
RFC528 - Software checksumming in the IMP and network reliability

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Network Working Group J. McQuillan

Request for Comments: 528 BBN-NET

NIC: 17164 20 June 1973


As the ARPA Network has developed over the last few years, and our

eXPerience with operating the IMP subnetwork has grown, the issue of

reliability has assumed greater importance and greater complexity.

This note describes some modifications that have recently been made

to the IMP and TIP programs in this regard. These changes are

mechanically minor and do not affect Host operation at all, but they

are logically noteworthy, and for this reason we have explained the

workings of the new IMP and TIP programs in some detail. Host

personnel are advised to note particularly the modifications

described in sections 4 and 5, as they may wish to change their own

programs or operating procedures.

1. A Changing View of Network Reliability

Our idea of the Network has evolved as the Network itself has grown.

Initially, it was thought that the only components in the network

design that were prone to errors were the communications circuits,

and the modem interfaces in the IMPs are equipped with a CRC checksum

to detect "almost all" sUCh errors. The rest of the system,

including Host interfaces, IMP processors, memories, and interfaces,

were all considered to be error-free. We have had to re-evaluate

this position in the light of our experience. In operating the

network we are faced with the problem of having to perform remote

diagnosis on failures which cannot easily be classified or

understood. Some examples of such problems include reports from Host

personnel of lost RFNMs and lost Host-Host protocol allocate

messages, inexplicable behavior in the IMP of a transient nature,

and, finally, the problem of crashes -- the total failure of an IMP,

perhaps affecting adjacent IMPs. These circumstances are infrequent

and are therefore difficult to correlate with other failures or with

particular attempted remedies. Indeed, it is often impossible to

distinguish a software failure from a hardware failure.

In attempting to post-mortem crashes, we have sometimes found the IMP

program has had instructions incorrect--sometimes just one or two

bits picked or dropped. Clearly, memory errors can account for

almost any failure, not only program crashes but also data errors

which can lead to many other syndromes. For instance, if the address

of a message is changed in transit, then one Host thinks the message

was lost, and another Host may receive an extra message. Errors of

this kind fall into two general classes: errors in Host messages,

whether in the control information or the data, and errors in inter-

IMP messages, primarily routing update messages. In the course of

the last few years, it has become increasingly clear that such errors

were occurring, though it was difficult to speculate as to where,

why, and how often.

One of the earliest problems of this kind was discovered in 1971.

The Harvard IMP was sometimes crashing in an unknown manner so that

all the other IMPs were affected. It was finally determined that its

memory was faulty and sometimes the routing messages read out from

memory by the modem output interfaces were all zeroes. The adjacent

IMPs interpreted such an erroneous message as stating that the

Harvard IMP had zero delay to all destinations -- that it was the

best route to everywhere! Once this information propagated to the

other IMPs, the whole network was in a shambles. The solution to

this problem was to generate a software checksum for each routing

message before it was sent from one IMP, and to check it after it was

received at the other IMP. This software checksum, in addition to

the hardware checksum of the circuit, checks the modem interfaces and

memories at each IMP, and protects the IMPs from erroneous routing

information. The overhead in computing these checksums is not great

since the messages are only exchanged every 2/3 of a second.

In the first few months of 1973, we began to have a great deal of

trouble with the reliability of some IMPs, especially these in the

Washington area. The normal procedures of calling in and working

with Honeywell field engineers had not cleared up several of these

persistent failures, and it was felt that an escalation of BBN

involvement was needed to identify the exact causes of the problems.

Therefore, during much of February and March there were one or more

members of the staff at various sites in the network where hardware

problems were suspected. The first thing we found out was that the

operational IMP program did not give enough diagnostic information

about failures when they occurred, and that the available test

programs did not detect errors frequently enough to justify their

use. That is, the errors were appearing at rather low frequency,

from once every few hours to once every few days, compared to message

rates of once a second or faster. Therefore, we decided to try to

make the operational IMP program run when it could, and report more

information about detected hardware errors, rather than keep the

failing IMPs off the network for days at a time.

