
RFC426 - Reconnection Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Bob Thomas

Request for Comments: 426 BBN-TENEX

NIC: 13011 23 January 1973

Categories: Protocols, TELNET

References: 36,318,333,435

Reconnection Protocol

There are situations in which it is desirable to move one or both

ends of a communication path from one host to another. This note

describes several situations in which the ability to reconnect is

useful, presents a mechanism to achieve reconnection, sketches how

the mechanism could be added to Host-Host or TELNET protocol, and

recommends a place for the mechanism in the protocol hierarchy.

1. Some Examples:

A. Consider the case of an executive program which TIP users could use

to get network status information, send messages, link to other

users, etc. Due to the TIP's limited resources the executive program

would probably not run on the TIP itself but rather would run on one

or more larger hosts who would be willing to share some of their

resources with the TIP (see Figure 1).

The TIP user could Access the executive by typing a command sUCh as

"@ EXEC"; the TIP would then ICP to Host1's executive port. After

oBTaining the latest network news and perhaps sending a few messages,

the user would be ready to log into Host2 (in general not the same as

Host1) and do some work. At that point he would like to tell the

executive program that he is ready to use Host2 and have executive

hand him off to Host2. To do this the executive program would first

interact with Host2, telling it to eXPect a call from TIP, and then

would instruct the TIP to reconnect to Host2. When the user logs off

Host2 he could be passed back to the executive at Host1 prepatory to

doing more work elsewhere. The reconnection activity would be

invisible to the TIP user.


______ ______

EXEC <-------------+------------> USER

______ / ______

Host1 V / TIP

______ /




Figure 1

B. Imagine a scenario in which a user could use the same name and

passWord (and perhaps account) to log into any server on the network.

For reasons of security and economy it would be undesirable to have

every name and password stored at every site. A user wanting to use

a Host that doesn't have his name or password locally would connect

to it and attempt to log in as usual (See Figure 2). The Host,

discovering that it doesn't know the user, would hand him off to a

network authentication service which can determine whether the user

is who he claims to be. If the user passes the authentication test he

can be handed back to Host which can then provide him service. The

idea is that the shuffling of the user back and forth between Host

and Authenticator should invisible to the user.

(a) ______ for authentication ______

<-----------+-------------> User

______ / ______

Host /



_______ /

/ v





______ ______

<--\ ^ /--> User

______ \ / ______

Host \ /






/ authentication

_______ / complete





Figure 2

If the user doesn't trust the Host and is afraid that it might read

his password rather than pass him off to the authenticator he could

connect directly to the authentication service. After

authentication, the Authenticator can pass him off to the Host.

C. The McROSS air traffic simulation system (see 1972 SJCC paper)

already supports reconnection. It permits an on-going simulation to

reconfigure itself by allowing parts to move from computer to

computer. For example, in a simulation of air traffic in the

Northeast the program fragment simulating the New York Enroute air

space could move from Host2 to Host5 (see Figure 3). As part of the

reconfiguration process the New York Terminal area simulator and

Boston Enroute area simulators break their connections with New York

Enroute simulator at Host2 and reconnect to it at Host5.

NY Terminal NY Enroute Boston Enroute Boston Terminal

_____ _____ _____ _____

/ \


_____ \ / _____ \ / _____ _____

X move X

/ \ / \ V /

V \ _____ / V

reconnect \ / reconnect



NY Enroute

Figure 3

2. A Reconnection Mechanism

The mechanism proposed here could be added to the existing Host-Host

protocol or to the TELNET protocol. The mechanism is first described

and then its adaptation to each of the protocols is discussed.

The reconnection mechanism includes four commands:

Reconnect Request: RRQ <path>

Reconnect OK: ROK <path>

Reconnect No: RNO <path>

Reconnect Do: RDO <path> <new destination>

where <path> is the communication path to be redirected to <new


Assume that H1 wants to move its end of communication path A-C from

itself to port D at H3 (See figure 4).

