
RFC205 - NETCRT - a character display protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 205 UCLA/CCN

NIC: 7172 6 August 1971


At the May NWG, meeting, CCN circulated dittoed copies of a proposed

character-display protocol NETCRT. Since that time, NETCRT has been

revised significantly; the current version is now being published as

an RFC, as promised last May.

NETCRT was developed because a particular site (RAND) requested

Network Access to URSA, CCN's display-based crje system. The primary

use of URSA at UCLA is conversational remote job entry from a display

terminal: entering and editing program text, submitting programs for

batch execution, and examining job output; URSA is not a general-

purpose time-sharing system.

URSA's text editor is designed for a fast updating character display

and cannot be used in any reasonable way from a typewriter-like

console. Therefore, a simple TELNET protocol is not adequate for

using the crje function of URSA. Furthermore, we have assumed that

other ARPA sites will have their own text editors, well matched to

their own terminals and systems. Therefore, CCN has implemented

NETRJS (see RFC#189), to provide remote job submission and retrieval

services, before implementing NETCRT.

There are a number of other functions in URSA besides crje; some of

these would probably be useful to remote users. URSA contains a

comprehensive STATus service, whose constantly-updating displays are

"windows" into the operation of the machine and the operating system,

allowing a user to watch the progress of his jobs through the system.

URSA also includes on-line data set (file) utilities, convenient for

a user with files stored at CCN. To oBTain access to these

facilities, a few sites which use CCN heavily may want to implement

NETCRT. The schedule for implementation of NETCRT at CCN to allow

Network access to URSA will depend upon the existence of a user site

that wants the service and that will write a suitable NETCRT user

process. Interested sites are urged to contact the CCN Technical

Liaison, Bob Braden.

Even though the implementation schedule for NETCRT is nebulous, we

are publishing the specs now for several reasons. First, we would

like comments and criticisms. Furthermore, NETCRT contains some

features which may be useful in the protocol(s) now being developed

for full graphical displays.



The UCLA Campus Computing Network (CCN) node intends to provide

Network access to its conversational remote job entry system URSA.

The URSA system is display-oriented, supporting only character

displays with local buffers (originally IBM 2260 displays, now CCI

301 TV display consoles). This document defines a third-level

protocol called NETCRT which allows a Network user in a remote Host

to look like a CCI console to URSA. NETCRT is defined in terms of a

virtual character display ("VCD") terminal, simulated by a process in

the user host.

URSA, like many on-line console systems, attempts to provide a good

man/machine interaction by keeping tight control over the state of

the terminal. On the other hand, the Network Working Group has

deliberately built some "squishiness" into the standard Network

protocols. We believe this squishiness is a conceptual mistake when

dealing with remote man/machine interaction, and we would support

protocol revisions to allow control over the effective communication

compliance between processes in different hosts. However, this

NETCRT protocol attempts to cope with the present squishiness, which

is apparently built into a number of host's NCPs. In fact, we have

arranged things so a host can improve response time and reduce

Network traffic with NETCRT by using the message buffering inherent

in his NCP.


A VCD consists of the following virtual hardware (see Figure 1):

1. A rectangular _display screen_ capable of displaying N lines of M


2. A _local buffer_ of M x N characters used to refresh the display.

3. A _cursor register_ which addresses the characters in the buffer

(and hence on the screen). This register controls the writing of

text into the local buffer from either the keyboard or the server,

and the reading of the local buffer by the server.

4. A _keyboard_ containing text keys and control keys. Each text key

enters a character into local buffer at the current cursor address

and steps the cursor register by 1.

5. A _communication interface_ through which the server CPU can send

a stream of _command_ segments to the VCD and receive a stream of

_response_ segments from the VCD. The command segments include

control commands to the VCD and text to be written into the local

buffer. Response segments contain status indicators and text read

from the buffer. In addition, both VCD and server may send break


The current address in the cursor register, an integer between 0 and

M x N-1, is displayed as a blitch, underscore, or other visual

indication at the corresponding point on the screen; this indication

is called the _cursor_. Position 0 is the upper left corner of the


The screen is addressed in line ("row") order, and read and write

operations by the server overflow automatically from one line to the

next. The cursor register is not assumed to operate modulo M x Nxsy.

