
RFC1765 - OSPF Database Overflow

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Moy

Request for Comments: 1765 Cascade

Category: EXPerimental March 1995

OSPF Database Overflow

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any

kind. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Proper operation of the OSPF protocol requires that all OSPF routers

maintain an identical copy of the OSPF link-state database. However,

when the size of the link-state database becomes very large, some

routers may be unable to keep the entire database due to resource

shortages; we term this "database overflow". When database overflow

is anticipated, the routers with limited resources can be

accommodated by configuring OSPF stub areas and NSSAs. This memo

details a way of gracefully handling unanticipated database


This memo is a prodUCt of the OSPF Working Group. Please send

comments to ospf@gated.cornell.edu.

Table of Contents

1. Overview ............................................... 2

2. Implementation details ................................. 3

2.1 Configuration .......................................... 3

2.2 Entering OverflowState ................................. 4

2.3 Operation while in OverflowState ....................... 5

2.3.1 Modifications to Flooding .............................. 5

2.3.2 Originating AS-external-LSAs ........................... 6

2.3.3 Receiving self-originated LSAs ......................... 6

2.4 Leaving OverflowState .................................. 6

3. An example ............................................. 6

4. Administrative response to database overflow ........... 7

5. Operational experience ................................. 8

6. Possible enhancements .................................. 8

A. Related MIB parameters ................................ 8

References ............................................ 9

Security Considerations ............................... 9

Author's Address ...................................... 9

1. Overview

OSPF requires that all OSPF routers within a single area maintain an

identical copy of the OSPF link-state database. However, when the

size of the link-state database becomes very large, some routers may

be unable to keep the entire database due to resource shortages; we

term this "database overflow". For example, a regional network may

have a very large OSPF database because it is importing a large

number of external routes into OSPF. Unless database overflow is

handled correctly, routers will end up with inconsistent views of the

network, possibly leading to incorrect routing.

One way of handling database overflow is to encase routers having

limited resources within OSPF stub areas (see Section 3.6 of [1]) or

NSSAs ([2]). AS-external-LSAs are omitted from these areas' link-

state databases, thereby controlling database size.

However, unexpected database overflows cannot be handled in the above

manner. This memo describes a way of dynamically limiting database

size under overflow conditions. The basic mechanism is as follows:

(1) A parameter, ospfExtLsdbLimit, is configured in each router

indicating the maximum number of AS-external-LSAs (excluding

those describing the default route) that are allowed in the

link-state database. This parameter must be the same in all

routers in the routing domain (see Section 2.1); synchronization

of the parameter is achieved via network management.

(2) In any router's database, the number of AS-external-LSAs

(excluding default) is never allowed to exceed ospfExtLsdbLimit.

If a router receives a non-default AS-external-LSA that would

cause the limit of ospfExtLsdbLimit to be exceeded, it drops the

LSA and does NOT acknowledge it.

(3) If the number of non-default AS-external-LSAs in a router's

database hits ospfExtLsdbLimit, the router a) flushes all non-

default AS-external-LSAs that it has itself originated (see

Section 2.2) and b) goes into "OverflowState".

(4) While in OverflowState, the router refuses to originate any

non-default AS-external-LSAs (see Section 2.3.2).

(5) Optionally, the router can attempt to leave OverflowState after

the configurable parameter ospfExitOverflowInterval has elapsed

since entering OverflowState (see Section 2.4). Only at this

point can the router resume originating non-default AS-


The reason for limiting non-default AS-external-LSAs, but not other

LSA types, is twofold. First of all, the non-default AS-external LSAs

are the most likely to dominate database size in those networks with

huge databases (e.g., regional networks; see [5]). Second, the non-

default AS-external-LSAs can be viewed as "optional" in the following

sense: the router can probably be monitored/reconfigured without

them. (However, using similar strategies, other LSA types can also be

limited; see Section 5.)

The method of dealing with database overflow described herein has the

following desirable properties:

o After a short period of convergence, all routers will have

identical link-state databases. This database will contain less

than ospfExtLsdbLimit non-default AS-external-LSAs.

o At all times, routing WITHIN the OSPF Autonomous System will

remain intact. Among other things, this means that the routers

will continue to be manageable.

o Default routing to external destinations will also remain

intact. This hopefully will mean that a large amount of external

connectivity will be preserved, although possibly taking less

efficient routes.

o If parameter ospfExitOverflowInterval is configured, the OSPF

system will recover fully and automatically (i.e., without

network management intervention) from transient database

overflow conditions (see Section 2.4).

2. Implementation details

This section describes the mechanism for dealing with database

overflow in more detail. The section is organized around the concept

OverflowState, describing how routers enter the OverflowState, the

operation of the router while in OverflowState, and when the router

leaves OverflowState.

2.1. Configuration

The following configuration parameters are added to support the

database overflow functionality. These parameters are set by

network management.


