
RFC1692 - Transport Multiplexing Protocol (TMux)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group P. Cameron

Request for Comments: 1692 Xylogics, International Ltd.

Category: Standards Track D. Crocker

Silicon Graphics, Inc.

D. Cohen


J. Postel


August 1994

Transport Multiplexing Protocol (TMux)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


One of the problems with the use of terminal servers is the large

number of small packets they can generate. Frequently, most of these

packets are destined for only one or two hosts. TMux is a protocol

which allows multiple short transport segments, independent of

application type, to be combined between a server and host pair.


This specification is the result of the merger of two documents: the

original TMux proposal which was the result of several discussions

and related initiatives through IETF working groups; and IEN 90 [1]

originally proposed by Danny Cohen and Jon Postel in May 1979.

Applicability Statement

The TMux protocol is intended to optimize the transmission of large

numbers of small data packets that are generated in situations where

many interactive Telnet and Rlogin sessions are connected to a few

hosts on the network. In these situations, TMux can improve both

network and host performance. TMux is not intended for multiplexing

long streams composed of large blocks of data that are typically

transmitted by sUCh applications as FTP.

The TMux protocol may be applicable to other situations where small

packets are generated, but this was not considered in the design.

The use of the TMux protocol in any other situation may require some


1. Introduction

When network designers consider which protocols generate the most

load, they naturally tend to consider protocols which transfer large

blocks of data (e.g., FTP, NFS). What is often not considered is the

load generated by Telnet and Rlogin because of the assumption that

users type slowly and the packets are very small. This is a grave

underestimation of the load on networks and hosts which have many

Telnet and Rlogin ports on multiple terminal servers.

The problem stems from the fact that the work a host must do to

process a 1-octet packet is very nearly as much as the work it must

do to process a 1500-octet packet. That is, it is the overhead of

processing a packet which consumes a host's resources, not the

processing of the data.

In particular, communication load is not measured only in bits per

seconds but also in packets per seconds, and in many situation the

latter is the true performance limit, not the former. The proposed

multiplexing is aimed at alleviating this situation.

If one assumes that most users connected to a terminal server will be

connecting to only a few hosts, then it should be obvious that the

network and host load could be greatly reduced if traffic from

multiple users, destined for the same host, could be sent in the same


TMux is designed to improve network utilization and reduce the

interrupt load on hosts which conduct multiple sessions involving

many short packets. It does this by multiplexing transport traffic

onto a single IP datagram [2], thereby resulting in fewer, larger

packets. TMux is highly constrained in its method of accomplishing

this task, seeking simplicity rather than sophistication.

2. Protocol Design

IP hosts may engage in the use of TMux transparently, and may even

switch back and forth between use of TMux and carriage of transport

segments in the usual, independent IP datagrams.

TMux operates by placing a set of transport segments into the same IP

datagram. Each segment is preceded by a TMux mini-header which

specifies the segment length and the actual segment transport

protocol. The receiving host demultiplexes the individual transport

segments and presents them to the transport layer as if they had been

received in the usual IP/transport packaging. The transport layer

is, therefore, unaware of the special encapsulation which was used.

Hence, a TMux message appears as:

IP hdr TM hdr Tport segment TM hdr Tport segment ...


TM hdr is a TMux mini-header and specifies the following

Tport segment.

Tport segment refers to the entire transport segment, including

transport headers.

The TMux Protocol is defined to allow the combining of transmission

units of different higher level protocols in one transmission unit of

a lower level protocol. Only segments with the same Internet Protocol

(IP) header, (with the possible exception of the protocol and check-

sum fields) may be combined. For example, the segment (H1, B1) and

the segment (H2, B2), where Hi and Bi are the headers and the bodies

of the segment, respectively, may be combined (multiplexed) only if

H=H1=H2. The combined TMux message is either (H, B1, B2) or (H, B2,


The receiver of this combined message should treat it as if the two

original segments, (H,B1), and (H,B2), arrived separately. It is

recommended, though not a requirement, that the segments in the TMux

message should be processed in the same order that they are in the

TMux message.

