
RFC1615 - Migrating from X.400(84) to X.400(88)

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Network Working Group J. Houttuin

Request for Comments: 1615 RARE Secretariat

RARE Technical Report: 9 J. Craigie

Category: Informational Joint Network Team

May 1994

Migrating from X.400(84) to X.400(88)

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


In the context of a European pilot for an X.400(88) messaging

service, this document compares sUCh a service to its X.400(84)

predecessor. It is aimed at a technical audience with a knowledge of

electronic mail in general and X.400 protocols in particular.


This document compares X.400(88) to X.400(84) and describes what

problems can be anticipated in the migration, especially considering

the migration from the existing X.400(84) infrastructure created by

the COSINE MHS project to an X.400(88) infrastructure. It not only

describes the technical complications, but also the effect the

transition will have on the end users, especially concerning

interworking between end users of the 84 and the 88 services.

Table of Contents

1. New Functionality 2

2. OSI Supporting Layers 3

3. General Extension Mechanism 5

4. Interworking 5

4.1. Mixed 84/88 Domains 5

4.2. Generation of OR-Name Extensions from X.400(84) 6

4.3. Distribution List Interworking with X.400(84) 8

4.4. P2 Interworking 10

5. Topology for Migration 11

6. Conclusion 12

7. Security Considerations 13

Appendix A - DL-eXPanded and Redirected Messages in X.400(84) 14

Appendix B - Bibliography 14

Appendix C - MHS Terminology 15

Appendix D - Abbreviations 16

Authors' Addresses 17

1. New Functionality

Apart from the greater maturity of the standard and the fact that it

makes proper use of the Presentation Layer, the principal features of

most use to the European R&D world in X.400(88) not contained in

X.400(84) are:

- A powerful mechanism for arbitrarily nested Distribution

Lists including the ability for DL owners to control Access

to their lists and to control the destination of nondelivery

reports. The current endemic use of DLs in the research

community makes this a fundamental requirement.

- The Message Store (MS) and its associated protocol, P7. The

Message Store provides a server for remote User Agents (UAs)

on Workstations and PCs enabling messages to be held for

their recipient, solving the problems of non-continuous

availability and variability of network addresses of such

UAs. It provides powerful selection mechanisms allowing the

user to select messages from the store to be transferred to

the workstation/PC. This facility is not catered for

adequately by the P3 protocol of X.400(84) and provides a

major incentive for transition.

- Use of X.500 Directories. Support for use of Directory Names

in MHS will allow a transition from use of O/R Addresses to

Directory Names when X.500 Directories become widespread,

thus removing the need for users to know about MHS

topological addressing components.

- The provision of message Security services including

authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-

repudiation as well as secure access between MHS components

may be important for a section of the research community.

- Redirection of messages, both by the recipient if

temporarily unable to receive them, and by the originator in

the event of failure to deliver to the intended recipient.

- Use of additional message body encodings such as ISO 8613

ODA (Office Document Architecture) reformattable documents or

proprietary Word processor formats.

- Physical Delivery services that cater for the delivery of an

electronic message on a physical medium (such as paper)

through the normal postal delivery services to a recipient

who (presumably) does not use electronic mail.

- The use of different body parts. In addition to the

extensible externally defined body parts, the most common

types are predefined in the standard. In order to give end-

users a real advantage as compared to other technologies, the

following body-parts should be supported as a minimum:

- IA5

- Message


- External

- General Text

- Others

The last bullet should be interpreted as follows: all UAs

should be configurable to use any type of externally defined

body part, but as a minimum General Text can be generated and


- The use of extended character sets, both in O/R addresses

and in the General Text extended bodypart. As a minimum, the

character sets as described in the European profiles will be

supported. A management domain may choose as an internal

matter which character sets it wants to support in

generating, but all user agents must be able to copy (in

local address books and in replies) any O/R address, even if

it contains character sets it cannot interpret itself.

2. OSI Supporting Layers

The development of OSI Upper Layer Architecture since 1984 allows the

new MHS standards to sit on the complete OSI stack, unlike X.400(84).

