
RFC2931 - DNS Request and Transaction Signatures ( SIG(0)s)

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Network Working Group D. Eastlake 3rd

Request for Comments: 2931 Motorola

Updates: 2535 September 2000

Category: Standards Track

DNS Request and Transaction Signatures ( SIG(0)s )

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


Extensions to the Domain Name System (DNS) are described in [RFC

2535] that can provide data origin and transaction integrity and

authentication to security aware resolvers and applications through

the use of cryptographic digital signatures.

Implementation eXPerience has indicated the need for minor but non-

interoperable changes in Request and Transaction signature resource

records ( SIG(0)s ). These changes are documented herein.


The contributions and suggestions of the following persons (in

alphabetic order) to this memo are gratefully acknowledged:

Olafur Gudmundsson

Ed Lewis

Erik Nordmark

Brian Wellington

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion................................................. 2

2. SIG(0) Design Rationale...................................... 3

2.1 Transaction Authentication.................................. 3

2.2 Request Authentication...................................... 3

2.3 Keying...................................................... 3

2.4 Differences Between TSIG and SIG(0)......................... 4

3. The SIG(0) Resource Record................................... 4

3.1 Calculating Request and Transaction SIGs.................... 5

3.2 Processing Responses and SIG(0) RRs......................... 6

3.3 SIG(0) Lifetime and Expiration.............................. 7

4. Security Considerations...................................... 7

5. IANA Considerations.......................................... 7

References...................................................... 7

Author's Address................................................ 8

Appendix: SIG(0) Changes from RFC2535.......................... 9

Full Copyright Statement........................................ 10

1. Introduction

This document makes minor but non-interoperable changes to part of

[RFC2535], familiarity with which is assumed, and includes

additional explanatory text. These changes concern SIG Resource

Records (RRs) that are used to digitally sign DNS requests and

transactions / responses. Such a resource record, because it has a

type covered field of zero, is frequently called a SIG(0). The

changes are based on implementation and attempted implementation

experience with TSIG [RFC2845] and the [RFC2535] specification for


Sections of [RFC2535] updated are all of and parts of 4.2

and 4.3. No changes are made herein related to the KEY or NXT RRs or

to the processing involved with data origin and denial authentication

for DNS data.



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2. SIG(0) Design Rationale

SIG(0) provides protection for DNS transactions and requests that is

not provided by the regular SIG, KEY, and NXT RRs specified in [RFC

2535]. The authenticated data origin services of secure DNS either

provide protected data resource records (RRs) or authenticatably deny

their nonexistence. These services provide no protection for glue

records, DNS requests, no protection for message headers on requests

or responses, and no protection of the overall integrity of a


2.1 Transaction Authentication

Transaction authentication means that a requester can be sure it is

at least getting the messages from the server it queried and that the

received messages are in response to the query it sent. This is

accomplished by optionally adding either a TSIG RR [RFC2845] or, as

described herein, a SIG(0) resource record at the end of the response

which digitally signs the concatenation of the server's response and

the corresponding resolver query.

2.2 Request Authentication

Requests can also be authenticated by including a TSIG or, as

described herein, a special SIG(0) RR at the end of the request.

Authenticating requests serves no function in DNS servers that

predate the specification of dynamic update. Requests with a non-

empty additional information section produce error returns or may

even be ignored by a few such older DNS servers. However, this syntax

for signing requests is defined for authenticating dynamic update

requests [RFC2136], TKEY requests [RFC2930], or future requests

requiring authentication.

2.3 Keying

The private keys used in transaction security belong to the host

composing the DNS response message, not to the zone involved.

Request authentication may also involve the private key of the host

or other entity composing the request or of a zone to be affected by

the request or other private keys depending on the request authority

it is sought to establish. The corresponding public key(s) are

normally stored in and retrieved from the DNS for verification as KEY

RRs with a protocol byte of 3 (DNSSEC) or 255 (ANY).

Because requests and replies are highly variable, message

authentication SIGs can not be pre-calculated. Thus it will be

necessary to keep the private key on-line, for example in software or

in a directly connected piece of hardware.

