'indefinite

bitstream' mode (Type B0 or B8) should be chosen only when the other

two modes are not available.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Ryan Kato 6/01 ]

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