
RFC1714 - Referral Whois Protocol (RWhois)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group S. Williamson

Request for Comments: 1714 M. Kosters

Category: Informational Network Solutions Inc.


November 1994

Referral Whois Protocol (RWhois)

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This memo describes version 1.0 of the client/server interaction of

RWhois. RWhois provides a distributed system for the display of

hierarchical information. This system is hierarchical by design,

allowing for the redUCtion of a query, and the referral of the user

closer to the maintainer of the information.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction................................... 3

2. RWhois Client Model............................ 5

2.1 Directives: Client to Server Interaction ... 6

2.2 Required Directives ......................... 6

2.2.1 <query>.................................. 6

2.2.2 RWhois................................... 7

2.3 Optional Directives ......................... 7

2.3.1 load..................................... 7

2.3.2 limit.................................... 7

2.3.3 schema................................... 8

2.3.4 xfer..................................... 8

2.3.5 quit..................................... 9

2.3.6 status................................... 9

2.3.7 cache.................................... 9

2.3.8 holdconnect..............................10

2.3.9 forward..................................10

2.3.10 soa.....................................11

2.3.11 notify..................................11

2.3.12 register................................13

2.3.13 object..................................14

2.3.14 define..................................15

2.3.15 private.................................15

2.3.16 X-......................................16

2.3.17 directive...............................17

2.3.18 display.................................17

2.3.19 language................................18

2.4 RWhois Client Model .........................18

3. RWhois Server Model............................20

3.1 Output Display and Restriction KeyWords .....20

3.2 Responses: Server to Client Interaction ....21

3.3 Required Responses ..........................22

3.3.1 RWhois...................................22

3.3.2 referral.................................22

3.3.3 ok.......................................24

3.3.4 error....................................24

3.4 Optional Responses ..........................25

3.4.1 see-also.................................25

3.4.2 load.....................................26

3.4.3 soa......................................26

3.4.4 status...................................28

3.4.5 xfer.....................................29

3.4.6 schema...................................30

3.4.7 define...................................32

3.4.8 object...................................32

3.4.9 directive................................33

3.4.10 info....................................34

3.4.11 display.................................34

3.4.12 X-......................................35

3.4.13 language................................35

3.5 Query Reduction .............................36

3.6 Determining Authority .......................36

3.7 Secondary Server Interaction ................37

3.8 Registration Process ........................38

3.9 Out-of-Service ..............................38

4. Interaction: Client Directives and Acceptable

Server Responses...............................39

4.1 General ......................................39

4.2 On Connection ................................39

4.3 <QUERY> ......................................39

4.4 -RWhois ......................................40

4.5 -load ........................................40

4.6 -limit<SP>< value > ..........................40

4.7 -schema<SP>[object] ..........................40

4.8 -xfer<SP>[object] ............................40

4.9 -quit ........................................40

4.10 -cache<SP><on/off> ..........................40

4.11 -status .....................................40

4.12 -forward ....................................40

4.13 -soa ........................................40

4.14 -notify .....................................41

4.15 -register ...................................41

4.16 -holdconnect ................................41

4.17 -object .....................................41

4.18 -define .....................................41

4.19 -X- .........................................41

4.20 -display ....................................41

4.21 -language ...................................41

5. Error Codes....................................42

5.1 Error Code List .............................42

6. Attribute Format...............................43

6.1 Format Specification Macros .................44

7. Quick Query (RWhois using UDP).................45

8. References.....................................46

9. Security Considerations....................... 46

10. Authors' Addresses.............................46

1. Introduction

Early in ARPANET development, the SRI-NIC established a centralized

whois database that provided host and network information about the

systems connected to the network and the E-mail addresses of the

users on those systems. The ARPANET eXPeriment has evolved into a

global network with countless people and hundreds of thousands of end

systems. Given the sheer size and effort needed to maintain a

centralized database, an alternate, decentralized approach to store

and display this information is desired.

The Internet portions of the DDN NIC have been transitioned to what

is now known as InterNIC Registration Services (RS). The charter for

InterNIC RS has been reduced to maintain information only for IP

networks, top-level domains, Autonomous System Numbers, and the

points of contact for each of these particular entities. In

addition, the InterNIC, in its role as an Internet Registry (IR), has

delegated IP block assignment authority to Regional Registries such

as the RIPE NCC for Europe and the APNIC for the Asian Pacific

region, while retaining authority for North America and all non-

delegated regions. This has led to a fragmentation of whois service

to the Internet user.

Several different solutions have been proposed and developed by the

various regional IR's. Two solutions have been worked on

extensively: the Shared Whois Project (SWIP) and X.500.

The SWIP project has a common exchange format that can be parsed by

the various IR's for input and output. Thus, one can synchronize

their databases with information oBTained from the other IR's. This

project is showing promise and is now operational. However, this

approach still requires a centralized database for store and display.

The InterNIC has also been involved in the use of X.500 for display

of registration information. Among other things, this included

defining schemas and Directory information tree structures for the

purpose of distributing information amongst the various IR X.500

Directory Service Agents (DSA). Unfortunately, X.500's complexity,

resource utilization, and lack of Internet support has made a search

for an alternative solution necessary.

The information that the various IR's maintain is inherently

hierarchical in nature. (Examples: hammer.nic.ddn.mil is under the

nic.ddn.mil domain which is under the ddn.mil domain which is under

the .mil domain. is part of network which

is part of the block which is part of the block The InterNIC may not have the information, but will at

least be able to reduce the query and point or refer the users closer

to their goal. This has led to the development of a referral whois,

and the corresponding RWhois protocol.

The underlying premise for this project has been to retain the basic

functionality of the whois server and client, making all of the

extensions optional. The server must respond to the original whois

client, currently included with many operating systems. The RWhois

client must also interact with RFC954 [RFC-954] whois servers.

RWhois has been designed as an extensible protocol to ensure that

many uses can be accommodated. Public extensions to the protocol

should be documented as RFCs. Private extensions can be used with

agreement left up to the client and server.

If extensions are not implemented at the server in question, an

appropriate error message must be sent. The use of extended error

message is outlined in Section 5 - Error Codes.