A new definition of the Reliable Transfer Service (RTS), ISO 9066,

has a mode of operation, Normal-mode, which uses ACSE and the OSI

Presentation Layer. It also defines another mode compatible with

X.410(84) RTS that was intended only for interworking with X.400(84)


However, there are differences between the conformance requirements

of ISO MOTIS and CCITT X.400(88) for mandatory support for the

complete OSI stack. ISO specify use of Normal-mode RTS as a mandatory

requirement with X.410-mode RTS as an additional option, whereas

CCITT require X.410-mode and have Normal-mode optional. The ISO

standard identifies three MTA types to provide options in RTS modes:

- MTA Type A supports only Normal-mode RTS, and provides

interworking within a PRMD and with other PRMDs (conforming

to ISO 10021), and with ADMDs which have complete

implementations of X.400(88) or which conform to ISO 10021.

- MTA Type B adds to the functionality of MTA type A the

ability to interwork with ADMDs implementing only the minimal

requirements of X.400(88), by requiring support for X.410-

mode RTS in addition to Normal-mode.

- MTA Type C adds to the functionality of MTA type B the

ability to interwork with external X.400(84) Management

Domains (MDs, i.e., PRMDs and ADMDs), by requiring support for

downgrading (see 5.1) to the X.400(84) P1 protocol.

The interworking between ISO and CCITT conformant systems is

summarised in the following table:


X.400(84) X.400(88)

minimal complete


ISO 10021/ MTA Type A N N Y


MTA Type C Y Y Y

Table 1: Interworking ISO <-> CCITT systems

The RTS conformance difference would totally prevent interworking

between the two versions of the standard if implementations never

contained more than the minimum requirements for conformance, but in

practice many 88 implementations will be extensions of 84 systems,

and will thus support both modes of RTS. (At the moment we are aware

of only one product that doesn't support Normal mode.)

Both ISO and CCITT standards require P7 (and P3) to be supported

directly over the Remote Operations Service (ROS), ISO 9072, and use

Normal-mode presentation (and not X.410-mode). Both allow optionally

ROS over RTS (in case the Transport Service doesn't provide an

adequately reliable service), again using Normal-mode and not X.410-


CCITT made both Normal and X.410 mode mandatory in its X.400(92)

version, and it is expected that the 94 version will have the X.410

mode as an option only.

3. General Extension Mechanism

One of the major assets in ISO 10021/X.400(88) is the extension

mechanism. This is used to carry most of the extensions defined in

these standards, but its principal benefit will be in reducing the

trauma of transitions to future versions of the standards. Provided

that implementations of the 88 standards do not try to place

restrictions on the values that may be present, any future extension

will be relayed by these implementations when appropriate (i.e., when

the extension is not critical), thus providing a painless migration

to new versions of the standards.

4. Interworking

4.1. Mixed 84/88 Domains

ISO 10021-6/X.419(88) defines rules for interworking with X.400(84),

called downgrading. As X.400 specifies the interconnection of MDs,

these rules define the actions necessary by an X.400(88) MD to

communicate with an X.400(84) MD. The interworking rules thus apply

at domain boundaries. Although it would not be difficult to extend

these to rules to convert Internal Trace formats which might be

thought a sufficient addition to allow mixed X.400(84)/X.400(88)

domains, the problems involved in attempting to define mixed 84/88

domains are not quite that simple.

The principle problem is in precisely defining the standard that

would be used between MTAs within an X.400(84) domain, as X.400(84)

only defines the interconnection of MDs. In practice, MTA

implementations either use X.400(84) unmodified, or X.400(84) with

the addition of Internal Trace from the first MOTIS DIS (DIS 8883),

or support MOTIS as defined in DIS 8505, DIS 8883, and DIS 9065. The

second option is recommended in the NBS Implementors Agreements, and

the third option is in conformance with the CEN/CENELEC MHS

Functional Standard [1], which requires as a minimum tolerance of all

"original MOTIS" protocol extensions. An 84 MD must decide which of

these options it will adopt, and then require all its MTAs to adopt

(or at least be compatible with) this choice. No douBT this is one of

the reasons for the almost total absence currently of mixed- vendor

X.400(84) MDs in the European R&D MHS community. The fact that none

of these three options for communication between MTAs within a domain

have any status within the standardisation bodies accounts for the

absence from ISO 10021/X.400(88) of detailed rules for interworking

within mixed 84/88 domains.

