
RFC1727 - A Vision of an Integrated Internet Information Service

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group C. Weider

Request for Comments: 1727 P. Deutsch

Category: Informational Bunyip Information Systems

December 1994

A Vision of an Integrated Internet Information Service

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This paper lays out a vision of how Internet information services

might be integrated over the next few years, and discusses in some

detail what steps will be needed to achieve this integration.


Thanks to the whole gang of information service wonks who have

wrangled with us about the future of information services in

countless bar bofs (in no particular order): Cliff Lynch, Cliff

Neuman, Alan Emtage, Jim Fullton, Joan Gargano, Mike Schwartz, John

Kunze, Janet Vratny, Mark McCahill, Tim Berners-Lee, John Curran,

Jill Foster, and many others. Extra special thanks to George Brett of

CNIDR and Anders Gillner of RARE, who have given us the opportunity

to start tying together the networking community and the librarian


1. Disclaimer

This paper represents only the opinions of its authors; it is not an

official policy statement of the IIIR Working Group of the IETF, and

does not represent an official consensus.

2. IntrodUCtion

The current landscape in information tools is much the same as the

landscape in communications networks in the early 1980's. In the

early 80's, there were a number of proprietary networking protocols

that connected large but autonomous regions of computers, and it was

difficult to coalesce these regions into a unified network. Today, we

have a number of large but autonomous regions of networked

information. We have a vast set of FTPable files, a budding WAIS

network, a budding GOPHER network, a budding World Wide Web network,

etc. Although there are a number of gateways between various

protocols, and information service providers are starting to use

GOPHER to provide a glue between various services, we are not yet in

that golden age when all human information is at our fingertips. (And

we're even farther from that platinum age when the computer knows

what we're looking for and retrieves it before we even touch the


In this paper, we'll propose one possible vision of the information

services landscape of the near future, and lay out a plan to get us

there from here.

3. Axioms of information services

There are a number of unspoken assumptions that we've used in our

discussions. It might be useful to lay them out eXPlicitly before we

start our exploration.

The first is that there is no unique information protocol that will

provide the flexibility, scale, responsiveness, worldview, and mix of

services that every information consumer wants. A protocol designed

to give quick and meaningful Access to a collection of stock prices

might look functionally very different from one which will search

digitized music for a particular musical phrase and deliver it to

your workstation. So, rather than design the information protocol to

end all information protocols, we will always need to integrate new

search engines, new clients, and new delivery paradigms into our

grand information service.

The second is that distributed systems are a better solution to

large-scale information systems than centralized systems. If one

million people are publishing electronic papers to the net, should

they all have to log on to a single machine to modify the central

archives? What kind of bandwidth would be required to that central

machine to serve a billion papers a day? If we replicate the central

archives, what sort of maintenance problems would be encountered?

These questions and a host of others make it seem more profitable at

the moment to investigate distributed systems.

The third is that users don't want to be bothered with the details of

the underlying protocols used to provide a given service. Just as

most people don't care whether their e-mail message gets split up

into 20 packets and routed through Tokyo to get to its destination,

information service users don't care whether the GOPHER server used

telnet to get to a WAIS database back-ended by an SQL database. They

just want the information. In short, they care very much about how

they interact with the client; they just don't want to know what goes

on behind.

These axioms force us to look at solutions which are distributed,

support multiple access paradigms, and allow information about

resources to be handed off from one system (say Gopher) to another

(say WWW).

4. An architecture to provide interoperability and integration.

The basic architecture outlined in this paper splits up into 4 levels

[Fig. 1].

At the lowest level, we have the resources themselves. These are such

things as files, telnet sessions, online library catalogs, etc. Each

resource can have a resource transponder attached [Weider 94a], and

should have a Uniform Resource Name (URN) [Weider 94b] associated

with it to uniquely identify its contents. If a resource transponder

is attached, it will help maintain the information required by the

next level up.

At the next level, we have a 'Directory service' that takes a URN and

returns Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) [Berners-Lee 94] for that

resource. The URL is a string which contains location information,

and can be used by a client to access the resource pointed to by the

URL. It is expected that a given resource may be replicated many

times across the net, and thus the client would get a number of URLs

for a given resource, and could choose between them based on some

other criteria.


Gopher WAIS WWW Archie Others ...



Resource Discovery

System (perhaps

based on whois++)



Uniform resource name to uniform resource

locator mapping system (perhaps based on

whois++ or X.500)



____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Transponder Transponder Transponder Transponder

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Resource Resource Resource Resource

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Figure 1: Proposed architecture of an integrated information


The third level of the architecture is a resource discovery system.