Throughout this document the following notations will be used to

describe the RWhois server/client interaction:

<SP> space

[arg] optional argument

<arg> required argument

(<arg>) conditional required argument

([arg]) conditional optional argument

{format} format of item

\ continued on next line

The words should and must are significant in this document. If

should is used, the implementor has the option to follow the advice

of this document. If must is used then it is a required part of the

protocol. Implementations without this functionality may not

interact correctly with other RWhois servers.

The format descriptions throughout this document use macro

definitions described in Section 6.1. Refer to that section for


The RWhois protocol specified in this document can be extended to

accommodate such applications as NetHelp and ZoneGen (DNS zone


2. RWhois Client Model

The RWhois design requires compatibility with the current Whois and

Whois++ servers. Therefore, the RWhois client must wait or have

knowledge of server type to determine if the server contacted is an

RWhois server. The user should have control over the time the client

waits, since this will vary based on network congestion and capacity.

If after the wait the server does not respond with the %RWhois

response, the client must not send any RWhois extended directives.

In this case, the client should only send the query. We realize that

the server identification feature may mean that the identity of an

RWhois server may be missed. However, it will allow the RWhois

system to utilize the current Whois and Whois++ infrastructure.

Referrals from RWhois can be directed toward a Whois or Whois++

server. These non-RWhois servers must be placed as a leaf on the

hierarchical tree. These servers represent a mesh structure from the

RWhois perspective. This restriction should not discourage the use

of these servers in building the RWhois structure.

The RWhois server must remain connected until a query is received.

If the client wishes to make multiple queries it must send the

-holdconnect directive. In this mode, once the client has sent the

last query and received either an answer or the error code indicating

that no records were found, it must issue the -quit directive. If

the client only wishes to issue directives, then upon completion the

-quit directive must be sent. If it is not sent, the server will

wait until it receives non-directive input from the client.

Considering the requirement for compatibility with the original

whois, the RWhois client in default mode must operate exactly like

the current Whois client. However, in the enhanced mode, the RWhois

client can do much more based on information received from the RWhois


2.1 Directives: Client to Server Interaction

The RWhois client sends directives to the RWhois server. These

directives are prefaced with the `-' character always at the start of

a new line. However, for compatibility with older Whois clients, the

query is not prefaced with the `-' character. Only after the client

is certain that the server is an RWhois server should these

directives be sent. Compatibility with RFC954 [RFC-954] whois

servers is required. All directives must be terminated by <LF><CR>.

2.2 Required Directives

The following are required RWhois client directives.

2.2.1 <query>

The query is generally the final directive sent to the server. It is

the only directive that does not start with a `-'. The query is the

question that the client wants the server to answer. The qualifiers

that may proceed the query are addressed in Section 3.1 - Output

Display and Restriction Keywords.

Format for use:

[display format]<SP>[query restriction]<SP><query>

[Display format]{%s} This optional pre-query directive allows

the requester to select the format of

the returned data. Details of the

allowable values can be found in Section


[Query restriction]{%s} This optional pre-query directive allows

the requester to limit the area in which

the servers search for a specific


Example of use:

dump domain netsol.com

2.2.2 RWhois

The -RWhois directive identifies the client as an RWhois client

allowing the server to operate using the RWhois protocol exclusively.

Format for use:

-RWhois<SP>V-<spec version #><SP>[imp identifier]

<Spec version #>{%2d.%2d} This required argument identifies

the specification version that the

client is built to conform with.

Clients that are built in

accordance with this document are

V-1.0. This argument will be used

by the server to determine if

features introduced in subsequent

releases of the protocol document

may be used.

[Imp identifier]{%s} This optional argument identifies client

implementation information. It is

recommended that the implementor maintain a

version number separate from the

specification version.

Example of use:

-RWhois V-1.0 [InterNIC B.0.9.7]

2.3 Optional Directives

The following are OPTIONAL RWhois server directives.

2.3.1 load

The -load directive allows the client to make a quick decision about

presenting the query to the current server. If the client determines

that another server can better serve the query, then control may be

transferred to the server with the lower load and better connection.

This directive has no arguments.

2.3.2 limit

The -limit directive will allow the client to request the server

allocate enough space to collect more responses than would currently

be collected by the server.

Format for use:


<Value>{%d} This required argument is the new limit requested by

the client. If the limit exceeds the limit set by

the server administrator, the client must receive an

error message. It is recommended that if the client

receives an error for exceeding the servers upper

limit, it should cut the request in half and resend

the request until an acceptable level has been


Example of use:

-limit 2000

2.3.3 schema

One of the shortcomings of X.500 was the requirement to know the

schema of an object before making a query. RWhois allows the client

to request the schema for an object without knowledge of the object

by using the -schema directive.

Format for use:


[object]{%s} This optional argument identifies the objects for

which the schema is being requested. If this

argument is not sent, the schemas for all objects

contained in the server will be sent.

Example of use:

-schema domain

2.3.4 xfer

The -xfer directive is used to transfer all data from a server. This

method of transfer has no limit on the number of records that can be

transferred to the client application. This directive is primarily

used to transfer data contained in an authority area for caching at a

secondary server.

Format for use:

-xfer<SP>[object]<SP>[authority area]<SP>[SOA]

[Object]{All%s} This required argument identifies the

object to transfer. If the keyword all

is sent, all objects contained in the

server will be transferred. Otherwise,

only the object specified will be sent.

[Authority area]{%s} This optional argument contains the

authority area of the object to send

further limiting the data transfer.

[SOA]{%d} This optional argument notifies the server

to send everything that has been updated

since this SOA number.

Example of use:

-xfer domain netsol.com

-xfer domain netsol.com 19940818141259

2.3.5 quit

The -quit directive will inform the server that the client is

finished. The server and client should close the connection. This

directive has no arguments.

2.3.6 status

The -status directive is used to poll the server for its status.

There are seven required responses to this directive. Additional

attributes may be sent in the response. The client should ignore all

unknown attributes. This directive has no arguments.

2.3.7 cache

The RWhois server can hold data that it has no authority over. If

the server sends this data to a requester, it is considered a non-

authoritative response. The holding of this data is called caching.

The physical data for these objects is not contained on the system

hosting the server. The -cache directive allows the client to

instruct the server whether or not to send cached data. The RWhois

client should start with the cache turned off. The server must start

with the cache turned on in order to function like the RFC954 [RFC-

954] whois server. Because of the server's default, the client

should send the -cache off directive during initial session setup if

cached data should not be sent. Details on expiration of cache data

can be found in section 3.4.3, %soa response.

