
RFC410 - Removal of the 30-Second Delay When Hosts Come Up

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group John M. McQuillan

Request for Comments #410 Bolt Beranek and Newman

NIC #12402 10 November 1972

Categories: B-1

Removal of the 30-Second Delay When Hosts Come Up


The IMP currently delays accepting input from a Host for 30

seconds after the Host has come up. This delay serves to allow

the fact that the Host is up to propagate through the network.

The fundamental problem is that a Host must not be permitted

to communicate with a second Host until the second Host

(actually its IMP) has been made aware that the first Host is

up. Otherwise, one Host may come up and send a "hello"

message to another Host, whose reply is discarded by the IMP

because it is for a dead destination.

All this reasoning is based on a dead destination de-

tection mechanism at the source IMP. The 30-second delay is

based on the worst-case propagation delay for routing information

in the network, so that every potential source IMP can update

its host up/down table. There are several drawbacks to this


1. Hosts should not have to wait the worst-case time

of 30 seconds to send to Hosts at their IMP or

nearby in the network.

2. The operation of half-duplex interfaces is made

even more complicated because of the startup delay.

3. The timeout period of 30 seconds is really a

function of network topology and we would like to

be able to change it when necessary as the network


We propose to eliminate the 30-second delay altogether.

The IMP subnetwork will detect messages for a dead Host at the

destination IMP instead of at the source IMP. There is no delay

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involved for an IMP to sense when its own Hosts come up, so

that it can always make the correct decision about whether to

give a message to one of its Hosts or to return a destination

dead message to the source Host. Under this new scheme, when-

ever the IMP's ready line is up it is ready to accept input

from its Hosts without delay. Several comments on this change

should be noted:

1. No change to Host software should be necessitated

by this change. The Host may attempt to send a

message to the IMP as soon as it brings its

ready line up, or it may delay for a long time. In

either case, the IMP will take the message. As

before, as soon as the Host has brought up its

ready line, it must accept messages from the IMP.

2. The Hosts may wish to remove any delays _they_ have

programmed into their startup routines, since

sUCh delays are no longer necessary.

3. Destination dead messages will be returned as

before with two differences. There will be more

delay between the receipt of the message at the

IMP and the return of the dead destination message

because it must travel through the network. For

the same reason, if many messages are sent to

dead Hosts, the dead destination messages may come

back out of order.

The Host personnel responsible for the IMP software at

each site should check that this proposed change will not ad-

versely affect them. If no adverse comments are received,

this change will go into effect on Tuesday morning, December

12 at the regular IMP software release time.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by BBN Corp. under the ]

[ direction of Alex McKenzie. 1/97 ]

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