
RFC435 - Telnet issues

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group B. Cosell

Request for Comment: 435 BBN-NET

NIC: 13675 D. Walden

Category: TELNET, Protocols, Echoing BBN-NET

References: 318, 357 5 January 1973


This RFCdiscusses a number of TELNET related issues which have been

bothering us [1]. The basic, central issue we started from was that

of echoing. We worked downward from our difficulties to discover the

basic principles at the root of our unhappiness, and from there

worked back upwards to design a scheme which we believe to be better.

In this note we will discuss both the alternate scheme and its

underlying principles.

As something of a non sequitur, before discussing echoing we feel it

eXPedient to dismiss one possible stumbling block, outright. HIDE

YOUR INPUT may or may not be a good idea, this question not

concerning us at the moment. Whatever the case, the issue of hiding

input is certainly separable from that of echoing. We, therefore,

strongly recommend that a STOP HIDING YOUR INPUT command be

sanctioned to replace the multiplexing of this function on the NO

ECHO command. Once this has been done, the pair of commands HIDE

YOUR INPUT and STOP HIDING YOUR INPUT can be kept or discarded

together, and we can discuss the issue of echoing independently of



The basic observation that we made regarding echoing was that servers

seem to be optimized to best handle terminals which either do their

own echoing or do not, but not both. Therefore, the present TELNET

echoing conventions, which prohibit the server from initiating a

change in echo mode, seemed overly confining. The servers are

burdened with users who are in the 'wrong' mode, in which they might

not otherwise have to be, and users, both human and machine, are

burdened with remembering the proper echoing mode, and explicitly

setting it up, for all the different servers. It is our

understanding that this prohibition was imposed on the servers to

prevent loops from developing because of races which can arise when

the server and user both try to set up an echo mode simultaneously.

We will describe a method wherein both parties can initiate a change

of echo mode and show that the method does not loop.

This alternate specification relies on three primary assumptions.

First as above, the server, as well as the user, should be able to

suggest the echo mode. Second, all terminals must be able to provide

their own echoes, either internally or by means of the local Host.

Third, all servers must be able to operate in a mode which assumes

that a remote terminal is providing its own echoes. Both of these

last two result from the quest for a universal, minimal basis upon

which to build. It is fairly easy for a Host which normally supplies

echoes to disable the appropriate code, but it will difficult for a

Host which does not do echoing to integrate sUCh routines into its

system similarly, it is easier for a local Host to supply echoes to a

terminal which cannot provides its own, but it borders on the

impossible to undo echoing in a terminal which has automatic echoing

built into it.

Our proposed specification would use the present ECHO and NO ECHO

commands as follows: ECHO, when sent by the server to the user, would

mean 'I'll echo to you' ECHO, when sent by the user to the server,

would mean 'You echo to me'. NO ECHO, when sent by the server to the

user, would mean 'I'll not echo to you'; NO ECHO, when sent by the

user to the server, would mean 'Don't you echo to me'. These are, of

course, nearly the same meanings that the commands currently have,

although most current implementations seem to invert the server-to-

user meanings.

In our specification, whenever a connection is opened both server and

user assume that the user is echoing locally. If the user would, in

fact, prefer the server to echo, the user could send off an ECHO

command. Similarly, if the server prefers to do the echoing (for

instance, because the server system is optimized for very interactive

echoing), the server could send off an ECHO command. Neither is

required to do anything, it is only a matter of preference. Upon

receipt of either command by either party, if that is an admissible

mode of operation the recipient should begin operating in that mode,

and if such operation reflects a change in mode, it should respond

with the same command to confirm that (and when) the changeover took

place. If the received command request an inadmissible mode of

operation, then the command's inverse should be sent as a refusal

(this must be NO ECHO, since neither party can refuse a change into

NO ECHO). To state these rules more formally:

1) Both server and user assume that a connection is initially in

NO ECHO mode.

2) Neither party can refuse a request to change into NO ECHO mode.

3) Either party may send an unsolicited command only to request a

change in mode.