Format for use:



on: Turns caching on.

off: Turns caching off.

Example of use:

-cache on

2.3.8 holdconnect

The RWhois server must close the connection after the response to a

query has been received. The query is the final exchange between the

client and server. However, this characteristic can be modified with

the -holdconnect directive. If this directive is issued to the

RWhois sever, it will remain connected until the -quit directive is

received. Once the -quit directive is received, both the server and

the client must close their connection.

Format for use:



On: Turns holdconnect on.

Off: Turns holdconnect off.

Example of use:

-holdconnect on

2.3.9 forward

During normal sever operation the server will send %referral or

see-also responses to the client, expecting the client to redirect

the query to the server identified in the response. If the client is

located behind a firewall or is poorly connected, having a server

make the query may improve query performance or allow a query to be

satisfied. The -forward directive will instruct the server to

operate as a forwarding server. Whether or not this directive should

be allowed should be a configuration parameter of the server.

Format for use:



On: Turns forwarding on.

Off: Turns forwarding off.

Example of use:

-forward on

2.3.10 soa

The identification of authority area is an important part of the

RWhois design. The -soa directive is used to question the server's

authority for a specific area. A positive response will include the

administrative parameters for the authority area as detailed in

section 3.4.3. If the server does not contain an SOA for the

authority area requested, it must send an error message to the


Format for use:

-soa<SP>[authority area]

[Authority area]{%s} This optional argument identifies the

authority area being requested. If this

argument is not sent, information about

all authority areas contained in the

server must be sent.

Example of use:

-soa netsol.com

2.3.11 notify

The -notify directive is used to notify a server of a bad or

recursive referral or a change in a primary server's data.

Format for use:



badref When a client receives a %referral response that does

not work, it must report the bad referral to the server

that issued the referral. The referral is bad only if

the referred server does not contain the SOA record for

the authority area in question. It is not considered a

bad referral if the server does not have an answer to

the query, but responds positively to the -soa area

directive. This merely means that there is not an

answer to the query. When a -badref is sent to the

referring server; it should log the bad referral so the

administrator of that server can remove the reference

if it is no longer correct. This action should only be

taken after receiving a negative response to the query

and the SOA request.

recurref When a client receives a referral that results in a

recursive action, the referring server must be

informed. The -recurref directive must be sent

identifying the recursive loop. This directive should

only be sent to the server one level back, even if

multiple server were involved in the referral.

update An RWhois primary server must be aware of its

secondary servers. If the data in the primary server

changes, the primary server may choose to notify the

secondary servers. This allows the secondary servers

to quickly reflect changes in the primary server's data.

inssec This action will inform the authority server that the

server indicated in the argument will be a secondary

for its authority area. The server receiving this

directive must determine if the secondary is

acceptable. If it is, the server should be added to

the update list so that it will be informed if data in

the authority area changes.

delsec This action will inform the server that the server

indicated in the subsequent arguments will no longer be

a secondary. The server receiving this action must

determine if the server is a secondary and if so,

remove it from the update list.

<information>{action=badrefrecurref <<server>:<query>>



<server>{%Mserver} This required argument identifies the server

that contained the recursive or bad referral,

or has data that changed.

<query>{%s} This required argument identifies the query

that was sent to the server that gave a

recursive or bad referral.

<object>{%s} This required argument identifies the object

that changed.

<authority>{%s} This required argument identifies the

authority area where the object that changed

currently resides.

Example of use:

-notify recurref netman1.netsol.com:4343:scottw@netsol.com

-notify badref nic.ddn.mil:43:abc.af.mil

-notify update netman1.netsol.com:4343:domain:netsol.com

-notify inssec dmeister.internic.net:4343:domain:netsol.com

-notify delsec dmeister.internic.net:4343:domain:netsol.com

2.3.12 register

This directive allows the client to add, modify, or delete

information that exists or should exist in the server's database.

During the exchange, all attributes of an object must be sent. The

client must wait to send the registration data until the %ok response

is received from the server.

Format for use:

-register<SP><mode><SP>(on:<action><SP><e-mail contact>

<SP><authority info>)


on: This required argument starts the

registration process.

off: This required argument ends the registration


The following arguments are only required if the mode argument is

sent with the value on:


add: This conditionally required argument

indicates that the object being sent should

be added to the server's database.

mod: This conditionally required argument

indicates that the object being sent should

be modified and should already exist in the

server's database.

del: This conditionally required argument

indicates that the object being sent should

be deleted from the server's database.

(<e-mail contact>){%Memail} This conditionally required

argument identifies the sender of

the registration information.

(<authority info>){%s} This required argument contains

information used to authenticate

the person sending the registration

information. The method used must

be identified using the -private

directive. Work must be done to

identify usable authentication

methods for unsupervised

delegation. This is beyond the

scope of this document. However,

the authors have made an effort to

allow flexibility in the

implementation of an authentication


Example of use:

-register on add scottw@netsol.com






-register off

2.3.13 object

RWhois data is a collection of objects with defined attributes. The

attributes for an object can be acquired by issuing the -schema

directive. Each object must at a minimum define the attribute

object-type. This attribute identifies the name of the object that

will be displayed in response to the -object directive. This

directive can be used by a client to verify that a server contains

the desired object. Another possible use may be to gather all of the

objects contained on a server and display them to the user in the

form of a menu for selection.

Format for use:


[object]{%s} This optional argument identifies the object

requested. If no argument is sent, all objects

contained in the server will be returned.

Example of use:

-object domain

2.3.14 define

Format strings describing the format of an object's attribute may

include format macros. More information about definitions of format

macros can be found in Section 6. The -define directive allows the

client to request the definition of a format macro.

Format for use:

-define<SP>[macro name]

[macro name]{%s} This optional argument identifies the name of

the macro to display. If no arguments are

sent, the server must return the definition

of all macros contained in the server.

Example of use:

-define server

2.3.15 private

The -private directive allows the client to identify the

authentication method to be used. More research needs to be done

with respect to client authentication. This directive will allow

more experimentation.

Format for use:


<action>{authencr} This required argument identifies the action

the directive is taking. Currently the value

for this argument can be auth for

authentication or encr for encryption.

<method>{%s} This required argument contains the name of

the method to be used. The value must be

recognized by the server or an error will be

sent. It is beyond the scope of this

document to identify the possible method to

be used.

