
RFC285 - Network graphics

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group D. Huff

Request for Comments: 285 CWRU (Case)

NIC: 8271 December 15, 1971

Updates: None

Obsoletes: None

Network Graphics

Not mUCh has been written about graphics on the ARPANET when the

volume of the NIC collection is considered. Presently it contains some

8000 entries of which only about 20 are on the subject of graphics. The

reason is probably similar to that given by L. G. Roberts in A FORWARD

LOOK (NIC 7542) as the reason that data base sharing or software sharing

will not be important topics for several more years: the NET hasn't been

up long enough for interested people to have enough of the facts to know

if it is feasible and to think creatively.

This paper is therefore aimed at bringing together the present

state of graphics on the NET for the newcomer and attempting to add a

little more distance to the ground covered so far. I will start with an

overview, then proceed to briefly describe past work, and finally add

some of my own thoughts.

Since the NET represents a wealth of data processors, any or all

of which may be used at one time, we are not restricted to the

configurations most generally found in private installations where there

is a main processor and a somewhat less capable machine or perhaps none

at all doing the honors as display processor. Indeed when using the NET

it might occur that one has a more powerful machine as the display

processor than the machine which is running the main job. Graphics on

the NET need not be anything like what we know it as now.

There is of course a greater more diversified mix of graphics

equipment that must be considered when designing a standard graphics

language and its processor. If we wish to drive an aribitrary display

from a program such an output language must be quite general, but the

processor which constructs the actual display list for the target

display need not and in fact will not be general, rather its only job

will be to translate a well defined general language to meet the

requirements of one specific graphics terminal.

Attention handling, a lately discussed and much worried about

topic, presents an entirely different problem. This time the NET may

cause more harm than good for the simple reason that now there may be

several, instead of one (in some cases none at all), mappings defined to

get from the initial display list that the main job process is creating


RFC285 NIC 8271

to the final display list which interactive devices such as the light

pen actually refer to. This is a problem which has to be faced and has

been solved at many different sites in as many different ways. It is

likely to give as much trouble as the final concept.

Local processing is in many cases a very simple thing to

accomplish when the display terminal is "intelligent" or even has its

own medium or large scale processor which has little or nothing else to

do aside from refreshing the display. Such processing can be simple

additions or deletions to the picture which certainly do not require the

main job process to accomplish. The local processor need only notify the

main process of what changes have been made to the display list so that

the main copy may be updated. The allocation of abilities poses the last

problem. The lower limit is reached when the local processor is unable

to do anything beyond keeping the picture displayed, and the upper limit

applies to the case when the local processor is more powerful than the

main processor and handles all attentions itself. Now such questions as,

just which copy of the display list is the master copy, who is

responsible for seeing that all copies of the list contain the same

information, and what kind of mappings between display lists are

required, become the important ones we all seek to answer.

Proposals for Network Standard Graphics started with the idea of

a simple interpretable language containing only commands to erase the

screen, display a string of text, move the beam or draw a line or point

within a virtual rectangle which is the generalized display screen,

execute a previously defined subroutine, and replace the contents of a

subroutine with what follows in the command stream. Movements within the

screen area were defined in terms of fractions of the screen dimensions

instead of absolute lengths. This proposal was responded to with the

suggestion that a graphics standard could not be so restrictive and find

wide acceptance. The proposal was not eXPressive enough to handle

sophisticated picture manipulations. It was recognized that a standard

must be able to make use of all graphics hardware, present and within

the forseeable future. The data structure should represent both logical

and pictorial structure, allow for the definition and manipulation of

subpictures, and division of the display screen into logical units. The

proposed standard has now become a general high-level language rather

than a low-level language. It was pointed out that all sites need not be

able to handle the interpretation of this graphic language, but because

of the existence of the rest of the NET, one of the other machines could

run the interpreter, this is equivalent to a data reconfiguration

service. Such drawing modes as intensity, blinking, dashed, color, or

stereo should also be expressable by means of a command to set the mode.

The canonical definition of a character string should be defined since

everyone has their own way of displaying text and most of them are


RFC285 NIC 8271

different. It is suggested that the Multics convention be used as

described by Osanna, J., Sahzer, J., Remote Terminal Character Stream

Processing of Multics, Proceedings SJCC, 1970, p. 671.