The multiplexing is achieved by combining the individual segments,

(H,B1) through (H,Bn), into a single message. This single message

has an IP header which is equal to H, but having in the PROTOCOL

field the value 18 which is the protocol number of the TMux protocol.

This IP header is followed by all the segments, B1 through Bn. Each

segment, Bi, is preceded by a 4 octet TMux mini header. This contains

the number of the protocol to which this segment is addressed. It

also contains the total length of this segment, including this mini

header. Since this mini header is not otherwise protected by a check-

sum, it also includes a checksum field which just covers this mini


2.1. IP Protocol field value

TMux is indicated in an IP datagram by the Protocol (ID) value of 18

(22 octal), see [3].

2.2. Header Format

Each 4 octet TMux mini-header has the following general format:


Length high


Length low


Protocol ID




Transport segment



The LENGTH field specifies the octet count for this mini header and

the following transport segment, from 0-65535 octets. Hence, the

length field has a minimum value of 4. For segments that are larger

than the maximum allowed for TMux (see section 5.1), individual IP

datagrams should be sent.

The Protocol ID field contains the value that would normally have

been placed in the IP header Protocol field.

The 'Checksum' field is the XOR of the first 3 octets.

To ensure that TCP, UDP and other segments keep their 32 bit

alignment, where the segments being multiplexed are not a multiple of

32 bits long, extra octets will be added to re-align the end of the

segment, and hence the next segment. These octets will be ignored on

input. This padding will not affect the LENGTH field, it will still

contain the real length of the segment.

2.3. Sending Data

Host endpoints may choose to use TMux at any time and in either (or

both) directions. They also may switch back and forth between use of

TMux packaging and the usual individual IP datagrams for individual

transport associations. The only barrier to the use of TMux is for

the sender to know whether TMux is supported by the receiver. This

is important, since early use of TMux is likely to be limited.

The easiest way to detect TMUX support is to only send TMux messages

to hosts from which a valid TMux message has already been received.

This then leaves the problem of one host starting the TMux

connection. This is most easily accomplished by the host sending an

IP datagram with no data (i.e., with the IP total length field of

20), but with an IP Protocol field value of 18 for TMux. This is

referred to as a TMux ENQ (enquiry) message. The host receiving this

message then knows that the originator supports TMux, and can start

to send TMux messages. This will in turn cause the originator of the

ENQ message to start to use TMux. If for any reason the receiver

does not intend to send TMux messages to the originator, but is

prepared to accept them, then it can reply with another ENQ message.

If an ENQ message does not get a response, then it is reasonable to

resend the ENQ a while later in case the original ENQ message was

lost. If this again is lost, the ENQ may be repeated as often as

needed, but the time between requests should increase eXPonentially

up to a limit of about 1 hour. Suitable times between ENQs would be

15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 120 seconds etc.

Note that this checking process does not need to impede any of the

transport (user) data, which may be sent as convenient, albeit in its

less-efficient IP datagram form.

The only problem with this scheme is that a host which supports TMux

may stop supporting it, as might happen when the host is re-booted.

Other hosts need to learn of this change. The solution to this is to

maintain a Time To Live (TTL) value for hosts from which TMux

messages have been received. This TTL is a timed TTL, rather than a

count as used in the IP TTL field, and this time stamp is updated

every time a TMux message is received. This can then be used to

expire the information held by TMux on the host after a suitable

time, e.g., 1 minute.

This TTL time stamp is used as follows. When TMux is passed a segment

to be sent to a host, a check is made to see if the time to live has

expired. If the TTL has not expired, the segment is sent in a TMux

message as normal. If the TTL has expired, the host is marked as

being unable to TMux, but the segment is STILL sent as a TMux message

(i.e., with the normal delay to allow other segments to be

multiplexed). If the host is really unable to TMux anymore (a rare

occurrence) then this segment will be timed out and retried by the

transport provider i.e., TCP. Because the host was marked as not

able to TMux, the retry will be sent as a normal IP datagram. If the

remote host is still able to TMux then it should send back TMux

traffic (even if it has been rebooted), typically a TCP window

update, and the local host will mark it as able to TMux again. This

way of operating removes any performance problem caused by

continually dropping out of TMuxing and having to send probe

messages. If the IP datagram to be sent is from UDP, then the remote

host may not send anything in reply. So for UDP this scheme will not

be any better than just stopping sending TMux messages to the host,

but it is also no worse.