[data]{%s} This optional argument must be supplied if

required by the method identified in the

previous argument.

Example of use:

-private auth pass1 xxjdk998uu

The above example is a simple password exchange. It is beyond the

scope of this document to determine the authentication technique that

would best suit this protocol. Development is underway to determine

the authentication needs and to experiment with potential solutions.

2.3.16 X-

This directive is the preface to extended directives, mutually agreed

to between the client and server. The client and server must have

knowledge of the extended directives to use. Extension can

accommodate other uses such as NetHelp, white pages, and many others.

If the extensions are public, they should be documented in an RFCand

available through the -directive directive.

Format for use:

-X-<directive name><SP>[directive arguments]

<directive name>{%s} This required argument identifies the

name of the directive being issued.

[directive arguments]{?} This optional argument is dependent upon

the required or optional arguments of

the extended directive. There may be

multiple directive arguments.

Example of use:


2.3.17 directive

Directives allowed by a server may vary. The client can issue the

-directive directive to determine if the server allows a specific

directive or to obtain a list of all acceptable directives for that


Format for use:


[directive][%s] This optional argument identifies the directive

being requested. If no arguments are sent, all

of the directives accepted by the server must

be sent.

Example of use:

-directive X-date

2.3.18 display

The -display directive is used to set the display mode of the server

or to identify display modes the client is capable of. If this

directive is sent without arguments, the server will return all

available display methods.

Format for use:



The `activate' setting enables a certain

display mode, while a `capable' setting sends

the display mode the client is capable of.

[method]{%s} This optional argument indicates the display

method desired by the client.

Example of use:

-display swip

-display mime

2.3.19 language

The -language directive is used to set the language mode of the

server or to identify language modes the client is capable of. If

this directive is sent without arguments, the server will return all

available languages.

Format for use:


[language]{%s} This optional argument indicates the language

desired by the client.

Example of use:

-language german

2.4 RWhois Client Model

Server <-------> Client


<------ Connection (record time to connect)

If no server type...Wait up to specified

time for------> "%RWhois" response

(recommend wait of at least 5 seconds)

if "%RWhois" is not received from server, assume that it is

not an RWhois server

goto QUERY:

else if "%RWhois" is received from server

<------- send "-RWhois -VX.X"

--------> receive "%ok"

DIRECTIVE: if directive for server

<------- send directive

-------> receive server response

if "%ok" received


if "%error" received

process error then goto DIRECTIVE:

else if no more commands for server

goto QUERY:


<-------- send query

--------> Receive and display response

PROCESS: if "%referral" received

if first referral

restart server list


add to server list

if "%see-also" received

insert server into server list

if in holdconnection mode


if no directive (%)

goto END:



server will disconnect

if more servers on Queue and multi or referral mode active

goto START:

Every time the RWhois client receives a %referral or %see-also

response from the RWhois server it must compare the host:port:query

with those already executed. If the client discovers that it is

being directed to repeat the same query to a server that it has

already visited, it must not repeat that query. As an example, the

prototype RWhois client maintains a server trail and compares each

new directive with the entire list. If a recursive act is about to

occur, the client will notify the user and exit. The original Whois

client opens a TCP connection, sends the query, and displays the

response. The RWhois client must be more robust in order to handle

multiple server queries, servers that do not exist, and recursive

referrals. The client must also remain connected while sending

directives and receiving responses. All of these features have been

incorporated into the experimental RWhois client.

3. RWhois Server Model

This section describes the functionality of the RWhois server.

3.1 Output Display and Restriction Keywords

The RWhois server will behave similarly to the original whois server

in terms of display formats and restrictions. The following are

required in the RWhois server.

Display Format Keywords

EXPand (*) Expand

~ no sub displays

SUBdisplay (%) sub displays

SUMmary ($) Give a short summary for the query on one to

many hits (defaults on multiple hits).

Full (=) Give the full record output on one to many

hits (defaults on one hit only).

The following was added to whois post RFC954 [RFC-954] and is part

of the RWhois requirements:

dump (#) Display the record in a parsable format.

In addition to the above, the RWhois server must accept additional

pre-query directives such as Boolean queries and attribute=value

query combinations. The capability to perform partial matches are

requested by post fixing a `*' or `.' at the end of the search item

for unknown characters. This capability is required for an RWhois


Example: last-name=williamson and first-name=scott

Data Restriction Format Keywords

The following restriction keywords are found in the RFC954

[RFC-954] whois server:

!(handle) Query on Handle only

mailbox Query on all records for person

person Query on User records only

host Query on Host records only

domain Query on Domain records only

network Query on Network Records only

asn Query on Autonomous System Numbers only

The RWhois server must allow restriction of search to any object

contained on that server. With the exception of the `!' restriction

format keyword, the above listed restriction keywords represent

defined objects. In the prototype software, each of these objects

are defined in configuration files, not hard-coded into the server.

New objects, and therefore restriction keywords, should be easily

designed with no code change necessary to the server.

3.2 Responses: Server to Client Interaction

Responses are sets of data that servers send in response to a client

directive. Responses from an RWhois server must be prefaced with the

`%' character at the start of a line. Responses are divided into two

groups: those that are required to provide minimal RWhois

interaction and those that are used to achieve the desired

characteristics of a fully functional distributed system. A server

must respond with an error message indicating that a directive is not

available on the server and therefore does not have the required


3.3 Required Responses

The following sections describe the required RWhois server responses.

3.3.1 RWhois

The %RWhois response is used to identify a server as an RWhois

server. Clients that treat RWhois servers differently will need this

response to enable the RWhois capabilities.

Format for use:

RWhois<SP>V-<Spec version #><SP><server name><SP>[imp name and

version #]

<Spec version #>[V-%2.2f] This required response indicates

the version number of the RWhois

protocol specification that the

software is capable of handling.

The version described in this

document is V-1.0.

<server name>[%s] This required response is the host

name of the computer hosting the

RWhois server.

[imp name and version #][%s] This optional argument contains

information about the server

implementation. It is recommended

that the version number of the

software be indicated. This

version may differ from the

specification version number.

Example of use:

%RWhois V-1.0 rs.internic.net (Network Solutions V-1.6)

3.3.2 referral

The %referral response instructs the client to query another server

(which could be a whois, RWhois, or whois++ server). Referrals are

cumulative. The first referral received during a session must

replace the default server list. Any subsequent referrals received

must be appended to the end of the server list.

