
RFC1787 - Routing in a Multi-provider Internet

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Y. Rekhter

Request for Comments: 1787 T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp.

Category: Informational April 1995

Routing in a Multi-provider Internet

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document was prepared by the author on behalf of the Internet

Architecture Board (IAB). It is offered by the IAB to stimulate


Over the past few years the Internet has undergone significant

changes. Among them is the emergence of multiple Network Service

Providers, where resources that provide Internet-wide IP connectivity

(routers, links) are controlled by different organizations. This

document presents some of the issues related to network layer routing

in a multi-provider Internet, and specifically to the unicast


1. Network Service Providers vs Network Service Subscribers

Within the current routing paradigm the service offered by a provider

at the network layer (IP) is the set of destinations (hosts) that can

be reached through the provider. Once a subscriber establishes direct

connectivity to a provider, the subscriber can in principle reach all

the destinations reachable through the provider. Since the value of

the Internet-wide connectivity service offered by a provider

increases with the number of destinations reachable through the

provider, providers are motivated to interconnect with each other.

In principle a provider need not offer the same service (in terms of

the set of destinations) to all of its subscribers -- for some of the

subscribers the provider may restrict the services to a subset of the

destinations reachable through the provider. In fact, for certain

types of subscribers constrained connectivity could be seen as part

of the service offered by a provider.

In a multi-provider environment individual providers may be driven by

diverse and sometimes even conflicting goals and objectives. Some of

the providers exist to provide connectivity to only a specific group

of Network Service Subscribers. Other providers place no constraints

on the subscribers that can subscribe to them, as long as the

subscribers pay the fee charged by the providers. Some of the

providers place certain constraints on the reselling of the

connectivity services by organizations (e.g., other providers)

attached to the providers. Some of the providers may be operated by

companies that are subject to specific regulations (e.g., regulated

monopoly), while other providers are completely unregulated. The

scope of geographical coverage among providers varies from a small

region (e.g., county, town) to a country-wide, international, or even


There is no centralized control over all the providers in the

Internet. The providers do not always coordinate their efforts with

each other, and quite often are in competition with each other.

Despite all the diversity among the providers, the Internet-wide IP

connectivity is realized via Internet-wide distributed routing, which

involves multiple providers, and thus implies certain degree of

cooperation and coordination. Therefore, there is a need to balance

the providers' goals and objectives against the public interest of

Internet-wide connectivity and subscribers' choices. Further work is

needed to understand how to reach the balance.

2. Routing Requirements

Conceptually routing requirements can be classified into the

following three categories: source preferences, destination

preferences, and constraints on transit traffic. Source preferences

allow an originator of a packet to exert control over the path to a

destination. Destination preferences allow a destination to exert

control over the path from a source to the destination. Constraints

on transit traffic allow a provider to control the traffic that can

traverse through the resources (routers, links) controlled by the


From a conceptual point of view the requirements over the degree of

control for source and destination preferences may vary from being

able to just provide connectivity (regardless of the path), to being

able to select immediate providers, to more complex scenarios, where

at the other extreme a subscriber may want to have complete control

over the path selection.

From a conceptual point of view the requirements over the degree of

control for transit traffic may vary from control based only on the

direct physical connectivity (controlling the set of organizations

directly connected to the provider), to being able to restrict

traffic to a particular set of sources or destinations, or a

combination of particular sources and destinations, or even take into

account the paths to/from these sources and/or destinations.

In view of a potentially wide variety of routing requirements, we

need to get a better understanding on the relative practical

importance of various routing requirements. In practice organizations

usually don't formulate their routing requirements in a vacuum. For

example, since the primary role of a provider is to provide services

to a set of subscribers, the provider usually formulates its routing

requirements based on the set of the routing requirements of the

subscribers the provider is eXPected to serve.

Support for various routing requirements should take into account the

overhead and the scope of the overhead associated with those

requirements. A situation where an organization can unilaterally

impose routing information overhead on other organization (e.g., by

requiring the other organization to maintain an additional routing

information) should be viewed as undesirable. The cost of supporting

a particular routing requirement should not be borne by organizations

that do not benefit from supporting that requirement. Ideally the

routing system should allow to shift the overhead associated with a

particular routing requirement towards the entity that instigates the

requirement (for example, there is a need to carefully balance the

overhead associated with maintaining a state needed for multi-hop

header compression vs carrying explicit forwarding information on a

per packet basis). Organizations with simple routing requirements

shouldn't bear the same routing information overhead as organizations

with complex routing requirements.

