
RFC1385 - EIP: The Extended Internet Protocol

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Network Working Group Z. Wang

Request for Comments: 1385 University College London

November 1992

EIP: The Extended Internet Protocol

A Framework for Maintaining Backward Compatibility

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is



The Extended Internet Protocol (EIP) provides a framework for solving

the problem of address space exhaustion with a new addressing and

routing scheme, yet maintaining maximum backward compatibility with

current IP. EIP can substantially redUCe the amount of modifications

needed to the current Internet systems and greatly ease the

difficulties of transition. This is an "idea" paper and discussion is

strongly encouraged on Big-Internet@munnari.oz.au.


The Internet faces two serious scaling problems: address exhaustion

and routing eXPlosion [1-2]. The Internet will run out of Class B

numbers soon and the 32-bit IP address space will be exhausted

altogether in a few years time. The total number of IP networks will

also grow to a point where routing algorithms will not be able to

perform routing based a flat network number.

A number of short-term solutions have been proposed recently which

attempt to make more efficient use of the the remaining address space

and to ease the immediate difficulties [3-5]. However, it is

important that a long term solution be developed and deployed before

the 32-bit address space runs out.

An obvious approach to this problem is to replace the current IP with

a new internet protocol that has no backward compatibility with the

current IP. A number of proposals have been put forward: Pip[7],

Nimrod [8], TUBA [6] and SIP [14]. However, as IP is really the

cornerstone of the current Internet, replacing it with a new "IP"

requires fundamental changes to many ASPects of the Internet system

(e.g., routing, routers, hosts, ARP, RARP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, FTP).

Migrating to a new "IP" in effect creates a new "Internet". The

development and deployment of such a new "Internet" would take a very

large amount of time and effort. In particular, in order to maintain

interoperability between the old and new systems during the

transition period, almost all upgraded systems have to run both the

new and old versions in parallel and also have to determine which

version to use depending on whether the other side is upgraded or


Let us now have a look at the detailed changes that will be required

to replace the current IP with a completely new "IP" and to maintain

the interoperability between the new and the old systems.

1) Border Routers: Border routers have to be upgraded and to provide

address translation service for IP packets across the boundaries.

Note that the translation has to be done on the outgoing IP

packets as well as the in-coming packets to IP hosts.

2) Subnet Routers: Subnet Routers have to be upgraded and have to

deal with both the new and the old packet formats.

3) Hosts: Hosts have to be upgraded and run both the new and the

old protocols in parallel. Upgraded hosts also have to determine

whether the other side is upgraded or not in order to choose the

correct protocol to use.

4) DNS: The DNS has to be modified to provide mapping for domain

names and new addresses.

5) ARP/RARP: ARP/RARP have to be modified, and upgraded hosts and

routers have to deal with both the old and new ARP/RARP packets.

6) ICMP: ICMP has to be modified, and the upgraded routers have to

be able to generate both both old and new ICMP packets. However,

it may be impossible for a backbone router to determine

whether the packet comes from an upgraded host or an IP host but

translated by the border router.

7) TCP/UDP Checksum: The pseudo headers may have to be modified to

use the new addresses.

8) FTP: The DATA PORT (PORT) command has to be changed to pass new


In this paper, we argue that an evolutionary approach can extend the

addressing space yet maintain backward compatibility. The Extended

Internet Protocol (EIP) we present here can be used as a framework by

which a new routing and addressing scheme may solve the problem of

address exhaustion yet maintain maximum backward compatibility to

current IP.

EIP has a number of very desirable features:

1) EIP allows the Internet to have virtually unlimited number of

network numbers and over 10**9 hosts in each network.

2) EIP is flexible to accommodate most routing and addressing

schemes, such as those proposed in Nimrod [8], Pip [7], NSAP [9]

and CityCodes [10]. EIP also allows new fields such as Handling

Directive [7] or CI [11] to be added.

3) EIP can substantially reduce the amount of modifications to

current systems and greatly ease the difficulties in transition.

In particular, it does not require the upgraded hosts and subnet

routers to run two set of protocols in parallel.

4) EIP requires no changes to all assigned IP addresses and subnet

structures in local are networks. and requires no modifications

to ARP/RARP, ICMP, TCP/UDP checksum.