This would be a large, distributed system which would accept search

criteria and return URNs and associated information for every

resource which matched the criteria. This would provide a set of URLs

which the information service providers (GOPHER servers, etc.) could

then select among for incorporation.

The fourth level of the architecture is comprised of the various

information delivery tools. These tools are responsible for

collating pointers to resources, informing the user about the

resources to which they contain pointers, and retrieving the

resources when the user wishes.

Let's take a look in greater detail at each of these levels.

4.1 Resource layer

The resources at this layer can be any collection of data a publisher

wishes to catalog. It might be an individual text file, a WAIS

database, the starting point for a hypertext web, or anything else.

Each resource is assigned a URN by the publisher, and the URL is

derived from the current location of the resource. The transponder is

responsible for updating levels 2 and 3 with the appropriate

information as the resource is published and moves around.

4.2 URN -> URL mapping

This level takes a URN and returns a number of URLs for the various

instantiations of that resource on the net. It will also maintain

the URN space. Thus the only functionality required of this level is

the ability to maintain a global namespace and to provide mappings

from that namespace to the URLs. Consequently, any of the distributed

'directory service' protocols would allow us to provide that service.

However, there may be some benefit to collapsing levels 2 and 3 onto

the same software, in which case we may need to select the underlying

protocol more carefully. For example, X.500 provides exactly the

functionality required by level 2, but does not (yet) have the

functionality required to provide the level 3 service. In addition,

the service at level 2 does not necessarily have to be provided by a

monolithic system. It can be provided by any collection of protocols

which can jointly satisfy the requirements and also interoperate, so

that level 2 does appear to level 3 to be universal in scope.

4.3 Resource discovery

This is the level which requires the most work, and where the

greatest traps lurk to entangle the unwary. This level needs to serve

as a giant repository of all information about every publication,

except for that which is required for the URI -> URL mapping. Since

this part is the least filled in at the moment, we will propose a

mechanism which may or may not be the one which is eventually used.

When a new resource is created on the network, it is assigned a URN

determined by the publisher of the resource. Section 4.1 discusses in

more detail the role of the publisher on the net, but at the moment

we can consider only 2 of the publisher's functions. The publisher is

responsible for assigning a URN out of the publishers namespace, and

is responsible for notifying a publishing agent [Deutsch 92] that a

new resource has been created; that agent will either be a part of

the resource location service or will then take the responsibility

for notifying an external resource location service that the resource

has been created. Alternatively, the agent can use the resource

location service to find parts of the RLS which should be notified

that this resource has been created.

To give a concrete example, let's say that Peter and Chris publish a

multi- media document titled, "Chris and Peter's Bogus Journey",

which talks about our recent trip to the Antarctic, complete with

video clips. P & C would then ask their publishing agent to generate

a URN for this document. They then ask their publishing agent to

attach a transponder to the document, and to look around and see if

anyone a) has asked that our agent notify them whenever anything we

write comes out; or b) is running any kind of server of 'trips to

Antarctica'. Janet has posted a request that she be notified, so the

agent tells her that a new resource has been created. The agent also

finds 3 servers which archive video clips of Antarctica, so the agent

notifies all three that a new resource on Antarctica has come out,

and gives out the URN and a URL for the local copy.

4.4 Information delivery tools

One of the primary functions of an information delivery tool is to

collect and collate pointers to resources. A given tool may provide

mechanisms to group those pointers based on other information about

the resource, e.g. a full-text index allows one to group pointers to

resources based on their contents; archie can group pointers based on

filenames, etc. The URLs which are being standardized in the IETF are

directly based on the way World Wide Web built pointers to resources,

by creating a uniform way to specify access information and location

for a resource on the net. With just the URLs, however, it is

impossible without much more extensive checking to tell whether two

resources with different URLs have the same intellectual content or

not. Consequently, the URN is designed to solve this problem.

In this architecture, the pointers that a given information delivery

tool would keep to a resource will be a URN and one or more cached

URLs. When a pointer to a resource is first required (i.e. when a new

resource is linked in a Gopher server), level 2 will provide a set of

URLs for that URN, and the creator of the tool can then select which

of those will be used. As it is expected that the URLs will

eventually become stale (the resource moves, the machine goes down,

etc.) the URN can be used to get a set of current URLs for the

resource and an appropriate one can then be selected. Since the cost

of using the level 2 service is probably greater than the cost of

simply resolving a URL, both the URN and the URL are cached to

provide speedy access unless something has moved.

