
RFC1686 - IPng Requirements: A Cable Television Industry Viewpoint

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Vecchi

Request for Comments: 1686 Time Warner Cable

Category: Informational August 1994

IPng Requirements: A Cable Television Industry Viewpoint

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document was submitted to the IETF IPng area in response to RFC

1550. Publication of this document does not imply acceptance by the

IPng area of any ideas eXPressed within. The statements in this

paper are intended as input to the technical discussions within IETF,

and do not represent any endorsement or commitment on the part of the

cable television industry or any of its companies. Comments should

be submitted to the big-internet@munnari.oz.au mailing list.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary .......................................... 2

2. Cable Television Industry Overview ......................... 2

3. Engineering Considerations ................................. 5

3.1 Scaling .................................................. 5

3.2 Timescale ................................................ 5

3.3 Transition and deployment ................................ 6

3.4 Security ................................................. 7

3.5 Configuration, administration and operation .............. 7

3.6 Mobile hosts ............................................. 8

3.7 Flows and resource reservation ........................... 8

3.8 Policy based routing ..................................... 10

3.9 Topological flexibility .................................. 10

3.10 Applicability ............................................ 10

3.11 Datagram service ......................................... 11

3.12 Accounting ............................................... 11

3.13 Support of communication media ........................... 12

3.14 Robustness and fault tolerance ........................... 12

3.15 Technology pull .......................................... 12

3.16 Action items ............................................. 13

4. Security Considerations .................................... 13

5. Conclusions ................................................ 13

6. Author's Address ........................................... 14

1. Executive Summary

This paper provides comments on topics related to the IPng

requirements and selection criteria from a cable television industry

viewpoint. The perspective taken is to position IPng as a potential

internetworking technology to support the global requirements of the

future integrated broadband networks that the cable industry is

designing and deploying. The paper includes a section describing the

cable television industry and outlining the network architectures to

support the delivery of entertainment programming and interactive

multimedia digital services, as well as telecommunication and data

communication services.

Cable networks toUCh on residences, in addition to campuses and

business parks. Broadband applications will reach the average,

computer-shy person. The applications will involve a heavy use of

video and audio to provide communication, entertainment and

information-Access services. The deployment of these capabilities to

the homes will represent tens of millions of users. Impact on the

network and the IPng requirements that are discussed include issues

of scalability, reliability and availability, support for real-time

traffic, security and privacy, and operations and network

management, among others.

2. Cable Television Industry Overview

Cable television networks and the Internet are discovering each

other. It looks like a great match for a number of reasons, the

available bandwidth being the primary driver. Nonetheless, it seems

that the impact of the cable television industry in the deployment of

broadband networks and services is still not fully appreciated. This

section will provide a quick (and simplified) overview of cable

television networks, and explain the trends that are driving future

network architectures and services.

Cable television networks in the U.S. pass by approximately 90

million homes, and have about 56 million subscribers, of a total of

about 94 million homes (U.S. TV CENSUS figures, 9/30/93). There are

more than 11,000 headends, and the cable TV industry has installed

more than 1,000,000 network-miles. Installation of optical fiber

proceeds at a brisk pace, the fiber plant in the U.S. going from

13,000 miles in 1991 to 23,000 miles in 1992. Construction spending

by the cable industry in 1992 was estimated to be about $2.4 billion,

of which $1.4 billion was for rebuilds and upgrades. Cable industry

revenue from subscriber services in 1992 was estimated to be more

than $21 billion, corresponding to an average subscriber rate of

about $30 per month (source: Paul Kagan Associates, Inc.). These

figures are based on "conventional" cable television services, and

are expected to grow as the cable industry moves into new interactive

digital services and telecommunications.

The cable industry's broadband integrated services network

architecture is based on a hierarchical deployment of network

elements interconnected by broadband fiber optics and coaxial cable

links. In a very simplified manner, the following is a view of this

architecture. Starting at the home, a coaxial cable tree-and-branch

plant provides broadband two-way access to the network. The local

access coaxial cable plant is aggregated at a fiber node, which marks

the point in the network where fiber optics becomes the broadband

transmission medium. Current deployment is for approximately 500

homes passed by the coaxial cable plant for every fiber node, with

variations (from as low as 100 to as many as 3000) that depend on the

density of homes and the degree of penetration of broadband services.