3. Protocol Behavior

3.1. Transport Flow Control

TMux operates as an extension to the IP datagram protocol. Hence, it

has no impact on most flow control mechanisms, since they operate at

the transport layer -- above TMux.

3.2. Connection Management

The concept of a connection pertains to certain transport protocols,

but not to IP or to TMux. Hence, when connection management is

required by a transport protocol using TMux, it occurs in the same

fashion as it does for IP. In fact, the transport protocol is not to

be aware that TMux is being used.

3.3 Multiplexed Message Construction

When a transport provider (e.g., TCP or UDP) sends a segment, TMux

first removes the IP header (if present) and adds a TMux mini-header

and the segment to the Multiplexed Message under construction for the

host specified by the destination address of the segment.

When the first message to be transmitted is placed into the

Multiplexed Message under construction, a timer is started. When the

timer expires, the Multiplexed Message under construction is

transmitted. This ensures that all segments available for sending

before the timer expires are sent in a single Multiplexed Message.

If, during construction of the Multiplexed Message, the buffer

holding the message fills, the Multiplexed Message is transmitted


The delay time should be user configurable; a reasonable time is 20

to 30 milliseconds. The time period should be large enough to give a

reasonable probability of sending multiple segments but not so large

that the echo response time becomes a problem. This suggests that

the upper limit for the timer is probably 1/10th second. As the cost

of using timeouts on many systems is quite large, it is recommended

that a single timer be used and that all TMux messages under

construction are sent when the timer expires.

Additionally, configuration options may limit the number of included

data segments or the maximum size of the Multiplexed Message before

it is transmitted. It is also suggested that larger segments (e.g.,

those over 700 octets) should be sent as standard IP datagrams, and

not multiplexed. This is to ensure that the delay caused by the TMux

timer does not put a delay on those segments for which it is

inadvisable. The size of the largest segments to be multiplexed

should (if possible) be configurable.

4. Protocol Example

This example shows a TMux message consisting of three multiplexed


A TCP segment consisting of a 20 octet TCP header, 5 octets of data

and 3 octets of padding. Thus the length field is

Mini header + TCP header + data

= 4 + 20 + 5

= 29

The padding is NOT included in the length.

A TCP segment consisting of a 20 octet TCP header, 4 octets of data.

This segment does not require padding.

A UDP segment consisting of a 4 octet UDP header, 41 octets of data

and 3 octets of padding.


Length = 29

(2 octets)


Protocol ID = 6 (TCP)




TCP Header

(20 octets)


TCP data

(5 octets)



(3 octets)


Length = 28

(2 octets)


Protocol ID = 6 (TCP)




TCP Header

(20 octets)


TCP data

(4 octets)


Length = 49

(2 octets)


Protocol ID = 17 (UDP)




UDP Header

(4 octets)


UDP data

(41 octets)



(3 octets)


5. Implementation Suggestion

5.1 Maximum TMux Message Size

In section 3.3, a note is made about sending messages immediately if

the limit on TMux message size is reached. On systems where Path MTU

Discovery (as per RFC1191 [4]) has been implemented this should be

used to discover the maximum message size that can be transmitted,

and this should be used as the maximum TMux message size.

5.2 Deciding Which Segments to Multiplex

It is the responsibility of the sender to decide which segments

should be TMux'd and which should not. For example, segments sent by

FTP should not normally be multiplexed. In many situations, it may

be sensible to restrict the sessions that can be multiplexed to just

those involved in interactive traffic (Telnet and Rlogin) by

examining the source and destination TCP port numbers. However, if a

segment that would not normally be multiplexed is to be sent and a

TMux message is already under construction, then the extra segment

can be added to the TMux message under construction, and this

complete message should be sent immediately, rather than waiting for

the timer to expire.