(a) situation (b) desired situation

H2 H3 H2 H3

___ ___ ___ ___

C<-+ D C<------>D

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___

+->A A

___ ___

H1 H1

Figure 4

The reconnection proceeds by steps:

a. H1 arranges for the reconnection by sending RRQ to


H1->H2: RRQ (path A-C)

b. H2 agrees to reconnect and acknowledges with ROK:

H2->H1: ROK (path C-A)

c. H1 notes that H2 has agreed to reconnect and

instructs H2 to perform the reconnection:

H1->H2: RDO (path A-C) (Host H3, Port D)

d. H1 breaks paths A-C.

H2 breaks path C-A and initiates path C-D.

In order for the reconnection to succeed H1 must, of course, have

arranged for H3's cooperation. One way H1 could do this would be to

establish the path B-D and then proceed through the reconnection

protocol exchange with H3 concurrently with its exchange with H2 (See

Figure 5):

H1->H3: RRQ (path B-D)

H3->H1: ROK (path D-B)

H1->H3: RDO (path B-D) (Host H2, Port C)

H2 H3

______ ______


---\-- -/----

\ /--> <--\ /

\- -/--- --- --- --- --- \---/

\ / \ /


/ \ / / \ / reconnection \ / reconnection

\ ________ /

---A B---



Figure 5

Either of the parties may use the RNO command to refuse or abort the

reconnection. H2 could respond to H1's RRQ with RNO; H1 can abort

the reconnection by responding to ROK with RNO rather than RDO.

It is easy to insure that messages in transit are not lost during the

reconnection. Receipt of the ROK message by H1 is taken to mean that

no further messages are coming from H2; similarly receipt of RDO from

H1 by H2 is taken to mean that no further messages are coming from


To complete the specification of the reconnection mechanism consider

the situation in which two "adjacent" entities initiate


(a) situation (b) desired situation

H1 H4 H1 H4

____ ____ ____ ____

C E C--------E

____ ____ ____ ____

H2 H3 H2 H3

____ ____ ____ ____

B--------D B D

____ ____ ____ ____

H2 and H3 "simultaneously" try to arrange for reconnection:

H2->H3: RRQ (path B-D)

H3->H2: RRQ (path D-B)

Thus, H2 sees an RRQ from H3 rather than an ROK or RNO in response to

its RRQ to H3. This "race" situation can be resolved by having the

reconnections proceed in series rather than in parallel: first one

entity (say H2) performs its reconnect and then the other (H3)

performs its reconnect. There are several means that could be used to

decide which gets to go first. Perhaps the simplest is to base the

decision on sockets and site addresses: the entity for which the 40

bit number formed by concatenating the 32 bit socket number with the

8 bit site address is largest gets to go first. Using this mechanism

the rule is the following:

If H2 receives an RRQ from H3 in response to an RRQ of its own:

(let NH2,NH3 = the 40 bit numbers corresponding to H2 and H[2])

a. if NH2>NH3 then both H2 and H3 interpret H3's RRQ as an ROK in

response to H2's RRQ.

b. if NH2<NH3 then both interpret H3's RRQ as an RNO in response

to H2's RRQ. This would be the only case in which it makes

sense to "ignore" the refusal and try again - of course,

waiting until completion of the first reconnect before doing


Once an ordering has been determined the reconnection proceeds as

though there was no conflict.

The following diagram describes the legal protocol command/response

exchange sequences for a reconnection initiated by P:

___ ___

P --------------- Q

___ ___


P --> Q R R Q




Q --> P R O K R N O ---- R R Q



+------------+ v

Yes +----------+ No

+------------------------ NP > NQ? ------+



P --> Q R D O ---- R N O ----





Q --> P R D O ---- R N O ----



NP and NQ are the 40 bit numbers for P and Q; E indicates end of


3. Adding the Reconnection Mechanism to Host-Host Protocol

The four reconnect commands could be included directly in

Host-Host protocol as follows:

RRQ <my socket> <your socket>

ROK <my socket> <your socket>

RNO <my socket> <your socket>

RDO <my socket> <your socket> <new host> <new socket>

The ROK and RDO commands for a send connection should not be sent

until there are no messages in transit over the connection. The RDO

command is to be interpreted as a CLS.

