
RFC2945 - The SRP Authentication and Key Exchange System

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Network Working Group T. Wu

Request for Comments: 2945 Stanford University

Category: Standards Track September 2000

The SRP Authentication and Key Exchange System

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes a cryptographically strong network

authentication mechanism known as the Secure Remote PassWord (SRP)

protocol. This mechanism is suitable for negotiating secure

connections using a user-supplied password, while eliminating the

security problems traditionally associated with reusable passwords.

This system also performs a secure key exchange in the process of

authentication, allowing security layers (privacy and/or integrity

protection) to be enabled during the session. Trusted key servers

and certificate infrastrUCtures are not required, and clients are not

required to store or manage any long-term keys. SRP offers both

security and deployment advantages over existing challenge-response

techniques, making it an ideal drop-in replacement where secure

password authentication is needed.

1. Introduction

The lack of a secure authentication mechanism that is also easy to

use has been a long-standing problem with the vast majority of

Internet protocols currently in use. The problem is two-fold: Users

like to use passwords that they can remember, but most password-based

authentication systems offer little protection against even passive

attackers, especially if weak and easily-guessed passwords are used.

Eavesdropping on a TCP/IP network can be carried out very easily and

very effectively against protocols that transmit passwords in the

clear. Even so-called "challenge-response" techniques like the one

described in [RFC2095] and [RFC1760], which are designed to defeat

simple sniffing attacks, can be compromised by what is known as a

"dictionary attack". This occurs when an attacker captures the

messages exchanged during a legitimate run of the protocol and uses

that information to verify a series of guessed passwords taken from a

precompiled "dictionary" of common passwords. This works because

users often choose simple, easy-to-remember passwords, which

invariably are also easy to guess.

Many existing mechanisms also require the password database on the

host to be kept secret because the password P or some private hash

h(P) is stored there and would compromise security if revealed. That

approach often degenerates into "security through obscurity" and goes

against the UNIX convention of keeping a "public" password file whose

contents can be revealed without destroying system security.

SRP meets the strictest requirements laid down in [RFC1704] for a

non-disclosing authentication protocol. It offers complete

protection against both passive and active attacks, and accomplishes

this efficiently using a single Diffie-Hellman-style round of

computation, making it feasible to use in both interactive and non-

interactive authentication for a wide range of Internet protocols.

Since it retains its security when used with low-entropy passwords,

it can be seamlessly integrated into existing user applications.

2. Conventions and Terminology

The protocol described by this document is sometimes referred to as

"SRP-3" for historical purposes. This particular protocol is

described in [SRP] and is believed to have very good logical and

cryptographic resistance to both eavesdropping and active attacks.

This document does not attempt to describe SRP in the context of any

particular Internet protocol; instead it describes an abstract

protocol that can be easily fitted to a particular application. For

example, the specific format of messages (including padding) is not

specified. Those issues have been left to the protocol implementor

to decide.

The one implementation issue worth specifying here is the mapping

between strings and integers. Internet protocols are byte-oriented,

while SRP performs algebraic operations on its messages, so it is

logical to define at least one method by which integers can be

converted into a string of bytes and vice versa.

An n-byte string S can be converted to an integer as follows:

i = S[n-1] + 256 * S[n-2] + 256^2 * S[n-3] + ... + 256^(n-1) * S[0]

where i is the integer and S[x] is the value of the x'th byte of S.

In human terms, the string of bytes is the integer eXPressed in base

256, with the most significant digit first. When converting back to

a string, S[0] must be non-zero (padding is considered to be a

separate, independent process). This conversion method is suitable

for file storage, in-memory representation, and network transmission

of large integer values. Unless otherwise specified, this mapping

will be assumed.

If implementations require padding a string that represents an

integer value, it is recommended that they use zero bytes and add

them to the beginning of the string. The conversion back to integer

automatically discards leading zero bytes, making this padding scheme

less prone to error.

The SHA hash function, when used in this document, refers to the

SHA-1 message digest algorithm described in [SHA1].

3. The SRP-SHA1 mechanism

This section describes an implementation of the SRP authentication

and key-exchange protocol that employs the SHA hash function to

generate session keys and authentication proofs.

The host stores user passwords as triplets of the form

{ <username>, <password verifier>, <salt> }

Password entries are generated as follows:

<salt> = random()

x = SHA(<salt> SHA(<username> ":" <raw password>))

<password verifier> = v = g^x % N

The symbol indicates string concatenation, the ^ operator is the

exponentiation operation, and the % operator is the integer remainder

operation. Most implementations perform the exponentiation and

remainder in a single stage to avoid generating unwieldy intermediate

results. Note that the 160-bit output of SHA is implicitly converted

to an integer before it is operated upon.

Authentication is generally initiated by the client.

Client Host

-------- ------

U = <username> -->

<-- s = <salt from passwd file>

Upon identifying himself to the host, the client will receive the

salt stored on the host under his username.

a = random()

A = g^a % N -->

v = <stored password verifier>

b = random()

<-- B = (v + g^b) % N

p = <raw password>

x = SHA(s SHA(U ":" p))

S = (B - g^x) ^ (a + u * x) % N S = (A * v^u) ^ b % N

K = SHA_Interleave(S) K = SHA_Interleave(S)

(this function is described

in the next section)

The client generates a random number, raises g to that power modulo

the field prime, and sends the result to the host. The host does the

same thing and also adds the public verifier before sending it to the

client. Both sides then construct the shared session key based on

the respective formulae.