2.4 Differences Between TSIG and SIG(0)

There are significant differences between TSIG and SIG(0).

Because TSIG involves secret keys installed at both the requester and

server the presence of such a key implies that the other party

understands TSIG and very likely has the same key installed.

Furthermore, TSIG uses keyed hash authentication codes which are

relatively inexpensive to compute. Thus it is common to authenticate

requests with TSIG and responses are authenticated with TSIG if the

corresponding request is authenticated.

SIG(0) on the other hand, uses public key authentication, where the

public keys are stored in DNS as KEY RRs and a private key is stored

at the signer. Existence of such a KEY RR does not necessarily imply

implementation of SIG(0). In addition, SIG(0) involves relatively

expensive public key cryptographic operations that should be

minimized and the verification of a SIG(0) involves oBTaining and

verifying the corresponding KEY which can be an expensive and lengthy

operation. Indeed, a policy of using SIG(0) on all requests and

verifying it before responding would, for some configurations, lead

to a deadly embrace with the attempt to obtain and verify the KEY

needed to authenticate the request SIG(0) resulting in additional

requests accompanied by a SIG(0) leading to further requests

accompanied by a SIG(0), etc. Furthermore, omitting SIG(0)s when not

required on requests halves the number of public key operations

required by the transaction.

For these reasons, SIG(0)s SHOULD only be used on requests when

necessary to authenticate that the requester has some required

privilege or identity. SIG(0)s on replies are defined in such a way

as to not require a SIG(0) on the corresponding request and still

provide transaction protection. For other replies, whether they are

authenticated by the server or required to be authenticated by the

requester SHOULD be a local configuration option.

3. The SIG(0) Resource Record

The structure of and type number of SIG resource records (RRs) is

given in [RFC2535] Section 4.1. However all of Section and

the parts of Sections 4.2 and 4.3 related to SIG(0) should be

considered replaced by the material below. Any conflict between [RFC

2535] and this document concerning SIG(0) RRs should be resolved in

favor of this document.

For all transaction SIG(0)s, the signer field MUST be a name of the

originating host and there MUST be a KEY RR at that name with the

public key corresponding to the private key used to calculate the

signature. (The host domain name used may be the inverse IP address

mapping name for an IP address of the host if the relevant KEY is

stored there.)

For all SIG(0) RRs, the owner name, class, TTL, and original TTL, are

meaningless. The TTL fields SHOULD be zero and the CLASS field

SHOULD be ANY. To conserve space, the owner name SHOULD be root (a

single zero octet). When SIG(0) authentication on a response is

desired, that SIG RR MUST be considered the highest priority of any

additional information for inclusion in the response. If the SIG(0)

RR cannot be added without causing the message to be truncated, the

server MUST alter the response so that a SIG(0) can be included.

This response consists of only the question and a SIG(0) record, and

has the TC bit set and RCODE 0 (NOERROR). The client should at this

point retry the request using TCP.

3.1 Calculating Request and Transaction SIGs

A DNS request may be optionally signed by including one SIG(0)s at

the end of the query additional information section. Such a SIG is

identified by having a "type covered" field of zero. It signs the

preceding DNS request message including DNS header but not including

the UDP/IP header and before the request RR counts have been adjusted

for the inclusions of the request SIG(0).

It is calculated by using a "data" (see [RFC2535], Section 4.1.8) of

(1) the SIG's RDATA section entirely omitting (not just zeroing) the

signature subfield itself, (2) the DNS query messages, including DNS

header, but not the UDP/IP header and before the reply RR counts have

been adjusted for the inclusion of the SIG(0). That is

data = RDATA request - SIG(0)

where "" is concatenation and RDATA is the RDATA of the SIG(0) being

calculated less the signature itself.

Similarly, a SIG(0) can be used to secure a response and the request

that produced it. Such transaction signatures are calculated by

using a "data" of (1) the SIG's RDATA section omitting the signature

itself, (2) the entire DNS query message that produced this response,

including the query's DNS header but not its UDP/IP header, and (3)

the entire DNS response message, including DNS header but not the

UDP/IP header and before the response RR counts have been adjusted

for the inclusion of the SIG(0).

