
RFC313 - Computer based instruction

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Tom O'Sullivan

Request for Comments: 313 Raytheon

NIC: 9343 March 6, 1972

(CBI: 1)


Current development of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) systems seem

to be directed toward two types of system:

1.) Small to medium scale, dedicated, stand alone systems (such

as the IBM 1130, 1500, 1800 complexes) or medium scale systems

with dedicated network implications (such as TICKET), and

2.) Large, centralized, dedicated systems with dedicated network

implications (such as PLATO).

Some attention has been given to the application of the resources of

a General Purpose Computer Network to CBI (e.g., the EDUCOM efforts),

however the full implication of the use of such resources do not

generally seem to be understood by either the CBI development centers

(at academic institutions or at the Armed Forces training or

development centers), where most of the current activity takes place,

or at ARPA Network Nodes, where most of the resources reside.

This Request For Comment has two purposes To:

1.) Solicit comments from the Network Working Group, and others,

on how selected classes of (and what specific) resources of a

General Purpose Network might be applied to the field of Computer

Based Instruction and

2.) Initiate a dialog between interested parties on the problems

of Computer Based Instruction, not limited to, but including, the

uses of General Purpose Computer Network resources.

The attached paper discusses some of the applications of the

resources of a large General Purpose Network to computer Based

Instruction systems. Response and discussion are encouraged through

the NIC system.





A high level of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) activity exists both

in the academic and armed service communities, with the promise of a

substantial amount of early development of instruction courses and

instructional management facilities. The major functional areas of

interest can be described as follows:

1.) Design and Development

2.) Field Tests

3.) Distribution and Operational Use

4.) Evaluation and Modification

Specific computer support requirements are function of the philosophy

and reflected strategy of implementation for each of the functional

areas of interest. Design and development activities may focus on

overall curriculum development or on specific training or educational

goals involving a specific course. The focus of attention will have

an effect on the support requirements, e.g., the type and size of

data base, specialized processing capabilities, etc. Support

requirements for Field Tests will be a function of whether they are

to be performed at a central location, or are geographically

distributed, particularly with respect to data collection procedures,

computer support and terminal clusters, and communications.

Solutions to the problems of the distribution and operational use of

CBI systems and programs will be a function of the extent to which

the training activity is proliferated (i.e., geographically or

organizationally distributed). Both the level of activity, and the

solution to problems, in the area of Evaluation and Modification will

depend on the goals of the instructional process, the extent of

dynamic change in the technology or specific application involved,

and the degree to which the course(s) developed meet the needs for

which they were intended.

The above discussion has a heavy emphasis on Computer Aided

Instruction (CAI) component of CBI, where the computer is directly

used in the instructional process for lesson presentation, test,

drill and practice, etc. Another component of CBI, Computer Managed

Instruction (CMI), uses the computer as a management tool to guide

the instructional process. CMI may be used in conjunction with CAI,

or as an aid in guiding instructional processes of a more traditional

nature. CMI, in addition to providing assistance in student

selection, scheduling, and followup on past course performance, may

provide guidance to instructors in the form of diagnostics of student

weaknesses, prescriptions for strengthening student understanding,

and guidance in the redirection of students. In addition, CMI can

provide management with evaluations of course and instructor

effectiveness. CMI has corollaries to the discussion of CAI resource

requirements and their relation to the philosophy and related

strategy employed.

Bearing in mind the effects on resource requirements of the complex

considerations involved in CBI, there seem to be several areas in

which the resources of a large General Purpose Computer Network, such

as the ARPA Network, could be of high utility if properly applied.

These include:

1.) The Network itself

2.) Centralized Data Storage

3.) Language processors

4.) Dialogue Support Systems

As questions of philosophy and general strategy are resolved, or

assumed, the hard questions of implementation come into play.

Tradeoffs between competing approaches of the instructional strategy

or model, techniques of measurement, languages, hardware, etc., must

be made. It appears that both in resolving the tradeoffs, and in the

implementation stage, network resources could prove to have high



The network itself seems to have utility for CBI that goes beyond the

function of providing a communications base for linking terminal(s)

(individual or clustered) to processors dedicated to CBI.

