
RFC2938 - Identifying Composite Media Features

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. Klyne

Request for Comments: 2938 Content Technologies

Updates: 2533 L. Masinter

Category: Standards Track AT&T

September 2000

Identifying Composite Media Features

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


In RFC2533, an eXPression format is presented for describing media

feature capabilities as a combination of simple media feature tags.

This document describes an abbreviated format for a composite media

feature set, based upon a hash of the feature expression describing

that composite.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion ................................................2

1.1 Organization of this document ...............................2

1.2 Terminology and document conventions ........................2

2. Motivation and goals ........................................3

3. Composite feature representation ............................4

3.1 Feature set hashed reference format .........................5

3.1.1 Hash value calculation ......................................6

3.1.2 Base-32 value representation ................................7

3.2 Resolving feature set identifiers ...........................8

3.2.1 Query protocol ..............................................8

3.2.2 Inline feature set details ..................................9

4. Examples ...................................................10

5. Internationalization Considerations ........................12

6. Security Considerations ....................................13

7. Acknowledgements ...........................................13

8. References .................................................13

9. Authors' Addresses .........................................15

10. Appendix A: The birthday paradox ...........................16

11. Full Copyright Statement ...................................18

1. Introduction

In "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets" [1], an expression

format is presented for describing media feature capabilities as a

combination of simple media feature tags [2].

This document proposes an abbreviated format for a composite media

feature set, based upon a hash of the feature expression describing

that composite.

This memo extends and builds upon the expression syntax described in

RFC2533 [1], and it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the

interpretation of feature set expressions described there.

1.1 Organization of this document

Section 2 sets out some of the background and goals for feature set


Section 3 presents a syntax for feature set references, and describes

how they are related to feature set expressions.

1.2 Terminology and document conventions

This section defines a number of terms and other document

conventions, which are used with specific meaning in this memo. The

terms are listed in alphabetical order.


the act of replacing a feature set reference with its

corresponding feature set expression. Also called


feature set

some set of media features described by a media feature

assertion, as described in "A Syntax for Describing Media

Feature Sets" [1]. (See that memo for a more formal

definition of this term.)

feature set expression

a string that describes some feature set, formulated

according to the rules in "A Syntax for Describing Media

feature sets" [1] (and possibly extended by other


feature set reference

a brief construct that references some feature set. (See

also: "dereference".)

feature set tag

a name that conforms to the syntax of a feature tag [2] that

is used to denote a feature set rather than a single



(See "dereference").

This specification uses syntax notation and conventions described

in RFC2234, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF" [3].

NOTE: Comments like this provide additional nonessential

information about the rationale behind this document. Such

information is not needed for building a conformant

implementation, but may help those who wish to understand the

design in greater depth.

2. Motivation and goals

The range of media feature capabilities of a message handling system

can be quite extensive, and the corresponding feature set expression

[1] can reach a significant size.

A requirement has been identified to allow recurring feature sets to

be identified by a single reference value, which can be combined with

other elements in a feature set expression. It is anticipated that

mechanisms will be provided that allow the recipient of such a

feature set reference to discover the corresponding feature set

expression, but any such mechanism is beyond the scope of this


Thus, the goals for this proposal are:

o to provide an abbreviated form for referencing an arbitrary

feature set expression.

o the meaning of (i.e., the corresponding feature set expression) a

feature set reference should be independent of any particular

mechanism that may be used to dereference it.

o to be able to verify whether a given feature set expression

corresponds to some feature set reference without having to

perform an explicit dereferencing operation (i.e., without

incurring additional network traffic).

o for protocol processors that conform to RFC2533 [1] to be able to

sensibly handle a feature set reference without explicit knowledge

of its meaning (i.e., the introduction of feature set references

should not break existing feature expression processors). That

is, the applicable interpretation and processing rules of RFC2533

[1] apply equally to expressions containing feature set


NOTE: This proposal does not attempt to address the "override"

or "default" problem. (Where a feature set may be referenced and

selectively modified.)

