
RFC195 - Data computers-data descriptions and access language

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. H. Mealy

Request for Comments: 195 HARV

NIC 7140 16 July, 1971

Categories: D.4, D.7

Data Computers -- Data Descriptions and Access Language

According to the minutes of the NWG meeting in May (RFC164), it

appears that a unified approach to Network data management is being

proposed to CCA. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the

problems involved and to suggest possible avenues of approach toward

their resolution. Parenthetically, I believe that a non-unified

approach leads to even worse problems.

My main remarks are predicated on a few assumptions and their

consequences. Since some or all may turn out to be wrong, it seems

appropriate to state them eXPlicitly. The steps in the arguments

leading from the assumptions to their consequences may appear to be

(and in fact may be) less than obvious. They are all of a piece,

however, and revolve around the necessity for doing business with a

number of dissimilar HOST systems while attempting to make it

unnecessary for an individual user or user program to know the

details of data file organization and representation. Given this as

an objective, I believe that the arguments are quite direct.



1. We face the usual set of naming, cataloging, protection,

backup, etc. problems.

(I say this only to dismiss the subject as far as the following

is concerned. In my estimation, these problems and feasible

solutions are reasonably well understood; our real problem in

this area is in reaching agreement on specifics while leaving

sufficient ratholes for future expansion).

2. Files stored will contain arbitrarily complex data objects.

3. The organization of any file (that is, the way its strUCture is

mapped into physical storage by the data computer) will

normally be unknown by the user.

4. Data items in files may be stored in arbitrary representations

(e.g., those of the originating user's HOST rather than that of

the data computer or other "standard" representation).

5. Access to a file will normally be to some subset of it. (I.e.,

the unit for transmission will usually be part of a file rather

than the whole file, and access will not necessarily be




1. A method of data description significantly more powerful than

now commonly available (as with COBOL or PL/I) is required.

The descriptions must be stored with the files. Data item

representations and storage organizations must be describable.

2. The data computer must offer a "data reconfiguration service",

based on use of the data descriptions.

3. A representation and organization-independent level of

discourse must be made available for controlling access.

Data Description


As it happens, the descriptive facilities in ELl (References 1 and 2)

are almost adequate as they stand. ELl is an extensible language --

the compiler and interpreter for ELl are principal components of a

system implemented on the PDP-lO at Harvard -- which allows the

definition of arbitrary data structures in terms of a few primitive


These data types are of the sort I called "generic" in Reference 3.

To the EL1 implementation on the PDP-10, say, we would have to add

methods to describe a specific representation of INT, etc. and

primitive routines to convert between specific representations.

In the ECL system (in which EL1 is embedded), there is no rigid

distinction between compile time and run time. In particular, if the

arguments and free variables of a routine are evaluable at compile

time, then the routine is evaluated and the value replaces the call.

More generally, arbitrarily large amounts of a routine being compiled

may collapse into values. As far as the data computer is concerned,

this offers the possibility of producing tailor-made data

reconfiguration programs, taking maximum advantage of the data

descriptions at compile time rather than using a strictly

interpretative mode of operation.

Access Language


Here, I am on less firm ground. I will suggest, however, that some

of the ideas of Sattley, et al (Reference 4) deserve consideration.

I will quote from the Reference:

"... Our proposal is a language for describing the transferable

features of files, in which conventional programming languages (e.g.,

FORTRAN, ALGOL, etc.,) can be embedded, and from which the

information necessary to optimize the use of secondary storage can be

easily abstracted. This language defines our abstract model of

secondary storage in the same way that FORTRAN defined an abstract

machine. This language should have (at least) the following


1. File declarations name the file and the elements in the file,

and specify the range of forms that the elements can take.

Each file has precisely one named element. Each file includes

the (maximum) size (in number of elements) of the file.

2. Subsets of files can be created by means of grouping

declarations. Such subsets can be nested.

3. Subsets of files can be named by means of naming declarations.

Such declarations can also name individual elements of the

file. Some form of implicit naming, allowing language

constructs such as GET ANOTHER TRIPLE, is included.

4. Members of a set (i.e., elements in a subset or file, subsets

in a containing subset or file) can be ordered by order

declarations. Some form of arbitrary but fixed ordering,

allowing language constructs such as GET NEXT TRIPLE, is


5. The portions of a file transacted with at a point of access is

declared. The size of this portion can be expressed in

absolute or relative terms.

6. At each point of access to secondary storage, an environment is

described (or referenced) which contains those declarations of

types (l)-(5) necessary to define the transaction with


A language with the above features makes no mention of hardware

devices, but it provides the programmer with the means of defining

the algorithm-dependent features of his files so that those files

might be transferred efficiently from machine to machine".

In the Sattley, et al study, the notion was that a compiler would

take the source program and actually compile the hardware-dependent

file accessing code. In our environment, we are concerned with

control commands to the data computer (e.g., GET NEXT WALDO) and

supplying the data computer with enough information to define a

WALDO. The basic functions would seem to be the same, in either

case, albeit implemented rather differently.


1. Wegbreit, B. The Treatment of Data Types in EL1. Technical

Report, Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, Harvard

University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 1971.

2. Wegbreit, B. The ECL Programming System. Technical Report,

Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, Harvard University,

Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 1971.

3. Mealy, G. H. Another Look at Data. AFIPS Conference Proceedings,

vol. 31, 1967 Fall Joint Computer Conference

4. Sattley, K., Millstein, R. and Warshall, S. On Program

Transferability. Report CA-7011-2411, Massachusetts Computer

Associates, Wakefield, Massachusetts, Movember 1970.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Larry Masinter 10/99 ]

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