When the number of non-default AS-external-LSAs in a

router's link-state database reaches ospfExtLsdbLimit, the

router enters OverflowState. The router never holds more

than ospfExtLsdbLimit non-default AS-external-LSAs in its


ospfExtLsdbLimit MUST be set identically in all routers

attached to the OSPF backbone and/or any "regular" OSPF

area. (This memo does not pertain to routers contained

within OSPF stub areas nor NSSAs, since such routers do not

receive AS-external-LSAs.) If ospfExtLsdbLimit is not set

identically in all routers, then when the database

overflows: 1) the routers will NOT converge on a common

link-state database, 2) incorrect routing, possibly

including routing loops, will result and 3) constant

retransmission of AS-external-LSAs will occur. Identical

setting of ospfExtLsdbLimit is achieved/ensured by network


When ospfExtLsdbLimit is set in a router, the router must

have some way to guarantee that it can hold that many non-

default AS-external-LSAs in its link-state database. One way

of doing this is to preallocate resources (e.g., memory) for

the configured number of LSAs.


The number of seconds that, after entering OverflowState, a

router will attempt to leave OverflowState. This allows the

router to again originate non-default AS-external-LSAs. When

set to 0, the router will not leave OverflowState until

restarted. The default setting for ospfExitOverflowInterval

is 0.

It is not necessary for ospfExitOverflowInterval to be

configured the same in all routers. A smaller value may be

configured in those routers that originate the "more

important" AS-external-LSAs. In fact, setting

ospfExitOverflowInterval the same may cause problems, as

multiple routers attempt to leave OverflowState

simultaneously. For this reason, the value of

ospfExitOverflowInterval must be "jittered" by randomly

varying its value within the range of plus or minus 10

percent before using.

2.2. Entering OverflowState

The router enters OverflowState when the number of non-default

AS-external-LSAs in the database hits ospfExtLsdbLimit. There are

two cases when this can occur. First, when receiving an LSA during

flooding. In this case, an LSA which does not already have a

database instance is added in Step 5 of Section 13 of [1]. The

second case is when the router originates a non-default AS-

external-LSA itself.

Whenever the router enters OverflowState it flushes all non-

default AS-external-LSAs that it itself had originated. Flushing

is accomplished through the premature aging scheme described in

Section 14.1 of [1]. Only self-originated LSAs are flushed; those

originated by other routers are kept in the link-state database.

2.3. Operation while in OverflowState

While in OverflowState, the flooding and origination of non-

default AS-external-LSAs are modified in the following fashion.

2.3.1. Modifications to Flooding

Flooding while in OverflowState is modified as follows. If in

Step 5 of Section 13 of [1], a non-default AS-external-LSA has

been received that a) has no current database instance and b)

would cause the count of non-default AS-external-LSAs to exceed

ospfExtLsdbLimit, then that LSA is discarded. Such an LSA is

not installed in the link-state database, nor is it


When all routers have identical values for ospfExtLsdbLimit (as

required), the above flooding modification will only be invoked

during a short period of convergence. During convergence, there

will be retransmissions of LSAs. However, after convergence the

retransmissions will cease, as the routers settle on a database

having less than ospfExtLsdbLimit non-default As-external-LSAs.

In OverflowState, non-default AS-external-LSAs ARE still

accepted in the following conditions:

(1) If the LSA updates an LSA that currently exists in the

router's link-state database.

(2) LSAs having LS age of MaxAge are always accepted. The

processing of these LSAs follows the procedures

described in Sections 13 and 14 of [1].

(3) If adding the LSA to the router's database would keep

the number of non-default AS-external-LSAs less than or

equal to ospfExtLsdbLimit, the LSA is accepted.

2.3.2. Originating AS-external-LSAs

Originating AS-external-LSAs is described in Section 12.4.5 of

[1]. When a router is in OverflowState, it does not originate

non-default AS-external-LSAs. In other Words, the only AS-

external-LSAs originated by a router in OverflowState have Link

State ID

2.3.3. Receiving self-originated LSAs

Receiving self-originated LSAs is described in Section 13.4 of

[1]. When in OverflowState, a router receiving a self-

originated non-default AS-external-LSA responds by flushing it

from the routing domain using the premature aging scheme

described in Section 14.1 of [1].

2.4. Leaving OverflowState

If ospfExitOverflowInterval is non-zero, then as soon as a router

enters OverflowState, it sets a timer equal to the value of

ospfExitOverflowInterval (plus or minus a random value in the

range of 10 percent). When this timer fires, the router leaves

OverflowState and begins originating non-default AS-external-LSAs


This allows a router to automatically recover from transient

overflow conditions. For example, an AS boundary router that

imports a great many AS-external-LSAs may crash. Other routers may

then start importing the routes, but until the crashed AS boundary

router is either a) restarted or b) its AS-external-LSAs age out,

there will be a much larger database than usual. Since such an

overflow is guaranteed to go away in MaxAge seconds (1 hour),

automatic recovery may be appropriate (and fast enough) if the

overflow happens off-hours.

As soon as the router leaves OverflowState, it is again eligible

to reenter OverflowState according to the text of Section 2.2.