Some circumstances in which such an abbreviated form might be used


o A media feature expression that contains a repeated sub-

expression. If the sub-expression is quite large, space can be

saved by writing it out once, then using the abbreviated form to

reference it.

o A capability that is common to a range of devices, such as a given

class of fax machine where are large number of feature tags are

involved, but only a small number of common feature sets. If the

recipient understands, or can discover, that some abbreviation

stands for a given feature set then feature expression size can be

reduced by using the abbreviation.

If feature set abbreviations are used in this way, it may be that

they can be interpreted by a simple table lookup rather than full

feature expression parsing. (Making this useful in practice will

depend on crafting the feature subsets appropriately.)

Examples of such usage are given in section 4 of this memo.

This memo does not specify how a program that receives a feature set

abbreviation should discover the corresponding feature set

expression: see section 3.2.

3. Composite feature representation

This specification hinges on two central ideas:

o the use of auxiliary predicates (introduced in RFC2533 [1]) to

form the basis of a feature set identifier, and

o the use of a token based on a hash function computed over the

referenced feature set expression.

A key reason to use a hash function to generate an identifier is to

define a global name space without requiring a central naming

authority. New feature set tags can be introduced by any party

following the appropriate rules of formulation, without reference to

any centralized authority.

Local resolution services may be needed to map feature set tags to

their corresponding feature set expressions, but these are not able

to vary the meaning of any given tag. Failure of a resolution

service to return the correct expression is detectable by a calling

application, which should reject any incorrect value supplied.

NOTE: where a feature set reference is used, its meaning is

defined by substitution of the referenced feature expression into

the referencing expression. When all references have been thus

replaced, the result is interpreted as a normal feature


In particular, if a referenced feature expression contains some

feature tag that is also constrained by the referencing

expression, the constraints are interpreted per RFC2533 [1],

without regard for their origin. E.g., (using some notation

introduced below):

(& (pix-x=100) (pix-y<=300)


where (h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) resolves to:

(& (pix-x<=200) (pix-y<=150) )

yields a result equivalent to:

(& (pix-x=100) (pix-y<=150) )

3.1 Feature set hashed reference format

This specification introduces a special form of auxiliary predicate

name with the following syntax:

fname = "h." 1*BASE32DIGIT


/ "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" / "G" / "H"

/ "I" / "J" / "K" / "L" / "M" / "N" / "O" / "P"

/ "Q" / "R" / "S" / "T" / "U" / "V"

The sequence of base-32 digits represents the value of a hash

function calculated over the corresponding feature set expression

(see following sections). Note that the above syntax allows upper-

or lower-case letters for base-32 digits (per RFC2234 [3]).

Thus, within a feature set expression, a hashed feature set reference

would have the following form:


3.1.1 Hash value calculation

The hash value is calculated using the MD5 algorithm [6] over the

text of the referenced feature set expression subjected to certain

normalizations. The feature expression must conform to the syntax

given for 'filter' in RFC2533 [1]:

filter = "(" filtercomp ")" *( ";" parameter )

The steps for calculating a hash value are:

1. Whitespace normalization: all spaces, CR, LF, TAB and any other

layout control characters that may be embedded in the feature

expression string, other than those contained within quoted

strings, are removed (or ignored for the purpose of hash value


2. Case normalization: all lower case letters in the feature

expression, other than those contained within quoted strings, are

converted to upper case. That is, unquoted characters with US-

ASCII values 97 to 122 (decimal) are changed to corresponding

characters in the range 65 to 90.

3. Hash computation: the MD5 algorithm, described in RFC1321 [6], is

applied to the normalized feature expression string (represented

as a sequence of octets containing US-ASCII character codes; see

also section 5).

The result oBTained in step 3 is a 128-bit (16 octet) value that

is converted to a base-32 representation to form the feature set


NOTE: under some circumstances, removal of ALL whitespace may

result in an invalid feature expression string. This should not

be a problem as this is done only for the purpose of calculating

a hash value, and significantly different feature expressions are

expected to differ in ways other than their whitespace.

NOTE: case normalization is deemed appropriate since feature tag

and token matching is case insensitive.

3.1.2 Base-32 value representation

RFC1321 [6] describes how to calculate an MD5 hash value that is a

sequence of 16 octets. This is then required to be coded as a base-

32 value, which is a sequence of base-32 digit characters.

