
RFC2930 - Secret Key Establishment for DNS (TKEY RR)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group D. Eastlake, 3rd

Request for Comments: 2930 Motorola

Category: Standards Track September 2000

Secret Key Establishment for DNS (TKEY RR)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


[RFC2845] provides a means of authenticating Domain Name System

(DNS) queries and responses using shared secret keys via the

Transaction Signature (TSIG) resource record (RR). However, it

provides no mechanism for setting up sUCh keys other than manual

exchange. This document describes a Transaction Key (TKEY) RR that

can be used in a number of different modes to establish shared secret

keys between a DNS resolver and server.


The comments and ideas of the following persons (listed in alphabetic

order) have been incorporated herein and are gratefully acknowledged:

Olafur Gudmundsson (TIS)

Stuart Kwan (Microsoft)

Ed Lewis (TIS)

Erik Nordmark (SUN)

Brian Wellington (Nominum)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction............................................... 2

1.1 Overview of Contents...................................... 3

2. The TKEY Resource Record................................... 4

2.1 The Name Field............................................ 4

2.2 The TTL Field............................................. 5

2.3 The Algorithm Field....................................... 5

2.4 The Inception and EXPiration Fields....................... 5

2.5 The Mode Field............................................ 5

2.6 The Error Field........................................... 6

2.7 The Key Size and Data Fields.............................. 6

2.8 The Other Size and Data Fields............................ 6

3. General TKEY Considerations................................ 7

4. Exchange via Resolver Query................................ 8

4.1 Query for Diffie-Hellman Exchanged Keying................. 8

4.2 Query for TKEY Deletion................................... 9

4.3 Query for GSS-API Establishment........................... 10

4.4 Query for Server Assigned Keying.......................... 10

4.5 Query for Resolver Assigned Keying........................ 11

5. Spontaneous Server Inclusion............................... 12

5.1 Spontaneous Server Key Deletion........................... 12

6. Methods of Encryption...................................... 12

7. IANA Considerations........................................ 13

8. Security Considerations.................................... 13

References.................................................... 14

Author's Address.............................................. 15

Full Copyright Statement...................................... 16

1. Introduction

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical, distributed, highly

available database used for bi-directional mapping between domain

names and addresses, for email routing, and for other information

[RFC1034, 1035]. It has been extended to provide for public key

security and dynamic update [RFC2535, RFC2136]. Familiarity with

these RFCs is assumed.

[RFC2845] provides a means of efficiently authenticating DNS

messages using shared secret keys via the TSIG resource record (RR)

but provides no mechanism for setting up such keys other than manual

exchange. This document specifies a TKEY RR that can be used in a

number of different modes to establish and delete such shared secret

keys between a DNS resolver and server.

Note that TKEY established keying material and TSIGs that use it are

associated with DNS servers or resolvers. They are not associated

with zones. They may be used to authenticate queries and responses

but they do not provide zone based DNS data origin or denial

authentication [RFC2535].

Certain modes of TKEY perform encryption which may affect their

export or import status for some countries. The affected modes

specified in this document are the server assigned mode and the

resolver assigned mode.



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

In all cases herein, the term "resolver" includes that part of a

server which may make full and incremental [RFC1995] zone transfer

queries, forwards recursive queries, etc.

1.1 Overview of Contents

Section 2 below specifies the TKEY RR and provides a description of

and considerations for its constituent fields.

Section 3 describes general principles of operations with TKEY.

Section 4 discusses key agreement and deletion via DNS requests with

the Query opcode for RR type TKEY. This method is applicable to all

currently defined TKEY modes, although in some cases it is not what

would intuitively be called a "query".

Section 5 discusses spontaneous inclusion of TKEY RRs in responses by

servers which is currently used only for key deletion.

Section 6 describes encryption methods for transmitting secret key

information. In this document these are used only for the server

assigned mode and the resolver assigned mode.

Section 7 covers IANA considerations in assignment of TKEY modes.