The parameter u is a 32-bit unsigned integer which takes its value

from the first 32 bits of the SHA1 hash of B, MSB first.

The client MUST abort authentication if B % N is zero.

The host MUST abort the authentication attempt if A % N is zero. The

host MUST send B after receiving A from the client, never before.

At this point, the client and server should have a common session key

that is secure (i.e. not known to an outside party). To finish

authentication, they must prove to each other that their keys are


M = H(H(N) XOR H(g) H(U) s A B K)


<-- H(A M K)

The server will calculate M using its own K and compare it against

the client's response. If they do not match, the server MUST abort

and signal an error before it attempts to answer the client's

challenge. Not doing so could compromise the security of the user's


If the server receives a correct response, it issues its own proof to

the client. The client will compute the expected response using its

own K to verify the authenticity of the server. If the client

responded correctly, the server MUST respond with its hash value.

The transactions in this protocol description do not necessarily have

a one-to-one correspondence with actual protocol messages. This

description is only intended to illustrate the relationships between

the different parameters and how they are computed. It is possible,

for example, for an implementation of the SRP-SHA1 mechanism to

consolidate some of the flows as follows:

Client Host

-------- ------

U, A -->

<-- s, B

H(H(N) XOR H(g) H(U) s A B K)


<-- H(A M K)

The values of N and g used in this protocol must be agreed upon by

the two parties in question. They can be set in advance, or the host

can supply them to the client. In the latter case, the host should

send the parameters in the first message along with the salt. For

maximum security, N should be a safe prime (i.e. a number of the form

N = 2q + 1, where q is also prime). Also, g should be a generator

modulo N (see [SRP] for details), which means that for any X where 0

< X < N, there exists a value x for which g^x % N == X.

3.1. Interleaved SHA

The SHA_Interleave function used in SRP-SHA1 is used to generate a

session key that is twice as long as the 160-bit output of SHA1. To

compute this function, remove all leading zero bytes from the input.

If the length of the resulting string is odd, also remove the first

byte. Call the resulting string T. Extract the even-numbered bytes

into a string E and the odd-numbered bytes into a string F, i.e.

E = T[0] T[2] T[4] ...

F = T[1] T[3] T[5] ...

Both E and F should be exactly half the length of T. Hash each one

with regular SHA1, i.e.

G = SHA(E)

H = SHA(F)

Interleave the two hashes back together to form the output, i.e.

result = G[0] H[0] G[1] H[1] ... G[19] H[19]

The result will be 40 bytes (320 bits) long.

3.2. Other Hash Algorithms

SRP can be used with hash functions other than SHA. If the hash

function produces an output of a different length than SHA (20

bytes), it may change the length of some of the messages in the

protocol, but the fundamental operation will be unaffected.

Earlier versions of the SRP mechanism used the MD5 hash function,

described in [RFC1321]. Keyed hash transforms are also recommended

for use with SRP; one possible construction uses HMAC [RFC2104],

using K to key the hash in each direction instead of concatenating it

with the other parameters.

Any hash function used with SRP should produce an output of at least

16 bytes and have the property that small changes in the input cause

significant nonlinear changes in the output. [SRP] covers these

issues in more depth.

4. Security Considerations

This entire memo discusses an authentication and key-exchange system

that protects passwords and exchanges keys across an untrusted

network. This system improves security by eliminating the need to

send cleartext passwords over the network and by enabling encryption

through its secure key-exchange mechanism.

The private values for a and b correspond roughly to the private

values in a Diffie-Hellman exchange and have similar constraints of

length and entropy. Implementations may choose to increase the

length of the parameter u, as long as both client and server agree,

but it is not recommended that it be shorter than 32 bits.

SRP has been designed not only to counter the threat of casual

password-sniffing, but also to prevent a determined attacker equipped

with a dictionary of passwords from guessing at passwords using

captured network traffic. The SRP protocol itself also resists

active network attacks, and implementations can use the securely

exchanged keys to protect the session against hijacking and provide


SRP also has the added advantage of permitting the host to store

passwords in a form that is not directly useful to an attacker. Even

if the host's password database were publicly revealed, the attacker

would still need an expensive dictionary search to oBTain any

passwords. The exponential computation required to validate a guess

in this case is much more time-consuming than the hash currently used

by most UNIX systems. Hosts are still advised, though, to try their

best to keep their password files secure.

5. References

[RFC1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321,

April 1992.

[RFC1704] Haller, N. and R. Atkinson, "On Internet Authentication",

RFC1704, October 1994.

[RFC1760] Haller, N., "The S/Key One-Time Password System", RFC

1760, Feburary 1995.

[RFC2095] Klensin, J., Catoe, R. and P. Krumviede, "IMAP/POP

AUTHorize Extension for Simple Challenge/Response", RFC

2095, January 1997.

[RFC2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M. and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-

Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC2104, February


[SHA1] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),

"Announcing the Secure Hash Standard", FIPS 180-1, U.S.

Department of Commerce, April 1995.

[SRP] T. Wu, "The Secure Remote Password Protocol", In

Proceedings of the 1998 Internet Society Symposium on

Network and Distributed Systems Security, San Diego, CA,

pp. 97-111.

6. Author's Address

Thomas Wu

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305

EMail: tjw@cs.Stanford.EDU

7. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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