The latter function, however, is important. The communications

network exists, and can be tied into efficiently from many parts of

the country. If there were dedicated CBI systems on the network, it

would facilitate:

1.) Evaluation of a single system (or its several components) for

adequacy, or of competing systems for relative utility, by an

interested user center, to assist in the selection of a system for

a specific use;

2.) Early use by a geographically isolated user center, through

use of clustered terminals, of the full power of a major CBI


a.) For a continuing period of low level use, or

b.) Building over time until total usage by the isolated

center justifies the installation of a full CBI center of its


Existing network resources also hold promise of utility. Many

manufacturers' systems, with associated varieties of operating system

software, are available on the ARPA Network. Within most of these, a

variety of application software is available, some supporting CBI and

data base applications. Therefore, even without the presence of a

dedicated CBI system available as a service center on the network,

use could be made in support of CBI interests.

1.) Testing of existing language and data base systems for

appropriateness to CBI problems.

2.) Development of CBI systems or components for demonstration

and/or test.

3.) Testing of existing courses, lessons, or lesson segments to

determine if they meet specified performance criteria, eliminating

potential duplication of course development effort.

4.) Development of CBI systems to be operated under a specific

set of hardware and software resources available in the network in

anticipation of delivery of a dedicated operational system.

5.) Greater flexibility in selection of test sites for field test

of courses developed, and performance of those tests prior to the

delivery of operational hardware.

6.) Formalization of hardware support and associated software

protocols to clustered terminals to provide continuing service to

geographically remote training activities.

Even the interests of dedicated CBI systems can be served, since the

network has established communications and terminal support protocols

that could tend to reduce the software efforts required to establish

contact between a large dedicated service center, and clusters of

user center terminals. In addition, terminal types not normally

supported by the CBI service center machine might be accommodated by

Accessing the network through a compatible port, and getting into the

service center through established network protocols.

Terminal access to the ARPA Network could be provided in the

following ways:

1.) Single Terminals - over common carrier facilities to the

nearest compatible HOST or TIP.

2.) Large Clusters - Simple single purpose TIP, or simple mini-

computer supported in the network as far distant HOST.

3.) Small clusters - either of the above two depending on the

length and intensity of eXPected use and the number or terminals

in the cluster.

In addition to the above general uses of a large General Purpose

Computer Network, there are several specific classes of network

resources that may be useful.


The effect of economy of scale could reduce costs for smaller CBI

systems if they make use, through the network, of mass storage on

larger systems. If duplicate smaller systems are distributed in the

field, then the centralized storage would have a multiplying effect

on savings for lessons and lesson material, but special attention

would have to be given to the file structure to permit efficient use

of look ahead techniques for lessons, lesson segments, and individual

student pages.

For CMI data there are savings that go beyond the economy of scale.

A single management system could be selected or built on a large

service center machine to be used by CBI systems on the network, even

though the operational CBI systems are supported by different

manufacturers' hardware. This would not only reduce the cost for

programming and maintaining CMI systems, but also facilitate cross

system analysis and intersystem comparison, even though each using

system would have its own set of files. The user of the network data

reconfiguration service and data transfer protocol should make such

operations feasible.

This approach to CMI would assist in early development stages of

course material by easing the problem of accessing data on past

performance and norms. In the case of geographically distributed

testing, the evaluation team would have faster access to performance

data. Both the distribution and modification tasks seem cleaner

since there is only one copy of the released version to be updated.

If the trillion bit laser memory proposed for AMES becomes a reality,

then the economy of scale argument can be expected to be dramatic.


A basic characteristic of a large General Purpose Computer Network is

that it is capable of providing support from various manufacturers'

machines. That is, such a network can be comprised of a number of

special purpose processors that can be distributed geographically and

organizationally to locations where the best support exists for each


This characteristic makes it possible to select and join the best

match of capabilities for a complex application . It is no longer

necessary to settle for a hardware/software system that does a

reasonable job in most areas of the applications need.

CBI is a complex application. In addition to a good management

system and associated data base, it requires heavy text handling for

lesson material, table lookup and branching logic for acting on the

student selected answers to multiple choice questions, a student

arithmetic problem solving language for drill and practice,

simulation capability of both physical processes (for laboratory and

circuit simulation), and of decision processes (for gaming

experience), and a future need for natural language processors to

permit evaluation of free form student responses. In addition, there

may be need for heavy statistical and arithmetic processing for

course, student, and instructor evaluation.

