
RFC1737 - Functional Requirements for Uniform Resource Names

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Network Working Group K. Sollins

Request for Comments: 1737 MIT/LCS

Category: Informational L. Masinter

Xerox Corporation

December 1994

Functional Requirements for Uniform Resource Names

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.

1. IntrodUCtion

This document specifies a minimum set of requirements for a kind of

Internet resource identifier known as Uniform Resource Names (URNs).

URNs fit within a larger Internet information architecture, which in

turn is composed of, additionally, Uniform Resource Characteristics

(URCs), and Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). URNs are used for

identification, URCs for including meta-information, and URLs for

locating or finding resources. It is provided as a basis for

evaluating standards for URNs. The discussions of this work have

occurred on the mailing list uri@bunyip.com and at the URI Working

Group sessions of the IETF.

The requirements described here are not necessarily exhaustive; for

example, there are several issues dealing with support for

replication of resources and with security that have been discussed;

however, the problems are not well enough understood at this time to

include specific requirements in those areas here.

Within the general area of distributed object systems design, there

are many concepts and designs that are discussed under the general

topic of "naming". The URN requirements here are for a facility that

addresses a different (and, in general, more stringent) set of needs

than are frequently the domain of general object naming.

The requirements for Uniform Resource Names fit within the overall

architecture of Uniform Resource Identification. In order to build

applications in the most general case, the user must be able to

discover and identify the information, objects, or what we will call

in this architecture resources, on which the application is to

operate. Beyond this statement, the URI architecture does not define

"resource." As the network and interconnectivity grow, the ability

to make use of remote, perhaps independently managed, resources will

become more and more important. This activity of discovering and

utilizing resources can be broken down into those activities where

one of the primary constraints is human utility and facility and

those in which human involvement is small or nonexistent. Human

naming must have such characteristics as being both mnemonic and

short. Humans, in contrast with computers, are good at heuristic

disambiguation and wide variability in structure. In order for

computer and network based systems to support global naming and

Access to resources that have perhaps an indeterminate lifetime, the

flexibility and attendant unreliability of human-friendly names

should be translated into a naming infrastructure more appropriate

for the underlying support system. It is this underlying support

system that the Internet Information Infrastructure Architecture

(IIIA) is addressing.

Within the IIIA, several sorts of information about resources are

specified and divided among different sorts of structures, along

functional lines. In order to access information, one must be able

to discover or identify the particular information desired,

determined both how and where it might be used or accessed. The

partitioning of the functionality in this architecture is into

uniform resource names (URN), uniform resource characteristics (URC),

and uniform resource locators (URL). A URN identifies a resource or

unit of information. It may identify, for example, intellectual

content, a particular presentation of intellectual content, or

whatever a name assignment authority determines is a distinctly

namable entity. A URL identifies the location or a container for an

instance of a resource identified by a URN. The resource identified

by a URN may reside in one or more locations at any given time, may

move, or may not be available at all. Of course, not all resources

will move during their lifetimes, and not all resources, although

identifiable and identified by a URN will be instantiated at any

given time. As such a URL is identifying a place where a resource

may reside, or a container, as distinct from the resource itself

identified by the URN. A URC is a set of meta-level information

about a resource. Some examples of such meta-information are: owner,

encoding, access restrictions (perhaps for particular instances),


With this in mind, we can make the following statement:

o The purpose or function of a URN is to provide a globally unique,

persistent identifier used for recognition, for access to

characteristics of the resource or for access to the resource


More specifically, there are two kinds of requirements on URNs:

requirements on the functional capabilities of URNs, and requirements

on the way URNs are encoded in data streams and written


2. Requirements for functional capabilities

These are the requirements for URNs' functional capabilities:

o Global scope: A URN is a name with global scope which does not

imply a location. It has the same meaning everywhere.

o Global uniqueness: The same URN will never be assigned to two

different resources.

o Persistence: It is intended that the lifetime of a URN be

permanent. That is, the URN will be globally unique forever, and

may well be used as a reference to a resource well beyond the

lifetime of the resource it identifies or of any naming authority

involved in the assignment of its name.

o Scalability: URNs can be assigned to any resource that might

conceivably be available on the network, for hundreds of years.

o Legacy support: The scheme must permit the support of existing

legacy naming systems, insofar as they satisfy the other

requirements described here. For example, ISBN numbers, ISO

public identifiers, and UPC product codes seem to satisfy the

functional requirements, and allow an embedding that satisfies

the syntactic requirements described here.

o Extensibility: Any scheme for URNs must permit future extensions to

the scheme.

o Independence: It is solely the responsibility of a name issuing

authority to determine the conditions under which it will issue a


o Resolution: A URN will not impede resolution (translation into a

URL, q.v.). To be more specific, for URNs that have corresponding

URLs, there must be some feasible mechanism to translate a URN to a


3. Requirements for URN encoding

In addition to requirements on the functional elements of the URNs,

there are requirements for how they are encoded in a string:

o Single encoding: The encoding for presentation for people in clear

text, electronic mail and the like is the same as the encoding in

other transmissions.

o Simple comparison: A comparison algorithm for URNs is simple,

local, and deterministic. That is, there is a single algorithm for

comparing two URNs that does not require contacting any external

server, is well specified and simple.

o Human transcribability: For URNs to be easily transcribable by

humans without error, they should be short, use a minimum of

special characters, and be case insensitive. (There is no strong

requirement that it be easy for a human to generate or interpret a

URN; eXPlicit human-accessible semantics of the names is not a

requirement.) For this reason, URN comparison is insensitive to

case, and probably white space and some punctuation marks.

o Transport friendliness: A URN can be transported unmodified in the

common Internet protocols, such as TCP, SMTP, FTP, Telnet, etc., as

well as printed paper.

o Machine consumption: A URN can be parsed by a computer.

o Text recognition: The encoding of a URN should enhance the

ability to find and parse URNs in free text.