5) EIP can greatly ease the difficulties of transition. During the

transition period, no upgrade is required to the subnet routers.

EIP hosts maintain full compatibility with IP hosts within the

same network, even after the transition period. During the

transition period, IP hosts can communicate with any hosts in

other networks via a simple translation service.

In the rest of the paper, IP refers to the current Internet Protocol

and EIP refers to the Extended Internet Protocol (EIP is pronounced

as "ape" - a step forward in the evolution :-).

Extended Internet Protocol (EIP)

The EIP header format is shown in Figure 1 and the contents of the

header follows.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Version IHL Type of Service Total Length


Identification Flags Fragment Offset


Time to Live Protocol Header Checksum


Source Host Number


Destination Host Number


EIP ID EIP Ext Length EIP Extension (variable)


Figure 1: EIP Header Format

Version: 4 bits

The Version field is identical to that of IP. This field is set

purely for compatibility with IP hosts. It is not checked by EIP


IHL: 4 bits

Internet Header Length is identical to that of IP. IHL is set to

the length of EIP header purely for compatibility with IP. This

field is not checked by EIP hosts. see below the EIP Extension

Length field for more details)

Type of Service: 8 bits

The ToS field is identical to that of IP.

Total Length: 16 bits

The Total Length field is identical to that of IP.

Identification: 16 bits

The Identification field is identical to that of IP.

Flags: 3 bits

The Flags field is identical to that of IP.

Fragment Offset: 13 bits

The Fragment Offset field is identical to that of IP.

Time to Live: 8 bits

The Time to Live field is identical to that of IP.

Protocol: 8 bits

The Protocol field is identical to that of IP.

Header Checksum: 16 bits

The Header Checksum field is identical to that of IP.

Source Host Number: 32 bits

The Source Host Number field is used for identifying the

source host but is unique only within the source network

(the equivalent of the host portion of the source IP address).

Destination Host Number: 32 bits

The Destination Host Number field is used for identifying the

destination host but is unique only within the destination network

(the equivalent of the host portion of the destination IP address).

EIP ID: 8 bits

The EIP ID field equals to 0x8A. The EIP ID value is chosen

in such a way that, to IP hosts and IP routers, an EIP appears

to be an IP packet with a new IP option of following parameters:


---- ----- ------ ------ -----------

1 0 TBD var

Option: Type=TBD

EIP Extension Length: 8 bits

The EIP Extension Length field indicates the total length

of the EIP ID field, EIP Extension Length field and the

EIP Extension field in octets. The maximum length that the

IHL field above can specify is 60 bytes, which is considered

too short in future. EIP hosts actually use the EIP Extension

Length field to calculate the total header length:

The total header length = EIP Extension Length + 20.

The maximum header length of an EIP packet is then 276 bytes.

EIP Extension: variable

The EIP Extension field holds the Source Network Number,

Destination Network Number and other fields. The format

of the Extension field is not specified here. In its simplest

form, it can be used to hold two fixed size fields as the

Source Network Number and Destination Network Number as the

extension to the addressing space. Since the Extension

field is variable in length, it can accommodate almost any

routing and addressing schemes. For example, the Extension

field can be used to hold "Routing Directive" etc specified

in Pip [7] or "Endpoint IDs" suggested in Nimrod [8], or the

"CityCode" [10]. It can also hold other fields such as the

"Handling Directive" [7] or "Connectionless ID" [11].

EIP achieves maximum backward compatibility with IP by making the

extended space appear to be an IP option to the IP hosts and routers.

When an IP host receives an EIP packets, the EIP Extension field is

safely ignored as it appears to the IP hosts as an new, therefore an

unknown, IP option. As a result, there is no need for translation

for in-coming EIP packets destined to IP hosts and there is also no

need for subnet routers to be upgraded during the transition period

see later section for more details).

EIP hosts or routers can, however, determine whether a packet is an

IP packet or an EIP packet by examining the EIP ID field, whose

position is fixed in the header.

The EIP Extension field holds the Source and Destination Network

Numbers, which are only used for communications between different

networks. For communications within the same network, the Network

Numbers may be omitted. When the Extension field is omitted, there is

little difference between an IP packet and an EIP packet. Therefore,

EIP hosts can maintain completely compatibility with IP hosts within

one network.

