
RFC1796 - Not All RFCs are Standards

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group C. Huitema

Request for Comments: 1796 INRIA

Category: Informational J. Postel


S. Crocker


April 1995

Not All RFCs are Standards

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document discusses the relationship of the Request for Comments

(RFCs) notes to Internet Standards.

Not All RFCs Are Standards

The "Request for Comments" (RFC) document series is the official

publication channel for Internet standards documents and other

publications of the IESG, IAB, and Internet community. From time to

time, and about every six months in the last few years, someone

questions the rationality of publishing both Internet standards and

informational documents as RFCs. The argument is generally that this

introdUCes some confusion between "real standards" and "mere


It is a regrettably well spread misconception that publication as an

RFCprovides some level of recognition. It does not, or at least not

any more than the publication in a regular journal. In fact, each

RFChas a status, relative to its relation with the Internet

standardization process: Informational, EXPerimental, or Standards

Track (Proposed Standard, Draft Standard, Internet Standard), or

Historic. This status is reproduced on the first page of the RFC

itself, and is also documented in the periodic "Internet Official

Protocols Standards" RFC(STD 1). But this status is sometimes

omitted from quotes and references, which may feed the confusion.

There are two important sources of information on the status of the

Internet standards: they are summarized periodically in an RFC

entitled "Internet Official Protocol Standards" and they are

documented in the "STD" subseries. When a specification has been

adopted as an Internet Standard, it is given the additional label

"STD xxxx", but it keeps its RFCnumber and its place in the RFC


It is important to note that the relationship of STD numbers to RFC

numbers is not one to one. STD numbers identify protocols, RFC

numbers identify documents. Sometimes more than one document is used

to specify a Standard protocol.

In order to further increase the publicity of the standardization

status, the IAB proposes the following actions:

Use the STD number, rather than just the RFCnumbers, in the cross

references between standard tracks documents,

Utilize the "web" hypertext technology to publicize the state of

the standardization process.

More precisely, we propose to add to the current RFCrepository an

"Html" version of the "STD-1" document, i.e., the list of Internet

standards. We are considering the extension of this document to also

describes actions in progress, i.e., standards track work at the

"proposed" or "draft" stage.

A Single Archive

The IAB believes that the community benefitted significantly from

having a single archival document series. Documents are easy to find

and to retrieve, and file servers are easy to organize. This has

been very important over the long term. Experience of the past shows

that subseries, or series of limited scope, tend to vanish from the

network. And, there is no evidence that alternate document schemes

would result in less confusion.

Moreover, we believe that the presence of additional documents does

not actually hurt the standardization process. The solution which we

propose is to better publicize the "standard" status of certain

documents, which is made relatively easy by the advent of networked

hypertext technologies.

Rather Document Than Ignore

The RFCseries includes some documents which are informational by

nature and other documents which describe experiences. A problem of

perception occurs when such a document "looks like" an official

protocol specification. Misguided vendors may claim conformance to

it, and misguided clients may actually believe that they are buying

an Internet standard.

The IAB believes that the proper help to misguided vendors and

clients is to provide them guidance. There is actually very little

evidence of vendors purposely attempting to present informational or

experimental RFCs as "Internet standards". If such attempts

occurred, proper response would indeed be required.

The IAB believes that the community is best served by openly

developed specifications. The Internet standardization process

provides guarantees of openness and thorough review, and the normal

way to develop the specification of an Internet protocol is indeed

through the IETF.

The community is also well served by having Access to specifications

of which have been developed outside the IETF standards process,

either because the protocols are experimental in nature, were

developed privately, or failed to achieve the acquire the degree of

consensus required for elevation to the standards track.

The IAB believes that publication is better than ignorance. If a

particular specification ends up being used in products that are

deployed over the Internet, we are better off if the specification is

easy to retrieve as an RFCthan if it is hidden in some private


Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

Christian Huitema

INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis

2004 Route des Lucioles

BP 109

F-06561 Valbonne Cedex


Phone: +33 93 65 77 15

EMail: Christian.Huitema@MIRSA.INRIA.FR

Jon Postel

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Phone: 1-310-822-1511

EMail: Postel@ISI.EDU

Steve Crocker

CyberCash, Inc.

2086 Hunters Crest Way

Vienna, VA 22181

Phone: 1- 703-620-1222

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