A situation where the overhead associated with supporting a

particular routing requirement has to be carried by every entity

(e.g., router, host) within an organization that would like to impose

the requirement could be viewed as undesirable. An organization

should be able to instantiate its routing requirements in a more or

less central fashion, for example by utilizing just some of the


Even if the scope of the routing information overhead is purely

local, there is a need to perform a careful analysis of the tradeoff

between the potential benefits and the cost associated with

supporting various routing requirements.

3. Encapsulation

The technique of encapsulation allows for the creation of a "virtual"

IP overlay over an existing IP infrastrUCture. This has certain

implications for the Internet routing system.

In the presence of encapsulation, a provider may no longer be able to

constrain its transit traffic to a particular set of ultimate sources

and/or destinations, as a packet may be encapsulated by some router

along the path, with the original source and/or destination addresses

being "hidden" (via encapsulation) at the Network layer. Likewise,

encapsulation may affect source and destination preferences, as a

source (or a destination) may either (a) be unaware of the

encapsulation, or (b) have little or no control over the encapsulated

segment of a path.

Further work is needed to understand the implications of the overlay

capabilities created via encapsulation on the semantics of routing

requirements, as well as the interaction among the routing

requirements by the entities that form the overlay and the entities

that form the underlying infrastructure.

4. Price Structure and its Impact on Routing

Routing among providers, as well as between providers and subscribers

may be influenced by the price structure employed by the providers,

as well as the usage pattern of the subscribers. A provider can view

routing as a mechanism that allows the provider to exert control over

who can use the provider's services. A subscriber can view routing as

a mechanism that allows the subscriber to exert control over the

price it pays for the Internet connectivity.

The need to exert control has to be carefully balanced against the

cost of the routing mechanisms needed to provide such control. In a

competitive market one could question the viability of a mechanism

whose incremental cost would be greater than the saving recovered by

the mechanism -- competitive pressure or alternate mechanisms are

likely to push providers and subscribers towards choosing the

cheapest mechanism.

5. Scalability

One of the key requirements imposed on the Internet routing is its

ability to scale. In addition to conventional metrics for scalability

(e.g., memory, CPU, bandwidth), we need to take into account

scalability with respect to the human resources required to operate

the system. The need for deployment of CIDR already showed that a

routing scheme that scales linearly with respect to the number of

connected networks, or even to the number of connected organizations

is unacceptable today, and is likely to be unacceptable in the long

term. It is not clear whether routing that scales linearly with the

number of providers is going to be acceptable in the long term.

Scaling implies that the Internet routing system needs to have

powerful mechanisms to provide routing information


In the absence of Internet-wide coordination and in the presence of

competition among the providers, the aggregation/abstraction

mechanisms should minimize preconditions as well as limit the amount

of required inter-provider coordination. Ideally the routing system

should allow a provider to control the amount of its local resources

needed to deal with the routing overhead based on considerations that

are purely local to the provider.

One of the side effects of the routing information

aggregation/abstraction is that some of the routing information is

going to be lost. This may impact route optimality and even the

ability to find an existing route. The need for routing information

aggregation/abstraction also implies certain homogeneity of the

information to be aggregated/abstracted. This needs to be counter-

balanced against the potential diversity of routing requirements.

As a way to deal with the routing information loss due to

aggregation/abstraction, we need to explore mechanisms that allow

routing that is based on the on-demand acquisition of subsets of

unaggregated information.

The overhead associated with supporting specific routing requirements

has a direct impact on the overall scalability of the Internet

routing system. We need to get a better understanding of how various

routing requirements impact scalability. When the impact is

significant, and the requirements have practical importance we need

to develop mechanisms that allow the impact to be reduced.

6. Hierarchical Routing

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) (RFC1518, RFC1519) that is used

today for scalable Internet-wide routing is based on the technique of

hierarchical routing. Essential to this technique is the assumption

that Network layer addresses assigned to individual entities (e.g.,

hosts, routers) reflect the position of these entities within the

network topology -- addresses are said to be "topologically

significant". With CIDR addresses assigned to most of the individual

sites are expected to reflect providers the sites are connected to --

CIDR uses "provider-based" addresses.

One of the fundamental consequences of using hierarchical routing is

that in order to preserve topological significance of network

addresses, changes in the network topology may need to be accompanied

by the corresponding changes in the addresses. Presence of multiple

providers serving the same geographical area implies that a

subscriber should be able to switch from one provider to another.