In EIP, the Network Numbers and Host Numbers are separate and the IP

address field is used for the Host Number in EIP. There are a number

of advantages:

1) It maintains full compatibility between IP hosts and EIP hosts

for communications within one network. Note that the Network

Number is not needed for communications within one network. A

host can omit the Extension field if it does not need any other

information in the Extension field, when it communicates with

another host within the same network.

2) It allows the IP subnet routers to route EIP packet by treating

the Host Number as the IP address during the transition period,

therefore the subnet routers are not required to be updated

along the border routers.

3) It allows ARP/RARP to work with both EIP and IP hosts without

any modifications.

4) It allows the translation at the border routers much easier.

During the transition period when the IP addresses are still

unique, the network portion of the IP addresses can be directly

extracted and mapped to EIP Network Numbers.

Modifications to IP Systems

In this section, we outline the modifications to the IP systems that

are needed for transition to EIP. Because of the similarity between

the EIP and IP, the amount of modifications needed to current systems

are substantially reduced.

1) Network Numbers: Each network has to be assigned a new EIP Network

Number based on the addressing scheme used. The mapping

between the IP network numbers and the EIP Network Numbers can

be used for translation service (see below).

2) Host Numbers: There is no need for assigning EIP Host Numbers.

All existing hosts can use their current IP addresses as their

EIP Host Numbers. New machines may be allocated any number from

the 32-bit Host Number space since the structure posed on IP

addressing is no longer necessary. However, during the transition,

allocation of EIP Host Numbers should still follow the IP

addressing rule, so that the EIP Host Numbers are still globally

unique and can still be interpreted as IP addresses. This will

allow a more gradual transition to EIP (see below).

3) Translation Service: During the transition period when the EIP

Host Numbers are still unique, an address translation service

can be provided to IP hosts that need communicate with hosts in

other networks cross the upgraded backbone networks. The

translation service can be provided by the border routers. When a

border router receives an IP packet, it oBTains the Destination

Network Number by looking up in the mapping table between IP

network numbers and EIP Network Numbers. The border router then

adds the Extension field with the Source and Destination Network

Numbers into the packet, and forwards to the backbone networks.

It is only necessary to translate the out-going IP packets to

the EIP packets. There is no need to translate the EIP packets

back to IP packets even when they are destined to IP hosts.

This is because that the Extension field in the EIP packets

appears to IP hosts just an unknown IP option and is ignored by

the IP hosts during the processing.

4) Border Routers: The new EIP Extension has to be implemented and

routing has to be done based on the Network Number in the EIP

Extension field. The border routers may have to provide the

translation service for out-going IP packets during the transition


5) Subnet Routers: No modifications are required during the transition

period when EIP Host Numbers (which equals to the IP

addresses) are still globally unique. The subnet routing is carried

out based on the EIP Host Numbers and when the EIP Host

IDs are still unique, subnet routers can determine, by treating

the EIP Host Number as the IP addresses, whether a packet is

destined to remote networks or not and forward correctly. The

Extension field in the EIP packets also appear to the IP subnet

routers an unknown IP option and is ignored in the processing.

However, subnet routers eventually have to implement the EIP

Extension and carry out routing based on Network Numbers when

EIP Host Numbers are no longer globally unique.

6) Hosts: The EIP Extension has to be implemented. routing has to

be done based on the Network Number in the EIP Extension field,

and also based on the Host Number and subnet mask if subnetting

is used. IP hosts may communication with any hosts within the

same network at any time. During the transition period when the

EIP Host Numbers are still unique, IP hosts can communicate with

any hosts in other network via the translation service.

7) DNS: A new resource record (RR) type "N" has to be added for EIP

Network Numbers. The RR type "A", currently used for IP

addresses, can still be used for EIP Host Numbers. RR type "N"

entries have to be added and RR type "PTR" to be updated. All

other entries remain unchanged.

8) ARP/RARP: No modifications are required. The ARP and RARP are

used for mapping between EIP Host Numbers and physical


9) ICMP: No modifications are required.

10) TCP/UDP Checksum: No modifications are required. The pseudo

header includes the EIP Source and Destination IDs instead of

the source and destination IP addresses.