Each successive character in a base-32 value represents 5 successive

bits of the underlying octet sequence. Thus, each group of 8

characters represents a sequence of 5 octets (40 bits):

1 2 3

01234567 89012345 67890123 45678901 23456789


< 1 >< 2 >< 3 ><.4 >< 5.>< 6 ><.7 >< 8 >


<===> 8th character

<====> 7th character

<===> 6th character

<====> 5th character

<====> 4th character

<===> 3rd character

<====> 2nd character

<===> 1st character

The value (i.e. sequence of bits) represented by each base-32 digit

character is indicated by the following table:

"0" 0 "A" 10 "K" 20 "U" 30

"1" 1 "B" 11 "L" 21 "V" 31

"2" 2 "C" 12 "M" 22

"3" 3 "D" 13 "N" 23

"4" 4 "E" 14 "O" 24

"5" 5 "F" 15 "P" 25

"6" 6 "G" 16 "Q" 26

"7" 7 "H" 17 "R" 27

"8" 8 "I" 18 "S" 28

"9" 9 "J" 19 "T" 29

When encoding a base-32 value, each full group of 5 octets is

represented by a sequence of 8 characters indicated above. If a

group of less than 5 octets remain after this, they are encoded using

as many additional characters as may be needed: 1, 2, 3 or 4 octets

are encoded by 2, 4, 5 or 7 characters respectively. Any spare bits

represented by the base-32 digit characters are selected to be zero.

When decoding a base-32 value, the reverse mapping is applied: each

full group of 8 characters codes a sequence of 5 octets. A final

group of 2, 4, 5 or 7 characters codes a sequence of 1, 2, 3 or 4

octets respectively. Any spare bits represented by the final group

of characters are discarded.

Thus, for a 128-bit (16 octet) MD5 hash value, the first 15 octets

are coded as 24 base 32 digit characters, and the final octet is

coded by two characters.

NOTE: Base64 representation (per MIME [4]) would be more compact

(21 rather than 26 characters for the MD5 128-bit hash value),

but an auxiliary predicate name is defined (by [1]) to have the

same syntax as a feature tag, and the feature tag matching rules

(per [2]) state that feature tag matching is case insensitive.

Base36 representation was considered (i.e., using all letters

"A"-"Z") but was not used because this would require extended

precision multiplication and division operations to encode and

decode the hash values.

3.2 Resolving feature set identifiers

This memo does not mandate any particular mechanism for dereferencing

a feature set identifier. It is expected that specific dereferencing

mechanisms will be specified for any application or protocol that

uses them.

The following sections describe some ways that feature set

dereferencing information may be incorporated into a feature set

expression. These are based on auxiliary predicate definitions

within a "where" clause [1].

When a hashed feature set reference is used, conformance to the

hashing rules takes precedence over any other determination of the

feature expression. Any expression, however obtained, may not be

substituted for the hash-based reference unless it yields the correct

hash value.

3.2.1 Query protocol

A protocol providing request/response type queries (e.g., HTTP, LDAP,

etc.) might be set up to provide a resolution service.

Thus, a query to a server associated with the capabilities could be

performed on the feature set identifier. The response returned would

be a CONNEG expression; e.g.,



(h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) :- (& (pix-x<=200) (pix-y<=150) )


or just:

(& (pix-x<=200) (pix-y<=150) )

This result would be combined with the original expression to

obtain a result not including the hash based predicate.

This process might be further enhanced by using URN resolution

mechanisms (e.g., DNS NAPTR [10]) to discover the resolution

protocol and server.

3.2.2 Inline feature set details

In this case, a reference is resolved by including its definition

inline in an expression.

The feature set expression associated with a reference value may be

specified directly in a "where" clause, using the auxiliary

predicate definition syntax [1]; e.g.,

(& (dpi=100) (h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) )


(h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) :- (& (pix-x<=200) (pix-y<=150) )


This form might be used on request (where the request mechanism is

defined by the invoking application protocol), or when the originator

believes the recipient may not understand the reference.

It is an error if the inline feature expression does not yield the

hash value contained in auxiliary predicate name.