In the non-Uniform Resource Location (URL) response format below, the

authority area equals the reduced query. There are three types of

referral. The type can be determined by the client evaluating the

authority area which is part of the %referral response.

If the authority area received from a referral response is equal to

the original query, then it is a link type referral. If the

authority area is not equal to the query, then it is a reduction type

referral. If no authority area is sent, then it is a punt type

referral. (Punt means the server is not a root and cannot answer the

query and therefore is referring the client to a level up the tree or

to a server that can better answer the query.) [NOTE: the punt type

referral may be used to direct a client into the whois++ mesh type.]

The client may receive multiple referrals from a single query. If

the SOA for each of these referrals is the same, then the first

referral is the primary server and all subsequent servers are

secondary. Each of the servers will report the SOA for the authority

area in question.

Format for use:

%referral<SP><server>[:type]<SP>[authority area]


<server>{%Mserver} This required argument identifies the

server that the client should re-connect


[type]{%Mstype} This optional argument identifies the

server type. This could save wait time for

the client trying to identify a server

which is non-RWhois.

<authority area>{%s} This optional argument identifies the

authority area that caused the referral for

the query in question. Using this value as

the argument for the -soa directive to

the referral server should result in a

positive response. If this is not the

case, the referral is considered bad.

<url>{%Murl} This required argument defines the Uniform

Resource Location (URL) string that points

to the resource containing the information


Example of use:

%referral nic.ddn.mil:43 .mil

%referral url:http://www.netsol.com/

3.3.3 ok

The %ok response must be sent by the RWhois server at the completion

of every task or to positively acknowledge a directive.

Format for use:


3.3.4 error

The %error response is used to indicate an error condition to the

client. Refer to Section 5 for details on the error reporting

scheme. It is important to note that only the error number will be

used to determine the client's action. The text message will only be

used to make the error readable by humans connected using telnet or

an old whois client. The only exception to this rule is the error

message used to indicate problems with registration transactions.

The format for these message can be found in Section 5.

Format for use:

%error<SP><error number><SP>[error text]

<error number>{%d} This required argument is the error number

identified in Section 5. The client can use

this number to categorize errors.

[error text]{%s} This optional argument is the text that

describes the error message. This message

must be consistent for each error. Variables

should not be added to this message. This

message is only to make the error message

human readable. Message sent following an

error code associated with the registration

process will contain the line number of the

attribute that is incorrect.

Example of use:

%error<SP>400<SP>Invalid Server Directive

3.4 Optional Responses

The following are optional RWhois server responses.

3.4.1 see-also

The %see-also response instructs the client to contact another server

for additional information about the current query. See-also servers

should be inserted into the server list just after the current

server. If multiple see-alsos are received from a single query, each

subsequent see-also should be inserted after any other see-alsos

previously received. See-alsos should be additional information

related to the current query.

One example use for the see-also response is to display autonomous

system information relating to an IP network number or router

interface information relating to an IP host number.

Format for use:



<server>{%Mserver} This required argument identifies the server

the client should reconnect with.

[type]{%Mstype] This optional argument identifies the server

type. This could save wait time for the

client trying to identify a server which is


<query>{%s} This required argument sets the query that

must be sent to the referred server. The

query may be different from the original

query sent to the referring server.

<url>{%Murl} This required argument defines the Uniform

Resource Location (URL) string that points to

the resource containing the information


Example of use:

%see-also prmd.merit.edu:43:handle=xxx

%see-also url:http://www.netsol.com/

3.4.2 load

The %load response returns the current and average load of the

computer hosting the RWhois server. We realize that the measurement

may be different depending on the implication of the system's load

mechanism. This directive/response was implemented to allow

experiments with sorting preferred servers to deliver better results

to the user.

Format for use:

%load <SP><current><SP><average>

<current>{%2.2f} This required argument delivers the current

load on the system hosting the RWhois server.

<average>{%2.2f} This required argument delivers the average

load on the system hosting the RWhois server.

Example of use:

%load 5.68 1.32

3.4.3 soa

The %soa response delivers information about the authority area in

question. If the server does not contain the authority for the area

in question, it must respond with the appropriate error message. The

SOA data must never be cached. SOA records must originate on the

server giving the answer. The increment and refresh attributes are

used to provide for incremental updates of the secondary server.

Deleted data will remain in the secondary server's cache until the

refresh time has been reached. This will reduce the amount of data

transferred and not require the primary server to retain deleted

data. The following are the minimum attributes required for the soa













Format for use:

%soa<SP>authority:<SP><authority area>










<authority area>{%s} The authority name of the SOA. (Example:

internic.net or

<ttl>{%d} The time to live for data within this

authority area that another server may cache.

The server caching the data should consider

the data expired after storage for the number

of seconds identified by this attribute.

<serial>{%Mserial} Serial number of the data contained in the

authority area. The serial number must be

incremented every time data in the authority

area has changed. It must be numeric.

<refresh>{%d} The time to completely remove cached data and

transfer all data from the primary server.

<increment>{%d} The time to wait before checking for

incremental updates from a primary server.

<retry>{%d} The time to wait before retrying connection

to a server that appears to be out-of-service.

<tech-contact>{%Memail} E-mail address of the person or role

account responsible for the operation of

the server.

<admin-contact>{%Memail} E-mail address of the person or role

account responsible for the data

contained on the server.

<hostmaster>{%Memail} E-mail address to which changes of the

server's data should be sent. A data

edit tool can automatically send changes

to update the data on the server via e-mail.

<primary>{%Mperm} Primary server for authority area.

Example of use:

%soa authority: netsol.com

%soa ttl: 7200

%soa serial: 19940606203030

%soa refresh: 7200

%soa increment: 60

%soa retry: 1200

%soa tech-contact: markk@netsol.com

%soa admin-contact: stanb@netsol.com

%soa hostmaster: hostmaster@netsol.com

%soa primary: netman1.netsol.com:4343


3.4.4 status

The %status response returns the status of several important flags or

values. The response must contain the following elements.

Limit: Current limit set on the server. This value may

be changed using the -limit directive. This is

not the maximum limit of the server. This value

is not disclosed to prevent clients from

automatically setting the highest limit possible,

causing degradation in performance of the server.

Load: This is the current load of the host system.