Depending on the course, various mixes of languages to support the

above activities will be needed. Some believe that the language

required for presentation of course material and evaluation of

student response (and associated appropriate action) may be heavily

dependent on the type of course being given. As we develop a deeper

understanding of the learning process, we are likely to require

expansion of languages to provide new functions and perform processes

not yet identified.

To provide expandability of languages, Meta-compiler techniques can

be applied. Meta-compilers are in an early stage of development;

however, several are available on the network. In addition to

facilitating language expansion with minimum effort while preserving

the workability of code written in the previous versions of the

changing language, the Meta-compiler can be made to produce either

compiler or program object code that will operate on several

different target machines. This feature can give both programs and,

in some cases, compilers that are transportable across machines,

eliminating the need to settle on a single manufacturer's hardware

when it is expected that a CBI compiler or interpreter, or a course

or set of courses is going to be used in a way that requires

substantial geographic distribution. Hardware decisions can be based

on the most cost-effective hardware for the combinations to be run at

one time.

Use of Meta-compilers will permit the development and debugging of

new course material in advance of the delivery of the system selected

for operations, even though the selected machine is not yet

represented in the large General Purpose Computer Network. Field

test can also proceed before the selected hardware arrives.

Experience to date in the use of Meta-compilers indicates that the

use of their high order languages to implement compilers and

interpreters result in dramatic savings in both turnaround time and

the absolute cost of producing a finished language product.


In a field developing as rapidly as CBI, and at a time when

substantial implementation is about to take place, dialogue between

theoreticians, developers, and users is an important issue. New

tools for supporting dialogue among members of a distributed group

are currently in experimental use in the ARPA network. These new

techniques not only support dialogue more rapidly than the

distribution of papers, notes, and memos, but in some cases tend to

sharpen the thought process and yield a better result.

The application of such facilities, when ready, will be helpful

beyond the early planning stages or projects. After plans are set,

during the development of a project, a broader group of experts will

be able to be called on to work on problems and questions as they

occur. Later, as the product is being field tested (especially if

testing is distributed or separated from the evaluation group), these

new tools can be used to allow the test implementors to interact with

each other and with evaluators in a more timely manner than a post-

mortum meeting, resolving problems and questions as they occur, and

as a side benefit producing more complete documentation of test


After the tests, when the product is being used operationally, these

same tools can provide an Excellent vehicle for tapping the ideas,

suggestions, and enrichments contributed by the more creative

instructors, and facilitate acting on them more rapidly than is

currently possible.

Meanwhile, as these tools are being developed, present ARPA Network

procedures for supporting the dialogue in a distributed group in more

traditional ways may prove helpful. The Network Information Center

(NIC), in addition to supporting the general ARPANET community, is

supporting special interest groups such as the Speech Understanding

Research (SUR) group. The application of these procedures could

establish a valuable link between the academic-nonprofit institutions

working on CBI, the centers in the Armed Forces where development and

operations are taking place, and members of the network community who

have an intimate understanding of the network resources available.


This paper has argued that there are resources in a large General

Purpose Computer Network that can be applied to CBI with high

utility. The argument can be extended to suggest that large

dedicated CBI systems can have greater utility to users (and in the

other direction, greater use), if tied into a General Purpose

Computer Network, with respect to current network capabilities,

future network developments, and in some cases provide backup during

periods of overload or system failure.

There are certainly important CBI issues outstanding in areas of

pedagogy, strategy, curriculum development, testing, etc. As CBI

systems are developed there are important issues of control (of the

development process, of the distribution of material, and of

modification of those materials). However, these issues seem to be

independent of the question of whether CBI takes advantage of the

resources of a large General Purpose Network.

There are important problems to be solved on the computer side

dealing with better tools to handle and evaluate masses of data,

language, and protocols for network utilization.

However, there seems to be sufficient promise in what we know of

present network capabilities to warrant serious consideration by the

developers of CBI of how General Purpose Networks fit in, and by

network people of how their resources apply to this important large

application area.

[This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

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