
RFC1434 - Data Link Switching: Switch-to-Switch Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. Dixon

Request for Comments: 1434 D. Kushi


March 1993

Data Link Switching: Switch-to-Switch Protocol

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is



This RFCdescribes IBM's support of Data Link Switching over TCP/IP.

The RFCis being distributed to members of the Internet community in

order to solicit their reactions to the proposals contained in it.

While the issues discussed may not be directly relevant to the

research problems of the Internet, they may be interesting to a

number of researchers and implementors.

Any questions or comments relative to the contents of this RFCshould

be sent to the following Internet address: dlsw@ralvma.vnet.ibm.com.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion 2

2. Overview 2

3. Transport Connection 4

3.1. SSP Frame Formats 5

3.2. Address Parameters 8

3.3. Message Types 10

4. Protocol Specification 11

4.1. Protocol Flow Diagrams 11

4.1.1. Connect Protocols 11

4.1.2. Link Restart Protocols 13

4.1.3. Disconnect Protocols 15

4.2. DLS State Machine 16

4.2.1 Data Link Switch States 16

4.2.2 State Transition Tables 21

4.3. NetBIOS Datagrams 30

Acknowledgments 32

References 32

Security Considerations 32

Authors' Addresses 33

1. Introduction

Data Link Switching (DLS) is a forwarding mechanism for the IBM SNA

and IBM NetBIOS protocols. It does not provide full routing, but

instead provides switching at the Data Link layer and encapsulation

in TCP/IP for transport over the Internet. This memo documents the

Switch-to-Switch Protocol (SSP) that is used between IBM 6611 Network


Today, the IBM 6611 supports SNA (PU 2 and PU 4) systems and NetBIOS

systems attached to token-ring networks, as well as SNA (PU 2)

systems attached to SDLC links. For the later case, the SDLC

attached systems are provided with a LAN appearance within the IBM

6611. For the LAN attached systems, the IBM 6611 appears as a

source-routing bridge. Remote systems that are Accessed through the

IBM 6611 appear as systems attached to an adjacent ring. This ring

is a virtual ring that is manifested within each IBM 6611.

2. Overview

Data Link Switching was developed to provide support for SNA and

NetBIOS in multi-protocol routers. Since SNA and NetBIOS are

basically connection oriented protocols, the Data Link Control

procedure that they use on the LAN is IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control

(LLC) Type 2. Data Link Switching also accommodates SNA protocols

over WAN links via the SDLC protocol.

IEEE 802.2 LLC Type 2 was designed with the assumption that the

network transit delay would be small and predictable (i.e., a local

LAN). Therefore the LLC elements of procedure use a fixed timer for

detecting lost frames. When bridging is used over wide area lines

(especially at lower speeds), the network delay is larger and it can

vary greatly based upon congestion. When the delay exceeds the

time-out value LLC attempts to retransmit. If the frame is not

actually lost, only delayed, it is possible for the LLC Type 2

procedures to become confused. And as a result, the link is

eventually taken down.

Given the use of LLC Type 2 services, Data Link Switching addresses

the following bridging problems:

DLC Time-outs

DLC Acknowledgments over the WAN

Flow and Congestion Control

Broadcast Control of Search Packets

Source-Route Bridging Hop Count Limits

NetBIOS also makes extensive use of datagram services that use LLC

Type 1. In this case, Data Link Switching addresses the last two

problems in the above list.

The principal difference between Data Link Switching and bridging is

that DLS terminates the Data Link Control whereas bridging does not.

The following figure illustrates this difference based upon two end

systems operating with LLC Type 2 services.


-------- Bridge Bridge

+------+ +----+ +----+ +------+

End +---------+ +-----/ +---------+ End

System+-+ LAN +-+ /------+ +-+ LAN +-+System

+---------+ TCP/IP +---------+

+------+ +----+ +----+ +------+



Data Link Switching


+------+ +----+ +----+ +------+

End +---------+ +-----/ +---------+ End

System+-+ LAN +-+DLS /------+ DLS+-+ LAN +-+System

+---------+ TCP/IP +---------+

+------+ +----+ +----+ +------+

Info-------------------> -------------> Info

<-------------------RR ---------------->


Figure 1. Data Link Switching Contrasted to Bridging

In traditional bridging, the Data Link Control is end-to-end. Data

Link Switching terminates the LLC Type 2 connection at the switch.

This means that the LLC Type 2 connections do not cross the wide area

network. The DLS multiplexes LLC connections onto a TCP connection

to another DLS. Therefore, the LLC connections at each end are

totally independent of each other. It is the responsibility of the

Data Link Switch to deliver frames that it has received from a LLC

connection to the other end. TCP is used between the Data Link

Switches to guarantee delivery of frames.

As a result of this design, LLC time-outs are limited to the local

LAN (i.e., they do not traverse the wide area). Also, the LLC Type 2

acknowledgments (RR's) do not traverse the WAN, thereby reducing

traffic across the wide area links. For SDLC links, polling and poll

response occurs locally, not over the WAN. Broadcast of search

frames is controlled by the Data Link Switches once the location of a

target system is discovered. Finally, the switches can now apply

back pressure to the end systems to provide flow and congestion


Data Link Switching uses LAN addressing to set up connections between

SNA systems. SDLC attached devices are defined with MAC addresses to

enable them to communicate with LAN attached devices. For NetBIOS

systems, Data Link Switching uses the NetBIOS name to forward

datagrams and to set up connections for NetBIOS sessions. For

circuit establishment, SNA systems send TEST (or in some cases, XID)

frames to the null (x'00') SAP. NetBIOS systems have an address

resolution procedure, based upon the Name Query and Name Recognized

frames, that is used to establish an end-to-end circuit.

Since Data Link Switching may be implemented in multi-protocol

routers, there may be situations where both bridging and switching

are enabled. SNA frames can be identified by their link SAP.

Typical SAP values for SNA are x'04', x'08', and x'0C'. NetBIOS

always uses a link SAP value of x'F0'.