It is possible for a server command to set the cursor register to M x

N, one position beyond the last screen position; however, the server

should never set the register to an address beyond M x N, and it

should not leave the cursor at M x N when the keyboard is unlocked.

The application program or conversational system using the VCD may

format each display screen in a variety of ways, and may use a number

of styles of interaction. One consequence is that the application

program might have to look anywhere on the screen (i.e., in the local

buffer) to find the input information it requires. We may consider

three alternative mechanisms for transmitting information from the

VCD to the serving CPU:

Mechanism 1 Whenever the user presses a "Transmit" control key,

the entire M x N characters in the buffer are

transmitted to the server CPU.

Mechanism 2 When the user presses "Transmit", the string of text

between a "start" control character and the cursor is

transmitted to the server.

Mechanism 3 The server must send a read command segment to the VCD

before the "Transmit" key will have an effect. The

read command segment determines which parts of the

buffer are to be transmitted to the server.

Mechanism 1 may be faulted as too costly in transmission time and

channel capacity, while Mechanism 2 is too restrictive. The scheme

which we propose here is based on Mechanism 3, which subsumes the

other two.

The VCD is assumed to include the following control keys:

Erase Clears the display buffer to all blanks and resets the

cursor to position 0 (the upper left corner of the


Transmit Locks the keyboard and places the VCD under control of

the server CPU. Typically, the server will read

specified areas of the screen and perhaps write out

new data before unlocking the keyboard again.

Break Has the same effect as _Transmit_, and in addition

sends an interrupt message to the server CPU. The

_Break_ key always sends the interrupt, regardless of

the state of the VCD.

Reset May be used to unlock the VCD keyboard in case the

server CPU fails to respond immediately and the user

wishes to enter new or different information.

These may be called pure control keys, since they do not correspond

to any text characters. The following control key does store a

character into the display buffer:

Newline Enter a Newline (NL) character into the display buffer

and reset the cursor to the beginning of the next

line. If this character is encountered during a read

or write operation, it is executed (i.e., the cursor

is moved to the beginning of the next line) and the NL

is counted as _one_ character.

Finally, there are assumed to be keys for manually positioning the

cursor to any address on the screen. Cursor positioning keys may

include: cursor right, cursor up, cursor left (BS), cursor down (LF),

and cursor return (CR). A tab (HT) mechanism could also be defined,

although none is included here.


The VCD has two internal states, _Local_ and _Control_ (see Figure


Local State: The keyboard is unlocked and all keys are active. The

VCD does not accept or recognize any commands from

server except (reverse) Break.

Control State: The keyboard is locked, and only the _Break_ and

_Reset_ keys are active. The VCD accepts and executes

command segments from the server, and returns response

segments as the result of read commands.

The VCD changes from Local to Control state if either:

(1) The user presses the _Transmit_ key; or

(2) the user presses the _Break_ key; or

(3) the server sends a reverse Break request.

_Transmit's_ only effect is to enter Control State; _Break_ enters

Control State and also sends a break request (INS and X'80') to the


The VCD returns to Local State when either:

1. The user presses the _Reset_ key; or

2. the VCD encounters a LOCAL command from the server and is not in

the process of synchronizing a reverse break (see section E


We should note that CCI and IBM 2260 character display consoles

actually have only one control key ("Interrupt" on CCI, "Enter" on

2260) to perform the functions of both _Break_ and _Transmit_; this

one key in fact has the function of the _Break_ key of the VCD. We

have included both _Break_ and _Transmit_ keys in the VCD for

generality, but the URSA-NETCRT interface will be programmed to allow

a Network user of URSA to either (1) employ the _Break_ key

exclusively, or (2) use either _Break_ or _Transmit_ as appropriate.