11) FTP: No modifications are required during the transition period

when the IP hosts can still communicate with hosts in other

networks via the translation service. After the transition period,

however, the "DATA Port (Port)" command has to be modified to

pass the port number only and ignore the IP address. A new FTP

command may be created to pass both the port number and the EIP

address to allow a third party to be involved in the file


Transition to EIP

In this section, we outline a plan for transition to EIP.

EIP can greatly reduce the complexity of transition. In particular,

there is no need for the updated hosts and subnet routers to run two

protocols in parallel in order to achieve interoperability between

old and new systems. During the transition, IP hosts can still

communicate with any machines in the same network without any

changes. When the EIP Host Numbers (i.e., the 32-bit IP addresses)

are still globally unique, IP hosts can contact hosts in other

networks via translation service provided in the border routers.

The transition goes as follows:

Phase 0:

a) Choose an addressing and routing scheme for the Internet.

b) Implement the routing protocol.

c) Assign new Network Numbers to existing networks.

Phase 1:

a) Update all backbone routers and border routers.

b) Update DNS servers.

c) Start translation service.

Phase 2:

a) Update first the key hosts such as mail servers, DNS servers,

FTP servers and central machines.

b) Update gradually the rest of the hosts.

Phase 3:

a) Update subnet routers

b) Withdraw the translation service.

The translation service can be provided as long as the Host IDs

(i.e., the 32-bit IP address) are still globally unique. When the IP

address space is exhausted, the translation service will be withdrawn

and the remaining IP hosts can only communicate with hosts within the

the same network. At the same time, networks can use any numbers in

the 32-bit space for addressing their hosts.

Related Work

A recent proposal called IPAE by Hinden and Crocker also attempts to

minimize the modifications to the current IP system yet to extend the

addressing space [12]. IPAE uses encapsulation so that the extended

space is carried as IP data. However, it has been found that the 64

bits IP data returned by an ICMP packet is too small to hold the

Global IP addresses. Thus, when a router receives an ICMP generated

by an old IP host, it is not able to convert it into a proper ICMP

packet. More details can be found in [13].


EIP does not necessary increase the header length significantly as

most of the fields in the current IP will be still needed in the new

internet protocol. There are debates as to whether fragmentation and

header checksum are necessary in the new internet protocol but no

consensus has been reached.

EIP assumes that IP hosts and routers ignore unknown IP option

silently as required by [15,16]. Some people have expressed some

concerns as to whether current IP routers and hosts in the Internet

can deal with unknown IP options properly.

In order to look into the issues further, we carried out a number of

experiments over the use of IP option. We selected 35 hosts over 30

countries across the Internet. A TCP test program (based on ttcp.c)

then transmitted data to the echo port (tcp port 7) of each of the

hosts. Two tests were carried out for each host, one with an unknown

option (type 0x8A, length 40 bytes) and the other without any


It is difficult to ensure that the conditions under which the two

tests run are identical but we tried to make them as close as

possible. The two tests (test-opt and test-noopt) run on the same

machine a Sun4) in parallel, i.e., "test-opt& ; test-noopt&" and then

again in the reverse order, i.e., "test-noopt& ; test-opt&", so each

test pair actually run twice. Each host was ping'ed before the tests

so that the domain name information was cached before the name


The experiments were carried out at three sites: UCL, Bellcore and

Cambridge University. The tcp echo throughput (KB/Sec) results are

listed in Appendix.

The results show that the IP option was dealt with properly and there

is no visible performance difference under the test setup.


[1] Chiappa, N., "The IP Addressing Issue", Work in Progress, October


[2] Clark, D., Chapin, L., Cerf, V., Braden, R., and R. Hobby,

"Towards the Future Architecture", RFC1287, MIT, BBN, CNRI, ISI,

UCDavis , December 1991.

[3] Solensky, F. and F. Kastenholz, "A Revision to IP Address

Classifications", Work in Progress, March 1992.

[4] Fuller, V., Li, T., Yu, J., and K. Varadhan, "Supernetting: an

Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy", RFC1338, BARRNet,

cisco, Merit, OARnet, June 1992.

[5] Wang, Z., and J. Crowcroft, "A Two-Tier Address Structure for the

Internet: a solution to the problem of address space exhaustion",

RFC1335, University College London, May 1992.