3. Transport Connection

Data Link Switches can be in used in pairs or by themselves. A

Single DLS internally switches one data link to another without using

TCP (DLC(1) to DLC(2) in the figure below). A paired DLS multiplexes

data links over a reliable transport using a Switch-to-Switch

Protocol (SSP). This RFCwill document the frame formats and

protocols for this multiplexing between Data Link Switches. The

initial implementation of SSP uses TCP as the reliable transport

between Data Link Switches. However, other transport connections

such as OSI TP4 could be used.


DLC Interfaces Protocol (SSP)

+------------+ DLC Request +------------+

Data <---------------- Send SSP Frame

Link DLC Indication -------------->

Control 1 ----------------->

+------------+ Data Link

+------------+ DLC Request Switch

Data <---------------- Rec. SSP Frame

Link DLC Indication <-------------

Control 2 ---------------->

+------------+ +------------+

Multi-Protocol Router


Figure 2. DLS System Diagram

Before Data Link Switching can occur between two routers, they must

establish a TCP connection between them. Each DLS will maintain a

list of DLS capable routers and their status (active/inactive). Once

this connection is established, the DLS will employ SSP to establish

end-to-end circuits over the transport connection. Within the

transport connection is a specific set of DLS message units. The

message formats and types for these PDUs are documented in the

following sections.

The default parameters associated with the TCP connections between

Data Link Switches are as follows:

Socket Family AF_INET (Internet protocols)

Socket Type SOCK_STREAM (stream socket)

Read Port Number 2065

Write Port Number 2067

Two or more Data Link Switches may be attached to the same LAN,

consisting of a number of token-ring segments interconnected by

source-routing bridges. In this case, a TCP connection is not

defined between bridges attached to the same LAN. This will allow

using systems to select one of the possible Data Link Switches in a

similar manner to the selection of a bridge path through a source-

routed bridged network. The virtual ring segment in each Data Link

Switch attached to a common LAN must be configured with the same ring

number. This will prevent LAN frames sent by one Data Link Switch

from being propagated through the other Data Link Switches.

3.1. SSP Frame Formats

The following diagrams show the two message headers for traffic

between Data Link Switches. The control message header is used for

all messages except information messages. The information message

header is 16 bytes long, and the control message header is 72 bytes

long. The first sixteen bytes of the control message header are

identical to the information message header.



Version Number Reserved Field

Message Length ----> .

Remote Data Link Correlator ----> .

. .

Remote DLC Port ID ----> .

. .

Reserved Field ----> .

Message Type Reserved Field

Protocol ID Header Number

Header Length ----> .

Reserved Field ----> .

Reserved Field Message Type

Target MAC Address ----> .

. .

. .

Origin MAC Address ----> .

. .

. .

Origin Link SAP Target Link SAP

Frame Direction Reserved Field

Message Length ----> .

DLC Header Length ----> .

Origin DLC Port ID ----> .

. .

Origin Data Link Correlator ----> .

. .

Origin Transport ID ----> .

. .

Target DLC Port ID ----> .

. .

Target Data Link Correlator ----> .

. .

Target Transport ID ----> .

. .

Reserved Field ----> .

. .


(Even Byte) (Odd Byte)



Version Reserved Field

Message Length ----> .

Remote Data Link Correlator ----> .

. .

Remote DLC Port ID ----> .

. .

Reserved Field ----> .

Message Type Reserved Field


(Even Byte) (Odd Byte)

The Version Number is set to x'4B', indicating a numeric value of 75.

The Header Length is x'00 48', indicating a numeric value of 72


The Header Number is x'01', indicating a value of one.

The Frame Direction field is set to x'01' for frames sent from the

origin DLS to the target DLS, and is set to x'02' for frames sent

from the target DLS to the origin DLS.

Note: The Remote Data Link Correlator and Remote DLC Port ID are

set equal to the Target Data Link Correlator and Target DLC Port

ID if the Frame Direction field is set to x'01', and are set equal

to the Origin Data Link Correlator and Origin DLC Port ID if the

Direction Field is set to x'02'.

The Protocol ID field is set to x'42', indicating a numeric value of


The Message Length field defines the number of bytes within the data

field following the header. Note that this value is specified in two

different fields of the message header.

The DLC Header Length is set to zero for SNA and is set to x'23' for

NetBIOS datagrams, indicating a length of 35 bytes. This includes

the Access Control (AC) field, the Frame Control (FC) field,

Destination MAC Address (DA), the Source MAC Address (SA), the

Routing Information (RI) field (padded to 18 bytes), the Destination

link SAP (DSAP), the Source link SAP (SSAP), and the LLC control

field (UI).

The values for the Message Type field are defined in a later section.

Note that this value is specified in two different fields of the

message header.

Reserved fields are set to zero upon transmission and should be

ignored upon receipt.

3.2. Address Parameters

A data link is defined as a logical association between the two end

stations using Data Link Switching. It is identified by a Data Link

ID (14 bytes) consisting of the pair of attachment addresses

associated with each end system. Each attachment address is

represented by the concatenation of the MAC address (6 bytes) and the

LLC address (1 byte).

DATA LINK ID (14 Bytes)


Target MAC Address ----> .

. .

. .

Origin MAC Address ----> .

. .

. .

Origin Link SAP Target Link SAP


An end-to-end circuit is identified by a pair of Circuit ID's. A

Circuit ID is a 64 bit number that identifies the DLC circuit within

a single DLS. It consists of a DLC Port ID (4 bytes), and a Data

Link Correlator (4 bytes). This value is unique in a single DLS and

is assigned locally. The pair of Circuit ID's along with the

identifiers of the Data Link Switches, uniquely identify a single

end-to-end circuit. Each DLS must keep a table of these Circuit ID

pairs, one for the local end of the circuit and the other for the

remote end of the circuit. In order to identify which Data Link

Switch originated the establishment of a circuit, the terms, origin

DLS and target DLS, will be employed in this document.

CIRCUIT ID (8 Bytes)


DLC Port ID ----> .

. .

Data Link Correlator ----> .

. .


The Origin Transport ID and the Target Transport ID fields in the

message header are used to identify the individual TCP/IP port on a

Data Link Switch. The values have only local significance. However,

each Data Link Switch is required to reflect the values contained in

these two fields, along with the associated values for DLC Port ID

and the Data Link Correlator, when returning a message to the other

Data Link Switch.