Cache: Current status of the cache flag. (on or off)

Holdconnect: Current status of the holdconnect flag. (on or


Forward: Current status of the forward flag. (on or off)

Authority records: Number of authority records in server's


Cached records: Number of records in the server's cache


Display: Indicates the types of display modes the

server is using.

Format for use:

%status<SP>limit:<SP><current limit>

%status<SP>load:<SP><current load>




%status<SP>Authority:<SP><SOA number>

%status<SP>Cached:<SP><cached number>


See above for the description of these values.

<current limit>{%d}

<current load>{%2.2f}




<SOA number>{%d}

<cached number>{%d}



Example of use:

%status limit: 1500

%status load: 1.23

%status cache: off

%status holdconnect: on

%status forward: off

%status Authority:25

%status Cached:200

%status display multi: summary

3.4.5 xfer

The %xfer response will send all instances of an object. This is in

response to the -xfer directive. The transfer may be limited by the

arguments to the directive. If there are no arguments, the server

must send all of the objects in the database. Cached data must not

be transferred using this method unless caching is turned on.

Each object instance is sent with a blank %xfer response between


Format for use:


These arguments are not required if the current response is an object

instance separator.

<object>{%s} This required argument represents the name of

the object being transferred.

<attribute>{%s} This required argument identifies the attribute

being sent.

<value>{%s} This required argument contains the value of the

attribute. If blank, the attribute value is


Example of use:

%xfer user:last-name:Kosters

%xfer user:first-name:Mark

%xfer user:organization-phone:703-555-1212


%xfer user:last-name:Williamson

%xfer user:first-name:Scott

%xfer user:organization-phone:703-555-1212


3.4.6 schema

The %schema response is used to describe the attributes of an object.

This is in response to the -schema directive.

Each attribute is sent with a blank %schema as a separator.

Format for use:

%schema<SP><object>:attribute:<attribute name>

%schema<SP><object>:format:<format string>

%schema<SP><object>:description:<descriptive string>







These arguments are not required if the current response is an

attribute separator.

<attribute name>{%s} This required argument identifies the

name of the attribute being described.

<format string>{%s} This required argument describes the

allowed format for the attribute.

<descriptive string>{%s} This required argument describes the

attribute's use.

<indexed>{onoff} This required argument identifies

attributes that are indexed.

<required>{onoff} This required argument identifies

attributes that are required.

<multi-line>{onoff} This required argument indicates whether

the attribute can span multiple lines.


This required argument identifies the

type of the attribute.

<unique-key>{onoff} This required argument indicates whether

the attribute is a unique key.

Example of use:

%schema user:attribute:Object-Type

%schema user:description:Name of the object


%schema user:attribute:Email

%schema user:format:[%Memail]

%schema user:description:RFC-822 compliant Email address


%schema user:attribute:Organization-Phone

%schema user:format:[%3d[0-999]-%3d[0-999]-%4d[0-9999]]

%schema user:description:Work phone number


3.4.7 define

The %define response describes format macros to the client. All

format macros used in the schema format definition string must be

available to the client through the -define directive. Format macros

may be nested. It is the client's responsibility to request all

format strings that are unrecognized from a server. If the format

strings change on a server, the serial number of the schemas that use

the format must change.

Format for use:

%define<SP><macro name>:<[format string]>

[NOTE: The brackets around the format string are required to ensure

that spaces contained in the format string are interpreted correctly

by the client.]

Example of use:

%format server:[%s:%16Bd]

%format email:[%s@%s]

3.4.8 object

All visible objects on an RWhois server must be identified in

response to a -object directive. The %object response either

confirms the existence of an object or returns a complete list of all

objects available to the currently connected user.

A blank %object line serves as an object separator.

Format for use:


%object<SP><object name>:description:<object description>

%object<SP><object name>:restrict:<restriction words>

<object name>{%s} This required argument is the name of

the object.

<object description>{%s} This required argument is a description

of the object identified.

<restriction words>{%s} This required argument is a list of

words used to restrict a search to this


Example of use:

%object user:description:user records for entity POC

%object user:restrict:user

%object user:restrict:person

%object user:restrict:mailbox

3.4.9 directive

The %directive response is used to display directives allowed on the

connected server. The directive name, description and syntax

attributes must be sent for each directive. If information about a

single directive is requested then only information about that

directive must be returned.

A %directive response with no arguments must be sent between


Format for use:





The arguments below are required except when separating directives.

<directive>{%s} This required argument indicates the name of

the directive.

<description>{%s} This required argument describes the


<format>{%s} This required argument defines the format of

the directive.

Example of use:

%directive directive:schema

%directive description:displays schema attributes

%directive syntax:schema<SP>[%s]


%directive directive:xfer

%directive description:transfer all object[authority area]

%directive syntax:xfer<SP>[%s]<SP>[%s]

3.4.10 info

The %info response is used to give the user of the client a message.

This response is not initiated by any directive. The information

between the %info on and the %info off should be presented to the

user of the client. An ideal use of this response is to present a

Message of The Day (MOTD) to the user.

Format for use:



on: Turns the passthru mode on.

off: Turns the passthru mode off.

Example of use:

%info on

As of 3/24/1994 at 9:00 EST this server will no longer be in

service. If you have this server in your configuration file we

recommend that you change it to rs.internic.net:4343. You will

automatically be redirected there following this message.

%info off

3.4.11 display

The %display response is used to inform the client that the data

following this response is using the indicated method. The method

selected will continue to be active until a %display response is sent

without any arguments. The server must send an error message to

clients that have been identified as non-RWhois clients. This

response allows the use of display methods such as MIME [RFC1521] or

other special character sets such as those used in the Japanese


Format for use:






<extended> This optional argument identifies if the display

method is extended, i.e., RWhois specific.

Example of use:

%display extended:mime


Content-type: image/gif

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64



3.4.12 X-

The %X- response represents extended responses. The client must have

prior knowledge of this response.

Format for use:


<response>{%s} This required argument contains the response name.

Example of use:

%X-extstatus numusers:500

%X-extstatus avalslots:200

[NOTE: The above examples are not implemented in the current

RWhois prototype software. They are only examples of the %X-

response to a -X- directive. X6X error codes are used when

problems are encountered in relation to the -X- directives

contained on the server. Details can be found in Section 5.]