The reconnection:

H2 H3 H2 H3

___ ___ ___ ___


_C_ _D_ ___ ___


____ ____

---A B---

____ ____

H1 H1

could be accomplished as follows:

H1->H2: RRQ A C

H1->H3: RRQ B D

H2->H1: ROK C A

H3->H1: ROK D B

H1->H2: RDO A C H3 D

H1->H3: RDO B D H2 C

H2->H1: CLS C A

H3->H1: CLS D B

H2->H3: STR C D size

H3->H2: RTS D C link

Note that it is possible for the STR from H2 to arrive at H3 before

the RDO from H1. H3 must be prepared to queue such an RFCuntil it

gets an RDO or RNO from H1. Stated differently, transmission of an

ROK for a local socket causes the socket to move from an "open" state

to a "reconnect pending" state and indicates willingness to queue

subsequent RFC's until receipt of a "matching" RDO or RNO.

4. Reconnection in TELNET Protocol

Independently of whether Host-Host protocol directly supports

reconnection, the reconnection mechanism could be included in TELNET

with the addition to the TELNET protocol of the five commands:




RDO <host> <socket>

RWT <host> <socket>

where RRQ, ROK, RNO, RDO, and RWT are appropriately chosen characters

in the range 128 to 255. The first three commands require no

parameters since they refer to the connections they are received on.

For RDO and RWT, <host> is an 8 bit (= 1 TELNET character) host

address and <socket> is a 32 bit (= 4 TELNET characters) number that

specifies a TELNET receive socket at the specified host.

A pending reconnection can be activated with either RDO or RWT. The

response to either is to first break the TELNET connection with the

sender and then reopen the TELNET connection to the host and sockets

specified. For RDO, the connection is to be reopened by sending two

RFC's; for RWT, by waiting for two RFC's.

The RWT command is introduced to avoid races such as the one between

the STR and CLS (RDO) discussed above. In Host-Host protocol the

race is avoided by putting a connection into "reconnect pending"

state upon transmission of ROK. For TELNET the race can be avoided

by the initiator of the reconnection by judicious use of RWT and RDO.

For example the reconnection:

H2 H3 H2 H3

+---+ +---+ +---+ M +---+

----+ +----> ------->

Y N Q Z ==> Y N Z

<-+ H1 +--- <-------

+---+ M +---+ P +---+ +---+ +---+

+---> ----+

X H1

+------ <-----+ +---+


H1 X


could be accomplished as follows:





X->Y: RWT H3 P

X closes connections to Y

Y closes connections to X

Y waits for STR and RTS from H3

X->Z: RDO H2 N

X closes connections to Z

Z closes connections to X

Z sends STR and RTS to H2 which Y answers with

matching RTS and STR to complete reconnection

The reconnection mechanism for TELNET can be made to fit nicely into

the command format suggested by Cosell and Walden in RFC#435.

Consider the addition of three new commands to TELNET:

Prepare for Reconnect: RCP

Begin Reconnect by sending RFC's: RCS

Begin Reconnect by waiting for RFC's: RCW

Using these three command and the DO, DON'T, WILL, WON'T commands of

RFC#435, the commands proposed earlier become:



RNO => WON'T RCP ;for responses to DO RCP

DON'T RCP ;for responses to WILL RCP

;i.e. used to cancel an RCP.

RDO <host> <socket> => DO RCS <host> <socket>

RWT <host> <socket> => DO RCW <host> <socket>

As RFC#435 notes the nice thing about this structure is that a host

choosing not to implement reconnection does not even have to know

what RCP means. All that it need do in response to DO RCP is to

transmit WON'T RCP.

5. Recommendation

I feel that reconnection is a basic notion and that its proper place

within the protocol hierarchy is at the Host-Host level where it

would be available for use in all higher level protocols. The

difficulty is that placing it there would, of course, require NCP

rewrites. Reluctance to make NCP modifications would probably be

sufficient to kill interest in the proposal.

Therefore, for pragmatic reasons, I recommend that the reconnection

mechanism be included in TELNET as an "option" in the spirit of RFC

#435. This can be accomplished with the addition to the TELNET

protocol of the RCP, RCS, RCW commands as described in Section 4.

