
RFC1791 - TCP And UDP Over IPX Networks With Fixed Path MTU

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group T. Sung

Request for Comments: 1791 Novell, Inc.

Category: EXPerimental April 1995

TCP And UDP Over IPX Networks With Fixed Path MTU

Status of this Memo

This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. This does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

IESG Note:

Internet Engineering Steering Group comment from the Area Director

for Transport Services: Please note well that this memo is an

individual prodUCt of the author. Implementation experience,

particularly on the effectiveness of the protocols in dual-stack

environments, is needed.

1. Introduction

Most of network applications run on some sort of transports. And, if

one is to let such applications to run over a foreign network

protocol, the simplest way would be to allow the applications'

transports to run over that network protocol. For TCP/IP

applications, that transport is TCP or UDP. Hence, to let TCP/IP

applications run over IPX, we would need to have TCP and UDP run

over IPX. And, once TCP and UDP are allowed to run over IPX, all TCP

and UDP based applications, such as HTTP for WWW, or NFS, can easily

be made to work over IPX networks.

DLsw is another example of such applications. As it is a TCP

application (and TCP requires IP), the administrator is forced to run

IP on his network in order to support DLsw. If the site was an IPX

shop, it means that he now must manage IP protocol/addresses in

addition to IPX. If TCP could be made to run on IPX, then he would

not have to add IP to his repertoire of network protocols to manage.

TCP/IPX allows TCP/IP applications to run over IPX networks by

letting TCP and UDP run over IPX. And this memo specifies the packet

format and operational procedures for running TCP and UDP over IPX.

2. Running UDP Over IPX

Since UDP datagrams can be up to 64K octets long, and the size of IPX

packet is limited to that of the path MTU, large UDP datagrams must

be fragmented. And, since IPX does not support fragmentation, large

UDP datagrams must be fragmented before they are passed to IPX. For

that purpose, a new protocol called IPXF (IPX Fragmentation layer),

is invented. UDP must run on IPXF rather than directly on IPX. IPXF

layer is described in section 4.

To IPXF service users, IPXF behaves just like IPX except that IPXF

accepts datagram larger than the IPX path MTU. As such, we describe

UDP in this section as if it is running on IPX.

UDP must send and receive the packets on IPX/IPXF socket 0x9092.

Though it may be possible to send a packet from sockets other than

0x9092, such sockets cannot receive UDP datagram destined to a well

known socket 0x9092. Hence, the bidirectional communcation may not

be established if a socket other than 0x9092 is used to send UDP

datagram. For that reason. UDP/IPX does not allow source sockets

other than 0x9092. If a datagram with source socket number other

than 0x9092 is received, UDP/IPX should discard the packet silently.

(And increment udpInDatagramErr MIB counter if it is instrumented.)

UDP over IPX uses the IPX packet type 4, a normal IPX packet type.

The IPX packet type has no meaning to TCP/IPX protocol. It simply is

a number required by IPX for general IPX packets.

See Appendix B.1 and B.2 for UDP over IPX packet format.

The UDP/IPX checksum uses a pseudo header similar to UDP/IP pseudo

header. The only difference is that IP addresses and protocol ID are

replaced by IPX addresses and socket numbers.

See Appendix B.3 for the UDP/IPX pseudo header format.

3. Running TCP Over IPX

Unlike UDP, TCP runs directly over IPX. Since IPX does not support

fragmentation, no TCP segment sent over IPX can be larger than the

path MTU for the connection. The discovery of the path MTU is

outside of scope of this paper. If the implementation does not have

a way to dynamically determine the path MTU for each connection, it

should at least allow a way to statically configure a reasonable

value for all connections. For example, if the internetwork made of

ethernets only, the user may configure the segment size to be 1470

including the TCP header. If the configuration of the segment size

is not possible, the implementation should assume that the IPX path

MTU is 576 octects, and not send any TCP segment larger than 546

octets including TCP header. That will result in IPX packet of 576

octets which is the minimum path MTU for IPX. The implementation is

then advised to comunicate the configured/default segment size to the

peer TCP by exchanging MSS option.

Note that this memo does not preclude the possibility of running TCP

over IPXF instead of IPX. Running on IPXF can be done in the same

manner as running UDP over IPXF. However, in general, TCP should

refrain from sending large segments that may result in fragmentation.

Hence, running TCP over IPXF is not recommended.

The IPX socket number 0x9091 is reserved for the TCP. All TCP packets

must be sent from and received on the socket 0x9091. If the received

TCP/IPX packet has the source IPX socket number other than 0x9091,

the packet should be discarded silently. (And increment tcpInErrs MIB

counter if it is instrumented.)

TCP, like UDP, uses IPX packet type 4. The IPX packet type has no

meaning to TCP/IPX protocol. It is packet type required by IPX for

general IPX packets.

See appendix A.1 for TCP/IPX packet format.

The TCP pseudo header, used in checksuming for TCP over IPX, is

similar to TCP pseudo header for TCP over IP. Again, the difference

is that IPX addresses and IPX socket number are substituted in place

of IP addresses and IP protocol number.