3.4.13 language

The %language response is used to inform the client that the data

following this response will be sent in the indicated language. The

language selected will continue to be active until a %language

response is sent without any arguments, at which time the server will

revert back to English, the default. The server must send an error

message to clients that have been identified as non-RWhois clients.

Format for use:


Example of use:

%language: german

RWhois Deutsche Version: 1.0


3.5 Query Reduction

The critical component of the RWhois server is the ability to reduce

the query to find a server that is closer to the data. The search

algorithm of the server is the following:

1) accept a query

2) find any local matches - display them

3) find any referrals - display them

4) if no local or referral hits, reduce the query and goto step 3

Here is an example of the query ietf.cnri.reston.va.us:

1) query whois for ietf.cnri.reston.va.us

2) search rs.internic.net for information (no hits).

3) search referrals for ietf.cnri.reston.va.us (no hits).

4) search referrals for cnri.reston.va.us (no hits).

5) search referrals for reston.va.us (no hits).

6) search referrals for va.us (no hits).

7) search referrals for us (referral found) - referral to


[currently on rs.internic.net:4343 for proof of concept].

3.6 Determining Authority

Authority areas are a major part of the RWhois protocol. If an

authoritative response is required, turning the cache off is the

first step. The client can also determine if the server connected

has authority over the name/number space of interest by sending the

-soa <authority area> directive. If the server has authority for the

area requested, it must return important information about the

authority area. The exchange below is a client determining if the

server is an authority for abc.net or no.net.

S wait for connection

C connect to rs.internic.net port 4343

S %RWhois V-1.0 rs.internic.net (Network Solutions, Inc. V-1.0)

C -RWhois V-1.0 (Network Solutions, Inc. V-1.0)

S %ok

C -cache off

S %ok

C -soa abc.net

S %error<SP>333<SP>Not SOA for requested authority area

S %ok

C -soa no.net

S %soa authority: no.net

S %soa ttl: 7500

S %soa serial: 45

S %soa refresh: 3600

S %soa retry: 3600

S %soa tech-contact: markk@no.net

S %soa admin-contact: stanb@no.net

S %soa hostmaster: hostmaster@no.net

S %ok

3.7 Secondary Server Interaction

A server that operates as a secondary will report an authoritative

SOA for the authority area of the data it contains. Below is the

interaction between the primary and secondary server. In reality the

secondary operation would be performed using a client specifically

designed for this purpose.

S wait for connection

C connect to slam.internic.net port 4343

S %RWhois V-1.0 slam.internic.net (Network Solutions Inc. V-1.0)

C -RWhois V-1.0 (Network Solutions Inc. V-1.0)

S %ok

C -soa internic.net

S %soa authority: internic.net

S %soa ttl: 7500

S %soa serial: 45

S %soa refresh: 3600

S %soa retry: 3600

S %soa tech-contact: markk@internic.net

S %soa admin-contact: stanb@internic.net

S %soa hostmaster: hostmaster@rs.internic.net

S %ok

C -xfer domain internic.net

S ... all data for domain object in the internic.net authority

area transferred


C -notify inssec netman1.netsol.com:4343:domain:internic.net

S %ok

C -quit

S close connection

C close connection

3.8 Registration Process

The following is the interaction that occurs when a server accepts a

registration from a client.

S wait for connection

C connect to slam.internic.net port 4343

S %RWhois V-1.0 slam.internic.net (Network Solutions Inc. V-1.0)

C -RWhois V-1.0 (Network Solutions Inc. V-1.0)

S %ok

C -soa internic.net

S %soa authority: internic.net

S %soa ttl: 7500

S %soa serial: 45

S %soa refresh: 3600

S %soa retry: 3600

S %soa tech-contact: markk@internic.net

S %soa admin-contact: stanb@internic.net

S %soa hostmaster: hostmaster@rs.internic.net

S %ok

C -private auth password 98uuuts

S %ok

C -register on add scottw@netsol.com 98uuuts

S %ok

C ... send all attributes for object to register

S %error 120 Registration not processed... will process hours:24

C %quit

3.9 Out-of-Service

Servers that are being taken out of service should automatically

refer the client back into the tree. Of course, this is not possible

if the system which hosts the server is out of service. In this

case, the client's robustness must be relied upon to return to the

referrer and notify that server that the referral was bad. If the

system will still be available on the Internet, the following

exchange is recommended:

S wait for connection

C connect to slam.internic.net port 3636

S %RWhois V-1.0 slam.internic.net (Network Solutions Inc. V-1.0)

C -RWhois V-1.0 (Network Solutions Inc. V-1.0)

S %info on

S This server will no longer be in service. You should

S change your configuration file to reflect the new root

S server at rs.internic.net:4343. You will automatically be

S referred to the new root.

S %error 200 Service not available referral to follow

S %referral rs.internic.net:4343

S close connection

C close connection

4. Interaction: Client Directives and Acceptable Server Responses

This section describes the responses to the various client


4.1 General

The responses below are general responses that can occur as a result

of any directive. Therefore, they will not be repeated under each



%error<SP>400<SP>Invalid Server Directive

%error<SP>100<SP>Get Peer Name query failed

%error<SP>500<SP>Memory Allocation Problem

%error<SP>401<SP>Not authorized for directive

%error<SP>402<SP>Unidentified error... continue

%error<SP>502<SP>Unrecoverable error... goodbye

%error<SP>503<SP>Idle time exceeded... goodbye

4.2 On Connection

These responses will only occur following successful connection to

the server's host and start-up of the application:


%error<SP>501<SP>Service not available


%error<SP>503<SP>Idle time exceeded... goodbye

4.3 <QUERY>

These responses may occur following a query:




%error<SP>334<SP>Pre-query directive not implemented

%error<SP>230<SP>No Records Found

%error<SP>130<SP>Not authority for answer... TTL good

%error<SP>231<SP>Not authority for answer... TTL expired

4.4 -RWhois

%error<SP>300<SP>Not compatible with that version number

4.5 -load


%error<SP>335<SP>System's load not available

4.6 -limit<SP>< value >


%error<SP>330<SP>Exceeded Max Records Limit

%error<SP>331<SP>Invalid Max Records Size

4.7 -schema<SP>[object]


%error<SP>337<SP>Object's schema not found

4.8 -xfer<SP>[object]