The multiple links from the fiber nodes reach the headend, which is

where existing cable systems have installed equipment for

origination, reception and distribution of television programming.

The headends are in buildings that can accommodate weather protection

and powering facilities, and hence represent the first natural place

into the network where complex switching, routing and processing

equipment can be conveniently located. Traffic from multiple headends

can be routed over fiber optics to regional hub nodes deeper into the

network, where capital-intensive functions can be shared in an

efficient way.

The cable networks are evolving quite rapidly to become effective

two-way digital broadband networks. Cable networks will continue to

be asymmetric, and they will continue to deliver analog video. But

digital capabilities are being installed very aggressively and a

significant upstream bandwidth is rapidly being activated. The

deployment of optical fiber deeper into the network is making the

shared coaxial plant more effective in carrying broadband traffic in

both directions. For instance, with fiber nodes down to where only

about 100 to 500 homes are passed by the coaxial drops (down from

tens of thousands of homes passed in the past), an upstream bandwidth

of several MHz represents a considerable capacity. The recent

announcement by Continental Cablevision and PSI to provide Internet

access services is but one example of the many uses that these two-

way broadband capabilities can provide.

The cable networks are also rapidly evolving into regional networks.

The deployment of fiber optic trunking facilities (many based on

SONET) will provide gigabit links that interconnect regional hub

nodes in regional networks spanning multiple cable systems. These

gigabit networks carry digitized video programming, but will also

carry voice (telephone) traffic, and, of course, data traffic. There

are instances in various parts of the country where these regional

networks have been in successful trials. And given that compressed

digital video is the way to deliver future video programs (including

interactive video, video on demand, and a whole menu of other

applications like computer supported collaborative work, multiparty

remote games, home shopping, customized advertisement, multimedia

information services, etc.), one can be guaranteed that gigabit

regional networks will be put in place at an accelerated pace.

The cable networks are evolving to provide broadband networking

capabilities in support of a complete suite of communication

services. The Orlando network being built by Time Warner is an

example of a Full Service Network(TM) that provides video, audio and

data services to the homes. For the trial, ATM is brought to the

homes at DS3 rates, and it is expected to go up to OC-3 rates when

switch interfaces will be available. This trial in Orlando represents

a peek into the way of future cable networks. The Full Service

Network uses a "set-top" box in every home to provide the network

interface. This "set-top" box, in addition to some specialized

modules for video processing, is really a powerful computer in

disguise, with a computational power comparable to high-end desktop

workstations. The conventional analog cable video channels will be

available, but a significant part of the network's RF bandwidth will

be devoted to digital services. There are broadband ATM switches in

the network (as well as 5E-type switches for telephony), and video

servers that include all kinds of movies and information services. An

important point to notice is that the architecture of future cable

networks maps directly to the way networked computing has developed.

General purpose hosts (i.e., the set-top boxes) are interconnected

through a broadband network to other hosts and to servers.

The deployment of the future broadband information superhighway will

require architectures for both the network infrastructure and the

service support environment that truly integrate the numerous

applications that will be offered to the users. Applications will

cover a very wide range of scenarios. Entertainment video delivery

will evolve from the current core services of the cable industry to

enhanced offerings like interactive video, near-video-on-demand and

complete video-on-demand functions. Communication services will

evolve from the current telephony and low-speed data to include

interactive multimedia applications, information access services,

distance learning, remote medical diagnostics and evaluations,

computer supported collaborative work, multiparty remote games,

electronic shopping, etc. In addition to the complexity and diversity

of the applications, the future broadband information infrastructure

will combine a number of different networks that will have to work in

a coherent manner. Not only will the users be connected to different

regional networks, but the sources of information - in the many forms

that they will take - will also belong to different enterprises and

may be located in remote networks. It is important to realize from

the start that the two most important attributes of the architecture

for the future broadband information superhighway are integration and

interoperability. The Internet community has important expertise and

technology that could contribute to the definition and development of

these future broadband networks.

