
RFC2966 - Domain-wide Prefix Distribution with Two-Level IS-IS

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group T. Li

Request for Comments: 2966 Procket Networks

Category: Informational T. Przygienda


H. Smit

Procket Networks

October 2000

Domain-wide Prefix Distribution with Two-Level IS-IS

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes extensions to the Intermediate System to

Intermediate System (IS-IS) protocol to support optimal routing

within a two-level domain. The IS-IS protocol is specified in ISO

10589, with extensions for supporting IPv4 (Internet Protocol)

specified in RFC1195 [2].

This document extends the semantics presented in RFC1195 so that a

routing domain running with both level 1 and level 2 Intermediate

Systems (IS) [routers] can distribute IP prefixes between level 1 and

level 2 and vice versa. This distribution requires certain

restrictions to insure that persistent forwarding loops do not form.

The goal of this domain-wide prefix distribution is to increase the

granularity of the routing information within the domain.

1. IntrodUCtion

An IS-IS routing domain (a.k.a., an autonomous system running IS-IS)

can be partitioned into multiple level 1 (L1) areas, and a level 2

(L2) connected subset of the topology that interconnects all of the

L1 areas. Within each L1 area, all routers exchange link state

information. L2 routers also exchange L2 link state information to

compute routes between areas.

RFC1195 [2] defines the Type, Length and Value (TLV) tuples that are

used to transport IPv4 routing information in IS-IS. RFC1195 also

specifies the semantics and procedures for interactions between

levels. Specifically, routers in a L1 area will exchange information

within the L1 area. For IP destinations not found in the prefixes in

the L1 database, the L1 router should forward packets to the nearest

router that is in both L1 and L2 (i.e., an L1L2 router) with the

"attached bit" set in its L1 Link State Protocol Data Unit (LSP).

Also per RFC1195, an L1L2 router should be manually configured with

a set of prefixes that summarizes the IP prefixes reachable in that

L1 area. These summaries are injected into L2. RFC1195 specifies

no further interactions between L1 and L2 for IPv4 prefixes.

1.1 Motivations for domain-wide prefix distribution

The mechanisms specified in RFC1195 are appropriate in many

situations, and lead to Excellent scalability properties. However,

in certain circumstances, the domain administrator may wish to

sacrifice some amount of scalability and distribute more specific

information than is described by RFC1195. This section discusses

the various reasons why the domain administrator may wish to make

such a tradeoff.

One major reason for distributing more prefix information is to

improve the quality of the resulting routes. A well know property of

prefix summarization or any abstraction mechanism is that it

necessarily results in a loss of information. This loss of

information in turn results in the computation of a route based upon

less information, which will frequently result in routes that are not


A simple example can serve to demonstrate this adequately. Suppose

that a L1 area has two L1L2 routers that both advertise a single

summary of all prefixes within the L1 area. To reach a destination

inside the L1 area, any other L2 router is going to compute the

shortest path to one of the two L1L2 routers for that area. Suppose,

for example, that both of the L1L2 routers are equidistant from the

L2 source, and that the L2 source arbitrarily selects one L1L2

router. This router may not be the optimal router when viewed from

the L1 topology. In fact, it may be the case that the path from the

selected L1L2 router to the destination router may traverse the L1L2

router that was not selected. If more detailed topological

information or more detailed metric information was available to the

L2 source router, it could make a more optimal route computation.

This situation is symmetric in that an L1 router has no information

about prefixes in L2 or within a different L1 area. In using the

nearest L1L2 router, that L1L2 is effectively injecting a default

route without metric information into the L1 area. The route

computation that the L1 router performs is similarly suboptimal.

Besides the optimality of the routes computed, there are two other

significant drivers for the domain wide distribution of prefix


When a router learns multiple possible paths to external destinations

via BGP, it will select only one of those routes to be installed in

the forwarding table. One of the factors in the BGP route selection

is the IGP cost to the BGP next hop address. Many ISP networks

depend on this technique, which is known as "shortest exit routing".

If a L1 router does not know the exact IGP metric to all BGP speakers

in other L1 areas, it cannot do effective shortest exit routing.

The third driver is the current practice of using the IGP (IS-IS)

metric as part of the BGP Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED). The value

in the MED is advertised to other domains and is used to inform other

domains of the optimal entry point into the current domain. Current

practice is to take the IS-IS metric and insert it as the MED value.