Finally, Section 8 provides the required security considerations


2. The TKEY Resource Record

The TKEY resource record (RR) has the structure given below. Its RR

type code is 249.

Field Type Comment

----- ---- -------

NAME domain see description below

TTYPE u_int16_t TKEY = 249

CLASS u_int16_t ignored, SHOULD be 255 (ANY)

TTL u_int32_t ignored, SHOULD be zero

RDLEN u_int16_t size of RDATA


Algorithm: domain

Inception: u_int32_t

Expiration: u_int32_t

Mode: u_int16_t

Error: u_int16_t

Key Size: u_int16_t

Key Data: octet-stream

Other Size: u_int16_t

Other Data: octet-stream undefined by this specification

2.1 The Name Field

The Name field relates to naming keys. Its meaning differs somewhat

with mode and context as explained in subsequent sections.

At any DNS server or resolver only one octet string of keying

material may be in place for any particular key name. An attempt to

establish another set of keying material at a server for an existing

name returns a BADNAME error.

For a TKEY with a non-root name appearing in a query, the TKEY RR

name SHOULD be a domain locally unique at the resolver, less than 128

octets long in wire encoding, and meaningful to the resolver to

assist in distinguishing keys and/or key agreement sessions. For

TKEY(s) appearing in a response to a query, the TKEY RR name SHOULD

be a globally unique server assigned domain.

A reasonable key naming strategy is as follows:

If the key is generated as the result of a query with root as its

owner name, then the server SHOULD create a globally unique domain

name, to be the key name, by suffixing a pseudo-random [RFC1750]

label with a domain name of the server. For example

89n3mDgX072pp.server1.example.com. If generation of a new

pseudo-random name in each case is an excessive computation load

or entropy drain, a serial number prefix can be added to a fixed

pseudo-random name generated an DNS server start time, such as


If the key is generated as the result of a query with a non-root

name, say 789.resolver.example.net, then use the concatenation of

that with a name of the server. For example


2.2 The TTL Field

The TTL field is meaningless in TKEY RRs. It SHOULD always be zero to

be sure that older DNS implementations do not cache TKEY RRs.

2.3 The Algorithm Field

The algorithm name is in the form of a domain name with the same

meaning as in [RFC2845]. The algorithm determines how the secret

keying material agreed to using the TKEY RR is actually used to

derive the algorithm specific key.

2.4 The Inception and Expiration Fields

The inception time and expiration times are in number of seconds

since the beginning of 1 January 1970 GMT ignoring leap seconds

treated as modulo 2**32 using ring arithmetic [RFC1982]. In messages

between a DNS resolver and a DNS server where these fields are

meaningful, they are either the requested validity interval for the

keying material asked for or specify the validity interval of keying

material provided.

To avoid different interpretations of the inception and expiration

times in TKEY RRs, resolvers and servers exchanging them must have

the same idea of what time it is. One way of doing this is with the

NTP protocol [RFC2030] but that or any other time synchronization

used for this purpose MUST be done securely.

2.5 The Mode Field

The mode field specifies the general scheme for key agreement or the

purpose of the TKEY DNS message. Servers and resolvers supporting

this specification MUST implement the Diffie-Hellman key agreement

mode and the key deletion mode for queries. All other modes are

OPTIONAL. A server supporting TKEY that receives a TKEY request with

a mode it does not support returns the BADMODE error. The following

values of the Mode octet are defined, available, or reserved:

Value Description

----- -----------

0 - reserved, see section 7

1 server assignment

2 Diffie-Hellman exchange

3 GSS-API negotiation

4 resolver assignment

5 key deletion

6-65534 - available, see section 7

65535 - reserved, see section 7

2.6 The Error Field

The error code field is an extended RCODE. The following values are


Value Description

----- -----------

0 - no error

1-15 a non-extended RCODE







When the TKEY Error Field is non-zero in a response to a TKEY query,

the DNS header RCODE field indicates no error. However, it is

possible if a TKEY is spontaneously included in a response the TKEY

RR and DNS header error field could have unrelated non-zero error


2.7 The Key Size and Data Fields

The key data size field is an unsigned 16 bit integer in network

order which specifies the size of the key exchange data field in

octets. The meaning of this data depends on the mode.