[6] Callon, R., "TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TUBA), a Simple

Proposal for Internet Addressing and Routing", RFC1347, DEC,

June 1992.

[7] Tsuchiya, P., "Pip: The 'P' Internet Protocol", Work in Progress,

May 1992

[8] Chiappa N., "A New IP Routing and Addressing Architecture", Work

in Progress, 1992.

[9] Colella, R., Gardner, E., and R. Callon, "Guidelines for OSI NSAP

Allocation in the Internet" RFC1237, NIST, Mitre, DEC, July


[10] Deering, S., "City Codes: An Alternative Scheme for OSI NSAP

Allocation in the Internet", Work in Progress, January 1992.

[11] Clark, D., "Building routers for the routing of tomorrow", in his

message to Big-Interent@munnari.oz.au, 14 July 1992.

[12] Hinden, R., and D. Crocker, "A Proposal for IP Address

Encapsulation (IPAE): A Compatible Version of IP with Large

Addresses", Work in Progress, July 1992.

[13] Partridge, C., "Re: Note on implementing IPAE", in his message to

Big-Interent@munnari.oz.au, 17 July 1992.

[14] Deering, S., "SIP: Simple Internet Protocol", Work in Progress,

September 1992.

[15] Braden, R., Editor, "Requirements for Internet Hosts

-- Communication Layers", RFC1122, ISI, October 1989.

[16] Almquist, P., Editor, "Requirements for IP Routers", Work in

Progress, October 1991.


Throughput Test from UCL (sartre.cs.ucl.ac.uk)