The following figure shows the use of the addressing parameters

during the establishment of an end-to-end connection. The CANUREACH,

ICANREACH, and REACH_ACK messages all carry the Data Link ID,

consisting of the MAC and Link SAP addresses associated with the two

end stations. Upon receipt of a CANUREACH message, the target DLS

starts a data link for each port, thereby oBTaining a Data Link

Correlator. If the target station can be reached, an ICANREACH

message is returned to the origin DLS containing the Target Circuit

ID parameter. Upon receipt, the origin DLS starts a data link and

returns the Origin Circuit ID to the target DLS within the REACH_ACK

message. If the REACH_ACK message is not successfully received, the

target Data Link Switch can obtain the Origin Circuit ID from a

subsequent message (i.e., CONTACT, XIDFRAME, or DGRMFRAME).

+------------+ +------------+

Disconnected Disconnected

+------------+ CANUREACH (Data Link ID) +------------+


ICANREACH (Data Link ID, Target Circuit ID)


REACH_ACK (Data Link ID, Origin Cir ID, Target Cir ID)


+------------+ +------------+

Circuit Est. Circuit Est.

+------------+ +------------+

XIDFRAME (Data Link ID, Origin Cir ID, Target Cir ID)


CONTACT (Data Link ID, Origin Cir ID, Target Cir ID)


CONTACTED (Data Link ID, Origin Cir ID, Target Cir ID)


+------------+ +------------+

Connected Connected

+------------+ +------------+

INFOFRAME (Remote Circuit ID = Target Circuit ID)


INFOFRAME (Remote Circuit ID = Origin Circuit ID)


Figure 3. DLS Circuits and Connections

During the exchange of the XIDFRAME, CONTACT, and CONTACTED messages,

the pair of Circuit ID parameters is included in the message format

along with the DATA LINK ID parameter. Once the connection has been

established, the INFOFRAME messages are exchanged with the shorter

header. This header contains only the Circuit ID associated with the

remote DLS. The Remote Data Link Correlator and the Remote DLC Port

ID are set equal to the Data Link Correlator and the DLC Port ID that

are associated with the origin or target Data Link Switch, dependent

upon the direction of the packet.

3.3. Message Types

The following table lists the protocol data units that are exchanged

between Data Link Switches. All values not listed are reserved for

potential use in follow-on releases.

Command Function Hex Value

------- -------- ---------

CANUREACH Can U Reach Station x'03'

ICANREACH I Can Reach Station x'04'

REACH_ACK Reach Acknowledgment x'05'

DGRMFRAME Datagram Frame (See note) x'06'

XIDFRAME XID Frame x'07'

CONTACT Contact Remote Station x'08'

CONTACTED Remote Station Contacted x'09'

RESTART_DL Restart Data Link x'10'

DL_RESTARTED Data Link Restarted x'11'

INFOFRAME Information (I) Frame x'0A'

HALT_DL Halt Data Link x'0E'

DL_HALTED Data Link Halted x'0F'

NETBIOS_NQ NetBIOS Name Query x'12'

NETBIOS_NR NetBIOS Name Recognized x'13'

DATAFRAME Data Frame (See note) x'14'

NETBIOS_ANQ NetBIOS Add Name Query x'1A'

NETBIOS_ANR NetBIOS Add Name Response x'1B'

Table 1. SSP Message Types

Note: Both the DGRMFRAME and DATAFRAME messages are used to carry

information received by the DLC entity within UI frames. As will

be eXPlained below, the DGRMFRAME message is addressed according

to a pair of Circuit IDs, while the DATAFRAME message is addressed

according to a Data Link ID, being composed of a pair of MAC

addresses and a pair of link SAP addresses. The latter is

employed prior to the establishment of an end-to-end circuit when

Circuit IDs have yet to be established.

For the exchange of NetBIOS control messages, the entire DLC header

is carried as part of the message unit. This includes the MAC

header, with the routing information field padded to 18 bytes, and

the LLC header. The following message types are affected:


being used by NetBIOS systems. The routing information in the DLC

header is not used by the remote Data Link Switch upon receiving the

above five messages.

4. Protocol Specification

This section provides a description of the Switch-to-Switch

Protocols. Included is a set of high-level protocol flows and a

detail set of state transition tables. The states and the protocols

are described in terms that are intended to be generic to different

platforms. Emphasis of the technical details is to ensure

operability of the IBM 6611 with another vendor's implementation.

Notes are inserted at points where the IBM 6611 performs local

actions that are specific to the AIX platform upon which it operates.

4.1. Protocol Flow Diagrams

The switch-to-switch protocols are used to setup and take down

circuits between a pair of Data Link Switches. Once a circuit is

established, the end stations on the local networks can employ LLC

Type 1 (connectionless) protocols. In addition, the end systems can

establish an end-to-end connection for support of LLC Type 2

(connection oriented) protocols.

The term, Data Link, is used in this document to refer to both a

"logical data link" when supporting Type 1 LLC services, and a "data

link connection" when supporting Type 2 LLC services. In both cases,

the Data Link in defined by the concatenation of the destination MAC

address (DA), the source MAC address (SA), the destination link SAP

(DSAP) and source link SAP (SSAP).

4.1.1. Connect Protocols

The following figure depicts the protocol flows that are used for the

establishment of a circuit between a pair of Data Link Switches,

followed by the establishment of a connection between the pair of end

systems. The figure is drawn assuming that the two end systems are

SNA (the protocol flow for NetBIOS systems is described in a later


Data Link Data Link Data Link Data Link

Control Switch Switch Control

-------------------- --------------------

+------------+ +------------+

Disconnected Disconnected

+------------+ +------------+

Test Command CANUREACH Test Comd.

----------> ---------------------------------------> ------->


Test Response

ICANREACH <---------

Test Response <---------------------------------------

<---------- REACH ACK


+------------+ +------------+

Circuit Est. Circuit Est.