See Appendix A.2 for the TCP/IPX pseudo header format.

4. IPXF Layer

A large UDP datagram cannot be sent directly over IPX as IPX does not

support datagrams larger than the path MTU. Hence, large UDP

datagrams must be fragmented before it can be sent over IPX. To have

large UDP datagrams fragmented, UDP runs over IPXF layer instead of

running directly IPX.

IPXF users treats IPXF as if it is IPX layer. That is, they pass

datagrams to IPXF specifying the destination IPX address/socket along

with the packet. They also must set the source socket number of the

datagram to its actual IPX socket number, as it would when sending

packets to IPX layer. (For UDP, both source and destination sockets

are 0x9092.)

Datagrams passed to IPXF can be upto 64K octets long.

IPXF fragments a datagram as necessary, prepends each fragment with

the IPXF header and send them to the IPX socket 0x9093 in the

destination IPX address. The actual destination socket number

(0x9092 for UDP) in the orignal IPX datagram is preserved in IPXF

header. Refer to Appendix B.2 for UDP/IPXF/IPX packet format.

The largest possible IPX datagram that can be sent over the IPX path

is limited by the path MTU size. The mechanism to discover the path

MTU is outside of the scope of the paper. If an IPXF implementation

does not have a mean to determine the path MTU, it should assume that

the largest IPX packet size is 576. In that case, any UDP datagram

larger than 546 octects will have to be fragmented.

If the datagram does not require fragmentation, IPXF acts as a null

layer. That is, the whole packet is directly sent to the actual IPX

destination socket without the IPXF fragmentation header. Refer to

Appendix B.1 for UDP/IPX packet format without the IPXF header.

An IPXF user receives datagrams by opening a socket with IPXF just as

it would with IPX. For example, UDP opens the socket 0x9092 with

IPXF to receive UDP datagrams. IPXF, in turn, opens IPX socket of

the same number with IPX, so that unfragmented packets directed to

that socket will be delivered by IPX directly to the IPXF user.

IPXF fragments are received by IPXF on the IPX socket 0x9093. The

receiving IPXF then reassembles the fragments into a complete IPX

datagram, restores the actual detination IPX socket number from the

IPXF header and delivers the reassembled IPX datagram to its actual

recipient designated by the restored socket number.

Upon receiving a fragment, IPXF must ignore the source socket number

in the IPX header of the fragment. The source IPX socket field in

IPX header contains the actual source of the IPX datagram. As such,

the source IPX socket number in IPX header usually is not 0x9093, and

it is meaningful only to the actual recepient of the assembled


The fragmentation/reassembly algorithm used by IPXF is identical to

that of IP, except for the following exceptions: 1) the offset of

fragments are measured in units of octets rather than in units of 8

octets. 2) if the receiving IPXF does not have sufficient resource

for the reassembly, it should discard fragments immediately. The

receiving IPXF can determine if it has sufficient resources by

looking at the length of the original datagram included in every


Note that, though it is required only for UDP in this memo, IPXF can

also be used by any protocol that requires IPX fragmentation support.

5. TCP/IPX Checksuming

TCP/IPX is checksummed in exactly same manner as TCP/IP. It uses 16

bit 1's complement of 1's compliment sum of all 16 bit Words in the

pseudo header and text. See Appendix A.2 and B.3 for the pseudo

header format for TCP and UDP.

6. Multiplexing

TCP and UDP data over IPX are delivered to the application in the

same manner as in TCP/IP. That is, they are delivered to the most

specific matching endpoint, with the match made on local port, remote

port, local IPX address and remote IPX address.

When TCP or UDP is running over both IPX and IP, the connection

endpoint also identifies the network layer on which the endpoint is.

Hence, the triplet of network address, network address family, and

the port number forms the socket. And, the endpoint match must be

made on the the network address familty as well.

For exmple, an endpoint bound to IPX network layer would be

identified by AF_IPX, IPX address and TCP port number. On the other

hand, endpoints bound to IP network layer would be identified by

AF_IP, IP address, and TCP port. Finally, endpoints not bound to any

network layer would be identified by AF_UNSPEC and TCP port.

First, an attempt is made to deliver the data to the most specific

endpoint that is bound to the network layer that the packet arrived

from. If there is no such endpoint, then the packet is delivered to

the best matching endpoint that is not bound to any network layer at

all. For example, if the packet arrived over IPX network, then the

packet is delivered to the most specific matching endpoint that is

bound to IPX. If there is no matching endpoint over IPX, then it is

delivered to an endpoint that did not specify any network layer.

The use of endpoints not bound to any network layer is similar to

TCP/IP endpoints with no IP address bound to it. Such endpoints are

usually used for listening for connection requests from any of the

interfaces within the host. Similarly, endpoints with no network

layer bound to it are used to field the connection requests from any

of the network layers.


The author wishes to thank following folks, in alphabetical order,

and others for their helpful comments and contributions to the work:

Lester Bird, Doug Kogan, Greg Minshall and Don Provan.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Tae Sung

Novell, Inc.