Destination Host test-noopt test-opt

------------------- ---------- ---------

oliver.cs.mcgill.ca 1.128756 1.285345

oliver.cs.mcgill.ca 1.063096 1.239709

bertha.cc.und.ac.za 0.094336 0.043917

bertha.cc.und.ac.za 0.075681 0.057120

vnet3.vub.ac.be 2.090622 2.228181

vnet3.vub.ac.be 1.781374 1.692740

itdsrv1.ul.ie 1.937596 2.062579

itdsrv1.ul.ie 1.928313 1.936784

sunic.sunet.se 11.064797 11.724055

sunic.sunet.se 10.861720 10.840306

pascal.acm.org 2.463790 0.810133

pascal.acm.org 1.619088 0.860198

iti.gov.sg 1.565320 1.983795

iti.gov.sg 1.564788 1.921803

rzusuntk.unizh.ch 9.903805 11.335920

rzusuntk.unizh.ch 9.597806 10.678098

funet.fi 9.897876 9.382925

funet.fi 10.487118 11.023745

odin.diku.dk 5.851407 5.482946

odin.diku.dk 5.992257 6.243283

cphkvx.cphk.hk 0.758044 0.844406

cphkvx.cphk.hk 0.784532 0.745606

bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk 28.341705 29.655824

bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk 24.804125 23.240990

pesach.jct.ac.il 1.045922 1.115802

pesach.jct.ac.il 1.330429 0.978184

sun1.sara.nl 10.546733 11.500778

sun1.sara.nl 9.624833 10.214136

cocos.fuw.edu.pl 1.747777 1.702324

cocos.fuw.edu.pl 1.676151 1.716435

apple.com 4.449559 4.145081

apple.com 6.431675 5.520443

gorgon.tf.tele.no 1.199810 1.374546

gorgon.tf.tele.no 0.508642 0.993261

kogwy.cc.keio.ac.jp 3.626448 3.249590

kogwy.cc.keio.ac.jp 3.913777 4.094849

exu.inf.puc-rio.br 1.913925 1.795235

exu.inf.puc-rio.br 1.154936 1.114775

inria.inria.fr 2.299561 0.599665

inria.inria.fr 1.219282 0.873672

kum.kaist.ac.kr 0.252704 0.254199

kum.kaist.ac.kr 0.236196 0.172367

sunipc1.labein.es 1.398777 1.243588

sunipc1.labein.es 0.876177 0.602964

wifosv.wsr.ac.at 0.531153 0.803387

wifosv.wsr.ac.at 0.773935 0.557798

uunet.uu.net 7.813556 6.764543

uunet.uu.net 7.969203 6.657325

infnsun.aquila.infn.it 2.321197 2.402477

infnsun.aquila.infn.it 2.400196 2.695016

muttley.fc.ul.pt 0.545775 0.434672

muttley.fc.ul.pt 0.284124 0.266017

dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au 2.734685 2.857545

dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au 1.168154 1.462789

hamlet.caltech.edu 2.552804 2.897286

hamlet.caltech.edu 3.839141 2.407945

sztaki.hu 0.294196 0.403697

sztaki.hu 0.236260 0.388755

menvax.restena.lu 0.465066 0.515361

menvax.restena.lu 0.358646 0.511985

nctu.edu.tw 0.484372 0.816722

nctu.edu.tw 0.705733 1.109228

xalapa.lania.mx 0.899529 0.822544

xalapa.lania.mx 1.150058 0.881713

truth.waikato.ac.nz 1.438481 1.993749

truth.waikato.ac.nz 1.325041 1.833999

Throughput Test from Bellcore (latour.bellcore.com)

Destination Host test-noopt test-opt

------------------ ---------- ---------

oliver.cs.mcgill.ca 1.820014 2.128104

oliver.cs.mcgill.ca 1.979981 1.866815

bertha.cc.und.ac.za 0.099289 0.035877

bertha.cc.und.ac.za 0.118627 0.103763

vnet3.vub.ac.be 0.368476 0.694463

vnet3.vub.ac.be 0.443269 0.644050

itdsrv1.ul.ie 0.721444 0.960068

itdsrv1.ul.ie 0.713952 0.953275

sunic.sunet.se 2.989907 2.956766

sunic.sunet.se 2.100563 2.010292

pascal.acm.org 2.487185 3.896253

pascal.acm.org 1.944085 4.269323

iti.gov.sg 2.401733 2.735445

iti.gov.sg 2.950990 2.793121

rzusuntk.unizh.ch 4.094820 3.618023

rzusuntk.unizh.ch 2.952650 2.245001

funet.fi 6.703408 5.928008

funet.fi 7.389722 5.815122

odin.diku.dk 2.094152 2.450695

odin.diku.dk 5.362362 4.690722

cphkvx.cphk.hk 0.092698 0.106880

cphkvx.cphk.hk 0.496394 0.681994

bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk 2.632951 2.631322

bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk 3.717170 1.335914

pesach.jct.ac.il 0.684029 0.921621

pesach.jct.ac.il 0.390263 1.095265

sun1.sara.nl 3.186035 2.325166

sun1.sara.nl 3.053797 3.081236

cocos.fuw.edu.pl 0.154405 0.124795

cocos.fuw.edu.pl 0.120283 0.105825

apple.com 12.588979 12.957880

apple.com 13.861733 12.211125

gorgon.tf.tele.no 1.280217 1.112675

gorgon.tf.tele.no 0.243205 0.631096

kogwy.cc.keio.ac.jp 6.249789 5.075968

kogwy.cc.keio.ac.jp 3.387490 4.583511

exu.inf.puc-rio.br 2.089536 2.233711

exu.inf.puc-rio.br 2.476758 2.249439

inria.inria.fr 0.653974 0.866246

inria.inria.fr 0.739127 1.130521

kum.kaist.ac.kr 1.541682 1.312546

kum.kaist.ac.kr 0.906632 1.042793

sunipc1.labein.es 0.101496 0.091456

sunipc1.labein.es 0.054245 0.101585

wifosv.wsr.ac.at 1.044443 0.369528

wifosv.wsr.ac.at 0.596935 0.870377

uunet.uu.net 9.530348 8.999789

uunet.uu.net 8.941888 6.075660

infnsun.aquila.infn.it 1.619418 1.569645

infnsun.aquila.infn.it 1.156780 1.158000

muttley.fc.ul.pt 0.353632 0.416126

muttley.fc.ul.pt 0.221522 0.155505

dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au 3.433901 3.272839

dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au 3.408975 3.130188

hamlet.caltech.edu 5.367756 6.325031

hamlet.caltech.edu 4.828718 5.676571

sztaki.hu 0.301120 0.362481

sztaki.hu 0.253222 0.519892

menvax.restena.lu 0.364221 0.480789

menvax.restena.lu 0.456882 0.580778

nctu.edu.tw 0.246523 1.199412

nctu.edu.tw 0.423476 0.630833

xalapa.lania.mx 0.748642 0.607284

xalapa.lania.mx 0.716781 0.643030

truth.waikato.ac.nz 2.197595 2.072601

truth.waikato.ac.nz 2.489748 2.186684

Throughput Test from Cam U (cus.cam.ac.uk)