6. Implementation notes

The following notes are the result of experience gained during the

testing of early implementations of TMux. Whilst they do not form

part of the actual standard, they should be followed if possible to

ensure compatibility with other implementations.

Because the TMux mini-header does not contain a TOS field, only

segments with the same IP TOS field should be contained in a single

TMux message. As most systems do not use the TOS feature, this is

not a major restriction. Where the TOS field is used, it may be

desirable to hold several messages under construction for a host, one

for each TOS value.

Segments containing IP options should not be multiplexed.

Only unicast addresses should be considered for multiplexing.

Segments addressed to the loopback address ( are not

candidates for multiplexing.

Only segments with a source or destination port that is for an

interactive session (i.e., Telnet and Rlogin) should be considered

for multiplexing using TMux.

If an error is discovered in a checksum of a TMux header, the rest of

the message, starting there, is ignored. If an unknown PROTOCOL

field is discovered in any TMux header, this segment, and only this

one, is ignored.

If the TMux implementation is continually sending TMux messages

containing exactly one segment (because is there is little traffic to

multiplex), then TMux may be turned off. This implies that TMux may

be switched off when there is no congestion.

To prevent intermediate nodes from fragmenting and reconstructing

TMux frames, implementations may want to set the "do not fragment"

flag in the IP datagram of TMux messages.

If host B receives a TMux ENQ message from host A, but does not have

any data for host A, then it may also send back an ENQ message.

However, host A may send another ENQ message in response to this, so

causing B to respond and so on. Thus if this facility is used, code

must be included to prevent this looping behavior happening. Sending

an ENQ in response to an ENQ is not recommended, except in special


It is recommended that the following ASPects of the TMux protocol be

user configurable:

The maximum size of a segment that can be multiplexed by TMux.

The delay between the first segment being placed into the message

under construction and the message being sent.

7. Security Considerations

Because TMux is effectively an extension to IP, it does not have any

more impact on site security than does IP. Security should be dealt

with by upper layer protocols.

Because some routers filter packets on the TCP port numbers, any

segments sent using TMux will not be subject to this filtering as it

will obscure the TCP port number However, larger segments for the

same TCP connection will still be sent as IP datagrams, and so will

be subject to filtering, thus giving rise to a potential problem.

For this reason, any routers that do not support TMux, but which do

support this type of filtering should not allow TMux messages through

(in either direction). This will cause both hosts to think the other

does not support TMux, so all segments will be sent as IP datagrams,

thus eliminating this problem.

A better solution to this problem, is for routers to understand the

TMux protocol, and to inspect each of the multiplexed segments and

remove those segments that fail the filtering.

8. References

[1] Cohen, D., and Postel, J., "Multiplexing Protocol", IEN 90,

USC/Information Sciences Institute,, May 1979.

[2] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC791, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[3] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC1340,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, March 1990.

[4] Mogul, J., and S. Deering, "Path MTU discovery", RFC1191, DECWRL

and Stanford University, November 1990.

9. Authors' Addresses

Peter Cameron

Xylogics International, Ltd.

Featherstone Rd.

Wolverton Mill

Milton Keynes

MK12 5RD

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 908 222112

Fax: +44 908 222115

EMail: cameron@xylint.co.uk

David Crocker

Silicon Graphics, Inc.

2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.

P.O. Box 7311

Mountain View, CA 94039-7311


Phone: +1 415 390 1804

Fax: +1 415 962 8404

EMail: dcrocker@sgi.com

Danny Cohen


325 N. Santa Anita Ave.

Arcadia, CA 91006


Phone: +1 818 821 5555

EMail: Cohen@myricom.com

Jon Postel

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695


Phone: +1 310 822 1511

Fax: +1 310 823 6714

EMail: Postel@ISI.EDU

10. Discussion List

There is a discussion list for this protocol, which for

historical reasons is called:


Requests to join the list should be sent to:

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