If in addition to simply displaying graphic information, if one

wishes to to interact with the picture directly, the protocol must

include a standard for feedback, attention handling as it is being

called. Attentions may not always refer directly to the picture however,

as in the case of keyboard input which can be handled as any other

standard message on the NET. Some graphics processors may also have the

capability of handling attentions locally and only need to report the

end result to the main process. This is the problem of which data

structure is most up to date, which is considered the master copy, and

how can the processes be kept in sync? The observation is also made that

as long as the graphics application program, the main process,

communicates with a pair of graphic device handling routines in a

network standard language, the system configuration can be arbitrary and

any terminal may be attached to any main process. The same is of course

true of attention handling, a set of standards for the transmission of

an attention generated by a particular device when developed will allow

any graphics terminal to be understood by any other main process. A

summary of input devices has been given along with typical outputs and

the suggestion that each attention message identify the device causing

the attention, the data which is being supplied, and of course, the data


The proposed graphic protocol has become much richer in display

types. The following list was suggested as basic: points, lines,

vectors, character strings, viewport and window, transformations of

instances, hardware-dependent byte streams, attention commands. The

point was also made that special considerations for grey-scale devices

are needed and four alternate display modes are discussed (NIC 7128).

An example of hardware sharing is described in NIC 7130. It is a

protocol for the use of the LDS-1 processor at M.I.T. by anyone on the

net who has a program for the LDS-1. This Graphics Loader, as it is

called, provides for the execution of programs that have been sent to

the PDP-10 at M.I.T. and the return of the data generated when the

program is executed. The picture is not drawn on a display, but since

the LDS-1 processor can be instructed as to what to do with the

coordinates that it generates, the Graphics Loader sets up the processor

to write back into core the computed display coordinates. These

coordinates may now be sent back to the originating site for display or

as a debugging aid.


RFC285 NIC 8271

In NIC 7137 many of these previously discussed points are again

brought up, but this time under the supposition that a graphics terminal

should be just another terminal with minimal special privileges.

Suggestions were also made pertaining to the design of a graphics

protocol with particular emphasis on display structure, attention

handling, coordinate systems, and the difference between storage tube

and refreshed display requirements.

A specific solution for the handling of tablet input data has

been presented, (NIC 7151), along with the expression that the graphics

protocol should be designed so that non-interactive graphics should not

be complicated with the requirements imposed by the interactive ASPects

of the protocol. It is pointed out that there are several types of

tablet data that can be sent as input to a graphics process. Four types

of data are described. They are single-shot, raw asynchronous, raw

synchronous, and preprocessed data. Preprocessed data can be smoothed or

filtered or thinned using various techniques to make the data more

uniform and workable. Velocities can also be calculated for each point

to aid in the interpretation of the data.

The description of NETCRT (NIC 7172) is the first encounter with

local processing, or lack of it. NETCRT is a protocol between a central

processor and a character display. The character display is completely

slaved to the central processor and can do no local processing, however

it can interrupt the processor thus signalling that the user is done

typing or wishes to begin typing. NETCRT tries to maintain good man-

machine interaction by controlling the state of the terminal.

I have refrained from commenting on the various proposals as I

summarized them because I don't think that it would have been in line

with what I am trying to do in this paper. I think that there is a need

to consider an overall model of the graphic system we are trying to

design. Previous proposals have dealt with some set of details without

identifying with a general model, producing good ideas for

implementation of details but not considering how the whole will fit

together. Thus I would like to propose a model for our graphics system.

It will contain many protocols and leave many areas to be discussed

further, but it will provide a starting point from which work can be

done along simple lines, and yet not exclude the later inclusion of more

sophisticated abilities.