4. Implications

For a URN specification to be acceptible, it must meet the previous

requirements. We draw a set of conclusions, listed below, from those

requirements; a specification that satisfies the requirments without

meetings these conclusions is deemed acceptable, although unlikely to


o To satisfy the requirements of uniqueness and scalability, name

assignment is delegated to naming authorities, who may then assign

names directly or delegate that authority to sub-authorities.

Uniqueness is guaranteed by requiring each naming authority to

guarantee uniqueness. The names of the naming authorities

themselves are persistent and globally unique and top level

authorities will be centrally registered.

o Naming authorities that support scalable naming are encouraged, but

not required. Scalability implies that a scheme for devising names

may be scalable both at its terminators as well as within the

structure; e.g., in a hierarchical naming scheme, a naming

authority might have an extensible mechanism for adding new


o It is strongly recommended that there be a mapping between the

names generated by each naming authority and URLs. At any specific

time there will be zero or more URLs into which a particular URN

can be mapped. The naming authority itself need not provide the

mapping from URN to URL.

o For URNs to be transcribable and transported in mail, it is

necessary to limit the character set usable in URNs, although there

is not yet consensus on what the limit might be.

In assigning names, a name assignment authority must abide by the

preceding constraints, as well as defining its own criteria for

determining the necessity or indication of a new name assignment.

5. Other considerations

There are three issues about which this document has intentionally

not taken a position, because it is believed that these are issues to

be decided by local determination or other services within an

information infrastructure. These issues are equality of resources,

reflection of visible semantics in a URN, and name resolution.

One of the ways in which naming authorities, the assigners of names,

may choose to make themselves distinctive is by the algorithms by

which they distinguish or do not distinguish resources from each

other. For example, a publisher may choose to distinguish among

multiple printings of a book, in which minor spelling and

typographical mistakes have been made, but a library may prefer not

to make that distinction. Furthermore, no one algorithm for testing

for equality is likely to applicable to all sorts of information.

For example, an algorithm based on testing the equality of two books

is unlikely to be useful when testing the equality of two

spreadsheets. Thus, although this document requires that any

particular naming authority use one algorithm for determining whether

two resources it is comparing are the same or different, each naming

authority can use a different such algorithm and a naming authority

may restrict the set of resources it chooses to identify in any way

at all.

A naming authority will also have some algorithm for actually

choosing a name within its namespace. It may have an algorithm that

actually embeds in some way some knowledge about the resource. In

turn, that embedding may or may not be made public, and may or may

not be visible to potential clients. For example, an unreflective

URN, simply provides monotonically increasing serial numbers for

resources. This conveys nothing other than the identity determined

by the equality testing algorithm and an ordering of name assignment

by this server. It carries no information about the resource itself.

An MD5 of the resource at some point, in and of itself may be

reflective of its contents, and, in fact, the naming authority may be

perfectly willing to publish the fact that it is using MD5, but if

the resource is mutable, it still will be the case that any potential

client cannot do much with the URN other than check for equality.

If, in contrast, a URN scheme has much in common with the assignment

ISBN numbers, the algorithm for assigning them is public and by

knowing it, given a particular ISBN number, one can learn something

more about the resource in question. This full range of

possibilities is allowed according to this requirements document,

although it is intended that naming authorities be discouraged from

making accessible to clients semantic information about the resource,

on the assumption that that may change with time and therefore it is

unwise to encourage people in any way to depend on that semantics

being valid.

Last, this document intentionally does not address the problem of

name resolution, other than to recommend that for each naming

authority a name translation mechanism exist. Naming authorities

assign names, while resolvers or location services of some sort

assist or provide URN to URL mapping. There may be one or many such

services for the resources named by a particular naming authority.

It may also be the case that there are generic ones providing service

for many resources of differing naming authorities. Some may be

authoritative and others not. Some may be highly reliable or highly

available or highly responsive to updates or highly focussed by other

criteria such as subject matter. Of course, it is also possible that

some naming authorities will also act as resolvers for the resources

they have named. This document supports and encourages third party

and distributed services in this area, and therefore intentionally

makes no statements about requirements of URNs or naming authorities

on resolvers.

Security Considerations

Applications that require translation from names to locations, and

the resources themselves may require the resources to be

authenticated. It seems generally that the information about the

authentication of either the name or the resource to which it refers

should be carried by separate information passed along with the URN

rather than in the URN itself.

Authors' Addresses

Larry Masinter

Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

3333 Coyote Hill Road

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Phone: (415) 812-4365

Fax: (415) 812-4333

EMail: masinter@parc.xerox.com

Karen Sollins

MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

545 Technology Square

Cambridge, MA 02139

Voice: (617) 253-6006

Phone: (617) 253-2673

EMail: sollins@lcs.mit.edu

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