
RFC1722 - RIP Version 2 Protocol Applicability Statement

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Network Working Group G. Malkin

Request for Comments: 1722 Xylogics, Inc.

Category: Standards Track November 1994

RIP Version 2 Protocol Applicability Statement

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


As required by Routing Protocol Criteria (RFC1264), this report

defines the applicability of the RIP-2 protocol within the Internet.

This report is a prerequisite to advancing RIP-2 on the standards


1. Protocol Documents

The RIP-2 protocol analysis is documented in RFC1721 [1].

The RIP-2 protocol description is defined in RFC1723 [2]. This memo

obsoletes RFC1388, which specifies an update to the "Routing

Information Protocol" RFC1058 (STD 34).

The RIP-2 MIB description is defined in RFC1724 [3]. This memo will

obsolete RFC1389.

2. IntrodUCtion

This report describes how RIP-2 may be useful within the Internet.

In essence, the environments in which RIP-2 is the IGP of choice is a

superset of the environments in which RIP-1, as defined in RFC1058

[1], has traditionally been used. It is important to remember that

RIP-2 is an extension to RIP-1; RIP-2 is not a new protocol. Thus,

the operational ASPects of distance-vector routing protocols, and

RIP-1 in particular, within an autonomous system are well understood.

It should be noted that RIP-2 is not intended to be a substitute for

OSPF in large autonomous systems; the restrictions on AS diameter and

complexity which applied to RIP-1 also apply to RIP-2. Rather, RIP-2

allows the smaller, simpler, distance-vector protocol to be used in

environments which require authentication or the use of variable

length subnet masks, but are not of a size or complexity which

require the use of the larger, more complex, link-state protocol.

The remainder of this report describes how each of the extensions to

RIP-1 may be used to increase the overall usefullness of RIP-2.

3. Extension Applicability

3.1 Subnet Masks

The original impetus behind the creation of RIP-2 was the desire to

include subnet masks in the routing information exchanged by RIP.

This was needed because subnetting was not defined when RIP was first

created. As long as the subnet mask was fixed for a network, and

well known by all the nodes on that network, a heuristic could be

used to determine if a route was a subnet route or a host route.

With the advent of variable length subnetting, CIDR, and

supernetting, it was no longer possible for a heuristic to reasonably

distinguish between network, subnet, and host routes.

By using the 32-bit field immediately following the IP address in a

RIP routing entry, it became possible to positively identify a

route's type. In fact, one could go so far as to say that the

inclusion of the subnet mask effictively creates a 64-bit address

which eliminates the network, subnet, host distinction.

Therefore, the inclusion of subnet masks in RIP-2 allows it to be

used in an AS which requires precise knowledge of the subnet mask for

a given route, but does not otherwise require OSPF.

3.2. Next Hop

The purpose of the Next Hop field is to eliminate packets being

routed through extra hops in the system. It is particularly useful

when RIP is not being run on all of the routers on a network.

Consider the following example topology:

----- ----- ----- -----


--+-- --+-- --+-- --+--



The Internal Routers (IR1 and IR2) are only running RIP-2. The

External Routers (XR1 and XR2) are both running BGP, for example;

however, only XR1 is running BGP and RIP-2. Since XR2 is not running

RIP-2, the IRs will not know of its existance and will never use it

as a next hop, even if it is a better next hop than XR1. Of course,

XR1 knows this and can indicate, via the Next Hop field, that XR2 is

the better next hop for some routes.

Another use for Next Hop has also been found. Consider the following

example topology:




/ / ----- ----- -----

RO1-----RO2===== R

----- ----- -----

The three links between the Central Office Router (COR) and the

Remote Office routers (RO1 and RO2) are all Dial-On-Demand (DOD)

links. The link between RO2 and R is a fixed link. Once all of the

routers have been initialized, the only routes they know about are

the configured static routes for the DOD links. Assume that

connections between COR and RO1, and COR and RO2 are established and

RIP information is passing between the routers. RO1 will ignore

COR's route to RO2 because it already has a better one; however, it

will learn to reach R via COR.

If we assume that RO1 and RO2 are only capable of establishing one

link at a time, then RO1 will not be able to reach RO2; however, RO1

will be able to reach R. Worse still, if we assume that traffic

stops and the DOD links drop due to inactivity, an attempt by RO1 to

reach R will trigger the dialing of two links (through COR). Of

course, once RO1 establishes a link to RO2, the problem corrects

itself because the new route to R is one hop shorter.

To correct this problem, the routers may use the Next Hop field to

indicate their next hop. Consider the following route advertisements

during the period described above (before the RO1/RO2 link has ever

been established):

Sender Recvr Route NextHop Metric


RO2 COR R 0 1


COR RO1 RO2 0 1

R RO2 2


When R01 receives the two routes from COR, it will ignore the route

for RO2, as mentioned above. However, since R is not in RO1's

routing table, it will add it using a next hop of RO2 (because RO2 is

directly connected, after a fashion). Note that COR does count

itself in R's metric; this is less than accurate, but entirely safe

and correctable (when the RO1/RO2 link comes up). Suppose, now, that

the RO1/RO2 link did not exist. RO1 would ignore the specification

of RO2 as the next hop to R and use COR, as it would if no Next Hop

had been specified.

Note that this is not a recursive algorithm; it only works to

eliminate a single extra hop from the path. There are methods by

which this mechanism might be extended to include larger

optimizations, but the potential to create routing loops has not been

sufficiently analyzed to specify them here.

3.3 Authentication

The need for authentication in a routing protocol is obvious. It is

not usually important to conceal the information in the routing

messages, but it is essential to prevent the insertion of bogus

routing information into the routers. So, while the authentication

mechanism specified in RIP-2 is less than ideal, it does prevent

anyone who cannot directly Access the network (i.e., someone who

cannot sniff the routing packets to determine the passWord) from

inserting bogus routing information.

However, the specification does allow for additional types of

authentication to be incorporated into the protocol. Unfortunately,

because of the original format of RIP packets, the amount of space

available for providing authentication information is only 16 octets.

3.4 Multicasting

The RIP-2 protocol provides for the IP multicasting of periodic

advertisements. This feature was added to decrease the load on

systems which do not support RIP-2. It also provides a mechanism

whereby RIP-1 routers will never receive RIP-2 routes. This is a

feature when correct use of an advertised route depends on knowing

the precise subnet mask, which would be ignored by a RIP-1 router.

4. Conclusion

Because the basic protocol is unchanged, RIP-2 is as correct a

routing protocol as RIP-1. The enhancements make RIP-2 useful in

environments which RIP-1 could not handle, but which do not

necessitate the use of OSPF by virtue of requirements which RIP-2

does not satisfy.

5. References

[1] Malkin, G., "RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis", RFC1721,

Xylogics, Inc., November 1994.

[2] Malkin, G., "RIP Version 2 - Carrying Additional Information",

RFC1723, Xylogics, Inc., November 1994.

[3] Malkin, G., and F. Baker, "RIP Version 2 MIB Extension", RFC

1724, Xylogics, Inc., Cisco Systems, November 1994.

6. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

7. Author's Address

Gary Scott Malkin

Xylogics, Inc.

53 Third Avenue

Burlington, MA 01803

Phone: (617) 272-8140

EMail: gmalkin@Xylogics.COM

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