%error<SP>332<SP>Nothing to transfer

%error<SP>337<SP>Object's schema not found

4.9 -quit


4.10 -cache<SP><on/off>

%error<SP>232<SP>Cache disabled

4.11 -status


4.12 -forward

%error<SP>431<SP>Not authorized to forward

%error<SP>433<SP>Bad reference on forward

4.13 -soa


%error<SP>333<SP>Not SOA for requested authority area

4.14 -notify

%error<SP>434<SP>Referral does not exist on this server

%error<SP>530<SP>Not authorized as secondary

4.15 -register

%error<SP>120<SP>Registration not processed... will process


%error<SP>320<SP>Invalid attribute line:<line number>

%error<SP>321<SP>Invalid format line:<line number>

%error<SP>322<SP>Required attribute missing name:<attribute


%error<SP>323<SP>Required related object missing name:<object


%error<SP>324<SP>Primary key not unique

%error<SP>420<SP>Registration not authorized

%error<SP>421<SP>Not authorized to change object:<object


4.16 -holdconnect

4.17 -object


%error<SP>336<SP>Object not defined

4.18 -define


%error<SP>435<SP>Macro not defined

4.19 -X-


%error<SP>460<SP>Extended directive not recognized

%error<SP>461<SP>Extended directive not authorized

4.20 -display


%display<SP>436<SP>Display mode not allowed

4.21 -language

%language<SP>437<SP>Language not supported

5. Error Codes

The error code immediately follows the %error response from the

RWhois server. The definitions of the error codes are below. The

error codes are descriptive so that the client can group the error

messages in order to determine group action that must be taken before

taking error specific action. Error codes should remain consistent

without variable extensions except for messages associated with the

registration process. If a client receives a `6' in the second

position of the error code and the client does not support the

extended code received, the client must act on the first position

code. (Example: If a client received %error 561 and the client did

not support the extended error codes for the server currently

connected, the client would exit based on the `5' in the first

position of the error code.)


1 - information only, no action required

2 - information, action required

3 - Specific command error, retry that command or try

another directive

4 - Serious for current directive, may correct with another


5 - Fatal, must disconnect


0(1) - System wide, no specific directive

2 - Registration error

3(4,5) - Specific directive

6 - Extended message (version specific)


Sequential order

5.1 Error Code List

Below is an ordered list of RWhois error codes. These codes may be

extended with implementation specific codes. These extended codes

will have a `6' in the second position of the code.

100 Get Peer Name query failed

120 Registration not processed... will process hours:<hours>

130 Not authority for answer... TTL good

200 Service not available... Referral to follow

230 No Records Found

231 Not authority for answer... TTL expired

232 Cache disabled

300 Not compatible with that version number

320 Invalid attribute line:<line number>

321 Invalid format line:<line number>

322 Required attribute missing name:<attribute name>

323 Required related object missing name:<object name>

324 Primary key not unique

330 Exceeded Max Records Limit

331 Invalid Max Records Size

332 Nothing to transfer

333 Not SOA for requested authority area

334 Pre-query directive not implemented

335 System's load not available

336 Object not defined

337 Object's schema not found

400 Invalid Server Directive

401 Not authorized for directive

402 Unidentified error... continue

420 Registration not authorized

421 Not authorized to change object:<object name><SP>key:<key>

431 Not authorized to forward

432 Not authorized to transfer

433 Bad reference on forward

434 Referral does not exist on this server

435 Macro not defined

436 Display mode not allowed

437 Language not supported

460 Extended directive not recognized

461 Extended directive not authorized

500 Memory Allocation Problem

501 Service not available

502 Unrecoverable error... goodbye

503 Idle time exceeded... goodbye

530 Not authorized as secondary

6. Attribute Format

The format for all attributes for objects in the RWhois server must

be specified using a format specifier. This definition will allow

the client software to interpret the received data correctly. The

RWhois format specifier closely follows the `C' language scanf syntax

with macro extensions.

Format specifiers must follow this pattern:

%[alignment][length restriction]<type>[range restriction]

[alignment] '-' = left justified

'.' = right justified

[length restriction] <value> = number of bytes allowed

<value>B = number of bits allowed

<type> This is the only required part of the format specifier.

Below are the allowed format type values. The length

of these values are not specified. These restrictions

will be on the left of the [length restriction].

%c Character

%s String

%d Integer

%x Hex Integer

%o Octal Integer

%f Float

%e Scientific

%M defined macro

[range restriction] The range restriction will limit the allowed

values. This may specify a number,

character, or string range.

Examples: %-3s["ON","OFF"] = Defines a string with 3 characters

left aligned and limited to the

strings ON or OFF.

%16Bd[0-50] = 16 bit integer between 0 and 50

%4.2f[0-2500.50] = Defines a floating point number

limited to 4 digits before and 2

after the decimal with a value

between 0 and 2500.50.

6.1 Format Specification Macros

Format specifications may be presented as macros. Format

specification macros may be defined using the following format.

%M<macro name>=<format string or earlier macro>

The following macros are pre-defined in this RWhois specification:

Month/Day/Year formats:





%MMs=[%-3s ["JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AUG","SEP", "OCT","NOV","DEC"]]

Date formats:






Hour/Minute/Second formats:




Time formats:



Miscellaneous formats:







Macro definitions may be obtained by sending the -define directive to

the server. For client efficiency, definitions can be remembered.

If the definition of a macro changes, the serial number of all

schemas using that macro must change, allowing the client to

reacquire the schema and format specifier macros.

7. Quick Query (RWhois using UDP)

The overhead incurred by establishing a TCP connection and

interacting with an RWhois server may be unnecessary if the client

only wishes to ask one question. A separate document will describe

the UDP facility for RWhois. Adjustments to the query must be made

to make this a practical option. The only function allowed while

utilizing UDP is a single query.

8. References

[RFC-954] Harrenstien, K., Stahl, M., and E Feinler, "NICNAME/

WHOIS", RFC954, SRI, October 1985.

[RFC-1521] Borenstein, N., and N. Freed, "MIME (Multipurpose

Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for

Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet

Message Bodies", RFC1521, Bellcore, Innosoft,

September 1993.

9. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

10. Authors' Addresses

Scott Williamson

505 Huntmar Park Dr.

Herndon, VA 22070

Phone: (703) 742-4820

EMail: scottw@internic.net

Mark Kosters

505 Huntmar Park Dr.

Herndon, VA 22070

Phone: (703) 742-4795

EMail: markk@internic.net

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