2.8 The Other Size and Data Fields

The Other Size and Other Data fields are not used in this

specification but may be used in future extensions. The RDLEN field

MUST equal the length of the RDATA section through the end of Other

Data or the RR is to be considered malformed and rejected.

3. General TKEY Considerations

TKEY is a meta-RR that is not stored or cached in the DNS and does

not appear in zone files. It supports a variety of modes for the

establishment and deletion of shared secret keys information between

DNS resolvers and servers. The establishment of such a shared key

requires that state be maintained at both ends and the allocation of

the resources to maintain such state may require mutual agreement. In

the absence of willingness to provide such state, servers MUST return

errors such as NOTIMP or REFUSED for an attempt to use TKEY and

resolvers are free to ignore any TKEY RRs they receive.

The shared secret keying material developed by using TKEY is a plain

octet sequence. The means by which this shared secret keying

material, exchanged via TKEY, is actually used in any particular TSIG

algorithm is algorithm dependent and is defined in connection with

that algorithm. For example, see [RFC2104] for how TKEY agreed

shared secret keying material is used in the HMAC-MD5 algorithm or

other HMAC algorithms.

There MUST NOT be more than one TKEY RR in a DNS query or response.

Except for GSS-API mode, TKEY responses MUST always have DNS

transaction authentication to protect the integrity of any keying

data, error codes, etc. This authentication MUST use a previously

established secret (TSIG) or public (SIG(0) [RFC2931]) key and MUST

NOT use any key that the response to be verified is itself providing.

TKEY queries MUST be authenticated for all modes except GSS-API and,

under some circumstances, server assignment mode. In particular, if

the query for a server assigned key is for a key to assert some

privilege, such as update authority, then the query must be

authenticated to avoid spoofing. However, if the key is just to be

used for transaction security, then spoofing will lead at worst to

denial of service. Query authentication SHOULD use an established

secret (TSIG) key authenticator if available. Otherwise, it must use

a public (SIG(0)) key signature. It MUST NOT use any key that the

query is itself providing.

In the absence of required TKEY authentication, a NOTAUTH error MUST

be returned.

To avoid replay attacks, it is necessary that a TKEY response or

query not be valid if replayed on the order of 2**32 second (about

136 years), or a multiple thereof, later. To accomplish this, the

keying material used in any TSIG or SIG(0) RR that authenticates a

TKEY message MUST NOT have a lifetime of more then 2**31 - 1 seconds

(about 68 years). Thus, on attempted replay, the authenticating TSIG

or SIG(0) RR will not be verifiable due to key expiration and the

replay will fail.

4. Exchange via Resolver Query

One method for a resolver and a server to agree about shared secret

keying material for use in TSIG is through DNS requests from the

resolver which are syntactically DNS queries for type TKEY. Such

queries MUST be accompanied by a TKEY RR in the additional

information section to indicate the mode in use and accompanied by

other information where required.

Type TKEY queries SHOULD NOT be flagged as recursive and servers MAY

ignore the recursive header bit in TKEY queries they receive.

4.1 Query for Diffie-Hellman Exchanged Keying

Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange is a means whereby two parties can

derive some shared secret information without requiring any secrecy

of the messages they exchange [Schneier]. Provisions have been made

for the storage of DH public keys in the DNS [RFC2539].

A resolver sends a query for type TKEY accompanied by a TKEY RR in

the additional information section specifying the Diffie-Hellman mode

and accompanied by a KEY RR also in the additional information

section specifying a resolver Diffie-Hellman key. The TKEY RR

algorithm field is set to the authentication algorithm the resolver

plans to use. The "key data" provided in the TKEY is used as a random

[RFC1750] nonce to avoid always deriving the same keying material

for the same pair of DH KEYs.