Use of the first option, unmodified X.400(84), carries the danger of

undetectable routing loops occurring. Although these can only occur

if MTAs have inconsistent routing tables, the absence of standardised

methods of disseminating routing information makes this a possibility

which if it occurred might cause severe disruption before being

detected. The only addition to the interworking rules needed for this

case is the deletion of Internal Trace when downgrading a message.

Use of the second option, X.400(84) plus Internal Trace, allows the

detection and prevention of routing loops. Details of the mapping

between original-MOTIS Internal Trace and the Internal Trace of ISO

10021 can be found in Annex A. This should be applied not only when

downgrading from 88 to 84, but also in reverse when an 84 MPDU is

received by the 84/88 Interworking MTA. If the 84 domain properly

implements routing loop detection algorithms, then this will allow

completely consistent reception of messages by an 84 recipient even

after DL expansion or Redirection within that domain (but see also

section 5.3). Unfortunately, the first DIS MOTIS like X.400(84) left

far too much to inference, so not all implementors may have

understood that routing loop detection algorithms must only consider

that part of the trace after the last redirection flag in the trace


Use of the third option, tolerance of all original-MOTIS extensions,

would in principle allow a still higher level of interworking between

the 84 and 88 systems. However, no implementations are known which do

more than relay the syntax of original-MOTIS extensions: there is no

capability to generate these protocol elements or ability to

correctly interpret their semantics.

The choice between the first two options for mixed domains can be

left to individual management domains. It has no impact on other

domains provided the topology recommended in section 5 is adopted.

4.2. Generation of OR-Name Extensions from X.400(84)

The interworking rules defined in DIS 10021-6/X.419 Annex B allow for

delivery of 88 messages to 84 recipients, but do not make any 88

extensions available to 84 originators. In general this is an

adequate strategy. Most 88 extensions provide optional services or

have sensible defaults. The exception to this is the OR-Name

extensions. These fall into three categories: the new CommonName

attribute; fifteen new attributes for addressing physical delivery

recipients; and alternative Teletex (T.61) encodings for all

attributes that were defined as Printable Strings. Without some

mechanism to generate these attributes, 84 originators are unable to

address 88 recipients with OR-Addresses containing these attributes.

Such a mechanism is defined in RARE Technical Report 3 ([2]), "X.400

1988 to 1984 downgrading".

Common-name appears likely to be a widely used attribute because it

remedies a serious deficiency in the X.400(84) OR-Name: it provides

an attribute suitable for naming Distribution Lists and roles, and

even individuals where the constraints of the 84 personal-name

structure are inappropriate or undesirable. As 84 originators will no

doubt wish to be able to address 88 DLs (and roles), [2] defines a

Domain Defined Attribute (DDA) to enable generation of common-name by

84 originators. This consists of a DDA with its type set to "common-

name" and its value containing the Printable String encoding to be

set into the 88 common-name attribute.

This requires that all European R&D MHS 88 MTAs capable of

interworking with 84 systems shall be able to map the value of

"common-name" DDA in OR-Names received from 84 systems to the 88

standard attribute extension component common-name, and vice versa.

X.400(84) originators will only be able to make use of this ability

to address 88 common-name recipients if their system is capable of

generating DDAs. Unfortunately, one of the many serious deficiencies

with the CEN/CENELEC and CEPT 84 MHS Functional Standards ([1] and

[3]), as originally published, is that this ability is not a

requirement for all conformant systems. Thus if existing European R&D

MHS X.400(84) users wish to be able to address a significant part of

the ISO 10021/X.400(84) world they must explicitly ensure that their

84 systems are capable of generating DDAs. However, this will be a

requirement in the revised versions of ENV 41201 and ENV 41202, which

are to be published soon. There is no alternative mechanism for

providing this functionality to 84 users. It is estimated that

currently 95% of all European R&D MHS users are able to generate


When messages are sent to both ISO 10021/X.400(88) and X.400(84)

recipients outside the European R&D MHS community, this

representation of common-name will not enable the external recipients

to communicate directly unless their 84/88 interworking MTA also

implements this mapping. However, use of this mapping within the

European R&D MHS community has not reduced external connectivity, and

provided RTR 3, RFC1328 is universally implemented within this

community it will enhance connectivity within the community.