4.5 Using the architecture to provide interoperability between services

In the simplest sense, each interaction that we have with an

information delivery service does one of two things: it either causes

a pointer to be resolved (a file to be retrieved, a telnet session to

be initiated, etc.) or causes some set of the pointers available in

the information service to be selected. At this level, the

architecture outlined above provides the core implementation of

interoperability. Once we have a means of mapping between names and

pointers, and we have a standard method of specifying names and

pointers, the interoperation problem becomes one of simply handing

names and pointers around between systems. Obviously with such a

simplistic interoperability scheme much of the flavor and

functionality of the various systems are lost in transition. But,

given the pointers, a system can either a) present them to the user

with no additional functionality or b) resolve the pointers, examine

the resources, and then run algorithms designed to tie these

resources together into a structure appropriate for the current

service. Let's look at one example (which just happens to be the

easiest to resolve); interoperation between World Wide Web and


Displaying a Gopher screen as a WWW document is trivial with these

pointers. Every Gopher screen is simply a list of menu items with

pointers behind them (we'll ignore the other functionality Gopher

provides for a moment), so is an extremely simple form of a hypertext

document. Consequently with this architecture it is easy to show and

resolve a Gopher screen in WWW. For a WWW to Gopher map, the

simplest method would be that when one accesses a WWW document, all

the pointers associated with links off to other documents are brought

in with the document. Gopher could then resolve the links and read

the first line of each document to provide a Gopher style screen

which contains everything in the WWW document. When a link is

selected, all of the WWW links for the new document are brought in

and the process repeats. Obviously we're losing a lot with the WWW ->

Gopher mapping; some might argue that we are losing everything.

However, this does provide a trivial interoperability capacity, and

one can argue that the 'information content' has been preserved

across the gateway.

In addition, the whole purpose of gatewaying is to provide access to

resources that lie outside the reach of your current client. Since

all resources are identifiable and accessible through layers 2 and 3,

it will be easy to copy resources from one protocol to another since

all we need to do is to move the pointers and reexpress the

relationships between the pointers in the new paradigm.

4.6 Other techniques for interoperability

One technique for interoperability which has recently received some

serious attention is the technique of creating one client which

speaks the protocols of all the information delivery tools. This

approach has been taken in particular by the UNITE (User's Network

Interface To Everything) group in Europe. This client would sit on

the top level of the architecture in Figure 1. This technique is best

exemplified by the recent work which has gone into Mosaic, a client

which can speak almost all of the major information services

protocols. This technique has a lot of appeal and has enjoyed quite a

bit of success; however, there are several practical difficulties

with this approach which may hinder its successful implementation.

The first difficulty is one that is common to clients in general; the

clients must be constantly updated to reflect changes in the

underlying protocols and to accommodate new protocols. If the

increase in the number of information services is very gradual, or if

the underlying protocols do not change very rapidly, this may not be

an insuperable difficulty. In addition, old clients must have some

way of notifying their user that they are no longer current;

otherwise they will no longer be able to access parts of the

information mesh.

The second problem is one which may prove more difficult. Each of the

currently deployed information services provides information in a

fundamentally different way. In addition, new information services

are likely to use completely new paradigms for the organization and

display of the information they provide. The various clients of these

information services provide vastly different functionality from each

other because the underlying protocols allow different techniques. It

may very well prove impossible to create a single client which allows

access to the full functionality of each of the underlying protocols

while presenting a consistent user interface to the user.

Much of the success of Mosaic and other UNITE tools is due to the

fact that Gopher, WWW, and other tools are still primarily text

based. When new tools are deployed which depend more on visual cues

than textual cues, it may be substantially more difficult to

integrate all these services into a single client.

We will continue to follow this work and may include it in future

revisions of this architecture if it bears fruit.

5. Human interactions with the architecture

In this section we will look at how humans might interact with an

information system based on the above architecture.