The server response contains a TKEY in its answer section with the

Diffie-Hellman mode. The "key data" provided in this TKEY is used as

an additional nonce to avoid always deriving the same keying material

for the same pair of DH KEYs. If the TKEY error field is non-zero,

the query failed for the reason given. FORMERR is given if the query

included no DH KEY and BADKEY is given if the query included an

incompatible DH KEY.

If the TKEY error field is zero, the resolver supplied Diffie-Hellman

KEY RR SHOULD be echoed in the additional information section and a

server Diffie-Hellman KEY RR will also be present in the answer

section of the response. Both parties can then calculate the same

shared secret quantity from the pair of Diffie-Hellman (DH) keys used

[Schneier] (provided these DH keys use the same generator and

modulus) and the data in the TKEY RRs. The TKEY RR data is mixed

with the DH result as follows:

keying material =

XOR ( DH value, MD5 ( query data DH value )

MD5 ( server data DH value ) )

Where XOR is an exclusive-OR operation and "" is byte-stream

concatenation. The shorter of the two operands to XOR is byte-wise

left justified and padded with zero-valued bytes to match the length

of the other operand. "DH value" is the Diffie-Hellman value derived

from the KEY RRs. Query data and server data are the values sent in

the TKEY RR data fields. These "query data" and "server data" nonces

are suffixed by the DH value, digested by MD5, the results

concatenated, and then XORed with the DH value.

The inception and expiry times in the query TKEY RR are those

requested for the keying material. The inception and expiry times in

the response TKEY RR are the maximum period the server will consider

the keying material valid. Servers may pre-expire keys so this is

not a guarantee.

4.2 Query for TKEY Deletion

Keys established via TKEY can be treated as soft state. Since DNS

transactions are originated by the resolver, the resolver can simply

toss keys, although it may have to go through another key exchange if

it later needs one. Similarly, the server can discard keys although

that will result in an error on receiving a query with a TSIG using

the discarded key.

To avoid attempted reliance in requests on keys no longer in effect,

servers MUST implement key deletion whereby the server "discards" a

key on receipt from a resolver of an authenticated delete request for

a TKEY RR with the key's name. If the server has no record of a key

with that name, it returns BADNAME.

Key deletion TKEY queries MUST be authenticated. This authentication

MAY be a TSIG RR using the key to be deleted.

For querier assigned and Diffie-Hellman keys, the server MUST truly

"discard" all active state associated with the key. For server

assigned keys, the server MAY simply mark the key as no longer

retained by the client and may re-send it in response to a future

query for server assigned keying material.

4.3 Query for GSS-API Establishment

This mode is described in a separate document under preparation which

should be seen for the full description. Basically the resolver and

server can exchange queries and responses for type TKEY with a TKEY

RR specifying the GSS-API mode in the additional information section

and a GSS-API token in the key data portion of the TKEY RR.

Any issues of possible encryption of parts the GSS-API token data

being transmitted are handled by the GSS-API level. In addition, the

GSS-API level provides its own authentication so that this mode of

TKEY query and response MAY be, but do not need to be, authenticated

with TSIG RR or SIG(0) RR [RFC2931].

The inception and expiry times in a GSS-API mode TKEY RR are ignored.

4.4 Query for Server Assigned Keying

Optionally, the server can assign keying for the resolver. It is

sent to the resolver encrypted under a resolver public key. See

section 6 for description of encryption methods.

A resolver sends a query for type TKEY accompanied by a TKEY RR

specifying the "server assignment" mode and a resolver KEY RR to be

used in encrypting the response, both in the additional information

section. The TKEY algorithm field is set to the authentication

algorithm the resolver plans to use. It is RECOMMENDED that any "key

data" provided in the query TKEY RR by the resolver be strongly mixed

by the server with server generated randomness [RFC1750] to derive

the keying material to be used. The KEY RR that appears in the query

need not be accompanied by a SIG(KEY) RR. If the query is

authenticated by the resolver with a TSIG RR [RFC2845] or SIG(0) RR

and that authentication is verified, then any SIG(KEY) provided in

the query SHOULD be ignored. The KEY RR in such a query SHOULD have

a name that corresponds to the resolver but it is only essential that

it be a public key for which the resolver has the corresponding

private key so it can decrypt the response data.