This will be achieved by URSA simply by ignoring those break requests

(INS messages) which occur while there are outstanding read commands.


The server sends the VCD a string of command segments. These are of

varying length, consisting of an op code and none or more parameters.

The commands recognized by the VCD are as follows:

1. Display & Keyboard Control Commands:

Command Parameter(s) Function

------- ------------ -----------------------------------

ERASE none Erase display and reset cursor to 0.

i.e, clear the local buffer.

BLANK none Disable display refresh (i.e., blank

the screen but do not clear the local


UNBLANK none Enable display refresh.

LOCAL none Put VCD in _local_ state. The result

is to suspend command interpretation

and unlock the keyboard.

SYNC none Used to synchronize reverse Break

from server. SYNC (X'80) is placed

in stream by server at same time that

it sends an INS. VCD enters Control

State, synchronizes INS with BREAK

command (see next section), and

continues command interpretation.

2. Cursor Control Commands:

CURSOR 16 bit integer P Set cursor register to P, where

0 <= P <= M x N.

FIND X'0001' followed Move the cursor to point to an

by one character occurrence of the character c.

c Specifically, search backwards

toward lower addresses) from the

current cursor position and take

the first occurrences of c (i.e.,

the one with the largest address).

If no occurrence is found, leave

cursor at position 0.

SAVE none Save a copy of the current cursor

address in local register S.

RESTORE none Replace cursor register contents by

value S.

I/O Commands:

WRITE n,text 16 bit integer Write n bytes of text into display

n, followed by buffer starting at current cursor

n text bytes. position and advancing cursor by 1

for each byte (except NL character

advances to beginning of next line).

Here [sigma] + n <= M x N.

READ n 16 bit integer Read n bytes starting at the cursor

n. [sigma] and advancing cursor by one

for each byte (except NL advances

cursor to beginning of next line).

NL counts as one character. Send the

text to the server as a response

segment. Must have n + [sigma]

<= M x N.

SREAD none Read S - [sigma] bytes starting from

the current cursor position [sigma]

up to (but not including) the cursor

address stored in register S. The

cursor is left in position S as a

result. Send the text to the server

as a response segment.

AWRITE n,text 16 bit integer Same as WRITE n, except characters

n, followed by are not stored in buffer if they

n text bytes. have a lower cursor address than

the value in S.

Here are some applications of these commands in URSA:

1. One elementary URSA terminal operation reads the screen from

position x up to (but not including) the current cursor position.

This could be done with the sequence of VCD command segments:




2. Another common operation in URSA is to remember the cursor, update

specific information on the screen, and replace the cursor. This

can be done by the following 8 + n byte sequence of command




WRITE n, text


3. In URSA, the area in which a user is to type his response is

usually delimited on the left by a "Start Symbol" (graphic '[1]').

This is a historical remnant of the IBM 2260, which has only two

hardware read operators: read the full screen, and read from the

Start Manual Input Symbol ("SMI") to the cursor. The SMI read

operation can be simulated easily on the VCD as follows:


FIND '[1]'


4. The _Break_ (or _Transmit_) key on the VCD may serve the function

of the INTerrupt key on a CCI console (or ENTer on an IBM 2260).

URSA will often attempt to minimize Network traffic by sending a

sequence of commands (one message if allocation allows) like the




WRITE n, text - URSA writes a request




+- +-+ _ User types response


- -User Presses _TRANSMIT_ key - - -+

+- -+ -+


CURSOR p - URSA reads response



At other times, URSA might send the sequence:





and wait for the INS from the user pressing _Break_ (or the

response segment triggered by the zero-length read if he presses

_Transmit_); then URSA will send the appropriate read command



The VCD connects the server through ICP to a standard socket,

establishing thereby a pair of connections between the VCD and the

server. Command segments (server-to-VCD) and response segments

(VCD-to-server) are sent over these connections, without regard to

physical message boundaries, using byte size 8. The VCD is defined

to operate in a segment-at-a-time mode (rather than character-at-a-

time), with local echo. Therefore, the server never echoes under


In many cases URSA will send a sequence of command segments (as in

the examples of the preceding section) at once; if there is

sufficient allcocation they will be sent in the same message.