4) A party only changes its echo mode when it receives an

admissible request.

5) When a command is received, the party replies with its echo

mode, unless it did not have to change mode to honor the


Several properties of this scheme are worthy of note:

1) NO ECHO is retained as the nominal connection mode. A

connection will work in ECHO mode only when both parties agree

to operate that way.

2) The procedure cannot loop. Regardless of which party (or both)

initiates a change, or in what time order, there are at most

three commands sent between the parties [2].

3) Servers are free to specify their preferred mode of operation.

Thus, human, or machine, users do not have to learn the proper

mode for each server.

Three Principles

Let us mention the general principles we alluded to at the beginning

of this note. The principles are: default implementation, negotiated

options and symmetry. The principle of default implementation merely

states that for all options, defaults are declare which must be

implemented. It is this principle which leads us to seek out the

'minimum' for each option (to keep the required burden on everybody

as small as possible), and prevents loops in protocol. The principle

of negotiated options merely states that options must be agreed upon

by all (both) parties concerned. It is this principle which dictated

the positive/negative acknowledgement scheme. The principle of

symmetry merely states that neither party should have to 'know'

whether it is the server or the user. Our scheme, as described thus

far, is not totally symmetrical we will consider this matter in a

later section.

The ECHOING scheme we have described, together with the principles

stated above, form the heart of our comments on the TELNET protocol.

The remainder of this note consists of further ways in which the

protocol can be expanded on the whole, these suggestions are all

really only applications and development of the principles we have

already put forward. However, the fecundity of these expansions, and

the 'good feel' they have, make us yet more convinced of the '

rightness' of our original proposals.

Thus far, we have made a simple, concrete suggestion that we believe

should be immediately sanctioned. Looking beyond that proposal,

however, has suggestion a large number of further, more ambitious

changes. The remainder of this RFCdescribes ideas which we don't

feel have the immediacy of the proposal above, but should,

nonetheless, be kept in mind if the network community decides to

embark on revamping the protocol.


One complaint we have heard about the present convention for

establishing an echoing mode is about the lack of a provision to

synchronize a change of echoing mode with the user-to-server data

stream our scheme, too, is guilty on this count. John Davidson of

the University of Hawaii has documented, in RFC357, a more elaborate

echoing scheme which doesn't have this problem. We, however, feel

that it is possible to eliminate most of the trouble involved with

normal changing of echo mode at a more modest cost than that required

by the highly interactive scheme described by Davidson. We can do

this by borrowing a small piece of that scheme. The rule we would

incorporate is that whenever a party initiates a request for a change

in echo mode, it then buffers, without transmitting or processing,

all data in the user-to-server data stream until it receives an

acknowledgement, positive or negative, at which time it deals with

the buffered data in the newly negotiated mode. Since with both our

proposed and the current schemes such a request is guaranteed to be

acknowledgement, the buffering time is bounded.

An important ASPect of this technique of eliminating the

synchronization problem is that it need not ever become part of the

official protocol. Since its operation is entirely internal to the

server or user, each may independently weigh the value of elegance

against the cost of the required code and buffer space.

Other options

Abhay Bushan has suggested to us that whether the user and server

operate line-at-a-time or character-at-a-time mode (see RFC318)

should also be a negotiated option. Further, he suggested that

whether the terminal follows the TELNET end-of-line convention or not

should also be negotiated. Thus, when a connection is opened, in

addition to being set to NO ECHO mode, the terminal would also be set

to LINE-AT-A-TIME and EOL modes. We could augment the command space

with the new commands LINE, NO LINE (=CHARACTER), EOL and NO EOL

(=separate CR and LF).

Once started in this direction, we found several further

applications. HIDE YOUR INPUT could be made an option, as could

Davidson's echoing scheme, and even the character set to be used!

Consider that an APL subsystem might well want to suggest to its user

that EBCDIC be used for the connection.