3. Engineering Considerations

The following comments represent expected requirements of future

cable networks, based on the vision of an integrated broadband

network that will support a complete suite of interactive video,

voice and data services.

3.1 Scaling

The current common wisdom is that IPng should be able to deal with

10 to the 12th nodes. Given that there are of the order of 10 to

the 8th households in the US, we estimate a worldwide number of

households of about 100 times as many, giving a total of about 10

to the 10th global households. This number represents about 1

percent of the 10 to the 12th nodes, which indicates that there

should be enough space left for business, educational, research,

government, military and other nodes connected to the future


One should be cautious, however, not to underestimate the

possibility of multiple addresses that will be used at each node

to specify different devices, processes, services, etc. For

instance, it is very likely that more than one address will be

used at each household for different devices such as the

entertainment system (i.e., interactive multimedia "next

generation" television(s)), the data system (i.e., the home

personal computer(s)), and other new terminal devices that will

emerge in the future (such as networked games, PDAs, etc.).

Finally, the administration of the address space is of importance.

If there are large blocks of assigned but unused addresses, the

total number of available addresses will be effectively reduced

from the 10 to the 12th nodes that have been originally


3.2 Timescale

The cable industry is already making significant investments in

plant upgrades, and the current estimates for the commercial

deployment indicate that by the year 1998 tens of millions of

homes will be served by interactive and integrated cable networks

and services. This implies that during 1994 various trials will be

conducted and evaluated, and the choices of technologies and

products will be well under way by the year 1995. That is to say,

critical investment and technological decisions by many of the

cable operators, and their partners, will be made over the next 12

to 24 months.

These time estimates are tentative, of course, and subject to

variations depending on economic, technical and public policy

factors. Nonetheless, the definition of the IPng capabilities and

the availability of implementations should not be delayed beyond

the next year, in order to meet the period during which many of

the early technological choices for the future deployment of cable

networks and services will be made. The full development and

deployment of IPng will be, of course, a long period that will be

projected beyond the next year. Availability of early

implementations will allow experimentation in trials to validate

IPng choices and to provide early buy-in from the developers of

networking products that will support the planned roll out.

It is my opinion that the effective support for high quality video

and audio streams is one of the critical capabilities that should

be demonstrated by IPng in order to capture the attention of

network operators and information providers of interactive

broadband services (e.g., cable television industry and partners).

The currently accepted view is that IP is a great networking

environment for the control side of an interactive broadband

system. It is a challenge for IPng to demonstrate that it can be

effective in transporting the broadband video and audio data

streams, in addition to providing the networking support for the

distributed control system.

3.3 Transition and deployment

The transition from the current version to IPng has to consider

two ASPects: support for existing applications and availability of

new capabilities. The delivery of digital video and audio programs

requires the capability to do broadcasting and selective

multicasting efficiently. The interactive applications that the

future cable networks will provide will be based on multimedia

information streams that will have real-time constraints. That is

to say, both the end-to-end delays and the jitter associated with

the delivery across the network have to be bound. In addition, the

commercial nature of these large private investments will require

enhanced network capabilities for routing choices, resource

allocation, quality of service controls, security, privacy, etc.

Network management will be an increasingly important issue in the

future. The extent to which the current IP fails to provide the

needed capabilities will provide additional incentive for the

transition to occur, since there will be no choice but to use IPng

in future applications.