Since such a switch implies changes in the Internet topology, it

follows that to retain topological significance of the (provider-

based) addresses within the subscriber, the subscriber has to change

the addresses of all of its entities -- the process known as

"renumbering". There are already tools to facilitate this process --

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). However, DHCP is not yet

widely deployed. Further work is needed to improve these tools, get

them widely deployed, and to integrate them with Domain Name System


Multi-level hierarchical routing allows for recapturing additional

routing information (routing entropy) due to the mismatch between

addresses and topology at a particular level in the routing hierarchy

at some higher level in the hierarchy (e.g., at an exchange point

among providers). This enables the routing system to contain the

scope of entities impacted by the mismatch. Containing the scope of

entities could be an important factor to facilitate graceful

renumbering. Further work is needed to develop appropriate

deployment strategies to put these capabilities in place.

It is important to emphasize that the requirement to maintain

topologically significant addresses doesn't need to be applied

indiscriminately to all the organizations connected to the Internet

-- hierarchical routing requires that most, but not all addresses be

topologically significant. For a large organization it could be

sufficient if the set of destinations within the organization can be

represented within the Internet routing system as a small number of

address prefixes, even if these address prefixes are independent of

the providers that the organization uses to connect to the Internet

("provider-independent" addresses). The volume of routing information

that a large organization would inject into the Internet routing

system would be comparable to the (aggregated) routing information

associated with a large number of small organizations.

Existence of multiple providers allows a subscriber to be

simultaneously connected to more than one provider (multi-homed

subscribers). CIDR offers several alternatives for handling such

cases. We need to gain more operational experience as well as better

understand tradeoffs associated with the proposed alternatives.

An alternative to CIDR address assignment is to assign addresses

based purely on the geographical location. However, address

assignment that reflects geographical location of an entity implies

that either (a) the Internet topology needs to be made sufficiently

congruent to the geography, or (b) addresses aren't going to be

topologically significant. In the former case we need to understand

the driving forces that would make the topology congruent to the

geography. In the latter case techniques other than hierarchical

routing need to be developed.

7. Routing Information Sharing

While ensuring Internet-wide coordination may be more and more

difficult, as the Internet continues to grow, stability and

consistency of the Internet-wide routing could significantly benefit

if the information about routing requirements of various

organizations could be shared across organizational boundaries. Such

information could be used in a wide variety of situations ranging

from troubleshooting to detecting and eliminating conflicting routing

requirements. The scale of the Internet implies that the information

should be distributed. Work is currently underway to establish

depositories of this information (Routing Registries), as well as to

develop tools that analyze, as well as utilize this information.

8. Summary

In this section we enumerate some of the issues that the IAB thinks

should be brought to the attention of the Internet community.

The following two tasks require the most immediate attention:

- further work is needed to develop technologies that facilitate


- further work is needed to investigate feasibility of routing

information aggregation above the direct (immediate) provider


The following tasks are viewed as medium term:

- further work is needed to get a better understanding on the

relative practical importance of various routing requirements

- further work is needed to understand of how various routing

requirements impact scalability of the routing system

- further work is needed to investigate alternatives to

hierarchical routing

Finally, the following tasks are viewed as long term:

- further work is needed to understand and utilize the benefits of

routing information sharing

- further work is needed to understand the implications of virtual

overlays created via encapsulation

- further work is needed to understand how different price

structures influence routing requirements

- further work is needed to understand how to balance the

providers' goals and objectives against the public interest of

Internet-wide connectivity and subscribers' choices.

9. Conclusions

This document presents some of the issues related to routing in a

multi-provider Internet. There are no douBT routing-related areas

that are not covered in this document. For instance, such areas as

multicast routing, or routing in the presence of mobile hosts, or

routing in the presence of a large shared media (e.g., ATM) aren't

discussed here. Further work is needed to understand the implications

of a multi-provider Internet on these areas.

The impact of multi-provider Internet goes well beyond just routing,

and percolates into such areas as network management,

troubleshooting, and others. Further work is needed to assess the

implications of multi-provider environment on these areas, as well as

to understand the interaction among all these areas from a system-

wide perspective.

10. Acknowledgments

Many thanks to all the IAB members, and especially to Brian

Carpenter, Robert Elz, Christian Huitema, Paul Mockapetris, and Lixia

Zhang for their contributions to this document.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Editor's Address

Yakov Rekhter

T.J. Watson Research Center IBM Corporation

P.O. Box 704, Office H3-D40

Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Phone: +1 914 784 7361

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