In mentionaing that the character set could be negotiated, it was

implicit that 7-bit USASCII was the default. The possibility of

having the default be straight binary suggests itself. If we

augmented the protocol with a QUOTE character, the byte after which

were to be always interpreted as data, then codes 128-255 could be

retained as the 'TELNET command space' independently of the data mode

in use by merely prefixing all data bytes in this region with a

QUOTE. If BINARY were a permissible data mode, then it is easy to

visualize many higher level protocols, e.g., perhaps, File Transfer

and Graphics, being built on top of, and into, the TELNET protocol.

What we would have accomplished is to promote TELNET from being a

constrained, terminal-oriented protocol to its being a flexible,

general protocol for any type of byte oriented communication. With

such a backbone, many of the higher level protocols could be designed

and implemented more quickly and less painfully -- conditions which

would undouBTedly hasten their universal acceptance and availability


Looking toward a better world of the future, we have come up with a

more compact and flexible command scheme. We'll describe it after

the next section.


Some of the TENEX group (in particular, Thomas, Burchfiel and

Tomlinson) have pointed out to us that although we have made the

rules for the protocol symmetrical, we have not made the meanings of

the commands symmetrical. For example, the interpretations of the

ECHO command -- 'I'll echo to you' and 'You echo to me' -- implicitly

assume that both the server and user know who is which. This is a

problem not only for server-server connections where it is not clear

which is the user, but also for user-user connections, e.g., in

linking Teletypes together, where it is not clear which is the


Responding to this, we came to understand that there are only five

reasonable modes of operation for the echoing on a connection pair



A Process 1 Process 2


neither end echoes


B Process 1 <--+ Process 2



one end echoes for itself


C Process 1 <--------------+ Process 2



one end echoes for the other


D Process 1 <--+ V Process 2

^ +--->


both ends echo for themselves


E Process 1 <--+ V Process 2

^ +------------>


one end echoes for both ends

The TENEX group suggested to us that four commands are sufficient to

deal with completely symmetric echoing. We have actually already

mentioned the four commands -- the two possible meanings for each of

ECHO and NO ECHO. Explicitly, the commands would be I'LL ECHO TO


Echoing is now the negotiation of two options, and the initial,

default modes are DON'T ECHO TO ME and I'LL NOT ECHO TO YOU.

In the case where the server or user knows which he is, the

modification to the scheme is minimal since the commands never had

ambiguous meanings in these cases. When an 'end' truly doesn't know,

then things are a little more complicated -- for example, consider

both ends in I'LL ECHO TO YOU mode, but even then the problems are

not insurmountable.

Once the principle of symmetry is adopted, it is no longer possible

to use a function in two different ways. On pages 5 and 6 of RFC

318, Postel gives a description of INS and SYNC which indicates that

they are used to simulate a 'break' user-to-server, but flush the

output buffers server-to-user. Since we do believe in symmetry, we

suggest that the INS/DATA-MARK be treated the same in both directions

and that a new CLEAR YOUR BUFFER option be added.

Command Format

Extending full symmetry through the other options we have suggested,

we can now describes the compacted command format referred to


Rather than having four commands for each option (I WILL, I WON'T,

YOU DO, YOU DON'T), there would be four 'prefixes' -- WILL, WON'T,

DO, DON'T -- which would be used before the single command devoted to

each option, WON'T and DON'T being the default modes. To give an

example, assume the codes for WILL and WON'T are 140 and 141, and the

codes for ECHO REMOTE and HIDE INPUT are 132 and 133. Then several

of the possible command combinations would be:

140 133 -- DO HIDE INPUT

140 132 -- DO ECHO REMOTE

141 132 -- WON'T ECHO REMOTE

141 133 -- WON'T HIDE INPUT

These are some of the commands that we believe should exist:

I WILL (140)

I WILL NOT (141)

YOU DO (142)

YOU DO NOT (143)

QUOTE (144)

SYNC (163)








An important virtue of this command structure, and of our entire

viewpoint, is that Hosts need no longer even be aware of what all the

options are. If we call the mode of operation in which every

alternative is in its default state the 'NVT', then a site, of

course, must handle an NVT, but beyond that if it merely responds no

to any command it does not understand, then it can totally ignore

options it chooses not to implement. Thus, options would truly be

optional (for a change), not only to the user who may choose not to

invoke them, but also to the systems builders who may now choose not

to offer them!