+------------+ +------------+


----------> ---------------------------------------> SABME

UA ------->



<---------- CONTACTED <-------


+------------+ +------------+

Connected Connected

+------------+ +------------+



Figure 4. DLS Connect Message Protocols

Upon receipt of a Test command from the origin station, the origin

DLS will send a CANUREACH (i.e., can you reach) message to the target

DLS. If the target DLS is not known to the origin DLS, the CANUREACH

message is sent to all remote Data Link Switches defined to the

origin DLS. The receipt of the CANUREACH message causes the target

DLS to send a Test command searching for the target station. The

target station will return a Test response, causing the target DLS to

return an ICANREACH (i.e., I can reach) message to the origin DLS.

If multiple Data Link Switches can reach the target station, the

origin DLS will receive multiple ICANREACH messages. The origin DLS

will select the first message and send a REACH_ACK (i.e., reach

acknowledgment) message to the selected Data Link Switch. During

this exchange of messages, both Data Link Switches change states from

the Disconected state to the Circuit Established state. Once the

circuit is established, Type-1 frames, such as XID, may be exchanged

between the origin and target stations.

To establish a connection, the origin station sends a SABME command.

Upon receipt of this command, the origin DLS will send a CONTACT

message to the target DLS and return a UA response to the origin

station. To inhibit traffic flow until the connection is established

to the remote station, a RNR supervisory frame is sent to the origin

station. The CONTACT message will cause the target DLS to send a

SABME command to the target station, which in return will reply with

a UA response. Upon receipt of the UA response, the target DLS will

send a CONTACTED message to the origin DLS. The origin DLS will now

send an RR supervisory frame to the origin station. During this

exchange of messages, both Data Link Switches change states from the

Circuit Established state to the Connected state.

For NetBIOS end systems, the protocol flows are similar but employ

different frames and SSP messages. Instead of using a Test command

frame to initiate the circuit, a NetBIOS system will use a Name Query

frame. Receipt of a Name Query frame will cause the Data Link Switch

to issue a NETBIOS_NQ message instead of the CANUREACH message. In a

like fashion, the Test response is replaced with a Name Recognized

frame and the ICANREACH message is replaced with a NETBIOS_NR

message. As with the SNA protocol flows, the receipt of a NETBIOS_NR

message causes the origin Data Link Switch to respond with a

REACH_ACK message.

4.1.2. Link Restart Protocols

The following figure depicts the protocol flows that result from

restarting the end-to-end connection. This causes the Data Link

Switches to terminate the existing connection and to enter the

Circuit Established state awaiting the start of a new connection.

Data Link Data Link Data Link Data Link

Control Switch Switch Control

--------------------- ---------------------

+-----------+ +-----------+

Connected Connected

SABME +-----------+ +-----------+

-----------> RESTART_DL

DM -------------------------------------> DISC

<----------- -------->


DL_RESTARTED (Case 1) <--------


+-----------+ +-----------+

Circuit Est Circuit Est

+-----------+ +-----------+

........... or ...........


-----------> DL_RESTARTED (Case 2)

UA <-------------------------------------

<----------- +-----------+

Circuit Est

CONTACT +-----------+

RNR ------------------------------------>


Figure 5. DLS Link Restart Message Protocols

Upon receipt of a SABME command from the origin station, the origin

DLS will send a RESTART_DL message to the target DLS. A DM response

is also returned to the origin station and the data link is


Upon receipt of the RESTART_DL message, the target DLS will issue a

DISC command to the target station. The target station is expected

to return a UA response. The target DLS will then restart its data

link and send an DL_RESTARTED message back to the origin DLS. During

this exchange of messages, both Data Link Switches change states from

Connected state to Circuit Established state.

If the origin station now resends the SABME command, the origin DLS

will send a CONTACT message to the target DLS. If the SABME command

is received prior to the receipt of the DL_RESTARTED message (case 2

in the figure), the CONNECT message is delayed until the DL_RESTARTED

message is received. The resulting protocol flows at this point

parallel those given above for the connect sequence.

4.1.3. Disconnect Protocols

The following figure depicts the protocol flows that result from the

end system terminating an existing connection. Not only is the

connection terminated, but the circuit between the Data Link Switches

is taken down.

Data Link Data Link Data Link Data Link

Control Switch Switch Control

-------------------- --------------------

+-----------+ +-----------+

Connected Connected

+-----------+ +-----------+


----------> HALT_DL

UA -------------------------------------> DISC

<---------- --------->


DL_HALTED <--------


+-----------+ +-----------+

Disconnectd Disconnectd

+-----------+ +-----------+

......... or ..........

+-----------+ +-----------+

Connected Connected

+-----------+ +-----------+

DISC TCP Connection Failure DISC

<-------- <------------------------------------> --------->


--------> <--------

+-----------+ +-----------+

Disconnectd Disconnectd

+-----------+ +-----------+

Figure 6. DLS Disconnect Message Protocols

Upon receipt of a DISC command from the origin station, the origin

DLS will reply with a UA response and issue a HALT_DL message to the

target DLS. Upon receipt of the HALT_DL message, the target DLS will

send a DISC command to the target station. The target station will

then respond with a UA response, causing the target DLS to return a

DL_HALTED message to the origin DLS. During this exchange of

messages, both Data Link Switches change states from the Connected

state to the Disconnected state.

If the TCP connection between two Data Link Switches fails, all

connections that are currently multiplexed on the failed TCP

connection will be taken down. This implies that both Data Link

Switches will send DISC commands to all the local systems that are

associated with the failed connections. Upon sending the DISC

command, the Data Link Switch will enter the DISCONNECT state for

each circuit.

4.2. DLS State Machine

The following state tables describe the states for a single

connection through the Data Link Switch. State information is kept

for each connection. The initial state for a connection is

DISCONNECT. The steady state is either CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED or

CONNECTED. In the former state, an end-to-end circuit has been

established allowing the support of Type 1 LLC between the end

systems. The latter state exists when an end-to-end connection has

been established for the support of Type 2 LLC services between the

end systems.

For SNA, circuit establishment is via the use of IEEE 802.2 Test or

XID frames. SNA devices send these frames to the null SAP in order

to determine the source route information in support of bridging.