3. An example

As an example, suppose that a router implements the database overflow

logic, and that its ospfExtLsdbLimit is 10,000 and its

ospfExitOverflowInterval is set to 600 seconds. Suppose further that

the router itself is originating 400 non-default AS-external-LSAs,

and that the current number of non-default AS-external-LSAs in the

router's database is equal to 9,997.

Next, it receives a Link State Update packet from a neighbor,

containing 6 non-default AS-external-LSAs, none of which have current

database copies. The first two LSAs are then installed in the

database. The third LSA is also installed in the database, but causes

the router to go into OverflowState. Going into OverflowState causes

the router to flush (via premature aging) its 400 self-originated

non-default LSAs. However, these 400 LSAs are still considered to be

part of the link-state database until their re-flooding (with age set

to MaxAge) is acknowledged (see Section 14 of [1]); for this reason,

the last three LSAs in the received update are discarded without

being acknowledged.

After some small period of time all routers will converge on a common

database, having less than 10,000 non-default AS-external-LSAs.

During this convergence period there may be some link-state

retransmissions; for example, the sender of the above Link State

Update packet may retransmit the three LSAs that were discarded. If

this retransmission happens after the flushing of the 400 self-

originated LSAs is acknowledged, the 3 LSAs will then be accepted.

Going into OverflowState also causes the router to set a timer that

will fire some time between 540 and 660 seconds later. When this

timer fires, the router will leave OverflowState and re-originate its

400 non-default AS-external-LSAs, provided that the current database

has less than 9600 (10,000 - 400) non-default AS-external-LSAs. If

there are more than 9600, the timer is simply restarted.

4. Administrative response to database overflow

Once the link-state database has overflowed, it may take intervention

by network management before all routing is restored. (If the

overflow condition is transient, routing may be restored

automatically; see Section 2.4 for details.) An overflow condition is

indicated by SNMP traps (see Appendix B). Possible responses by a

network manager may include:

o Increasing the value of ospfExtLsdbLimit. Perhaps it had been

set too conservatively, and the routers are able to support

larger databases than they are currently configured for.

o Isolating routers having limited resources within OSPF stub

areas or NSSAs. This would allow increasing the value of

ospfExtLsdbLimit in the remaining routers.

o Reevaluating the need to import certain external routes. If

ospfExtLsdbLimit cannot be increased, the network manager will

want to make sure that the more important routes continue to be

imported; this is accomplished by turning off the importing of

less important routes.

5. Operational experience

The database overflow scheme described in this memo has been

implemented in the Proteon router for a number of years, with the

following differences. First, the router did not leave OverflowState

until it was restarted (i.e., ospfExitOverflowInterval was always 0).

Second, default AS-external-LSAs were not separated from non-default

AS-external-LSAs. Operationally the scheme performed as expected:

during overflow conditions, the routers converged on a common

database having less than a configured number of AS-external-LSAs.

6. Possible enhancements

Possible enhancements to the overflow scheme include the following:

o Other LSA types, with the exception of the transit LSAs

(router-LSAs and network-LSAs), could be limited in a similar

fashion. For example, one could limit the number of summary-

LSAs, or group-membership-LSAs (see [6]).

o Rather than flushing all of its non-default AS-external-LSAs

when entering OverflowState, a router could flush a fixed number

whenever the database size hits ospfExtLsdbLimit. This would

allow the router to prioritize its AS-external-LSAs, flushing

the least important ones first.

A. Related MIB parameters

The following OSPF MIB variables have been defined to support the

database overflow procedure described in this memo (see [4] for more



As in Section 2.1 of this memo, the maximum number of non-

default AS-external-LSAs that can be stored within the database.

If set to -1, there is no limit.


As in Section 2.1 of this memo, the number of seconds that,

after entering OverflowState, a router will attempt to leave

OverflowState. This allows the router to again originate non-

default AS-external-LSAs. When set to 0, the router will not

leave OverflowState until restarted.


A trap indicating that the number of non-default AS-external-

LSAs has exceeded or equaled ospfExtLsdbLimit. In other words,

this trap indicates that the router is entering OverflowState.


A trap indicating that the number of non-default AS-external-

LSAs has exceeded ninety percent of "ospfExtLsdbLimit".


[1] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", RFC1583, Proteon, Inc., March 1994.

[2] Coltun, R., and V. Fuller, "The OSPF NSSA Option", RFC1587,

RainbowBridge Communications, Stanford University, March 1994.

[3] Moy, J., Editor, "OSPF Protocol Analysis", RFC1245, Proteon,

Inc., July 1991.

[4] Baker F., and R. Coltun, "OSPF Version 2 Management Information

Base", Work in Progress.

[5] Moy, J., Editor, "Experience with the OSPF Protocol", RFC1246,

Proteon, Inc., July 1991.

[6] Moy, J., "Multicast Extensions to OSPF", RFC1584, Proteon, Inc.,

March 1994.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

John Moy

Cascade Communications Corp.

5 Carlisle Road

Westford, MA 01886

Phone: 508-692-2600 Ext. 394

Fax: 508-692-9214

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