This tends to cause external traffic to enter the domain at the point

closest to the exit router. Note that the receiving domain may,

based upon policy, choose to ignore the MED that is advertised.

However, current practice is to distribute the IGP metric in this way

in order to optimize routing wherever possible. This is possible in

current networks that only are a single area, but becomes problematic

if hierarchy is to be installed into the network. This is again

because the loss of end-to-end metric information means that the MED

value will not reflect the true distance across the advertising

domain. Full distribution of prefix information within the domain

would alleviate this problem as it would allow accurate computation

of the IS-IS metric across the domain, resulting in an accurate value

presented in the MED.

1.2 Scalability

The disadvantage to performing the domain-wide prefix distribution

described above is that it has an impact to the scalability of IS-IS.

Areas within IS-IS help scalability in that LSPs are contained within

a single area. This limits the size of the link state database, that

in turn limits the complexity of the shortest path computation.

Further, the summarization of the prefix information aids scalability

in that the abstraction of the prefix information removes the sheer

number of data items to be transported and the number of routes to be


It should be noted quite strongly that the distribution of prefixes

on a domain wide basis impacts the scalability of IS-IS in the second

respect. It will increase the number of prefixes throughout the

domain. This will result in increased memory consumption,

transmission requirements and computation requirements throughout the


It must also be noted that the domain-wide distribution of prefixes

has no effect whatsoever on the first ASPect of scalability, namely

the existence of areas and the limitation of the distribution of the

link state database.

Thus, the net result is that the introduction of domain-wide prefix

distribution into a formerly flat, single area network is a clear

benefit to the scalability of that network. However, it is a

compromise and does not provide the maximum scalability available

with IS-IS. Domains that choose to make use of this facility should

be aware of the tradeoff that they are making between scalability and

optimality and provision and monitor their networks accordingly.

Normal provisioning guidelines that would apply to a fully

hierarchical deployment of IS-IS will not apply to this type of


2. Proposed syntax and semantics for L2->L1 inter-area routes

This document defines the syntax of how to advertise level 2 routes

in level 1 LSPs. The encoding is an extension of the encoding in RFC


To some extent, in IS-IS the level 2 backbone can be seen as a

separate area itself. RFC1195 defines that L1L2 routers can

advertise IP routes that were learned via L1 routing into L2. These

routes can be regarded as inter-area routes. RFC1195 defines that

these L1->L2 inter-area routes must be advertised in L2 LSPs in the

"IP Internal Reachability Information" TLV (TLV 128). Intra-area L2

routes are also advertised in L2 LSPs in an "IP Internal Reachability

Information" TLV. Therefore, L1->L2 inter-area routes are

indistinguishable from L2 intra-area routes.

RFC1195 does not define L2->L1 inter-area routes. A simple

extension would be to allow a L1L2 router to advertise routes learned

via L2 routing in its L1 LSP. However, to prevent routing-loops,

L1L2 routers must never advertise L2->L1 inter-area routes that they

learn via L1 routing, back into L2. Therefore, there must be a way

to distinguish L2->L1 inter-area routes from L1 intra-area routes.

Draft-ietf-isis-traffic-01.txt defines the "up/down bit" for this

purpose. RFC1195 defines TLVs 128 and 130 to contain IP routes.

TVLs 128 and 130 have a metric field that consists of 4 TOS metrics.

The first metric, the so-called "default metric", has the high-order

bit reserved (bit 8). Routers must set this bit to zero on

transmission, and ignore it on receipt.

This document redefines this high-order bit in the default metric

field in TLVs 128 and 130 to be the up/down bit. L1L2 routers must

set this bit to one for prefixes that are derived from L2 routing and

are advertised into L1 LSPs. The bit must be set to zero for all

other IP prefixes in L1 or L2 LSPs. Prefixes with the up/down bit

set that are learned via L1 routing, must never be advertised by L1L2

routers back into L2.

2.1 Clarification of external route-type and external metric-type

RFC1195 defines two TLVs for carrying IP prefixes. TLV 128 is

defined as "IP Internal Reachability Information", and should be used

to carry IP prefixes that are directly connected to IS-IS routers.

TLV 130 is defined as "IP External Reachability Information", and

should be used to carry routes learned from outside the IS-IS domain.

RFC1195 documents TLV type 130 only for level 2 LSPs.