That is

data = RDATA full query response - SIG(0)

where "" is concatenation and RDATA is the RDATA of the SIG(0) being

calculated less the signature itself.

Verification of a response SIG(0) (which is signed by the server host

key, not the zone key) by the requesting resolver shows that the

query and response were not tampered with in transit, that the

response corresponds to the intended query, and that the response

comes from the queried server.

In the case of a DNS message via TCP, a SIG(0) on the first data

packet is calculated with "data" as above and for each subsequent

packet, it is calculated as follows:

data = RDATA DNS payload - SIG(0) previous packet

where "" is concatenations, RDATA is as above, and previous packet

is the previous DNS payload including DNS header and the SIG(0) but

not the TCP/IP header. Support of SIG(0) for TCP is OPTIONAL. As an

alternative, TSIG may be used after, if necessary, setting up a key

with TKEY [RFC2930].

Except where needed to authenticate an update, TKEY, or similar

privileged request, servers are not required to check a request


Note: requests and responses can either have a single TSIG or one

SIG(0) but not both a TSIG and a SIG(0).

3.2 Processing Responses and SIG(0) RRs

If a SIG RR is at the end of the additional information section of a

response and has a type covered of zero, it is a transaction

signature covering the response and the query that produced the

response. For TKEY responses, it MUST be checked and the message

rejected if the checks fail unless otherwise specified for the TKEY

mode in use. For all other responses, it MAY be checked and the

message rejected if the checks fail.

If a response's SIG(0) check succeed, such a transaction

authentication SIG does NOT directly authenticate the validity any

data-RRs in the message. However, it authenticates that they were

sent by the queried server and have not been diddled. (Only a proper

SIG(0) RR signed by the zone or a key tracing its authority to the

zone or to static resolver configuration can directly authenticate

data-RRs, depending on resolver policy.) If a resolver or server does

not implement transaction and/or request SIGs, it MUST ignore them

without error where they are optional and treat them as failing where

they are required.

3.3 SIG(0) Lifetime and Expiration

The inception and expiration times in SIG(0)s are for the purpose of

resisting replay attacks. They should be set to form a time bracket

such that messages outside that bracket can be ignored. In IP

networks, this time bracket should not normally extend further than 5

minutes into the past and 5 minutes into the future.

4. Security Considerations

No additional considerations beyond those in [RFC2535].

The inclusion of the SIG(0) inception and expiration time under the

signature improves resistance to replay attacks.

5. IANA Considerations

No new parameters are created or parameter values assigned by this



[RFC1982] Elz, R. and R. Bush, "Serial Number Arithmetic", RFC1982,

September 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2136] Vixie, P., Thomson, S., Rekhter, Y. and J. Bound, "Dynamic

Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)", RFC2136,

April 1997.

[RFC2535] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions",

RFC2535, March 1999.

[RFC2845] Vixie, P., Gudmundsson, O., Eastlake, D. and B.

Wellington, "Secret Key Transaction Signatures for DNS

(TSIG)", RFC2845, May 2000.

[RFC2930] Eastlake, D., "Secret Key Establishment for DNS (RR)", RFC

2930, September 2000.

Author's Address

Donald E. Eastlake 3rd


140 Forest Avenue

Hudson, MA 01749 USA

Phone: +1-978-562-2827(h)


Fax: +1 978-567-7941(h)


EMail: Donald.Eastlake@motorola.com

Appendix: SIG(0) Changes from RFC2535

Add explanatory text concerning the differences between TSIG and


Change the data over which SIG(0) is calculated to include the SIG(0)

RDATA other than the signature itself so as to secure the signature

inception and expiration times and resist replay attacks. Specify

SIG(0) for TCP.

Add discussion of appropriate inception and expiration times for


Add wording to indicate that either a TSIG or one or more SIG(0)s may

be present but not both.

Reword some areas for clarity.

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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