As for the new Physical Delivery address attributes in X.400(88), RTR

3 (RFC1328) takes the following approach. A DDA with type "X400-88"

is used, whose value is an std-or encoding of the address as defined

in RARE Technical Report 2 ([4]), "Mapping between X.400(1988)/ISO

10021 and RFC822". This allows source routing through an appropriate

gateway. Where the generated address is longer than 128 characters,

up to three overflow DDAs are used: X400-C1; X400-C2; X400-C3. This

solution is general, and does not require co-operation, i.e., it can

be implemented in the gateways only.

Note that the two DDA solutions mentioned above have the undesirable

property that the P2 heading will still contain the DDA form, unless

content upgrading is also done. In order to shield the user from

cryptic DDAs, such content upgrading is in general recommended, also

for nested forwarded messages, even though the available standards

and profiles do not dictate this.

4.3. Distribution List Interworking with X.400(84)

Before all X.400(84) systems are upgraded to ISO 10021, the

interaction of Distribution Lists with X.400(84) merits special

attention as DLs are already widely used.

Nothing, apart perhaps from the inability to generate the DL's OR-

Address if the DL uses the common-name attribute, prevents an

X.400(84) originator from submitting a message to a DL.

X.400(84) users can also be members (i.e., recipients) of a DL.

However, if the X.400(84) systems involved correctly implement

routing loop detection, the X.400(84) recipient may not receive all

messages sent to the DL. X.400(84) routing loop detection involves a

recipient MD in scanning previous entries in a message's trace

sequence for an occurrence of its own domain, and if such an entry is

found the message is non-delivered. The new standards extend the

trace information to contain flags to indicate DL-expansion and

redirection, and re-define the routing loop detection algorithm to

only examine trace elements from the last occurrence of either of

these flags. Thus 88 systems allow a message to re-traverse an MD (or

be relayed again by an MTA) after either DL-expansion or redirection.

However, these flags cannot be included in X.400(84) trace, so are

deleted on downgrading. Therefore the 84 DL recipient will receive

all messages sent to the DL except those which had a common point in

the path to the DL expansion point with the path from the expansion

points to his UA. This common point is an MD in the case of a DL in

another MD or an MTA in the case of a DL in the same MD. Although

this is quite deterministic behaviour, the user is unlikely to

understand it and instead regard it as erratic or inconsistent


Another problem with X.400(84) DL members will be that delivery and

non-delivery reports will be sent back directly to the originator of

a message, rather than routed through the hierarchy of DL expansion

points where they could have been routed to the DL administrator

instead of (or as well as) the originator.

No general solution to this problem has yet been devised, despite

much thought from a number of experts. The nub of the problem is that

changing the downgrading rules to enable 84 recipients to receive all

such messages also allows the possibility of undetectable infinite DL

or redirection looping where there is an 84 transit domain.

A potential solution is to extend the DL expansion procedures to

explicitly identify X.400(84) recipients and to treat them specially,

at least by deleting all trace prior to the expansion point. This

solution is only dangerous if another DL reached through an 84

transit domain is inadvertently configured as an 84 recipient, when

infinite looping could occur. It does however impose the problems of

84 interworking into MHS components which need to know nothing even

of the existence of X.400(84). It also requires changes to the

Directory attribute mhs-dl-members to accommodate the indication that

identifies the recipient as an X.400(84) user, unless European R&D

MHS DLs are restricted to being implemented by local tables rather

than making use of the Directory.

A similar change would be required for Redirection. However, the

change for Redirection would have substantially more impact as it

would require European R&D MHS-specific MHS protocol extensions to

identify the redirected recipient as an X.400(84) user. If the

European R&D MHS adopts a reasonable quality of MHS(88) service, all

its MTAs would be capable of Redirection and all UAs would be capable

of requesting originator-specified-alternate-recipient and thus be

required to incorporate these non-standard additions. A special

European R&D MHS modification affecting all MTAs and UAs seems

impractical, too!