Normally SNA devices use SAP x'04', x'08', or x'0C'. Typically the

SAP would be used to determine if the Test frames should be sent to

the DLS code in the router. If both bridging and DLS are enabled,

this allows the product to ensure that SNA frames are not both

bridged and switched.

For NetBIOS, circuit establishment is via the Name Query and Name

Recognized frames. These frames are used for both address resolution

and source route determination. Normally NetBIOS devices use SAP


4.2.1. Data Link Switch States

The Switch-to-Switch Protocols will be formally defined through a

single state machine. The following table lists the eleven possible

states. A separate state machine is employed for each end-to-end

circuit that is maintained by the Data Link Switch. The three steady


State Name Description

---------- -----------

CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED The end-to-end circuit has been

established. At this time LLC Type 1

services are available from end-to-end.

CIRCUIT_PENDING The target DLS is awaiting a REACH_ACK

response to an ICANREACH message.

CIRCUIT_RESTART The DLS that originated the reset is

awaiting the restart of the data link

and the DL_RESTARTED response to a

RESTART_DL message.

CONNECTED The end-to-end connection has been

established thereby allowing LLC Type 2

services from end-to-end in addition to

LLC Type 1 services.

CONNECT_PENDING The origin DLS is awaiting the CONTACTED

response to a CONTACT message.

CONTACT_PENDING The target DLS is awaiting the


signal (i.e., DLC is waiting for a UA

response to an SABME command).

DISCONNECTED The initial state with no circuit or

connection established, the DLS is awaiting


NETBIOS_NQ, or a NETBIOS_NR message.

DISCONNECT_PENDING The DLS that originated the disconnect

is awaiting the DL_HALTED response to a

HALT_DL message.

HALT_PENDING The remote DLS is awaiting the DLC_DL_HALTED

indication following the DLC_HALT_DL request

(i.e., DLC is waiting for a UA response to a

DISC command).

RESTART_PENDING The remote DLS is awaiting the DLC_DL_HALTED

indication following the DLC_HALT_DL request

(i.e., DLC is waiting for a UA response to a

DISC command), and the restart of the data


RESOLVE_PENDING The target DLS is awaiting either the

DLC_DL_STARTED indication following the

DLC_START_DL reqest (i.e., DLC is waiting

for a Test response as a result of sending a

Test command), or a NB_Name_Recognized

frame in response to a NB_Name_Query frame.

Table 2. Data Link Switch States

The following figure depicts the events that cause a transition to a

new state. The resulting action(s) are not explicitly shown. The

DISCONNECT_PENDING state will be entered whenever a DLC error

condition occurs in any of the other states (except RESOLVE_PENDING),

or when a DISC command is received by the DLC.

DLC_RESOLVE_C+----+ +----DLC_ERROR---+


+------------+ +>+--+---------+ CANUREACH +-+----------+

Disconnect +--DL_HALTED-->Disconnected------------> Resolve

Pending <+ +-------> <-------+ Pending

+---------+--+ +-----+------+ +-----+------+

/\ HALT_DL /\ /\/\

DLC_ERROR +----+ +----+ +------+ DLC_DL_STARTED

HALT_DL(ts) +------+





\/ \/ \/

+----+---+---+ +-------+----+ +-+----------+

Contact <-CONTACT--+--+ Circuit <-REACH_ACK--+ Circuit

Pending Established (DLC not Pending

+-----+------+ +----------+-+ contacted)+-+------+---+

/\ /\ /\


+-CONTACT--+--+--------+----+------+----------+ REACH_ACK

RESTART_DL(ts) (DLC contacted)

DLC_CONTACTED +------+ +--------------+


+---------------+-------+ +-----------------+


(DLC not contacted) \/ \/ \/

+-----+------+ +---+-+------+ CONTACTED +-----+------+

Circuit <-DLC_RESET---+ Connected <------------+ Connect

Restart Pending

+----------+-+ +------------+ +-----+------+


+----------------(DLC contacted)--------------+


Figure 7. DLS State Transitions (ts = transitional state)

The DISCONNECT state is the initial state for a new circuit. One end

station starts the connection via a TEST or XID command (i.e.,

DLC_RESOLVE_C) or a NetBIOS Name Query command (not explicitly

shown). Upon receipt, the Data Link Switches exchange a set of

CANUREACH, ICANREACH and REACH_ACK messages. Upon completion of this

three-legged exchange, both Data Link Switches will be in the

CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED state. Two pending states also exist during this

exchange. The RESOLVE_PENDING state is entered by the target Data

Link Switch awaiting a Test response to a Test Command and the

CIRCUIT_PENDING state is entered by the target DLS awaiting the

REACH_ACK reply to an ICANREACH message.

The CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED state allows for the exchange of LLC Type 1

frames such as the XID exchanges between SNA stations that occurs

prior to the establishment of a connection. Also, datagram traffic

(i.e., UI frames) may be sent and received between the end stations.

These exchanges use the XIDFRAME and DGRMFRAME messages sent between

the Data Link Switches.

In the CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED state, the receipt of a SABME command

(i.e., DLC_CONTACTED) causes the origin DLS to issue a CONTACT

message, to send an RNR supervisory frame (i.e., DLC_ENTER_BUSY) to

the origin station, and to enter the CONNECT_PENDING state awaiting a

CONTACTED message. The target DLS, upon the receipt of a CONTACT

message, will issue a SABME command (i.e., DLC_CONTACT) and enter the

Contact Pending state. Once the UA response is received (i.e.,

DLC_CONTACTED), the target DLS sends a CONTACTED message and enters

the CONNECTED state. When received, the origin DLS enters the

Connected state and sends an RR supervisory frame (i.e.,


The CONNECTED state is the steady state for normal data flow once a

connection has been established. Information frames (i.e., INFOFRAME

messages) are simply sent back and forth between the end points of

the connection. This is the path that should be optimized for


The connection is terminated upon the receipt of a DISC frame or

under some other error condition detected by DLC (i.e., DLC_ERROR).

