
RFC231 - Service center standards for remote usage: A users view

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Heafner - Rand

Request for Comments 231 E. Harslem - Rand

NIC 7648 21 September 1971







This note is a statement of our views on service cen- ter

standards. It is an input to the service center panel discussion of

the October Network meeting. Some areas are identified for

consideration in intra-network standardiza- tion. We do not describe

a methodology for analyzing com- puter systems; however, such analysis

may be appropriate for solving the problems. We also do not enumerate

the spectrum of services that may be required. We merely enu- merate

areas where commonality of appearance and function can be of immediate

value to a network user.



It is assumed that service centers will conform to official

network standard protocols. This is essential for service centers

since the effects of their practices are generally more wide-spread

and are crucial to the effectiveness of minimal hosts such as TIPs.



The generation of network standards for service centers is of

value to a very important class of people--the ultimate user

community. We have such a community at Rand that is composed of

research scientists and their support programmers. Certainly such

users exist elsewhere, and a goal of the net- work must be to

encourage their use. In the past, these researchers have relied

solely on programmers to buffer them from computer detail.

Standardization of services is cer- tainly a great value in eXPanding

the community of users and eliminating the buffer.

Additionally, standards will be of benefit to those persons

responsible for implementation of resource Access programs. Instances

and areas of standardization are cited below to support both of these


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Each host installation has its own standards for pro- gramming

and operational procedures. From a network point of view, we are only

interested in standards affecting external performance--primarily

required operations and documentation of procedures. Intra-network

standards should allow a user to plan his network use effectively to

improve the performance of his tasks and take advantage of savings in

both time and money.

Remote Job Entry


One immediately apparent area for standardization is in the

access to network resources. For example, there are two remote job

entry (RJE) facilities on the network at present with two different

data protocols. The UCSB facility was developed early to provide

timely access to their resources. The UCLA facility was developed

after the Telnet and Data Transfer protocols and takes advantage of

them. If these two services appeared alike to the user and to the

using process, two significant advantages would be oBTained. First,

the using system would need only one module to access both facilities.

And secondly, a user could select either facility on a dynamic basis

using the conditions influencing him at any given moment without any

additional knowledge of the specific site.

Login Procedures and Subsystem Access


A more global example of common access to resources is the login

procedure to remote systems. All systems require basically the same

information--passWord, identification, account number. Yet the

formats are syntactically inconsis- tent. An extension to the logger

generally exists at these sites in the form of a "line scanner" for

the network. In general, this module also performs other

transformational functions. It would certainly be reasonable for this

module to translate a network standard login into whatever format was

required at the site. Perhaps to a lesser extent, a similar approach

could be taken to constructing a uniform access to subsystems from the

supervisor. In like fashion, a network standard interrupt could be

translated into the escape (e.g., control C) of the serving host to

return from a subsystem.

Charging Algorithms and Accounting Protocol


To accurately forecast costs, a normalized formula for machine

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time estimation is needed. Technically, an accounting protocol is

easily added at the subnet and/or NCP levels--the relevant information

is the same for all nodes, thus the Net charges are readily determined

by any node. More difficult is the prediction and comparison of host

charges. Like the login procedure example, each host uses the same

ingredients, namely storage, I/O, connect time, and CPU resources

expended. Again, like the login procedure the information is handled

slightly dif- ferently in each case such that estimations are

difficult. For example, some charge algorithms represent I/O as

counts of I/O transactions where others clock I/O time. Without

significantly perturbing anyone's local accounting proce- dures, it is

desirable to normalize the charge components as a step toward

reasonable cost comparisons and forecast- ing.

Off-Line Services

----------------- .

Procedures need to be established for off-line services where

they are offered as a service or are an integral part of a service.

Such services are graphic hardcopy, large quantities of printer

output, tape or disc facilities, etc. How are such items transmitted?

What guarantees or state- ments should be made about turnaround times?

How should they be specified--in terms of invocation and communication

with operations staffs?

Job Scheduling, Priorities and Status Information


Extrapolating from the above rather static cost com- parisons

that a normalized formula allows, envision a small but useful process,

i.e., a throughput query service, that allows the user to dynamically

determine the most cost ef- fective location for a job. (Such a

service is technically reasonable since some systems now offer status

data such as a core map and job queues display.) Imagine the user's

situation. "Let's see, I need these numbers by 4:00 and I'm willing

to pay a slight dollar premium to get them; the job will run on any

Tenex machine, where should I run it?" The user would like to query

Tenex systems, providing as input the requirements of his program, and

get answers like probable turn-around time and cost vectors for dif-

ferent priorities. (Incidentally, our non-programmer users are

familiar with their job parameters (time, core space, etc.) since this

information is normally part of the out- put stream.)

Most of the necessary elements for such a service are readily

available in systems with which we are concerned. The query service

would be a utility for users. This is the kind of a problem we should

address concerning services vis-a-vis exporting Network concepts.

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Other Areas


In addition to the above items, the user community could

immediately benefit from standards in: documentation formats and

distribution, operating schedules, the extent and availability of

consulting services, data transmission and storage facilities,

techniques for communication with operations staffs, and abnormal

procedures such as system or program failures.

Some of the above items should be described in a standard format

rather than the services themselves being standardized across the

network. For example, schedules obviously vary in different time

zones and each system has a different magnitude and policy for on-line

storage capabilities.

To some extent these items are covered in the Resource Notebook.

It should either be expanded to become a service center standards

notebook or a separate item to fulfill that function should be

created. For example, a site might have resources that it wished to

offer on a limited or special arrangement basis to the network

community and should be included as such in the Resource Notebook.

However, that site might not wish to or have the staff to conform to

network service center standards. Hence, the service center notebook

would describe standards for a much more rigor- ously conforming




The theme of this note is that without classifying ser- vices and

analyzing operations at service nodes, there are a number of areas

that can be standardized to some extent throughout the network. What

is needed is a manual of service center standards and a collection of

documentation on services. Perhaps the latter is the Resource


Service centers who intend to attract a significant network user

community should be prepared to adopt a psychol- ogy appropriate to

the market-oriented requirements for providing service. In the

network at large, with our re- search orientation, personnel tend to

have a different approach to computing than that required by a service


[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by BBN Corp. under the ]

[ direction of Alex McKenzie. 12/96 ]

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