If the recommended European R&D MHS topology for MHS migration (See

chapter 5) is adopted there will never be an X.400(84) transit domain

(or MTA) between two ISO 10021 systems. This allows the deletion of

trace prior to the last DL expansion or redirection to be performed

as part of the downgrading, giving the X.400(84) user a consistent

service. This solution has the advantage of only requiring changes at

the convertors between X.400(84) and ISO 10021/X.400(88), where other

European R&D MHS specific extensions have also been identified. A

precise specification of this solution is given in Annex A.

Finally, problems might occur because some X.400(84) MTAs could

object to messages containing more than one recipient with the same

extension-id (called originally-requested-recipient-number in the new

standards), since this was not defined in X.400(84). Note that

X.400(84) only requires that all extension-id's be different at

submission time, so 84 software that does not except messages with

identical extension-id's for relaying or delivery must be considered


4.4. P2 Interworking

RTR 3, RFC1328 also defines the downgrading rules for P2 (IPM)

interworking: The IPM service in X.400(1984) is usually provided by

content type 2. In many cases, it will be useful for a gateway to

downgrade P2 from content type 22 to 2. This will clearly need to be

made dependent on the destination, as it is quite possible to carry

content type 22 over P1(1984). The decision to make this downgrade

will be on the basis of gateway configuration.

When a gateway downgrades from 22 to 2, the following should be done:

1. Strip any 1988 specific headings (language indication, and

partial message indication).

2. Downgrade all O/R addresses, as described in Section 3.

3. If a directory name is present, there is no method to

preserve the semantics within a 1984 O/R Address. However, it

is possible to pass the information across, so that the

information in the Distinguished Name can be informally

displayed to the end user. This is done by appending a text

representation of the Distinguished Name to the Free Form

Name enclosed in round brackets. It is recommended that the

"User Friendly Name" syntax is used to represent the

Distinguished Name [5]. For example:

(Steve Hardcastle-Kille, Computer Science,

University College London, GB)

4. The issue of body part downgrade is discussed in Section 6.

Note that a message represented as content type 22 may have

originated from [6]. The downgrade for this type of message can be

improved. This is discussed in RTR 2, RFC1327.

Note that the newer EWOS/ETSI recommendations specify further rules

for downgrading, which are not all completely compatible with the

rules in RTR 3, RFC1328. This paper does not state which set of

rules is preferred for the European R&D MHS, it only states that a

choice will have to be made.

As the transition topology recommended for the European R&D MHS is to

never use 84 transit systems between 88 systems, it is possible to

improve on the P2 originator downgrading and resending scenario. The

absence of 84 transit systems means that the necessity for a P1

downgrade implies that the recipient is on an 84 system, and thus

that it is better to downgrade 88 P2 contents to 84 P2 rather than to

relay it in the knowledge that it will not be delivered.

5. Topology for Migration

Having decided that a transition from X.400(84) is appropriate, it is

necessary to consider the degree of planning and co- ordination

required to preserve interworking during the transition.

It is assumed as a fundamental tenet that interworking must be

preserved during the transition. This requires that one or more

system in the European R&D MHS community must act as a protocol

converter by implementing the rules for "Interworking with 1984

Systems" listed in Annex B of ISO 10021-6/X.419.

When downgrading from ISO 10021/X.400(88) to X.400(84) all extensions

giving functionality beyond X.400(84) are discarded, or if a critical

extension is present then downgrading fails and a non-delivery

results. Thus, although it is possible to construct topologies of

interconnected MTAs so that two 88 MTAs can only communicate by

relaying through one or more 84 MTA, to maximise the quality of

service which can be provided in the European R&D MHS community it is

proposed that it require that no two European R&D MHS 88 MTAs shall

need to communicate by relaying through a X.400(84) MTA. Furthermore,

if this is extended to require that no two European R&D MHS 88 MTAs

shall ever communicate by relaying through an X.400(84) MTA, then the

European R&D MHS can provide enhanced interworking functionality to

its X.400(84) users.

