
RFC381 - Three aids to improved network operation

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. McQuillan

Request for Comments: 381 D. Walden

NIC: 11151 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.

26 July 1972

Three Aids To Improved Network Operation

1. Scheduled Software Maintenance

As the ARPA Network has grown larger, we have found it difficult to

find times when necessary new software can be slipped into the

network without disrupting anyone. For instance, there is always

intrasite traffic between the machines at MIT, and there is almost

always traffic between the AMES TIP and IMP--the sun never sets on

the ARPA Network. To minimize unscheduled disruptions and to

simultaneously let us do what we have to do, we propose to schedule 7

A.M. - 8 A.M. eastern time every Tuesday as a time when the IMPs can

be reloaded. We will probably not use this period every Tuesday, but

we do reserve this period every Tuesday. The above period is in

addition to the several hours a month already scheduled at each site

for hardware preventative maintenance.

Because a network user may not know when his machine is scheduled for

maintenance or because he may forget and work through the Tuesday

morning software period, we propose to generalize the IMP-Going-Down

IMP-to-Host control message so it may be used to remind the user.

This message (described in detail below) will contain information

that the IMP is going down in m times five minutes, for n times 5

minutes, for a given reason. Hosts (and the TIP) should use this

information to remind all their Network users that the IMP will be

going down after the stated interval.

Occasionally there is an emergency reason for restarting or reloading

an IMP. For instance, while three Hosts at a site are functioning

well, one Host cannot communicate with the IMP. This sort of

situation sometimes requires the IMP to be restarted. SUCh a restart

will be preceded by several minutes by an IMP-Going-Down Message to

allow working users to save their work in such a way that they can

restart once the IMP is back up.

In both of these cases, as well as cases where an IMP is performing

so poorly that is must be shut down quickly, a type 2 IMP-to-HOST

message will be transmitted to the HOST about 30 seconds before the

IMP goes down. Finally, of course, there may be occasions when the

IMP crashes so quickly that no warning is given, but the IMP will

never be intentionally shut down in this way.

2. IMP-to-Host Communication

There have long been complaints that the IMP-to-Host error messages

were not precise enough or were just plain ambiguous. In RFC#312 we

proposed some additional error messages. These and other IMP-to-Host

message changes will be made on August 14, 1972 and we encourage

Hosts to modify their NCP's as appropriate by then. Unmodified NCPs

will probably continue to work after this change, but each site

should look into this question carefully. The table below lists all

the IMP-to-Host messages and clearly indicates the changes which will

be made.

Type Old Meaning New Meaning

0 Regular Messages Same

1 Error without Error in Leader of Host-to-

identification IMP Message

Bits 31,32=00 - IMP's

error flip-flop set on

the first 32 bits of a

Host-to-IMP message which

the IMP therefore cannot


Bits 31,32=01 - Host-to-IMP

message too short (less

than 32 bits)

Bits 31,32=10 - illegal

Host-to-IMP code

2 IMP Going Down IMP Going Down

Bits 17-32 coded as follows:

All bits zero - going down in

30 sec.

Bits 17,18=01 - scheduled

hardware PM

Bits 17,18=10 - scheduled

software reload

Bits 17,18=11 - emergency

reload or restart

Bits 19-22 - how soon the

IMP is going down - in

5 minute units

Bits 23-32 - how long the IMP

will be down - in 5

minute units

3 Blocked Link Unassigned

4 NOF Same

5 RFNM Same

6 Link Table Full Unassigned

7 Destination Dead Destination Dead

Bit 32=0 - the destination

IMP is dead, or cannot be

reached, or does not exist

Bit 32=1 - the destination

Host is dead or does not


8 Error with identi- Error in Data of Host-to IMP

fication Message

IMP's error flip-flop set

on the data bits of a Host-

to-IMP message identified

by the given source and link

9 Incomplete Transmission Incomplete Transmission

Bits 31,32=00 - the destination

Host did not take the message

for a long time

Bits 31,32=01 - Host-to-IMP

message too long (more

than 8095 bits)

Bits 31,32=10 - Host-to IMP

message too slow. The

last message took more

than 15 secs. between

the first bit and the

last bit, and was discarded

Bits 31,32=11 - Host-to-

IMP message lost in the


10 Unassigned IMP-Host Interface Reset

The IMP's ready line has

been dropped and pending

output to the Host discarded

(probably because the Host

has not taken messages from

the IMP for a long time).

The IMP will return a type 1

message of suBType 0 at the

completion of the next Host-

to-IMP message.

These changes can be summarized as follows:

1. There is now one and only one IMP-to-Host message in response to

each Host-to-IMP regular message.

2. Message types 1, 2, 7 and 9 now carry additional information.

3. Message type 10 has been added.

4. Message types 3 and 6 have been discarded.

3. Network News Service

We have instituted a Network news service. TIP users get the news by

typing the TIP command @NEWS. Users of other Host can get the news

by ICPing to socket 15600031 (octal) at the BBN Tenex.

If you have further suggestions for improving the operation of the

Network, we request your comments.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Lorrie Shiota 08/00]

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