Destination Host test-noopt test-opt

------------------ ---------- ---------

oliver.cs.mcgill.ca 1.128756 1.285345

oliver.cs.mcgill.ca 1.063096 1.239709

bertha.cc.und.ac.za 0.031218 0.031221

bertha.cc.und.ac.za 0.034405 0.034925

vnet3.vub.ac.be 0.568487 0.731320

vnet3.vub.ac.be 0.558238 0.581415

itdsrv1.ul.ie 1.064302 1.284707

itdsrv1.ul.ie 0.852089 1.025779

sunic.sunet.se 7.179942 6.270326

sunic.sunet.se 5.772485 6.689160

pascal.acm.org 1.661248 1.726725

pascal.acm.org 1.557839 1.428193

iti.gov.sg 0.600616 0.926690

iti.gov.sg 0.772887 0.956636

rzusuntk.unizh.ch 3.645913 4.504969

rzusuntk.unizh.ch 1.853503 2.671272

funet.fi 4.190147 3.421110

funet.fi 2.270988 3.789678

odin.diku.dk 1.361227 0.993901

odin.diku.dk 1.977774 2.415716

cphkvx.cphk.hk 1.173451 1.298421

cphkvx.cphk.hk 1.151376 1.184210

bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk 269.589141 238.920081

bootes.cus.cam.ac.uk 331.203020 293.556436

pesach.jct.ac.il 0.343598 0.492202

pesach.jct.ac.il 0.582809 0.930958

sun1.sara.nl 1.529277 1.470571

sun1.sara.nl 0.896041 0.894923

cocos.fuw.edu.pl 0.131180 0.142239

cocos.fuw.edu.pl 0.137697 0.148895

apple.com 1.330794 0.453590

apple.com 0.856476 0.714661

gorgon.tf.tele.no 0.094793 0.099981

gorgon.tf.tele.no 0.167257 0.151625

kogwy.cc.keio.ac.jp 0.154681 0.178868

kogwy.cc.keio.ac.jp 1.095814 0.871496

exu.inf.puc-rio.br 0.454272 0.384484

exu.inf.puc-rio.br 0.705198 0.690708

inria.inria.fr 0.149511 0.150021

inria.inria.fr 0.071125 0.077257

kum.kaist.ac.kr 0.721184 0.549511

kum.kaist.ac.kr 0.250285 0.296195

sunipc1.labein.es 0.519284 0.491745

sunipc1.labein.es 0.990174 1.009475

wifosv.wsr.ac.at 0.360751 0.418554

wifosv.wsr.ac.at 0.344268 0.326605

uunet.uu.net 4.247430 3.305592

uunet.uu.net 3.139251 2.945469

infnsun.aquila.infn.it 0.480731 0.782631

infnsun.aquila.infn.it 0.230471 0.292273

muttley.fc.ul.pt 0.239624 0.334286

muttley.fc.ul.pt 0.586156 0.419485

dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au 3.630623 3.607504

dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au 1.743162 2.994665

hamlet.caltech.edu 5.897946 4.650703

hamlet.caltech.edu 5.118200 5.622022

sztaki.hu 0.338358 0.225206

sztaki.hu 0.113328 0.112637

menvax.restena.lu 0.224967 0.359237

menvax.restena.lu 0.452945 0.472345

nctu.edu.tw 2.549709 2.037245

nctu.edu.tw 2.229093 2.469851

xalapa.lania.mx 0.713586 0.810107

xalapa.lania.mx 0.612278 0.731705

truth.waikato.ac.nz 1.438481 1.993749

truth.waikato.ac.nz 1.325041 1.833999

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Zheng Wang

Dept of Computer Science

University College London

London WC1E 6BT, UK

EMail: z.wang@cs.ucl.ac.uk

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