Modifications to the IMP program had two independent goals: we wanted

to make the software less vulnerable to hardware failures, and we

wanted the software to isolate the failures and report them to the

NCC. The technique we chose to use was generating a software

checksum on all packets as they are sent out over a line. We

suspected that the hardware failures in the Washington area were

happening between IMPs, that is, the packets were correct before they

were sent. Thus, a memory-to-memory software checksum, similar to

the technique installed two years before for routing messages only,

should be able to detect these errors. On March 13, a new version of

the IMP program was released with software checksum code. In this

program, when a packet is found to have an incorrect checksum it is

discarded, and a copy of the data is sent to the NCC. The previous

IMP retransmits the packet, since an acknowledgment is not returned.

A partial list of the hardware problems that were uncovered by

software checksums, and subsequently fixed, includes:

* One modem interface at the Aberdeen IMP dropped several bits

from several successive Words in transferring data into memory.

* One modem interface at the Belvoir IMP picked one or two bits

in a single word in transferring data into memory.

* One modem interface at the ETAC TIP dropped the first word in

transferring data out of memory.

* A region in memory at the Utah IMP changed the low order two

bits in some words on an irregular basis.

Each of these problems resulted in two or three detected errors per

day. There were other problems that were not detected by the

software checksum, such as dropped interrupts. This set of problems

may be explained by the electronics of the high-speed DMC on 316

IMPs. The first three machines cited above are 316 IMPs with 3 modem

interfaces, and they are the only such machines in the network. The

third interface is in a separate drawer and the total bus length

seems to be too long for the driving electronics in the original

design. We are presently investigating various ways to fix these

problems, and have had some success already.

2. An End-to-End Software Checksum on Packets

This last experience, and the earlier checksum on routing messages,

proved the value of a software checksum on all inter-IMP

transmissions. We have decided to extend the checksum to detect

intra-IMP failures as well, and make software checksums on all

network transmissions a permanent feature of the IMP system. We can

oBTain an end-to-end software checksum on packets, without any time

gaps, as follows:

+--------+ +--------+ +---------+

IMP 2--------3 IMP 4--------5 IMP

1 6

+-------+ +--------+ +--------+

+-------+ +--------+

Host Host

+--------+ +---------+

* A checksum is computed at the source IMP for each packet as it

is received from the source Host. (interface 1)

* The checksum is verified at each intermediate IMP as it is

received over the circuit from the previous IMP. (interfaces 3

and 5)

* If the checksum is in error, the packet is discarded, and the

previous IMP retransmits the packet when it does not receive an

acknowledgment. (interface 2 and 4)

* The previous IMP does not verify the checksum before the

original transmission, to cut the number of checks in half.

But when it must retransmit a packet it does verify the

checksum. If it finds an error, it has detected an intra-IMP

failure, and the packet is lost. If not, then the first

transmission was lost due to an inter-IMP failure, a circuit

error, or was simply refused by the adjacent IMP. The previous

IMP holds a good copy of the packet, which it then retransmits.

(interface 2 and 4)

* After the packet has successfully traversed several

intermediate IMPs, it arrives at the destination IMP. The

checksum is verified just before the packet is sent to the

Host. (interface 6)

This technique provides a checksum from the source IMP to the

destination IMP on each packet, with no gaps in time when the packet

is unchecked. Any errors are reported to the NCC in full, with a

copy of the packet in question. This method answers both

requirements stated above: it makes the IMPs more reliable and

fault-tolerant, and it provides a maximum of diagnostic information

for use in fault isolation. This expanded checksum logic was

installed in the network on June 19.

On of the major questions about such approaches is their efficiency.