Upon receipt of this indication, the DLS will halt the local data

link, send a HALT_DL message to the remote DLS, and enter the

DISCONNECT_PENDING State. When the HALT_DL frame is received by the

other DLS, the local DLC is halted for this data link, a DL_HALTED

message is returned, and the DISCONNECTED state is entered. Receipt

of this DL_HALTED message causes the other DLS to also enter the


The CIRCUIT_RESTART state is entered if one of the Data Link Switches

receives a SABME command (i.e., DLC_RESET) while in the CONNECTED

state. This causes a DM command to be returned to the origin station

and a RESTART_DL message to be sent to the remote Data Link Switch.

This causes the remote data link to be halted and then restarted.

The remote DLS will then send a DL_RESTARTED message back to the

first DLS. The receipt of the DL_RESTARTED message causes the first

DLS to issue a new CONTACT message, assuming that the local DLC has

been contacted (i.e., the origin station has resent the SABME

command). This is eventually responded to by a CONTACTED message.

Following this exchange, both Data Link Switches will return to the

CONNECTED state. If the local DLC has not been contacted, the

receipt of a DL_RESTARTED command causes the Data Link Switch to

enter the CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED state awaiting the receipt of a SABME

command (i.e., DLC_CONTACTED signal).

In the figure, the transition labeled HALT_DL(ts) represents the

HALT_PENDING state and the transition labeled RESTART_DL(ts)

represents the RESTART_PENDING state. Both these transitional states

have only one input event and only one output action. While in these

states, the Data Link Switch is awaiting responses from the local

station on the adjacent LAN (i.e., a UA response to a DISC command).

Also in the RESTART_PENDING state, the Data Link Switch will attempt

to restart the data link prior to sending a DL_RESTARTED message.

For the IBM 6611 implementation, the start of a data link involves

the exchange of a Test command/response on the adjacent LAN (i.e.,

DLC_START_DL). For other implementations, this additional exchange

may not be required.

4.2.2. State Transition Tables

This section provides a detail representation of the Data Link

Switch, as document by a set of state machines. The first state

machine documents the sending and receiving of SSP messages. Many of

the transitions are dependent upon local signals between the Data

Link Switch entity and one of the DLC entities. These signals and

their definitions are given in the following tables.

Event Name Description

---------- -----------

DLC_CONTACTED Contact Indication: DLC has received an SABME

command and will send a UA response, or DLC has

received a UA response as a result of sending an

SABME command.

DLC_DGRM Datagram Indication: DLC has received a UI frame.

DLC_ERROR Error condition indicated by DLC: Such a

condition occurs when a DISC command is received

or when DLC experiences an unrecoverable error.

DLC_INFO Information Indication: DLC has received an

Information (I) frame.

DLC_DL_HALTED Data Link Halted Indication: DLC has

received a UA response to a DISC command.

DLC_DL_STARTED Data Link Started Indication: DLC has

received a Test response from the null SAP.

DLC_RESET Reset Indication: DLC has received an SABME

command during the time a connection is

currently active and has responded with DM.

DLC_RESOLVE_C Resolve Command Indication: DLC has received

a Test command addressed to the null SAP, or an

XID command addressed to the null SAP.

DLC_XID XID Indication: DLC has received an XID command

or response to a non-null SAP.

Table 3. Local DLC Events

Action Name Description

----------- -----------

DLC_CONTACT Contact Station Request: DLC will send a SABME


DLC_DGRM Datagram Request: DLC will send a UI frame.

DLC_ENTER_BUSY Enter Link Station Busy: DLC will send an

RNR supervisory frame.

DLC_EXIT_BUSY Exit Link Station Busy: DLC will send an RR

supervisory frame.

DLC_HALT_DL Halt Data Link Request: DLC will send a DISC


DLC_INFO Information Request: DLC will send an I frame.

DLC_RESOLVE_R Resolve Response Request: DLC will send a

Test response or XID response from the null SAP.

DLC_START_DL Start Data Link Request: DLC will send a Test

command to the null SAP.

DLC_XID XID Request: DLC will send an XID command or an

XID response.

Table 4. Local DLC Actions

The Data Link Switch may be described by a state transition table

consisting of eleven states. Each of these states is described below

in terms of the events, actions, and next state for each transition.

If a particular event is not listed for a given state, no action and

no state transition should occur for that event. Any significant

comments concerning the transitions within a given state are given

immediately following the table representing the state.

A separate state machine is maintained by the Data Link Switch for

each end-to-end circuit. The number of circuits that may be

supported by each Data Link Switch is a local implementation option. DISCONNECTED State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------




(See note 1)





(See note 2)


DLC_DGRM If NB_Name_Query:




It is assumed that each Data Link Switch will build a set of topology

tables giving the identity of each Data Link Switch that can reach a

specific MAC address or a specific NetBIOS name. This table can be

built based upon the origin address information received within the

CANUREACH message or NETBIOS_NQ message and the target address

information within the ICANREACH message or NETBIOS_NR message. As a

consequence, the amount of search traffic can be kept to a minimum.

Upon receipt of a Test command or XID command to the null SAP (i.e.,

DLC_RESOLVE_C signal from DLC), the Data Link Switch will check the

topology table prior to sending the CANUREACH message. If the target

MAC address is in the table, the CANUREACH message will be sent to

only those Data Link Switches that are known to be able to reach the

given MAC address. If the MAC address is not in the table, the

CANUREACH message will be sent to all known Data Link Switches.

Since the destination link SAP (DSAP) value is null, the Target Link

SAP field in the CANUREACH message header is set equal to the Origin

Link SAP value.

Upon receipt of a NB_Name_Query the Data Link Switch will check the

topology table prior to sending the NETBIOS_NQ message. If the

target NetBIOS name is in the table, the NETBIOS_NQ message will be

sent to only those Data Link Switches that are known to be able to

reach the given NetBIOS name. If the NetBIOS name is not in the

table, the NETBIOS_NQ message will be sent to all known Data Link


For SNA, the DISCONNECTED state is exited upon receipt of a CANUREACH

message by a prospective target Data Link Switch, or upon receipt of

an ICANREACH message by the origin Data Link Switch. In the former

case, the Data Link Switch will issue a Test command to the target

station (i.e., DLC_START_DL signal is presented to DLC). In the

later case, a Test response is sent to the origin station (i.e.,

DLC_RESOLVE_R will be issued) and a REACH_ACK message will be

returned to the target Data Link Switch.