The server response contains a TKEY RR in its answer section with the

server assigned mode and echoes the KEY RR provided in the query in

its additional information section.

If the response TKEY error field is zero, the key data portion of the

response TKEY RR will be the server assigned keying data encrypted

under the public key in the resolver provided KEY RR. In this case,

the owner name of the answer TKEY RR will be the server assigned name

of the key.

If the error field of the response TKEY is non-zero, the query failed

for the reason given. FORMERR is given if the query specified no

encryption key.

The inception and expiry times in the query TKEY RR are those

requested for the keying material. The inception and expiry times in

the response TKEY are the maximum period the server will consider the

keying material valid. Servers may pre-expire keys so this is not a


The resolver KEY RR MUST be authenticated, through the authentication

of this query with a TSIG or SIG(0) or the signing of the resolver

KEY with a SIG(KEY). Otherwise, an attacker can forge a resolver KEY

for which they know the private key, and thereby the attacker could

oBTain a valid shared secret key from the server.

4.5 Query for Resolver Assigned Keying

Optionally, a server can accept resolver assigned keys. The keying

material MUST be encrypted under a server key for protection in

transmission as described in Section 6.

The resolver sends a TKEY query with a TKEY RR that specifies the

encrypted keying material and a KEY RR specifying the server public

key used to encrypt the data, both in the additional information

section. The name of the key and the keying data are completely

controlled by the sending resolver so a globally unique key name

SHOULD be used. The KEY RR used MUST be one for which the server has

the corresponding private key, or it will not be able to decrypt the

keying material and will return a FORMERR. It is also important that

no untrusted party (preferably no other party than the server) has

the private key corresponding to the KEY RR because, if they do, they

can capture the messages to the server, learn the shared secret, and

spoof valid TSIGs.

The query TKEY RR inception and expiry give the time period the

querier intends to consider the keying material valid. The server

can return a lesser time interval to advise that it will not maintain

state for that long and can pre-expire keys in any case.

This mode of query MUST be authenticated with a TSIG or SIG(0).

Otherwise, an attacker can forge a resolver assigned TKEY query, and

thereby the attacker could specify a shared secret key that would be

accepted, used, and honored by the server.

5. Spontaneous Server Inclusion

A DNS server may include a TKEY RR spontaneously as additional

information in responses. This SHOULD only be done if the server

knows the querier understands TKEY and has this option implemented.

This technique can be used to delete a key and may be specified for

modes defined in the future. A disadvantage of this technique is

that there is no way for the server to get any error or success

indication back and, in the case of UDP, no way to even know if the

DNS response reached the resolver.

5.1 Spontaneous Server Key Deletion

A server can optionally tell a client that it has deleted a secret

key by spontaneously including a TKEY RR in the additional

information section of a response with the key's name and specifying

the key deletion mode. Such a response SHOULD be authenticated. If

authenticated, it "deletes" the key with the given name. The

inception and expiry times of the delete TKEY RR are ignored. Failure

by a client to receive or properly process such additional

information in a response would mean that the client might use a key

that the server had discarded and would then get an error indication.

For server assigned and Diffie-Hellman keys, the client MUST

"discard" active state associated with the key. For querier assigned

keys, the querier MAY simply mark the key as no longer retained by

the server and may re-send it in a future query specifying querier

assigned keying material.

6. Methods of Encryption

For the server assigned and resolver assigned key agreement modes,

the keying material is sent within the key data field of a TKEY RR

encrypted under the public key in an accompanying KEY RR [RFC2535].