NOTE: viewed in isolation, this format does not have any obvious

value, in that the (h.xxx) form of auxiliary predicate could be

replaced by any arbitrary name.

It is anticipated that this form might be used as a follow-up

response in a sequence along the lines of:

A> Capabilities are:

(& (dpi=100) (h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) )

B> Do not understand:


A> Capabilities are:

(& (dpi=100) (h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) )


(h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) :- (& (pix-x<=200)

(pix-y<=150) )


4. Examples

The following are some examples of feature set expressions containing

feature set references:

(& (dpi=100) (h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) )

(& (dpi=100) (h.SBB5REAOMHC09CP2GM4V07PQP0) )



(& (pix-x<=200) (pix-y<=150) )





( (& (ua-media=continuous) (dpi=200) (dpi-xyratio=200/100)

(color=Binary) (paper-size=B4) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (ua-media=continuous) (dpi=200) (dpi-xyratio=200/100)

(color=Binary) (paper-size=B4) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (ua-media=stationery) (dpi=300) (dpi-xyratio=1)

(color=Binary) (paper-size=A4) (image-coding=JBIG) )

(& (ua-media=transparency) (dpi=300) (dpi-xyratio=1)

(color=Binary) (paper-size=A4) (image-coding=JBIG) ) )


The following examples are based on Internet fax work, and show how a

feature-hash might be used to express the commonly-used features. A

form of Internet fax system that is expected to be quite common is a

so-called "simple mode" system, whose capabilities are described by

the following feature expression:

(& (image-file-structure=TIFF-minimal)



(image-coding=MH) (MRC-mode=0)

( (& (dpi=204) (dpi-xyratio=[204/98,204/196]) )

(& (dpi=200) (dpi-xyratio=[200/100,1]) ) )



(ua-media=stationery) )

This might be expressed by the hash-based feature set identifier:


The following example describes capabilities of a full-color

Internet fax system. Note a number of feature values are

applicable in common with '(color=grey)' and '(color=full)':

(& (image-file-structure=TIFF)


( (& (color=Binary)


( (& (dpi=204) (dpi-xyratio=[204/98,204/196]) )

(& (dpi=200) (dpi-xyratio=[200/100,1]) )

(& (dpi=300) (dpi-xyratio=1) ) ) )

(& (color=grey)








(dpi=[100,200,300]) (dpi-xyratio=1) )

(& (color=full)













(dpi=[100,200,300]) (dpi-xyratio=1) ) )


(paper-size=[letter,A4,B4]) )

(ua-media=stationery) )

Separating out the common capabilities yields:

(& (image-file-structure=TIFF)


( (& (color=Binary)


( (& (dpi=204) (dpi-xyratio=[204/98,204/196]) )

(& (dpi=200) (dpi-xyratio=[200/100,1]) )

(& (dpi=300) (dpi-xyratio=1) ) ) )

(& (color=grey)


(h.QVSEM8V2LMJ8VOR7V682J7079O) )

(& (color=full)







(h.QVSEM8V2LMJ8VOR7V682J7079O) ) )


(paper-size=[letter,A4,B4]) )

(ua-media=stationery) )


(h.QVSEM8V2LMJ8VOR7V682J7079O) :-

(& (image-coding=JPEG)






(dpi=[100,200,300]) (dpi-xyratio=1) )


5. Internationalization Considerations

Feature set expressions and URI strings are currently defined to

consist of only characters from the US-ASCII repertoire [1,5]; under

these circumstances this specification is not impacted by

internationalization considerations (other than any already

applicable to URIs [5]).

But, if future revisions of the feature set syntax permit non-US-

ASCII characters (e.g. within quoted strings), then some canonical

representation must be defined for the purposes of calculating hash

values. One choice might be to use a UTF-8 equivalent representation

as the basis for calculating the feature set hash. Another choice

might be to leave this as an application protocol issue (but this

could lead to non-interoperable feature sets between different


Another conceivable issue is that of up-casing the feature expression

in preparation for computing a hash value. This does not apply to

the content of strings so is not likely to be an issue. But if

changes are made that do permit non-US-ASCII characters in feature

tags or token strings, consideration must be given to properly

defining how case conversion is to be performed.