2180 Fortune Drive

San Jose, California, 95131

Phone: (408)577-8439

EMail: tae@novell.Com

Appendix A.1 - TCP/IPX Packet Format

A TCP/IPX Packet has following format:


IPX Checksum IPX Pkt Len


Zero IPX PT IPX Dest -


Network IPX Dest -




IPX Dest Skt IPX Src -


Network IPX Src -




IPX Src Skt TCP Header and




IPX PT field contains the IPX packet type. It is set to 4 for

TCP/IPX packet.

Both Src Skt and Dest Skt field in IPX header must be set to 0x9091

for TCP/IPX packet. If the Src Skt is not set to 0x9091, the

receiving TCP/IPX should discard the packet silently. (And increment

tcpInErrs mib object if it is instrumented.)

Appendix A.2 - TCP/IPX Pseudo Header Format

TCP/IPX uses following pseudo header to compute checksum:


IPX Src Network


IPX Src Node


IPX Src Skt


IPX Dest Network


IPX Dest Node


IPX Dest Skt


Zero TCP Length


IPX Src/Dest Network/Node/Skt are the fields from the IPX header.

TCP Length is the IPX Pkt Len minus the IPX header length in octets.

Note that IPX Src Skt is expected to be 0x9091 for TCP. As such, one

may insert 0x9091 in IPX Src Skt field rather than getting the value

from IPX header. Then the implementation will not have to check the

IPX Src Skt field in the fast path since the checksum failure will

also cover the unexpected value. In that case, the implementation

may want to examine if the checksum failure was due to the IPX Src

Skt value other than 0x9091, so that it can increment appropriate

counter, if proprietary counters other than tcpInErrs are used.

Appendix B.1 - UDP/IPX Packet Format without Fragmentation

IPXF transmits UDP packets over IPX in this format if the UDP

datagram does not have to be fragmented:


IPX Checksum IPX Pkt Len


Zero IPX PT IPX Dest -


Network IPX Dest -




IPX Dest Skt IPX Src -


Network IPX Src -




IPX Src Skt UDP Header and




The IPX PT field contains IPX packet type. It should be set to 4 for

all UDP/IPX packets.

Both IPX Src Skt and IPX Dest Skt field must be set 0x9092. The

receiving UDP/IPX should discard the packet silently if the IPX Src

Skt field is not set to 0x9092. (And increment udpInErrors mib

object if it is instrumented.)

Appendix B.2 - UDP/IPX Packet Format With Fragmentation

IPXF transmits fragmented datagrams over IPX in the following format:


IPX Checksum IPX Pkt Len


Zero IPX PT IPX Dest -


Network IPX Dest -




IPX Dest Skt IPX Src -


Network IPX Src -




IPX Src Skt IPXF Offset


IPXF Frag Identification




UDP Header and Data ...


The IPX PT field contains IPX packet type. It is set to the value

set by the IPXF user in the IPX packet passed to IPXF. (UDP sets it

to 4.)

IPX Dest Skt field must be set to 0x9093 for all IPXF Packets.

The value for IPX Src Skt field is variable, and must be set to the

actual IPX socket number of the IPXF user. (For example, it must be

set to 0x9092 for UDP.)

IPXF Offset field indicates where the fragment belongs in the

datagram. The offset is measured is octet from the begining of the

UDP datagram. The first fragment has the offset of 0.

IPXF Frag Identification field is assigned a same value by the sender

for all fragements belonging to the same datagram. The receiver then

uses this field to reassemble all fragments with same ID into a


IPXF Dest Skt field contains the IPX socket number of the actual

recipient that the reassembled datagram will be delivered to. (It is

0x9092 for UDP.) All fragments of a datagram must have the same

value in this field.

IPXF DG Len field is the total length of the IPX datagram before the

fragmentation. The sender should set it to the value of IPX Pkt Len

of the original IPX datagram. All fragments of a IPX datagram must

have the same value in this field.

Appendix B.3 - UDP/IPX Pseudo Header Format

UDP/IPX uses following pseudo header for computing the checksum:


IPX Src Network


IPX Src Node


IPX Src Skt


IPX Dest Network


IPX Dest Node


IPX Dest Skt


Zero UDP Length


IPX Src/Dest Network/Node/Skt fields are from the IPX packet. Note

that, if UDP is running over IPXF, the IPX Dest Skt field in IPX

packet header is copied over from IPXF header before the reassembled

IPX packet is delivered to UDP, Hence, the pseudo header must be

derived from the reassembled IPX header.

UDP Length is from UDP header.

Note that IPX Src Skt is expected to be 0x9092 for UDP. As such, one

may insert 0x9092 in IPX Src Skt field rather than getting the value

from IPX header. Then the implementation will not have to check the

IPX Src Skt field in the fast path since the checksum failure will

also cover the unexpected value. In that case, the implementation

may want to examine if the checksum failure was due to the IPX Src

Skt value other than 0x9092, so that it can increment appropriate

counter, if proprietary counters other than udpInDatagramErr are


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