It is very important, however, to maintain backwards compatibility

with the current IP. There is the obvious argument that the

installed technological base developed around IP cannot be

neglected under any reasonable evolution scenario. But in

addition, one has to keep in mind that a global Internet will be

composed of many interconnected heterogeneous networks, and that

not all subnetworks, or user communities, will provide the full

suite of interactive multimedia services. Interworking between

IPng and IP will have to continue for a very long time in the


3.4 Security

The security needed in future networks falls into two general

categories: protection of the users and protection of the network

resources. The users of the future global Internet will include

many communities that will likely expect a higher level of

security than is currently available. These users include

business, government, research, military, as well as private

subscribers. The protection of the users' privacy is likely to

become a hot issue as new commercial services are rolled out. The

possibility of illicitly monitoring traffic patterns by looking at

the headers in IPng packets, for instance, could be disturbing to

most users that subscribe to new information and entertainment


The network operators and the information providers will also

expect effective protection of their resources. One would expect

that most of the security will be dealt at higher levels than

IPng, but some issues might have to be considered in defining IPng

as well. One issue relates, again, to the possibility of illicitly

monitoring addresses and traffic patterns by looking at the IPng

packet headers. Another issue of importance will be the capability

of effective network management under the presence of benign or

malicious bugs, especially if both source routing and resource

reservation functionality is made available.

3.5 Configuration, administration and operation

The operations of these future integrated broadband networks will

indeed become more difficult, and not only because the networks

themselves will be larger and more complex, but also because of

the number and diversity of applications running on or through the

networks. It is expected that most of the issues that need to be

addressed for effective operations support systems will belong to

higher layers than IPng, but some aspects should be considered

when defining IPng.

The area where IPng would have most impact would be in the

interrelated issues of resource reservation, source routing and

quality of service control. There will be tension to maintain high

quality of service and low network resource usage simultaneously,

especially if the users can specify preferred routes through the

network. Useful capabilities at the IPng level would enable the

network operator, or the user, to effectively monitor and direct

traffic in order to meet quality and cost parameters. Similarly,

it will be important to dynamically reconfigure the connectivity

among end points or the location of specific processes (e.g., to

support mobile computing terminals), and the design of IPng should

either support, or at least not get in the way of, this

capability. Under normal conditions, one would expect that

resources for the new routing will be established before the old

route is released in order to minimize service interruption. In

cases where reconfiguration is in response to abnormal (i.e.,

failure) conditions, then one would expect longer interruptions in

the service, or even loss of service.

The need to support heterogeneous multiple administrative domains

will also have important implications on the available addressing

schemes that IPng should support. It will be both a technical and

a business issue to have effective means to address nodes,

processes and users, as well as choosing schemes based on fair and

open processes for allocation and administration of the address


3.6 Mobile hosts

The proliferation of personal and mobile communication services is

a well established trend by now. Similarly, mobile computing

devices are being introduced to the market at an accelerated pace.

It would not be wise to disregard the issue of host mobility when

evaluating proposals for IPng. Mobility will have impact on

network addressing and routing, adaptive resource reservation,

security and privacy, among other issues.

3.7 Flows and resource reservation

The largest fraction of the future broadband traffic will be due

to real-time voice and video streams. It will be necessary to

provide performance bounds for bandwidth, jitter, latency and loss

parameters, as well as synchronization between media streams

related by an application in a given session. In addition, there

will be alternative network providers that will compete for the

users and that will provide connectivity to a given choice of many

available service providers. There is no question that IPng, if it

aims to be a general protocol useful for interactive multimedia

applications, will need to support some form of resource

reservation or flows.

Two aspects are worth mentioning. First, the quality of service

parameters are not known ahead of time, and hence the network will

have to include flexible capabilities for defining these

parameters. For instance, MPEG-II packetized video might have to

be described differently than G.721 PCM packetized voice, although

both data streams represent real-time traffic channels. In some

cases, it might be appropriate to provide soft guarantees in the

quality parameters, whereas in other cases hard guarantees might

be required. The tradeoff between cost and quality could be an

important capability of future IPng-based networks, but much work

needs to be advanced on this.

A second important issue related to resource reservations is the

need to deal with broken or lost end-to-end state information. In

traditional circuit-switched networks, a considerable effort is

expended by the intelligence of the switching system to detect and

recover resources that have been lost due to misallocation. Future

IPng networks will provide resource reservation capabilities by

distributing the state information of a given session in several

nodes of the network. A significant effort will be needed to find

effective methods to maintain consistency and recover from errors

in such a distributed environment. For example, keep-alive

messages to each node where a queuing policy change has been made

to establish the flow could be a strategy to make sure that

network resources do not remain stuck in some corrupted session

state. One should be careful, however, to assume that complex

distributed algorithms can be made robust by using time-outs. This

is a problem that might require innovation beyond the reuse of

existing solutions.