We have been able to include the software checksum on all packets

without greatly increasing the processing overhead in the IMP. The

method described above involves one checksum calculation at each IMP

through which a packet travels. We developed a very fast checksum

technique, which takes only 2 msec per word. The program computes

the number of words in a packet and then jumps to the appropriate

entry in a chain of add instructions. This produces a simple sum of

the words in the packet, to which the number of words in the packet

is added to detect missing or extra words of zero. With the

inclusion of this code, the effective processor bandwidth of a 516

IMP is reduced by one-eighth for full-length store-and-forward

packets, from a megabit per second to 875 kilobits per second. That

is, the IMP now has the processing capability to connect to 17 full

duplex 50 kilobit per second lines, as compared to 20 such lines

without the checksum program. We are aware that this add checksum is

not a very good one in terms of its error-detecting capabilities, but

it is as much as the IMP can afford to do in software. Furthermore,

we emphasize that the primary goal of this modification is to assist

in the remote diagnosis of intermittent hardware failures.

3. Checksumming to Improve the Reliability of Routing

We mentioned earlier the catastrophic effects that follow for the

Network as a whole when a single IMP begins to propagate incorrect

routing information. The experience described above involved a

specific memory failure which has not recurred in the last two years,

but the problem is easily understood to be of a general nature. In

fact, we recently had another network-wide failure that was traced to

a hardware error that resulted in erroneous routing messages, after

we had installed a software checksum on all inter-IMP transmissions.

The problem we had were due to a single broken instruction in the

part of the IMP program that builds the routing message. As a

result, the routing messages from that IMP were random data, and the

neighboring IMPs interpreted these messages as routing update

information. When this happened, traffic flow through the Network

was completely disrupted and no useful work could be done until the

failed IMP was halted.

This kind of problem, the introduction of incorrect routing

information into the Network, can happen in three ways:

* The routing message is changed in transmission. The inter-IMP

checksum should catch this. The bad routing messages we saw in

the Network had good checksums.

* The routing message is changed as it is constructed, say by a

memory or processor failure, or before it is transmitted. This

is what we termed above an intra-IMP failure.

* The routing program is incorrect for hardware or software


We have attempted to solve the last two kinds of problems by

extending the concept of software checksums. The routing program has

been modified to build a software checksum for the routing message as

it builds the message, just as if it came from a Host. It is

important that this checksum refer to the intended contents of the

routing message, not the actual contents. That is, the program which

generates the routing message builds its own software checksum as it

proceeds, not by reading what has been stored in the routing message

area, but by adding up the intended contents for each entry as it

computes them. The process which sends out routing messages then

always verifies the checksum before transmitting them. This scheme

should detect all intra-IMP failures.

Finally, the routing program itself can be checksummed to detect any

changes in the code. The programs which copy in received routing

messages, compute new routing tables, and send out routing messages

each calculate the checksum of the code before executing it. If the

program finds a discrepancy in the checksum of the program it is

about to run, it immediately requests a program reload from an

adjacent IMP. These checksums include the checksum computation

itself, the routing program and any constants referenced. This

modification should prevent a hardware failure at one IMP from

affecting the Network at large by stopping the IMP before it does any

damage in terms of spreading bad routing. A version of the IMP

program with this added protection for routing was released on May


In the first few months of 1973, there have been several other

efforts aimed at improving the reliability of the Network, in

addition to software checksumming in the IMPs. At the same time that

we were discovering inter-IMP failures with the software checksum

packets, we began to notice a different kind of problem with intra-

IMP failures. In these cases we were primarily faced with memory

problems, and they often affected the IMP program itself, rather than

the packets flowing through the IMP. Our first attack on this

problem was to build a PDP-1 program to verify the running IMP and

TIP programs at a site against the correct core images held at the

PDP-1. The program interrogates the IMP with DDT messages, and

prints out a list of discrepancies. Using this program, we have

already found memory failures at one site.