If mixed vintage 88 and 84 Management Domains (MDs) are created, the

routing loop detection rules, which specify that a message shall not

re-enter an MD it has previously traversed, require that downgrading

is performed within that mixed vintage MD. That MD therefore requires

at least one MTA capable of downgrading from 88 to 84. It is unlikely

that every MTA within an MD will be configured to act as an entry-

point to that MD from other MDs. However, the proposed European R&D

MHS migration topology requires that as soon as a domain has an 88

MTA it shall also have an 88 entry point - this may, of course, be

that same MTA.

Even for MDs operating all the same MHS vintage internally, providing

entry-points for both MHS vintages will give considerable advantage

in maximising the connectivity to other MDs. Initially, it will be

particularly important for 88 MDs to be able to communicate with 84

only MDs, but as 88 becomes more widespread eventually the 84 MDs

will become a minority for which the ability to support 88 will be

important to maintain connectivity. For most practical MDs providing

entry-points that implement options in the supporting layers will

also be important. Support for at least the following is recommended

at MD entry-points:

88-P1/Normal-mode RTS/CONS/X.25(84)

88-P1/Normal-mode RTS/RFC1006/TCP/IP



The above table omits layers where the choice is obvious (e.g.,

Transport class zero), or where no choice exists (e.g., RTS for 84-


The requirement for no intermediate 84 systems does require that the

European R&D MHS use direct PRMD to PRMD routing between 88 PRMDs at

least until such time as all ADMDs will relay the 88 MHS protocols.

Finally, in order to keep routing co-ordination overhead to a

minimum, an important requirement for the migration strategy is that

only one common set of routing procedures is used for both 84 and 88

systems in the European R&D MHS.

6. Conclusion

1. The transition from X.400(84) to ISO 10021/X.400(88) is

worthwhile for the European R&D MHS, to provide:

- P7 Message Store to support remote UAs.

- Distribution Lists.

- Support for Directory Names.

- Standardised external Body Part types.

- Redirection.

- Security.

- Future extensibility.

- Physical Delivery.

2. To minimise the number of transitions the European R&D MHS

target should be ISO 10021 rather than CCITT X.400(88) -

i.e., straight to use of the full OSI stack with Normal-mode


3. To give a useful quality of service, the European R&D MHS

should not use minimal 88 MTAs which relay the syntax but

understand none of the semantics of extensions. In

particular, all European R&D MHS 88 MTAs should generate

reports containing extensions copied from the subject message

and route reports through the DL expansion hierarchy where


4. The European R&D MHS should carefully plan the transition so

that it is never necessary to relay through an 84 system to

provide connectivity between any two 88 systems.

5. The European R&D MHS should consider the additional

functionality that can be provided to X.400(84) users by

adopting an enhanced specification of the interworking rules

between X.400(84) and ISO 10021/X.400(88), and weigh this

against the cost of building and maintaining its own

convertors. The advantages to X.400(84) users are:

- Ability to generate 88 common-name attribute, likely to

be widely used for naming DLs.

- Consistent reception of DL-expanded and Redirected


- Ability to receive extended 88 P2 contents

automatically downgraded to 84 P2.

7. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Appendix A - DL-expanded and Redirected Messages in X.400(84)

This Annex provides an additional to the rules for "Interworking with

1984 Systems" contained in Annex B of ISO 10021-6/X.419, to give

X.400(84) recipients consistent reception of messages that have been

expanded by a DL or redirected. It is applicable only if the

transition topology for the European R&D MHS recommended in section

3 is adopted.

Replace the first paragraph of B.2.3 by:

If an other-actions element is present in any trace- information-

elements, that other-actions element and all preceding trace-

information-elements shall be deleted. If an other-actions element is

present in any subject-intermediate-trace-information- elements, that

other-actions element shall be deleted.

Appendix B - Bibliography

[1] ENV 41201, "Private MHS UA and MTA: PRMD to PRMD", CEN/CENELEC,


[2] Kille, S., "X.400 1988 to 1984 downgrading", RTR 3, RFC1328,

University College London, May 1992.

[3] ENV 41202, "Protocol for InterPersonal Messaging between MTAs

accessing the Public MHS", CEPT, 1988.