It should be noted that some aspects of the requirements for

recoverability are less stringent in this networking environment

than in traditional distributed data processing systems. In most

cases it is not needed (or even desirable) to recover the exact

session state after failures, but only to guarantee that the

system returns to some safe state. The goal would be to guarantee

that no network resource is reserved that has not been correctly

assigned to a valid session. The more stringent requirement of

returning to old session state is not meaningful since the value

of a session disappears, in most cases, as time progresses. One

should keep in mind, however, that administrative and management

state, such as usage measurement, is subject to the same

conventional requirements of recoverability that database systems

currently offer.

3.8 Policy based routing

In future broadband networks, there will be multiple network

operators and information providers competing for customers and

network traffic. An important capability of IPng will be to

specify, at the source, the specific network for the traffic to

follow. The users will be able to select specific networks that

provide performance, feature or cost advantages. From the user's

perspective, source routing is a feature that would enable a wider

selection of network access options, enhancing their ability to

oBTain features, performance or cost advantages. From the network

operator and service provider perspective, source routing would

enable the offering of targeted bundled services that will cater

to specific users and achieve some degree of customer lock-in. The

information providers will be able to optimize the placement and

distribution of their servers, based on either point-to-point

streams or on multicasting to selected subgroups. The ability of

IPng to dynamically specify the network routing would be an

attractive feature that will facilitate the flexible offering of

network services.

3.9 Topological flexibility

It is hard to predict what the topology of the future Internet

will be. The current model developed in response to a specific set

of technological drivers, as well as an open administrative

process reflecting the non-commercial nature of the sector. The

future Internet will continue to integrate multiple administrative

domains that will be deployed by a variety of network operators.

It is likely that there will be more "gateway" nodes (at the

headends or even at the fiber nodes, for instance) as local and

regional broadband networks will provide connectivity for their

users to the global Internet.

3.10 Applicability

The future broadband networks that will be deployed, by both the

cable industry and other companies, will integrate a diversity of

applications. The strategies of the cable industry are to reach

the homes, as well as schools, business, government and other

campuses. The applications will focus on entertainment, remote

education, telecommuting, medical, community services, news

delivery and the whole spectrum of future information networking

services. The traffic carried by the broadband networks will be

dominated by real-time video and audio streams, even though there

will also be an important component of traffic associated with

non-time-critical services such messaging, file transfers, remote

computing, etc. The value of IPng will be measured as a general

internetworking technology for all these classes of applications.

The future market for IPng could be much wider and larger than the

current market for IP, provided that the capabilities to support

these diverse interactive multimedia applications are available.

It is difficult to predict how pervasive the use of IPng and its

related technologies might be in future broadband networks. There

will be extensive deployment of distributed computing

capabilities, both for the user applications and for the network

management and operation support systems that will be required.

This is the area where IPng could find a firm stronghold,

especially as it can leverage on the extensive IP technology

available. The extension of IPng to support video and audio real-

time applications, with the required performance, quality and cost

to be competitive, remains a question to be answered.

3.11 Datagram service

The "best-effort", hop-by-hop paradigm of the existing IP service

will have to be reexamined if IPng is to provide capabilities for

resource reservation or flows. The datagram paradigm could still

be the basic service provided by IPng for many applications, but

careful thought should be given to the need to support real-time

traffic with (soft and/or hard) quality of service requirements.

3.12 Accounting

The ability to do accounting should be an important consideration

in the selection of IPng. The future broadband networks will be

commercially motivated, and measurement of resource usage by the

various users will be required. The actual billing may or may not

be based on session-by-session usage, and accounting will have

many other useful purposes besides billing. The efficient

operation of networks depends on maintaining availability and

performance goals, including both on-line actions and long term

planning and design. Accounting information will be important on

both scores. On the other hand, the choice of providing accounting

capabilities at the IPng level should be examined with a general

criterion to introduce as little overhead as possible. Since

fields for "to", "from" and time stamp will be available for any

IPng choice, careful examination of what other parameters in IPng

could be useful to both accounting and other network functions so

as to keep IPng as lean as possible.