This KEY RR MUST be for a public key algorithm where the public and

private keys can be used for encryption and the corresponding

decryption which recovers the originally encrypted data. The KEY RR

SHOULD correspond to a name for the decrypting resolver/server such

that the decrypting process has Access to the corresponding private

key to decrypt the data. The secret keying material being sent will

generally be fairly short, usually less than 256 bits, because that

is adequate for very strong protection with modern keyed hash or

symmetric algorithms.

If the KEY RR specifies the RSA algorithm, then the keying material

is encrypted as per the description of RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 encryption in

PKCS#1 [RFC2437]. (Note, the secret keying material being sent is

directly RSA encrypted in PKCS#1 format. It is not "enveloped" under

some other symmetric algorithm.) In the unlikely event that the

keying material will not fit within one RSA modulus of the chosen

public key, additional RSA encryption blocks are included. The

length of each block is clear from the public RSA key specified and

the RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 padding makes it clear what part of the

encrypted data is actually keying material and what part is

formatting or the required at least eight bytes of random [RFC1750]


7. IANA Considerations

This section is to be interpreted as provided in [RFC2434].

Mode field values 0x0000 and 0xFFFF are reserved.

Mode field values 0x0001 through 0x00FF, and 0XFF00 through 0XFFFE

can only be assigned by an IETF Standards Action.

Mode field values 0x0100 through 0x0FFF and 0xF0000 through 0xFEFF

are allocated by IESG approval or IETF consensus.

Mode field values 0x1000 through 0xEFFF are allocated based on

Specification Required as defined in [RFC2434].

Mode values should not be changed when the status of their use

changes. For example, a mode value assigned based just on providing

a specification should not be changed later just because that use's

status is changed to standards track.

The following assignments are documented herein:

RR Type 249 for TKEY.

TKEY Modes 1 through 5 as listed in section 2.5.

Extended RCODE Error values of 19, 20, and 21 as listed in section


8. Security Considerations

The entirety of this specification is concerned with the secure

establishment of a shared secret between DNS clients and servers in

support of TSIG [RFC2845].

Protection against denial of service via the use of TKEY is not



[Schneier] Bruce Schneier, "Applied Cryptography: Protocols,

Algorithms, and Source Code in C", 1996, John Wiley and


[RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities",

STD 13, RFC1034, November 1987.

[RFC1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and

Specifications", STD 13, RFC1035, November 1987.

[RFC1750] Eastlake, D., Crocker, S. and J. Schiller, "Randomness

Recommendations for Security", RFC1750, December 1994.

[RFC1982] Elz, R. and R. Bush, "Serial Number Arithmetic", RFC1982,

September 1996.

[RFC1995] Ohta, M., "Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS", RFC1995,

August 1996.

[RFC2030] Mills, D., "Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4

for IPv4, IPv6 and OSI", RFC2030, October 1996.

[RFC2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M. and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-

Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC2104, February


[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2136] Vixie, P., Thomson, S., Rekhter, Y. and J. Bound, "Dynamic

Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)", RFC2136,

April 1997.

[RFC2434] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an

IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434,

October 1998.

[RFC2437] Kaliski, B. and J. Staddon, "PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography

Specifications Version 2.0", RFC2437, October 1998.

[RFC2535] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions",

RFC2535, March 1999.

[RFC2539] Eastlake, D., "Storage of Diffie-Hellman Keys in the

Domain Name System (DNS)", RFC2539, March 1999.

[RFC2845] Vixie, P., Gudmundsson, O., Eastlake, D. and B.

Wellington, "Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS

(TSIG)", RFC2845, May 2000.

[RFC2931] Eastlake, D., "DNS Request and Transaction Signatures

(SIG(0)s )", RFC2931, September 2000.

Author's Address

Donald E. Eastlake 3rd


140 Forest Avenue

Hudson, MA 01749 USA

Phone: +1 978-562-2827 (h)

+1 508-261-5434 (w)

Fax: +1 508-261-4447 (w)

EMail: Donald.Eastlake@motorola.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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