Modification of user- and server-TELNET programs to handle these new

commands should be straightforward. If a reconnection option is made

part of TELNET protocol the TENEX hosts will support it. In

addition, the TIP guys (Walden and Cosell) have said that they like

the reconnection mechanism and have agreed, in principle, to

implement it for TIPs if it is accepted as part of TELNET protocol.

Addition of reconnection at the TELNET level rather than the Host-

Host level is admittedly a compromise. However, with it, activity of

the sort described in Examples A and B of Section 1 will be possible.

6. Additional Remarks

A. Reconnection is not a new notion. An early proposal for Host-Host

protocol (RFC#36) included facilities to support reconnection. The

reconnection mechanism in RFC#36 supposes a configuration in which

entities are "daisy-chained" together by connections:

__ __ __ __ __

___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___

__ __ __ __ __

and specifies how one or more entities can break out of the chain.

As suggested above (Figure 5) the mechanism proposed in this note

supports that kind of reconnection.

B. In practice one would expect simultaneous initiation of reconnects by

adjacent entities to be relatively rare.

C. The approach taken in RFC#36 to handle simultaneous reconnection

attempts by entities adjacent in the chain is to accomplish the

reconnect as a single, carefully coordinated, global reconnect. I

feel that the sequence of locally coordinated reconnects as proposed

above is preferable. When N adjacent entities simultaneously attempt

reconnection the single, globally coordinated reconnect as outlined

in RFC#36 requires ~N^2 control messages whereas the sequential

locally coordinated reconnect requires ~N.

D. A word about security is in order. It should be clear that the

decision to accept or reject a particular reconnection request is the

responsibility of the entity (person at a terminal or process) using

the connection. In many cases the entity may choose to delegate that

responsibility to its NCP or TELNET (e.g., Example A, Section 1).

However, the interface a Host provides to the reconnection mechanism

should include means for local entities to exercise control over

response to remotely initiated reconnection requests. For example, a

user-TELNET might support several modes of operation with respect to

remotely initiated reconnections:

1. transparent: all requested reconnections are to be performed in a

way that is invisible to the user;

2. visible: all requested reconnections are to be performed and the

user is to be informed whenever a reconnection occurs;

3. confirmation: the user is to be informed of each reconnection

request which he may accept or reject;

4. rejection: all requested reconnects are to be rejected.

E. Reconnection can be achieved almost trivially within the Message

Switched Protocol (MSP) proposed by Bressler, Murphy and Walden in

RFC#333 (within MSP, "reconnection" is probably not the correct

term). For example use of the following conventions with that MSP

(expressed in the terminology of RFC#333) support reconnection:

1. unless a reconnection is in progress, rendezvous is to occur at

the sending site;

2. the receiving end of a communication path can be moved by passing

the names of the rendezvous site and the ports to the new


3. receipt of an OUT message for which the source site differs from

the rendezvous site signals that the sending end is being moved;

the source site should be used as the rendezvous site for

subsequent IN messages;

4. the sending end of a communication path can be moved by passing

the names of the ports to the new sender; to complete the move the

new sender uses the previous sender's site as rendezvous site for

its first OUT message and its own site as rendezvous for

subsequent OUT messages.

As simple and appealing as this procedure seems, I doubt that it

would be used in practice if MSP were to be implemented as a

replacement for or alternative to existing Host-Host protocol. The

reason is that the ability to pass ports from Host to Host

(needlessly) complicates port name allocation by requiring

cooperation among Hosts to manage the allocation (e.g., before a Host

can safely allocate a port name for use by a local process it must

not only insure that the port is not in use locally but also that no

process out in the network is using it.) The inter-Host cooperation

required to support the passage of ports among Hosts can probably not

be reliably achieved in practice. Therefore port passage of the sort

described in RFC#333 should not be supported at the Host-Host

protocol level. For this reason, I feel that within an MSP

"reconnection" would be best handled by a mechanism such as the one

proposed in this note.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Anthony Anderberg 4/99 ]

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