4. TIP Modifications

The hardware difficulties which we began to experience during the

first few months of 1973 had two effects on Host-to-Host

communication. First, the intermittent modem interface failures, of

the type seen at Belvoir, Aberdeen, and ETAC, meant that messages

were occasionally lost by the network. This loss is reported to the

transmitting Host by the "Incomplete Transmission" message generated

by the source IMP; the Host must then decide whether to retransmit or

to take some other action. Second, the higher than normal incidence

of machine failures meant that the network sometimes "partitioned" so

that there was no path between the two communicating Hosts. (It

should be noted that, contrary to the original design, two sites are

currently connected to the network by only a single path; other

similar connections are planned. For any such sites, any failure

along the single path will be seen as a partition.) Since a TIP acts

as a Host for its users, its resilience when these types of failures

occur has a major effect on user satisfaction.

Prior to this time the TIP program "aborted" the user's connection if

it received an Incomplete Transmission indication from the IMP

program. In March the TIP program (and the programs of several other

Hosts) was changed to retransmit messages for which the Incomplete

Transmission indication was returned; some Hosts (e.g. MULTICs) have

done this from the start. This modification has turned out to be

relatively simple, and we urge other Hosts to consider implementing

some sort of error recovery software. On the other hand, it has not

seemed reasonable to continue attempting to transmit when the program

receives a "Destination Unreachable" indication, since this could

arise either from a network partition or from a failure at the

destination site. The interactive user is, of course, free to try

again manually.

A different situation pertains to tape transfers involving TIPs with

the magnetic tape option. In these cases, the user would like to

start the process and then ignore it until the transfer is finished.

Network partitions, even if infrequent, may occur when tape transfers

many hours in length are in progress. Therefore, we made a

significant modification to the TIP magnetic tape option to include a

sequencing mechanism in the tape transfer protocol which permits

automatic recovery and transmission continuation after most kinds of

network transients. With this mechanism in effect, and assuming a

tape is mounted at the "other end", the complete transfer of a tape

is possible with a single command given at either end. If the

connection goes dead in mid-transfer, the TIP magnetic tape software

will attempt to reopen the connection until successful and then

continue the transfer from where it was left off. In addition to

modifying the TIP magnetic tape option as specified above, we also

modified the TENEX program which is able to communicate with the TIP

magnetic tape option so that it remained compatible. These changes

were installed in April.

5. Future Plans

We have been considering some of the issues of network reliability

discussed above in connection with the development of the new High

Speed Modular IMP. This design effort and the experiences with the

current IMP system are, of course, linked together, and we have

already decided on several approaches to be taken in the new line of


* The IMP will have a hardware CRC checksum generator which

returns the checksum on a specified range of memory.

* The IMP will use this facility to generate and check an end-

to-end checksum on messages. This checksum will therefore be

more comprehensive and better for error detection than the

current software checksum. It will insure a high degree of

reliability for Host transmissions.

* In addition, the IMP will perform a verification of a packet

checksum at each hop to provide diagnostic information. This

check will be on an optional basis, whenever the system has

available resources for the check.

* The code for the new IMP system will be read-only (this is

impractical for the present 516 and 316 IMPs), and the program

will periodically checksum itself using the hardware CRC

generator. We hope to design the program so that it can be

reloaded in segments in the event of a detected error in the

code, with no service interruption.

* Finally, we are looking into the structure of an optional IMP-

Host/Host-IMP checksum to complete Host/Host end-to-end

checksum. Under such an arrangement, the IMP and Host could

agree to verify the checksums on the messages transferred over

the interface between them, and the appropriate signalling

mechanisms would be provided to handled errors. With this

technique in effect, two Hosts could be certain that their

messages were delivered error-free or else they would be

notified of an error, and could then retransmit their message

if desired.

More details on any such modifications to the IMP and to the

IMP-Host interface will be published when appropriate.

[This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

[into the online RFCarchives by Via Genie 12/1999]

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