[4] Kille, S. "Mapping between X.400(1988)/ISO 10021 and RFC822",

RTR 2, RFC1327; University College London. May 1992.

[5] Kille, S., "Using the OSI Directory to achieve User Friendly

Naming", RFC1484, ISODE Consortium, July 1993.

[6] Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text

Messages", STD 11, RFC822, University of Delaware, August 1982.

[7] Craigie, J., "COSINE Study 8.2.2. Migration Strategy for

X.400(84) to X.400(88)/MOTIS", Joint Network Team, 1988.

[8] Craigie, J., "ISO 10021-X.400(88): A Tutorial for those familiar

with X.400(84)", Computer Networks and ISDN systems 16, 153-160,

North-Holland, 1988.

[9] Manros, C.-U., "The X.400 Blue Book Companion", ISBN 1 871802 00

8, Technology Appraisals Ltd, 1989.

[10] CCITT Recommendations X.400 - X.430, "Data Communication

Networks: Message Handling Systems", CCITT Red Book, Vol. VIII -

Fasc. VIII.7, Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984.

[11] CCITT Recommendations X.400 - X.420 (ISO IS-10021), "Data

Communication Networks: Message Handling Systems", CCITT Blue

Book, Vol. VIII - Fasc. VIII.7, Melbourne, 1988.

Appendix C - MHS Terminology

Message Handling is performed by four types of functional entity:

User Agents (UAs) which enable the user to compose, send, receive,

read and otherwise process messages; Message Transfer Agents (MTAs)

which provide store-and-forward relaying services; Message Stores

(MSs) which act on behalf of UAs located remotely from their

associated MTA (e.g., UAs on PCs or workstations); and Access Units

(AUs) which interface MHS to other communications media (e.g., Telex,

Teletex, Fax, Postal Services). Each UA (and MS, and AU) is served by

a single MTA, which provides that user's interface into the Message

Transfer Service (MTS).

Collections of MTAs (and their associated UAs, MSs and AUs) which are

operated by or under the aegis of a single management authority are

termed a Management Domain (MD). Two types of MD are defined: an

ADMD, which provides a global public message relaying service

directly or indirectly to all other ADMDs; and a PRMD operated by a

private concern to serve its own users.

A Message is comprised of an envelope and its contents. Apart from

the MTS content-conversion service, the content is not examined or

modified by the MTS which uses the envelope alone to provide the

information required to convey the message to its destination.

The MTS is the store-and-forward message relay service provided by

the set of all MTAs. MTAs communicate with each other using the P1

Message Transfer protocol.

Appendix D - Abbreviations

ACSE Association Control Service Element

ADMD Administration Management Domain

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Exchange

ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One

AU Access Unit

CCITT Comite Consultatif International de Telegraphique et


CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation

CENELEC Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique

CEPT Conference Europeene des Postes et Telecommunications

CONS Connection Oriented Network Service

COSINE Co-operation for OSI networking in Europe

DL Distribution List

DIS Draft International Standard

EN European Norm

ENV Draft EN, European functional standard

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IPM Inter-Personal Message

IPMS Inter-Personal Messaging Service

IPN Inter-Personal Notification

ISO International Organisation for Standardisation

JNT Joint Network Team (UK)

JTC Joint Technical Committee (ISO/IEC)

MD Management Domain (either an ADMD or a PRMD)

MHS Message Handling System

MOTIS Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems

MTA Message Transfer Agent

MTL Message Transfer Layer

MTS Message Transfer System

NBS National Bureau of Standardization

OSI Open Systems Interconnection

PRMD Private Management Domain

RARE Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne

RFCRequest for Comments

RTR RARE Technical Report

RTS Reliable Transfer Service

WG-MSG RARE Working Group on Mail and Messaging

Authors' Addresses

Jeroen Houttuin

RARE Secretariat

Singel 466-468

NL-1017 AW Amsterdam


Phone: +31 20 6391131

RFC822: houttuin@rare.nl

X.400: C=NL;ADMD=400net;PRMD=surf;


Jim Craigie

Joint Network Team

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

UK-OX11 OQX Chilton

Didcot, Oxfordshire


Phone: +44 235 44 5539

RFC822: J.Craigie@jnt.ac.uk



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