Response time may be improved, therefore, if the user site is able to

buffer ahead on command segments. This buffering does raise break

synchronization problems, which are solved in the following manner

for reverse (server-to-user) break:

The server sends an INS on the control link and also a SYNC

command (X'80) on the data link to the VCD. On receiving either,

the VCD enters Control State and then achieves synchronization

between the INS and BREAK; if the INS arrives first, the VCD

executes normally all commands buffered in his host, _except_ it

ignores LOCAL commands, until the SYNC appears. Having achieved

synchronization, the VCD continues normal command interpretation

(without ignoring ensuring LOCAL commands).

By this means the server can regain control of the VCD to write new

information at any time. For example, when URSA is used under

NETCRT, most WRITE or AWRITE sequences will be preceded by a BREAK

from the server, since URSA will not know the current state of the

VCD. Even if URSA left the VCD in Control State, the user might have

manually returned his VCD to Local State by pressing _Reset_.

After receiving an INS, the VCD executes rather than ignores buffered

commands so that pending writes will not be lost in case that

processing at the user side has been held up temporarily. The read

commands executed after the server sent an INS might be irrelevant to

a server, which can ignore the corresponding response segments. In

order to do so, the server simply keeps matching counts of read

commands sent and corresponding response segments received.

Command segments will use the following formats:

Form 1 (No parameters) q:OPCODE(8)

where q = X'80' means SYNC

X'91' " LOCAL

X'92' " ERASE

X'93' " BLANK


X'95' " SAVE


X'97' " SREAD

Form 2 (16 bit integer) q:OPCODE(8) + n:INTEGER(16)

where q = X'9E' means READ n

q = X'9C' " CURSOR n

In both cases, 0 <= n <= M x N

Form 3 (count and text) q:OPCODE(8) + n:LENGTH(16) + (TEXT(8) = n)

where q = X'9D' means WRITE

q = X'9A' means AWRITE

q = X'9F' and n=1 means FIND

A response segment, caused by a READ or SREAD command, has the

following format:

RESPONSE <-----X'A1' + CURSOR(16) + n:LENGTH(16) + (TEXT(8) = n)

where n > 0 is the number of characters actually read. CURSOR(16) is

an integer giving the final cursor position after the corresponding

read command. Note that the command READ 0 is permissible and may be

used by the server to find the current cursor position, or to find

out when the user presses _Transmit_.


For simplicity and consistency with URSA, we have chosen to treat the

cursor as a single integer. This in turn means that VCD and server

must agree upon the number of columns M; it is also desirable for the

server to know N.

The agreement on M and N takes place through a one-sided negotiation.

The server is assumed to know what M and N values he can handle and

these are published for user sites. When the VCD is first connected

to the server, the VCD must send an Open response segment with the

values M and N:

Open segment <---- X'B1' + M(8) + N(8) + X'0000'

If the VCD fails to send this segment or the server does not like the

values, the server closes the connections and the user is considered

logged off.


[1] Graphic representation of start symbol: shaded triangle on its








LOCAL Address

BUFFER <------------+


^ ^

+-----------+ text

/ _______


+-------------+ AWRITE SREAD

control v

+---------------+ +---------------+



+---------------+ +---------------+

^ ^














Network Connections



Keyboard Unlocked

No Commands Executed


+------> LOCAL ------+

+---> State



INS received


[send INS

Command and X'80']

Executed Transmit




v v


+--- Control <------+





Keyboard locked,

Execute Commands


After INS is

received, LOCAL

command is ignored

until SYNC (X'80')

is encountered



[This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

[into the online RFCarchives by Lorrie Shiota, 2/02]

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