3.13 Support of communication media

The generality of IP should be carried over to IPng. It would not

be an advantage to design a general internetworking technology

that cannot be supported over as wide a class of communications

media as possible. It is reasonable to expect that IPng will start

with support over a few select transport technologies, and rely on

the backwards compatibility with IP to work through a transition

period. Ultimately, however, one would expect IPng to be carried

over any available communications medium.

3.14 Robustness and fault tolerance

Service availability, end-to-end and at expected performance

levels, is the true measure of robustness and fault-tolerance. In

this sense, IPng is but one piece of a complex puzzle. There are,

however, some vulnerability aspects of IPng that could decrease

robustness. One general class of bugs will be associated with the

change itself, regardless of any possible enhancement in

capabilities. The design, implementation and testing process will

have to be managed very carefully. Networks and distributed

systems are tricky. There are plenty of horror stories from the

Internet community itself to make us cautious, not to mention the

brief but dramatic outages over the last couple of years

associated with relatively small software bugs in the control

networks (i.e., CCS/SS7 signaling) of the telephone industry, both

local and long distance.

A second general class of bugs will be associated with the

implementation of new capabilities. IPng will likely support a

whole set of new functions, such as larger (multiple?) address

space(s), source routing and flows, just to mention a few.

Providing these new capabilities will require in most cases

designing new distributed algorithms and testing implementation

parameters very carefully. In addition, the future Internet will

be even larger, have more diverse applications and have higher

bandwidth. These are all factors that could have a multiplying

effect on bugs that in the current network might be easily

contained. The designers and implementers of IPng should be

careful. It will be very important to provide the best possible

transition process from IP to IPng. The need to maintain

robustness and fault-tolerance is paramount.

3.15 Technology pull

The strongest "technology pull" factors that will influence the

Internet are the same that are dictating the accelerated pace of

the cable, telephone and computer networking world. The following

is a partial list: higher network bandwidth, more powerful CPUs,

larger and faster (static and dynamic) memory, improved signal

processing and compression methods, advanced distributed computing

technologies, open and extensible network operating systems, large

distributed database management and Directory systems, high

performance and high capacity real-time servers, friendly

graphical user interfaces, efficient application development

environments. These technology developments, coupled with the

current aggressive business strategies in our industry and

favorable public policies, are powerful forces that will clearly

have an impact on the evolution and acceptance of IPng. The

current deployment strategies of the cable industry and their

partners do not rely on the existence of commercial IPng

capabilities, but the availability of new effective networking

technology could become a unifying force to facilitate the

interworking of networks and services.

3.16 Action items

We have no suggestions at this time for changes to the

directorate, working groups or others to support the concerns or

gather more information needed for a decision. We remain available

to provide input to the IPng process.

4. Security Considerations

No comments on general security issues are provided, beyond the

considerations presented in the previous subsection 3.4 on network


5. Conclusions

The potential for IPng to provide a universal internetworking

solution is a very attractive possibility, but there are many hurdles

to be overcome. The general acceptance of IPng to support future

broadband services will depend on more than the IPng itself. There is

need for IPng to be backed by the whole suite of Internet technology

that will support the future networks and applications. These

technologies must include the adequate support for commercial

operation of a global Internet that will be built, financed and

administered by many different private and public organizations.

The Internet community has taken pride in following a nimble and

efficient path in the development and deployment of network

technology. And the Internet has been very successful up to now. The

challenge is to show that the Internet model can be a preferred

technical solution for the future. Broadband networks and services

will become widely available in a relatively short future, and this

puts the Internet community in a fast track race. The current process

to define IPng can be seen as a test of the ability of the Internet

to evolve from its initial development - very successful but also

protected and limited in scope - to a general technology for the

support of a commercially viable broadband marketplace. If the

Internet model is to become the preferred general solution for

broadband networking, the current IPng process seems to be a

critical starting point.

6. Author's Address

Mario P. Vecchi

Time Warner Cable,

160 Inverness Drive West

Englewood, CO 80112

Phone: (303) 799-5540

Fax: (303) 799-5651

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