Note 1- The IBM 6611 will not send a Test response, but will send

a Test command to the station that originated the resolve

procedure (i.e., a DLC_START_DL will be issued) in order to start

the data link.

For NetBIOS, the DISCONNECTED state is exited upon the receipt of a

NETBIOS_NQ message by the prospective target Data Link Switch, or

upon the receipt of a NETBIOS_NR message by the origin Data Link

Switch. In the former case, the Data Link Switch will send a

NB_Name_Query frame. In the later case, the Data Link Switch will

send a NB_Name_Recognized frame to the origin station and a REACH_ACK

message will be returned to the target Data Link Switch.

Note 2- The IBM 6611 will also send a Test command (i.e., a

DLC_START_DL will be issued) to the station that originated the

name resolution in order to start the data link. RESOLVE_PENDING State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------




DLC_DGRM If NB_Name_Recognized: If

Send NETBIOS_NR NB_Name_Recognized:




The RESOLVE_PENDING state is entered upon receipt of a CANUREACH

message or a NETBIOS_NQ message by the target DLS. In the former

case, a data link is started, causing a Test command to be sent by

the DLC. In the later case, a NB_Name_Query frame is sent. This

frame is directed to a group MAC address.

Any CANUREACH messages received in the RESOLVE_PENDING state will be

responded to if a DLC_DL_STARTED signal is received. The Data Link

Switch may also update its topology information based upon the origin

MAC address information in each CANUREACH message.

Upon the receipt of a DLC_DL_STARTED signal in the RESOLVE_PENDING

state, the Data Link Switch may update its topology table base upon

the remote MAC address information. The ICANREACH message should be

returned to all Data Link Switches that had sent a CANUREACH message.

In a similar fashion, the Data Link Switch may update its topology

table upon the receipt of a NB_Name_Recognized frame and a NETBIOS_NR

message will be returned to all Data Link Switches that have sent a

NETBIOS_NQ message.

The RESOLVE_PENDING state is exited once the data link has been

started (i.e., a DLC_DL_STARTED signal is received as a result of a

Test response received by the DLC) or a NB_Name_Recognized frame is

received (i.e., a DLC_DGRM signal is received). The target Data Link

Switch will then enter the CIRCUIT_PENDING state.

Note: The IBM 6611 will also send a Test command in order to

start the data link to the station that responded to the Name

Query frame (i.e., a DLC_START_DL will be issued). CIRCUIT_PENDING State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------



Receive REACH_ACK If Connected: If Connected:










The CIRCUIT_PENDING state is entered by the target Data Link Switch

following the sending of an ICANREACH message or the sending of a

NETBIOS_NR message. In this state it is awaiting the reception of a

REACH_ACK message from the origin Data Link Switch. If a connection

does not exist with the target station (i.e., the normal case), the

Data Link Switch will enter the CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED state.

If the target Data Link Switch happens to receive a SABME command

from the target station while in the CIRCUIT_PENDING state (i.e., a

DLC_CONTACTED signal received from the DLC), the reception of the

REACH_ACK message will cause the Data Link Switch to enter the

CONNECT_PENDING state and to send a CONTACT message to the other Data

Link Switch. Thus the target Data Link Switch has assumed the role

of the origin Data Link Switch. CONNECT_PENDING State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------








The CONNECT_PENDING state is entered by the origin Data Link Switch

when a DLC_CONTACTED signal has been received from the DLC (i.e., a

SABME command has been received). A CONTACT message is then issued.

The state is exited upon the receipt of a CONTACTED message from the

target Data Link Switch. If a DLC_RESET signal is received, the

local data link is restarted and a RESTART_DL message is sent to the

remote DLS.

Note: The IBM 6611 will also send a Test command in order to

restart the data link to the station that sent the SABME command

(i.e., a DLC_START_DL will be issued). CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------











The CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED state is entered by the origin Data Link

Switch from the DISCONNECTED state, and by the target Data Link

Switch from the CIRCUIT_PENDING state. The state is exited when a

connection is started (i.e., DLC receives a SABME command). The next

state is CONTACT_PENDING for the target Data Link Switch and

CONNECT_PENDING for the origin Data Link Switch. CONTACT_PENDING State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------








The CONTACT_PENDING state is entered by the target Data Link Switch

upon the receipt of a CONTACT message. This causes the Data Link

Switch to issue a DLC_CONTACT signal to the DLC (i.e., DLC sends a

SABME command). This state is then exited upon the receipt of a

DLC_CONTACTED signal from the DLC (i.e., a UA response received).

If a RESTART_DL message is received, indicating that the remote Data

Link Switch has received a DLC_RESET signal, the local Data Link

Switch will send a DISC command frame on the adjacent LAN (i.e.,

DLC_HALT_DL signal) and enter the RESTART_PENDING state. CONNECTED State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------










The CONNECTED state is entered by the origin Data Link Switch from

the CONNECT_PENDING state upon the receipt of a CONTACTED message.

The CONNECTED state is entered by the target Data Link Switch from

the CONTACT_PENDING state upon the receipt of a DLC_CONTACTED signal.

At this time, the target Data Link Switch will return a CONTACTED

message to the origin Data Link Switch.

The CONNECTED state is exited usually under one of two conditions: a

DLC_ERROR signal received from the DLC (e.g., a DISC command received

by the local DLC), or a HALT_DL message received from the other Data

Link Switch (e.g., a DISC command received by the remote DLC).

A SABME command (i.e., a DLC_RESET signal) received by either Data

Link Switch will also cause the two Data Link Switches to leave the

CONNECTED state and eventually restart a new circuit.

Note: The IBM 6611 will also send a Test command in order to

restart the data link to the station that sent the SABME command

(i.e., a DLC_START_DL will be issued).