6. Security Considerations

For the most part, security considerations are the same as those that

apply for capability identification in general [1,2,9].

A possible added consideration is that use of a specific feature set

identifier may reveal more information about a system than is

necessary for a transaction at hand.

7. Acknowledgements

Ideas here have been improved by early discussions with Martin

Duerst, Al Gilman and Ted Hardie. Useful suggestions for improvement

were provided by Maurizio Codogno.

8. References

[1] Klyne, G., "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets", RFC

2533, March 1999.

[2] Mutz, A. and T. Hardie, "Media Feature Tag Registration

Procedure", RFC2506, March 1999.

[3] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax

Specifications: ABNF", RFC2234, November 1997.

[4] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (MIME) Part 1: Format of Internet message bodies",

RFC2045, November 1996.

[5] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource

Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC2396, August 1998.

[6] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321, April


[7] "Applied Cryptography"

Bruce Schneier

John Wiley and Sons, 1996 (second edition)

ISBN 0-471-12845-7 (cloth)

ISBN 0-471-11709-9 (paper)

[8] Klyne, G., "Protocol-independent Content Negotiation Framework",

RFC2703, September 1999.

[9] "Numerical Recipes"

William H Press, Brian P Flannery, Saul A Teukolski and

William T Vetterling

Cambridge University Press (1986)

ISBN 0 521 30811 9

(The Gamma function approximation is presented in chapter 6 on

"Special Functions". There have been several later editions of

this book published, so the chapter reference may change.)

[10] Daniel, R. and M. Mealling, "Resolution of Uniform Resource

Identifiers using the Domain Name System", RFC2168, June 1997.

[11] Java source code of feature set matching algorithm, with feature

set hash computation option. Linked from


9. Authors' Addresses

Graham Klyne

Content Technologies Ltd.

1220 Parkview,

Arlington Business Park


Reading, RG7 4SA

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 118 930 1300

Fax: +44 118 930 1301


Larry Masinter

AT&T Labs

75 Willow Road

Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone: +1-650-463-7059

EMail: LMM@acm.org


10. Appendix A: The birthday paradox

NOTE: this entire section is commentary, and does not affect the

feature set reference specification in any way.

The use of a hash value to represent an arbitrary feature set is

based on a presumption that no two distinct feature sets will yield

the same hash value.

There is a small but distinct possibility that two different feature

sets will indeed yield the same hash value.

We assume that the 128-bit hash function distributes hash values for

feature sets, even those with very small differences, randomly and

evenly through the range of 2^128 (approximately 3*10^38) possible

values. This is a fundamental property of a good digest algorithm

like MD5. Thus, the chance that any two distinct feature set

expressions yield the same hash is less than 1 in 10^38. This is

negligible when compared with, say, the probability that a receiving

system will fail having received data conforming to a negotiated

feature set.

But when the number of distinct feature sets in circulation

increases, the probability of repeating a hash value increases

surprisingly. This is illustrated by the "birthday paradox": given

a random collection of just 23 people, there is a greater than even

chance that there exists some pair with the same birthday. This

topic is discussed further in sections 7.4 and 7.5 of Bruce

Schneier's "Applied Cryptography" [7].

The table below shows the "birthday paradox" probabilities that at

least one pair of feature sets has the same hash value for different

numbers of feature sets in use.

Number of feature Probability of two

sets in use sets with the same

hash value

1 0

2 3E-39

10 1E-37

1E3 1E-33

1E6 1E-27

1E9 1E-21

1E12 1E-15

1E15 1E-9

1E18 1E-3

The above probability computations are approximate, being

performed using logarithms of a Gamma function

approximation by Lanczos [9]. The probability formula is

'P=1-(m!/((m-n)! m^n))', where 'm' is the total number of

possible hash values (2^128) and 'n' is the number of

feature sets in use.

If original feature set expressions are generated manually, or only

in response to some manually constrained process, the total number

of feature sets in circulation is likely to remain very small in

relation to the total number of possible hash values.

The outcome of all this is: assuming that the feature sets are

manually generated, even taking account of the birthday paradox

effect, the probability of incorrectly identifying a feature set

using a hash value is still negligibly small when compared with

other possible failure modes.

11. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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