Figure 1 shows a block diagram of information flow. The PROCESS

indicates a graphics application program which is running on a computer

in the net. Its associated INPUT and OUTPUT routines can be thought of

as being a set of subroutines loaded with the main PROCESS or as

separate and running elsewhere serving many users. At the other end of

the loop are a set of INPUT and OUTPUT drivers for the DISPLAY which is

being used to display the graphics information. The information flowing


RFC285 NIC 8271

from the PROCESS to the DISPLAY is drawing information for the building

and manipulation of pictures. The information flowing from the DISPLAY

to the PROCESS is attention information. The Graphic Data Base

associated with the main PROCESS is that which is constructed when the

picture is being drawn by the PROCESS or when the picture is being drawn

by local processing and attention messages tell the PROCESS what has

been done to the picture. This data base need not contain more

information that the PROCESS is willing to work with, and in fact need

not contain anything if no picture interaction is to be done. The

Graphic Data Base associated with the DISPLAY drivers is built by

themselves so that the OUTPUT driver can handle attentions from the

DISPLAY without requiring the main PROCESS to be able to do this and for

the INPUT driver to use when modifying the picture based on what is

actually being displayed. The information flowing to and from the main

PROCESS is the sort which is passed or received as parameters to

procedures. The INPUT and OUTPUT routines translate to and from

respectively a network standard graphics protocol which is sent out over

the net to the INPUT and OUTPUT display drivers whose responsibility it

is to translate the standard message into the appropriate byte stream to

drive the DISPLAY or translate the attention from the DISPLAY into a

network standard message. The DISPLAY is assumed to handle its own

refreshing if it requires any, so that there will be as little apparent

difference between refreshed and non-refreshed displays as is possible.

This model provides for both simplicity of use for those doing

simple things and power which is needed for those doing sophisticated

interactive graphics. It can be used with a minimum of effort and

overhead by setting runtime conditions to indicate that no interactive

graphics will be done and all associated processing should be skipped,

while still enabling other PROCESSes to do high powered graphics without

going to a completely different set of routines and rules.

Due to the existence of two separate data bases, which must be

kept up-to-date with each other there are two modes of operating this

model. For lack of better names let us call them PROGRAM graphics and

LOCAL graphics. The former indicates that the picture being displayed is

constructed by the main PROCESS and all input from the user at the

display is solicited, thus the DISPLAY data base is only updated after

and as a result of action by the main PROCESS. The latter indicates that

the user at the display is directing the construction of a picture by

means of function buttons and drawing tools, the DISPLAY data base is

updated immediately and the main PROCESS is notified of the change so

that it may keep up, but it does not perform manipulations of the

picture unless requested to do so by the DISPLAY OUTPUT driver; this can

be as a result of a request to perform some function that the DISPLAY

INPUT/OUTPUT drivers can do by themselves or a request by the user to

have the main PROCESS perform a non-standard function on the picture.


RFC285 NIC 8271

The main purpose of this design is to allow greatest generality

of graphic configurations rather than minimum response time. The design

for an optimum requires more exact specification of the hardware

configuration and the proposed usage. Since neither of these variables

can be known, and in fact our attempt at generality keeps us from even

guessing very closely at them, we must provide intelligent INPUT/OUTPUT

drivers that will know how to split the processing load between

themselves and the main PROCESS as a function of what kind of DISPLAY

they are driving, rather than attempting to design in an optimum


The Graphics Protocol should specify the format of the messages

which are transmitted between the INPUT and OUTPUT routines and drivers.

These messages can be divided as previously mentioned according to their

direction and content, i.e. drawing messages and attention messages.

Since it is often desired to intermix graphics and text there should be

a distinguishing message header for all graphics messages. Then a byte

to specify the type of information contained in the body of the message,

a count of the bytes in the body, and finally the body itself. Virtually

all of the necessary message types have been indicated in the previous

RFCs and I will not list them here, except to note that attentions now

include requests for processing that the drivers could not do.

To summarize, I believe that a simple model is enough to enable

the design of both sophisticated interactive graphics and low effort

non-interactive graphics. The primary reason for this is that our major

interest is not minimum response, but rather maximum configuration

mixes. There are opportunities to use software sharing and data

reconfiguration services when building INPUT/OUTPUT routines and

drivers. Much detailed work remains to be done, but with a basic model

in sight providing a framework to hang proposed ideas on for evaluation,

work should be able to proceed more smoothly.


RFC285 NIC 8271

+---------+ +--------+


+--! routine !<---------------! driver !<--+

! +---------+ +--------+ !

! ^ !

V ! !

+---------+---------+ +---------+ ! +---------+

! ! Graphic ! ! Graphic ! ! ! !

! PROCESS ! Data ! ! Data !<->! ! DISPLAY !

! ! Base ! ! Base ! ! ! !

+---------+---------+ +---------+ ! +---------+

! ! ^

! V !

! +---------+ +--------+ !

! ! OUTPUT ! ! INPUT ! !

+->! routine !--------------->! driver !---+

+---------+ +--------+

Figure 1

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Ian Redfern 4/99 ]

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