Following the receipt of a reset signal, the Data Link Switch will

send a RESTART_DL message to the other Data Link Switch and will

enter the CIRCUIT_RESTART state. Upon the receipt of the RESTART_DL

message, the remote Data Link Switch will send a DISC command (i.e.,

DLC_HALT_DL signal) and enter the RESTART_PENDING state. CIRCUIT_RESTART State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------

Receive DL_RESTARTED If Connected: If Connected:






The CIRCUIT_RESTART state is entered if a DLC_RESET signal is

received from the local DLC. This was caused by the receipt of a

SABME command while a connection was currently active. A DM response

will be issued to the SABME command and the Data Link Switch will

attempt to restart the end-to- end circuit.

The CIRCUIT_RESTART state is exited through one of two transitions.

The next state depends upon the time the local DLC has reached the

contacted state (i.e., a DLC_CONTACTED signal is presented) relative

to the receipt of the DL_RESTARTED message. This signal is caused by

the origin station resending the SABME command that initially caused

the DATA Link Switch to enter the CIRCUIT_RESTART state. The two

cases are as follows:

1) DL_RESTARTED message received before the

DLC_CONTACTED signal- In this case, the

CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED state is entered.

2) DL_RESTARTED message received after the

DLC_CONTACTED signal- In this case, the


Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------





The DISCONNECT_PENDING state is entered when a DLC_ERROR signal is

received from the local DLC. Upon receipt of this signal, a HALT

message is sent. Once an DL_HALTED message is received, the state is

exited, and the Data Link Switch enters the DISCONNECTED state. RESTART_PENDING State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------





The RESTART_PENDING state is entered upon the receipt of a RESTART_DL

message from the remote DLS while the local Data Link Switch is in

either the CONTACT_PENDING state or the CONNECTED state. These cause

the local DLC to issue a DISC command. Upon the receipt of the UA

response (DLC_DL_HALTED), the data link is restarted, a DL_RESTARTED

message is returned to the remote DLS, and the CIRCUIT_ESTABLISHED

state is entered.

Note: The IBM 6611 will send a Test command in order to restart

the data link to the target station (i.e., a DLC_START_DL will be

issued) prior to sending the DL_RESTARTED message. HALT_PENDING State

Event Action(s) Next State

----- --------- ----------





The HALT_PENDING state is entered upon the receipt of a HALT_DL

message. This causes the local DLC to issue a DISC command. Upon

the receipt of the UA response (DLC_DL_HALTED), a DL_HALTED message

is returned to the remote DLS and the DISCONNECTED state is entered.

4.3. NetBIOS Datagrams

The NetBIOS protocols use a number of UI frames for Directory

services and the transmission of datagrams. Most of these frames are

directed to a group MAC address (GA) with the routing information

field indicating spanning tree explorer (STE). Two of the frames,

NB_Add_Name_Response and NB_Status_Response, are directed to a

specific MAC address with the routing information field indicating a

specifically routed frame (SRF). The handling of these frames is

summarized in the following table.

Event Action(s) Comment

----- --------- -------

DLC_DGRM (NB Group Address): Send NETBIOS_ANQ Transmitted to all

NB_Add_Name_Query remote DLS

DLC_DGRM (Specific Address): Send NETBIOS_ANR Transmitted to

NB_Add_Name_Response specific DLS

DLC_DGRM (Specific Address): Send DATAFRAME Transmitted to all

NB_Status_Response remote DLS

DLC_DGRM (NB Group Address): Send DATAFRAME Transmitted to all

NB_Name_in_Conflict, remote DLS






Table 5. NetBIOS DLC Frames

The above actions do not apply in the following states:


CIRCUIT_PENDING. The handling of the remaining two UI frames used by

NetBIOS systems, NB_Name_Query and NB_Name_Recognized, are documented

as part of the DLS state machine in the previous section (i.e.,

DISCONNECTED and RESOLVE_PENDING states). Furthermore, the handling

of NetBIOS datagrams (i.e., NB_Datagram) sent to a specific MAC

address is also governed by the DLS state machine.

Note: The IBM 6611 will also issue Test frames during the

exchange of the NetBIOS, NB_Name_Query and NB_Name_Recognized.

This exchange of protocol data units occurs during the start of a

data link and is used to determine the routing information. Most

other implementations of NetBIOS will use the

NB_Name_Query/NB_Name_Recognized exchange to determine routes in

conjunction with resolving the NetBIOS names. These differences

are not reflected in the SSP protocols.

The handling of the NetBIOS specific SSP messages is given in the

following table.

Event Action(s) Comment

----- --------- -------


NB_Add_Name_Query (NB Group Address)


NB_Add_Name_Response (Specific MAC Address)


NB_Name_Query (NB Group Address)


NB_Name_Recognized (Specific MAC Address)


(If NB_Status_Response:

Specific MAC Address

Else: NB Group Address)

Table 6. NetBIOS SSP Messages

The above actions apply to all DLS states. The handling of NetBIOS

datagrams sent within DGRMFRAME messages is governed by the DLS state

machine. The DGRMFRAME message type is employed instead of the

DATAFRAME message type once the end-to-end circuit has been

established. At that time, the message is addressed according to the

pair of Circuit IDs in the message header instead of relying upon the

MAC address information in the token ring header.


Randall Campbell, David Miller, Gene Cox, Ravi Periasamy, and The

Ghost of Christmas Past.


1) ISO 8802-2/IEEE Std 802.2 International Standard,

Information Processing Systems, Local Area Networks, Part 2:

Logical Link Control, December 31, 1989

2) The NETBIOS Frames Protocol, IBM Local Area Technical

Reference, SC30-3383-03, Chapter 5, December 1990

3) ISO/IEC DIS 10038 DAM 2, MAC Bridging, Source Routing

Supplement, December 1991

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

Roy C. Dixon

IBM Networking Systems

Department B57, Building 060

P.O. Box 12195

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Phone: (919) 543-3380

EMail: rcdixon@ralvmg.vnet.ibm.com

David M. Kushi

IBM Research Division

T. J. Watson Research Center

Room H0-C07

30 Saw Mill River Road

Hawthorne, NY 10532

Phone: (914) 784-7815

EMail: kushi@watson.ibm.com

Note: Any questions or comments relative to the contents of this RFC

should be sent to the following Internet address:

dlsw@ralvma.vnet.ibm.com. This address will be used to coordinate

the handling of responses.

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