RFC1195 also defines two types of metrics. Metrics of the internal

metric-type should be used when the metric is comparable to metrics

used to weigh links inside the ISIS domain. Metrics of the external

metric-type should be used if the metric of an IP prefix cannot be

directly compared to internal metrics. External metric-type can only

be used for external IP prefixes. A direct result is that metrics of

external metric-type should never be seen in TLV 128.

To prevent confusion, this document states again that when a router

computes IP routes, it must give the same preference to IP routes

advertised in an "IP Internal Reachability Information" TLV and IP

routes advertised in an "IP External Reachability Information" TLV.

RFC1195 states this quite clearly in the note in paragraph 3.10.2,

item 2c). This document does not alter this rule of preference.

NOTE: Internal routes (routes to destinations announced in the

"IP Internal Reachability Information" field), and external

routes using internal metrics (routes to destinations announced

in the "IP External Reachability Information" field, with a

metric of type "internal") are treated identically for the

purpose of the order of preference of routes, and the Dijkstra


However, IP routes advertised in "IP External Reachability

Information" with external metric-type must be given less preference

than the same IP routes advertised with internal-metric type,

regardless of the value of the metrics.

While IS-IS routers must not give different preference to IP prefixes

learned via "IP Internal Reachability Information" and "IP External

Reachability Information" when executing the Dijkstra calculation,

routers that implement multiple IGPs are free to use this distinction

between internal and external routes when comparing routes derived

from different IGPs for inclusion in their global RIB.

2.2 Definition of external IP prefixes in level 1 LSPs

RFC1195 does not define the "IP External Reachability Information"

TLV for L1 LSPs. However, there is no reason why an IS-IS

implementation could not allow for redistribution of external routes

into L1. Some IS-IS implementations already allow network

administrators to do this. This document loosens the restrictions in

RFC1195, and allows for the inclusion of the "IP External

Reachability Information" TLV in L1 LSPs.

RFC1195 defines that IP routes learned via L1 routing must always be

advertised in L2 LSPs in a "IP Internal Reachability Information"

TLV. Now that this document allows "IP External Reachability

Information" TLVs in L1 LSPs, and allows for the advertisement of

routes learned via L2 routing into L1, the above rule needs a


When a L1L2 router advertises a L1 route into L2, where that L1 route

was learned via a prefix advertised in a "IP External Reachability

Information" TLV, that L1L2 router should advertise that prefix in

its L2 LSP within an "IP External Reachability Information" TLV. L1

routes learned via an "IP Internal Reachability Information" TLV

should still be advertised within a "IP Internal Reachability

Information" TLV. These rules should also be applied when

advertising IP routes derived from L2 routing into L1. Of course in

this case also the up/down bit must be set.

RFC1195 defines that if a router sees the same external prefix

advertised by two or more routers with the same external metric, it

must select the route that is advertised by the router that is

closest to itself. It should be noted that now that external routes

can be advertised from L1 into L2, and vice versa, that the router

that advertises an external prefix in its LSP might not be the router

that originally injected this prefix into the IS-IS domain.

Therefore, it is less useful to advertise external routes with

external metrics into other levels.

3. Types of IP routes in IS-IS and their order of preference

RFC1195 and this document defines several ways of advertising IP

routes in IS-IS. There are four variables involved.

1) The level of the LSP in which the route is advertised. There are

currently two possible values: level 1 and level 2

2) The route-type, which can be derived from the type of TLV in which

the prefix is advertised. Internal routes are advertised in IP

Internal Reachability Information TLVs (TLV 128), and external

routes are advertised in IP External Reachability Information TLVs

(TLV 130).

3) The metric-type: Internal or External. The metric-type is derived

from the Internal/External metric-type bit in the metric field

(bit 7).

4) The fact whether this route is leaked down in the hierarchy, and

thus can not be advertised back up. This information can be

derived from the newly defined up/down bit in the default metric


3.1 Overview of all types of IP prefixes in IS-IS Link State PDUs

The combination IP Internal Reachability Information and external

metric-type is not allowed. Also the up/down bit is never set in L2

LSPs. This leaves us with 8 different types of IP advertisements in

IS-IS. However, there are more than 8 reasons for IP prefixes to be

advertised in IS-IS. The following tables describe the types of IP

prefixes and how they are encoded.

1) L1 intra-area routes

These are advertised in L1 LSPs, in TLV 128.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are directly connected to the advertising router.

2) L1 external routes

These are advertised in L1 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are learned from other IGPs, and are usually not

directly connected to the advertising router.

3) L2 intra-area routes

These are advertised in L2 LSPs, in TLV 128.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are directly connected to the advertising router.