We hereby volunteer to rigorously specify a version of TELNET which

embodies the principles we have described and to do so at any level

of complexity deemed sufficient by the network community.

Appendix: A Sample Implementation

The basis scheme we described represents most of what we have been

thinking about the further extensions are just that, extensions. We

fear, however, that some who are spiritually in league with us might

be frightened off by the magnitude of all the changes we suggest. To

combat this, we here provide an example of how simply and straight-

forwardly the basis scheme could be implemented for the TIP [5].

For each user terminal the TIP would keep three state bits: whether

the terminal echoes for itself (NO ECHO always) or not (ECHO mode

possible), whether the (human) user prefers to operate in ECHO or NO

ECHO mode, and whether the connection to this terminal is in ECHO or

NO ECHO mode. We call these three bits P(hysical), D(esired) and


When a terminal dials up the TIP, the P-bit is set appropriately, the

D-bit is set equal to it, and the A-bit is set to NO ECHO. The P-

and A-bits may be manually reset by direct commands if the user so

desires for instance, a user in Hawaii on a 'full-duplex' terminal

might know that whatever the preference of a mainland server, because

of satellite delay his terminal had better operate in NO ECHO mode --

he would direct the TIP to change his D-bit from ECHO to NO ECHO.

When a connection is opened from the TIP terminal to a server, the

TIP would send the server an ECHO command if the MIN (with NO ECHO

less than ECHO) of the P- and D-bits is different from the A-bit. If

a NO ECHO or ECHO arrives from the server, the TIP will set the A-bit

to the MIN of the received request, the P-bit and D-bit. If this

changes the state of the A-bit, it will send off the appropriate

acknowledgement if it does not, then the TIP will send off the

appropriate refusal if not changing meant that it had to deny the

request (i.e., the MIN of the P- and D- bits was less than the

received A- request). If while a connection is open, the TIP

terminal user changes either the P- or D-bit, the TIP will repeat the

above tests and send off an ECHO or NO ECHO, if necessary. When the

connection is closed, the TIP would reset the A-bit to NO ECHO.

While the TIP's implementation would not involve ECHO or NO ECHO

commands being sent to the server except when the connection is

opened or the user explicitly changes his echoing mode, we would

suppose that bigger Hosts might send these commands quite frequently.

For instance, if a JOSS subsystem were running, the server might put

the user in NO ECHO mode, but while DDT was running, the server might

put the user in ECHO mode.

[1] We have assumed that TELNET is defined as suggested by Jon Postel

in RFC318.

[2] Notice that a faulty implementation could achieve the effect of a

loop by repeatedly sending a command which has previously been

refused. We consider this a property of the implementation, not of

the scheme in general, a command which has be rejected should not be

repeated until something changes -- for instance, not until after a

different program has been started up.

[3] Will Crowther, with an eye towards building higher protocols upon

TELNET, has suggested that a SYNC command (not to be confused with

the existing SYNCH), and a SYNC REPLY be added to TELNET. For

example, a server might want to wait until the output buffer of a

user's terminal were empty before doing something like closing the

connection or passing the connection to another server. Although we

see no current use for the command pair, they seem to be a handy

enough building block that we recommend that they be included.

[4] It is perhaps appropriate to mention that most of the connections

in the network are TELNET connections, which are full duplex.

Wouldn't it be reasonable to make all Host/Host protocol connections

full duplex, rather than simplex? If, for some reason, one truly

needs a simplex connection, the reverse direction can always just be


[5] Readers unfamiliar with the TIP may read the TIP Users Guide --

NIC 10916.

[This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

[into the online RFCarchives by Helene Morin, Via Genie, 12/99]

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