5.1 Publishing in this architecture

When we speak of publishing in this section, we are referring only to

the limited process of creating a resource on the net, assigning it a

URN, and spreading the information around that we have created a new


We start with the creation of a resource. Simple enough; a creative

thought, a couple of hours typing, and a few cups of coffee and we

have a new resource. We then wish to assign it a URN. We can talk to

whichever publishing agent we would like; whether it is our own

personal publishing agent or some big organization that provides URN

and announcement services to a large number of authors. Once we have

a URN, we can provide the publishing agent with a URL for our local

copy of the resource and then let it do its thing. Alternatively, we

can attach a transponder to the resource, let it determine a local

URL for the resource, and let it contact the publishing agent and set

up the announcement process. One would expect a publishing agent to

prompt us for some information as to where it should announce our new


For example, we may just wish a local announcement, so that only

people in our company can get a pointer to the resource. Or we may

wish some sort of global announcement (but it will probably cost us a

bit of money!)

Once the announcement has been made, the publishing agent will be

contacted by a number of pieces of the resource location system. For

example, someone running a WAIS server may decide to add the resource

to their index. So they can retrieve the resource, index it, and add

the indexes to their tables along with a URI - URL combination. Then

when someone uses that WAIS server, it can go off and retrieve the

resource if necessary. Or, the WAIS server could create a local copy

of the resource; if it wished other people to find their local copy

of the resource, it could provide the URI -> URL mapper with a URL

for the local copy. In any case, publication becomes a simple matter.

So, where does this leave the traditional publisher? Well, there are

a number of other functions which the traditional publisher provides

in addition to distribution. There are editorial services, layout and

design, copyright negotiations, marketing, etc. The only part of the

traditional role that this system changes is that of distributing the

resource; this architecture may make it much cheaper for publishers

to distribute their wares to a much wider audience.

Although copying of resources would be possible just as it is in

paper format, it might be easier to detect republication of the

resource in this system, and if most people use the original URN for

the resource, there may be a reduced monetary risk to the publisher.

5.2 A librarian role in this architecture

We've been in a number of discussions with librarians over the past

year, and one question that we're frequently asked is "Does Peter

talk this rapidly all the time?". The answer to that question is

"Yes". But another question we are frequently asked is "If all these

electronic resources are going to be created, supplanting books and

journals, what's left for the librarians?". The answer to that is

slightly more complex, but just as straightforward. Librarians have

Excelled at oBTaining resources, classifying them so that users can

find them, weeding out resources that don't serve their communities,

and helping users navigate the library itself. None of these roles

are supplanted by this architecture. The only differences are that

instead of scanning publisher's announcements for new resources their

users might be interested in, they will have to scan the

announcements on the net. Once they see something interesting, they

can retrieve it (perhaps buying a copy just as they do now), classify

it, set up a navigation system for their classification scheme, show

users how to use it, and provide pointers (or actual copies) of the

resource to their users. The classification and selection processes

in particular are services which will be badly needed on a net with a

million new 'publications' a day, and many will be willing to pay for

this highly value added service.

5.3 Serving the users

This architecture allows users to see the vast collection of

networked resources in ways both familiar and unfamiliar. Bookstores,

record shops, and libraries can all be constructed on top of this

architecture, with a number of different access methods. Specialty

shops and research libraries can be easily built, and then tailored

to a thousand different users. One never need worry that a book has

been checked out, that a CD is out of stock, that a copy of Xenophon

in the original Greek isn't available locally. In fact, a user could

even engage a proxy server to translate resources into forms that her

machine can use, for example to get a text version of a Postscript

document although her local machine has no Postscript viewer, or to

obtain a translation of a sociology paper written in Chinese.

In any case, however the system looks in three, five, or fifty years,

we believe that the vision we've laid out above has the flexibility

and functionality to start tying everything together without forcing

everyone to use the same access methods or to look at the net the

same way. It allows new views to evolve, new resources to be created

out of old, and for people to move from today to tomorrow with all

the comforts of home but all the excitement of exploring a new world.

6. References

[Berners-Lee 93] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill,

Editors, "Universal Resource Locators", RFC1738, CERN, The Xerox

Corporation, University of Minnesota, December 1994.

Deutsch, P., Master's Thesis, June 1992.

Available for anonymous FTP as


[Weider 94a] Weider, C., "Resource Transponders", RFC1728, Bunyip

Information Systems, December 1994.

[Weider 94b] Weider, C. and P. Deutsch, "Uniform Resource Names",

Work in Progress.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

7. Authors' Addresses

Chris Weider

Bunyip Information Systems, Inc.

2001 S. Huron Parkway #12

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Phone: +1 313-971-2223

EMail: clw@bunyip.com

Peter Deutsch

Bunyip Information Systems, Inc.

310 Ste. Catherine St. West, Suite 202

Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

Phone: +1 514-875-8611

EMail: peterd@bunyip.com

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