These prefixes can not be distinguished from L1->L2 inter-area


4) L2 external routes

These are advertised in L2 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are learned from other IGPs, and are usually not

directly connected to the advertising router. These prefixes can

not be distinguished from L1->L2 inter-area external routes.

5) L1->L2 inter-area routes

These are advertised in L2 LSPs, in TLV 128.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are learned via L1 routing, and were derived

during the L1 SPF computation from prefixes advertised in L1 LSPs in

TLV 128. These prefixes can not be distinguished from L2 intra-area


6) L1->L2 inter-area external routes

These are advertised in L2 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are learned via L1 routing, and were derived

during the L1 SPF computation from prefixes advertised in L1 LSPs in

TLV 130. These prefixes can not be distinguished from L2 external


7) L2->L1 inter-area routes

These are advertised in L1 LSPs, in TLV 128.

The up/down bit is set to one, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are learned via L2 routing, and were derived

during the L2 SPF computation from prefixes advertised in TLV 128.

8) L2->L1 inter-area external routes

These are advertised in L1 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to one, metric-type is internal metric.

These IP prefixes are learned via L2 routing, and were derived

during the L2 SPF computation from prefixes advertised in L2 LSPs in

TLV 130.

9) L1 external routes with external metric

These are advertised in L1 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is external metric.

These IP prefixes are learned from other IGPs, and are usually not

directly connected to the advertising router.

10) L2 external routes with external metric

These are advertised in L2 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is external metric.

These IP prefixes are learned from other IGPs, and are usually not

directly connected to the advertising router. These prefixes can

not be distinguished from L1->L2 inter-area external routes with

external metric.

11) L1->L2 inter-area external routes with external metric

These are advertised in L2 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to zero, metric-type is external metric.

These IP prefixes are learned via L1 routing, and were derived

during the L1 SPF computation from prefixes advertised in L1 LSPs in

TLV 130 with external metrics. These prefixes can not be

distinguished from L2 external routes with external metric.

12) L2->L1 inter-area external routes with external metric

These are advertised in L1 LSPs, in TLV 130.

The up/down bit is set to one, metric-type is external metric.

These IP prefixes are learned via L2 routing, and were derived

during the L1 SPF computation from prefixes advertised in L2 LSPs in

TLV 130 with external metrics.

3.2 Order of preference for all types of IP routes in IS-IS

Unfortunately IS-IS cannot depend on metrics alone for route

selection. Some types of routes must always preferred over others,

regardless of the costs that were computed in the Dijkstra

calculation. One of the reasons for this is that inter-area routes

can only be advertised with a maximum metric of 63. Another reason

is that this maximum value of 63 does not mean infinity (e.g. like a

hop count of 16 in RIP denotes unreachable). Introducing a value for

infinity cost in IS-IS inter-area routes would introduce counting-

to-infinity behavior via two or more L1L2 routers, which would have a

bad impact on network stability.

The order of preference of IP routes in IS-IS is based on a few


- RFC1195 defines that routes derived from L1 routing are preferred

over routes derived from L2 routing.

- The note in RFC1195 paragraph 3.10.2, item 2c) defines that

internal routes with internal metric-type and external prefixes

with internal metric-type have the same preference.

- RFC1195 defines that external routes with internal metric-type are

preferred over external routes with external metric type.

- Routes derived from L2 routing are preferred over L2->L1 routes

derived from L1 routing.

Based on these assumptions, this document defines the following route


1) L1 intra-area routes with internal metric

L1 external routes with internal metric

2) L2 intra-area routes with internal metric

L2 external routes with internal metric

L1->L2 inter-area routes with internal metric

L1->L2 inter-area external routes with internal metric

3) L2->L1 inter-area routes with internal metric

L2->L1 inter-area external routes with internal metric

4) L1 external routes with external metric

5) L2 external routes with external metric

L1->L2 inter-area external routes with external metric

6) L2->L1 inter-area external routes with external metric

3.3 Additional notes on what prefixes to accept or advertise

Paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 enumerate all used IP route types in IS-IS.

Besides these defined route types, the encoding used would allow for

a few more potential combinations. One of them is the combination of

"IP Internal Reachability Information" and external metric type.

This combination should never be used when building an LSP. Upon

receipt of an IP prefix with this combination, routers must ignore

this prefix.

Another issue would be the usage of the up/down bit in L2 LSPs.

Because IS-IS is currently defined with two levels of hierarchy,

there should never be a need to set the up/down bit in L2 LSPs.

However, if IS-IS would ever be extended with more than two levels of

hierarchy, L2-only (or L1L2) routers will need to be able to accept

L2 IP routes with the up/down bit set. Therefore, it is recommended

that implementations ignore the up/down bit in L2 LSPs, and accept

the prefixes in L2 LSPs regardless whether the up/down bit is set.

This will allow for simpler migration once more than two levels of

hierarchy are defined.

Another detail that implementors should be aware of is the fact that

L1L2 routers should only advertise in their L2 LSP those L1 routes

that they use for forwarding themselves. They should not

unconditionally advertise into L2 all prefixes from LSPs in the L1


Not all prefixes need to be advertised up or down the hierarchy.

Implementations might allow for additional manual filtering or

summarization to further bring down the number of inter-area prefixes

they advertise in their LSPs. It is also recommended that the

default configuration of L1L2 routers is to not advertise any L2

routes into L1 (see also paragraph 5.0).

4. Inter-operability with older implementations

The solution in this document is not fully compatible with RFC1195.

It is an extension to RFC1195. If routers do not use the new

functionality of external L1 routes, nor L2->L1 inter-area routes,

older implementations that strictly follow RFC1195 will be

compatible with newer implementations that follow this document.

Implementations that do not accept the "IP External Reachability

Information" TLV in L1 LSPs will not be able to compute external L1

routes. This could cause routing loops between L1-only routers that

do understand external L1 routes for a particular destination, and

L1-only routers that use the default route pointing the closest

attached L1L2 router for that destination.

Implementations that follow RFC1195 should ignore bit 8 in the

default metric field when computing routes. Therefore, even older

implementations that do not know of the up/down bit should be able to

accept the new L2->L1 inter-area routes. These older implementations

will install the new L2->L1 inter-area routes as L1 intra-area

routes, but that in itself does not cause routing loops among L1-only


However, it is vital that the up/down bit is recognized by L1L2

routers. As has been stated before, L1L2 routers must never

advertise L2->L1 inter-area routes back into L2. Therefore, if L2

routes are advertised down into L1 area, it is required that all L1L2

routers in that area run software that understands the new up/down

bit. Older implementations that follow RFC1195 and do not

understand the new up/down bit will threat the L2->L1 inter-area

routes as L1 intra-area routes, and they will advertise these routes

back into L2. This can cause routing loops, sub-optimal routing or

extra routing instability. For this reason it is recommended that

implementations by default do not advertise any L2 routes into L1.

Implementations should force the network administrator to manually

configure L1L2 routers to advertise any L2 routes into L1.

5. Comparisons with other proposals

In [3], a new TLV is defined to transport IP prefix information.

This TLV format also defines an up/down bit to allow for L2->L1

inter-area routes. [3] also defines a new TLV to describe links.

Both TLVs have wider metric space, and have the possibility to define

sub-TLVs to advertise extra information belonging to the link or

prefix. The wider metric space in IP prefix TLVs allows for more

granular metric information about inter-area path costs. To make

full use of the wider metric space, network administrators must

deploy both new TLVs at the same time.

Deployment of [3] requires an upgrade of all routers in the network

and a transition to the new TLVs. Such a network-wide upgrade and

transition might not be an easy task. In this case, the solution

defined in this document, which requires only an upgrade of L1L2

routers in selected areas, might be a good alternative to the

solution defined in [3].

6. Security Considerations

This document raises no new security issues for IS-IS.

7. References

[1] ISO 10589, "Intermediate System to Intermediate System Intra-

Domain Routing Exchange Protocol for use in Conjunction with the

Protocol for Providing the Connectionless-mode Network Service

(ISO 8473)". [Also republished as RFC1142.]

[2] Callon, R., "Use of OSI IS-IS for routing in TCP/IP and dual

environments", RFC1195, December 1990.

[3] Smit, H. and T. Li, "IS-IS Extensions for Traffic Engineering",

Work in Progress.

8. Authors' Addresses

Tony Li

Procket Networks

1100 Cadillac Court

Milpitas, CA 95035-3025

EMail: tli@procket.com

Tony Przygienda


350 Holger Way

San Jose, CA 95134

EMail: prz@redback.com

Henk Smit

Procket Networks

1100 Cadillac Court

Milpitas, CA 95035-3025

EMail: henk@procket.com

9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise eXPlain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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